#hes gonna look so cool in the cavs colors!!!
jrueships · 2 years
still thinking about how my friend who was at the draft was just overwhelmed by ochai’s beauty…
OOO they were there ?!?? TAHTS SO COOL! And YES ochai is SO pretty and hansome! i love him!!!!
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im so glad he's on a moots team so i can hear ochai updates !!!! hes so sweet !
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auroralightsthesky · 4 years
Learning to Fly: Chapter 7
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The caverns were hot and humid, the air thick from the steam that rose off the huge pools of crystalline water that poured in from the waterfalls above. The boys stripped off their disgusting excuses for clothing before jumping into the steaming water, all of them happy that they would finally be able to wash away the grime that coated them all.
Walt Hasser lagged behind, sitting at the edge of the deep spring of hot water as he stripped off his shoes, shirt and the rest of his clothes before jumping straight in. The water was so warm that he wondered if it was liquid sun instead of the deep blue. He sucked in a breath, closed his eyes and sank under before bobbing to the surface again. He moved to the edge of the pool and grabbed a handful of the golden soap-sand out of the burlap sack each of them had been given and attacked the nasty mats in his hair. The golden clumps fell away like tiny, spidery creatures with spindle thin legs as they floated away towards the far end. He closed his eyes and slathered the gritty, cool mud all over his face and let it sit until he felt a slight burn in his face.
Oh to be clean, to be clean at last and to be able to stay that way! Walt was grateful. He would no longer reek of sweat, b.o and rotten vegetable clippings. No, from now on the smell of the sandalwood in the sand-soap would follow him everywhere. Every last inch of him was attacked, scrubbed and scoured until he drew blood from his reddened skin, but Walt could have cared less.
“Ya’ll are gonna wanna git that shit in your pits,” Snafu told him. “I heard it kills lice and shit.”
Walt rolled his eyes as Snafu swam on by, but no sooner had he disappeared than Walt carefully scrubbed out his armpits with the sand-soap. He didn’t want to take any chances. The thought of bugs living in his pits was frightening enough as it were. 
One by one, each of the boys left at their own accord with Walt being one of the last to emerge from the water. All of them had been given new sets of clothes, light as air and as breathable as the air itself. The other set was a bit odd, a baggy set of coveralls that were made of sandy colored khaki, a black and brown leather jacket and a pair of thick soled combat boots. A label across the folded clothing read “Flight Uniforms” in large, black print. What the hell did they need flight uniforms for?
The boys immediately changed into their new clothes, finally happy to see those filthy rags gone and eager to be shown their new surroundings. When they filed into the corridors of the weyr, they were ordered to follow the new groups up to their respective rooms. The halls were utter madness as everyone tried to find their weyrs, new arrivals shoving each other back and forth, shouldering through the halls and eager to get to a place to rest.
“Four to a room! Four to a room!” Chesty announced. “Rooms are strictly non-co-ed. Boys room with boys and girls room with girls. Anyone caught doing otherwise unless the female dragons are in mating heat will be subject to discipline!”
The boys once again sifted through the crowds of newcomers and tried to find the room that they were supposed to be in. “Where the hell does this fuckin thing lead?” Guarnere questioned as he looked at the small map in his hands.
“Beats me,” Basilone said. “I’ve got nothin.”
“Guys!” Winters called out. “This way!”
Onward they headed with Walt close behind them, shouldering his way through to the other side where the others were waiting for them. As always he had been the last to catch up, but once he had, they no longer had to wait.
Dick opened the doors and they creaked open to reveal the narrow corridor of stone stairs that led deep down into a dimly lit hall with steps carved right into the floors. They made their way down two at a time, the steps slanting every so often that they were afraid it would trip them until they came to the large arching doorway that opened up into a bigger cavern.
The room was huge! A cavernous lair of carved, sandy colored stone with hand woven rugs splayed all over the floors and countless niches that held books and brightly glowing lanterns that lit up the room. A warm fire glowed in the screened fireplace while the widest corner was the most comfortable spot in the whole weyr, piled high with wool blankets and pillows from the beds. Their jaws dropped to the ground when they saw the place. After years of sleeping on the hearthstones in the kitchens and storerooms of Curahee Hold, the boys were eager to finally have beds to sleep in again.
“Holy shit! You guys have to see the bedrooms!” Luz called out as he came racing down the small set of stone steps.
Walt and the others rushed to find their new rooms, eager to see what Luz was raving about. When they found them, he Tatum, Evanson and Tipper couldn’t believe it. Four large beds all to themselves covered with thick quilts to keep them warm at night in the brutal Pernese winters that plagued the northern continent. The four of them dove straight into their beds, still in disbelief that they had been given proper beds to sleep in.
“I could get used to this,” Steve remarked as a huge, stupid grin crawled across his face.
“Me too,” Tatum yawned. “This place is awesome.”
No sooner had their heads hit their pillows than the boys were overcome with a heavy sleepiness that none of them had a hope of evading. When everyone had turned in for the night, Walt waited until there wasn’t a sound in the room save for the quiet breathing of his roommates before he blew out the flame in the lantern perched in the niche next to his bed and went to sleep.
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thefanfichotspot · 7 years
Can’t lie and say I didn’t miss Cam. Weeks had gone by without hearing a word from her. My phone calls weren’t returned, and I didn’t bother with leaving voicemails or texting her. I figured if she wanted to talk to me, she would; maybe she was serious about not seeing me until our daughter made her arrival. God, I hoped not.
A nigga was lonely as hell.
With only a few more weeks until Cam’s due date, my anxiety was starting to seep in. Her nursery in my house was nowhere near finished. I still had to actually buy her linen and get her walls painted, which I had to remember to ask a friend of mine to handle for me. I had diapers and bibs and sippy cups all set and ready for her when we brought her home; problem was, Cam and I hadn’t discussed which she was coming home to first. I assumed her own so her mother can help out if needed, but I didn’t see an invitation extending in my direction - not in the situation we were currently in.
“Bro!” I blinked in the direction of his pale skin, snapping his fingers in front of my face. He burst into laughter hard enough for his hollow cheeks to blush pink. “Damn, you good?”
I nodded, wet my lips with my tongue. “I’m straight. So will you do it for me? I can offer you five hundred.”
He pondered it a moment as he stroked his goatee and shrugged. “Shit, yeah. I ain’t gon’ turn down some cash. What type of vibe you goin’ with?”
This is where I was stumped. What do girls like in their bedrooms beside a bunch of pink shit? Looking like pepto bismol exploded. Made me sick - pun intended. I scratched my hair and shrugged. “Shit, I don’t know. Girly shit, but not too girly. If you can use colors other than pink, that’d be fantastic.”
“Can I see the space so I know what I’m workin’ with?”
I easily unlocked my phone and went to my photos app, passing my phone into his grasp. “It’s kinda big. I don’t know how big of a canvas you’re used to.”
He flipped through the pictures and pursed his lips. “I’ve only worked with something this big once before, but I’m not one to walk away from a challenge. Consider it done. Just let me know what you want me to get started.”
“As soon as possible. Let’s shoot for the weekend, cool?” I held out my hand and we dapped. “I really appreciate you doin’ this, nigga.”
“Glad to help out when I can. I’ll make sure I make this extra special for your lil princess.” His phone vibrated in his hand and he wasted no time in grinning at the screen, pressing the device to his ear with a wicked smile. “Wassup, baby? Nah, I’m on my way right now. Just make sure you ready for me, babe.” He winked over at me. “Hit me up later, bro. I’m out.” I watched him walk away, and he damn near giggled into the phone. “I’m talkin’ to my nigga! Look, just get ya fine ass in that outfit I bought for you. I’m on my way.”
I rubbed a hand down my face and hunched back into the seat. I felt around for my phone and dialed Jermaine. “Nigga keep me from goin’ home to an empty ass house. Let’s go to the shooting range or something.”
He only laughed at my anguish. “Mel and the kids are out for the afternoon. Come over and we’ll fire up the Playstation. You’re overdue for an ass whoopin’ anyway.”
“I’m gonna ignore your pussy threat and take you up on your offer.” I stood from where I was sitting and hit the locks on my car keys. “Make sure you leave the light on for me, honey.” “Nigga fuck you!”
“You really ain’t been home in a week? Damn.” His squad was currently winning in our game of Call of Duty only because I was distracted. It bothered me that Cam could go into labor at any minute and I wasn’t too sure she would let me know. She coulda already had our daughter and I wasn’t in the know. It grinded my gears but I guess I should only blame myself, huh?
“You think she would tell me if she went into labor?”
He shrugged, “Honestly? I haven’t known her to be that petty. I think she would tell you, but maybe not invite you to be there while she goes through it. I know I sure wouldn’t.”
I snapped my gaze to his. “And why not?’
“Because you’re an asshole.” I paused the game, he sighed, and I sat up to face him as a way to urge him to go on. “I ain’t about to kiss your ass and be a yes man. You were wrong for what you said and how you said it.”
“It’s been weeks, though,” I defended myself. “Wouldn’t she be over that by now?”
“Nigga, she’s hormonal as fuck right now. The tiniest shit will make her hold a grudge. You ain’t know that?” He rubbed his chin. “I forgot to get Mel her favorite ice cream one time when she was pregnant with the twins, wouldn’t look at me for a week. And don’t get me started on how long she made me wait to fuck. Thought my dick was gonna fall off!”
I frowned. “You two had sex while she was pregnant?”
He threw a pillow at my face. “You’re missing the point!”
Still, the idea of having sex while pregnant made me cringe. How did it work without puncturing the amniotic fluid the baby was resting in? How Sway? Besides, I was more than a freak and I’m sure it required some gentleness. Ain’t no such thing when it comes to me and sex, and Cam knew that. Abstaining from sex was probably better for the three of us.
Once again, for the second time that day, fingers were being snapped in front of my face. “You need to apologize. Even if you don’t feel like you’re to blame, you ain’t even gotta do it for her sake. But you need to be there for your little girl. Gotta do some serious ass kissing.”
The garage door swung open and two little people jetted inside, blowing right past their dad to jump into my lap. “Uncle Twey!”
Both of them were nothing but big eyes and bouncing hair. I hugged them tightly and brushed Jayla’s hair away from her face to poke her nose. “What’s up? You two have fun today?”  Xavier nodded and toyed with the gold chain around my neck. I tugged it off and dropped it around his neck; his pupils grew in size. “Think you can keep that safe for me, lil man?”
He nodded, gawking.
“Is your baby here yet?” Jayla climbed up closer to me and squished my cheeks. “I wanna play with her.”
“Not yet, baby.” Or so I hoped. “Very soon. I’m gonna need your help taking care of her, you gonna help me?” She nodded with excitement. “That’s my girl. Now go get ready for bed, you two.” I stood to my feet as they ran off in a hurry, and found Melissa grinning at me. “What?”
“You made up to Cameron yet?”
Jermaine squeezed her side and shot her a look. “Mel!”
I blushed in embarrassment. “Nigga, you told your girl?”
“Language,” she scolded. “But yes, he told me. It’s not my business but I can see both sides to the argument, if we’re being honest.”
“You do?” we both echoed.
“She was being overprotective, you were being immature. The end.” She shrugged one of her shoulders and padded her way into the kitchen. I could only watch her, in shock. A woman who was neutral to a situation instead of automatically siding with another woman? Unheard of. “Jumba, where’s your wallet? I ordered some Chinese food to be delivered.”
Jermaine felt around his pockets and frowned. “Yo you got any cash on you?”
I held up forty bucks and joined her in the kitchen. “It’s on me tonight, sis.” We both kissed each other’s cheeks and Jermaine nodded in appreciation. “You rollin’ with me tonight or what?”
He looked down at her, licked his lips slowly, and shrugged apologetically. “About that…”
I laughed out loud. “Message received. I’ll see y’all later.”
Yet another unanswered phone call to Cameron, and I finally decided to let it be. It would hurt like hell to know I missed the birth of my firstborn, but could I honestly be mad at that? It was Cameron’s choice whether I was with her or not, the ball was in her court.
I even sat in front of her house for a few minutes, debating on whether or not to just face her. I wanted to get to the bottom of this, but my sliver of hope was withering away.
I drove away from her curb and found myself on the other side of the town. A place I knew I shouldn't be, but here I was. The dimly lit warehouse was practically unnoticed by any regular passerby. But if you knew what goes on behind the scenes, you could call it a second home.
I don't. I hated the place with every inch of me. I only came here because I thrived off my authority.
I completely ignored the half-dressed women exploiting themselves simply for the niggas’ pleasure. They were damn near drooling as they rubbed their zippers. I could have thrown up.
“Pick your poison.” Spyder had a whole catalogue of half-empty bottles of booze across his table. “Please, take a seat.”
I sat, but declined his toxic offer.
“I haven't seen you around in a while.”
I nodded. “Things have come up.” I just didn't feel like coming, honestly.
“What type of wager looks good to you now that you're back? This is your playground, son.”
I shrugged my shoulders, “I haven't really been keeping up with anything lately. What have I missed?”
This amused him, and his gold tooth glimmered as he smiled. “The biggest game of the season is coming up, aside from the championship. Warriors against the Cavs. Who you got and for how much?”
“Shit,” I muttered. It was a tough call. “I'm gonna have to go with the Warriors like I have all season. No choice but to. As for how much...I'm not sure.”
“Let's make it interesting. One hundred and twenty thousand.”
I stared at him. I had money, but not that kind of money. I had a daughter to think about. I know exactly what they did to niggas who couldn't come up with the money. Needless to say, we never saw them again.
“Come on,” he murmured, leaning back in his chair and tossing his feet up on the table. “Has your team steered you wrong at all this season?”
I shook my head.
“For as long as you've been here, you and I never bet on anything. Let's make it one for the books.” He stuck out a hand and I stood, slipping my own into his. His grin disappeared and he yanked me forward so that he was right by my ear. “You lose, you have seventy-two hours to come up with the money. Is that clear?”
I felt two men flank me on either side just in case I tried some slick shit. I gulped and nodded. “I understand.” He let me go and his smile returned like he didn't just threaten my life. I stumbled away from his table and past the two guards, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. The night breeze pacified my sickness enough until I could make it to my car and drive off.
I was shaken to my core and I was regretting even showing up tonight. Something in my gut told me things wouldn't go according to plan, but then again maybe I was overthinking.
Surely I couldn't lose. I hadn't lost in about a year. I didn't know what losing was. I just hoped I wouldn't have to learn a lesson after all this time.
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kosjemoh-blog · 6 years
adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 blue tint Red
adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 blue tint Red leads the way throughout the upper, working together with a white leather toe and black over the collar lining and parts of the midsole.The Red/White-Black Jordan Super.Fly II PO is expected to hit retailers soon.via basketzone Air Jordans, Nike Air Maxes, and the adidas ZX series, but is right now better than back then? Russ Bengtson wrote an article for Complex deciding if the current era is better than what everyone reminisces on. and Nike Skateboarding first shook up the sneaker world with the release of the SB Dunk Low as part of the 2005 Team Manager series by Nike SB. This Miadidas offering will give fans access to a rainbow-knit heel panel that can be customized with a white, grey or black upper.This release marks only the second time Adidas’ popular athleasure silhouette is hitting the customization platform. Along with the upper, buyers will be able to swap out colors of the outsole, tongue tag, and laces. While the material choice might infuriate those who prefer the shoes remain pure in their original leather build, at least it doesn't have the much less durable cork that's been so frequently used by Nike lately.This Nike Air Trainer SC High release is available for purchase now at Jimmy Jazz. In a few months, he’ll be partnering with Fat Joe to open a brick and mortar store in New York City."It’s gonna be a store within a store," Fat Joe said of the venture, which opens in September.
What's more, release dates on Yeezys tend to shift quite a bit, so readers shouldn't make any definite plans around purchasing the shoes just yet. The tri-color branding will also catch your eye, taking place on the tongue tag.Recently released overseas at retailers like SNS, this particular pair of the Air Max 90 is expected to hit stateside soon.via SNS Grey laces add a nice touch, matching the white/grey SB Dunk sole sitting below.Stay tuned to Sole Collector for further details on the "Tour Yellow" Nike SB Dunk High.via dunk Most importantly, buyers are protected whether they choose to send their shoes to Slang to be verified for authenticity, or have their shoes sent directly to their doorstep.Be sure to check out the new marketplace today and adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 australia don't forget to download the Slang app, available on both the App Store and Google Play Store. Existing Sole Collector Marketplace users can also go here for more info. Image via Slang   Brennan Hiro WilliamsVans Syndicate and skate legend Julien Stranger revealed a new footwear collaboration today, including a new perforated pig suede version of the Old Skool Pro S.Stranger, the famous skater and co-owner of Anti Hero Skateboards, lends his touch to this subtle Old Skool Pro S colorway, which features a navy perforated pig suede upper. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but Sole Collector will update you as soon as we know something.The "Cool Grey" Retro 11 drops on December 23rd.
The location will also be home to exclusive product launches and events.Check out some of the scenery below and see the space in person when it opens this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. McCollumvia Peter Llewellyn for USA Today SportsShoe: Nike HyperRev 2016Khris Middletonvia Peter Llewellyn for USA Today SportsShoe: Nike HyperLiveJ.J. Ahead of the Kyrie 3's 2017 arrival, leaked images from Asia have been giving readers an idea of what to expect from the silhouette before Nike unveils it.Here, the model is presented in a variety of colorways, including a familiar "Cavs" one and a couple red-based pairs reminiscent of Nike Kyrie releases of old.That the source of these has their hands on so many colorways ahead of the shoe's January debut is somewhat suspicious, so readers will have to wait and see which of these become retail realities.Image vi. Black and white share a partially translucent outsole to cap off the look.Li-Ning will release this colorway next Saturday, March 11 for $160 at wayofwade and adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 sesame in-store at The Edition Boutique in Miami.Li-Ning Way of Wade 5 "Grey Camo"Release Date: 03/11/17Price: $160 via Footactionby Brandon RichardAfter releasing an Air Jordan 1 inspired by the Big Apple last year, Jordan Brand follows up with a drop for its west coast counterpart.The "Los Angeles" Air Jordan 1 is fully decked out in white leather, with tonal branding hits, custom insoles and a translucent outsole bearing the words "Los Angeles" and a map of the city.A release date hasn't been announced, but a launch at Flight 23's California hub in the near future makes sense.UPDATE 11/13: After months of previews and speculation, a release date for the "Los Angeles" Air Jordan 1 has finally been announced. Unseen to the naked eye is the internal bootie system that was modeled off of the original Air Presto.Nike's LunarCharge isn't just a monument to the past.
Some of his other work includes logos for legendary hip hop groups EPMD and Beastie Boys, and of course other sneaker work with Nike. Donning one of the most unique outsole in years, it's only fitting that we make that the focus of today's debut wallpaper.Click image to enlarge, and right click and save as on the image to make the Air Jordan 2011 your desktop wallpaper. by Brandon RichardThe Nike LeBron 2 was back at The Q tonight, but not because of LeBron James.Cleveland Cavaliers guard Jared Cunningham broke out a pair of the 11-year old sneakers from his personal collection in the white and navy colorway.Cunningham finished with 7 points off the bench as the Cavs picked up a big 104-100 victory over the Thunder.via NBAE 2015 Kanye West has done well for himself adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 cream white since cutting ties with Nike, but the legacy of his two signature models with the brand is still going strong.Hanzi, a China-based sneaker customizer, recently brought West's worlds together when he added Nike Yeezy hues to the adidas Yeezy 350 Boost. by Steve JaconettaRISE has teamed up with a number of well established brands for their latest collection.The NYC-based boutique has unveiled a sneak peek into a project we've been working since July 2013. When looking back at a specific Air Jordan model, the 14 ranks near the top, as there really wasn’t a bad colorway released (debatable in regards to the lows). In the summer of 2000, Eastbay exclusively dropped the "UNC" player exclusive edition, which was a big surprise to everyone.
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flauntpage · 7 years
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform
The biggest NBA news of the day is that Baron Davis and Laura Dern are dating, but the second biggest news is that Nike Released their designs for every NBA team’s “City” alternate jersey, which are jerseys inspired by cities or some shit. I looked at them and wrote about them, like a normal sports blogger does.
It’s the flag, and it’s a nice flag everyone is very fond of. I am worried about players spilling chocolate on their unis, though. That would be very embarrassing, I think, to walk around with a big ol’ chocolate stain on your nice white uniform. High risk, high reward play, here.
It has a checkered flag, like a race car. I like race cars. I like that they go vroom vroom very fast.
Look I don’t know what the fuck is has to do with boats, or why the team is wearing Miami Dolphins colors, but teal is an NBA power color and you have to respect any team that dons it.
Eggshell tones baby! Perfect for the river-yacht or a chilly, fire-lit library, with a tasteful stripe down the middle to bring it all together. This is the midwestern thinking man’s alternate jersey. Also they say “CREAM CITY” on the bottom, which is where I live, work and play, spiritually.
If you don’t like these, you need to smoke more weed. One time I was EXTREMELY blitzed off THC drops at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, and I spent like ten minutes in the gift shop, looking at the t-shirts they were selling. I thought the drawing was really nice and for a hot second I thought, damn I need one of these motherfuckers REAL bad but then my good brain, not my stoned brain, kicked in and way like “Hey Corbin, man, you’re probably too stoned to make this purchase, this shirt isn’t that nice dude.” Anyway, if I was still using, and I encountered this jersey in that state, I would HAVE to buy the Bismack Biyombo manifestation of this jersey, just spend whatever obscene amounts of money was requested of me, and regret the purchase in a very true and real way while also savoring my stoned wisdom in that time. This jersey rules.
I get that, as a left leaning-dude, I’m expected to hate black and white Spurs-branded digi-camo. But by making the camo black and white, it goes BEYOND a tribute-to-the-troops and turns a bunch of dudes who plays a game for a living into members of a private mercenary gang that kills its enemies with hoops. Watching capital inadvertently debase the world spanning military colossus that keeps it in power is kinda funny, I think it’s good.
EXTRAORDINARILY classy font! Finally, the play of Joel Embiid is being recognized for what it is: a luxury product, grander than any wine, any gold topped chocolate bon bon, any gentle scented oil, rubbed into your back by the world’s strongest and most skilled masseuse.
At first glance, it’s maybe a little weird that the Rockets have Chinese writing on a jersey that is meant to celebrate the city of Houston, a city where most people speak English. But, clearly, this is the harbinger of the future for the franchise, which is going to move to Beijing as soon as possible. What’s my source? THAT’s my source buddy! BEIJING ROCKETS 2018-19, DON’T TRY TO HIDE FROM IT!
Evokes the 70s, cocaine. Maravich belongs in this jersey.
The Basketball is a Lion King. He will stand above all other balls and roar, and the other balls will bow at his might until, one day, he is killed by another basketball, his brother who is also a basketball. His son, a basketball as well, will get revenge and take his place on the mountain, though.
It’s a Nets Jersey. It’s black and white and it looks nice. Not everything needs to shatter molds.
I wanna make a joke, but what, I’m made of stone?
I like firefighters and no one can say otherwise.
You guys aren’t gonna believe this, but the Celtics have a boring looking alternate jersey to compliment their boring looking regular jersey. Features grey. More on that later. We are living in the wildest possible times.
Kobe Bryant designed these. They’re supposed to look like snakes, because Kobe branded himself as a snake. Kobe spending his retirement trying a bunch of sports-adjacent shit he’s not good at and getting deferrence because he is Kobe Bryant, The Player Who Scored A Lot, is maybe the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. It would be less embarrassing if he was posting videos where people pissed in his mouth or making sly pro-Trump allusions to reporters or taking 125th place in Scrabble tournaments.
It is, I think, truly stunning how terrible these things are. They are, first, off, grey. You know, grey? The color of cloudy days and paved over fields? The color that only looks good on dads, while they swing hammers or pick up their children, or whatever? And then, the only color that REALLY compliments grey, which is yellow. You know. Like a paved road, that thing everyone thinks has a cool color? I mean who can blame Nike, I suppose, when LeBron James, the world’s most famous athlete, is the human being who is your most prominent non-Jordan pitchman, you gotta put him in the ugliest shit imaginable
Honestly, It’s impressive how awful these are, soup-to-nuts. No one who made this had even one good idea they put into the final product. Every OKC jersey is bad, of course, on account of the team’s very existence being born from the poison seed of theft from Seattle, but… Gradients!? GRADIENTS!? A grey-to-grey-gradient? Why, on God’s green earth, is Nike fucking so hard with Grey, a color, not even a color, a SHADE, that has inspired exactly no people, ever? They like grey so much that they put TWO DIFFERENT KINDS of grey in this piece of garbage, and subtly mixed the two greys so that there would be nearly infinite manifestations of grey betweens the main greys. This jersey is seeking the limits of grey itself, the deepest grey, the grey at the edge of our understanding of grey.
All the chocolate staining potential of the Chicago jersey, none of the evocative shit. These are maybe, low key, the worst one.
This evokes bees, not Hawks. Would someone please put feather texturing on these jerseys, like the world has been demanding all these years.
These say “Motor City” but do not feature any pictures of cars, which I love because, like I said earlier, they are fast and they make loud noises. The move here was an updated version of the mid 90’s Grant-Hill vroom vroom firehorse, but Nike isn’t listening to good sense!
Look, I’ve talked a lot of shit on Grey, which is Nike’s favorite color right now I guess, but I can accept it here. Minny winters are insanely grey, wolves are grey, this all makes thematic sense. But also: good god grey is ugly. Don’t wear grey!
These are bad but they’re like so bad that I think they almost fly around the moon and become good again? They are a bad uniform that lives somewhere out of time, a look that has never been cool in any era, but in that fact I think they gain a kind of integrity. There’s a possibility that, someday, in 2067 or some shit, these will have been regarded at an innovative step forward in jersey aesthetics, even if we think they’re hideous now. Cop them and freeze dry to sell in the future.
That shade of yellow is hideous but the logo is cool? “The Bay” is some real San Francisco bullshit though, one of those subtle org-wide attempts to separate the team from Oakland before they strip the city of the team and move them to rich-ass tech boi SF in a few years.
Honestly I feel weird writing snarky, mildly absurdist jokes about a jersey that is based on signs from a famous workers rights struggle. While I guess I respect Grizzlies celebrating a monumental protest with their unis, the fact that they were designed and manufactured by Nike, a company with a workers rights record that is spotty at best, goes a long way to defanging the allusion. Capitalism: it’s everywhere and it’s amoral!
EXTREMELY PURPLE. Purple is my favorite color and I honestly admire how purple these are, while also wondering… how purple is too purple?
These are also Purple.
Every other Portland fan hates these things, which makes sense because they live in the world capital of streetwear snobbery. I think they’re fine. The plaid is totally unnecessary. If I was making these bad boys, I think I would stick a fat-ass salmon on there, personally. I also think that the mascot should be replaced with a salmon.
I don’t even know, man. If it were up to me, I would make them play in a white jersey with a fat-ass picture of Michael Jordan’s smiling face on the front, and anything else will just seem incomplete to me.
Finally a uniform that tells sports fans: “Hey: my face is up here. I know my body is chugging away down here, but the soul is in the face, and that’s where a person’s TRUE MEANING can be found. Geeze louise.”
Nice shade of blue. Fun stripes. Otherwise: whatever.
Okay I did it, this is every uniform. Back to tracking down every last piece of information I can collect and Baron + Laura. Where do they like to go to dinner, you think?
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA ‘City’ Uniform
The biggest NBA news of the day is that Baron Davis and Laura Dern are dating, but the second biggest news is that Nike Released their designs for every NBA team’s “City” alternate jersey, which are jerseys inspired by cities or some shit. I looked at them and wrote about them, like a normal sports blogger does.
It’s the flag, and it’s a nice flag everyone if very fond of. I am worried about players spilling chocolate on their unis, though. That would be very embarrassing, I think, to walk around with a big ol’ chocolate stain on your nice white uniform. High risk, high reward play, here.
It has a checkered flag, like a race car. I like race cars. I like that they go vroom vroom very fast.
Look I don’t know what the fuck is has to do with boats, or why the team is wearing Miami Dolphins colors, but teal is an NBA power color and you have to respect any team that dons it.
Eggshell tones baby! Perfect for the river-yacht or a chilly, fire-lit library, with a tasteful stripe down the middle to bring it all together. This is the midwestern thinking man’s alternate jersey. Also they say “CREAM CITY” on the bottom, which is where I live, work and play, spiritually.
If you don’t like these, you need to smoke more weed. One time I was EXTREMELY blitzed off THC drops at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, and I spent like ten minutes in the gift shop, looking at the t-shirts they were selling. I thought the drawing was really nice and for a hot second I thought, damn I need one of these motherfuckers REAL bad but then my good brain, not my stoned brain, kicked in and way like “Hey Corbin, man, you’re probably too stoned to make this purchase, this shirt isn’t that nice dude.” Anyway, if I was still using, and I encountered this jersey in that state, I would HAVE to buy the Bismack Biyombo manifestation of this jersey, just spend whatever obscene amounts of money was requested of me, and regret the purchase in a very true and real way while also savoring my stoned wisdom in that time. This jersey rules.
I get that, as a left leaning-dude, I’m expected to hate black and white Spurs-branded digi-camo. But by making the camo black and white, it goes BEYOND a tribute-to-the-troops and turns a bunch of dudes who plays a game for a living into members of a private mercenary gang that kills its enemies with hoops. Watching capital inadvertently debase the world spanning military colossus that keeps it in power is kinda funny, I think it’s good.
Evokes the 70s, cocaine. Maravich belongs in this jersey.
The Basketball is a Lion King. He will stand above all other balls and roar, and the other balls will bow at his might until, one day, he is killed by another basketball, his brother who is also a basketball. His son, a basketball as well, will get revenge and take his place on the mountain, though.
It’s a Nets Jersey. It’s black and white and it looks nice. Not everything needs to shatter molds.
I wanna make a joke, but what, I’m made of stone?
I like firefighters and no one can say otherwise.
You guys aren’t gonna believe this, but the Celtics have a boring looking alternate jersey to compliment their boring looking regular jersey. Features grey. More on that later. We are living in the wildest possible times.
Kobe Bryant designed these. They’re supposed to look like snakes, because Kobe branded himself as a snake. Kobe spending his retirement trying a bunch of sports-adjacent shit he’s not good at and getting deferrence because he is Kobe Bryant, The Player Who Scored A Lot, is maybe the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. It would be less embarrassing if he was posting videos where people pissed in his mouth or making sly pro-Trump allusions to reporters or taking 125th place in Scrabble tournaments.
It is, I think, truly stunning how terrible these things are. They are, first, off, grey. You know, grey? The color of cloudy days and paved over fields? The color that only looks good on dads, while they swing hammers or pick up their children, or whatever? And then, the only color that REALLY compliments grey, which is yellow. You know. Like a paved road, that thing everyone thinks has a cool color? I mean who can blame Nike, I suppose, when LeBron James, the world’s most famous athlete, is the human being who is your most prominent non-Jordan pitchman, you gotta put him in the ugliest shit imaginable
Honestly, It’s impressive how awful these are, soup-to-nuts. No one who made this had even one good idea they put into the final product. Every OKC jersey is bad, of course, on account of the team’s very existence being born from the poison seed of theft from Seattle, but… Gradients!? GRADIENTS!? A grey-to-grey-gradient? Why, on God’s green earth, is Nike fucking so hard with Grey, a color, not even a color, a SHADE, that has inspired exactly no people, ever? They like grey so much that they put TWO DIFFERENT KINDS of grey in this piece of garbage, and subtly mixed the two greys so that there would be nearly infinite manifestations of grey betweens the main greys. This jersey is seeking the limits of grey itself, the deepest grey, the grey at the edge of our understanding of grey.
All the chocolate staining potential of the Chicago jersey, none of the evocative shit. These are maybe, low key, the worst one.
This evokes bees, not Hawks. Would someone please put feather texturing on these jerseys, like the world has been demanding all these years?
These say “Motor City” but do not feature any pictures of cars, which I love because, like I said earlier, they are fast and they make loud noises. The move here was an updated version of the mid 90’s Grant-Hill vroom vroom firehorse, but Nike isn’t listening to good sense!
Look, i’ve talked a lot of shit on Grey, which is Nike’s favorite color right now I guess, but I can accept it here. Minny winters are insanely grey, wolves are grey, this all makes thematic sense. But also: good god grey is ugly. Don’t wear grey!
These are bad but they’re like so bad that I think they almost fly around the moon and become good again? They are a bad uniform that lives somewhere out of time, a look that has never been cool in any era, but in that fact I think they gain a kind of integrity. There’s a possibility that, someday, in 2067 or some shit, these will have been regarded at an innovative step forward in jersey aesthetics, even if we think they’re hideous now. Cop them and freeze dry to sell in the future.
That shade of yellow is hideous but the logo is cool? “The Bay” is some real San Francisco bullshit though, one of those subtle org-wide attempts to separate the team from Oakland before they strip the city of the team and move them to rich-ass tech boi SF in a few years.
Honestly I feel weird writing snarky, mildly absurdist jokes about a jersey that is based on signs from a famous workers rights struggle. While I guess I respect Grizzlies celebrating a monumental protest with their unis, the fact that they were designed and manufactured by Nike, a company with a workers rights record that is spotty at best, goes a long way to defanging the allusion. Capitalism: it’s everywhere and it’s amoral!
EXTREMELY PURPLE. Purple is my favorite color and I honestly admire how purple these are, while also wondering… how purple is too purple?
These are also Purple.
Every other Portland fan hates these things, which makes sense because they live in the world capital of streetwear snobbery. I think they’re fine. The plaid is totally unnecessary. If I was making these bad boys, I think I would stick a fat-ass salmon on there, personally. I also think that the mascot should be replaced with a salmon.
I don’t even know, man. If it were up to me, I would make them play in a white jersey with a fat-ass picture of Michael Jordan’s smiling face on the front, and anything else will just seem incomplete to me.
Nice shade of blue. Fun stripes. Otherwise: whatever.
Okay I did it, this is every uniform. Back to tracking down every last piece of information I can collect and Baron + Laura. Where do they like to go to dinner, you think?
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA ‘City’ Uniform syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform
The biggest NBA news of the day is that Baron Davis and Laura Dern are dating, but the second biggest news is that Nike Released their designs for every NBA team’s “City” alternate jersey, which are jerseys inspired by cities or some shit. I looked at them and wrote about them, like a normal sports blogger does.
It’s the flag, and it’s a nice flag everyone is very fond of. I am worried about players spilling chocolate on their unis, though. That would be very embarrassing, I think, to walk around with a big ol’ chocolate stain on your nice white uniform. High risk, high reward play, here.
It has a checkered flag, like a race car. I like race cars. I like that they go vroom vroom very fast.
Look I don’t know what the fuck is has to do with boats, or why the team is wearing Miami Dolphins colors, but teal is an NBA power color and you have to respect any team that dons it.
Eggshell tones baby! Perfect for the river-yacht or a chilly, fire-lit library, with a tasteful stripe down the middle to bring it all together. This is the midwestern thinking man’s alternate jersey. Also they say “CREAM CITY” on the bottom, which is where I live, work and play, spiritually.
If you don’t like these, you need to smoke more weed. One time I was EXTREMELY blitzed off THC drops at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, and I spent like ten minutes in the gift shop, looking at the t-shirts they were selling. I thought the drawing was really nice and for a hot second I thought, damn I need one of these motherfuckers REAL bad but then my good brain, not my stoned brain, kicked in and way like “Hey Corbin, man, you’re probably too stoned to make this purchase, this shirt isn’t that nice dude.” Anyway, if I was still using, and I encountered this jersey in that state, I would HAVE to buy the Bismack Biyombo manifestation of this jersey, just spend whatever obscene amounts of money was requested of me, and regret the purchase in a very true and real way while also savoring my stoned wisdom in that time. This jersey rules.
I get that, as a left leaning-dude, I’m expected to hate black and white Spurs-branded digi-camo. But by making the camo black and white, it goes BEYOND a tribute-to-the-troops and turns a bunch of dudes who plays a game for a living into members of a private mercenary gang that kills its enemies with hoops. Watching capital inadvertently debase the world spanning military colossus that keeps it in power is kinda funny, I think it’s good.
EXTRAORDINARILY classy font! Finally, the play of Joel Embiid is being recognized for what it is: a luxury product, grander than any wine, any gold topped chocolate bon bon, any gentle scented oil, rubbed into your back by the world’s strongest and most skilled masseuse.
At first glance, it’s maybe a little weird that the Rockets have Chinese writing on a jersey that is meant to celebrate the city of Houston, a city where most people speak English. But, clearly, this is the harbinger of the future for the franchise, which is going to move to Beijing as soon as possible. What’s my source? THAT’s my source buddy! BEIJING ROCKETS 2018-19, DON’T TRY TO HIDE FROM IT!
Evokes the 70s, cocaine. Maravich belongs in this jersey.
The Basketball is a Lion King. He will stand above all other balls and roar, and the other balls will bow at his might until, one day, he is killed by another basketball, his brother who is also a basketball. His son, a basketball as well, will get revenge and take his place on the mountain, though.
It’s a Nets Jersey. It’s black and white and it looks nice. Not everything needs to shatter molds.
I wanna make a joke, but what, I’m made of stone?
I like firefighters and no one can say otherwise.
You guys aren’t gonna believe this, but the Celtics have a boring looking alternate jersey to compliment their boring looking regular jersey. Features grey. More on that later. We are living in the wildest possible times.
Kobe Bryant designed these. They’re supposed to look like snakes, because Kobe branded himself as a snake. Kobe spending his retirement trying a bunch of sports-adjacent shit he’s not good at and getting deferrence because he is Kobe Bryant, The Player Who Scored A Lot, is maybe the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. It would be less embarrassing if he was posting videos where people pissed in his mouth or making sly pro-Trump allusions to reporters or taking 125th place in Scrabble tournaments.
It is, I think, truly stunning how terrible these things are. They are, first, off, grey. You know, grey? The color of cloudy days and paved over fields? The color that only looks good on dads, while they swing hammers or pick up their children, or whatever? And then, the only color that REALLY compliments grey, which is yellow. You know. Like a paved road, that thing everyone thinks has a cool color? I mean who can blame Nike, I suppose, when LeBron James, the world’s most famous athlete, is the human being who is your most prominent non-Jordan pitchman, you gotta put him in the ugliest shit imaginable
Honestly, It’s impressive how awful these are, soup-to-nuts. No one who made this had even one good idea they put into the final product. Every OKC jersey is bad, of course, on account of the team’s very existence being born from the poison seed of theft from Seattle, but… Gradients!? GRADIENTS!? A grey-to-grey-gradient? Why, on God’s green earth, is Nike fucking so hard with Grey, a color, not even a color, a SHADE, that has inspired exactly no people, ever? They like grey so much that they put TWO DIFFERENT KINDS of grey in this piece of garbage, and subtly mixed the two greys so that there would be nearly infinite manifestations of grey betweens the main greys. This jersey is seeking the limits of grey itself, the deepest grey, the grey at the edge of our understanding of grey.
All the chocolate staining potential of the Chicago jersey, none of the evocative shit. These are maybe, low key, the worst one.
This evokes bees, not Hawks. Would someone please put feather texturing on these jerseys, like the world has been demanding all these years.
These say “Motor City” but do not feature any pictures of cars, which I love because, like I said earlier, they are fast and they make loud noises. The move here was an updated version of the mid 90’s Grant-Hill vroom vroom firehorse, but Nike isn’t listening to good sense!
Look, I’ve talked a lot of shit on Grey, which is Nike’s favorite color right now I guess, but I can accept it here. Minny winters are insanely grey, wolves are grey, this all makes thematic sense. But also: good god grey is ugly. Don’t wear grey!
These are bad but they’re like so bad that I think they almost fly around the moon and become good again? They are a bad uniform that lives somewhere out of time, a look that has never been cool in any era, but in that fact I think they gain a kind of integrity. There’s a possibility that, someday, in 2067 or some shit, these will have been regarded at an innovative step forward in jersey aesthetics, even if we think they’re hideous now. Cop them and freeze dry to sell in the future.
That shade of yellow is hideous but the logo is cool? “The Bay” is some real San Francisco bullshit though, one of those subtle org-wide attempts to separate the team from Oakland before they strip the city of the team and move them to rich-ass tech boi SF in a few years.
Honestly I feel weird writing snarky, mildly absurdist jokes about a jersey that is based on signs from a famous workers rights struggle. While I guess I respect Grizzlies celebrating a monumental protest with their unis, the fact that they were designed and manufactured by Nike, a company with a workers rights record that is spotty at best, goes a long way to defanging the allusion. Capitalism: it’s everywhere and it’s amoral!
EXTREMELY PURPLE. Purple is my favorite color and I honestly admire how purple these are, while also wondering… how purple is too purple?
These are also Purple.
Every other Portland fan hates these things, which makes sense because they live in the world capital of streetwear snobbery. I think they’re fine. The plaid is totally unnecessary. If I was making these bad boys, I think I would stick a fat-ass salmon on there, personally. I also think that the mascot should be replaced with a salmon.
I don’t even know, man. If it were up to me, I would make them play in a white jersey with a fat-ass picture of Michael Jordan’s smiling face on the front, and anything else will just seem incomplete to me.
Finally a uniform that tells sports fans: “Hey: my face is up here. I know my body is chugging away down here, but the soul is in the face, and that’s where a person’s TRUE MEANING can be found. Geeze louise.”
Nice shade of blue. Fun stripes. Otherwise: whatever.
Okay I did it, this is every uniform. Back to tracking down every last piece of information I can collect and Baron + Laura. Where do they like to go to dinner, you think?
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform
The biggest NBA news of the day is that Baron Davis and Laura Dern are dating, but the second biggest news is that Nike Released their designs for every NBA team’s “City” alternate jersey, which are jerseys inspired by cities or some shit. I looked at them and wrote about them, like a normal sports blogger does.
It’s the flag, and it’s a nice flag everyone if very fond of. I am worried about players spilling chocolate on their unis, though. That would be very embarrassing, I think, to walk around with a big ol’ chocolate stain on your nice white uniform. High risk, high reward play, here.
It has a checkered flag, like a race car. I like race cars. I like that they go vroom vroom very fast.
Look I don’t know what the fuck is has to do with boats, or why the team is wearing Miami Dolphins colors, but teal is an NBA power color and you have to respect any team that dons it.
Eggshell tones baby! Perfect for the river-yacht or a chilly, fire-lit library, with a tasteful stripe down the middle to bring it all together. This is the midwestern thinking man’s alternate jersey. Also they say “CREAM CITY” on the bottom, which is where I live, work and play, spiritually.
If you don’t like these, you need to smoke more weed. One time I was EXTREMELY blitzed off THC drops at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, and I spent like ten minutes in the gift shop, looking at the t-shirts they were selling. I thought the drawing was really nice and for a hot second I thought, damn I need one of these motherfuckers REAL bad but then my good brain, not my stoned brain, kicked in and way like “Hey Corbin, man, you’re probably too stoned to make this purchase, this shirt isn’t that nice dude.” Anyway, if I was still using, and I encountered this jersey in that state, I would HAVE to buy the Bismack Biyombo manifestation of this jersey, just spend whatever obscene amounts of money was requested of me, and regret the purchase in a very true and real way while also savoring my stoned wisdom in that time. This jersey rules.
I get that, as a left leaning-dude, I’m expected to hate black and white Spurs-branded digi-camo. But by making the camo black and white, it goes BEYOND a tribute-to-the-troops and turns a bunch of dudes who plays a game for a living into members of a private mercenary gang that kills its enemies with hoops. Watching capital inadvertently debase the world spanning military colossus that keeps it in power is kinda funny, I think it’s good.
Evokes the 70s, cocaine. Maravich belongs in this jersey.
The Basketball is a Lion King. He will stand above all other balls and roar, and the other balls will bow at his might until, one day, he is killed by another basketball, his brother who is also a basketball. His son, a basketball as well, will get revenge and take his place on the mountain, though.
It’s a Nets Jersey. It’s black and white and it looks nice. Not everything needs to shatter molds.
I wanna make a joke, but what, I’m made of stone?
I like firefighters and no one can say otherwise.
You guys aren’t gonna believe this, but the Celtics have a boring looking alternate jersey to compliment their boring looking regular jersey. Features grey. More on that later. We are living in the wildest possible times.
Kobe Bryant designed these. They’re supposed to look like snakes, because Kobe branded himself as a snake. Kobe spending his retirement trying a bunch of sports-adjacent shit he’s not good at and getting deferrence because he is Kobe Bryant, The Player Who Scored A Lot, is maybe the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. It would be less embarrassing if he was posting videos where people pissed in his mouth or making sly pro-Trump allusions to reporters or taking 125th place in Scrabble tournaments.
It is, I think, truly stunning how terrible these things are. They are, first, off, grey. You know, grey? The color of cloudy days and paved over fields? The color that only looks good on dads, while they swing hammers or pick up their children, or whatever? And then, the only color that REALLY compliments grey, which is yellow. You know. Like a paved road, that thing everyone thinks has a cool color? I mean who can blame Nike, I suppose, when LeBron James, the world’s most famous athlete, is the human being who is your most prominent non-Jordan pitchman, you gotta put him in the ugliest shit imaginable
Honestly, It’s impressive how awful these are, soup-to-nuts. No one who made this had even one good idea they put into the final product. Every OKC jersey is bad, of course, on account of the team’s very existence being born from the poison seed of theft from Seattle, but… Gradients!? GRADIENTS!? A grey-to-grey-gradient? Why, on God’s green earth, is Nike fucking so hard with Grey, a color, not even a color, a SHADE, that has inspired exactly no people, ever? They like grey so much that they put TWO DIFFERENT KINDS of grey in this piece of garbage, and subtly mixed the two greys so that there would be nearly infinite manifestations of grey betweens the main greys. This jersey is seeking the limits of grey itself, the deepest grey, the grey at the edge of our understanding of grey.
All the chocolate staining potential of the Chicago jersey, none of the evocative shit. These are maybe, low key, the worst one.
This evokes bees, not Hawks. Would someone please put feather texturing on these jerseys, like the world has been demanding all these years?
These say “Motor City” but do not feature any pictures of cars, which I love because, like I said earlier, they are fast and they make loud noises. The move here was an updated version of the mid 90’s Grant-Hill vroom vroom firehorse, but Nike isn’t listening to good sense!
Look, i’ve talked a lot of shit on Grey, which is Nike’s favorite color right now I guess, but I can accept it here. Minny winters are insanely grey, wolves are grey, this all makes thematic sense. But also: good god grey is ugly. Don’t wear grey!
These are bad but they’re like so bad that I think they almost fly around the moon and become good again? They are a bad uniform that lives somewhere out of time, a look that has never been cool in any era, but in that fact I think they gain a kind of integrity. There’s a possibility that, someday, in 2067 or some shit, these will have been regarded at an innovative step forward in jersey aesthetics, even if we think they’re hideous now. Cop them and freeze dry to sell in the future.
That shade of yellow is hideous but the logo is cool? “The Bay” is some real San Francisco bullshit though, one of those subtle org-wide attempts to separate the team from Oakland before they strip the city of the team and move them to rich-ass tech boi SF in a few years.
Honestly I feel weird writing snarky, mildly absurdist jokes about a jersey that is based on signs from a famous workers rights struggle. While I guess I respect Grizzlies celebrating a monumental protest with their unis, the fact that they were designed and manufactured by Nike, a company with a workers rights record that is spotty at best, goes a long way to defanging the allusion. Capitalism: it’s everywhere and it’s amoral!
EXTREMELY PURPLE. Purple is my favorite color and I honestly admire how purple these are, while also wondering… how purple is too purple?
These are also Purple.
Every other Portland fan hates these things, which makes sense because they live in the world capital of streetwear snobbery. I think they’re fine. The plaid is totally unnecessary. If I was making these bad boys, I think I would stick a fat-ass salmon on there, personally. I also think that the mascot should be replaced with a salmon.
I don’t even know, man. If it were up to me, I would make them play in a white jersey with a fat-ass picture of Michael Jordan’s smiling face on the front, and anything else will just seem incomplete to me.
Nice shade of blue. Fun stripes. Otherwise: whatever.
Okay I did it, this is every uniform. Back to tracking down every last piece of information I can collect and Baron + Laura. Where do they like to go to dinner, you think?
A Comprehensive Review Every New NBA 'City' Uniform published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes