#model like shai when???
yamst3rdamctrl · 2 months
When Sexual Desires Clash Y/N Story
Chapter 2
The figure walked up and reached out his hand and said, "Lupita, this must be who you were telling me about.. Hi YN, it's so nice to meet you. Lu has told me so much about you. My name is Michael B. Jordan".....
YN reached out to Michael and said, "Oh my god.. It's so nice to meet you. I am a big fan every since you were young on All My Children." YN extended her hand to meet Michaels. When they touched it, it felt like electricity hit each other. YN did not know how to react. Michael felt lust and had it all over his face. As he looked over her 5'6 "height, and her brown chocolate complexion, to her thick thighs and body. Michael didn't know how much her sex appeal was, but he loved every minute looking at it. The way the fire ignited and burned between them, you would think they were moving in slow motion, but they weren't. Lupita was loving the view because she knew that YN had been single for a good while, and she knew exactly how she loved sex but couldn't find somebody who was worthy of her time. She also knew that since Lori left Michael he hasn't fucked anyone. Everyone there had somebody that they were dating except YN and Michael. Lu made it her priority for them to hit it off.
After they shook hands, Lu said, "Let this sexy weekend begin! So YN and Michael, you guys are the only ones single, so therefore, yall are teamed up for the weekend, okay?" YN and Michael agreed, and they parted ways to make a drink. YN thought to herself that she knew how fine Michael was, but in her head, she just left the situation alone. YN stood there talking to her girls while Michael went to make a drink. Michael stalked YN with her eyes while she would smile and giggle. Michael knew that she was different from the women he usually went for, but the way she looked made his dick hard. Winston walked up and made Michael slap out his thoughts.
"Whats on your mind, Michael? I can see you in deep thought, and by the way you are looking at YN, I'm sure it has something to do with her." He chuckled.
"Do you know much about her?" Michael asked Winston.
"So YN is a music choreographer. She also conducts music videos with aritist. She is known all over for the work she does, but she is never in the main light. She does model here and there, but her passion is the music industry. She has a lot of videos on her youtube and instagram. We all met YN when you weren't on set when she helped construct the beginning dance seen and movements on black panther. She only met with the people they had her work with. YN is very cool, that's why I call her my little sister since I'm dating her best friend Shai. I see the way you're looking at her like you're a lion, and she is definitely your prey." Winston started to laugh, but he has seen Michael in action before.
"Now im not going to lie she is fine as hell. Everything about her is different, but she could get the dick without a question.. Is she single?" Michael knew what he wanted in the exact moment, and she was what he wanted. He hasn't felt this way since him and Lori split.
"She is and has been for a while now. The dude cheated on her, and she bossed up. She is very different from regular females. I will say that. She is a wild one in the house. In the streets, she's a lady. Shai told me she's wild. Hope you can tame her." Winston knew that Michael was wild, and he knew YN was too. He knew that they were a match in heaven, so he's going to sit back and watch the fireworks.
YN looked back at Michael and smiled. Michael winked at her and made her blush. Michael then told Winston, "Don't worry, she not going to know what hit her when I'm done." Michael drinked his drink and began to plot on his every move... this is about to get interesting.
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Yal ready for this ride I'm going to take yal on??? I hope soo!!!
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p0isonyouth · 1 year
Mastermind | Spencer Reid
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Spencer Reid didn't want to love again.
After the passing of his late girlfriend, Maeve Donovan, the young genius believed that everyone in his life would eventually leave him.
So he chose not to get attached.
Valeria Bela had no time for love.
Though the young woman grew up in a home full of love and care, she refused to have her feelings get in the way of her work once again.
So she chose to be closed off.
Both Spencer and Valeria had come to terms with their resentment of love, more so what had happened to get them to feel so negatively about it. But, when young Supervisory Special Agent Bela joins the BAU, both soon forget about their rule with strong rivalry and stolen kisses.
A/N - Unfortunately, I do not own Criminal Minds, nor their characters or plots. I do not own dialogue, cases, or episodes, those go to the beautiful minds of the writers (MGG EPISODES !!!!). I also do not own any of the gifs presented in this story. These were picked at random via Pinterest. I do, however, own Valeria Bela as well as any other characters that are not created by the Criminal Minds enterprise. I also own plotlines that are designed by me. Without further ado, welcome to Mastermind!
P.S. - Valeria's face claim is Shay Mitchell. Timothy's is Pedro Pascal. Antonio's is Avan Jogia. And it's up to interpretation whom her mother's is.
Since you are reading a Criminal Minds Fanfic, I'm sure you expect what is to happen in episodes, but just in case you like jumping into a fandom by fanfic, here's some trigger warnings: assault, depression/depressive episodes, gore, kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, sexual innuendos, swearing, torture, violence, etc... ( there are way more, but i'm sure you get the point)
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"YOU COMING, ROSSI?" Timothy Bela questioned his partner as he started the engine of a government-owned black SUV. 
They were chasing an unsub that they had been after for weeks, a serial killer who targeted normal families. With all the information gathered, they had determined their suspect to be Stephen Jenkins, a 28-year-old man. The boy was an orphan, always by himself until he went to college, found a job, and married the so-called love of his life. That was until she passed away a couple months later. The man kept to himself, only venturing out of his house every so often. To kill.
Timothy Bela and David Rossi had no doubts that the sadistic man was not working alone due to his elaborate work, but they had to catch him first.
Timothy lived for the thrill of the chase. He loved the adrenaline that spiked in his veins as he was catching an unsub, however, he knew he had to be more careful with his life. Timothy had a wife now, Meredith Bela, and two children, nine-year-old Valeria, and one-year-old Antonio. He was expected to be a role model, a parent, and most importantly, a hero.
The red and blue lights flashed from the top of the black SUV as the duo raced through the streets to catch their unsub. David Rossi's eyes focused on the streets ahead but moved over to his partner and longtime best friend for a brief second. "So, how are the kids, Timothy? Is Valeria still up to her usual trouble?"
"She sees her Uncle Rossi a little too much for her own good." The man said with a small chuckle, turning the wheel to make a hard left turn. "Wants to be just like us when she's older."
"You say that like it's a bad thing, Bela." 
The black vehicle stopped in front of an abandoned house, the wooden planks that once blocked the door from being entered were littered on the broken-down porch. "What an idiot," Timothy commented as he took his gun out of his holster, approaching the opened door. Rossi came behind him, making sure that the coast was clear.
The two stepped into the house, the floorboards creaking beneath their feet. Timothy winced as the sound pierced his ears, venturing deeper into the house with a careful foot. "Don't you come any closer!" A voice said as Rossi and Bela entered into a hallway. The voice was weak, tired, and out of breath. "I said don't you come any closer to me!"
"FBI! Stephen Jenkins, come out slowly, hands up." Rossi yelled gun brandished in front of him.
"I don't want any trouble. Just go away, don't come any closer!" Stephen called out again, his back against the wall. If he peered to the right a little, he could see the eyes of the men in a mirror that hung against the wall. "I have a gun, I'll use it."
"Yeah, so do we, kid." Timothy was confused. This man didn't seem like who they were looking for at all, he didn't seem like he'd hurt a fly. He was done playing the boy's game, hoping to hurry up the delay so he could get home to his family. "You have one last chance to get out here or I'm coming inside."
"I-i can't." 
"Why not?" Rossi asked, getting no reply in return. He motioned for Timothy quietly to go into the room at the looming silence, when suddenly a loud thud hit their ears. The two men raced into the room as the sounds of their team members slamming their car doors echoed outside.
Timothy entered the dusty, dark room first, desperately trying to find a source of light. He walked further into the room, pulling a cord that led to a light bulb in the middle of the room. Slightly turning, he rested his eyes on the body of Stephen Jenkins lying on the floor, shriveled in pain and frankly red as wine. The blonde boy, barely a man, struggled to breathe, his face turning pale as if he had been suddenly drained of all that was keeping him alive. Timothy's stomach dropped, and Rossi made his way to his partner's side to investigate. "Dear god," Rossi sighed, crouching to examine the pale body.
Stephen's body had bloody gashes all over him, carved into his chest like some satanic ritual. The young man looked up at the two men, fear written all over his face. His blue eyes were slightly dilated, his hands trembled, and his body squirmed.
"Stephen, who did this to you?" Timothy said, staring the young man in the eyes. 
"He..." Stephen started before choking on the blood that wound up in his throat. "He just wanted you to notice."
"Wanted who to notice what?" Rossi asked, holding pressure on Stephen's wounds, knowing it was no use.
"He wanted Timothy Bela... to notice." He said, finally succumbing to his injuries. The rest of the department entered the room, examining the scene as Rossi looked up at Timothy with confusion. Timothy's eyes never left the young man, his mind focused on what he was to notice.
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Valeria watched her mother pull out the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies from the oven, the delicious smell immediately hitting her nostrils. Her mouth watered for the sweet treat, getting up from her spot across from her baby brother to her mother who was standing at the counter. "How much longer until we can eat the cookies, mama?" 
Meredith laughed, taking the oven mitts off of her hands. "In a few minutes, mi amor. They must cool down first."
Valeria nodded happily, going back to sit across from her little brother, Antonio. "I can't wait until you are able to eat cookies, Antonio. I think you'll like them!" Baby Antonio gurgled in response to his older sister, slamming his tiny hands on the baby seat tray. The girl grinned, going back to drawing on a piece of paper with her crayons. 
Meredith watched her children from afar with a sad smile, disappointed that her husband was missing out on all the little moments of their children's lives. She didn't regret moving to Quantico, it was a good environment for their family. She just wished that Timothy wasn't so occupied with solving crimes. The sound of loud knocking had taken the woman out of her thoughts, as she made her way to the front door.
As she opened the door, a tall man stood in front of her, a gun pointed at her forehead. Her eyes widened with fear, as she took three steps backward into the living room. It was a rare occasion for Meredith to let her nerves get the best of her, but her mind was blank as her eyes locked on the barrel of the gun. The man followed her inside, a sinister smile appearing on his face. "Meredith Bela, as beautiful as I remember. It's been a long time, don't you remember me?"
Meredith swallowed a sob, remembering that her children were in the next room. A faux smile appeared on her face as she smiled. "I do remember, of course, I do."
The man's smile dropped, a scowl taking its place. "Don't lie to me, darling."
"I-i'm not lying. I do remember you." Her voice waivered, the gun practically resting on her forehead. 
"No need to get defensive, Meredith. I'm just playing." He sneered. "I want to say hello to the kids, let's go to the kitchen." The woman planted her feet, shaking her head frantically.
"Please don't hurt them, take me. Don't hurt them." 
"Let's remember who has the gun and who is begging for their children's lives to be saved. The kitchen. Go!" He yelled, aggressively pulling her into the kitchen. Valeria looked up to see her mother in pain, tears flowing down her cheeks. She tilted her head in confusion, watching as the man bent down to her level. "Hello, Valeria."
"Hello. Do I know you?" She asked, staring into the man's cold, blue eyes. 
"I'm a friend of your father's."
"Daddy's not home, so maybe you should come back later." Valeria shrugged the man off, going back to coloring on her paper. "And you can't have any cookies because they aren't cooled off yet."
The man stood shocked at her manners, gritting his teeth with a fake smile. The girl's face didn't show an ounce of emotion like she didn't question his intentions at all. He was intrigued by the young girl, albeit amused. 
"That's enough, now leave our house." Meredith spat, wrestling her wrist out of the man's grip, grabbing a kitchen knife that lay on the counter. "Get out, now!"
Valeria turned to look at her mother, realizing that the man wasn't a friendly visitor. A chill ran down her spine as the man began to laugh, shaking his head at her mother. "And I thought you were always up for a challenge, Meredith. Truly a shame that we had to do this so quickly." He took out his gun with a sad sigh, resting his finger on the trigger.
And shooting her quickly between the eyes.
The young girl wasn't sure if there was a sound. Valeria felt so lightheaded that she knew it wasn't long before she would pass out. She blinked but couldn't see anything except her mother's cold, dead eyes on the floor.
The man smirked at his work, turning to face the two children. Antonio was bawling at the loud noise, not realizing what had happened, and Valeria stood still with shock and fear. The man approached the crying baby, attempting to coo him. "There, there. She wasn't that special anyways." 
"What are you gonna do?" Valeria croaked out, her mouth dry from tears.
"Excuse me?" 
"What are you gonna do with us?" She questioned.
"You see, I hadn't planned that far ahead." He spoke slowly, walking over to the counter and grabbing a cookie from the rack. He took a bite, chewing with his mouth open. "Cookie?" He offered, sitting back down at the table after getting no reply. "You see, I have to get rid of the evidence that I was here... which means you two have to go. And he'll finally notice me."
Valeria stood, staring at the table, not daring to look into the man's murderous eyes. "Go? Notice you?"
"Go. Die. Exterminate. Croak. There's a lot of ways to say it." He dismissed by waving his hands, grabbing a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket. He put the cigarette to his mouth, lighting the end of it. "It's a shame really, I was starting to like you guys."
"You can't cause a fire with just one cigarette." The girl said, crossing her arms. "You need a reactant of some sort to cause the fire. Which you didn't do."
"Which I did do, actually, little girl. Do you really think that I haven't planned this through? Watch and-" He said, coughing as his cigarette smoke hit his lungs. Valeria raised an eyebrow at the man, rolling her eyes in disbelief. Amid his coughing fit, he dropped the lit cigarette on the table. The tablecloth immediately burst into flames, catching on the man. He screamed out in pain as the flames engulfed him, Valeria rushing to unbuckle her younger brother from his seat.
The man fell backward as the flames got wider, soon covering half of the kitchen. Valeria ran out into the living room with her brother in her grasp, looking for a way to escape. "This is why you don't smoke, Antonio." She said out of nervousness, as the fire captured the wall of the house. 
They were trapped inside.
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Timothy Bela bid Rossi goodbye as he finally finished his paperwork for the case. Though it hadn't gone the way that he wanted it to go, they were closer to solving the murders. As he headed out the door, an agent ran to him, calling his name. "Bela! Bela! Bela!" 
The man turned, eyes finding the panicked state of the agent. "Bernhards? What's going on?"
"Your house! It's all over the news!"
"My house? The man questioned his eyes widening in worry. "Bernhards, what's wrong with my house? Finish your sentence, goddammit!"
"It's on fire...!" The man said, exasperated and out of breath. "Your house is on fire!"
Bela didn't hear the man any longer as he ran to his car, racing down the streets to get to his house. Fear ran in his veins as he thought about his family, wondering if they had made it outside yet. Little did he know, they were still inside. 
By the time Timothy got to his house, news anchors surrounded the lawn. The house was up in flames, immediately consuming everything from the inside. He spotted his neighbors, running over to them and asking multitudes of questions. "Did Meredith and the kids make it out? Has anyone called the fire department? Has anyone gone in yet to check?" The neighbors shook their heads in worry, watching the flames blaze. 
Everyone outside had no idea what to do while they waited for the fire department to get there. Nobody dared to run inside and start saving the family themselves. 
Worry struck the man's features as he started to strip himself of his jacket and tie. One neighbor, Eugenia Miller, a kind lady from across the street, grabbed his arm. "You are not going in there, Timothy." 
"I'm not letting my family burn alive. Every second that fire is getting worse and worse and my children are in there." He broke himself free from her grip, hogging into the house. The flames flew behind him as he kicked down the door, entering the house. 
"Dear god, that man is a maniac," Eugenia muttered, joining the rest of the neighbors. 
Timothy ran into the kitchen, stumbling upon the burnt body of the man, his gun still in his hands. The agent furrowed his eyebrows, looking at where the table once was, before seeing the body of his wife. He choked back a sob, covering his mouth with his hands, pressing the white sleeve of his uniform to his mouth to breathe. "Meredith, amore mio." He whispered, exiting the kitchen after not bearing to see the sight any longer. "Valeria? Valeria, where are you?" He called out, his hope leaving him every second.
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The only thing that Valeria could process during the smoke was the pain she was in. Her broken heart, her ears ringing, and a burn on her right thigh. She held her brother close to her, putting her thin sleeve over his mouth so he could breathe filtered air. She placed a kiss on his forehead, closing her eyes. "We're going to be okay, little brother. I promise. They're coming for us." As she calmed herself down, she visualized firefighters calling out her name, hoping they would reach her on time. 
She was exhausted; her throat burned with every swallow, her muscles ached, and her lungs were starting to sting from the gathering smoke that slowly leaked into the enclosed space that they were trapped in. It didn't help that Antonio started crying once again. With nothing to calm him down with, she closed her eyes tight, praying that someone would save them soon.
"Valeria!" She heard a voice shout from somewhere. "Valeria?"
"In here!" She cried out with all that was left in her. "Help! Please help!" A sob ripped from her throat, joining the cries of her younger brother. 
Timothy appeared, moving rubble out of the doorway as he entered the room. He gazed at the sight of his two children, rushing to hold them in his arms as they cried. "Valeria, Antonio. You're okay, I got you."
"Daddy, mama's dead." Valeria cried into her father's shoulder. "She's gone!"
"I know, baby. I know." He soothed, rubbing her hair. He pulled away from his daughter, noticing the large burn on her leg. "Your leg, Valeria. Can you walk on it?"
"I don't think I can."
He looked behind him at the doorway, watching as small flames began to form at the bottom of it. Cradling Antonio in his left arm, he picked up the young girl with his right. "Hold your breath, Valeria, close your eyes for me." She did what she was told as the agent made his way through the fire, making sure his children were not harmed any further. He met the fire department halfway, sobbing in relief as they made it completely out of the house.
Valeria and Antonio were taken out of his arms as he collapsed to his knees on the front lawn. A paramedic ran to his side, grasping his shoulders. "Sir, you have to calm down. Let us check you out." He cried out, his head touching the cool, wet grass. 
Rossi arrived at the scene, racing toward his best friend. "Timothy, it's okay. Everything's going to be okay." 
"Meredith is dead." Timothy gasped out, looking up at the man. Rossi helped him up, leading him to the back of an ambulance to get checked out. "Valeria and Antonio-"
"They'll be okay," Rossi reassured, nodding to the paramedic as she finished checking on him. "They're together, on their way to the hospital. You're going too."
"I'm done with this, Rossi." Timothy looked back at his friend as he was put into an ambulance to join his children. "I can't do this anymore. This happened because of me. I quit." 
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
what is good about cnb? i see lots of a art thought i ask creator
Oh my- looks like we pulled a new curious person off the peeps!
(CnB) Coffee N' Bombs - Brewing Romance AU is an inspiration from the first full episode in the SMG4 Channel called "SMG4: SMG3'S BOMB CAFE"
I really liked the whole model and details from the inside and outside of Three's new Cafe and at first I've been picturing about Smg4 working there- but nahh he just worked there once its not like theres gonna be an au abou-
I came in tumblr a few months back and some anon asked me what kind of design SMG4's attire would be since he works as a waitress from Three's coffee n bombs.
For a second my mind went blank of what the uniform would look like so- I gave myself on and on about some few details getting inspired by watching some other episodes of SMG4's
So then- I made the hat and I thought of something that reminded me about- a reversible color!
(A few years back I bought this octopus which was cute and then I figured it was reversible by looking underneath and putting the detail here- I was like- ah Liz you're gonna make it look so special!)
Straight in to detail that the fabric used from this hat is silk, with polkadots! And it was made by Three :>
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For the pride pins I also thought of- "hey- this is a crazy idea but what if I also created a pride pin next to his apron. But instead it's a bomb than just a regular circular pin." Then there represents Four having the bi bomb flag :)
The Apron is specifically made by me on which where its all gotta be purple themed since it is his cafe and everything is purple and purple to a color black!
For the shoes tho- I might've gave myself a try to say it's one of those glow in the dark classic shoes- glow in the dark has been my favorite types of stuff to look on or even paint, the nostalgic vibe of being a small kid having fun observing and using glow in the dark (bracelets) for example- is like a funny thing and a classic thing to have.
Then that calls for it. "Heck why not?"
Theres the bomb logo and also the spilled coffee logo, it was designed by our man Three to himself.
It feels sort of childish to put in when four complains about glow in the dark having it as a childish thing- good thing three back fires in about his shoes having wheels XD (it might seem to be for kids but its all for ages and above ^^)
The gloves were designed for funziez and making it feels like getting sent back on the themed black and white (sia or melanie martinez the hair color or if you fancy it enough going back to the earliest movies that has black and white colors)
Even putting on a aymbol of "S.U.L." on the back of the gloves and Four's "IV" roman numeral signature on the palm of his gloves.
And even for the tiniest detail from his hairtie having the color of red and his slit pants on the ends. (Also including the part of the three-beaned pin that only four made it special for him and three only)
Lets put up the post!
This inspired so much from the design that my followers or other people had want to try it out!
Then coming upon the reply from @shygirl4991 therefore the AU was born/created, they thought about wanting to write about this cafe au and I let them in for ideas and for writing the fic. :D
I pulled out a new attire for Three's outfit (ngl he looks like purp-
And now there is- the release of the first chapter-
Before the first chapter- Shay gave it a title of "Brewing Romance" since its a silly fic for these two gay boys working together on the cafe :>
Again I'm only an artist who does doodles or design stuff the real person who created this is @shygirl4991 by mentioning it as "Cafe AU" thats where it's been born :)
CnB Brewing Romance AU is a fun space for our two fruits getting together and such ^^ this AU is made for fun relating to also the cafe shop itself.
(We'd also like to thank you for all of the artists who made those lovely fanarts <3)
To the point where I accidentally created a meme out of the two.
Man behind the coffee/memes (slaughter) as smg3
And the Fish Flounder as Smg4
If people would like to put their ocs there for fun you can make art out of it.
(Shoot I'm making it longer- AHHGGR)
Whats cnb br au?
Its a silly au me and shay made and made it alive for the shippers
Whats good about it?
The two gay boys
The designed details from their attires
Bringing from the fic for angst/fluff
Whose Idea was the fic?
All on for Shay ^^
Who created it?
I did the design mostly people thought it was all on me but its shay's :)
When is the date of creation?
December 9, 2023
Can we make fanarts out of it?
Yes you can by mentioning/tagging me and @shygirl4991
Whats in it for this au?
Me and Shay collaborated this
These two boys
The whole ass journey and coming into developments
Yes. She works here :) design of hers will come out soon tho.
What about the other characters like Mario?
Oh they will come out- as side characters only :>
Where does this AU focus on?
Dealing with trauma
Four getting a job since he's broke af
The past memories
Development - Chemistry
How does putting our ocs in the au work?
You can put your oc for ex. Ordering, chilling on le table, sipping your coffee, idk pay for those bombs(?), commit arso-, selfie on yourself (if you have any other ocs you'd want to add- you can), pride bombs, make yourself as an employee i guess? All whatever your choices.
Oc x canon is allowed now yay
Spaghetti. Spaghetti is not available in a coffee shop.
Does this au contain with the canon events/arc?
It has the arc and event but it contains non-canon creation. Due to some remake of the scenes.
Did luke approved of this?/j
Not yet :)
I'm not even sure if he uses tumblr atp
Do you have any other works of yours and shay about this au?
I am planning on making a side fic that'll come out very soon
Theres a quick doodle/sketch about it
Some personal diary or info Three picks up (including sticky notes)
Shay is still working and doing their best for the future chapters 'u'
What happens in the future chapter?
You'll have to wait and see. (Again I keep getting this even relating about zero that is a spoiler I'm not trying to be like gooseworx here pls stop-)
Wait what memes are you talking about?
Fnaf for Man behind the slaughter but instead it's SMG3 being the one whose purple guy and is called Man Behind The Coffee
Flounder from Ariel whose a fish and Four looked like one because of his ponytail looking like the fish's tail
What orders do they have in there?
Normal Coffee
Special White Mocha
Matcha Gun Powder Latte
Soy Boy Flat White
Al Pacino
Wake me up before you cocoaf
Morning Brown
Cyanide Supreme Latte
Titanium Black (trust me you don't want to try this)
café minuit (midnight)
Tsar Bomba
Hydrogen bomb
Fat man
Little Boy
Refined uranium
Saturnist Capurn
Eggdog plush
Smg3 mugs
Pride Bombs
A button. (Do it at your own risk)
Non-Donut (its invisible but more of an air food)
Gun powdered donut (white or brown)
Shinkled donut
Pieced- cake
Chompstick (chocolate stick)
Breed Bread (it has raisins)
KWASON (croissant)
Waffu Daffus (waffles)
DEADLY DUNGLE (its a spiciest donut I warned you.)
Nomul Chaki (a "normal" chocolate...)
Whats something that was mentioned from the design?
Did you plan on making this au?
Nope but for some reason we're here thanks to my artwork and shay :DD
Does PuzzleVision or TV Adware exist in this?
Will the side characters make an appearance?
Is it true that Karen and Meggy both gossip about the boys?
Yep- kinda hilarious now that Karen's here, she observes.
Where'd you get that idea about Karen and Meggy?
Where can I see the fanarts section?
In my Introduction Page :)
Why don't you post this to twitter?
Twitter is for talking/rants
Tumblr is to share the post you want to share.
Plus twitter for me is a "not-safe-app" regardless on people sending death threats and doxxing. (Even elon musk.)
I'm not tryna reach out for Luke's attention when it comes to CnB I just did this for fun :3
Are you still hyped that they're still making the cafe shop's appearance?
Yes. You have NO idea.
How do you and shay feel about it?
Very- super- brain- storming ideas on the gays and the plots also the notes- we love this progress ^^
The gayness/fruitiness of these two
Will you and Shay be planning on something more than just CnB?
Funny to ask but how old are you while collaborating this work?
I'm a minor-
Don't you find it weird to be friends with adults? Or having them as your fans?
(I get these asks alot) my final answer is no.
There are some other adults who are predators out there but not in my sight. I keep a closer eye on that. And I don't allow pedos or groomers here.
I don't really see what the problem is about when an adult likes a minor's work. It's artwork and most of ems crave for the ship and the ship itself its basically a free fun type for people who likes it. (Age regressor say no more cuz its all free to have fun here)
I have no idea why I made this too long but please carry on your glasses people-
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vroyales · 5 months
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is that DAVID CASTAÑEDA? oh, no, that’s JAVIER ELIO DOMINGUEZ-HERRERA, a THIRTY-FIVE year old FREELANCE CINEMATOGRAPHER who uses HE/HIM pronouns. they currently live in SANTA MONEDA in VALPARAÍSO, and the character they identify with most is SPENCER SHAY from iCARLY.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ basics.
full name: javier elio dominguez-herrera .
nickname(s): javi ( preferred ) , elio ( by select few ) .
age: thirty - five .
zodiac: libra .
birthdate: 8th of october , 1989 .
ethnicity: mexican .
gender: cis male .
pronouns: he / him .
orientation: heterosexual / heteroromantic .
occupation: freelance cinematographer .
language(s) spoken: spanish ( with veracruz dialect ) , english .
character inspirations: edward elric (fullmetal alchemist) , tadashi hamada (big hero 6) , laios touden (dungeon meshi) , sokka (atla) .
aesthetics: candid photos of fond memories , loud guitar riffs , messy bed head and cowlicks , early 2000s emo phases , a collection of old playstation games on display , band posters covering your bedroom wall , loud music coming from a car passing by , the warmth of the sun in the late afternoon , your reflection off of the lens of a camera , worn out converse , shelves lined with old cds .
most replayed song: besitos by pierce the veil .
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ personality.
creative, rambunctious, eccentric, curious, protective. the type to defend his siblings to the end of the earth. wears his heart on his sleeve but acts like he doesn't. incredibly caring towards those he loves, familial or not. appears closed off at first, but he tends to be pretty extroverted in social settings. can be chaotic but means well, truly. nerds the fuck out with film and rock music, but tries to avoid coming off as pretentious (though he doesn't always succeed at that). enjoys adrenaline rushes and feeling alive.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ background.
javier was the sunshine to a newly-wed couple, blessing them on a warm october morning. his mother gave him the middle name elio, derived from the greek word helios, to symbolize the brightness he brought with him in his birth. his parents were both big names in mexico's pop culture: his mother being a renowned pageant queen turned scream queen and his father being an adored tejano musician. his youth was happy and healthy, a spoiled only child for the first ten years of his life.
however, the dynamic of the family eventually took a hit. his parents had been going through a rough patch for months at this point, arguments being heard from the other room (which in turn would make javi turn up the volume on his tv to drown out the noise). he was too young to really understand the severity of the problems, but what he did understand was that he suddenly had two siblings. at first he was confused: his mother never said she was having twins. but when his father's affair was explained to him and another child was brought into the family, javi wasn't sure what to do. he had been excited to become a big brother, and with two babies in the family now, he was even more excited to be a good role model for them. but something was different. call him a mama's boy, but an anger toward his father started spreading in his heart. how could his dad cheat on his mom? how could he do that to the family that loved him so much?
he made it a point to be a caring older brother, playing with the twins all the time. he introduced them to video games, letting them sit on the couch while he sat on the floor and played resident evil and silent hill. he'd teach them how to play: luna being a lot more eager, but had a bad habit of accidentally deleting or overriding his saves (this would be the cause of most of their fights).
he also introduced the twins to grunge and emo music, showing off his CDs and the seemingly hundreds of band posters lining all four of his bedroom walls. when he was about 16, an impulsive and rambunctious javi decided to start a band with his best friends, showing off the guitar skills he had practiced for the last six years. his band wasn't very big, as most of their "shows" were in someone's garage with family and close friends attending the small crowds. he asked his family to not broadcast his band, being embarrassed (as most 16 year olds can be) of his skill and always preferring to be on the other side of cameras. the band broke up the year after they graduated high school, but javi continued with his love for playing music, learning covers of his favorite songs in his room and having luna and esme sing and perform along with him.
when he was 20, the family packed their bags and moved to new york. his mother claimed it was to protect her children, with the twins often being victims of bullying over rumors of their mother being a bruja. javi would get sly comments in school about it, most of which he'd ignore or retaliate with swearing and his middle finger, but was surprised to hear how mean and relentless his siblings' classmates were. he hesitated with leaving his life behind in veracruz, but his need to protect his siblings far overpowered that. he held their hands as they exited the plane at jfk airport, reassuring them that he wasn't going to abandon them anytime soon.
adjusting to life in america had its challenges, but javi eventually started blossoming. he decided to attend university with the intention to major in latin american studies, but after one filmography elective class, everything changed. he switched his major to film, specializing in cinematography, and never looked back. he always knew he liked being behind the camera lens, being the one to take photos or videos of his friends and family, but he never realized just how much he enjoyed it until that chance class. his parents were thrilled to see the spark in his eyes when discussing film, and they immediately pushed for him to get internships in the film industry. they helped him get cameras to study and practice with at home (nothing industrial like on movie sets, but practice is practice). as the years went by, javi was able to obtain more jobs as a cameraman for different movies (thank you nepotism!), cementing a name for himself in the industry.
years later, luna broke the news that they were moving to chile to attend university. their mother spoke to javi privately, asking him to go with them to protect them. he'd heard this before, and didn't hesitate. he grabbed his things, bought a plane ticket, and held his siblings' hands as they exited the plane at amb airport.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ headcanons.
when he and/or his siblings get into fights, he resolves the issue by talking it out — with a talking stick that he's used since 2006. takes it very seriously, not allowing anyone to talk unless they're holding said stick. its decorated in stickers the siblings all picked out.
took the twins to their first ever concert in new york to see pierce the veil. ptv is his favorite band, and he's brought his posters of them every time he's moved.
his second-favorite band is system of a down. he almost always picks chop suey if he's at karaoke.
his relationship with his father is significantly better than it was when javi was adolescent, though he still struggles with forgiveness. he knows his father has done everything he can to make amends for his affair, and he has a lot of guilt for still feeling the way he does.
he hyper-analyzes his interactions with people, especially in romantic context, in an effort to not end up like his dad. he also goes out of his way to be a good big brother to his siblings, due to his desire to be a solid male figure in their lives (he was always worried his dad would cheat again. he never did, but it never soothed the worry in the pit of javi's stomach).
walking into his room feels like being shot back to the early 2000s. he has CD players for his collection, his original playstation and game cube, a stereo which he listens to the radio on, lava lamps on his nightstand, and his walls are always lined with his favorite bands from his youth.
his iq drops when he's around rafa. they grew close once he moved to new york and is a definite enabler for rafa's bad ideas.
loves horror — but what else do you expect from the son of a scream queen? he goes all-out for halloween decorations, focusing on the more scary aesthetics of the holiday. he's been pyramid head from silent hill for halloween for the last three years.
goes out of town every so often to film. it took a minute, but he was able to get his foot in the door in chile's film industry. he enjoys traveling but definitely prefers being home.
big anime guy (his favorites being dbz, one piece, and naruto), and to this day he still collects yu-gi-oh cards, one of his most prized possessions.
collects pocket and butterfly knives, and knows a few flashy tricks. tends to play with them when stressed out to keep his hands busy.
rides a motorcycle as his primary form of transportation when alone, but uses his car when with luna or rafa.
enjoys adrenaline-junkie-adjacent activities, like rock climbing, bungee jumping, racing, kickboxing, etc. very active and spends a lot of his free time at the gym.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ wanted connections. (more tba!)
the usual! friends, best friends, neighbors, maybe an ex fling or two, other people in the film industry, etc.
subjects for his independent projects. he likes to make short films in his spare time and would appreciate anyone willing to stand in front of the camera.
musicians or other music lovers. despite not being in a band since high school, i'd love to have javi explore his love for music during his free time between filming.
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Let’s give it up for Luna, the prissy little kitty! I modeled her after Savannah cats instead of a caracal, which was my original inspiration. I like the idea of her being especially pounce-y, given the nature of Savannah cat’s impressive leaping abilities. Eight foot verticals for a cat its size? Yes please!
Luna herself is not all that joyous about battling, and that’s okay! Some pokémon prefer not to battle, and Luna just happens to be one. So, along with shy Breela, Luna went to Professor Birch’s lab, where the both of them are properly pampered and spoiled by his assistants. Luna especially loves the attention, which is hard to get when on the road constantly.
The life of a house cat is something she doesn’t mind at all, and Shay can’t fault her for it. She’s just glad she figured it out sooner rather than later and gave Luna the chance to choose.
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hollywoodfamerp · 1 year
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Famers, it's time to dress in your most galactic outfits as we head to Messe Berlin in Berlin, Germany for our annual fall Fashion Show! With designer outfits and a show inspired by SPACE, we’re surely in for a mesmerizing night that will showcase a side of fashion that is daring and unique. We can’t wait to see everyone in their most glamorous space theme attire! Everyone is welcome to walk the red carpet. Be sure to put in your best effort as the red carpet hosts will be commenting on outfits throughout the night and conducting interviews. We ask that every celeb (regardless of hiatus or reduced activity) states they are attending the fashion show.
Tags to use: 
Under the cut you will find the order of the show! A note to those modeling: Please make sure that you create a separate post for each outfit and tag the main. As for our performers, please be sure to tag the main in your posts as well. You can post videos of your performance if you’d like! To all participating in the event: You do NOT have to follow the order of the show when making your posts as we understand time zones can be a real struggle. All we ask is that you please post your outfits and performances whenever you can before 11:59PM EST on the day of the event (SEPTEMBER 29TH). Please do not make your posts until the day of the show.
This is a gentle reminder that because this is a sign up participation event, if you do not post either an outfit or a performance, we have to issue a strike. Be sure to schedule your posts in advance if needed! We will be having a rehearsal on September 28th. Posts are welcomed for the rehearsal, but not mandatory on that day!
Please note - this is only one event for our mandatory weekend trip! We will be having an Oktoberfest the following day (details will follow!)
PERFORMER: Jang Gyuri (group: fromis_9)
Joey King
Kendall Jenner
Shay Mitchell
Cha Eunwoo
Naomi Scott
Halle Bailey
Sebastian Stan
PERFORMER: Jeon Jungkook
Olivia Culpo
Romee Strijd
PERFORMER: Olivia Rodrigo
Ross Lynch
Sarah Paulson
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the-travelling-witch · 9 months
[𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐛𝐚] Mammon x Holly
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: speechless- dan + shay; ocean eyes- billie eilish; honey (are you coming?)- måneskin; youtiful- stray kids; if not for you-måneskin; greedy- ariana grande; i’m so excited- the pointer sister; show- ado; s-class- stray kids
annoyances to friends to lovers • frequent dates (because mammon can’t go too long without seeing me) • late night drives • matching jewellery and clothes • might as well move into a shared room at this point • stealing his shades and his clothes • quiet nights and whispered confessions • visiting him at modelling gigs • discreetly discouraging stupid ideas • spontaneous shopping trips • neck kisses!!
“Would you still love me if I was a witch?”
“Yer pretty evil already if ya ask me so… yeah”
“Ya look amazin’.”
“You always say such silly things. There’s no need to lie, I can handle the truth”
“Obviously not. I just told ya the truth and ya didn’t handle it well at all.”
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[𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐛𝐚] Belphie x Holly
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: nothing- bruno major; snow on the beach- taylor swift; shadow- seventeen; talking to the moon- bruno mars; total eclipse of the heart- bonnie tyler; cover me- stray kids
this relationship fixed my sleep schedule • star gazing dates and comparing the human world and devildom skies • cuddling sessions on the comfiest sheets ever • two sarcastic brats with varying degrees of evil thoughts (luci‘s nightmare) • belphie has no problem standing up for me • loves it when i run my fingers through his hair • i‘m in charge now of brushing his hair, polishing his horns etc (lazy king) • and he lulls me to sleep in seconds • forehead kisses!!
“C’mon sleepy sheepy, wake up.”
“Five more minutes…”
“You said that five minutes ago, Belphie… Hm what a shame, I guess you’re not awake enough to get any kisses yet—“
“Hey now, nobody said that!”
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[𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐛𝐚] Satan x Holly
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: show yourself- idina menzel, evan rachel wood; love you like a love song- selena gomez
sarcastic duo • such a gentleman • daily magic experiments • „I wonder what would happen if…“ • safe haven and calming point • “your anger doesn’t define you” • “you shouldn’t hesitate to voice your displeasure”/ “you shouldn’t pretend it’s okay” • saving him from the occasional stupid prank (and inevitable punishment) • cat parents • library and museum / study dates • reading the day and night away • book swaps with annotations • slow dancing > clubbing • fixing his closet
“You know, if you own more than a thousand books you can call your collection a library.”
“… Do you already have plans today?”
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thethistlegirlwrites · 11 months
At long last part 5 of 5 is here! (and is much cuter than the previous installments...and set several weeks later)
“Stop.” Shay puts an arm across the doorway. “They took your stitches out. That is not permission to go crawling around the wreckage of a car that will probably make you need more of them.” 
“I’ve got to put her back together too.” Sierra says.
“You will. Just wait a few more weeks.” Shay sighs. “She’s not going anywhere and neither are you.”
“Don’t remind me.”
She’s lucky it’s a six month unpaid suspension. Maira pulled the ‘extenuating circumstances’ card, insisting Sierra had killed Shay’s sire in a purely justifiable effort to prevent her from taking control of him again. Outside standard operating procedure on a distressing amount of levels, but something that, shockingly, the National Huntmaster’s Office was prepared to accept. 
And it probably looks bad on the books to be the hunter agency that fired a Stoker. 
“You’re just headed for the car to get out of the mandatory remedial policy course, aren’t you?”
Sierra grimaces. “Whoever picked the video narrator for that needs to be the one on suspension. He’s just droning on and on.” 
“You could watch it with the speed turned up.” Shay gently steers her back toward the couch. “It’s a formality anyway. Maira knows you know the rules, you just chose not to follow them.”
“It’s a formality with pop quizzes. I hate those.” 
They’ve fallen back into the usual pattern of playful banter. It’s nice to know that what that vamp (he still doesn’t know her name, they may never know it, her DNA didn’t match to anything in any records and they’re still working on dental, but given that they’ve had to try and contact Russian authorities for that, he isn’t sure how well that will go) did to their relationship wasn’t a permanent rift, but they haven’t talked about what happened that day since Sierra woke up in the infirmary.
He’s not about to bring it up. He wasn’t lying when he said what they have right now is just fine with him. If Sierra wants to talk about whatever it was she said when she thought she might be dying, that’s her choice.
She settles gingerly into the couch and picks up the laptop. “Alright, I guess I’ll finish this section. And then email Grandpa Stephen and tell him he needs to add about eight new apps to the ‘responding to vampires captured on social media’ subheading.” 
Shay nods. “I’ll start dinner. I don’t think I can ruin prepackaged ramen.” They’re on a shoestring budget right now with Sierra’s suspension. Shay can handle the rent and utilities with what Emma pays her staff, but food has always been Sierra’s responsibility and she refused to let him pay for something he doesn’t need.
“You let the water boil off spaghetti once. You set off the smoke alarm.”
“It’s not my fault I haven’t needed to eat in years.”
“Just keep your eye on it.” She picks up her headphones. “After this, do you want to look at paint colors? If I’m going to rebuild half the front end I think it might be time for Dad’s Camaro to get a new look.”
“I’m game.” He glances at the printout on the coffee table. “Looks like you got started already.”
“I got really bored in the section on appropriate footwear, and Pete is still trying to convince me to use Excel tables for everything in my life.” There’s a list of paint colors, codes, and interior combinations for the ‘67 model year, with photos of cars with each of the described color combinations next to them.
“I was thinking of going with the Nantucket Blue. It would still look good with the interior and be light enough to not get too hot if we road trip it to Texas again.”
“How about this one?” Shay asks, pointing to a light tan. “Sierra Fawn. It literally has your name in it. That feels like it’s meant to be.”
“If I want a car that looks like the military owned it first, sure.” Sierra says. “It shades olive, see?”
“That might be a good color in the desert. Make it less visible.”
“We don’t work in the desert often enough.” Sierra says, then looks up and sniffs. “Go stir those noodles.”
“I see what you’re doing. I’m not done trying to convince you.”
“I’m not painting my car olive drab, Shane Barrett.”
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @whumptober
You can read the whole five-part series in one place here on my WorldAnvil, as well as more stories from this 'verse!
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howlingday · 1 year
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #2
2023, August 16-31
Link to first post;
Yang Xiao Long vs. Akihiko Sanada (RWBY vs. Persona)
RWBY's heavy hitter and Persona's bruising boxer duke it out!
(I wanted to use "electric emperor", but Kanji Tatsumi can also be called that)
Fighter 1: Yang Xiao Long, the blazing dragon from RWBY.
Fighter 2: Akihiko Sanada, the specialist boxer of Persona's SEES.
Wiz: We may lose our loved ones to events out of our control, but that only leads us down a path to finding a new family to look after and care for.
Boomstick: And the best way to do it is by saving the world through punching! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
We had Weiss vs. Mitsuru as an actual episode and Yates did a commission for Penny Polendina vs. Aegis, so why not our hard-hitting punching people? P.S., Don't think I hate RWBY. I just love the idea of certain RWBY characters fighting, nay, interacting with other fictional characters that are similar to them, especially if they have some sort of connection through crossovers.
1. Both fight via boxing and punching.
2. Both lost family members that served as motivation for their actions. Yang lost her stepmom and was abandoned by her birth mother, which led to a rough childhood for Yang, resulting in her thrill-seeking lifestyle (essentially living her childhood later on as she couldn't do it as a kid). Akihiko's sister died when they were both young and his best friend Shinjiro died, but he steeled his resolve which led to his Persona's growth. You can also add in Blake leaving Yang.
3. Both have a specific trait that they don't exhibit much but are now seen as the chore trait of their personalities due to side material. Those are their passions for puns and protein respectively.
4. Funnily enough, both have powerful connections to a younger sister (Ruby and Miki respectively).
Personal reasons: I'll be blunt, I want this to be another Balrog vs. TJ Combo. I think it could work, but the only other way I see this match starting would be an encounter similar to those of Tartarus, the Yellow Trailer, or Yang's interactions with Shay. What I want the most from the fight is for them to compliment each other's physical strength, treating the fight first like a friendly spar and then turning up the heat (like All Might vs. Might Guy). The encounter could happen in the open since both have a history of wandering in search of something (Yang would be on her bike, and she has searched for info on her mom and Akihiko traveled the world, searching to become stronger), which would come into play in the Notable Events. If Akihiko is shown in his P4A model, I'd want him to use his knife, but it'll likely not happen. I also want some lighting and hothead puns, and I think the golden colors of Yang's Blaze and golden colors will complement Caesar's blue and violet lighting as well as Aki's scarlet and black clothes.
Art and animation: This one will either be 3D like Weiss vs. Mitsuru. It could also be a 2D fight like a potential BBCTB fight, but I think they'll go with the former because all RWBY fights (as of me writing this) have been in 3D so they could distinguish themselves from BBCTB. I think the animation from All Might vs. Might Guy or even Blake vs. Mikasa could work with the CQC involved, but the former is the better option.
Possible setup:
OPTION A: They're part of a tournament like the Yang vs. Bakugo DBX (Yang would look like she did in Vol. 1-3 and Aki would look like he did in P3 for some reason) or a boxing match a la Balrog and TJ Combo, or even Heihachi vs Geese. The prize is cash, which Yang wants for her bike and Aki wants for equipment, be it for boxing or the Tartarus quests. Or ramen.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Introducing our fighters! In one corner, you have the blazing sunny dragon from Beacon, the fiery and explosive Yang Xiao Long! On the other, Gekkougan High's boxing captain, the shocking protein junky, Akihiko Sanada!" The announcer mumbles, asking someone near him whether or not this is the chick that broke a kid's leg even after she won a tournament match, but quickly gets back into the job.
Yang: "You better not go easy on me."
Akihiko: "Same to you, blondie."
They walk back to their corners and prepare themselves.
OPTION B: They encounter out in the open, likely in an urban scene like the Kingdom of Vale or Tatsumi Port Island. Yang is riding her bike, searching for something, be it info or thrills. However, a screaming man falls in front of her and she swerves out of the way, only to find more people falling out of the sky. She hopes to find the source of the commotion and see Aki punching out thugs. She speeds in, excited and ready for a fight.
1. If the fight starts with Option B, then Yang enters like in Vol. 6's fight against Adam, so away goes her bike! Aki notices, and either punches away the vehicle or dodges out of the way. Yang skydives in, reeling in a punch. Aki prepares his own strike, and BOOM!
2. They both relish the combat. Their competitive natures lead them to be ever so slightly boastful, but they'll complement each other's power.
3. Akihiko summons Caesar and lightning is launched. Yang makes puns as a result: "Well, that was shocking."
4. Yang uses Ember Celica and Aki dodges.
5. Combos from BBCTB and P4A/U.
6. Yang takes advantage of both their up-close approaches and uses her bombs. The explosives catch Aki off guard.
7. Eventually, a strand of Yang's hair falls, and she notices. She thusly activates Blaze, and Aki is in awe of the increase in firepower (ba-dum-tss), even if momentarily, but he then embraces the challenge and rises to the occasion. "Bring it on!".
8. The ending is a clash of fists like in the cover of Brandon Yates's Blazing Fury, and it would pay homage to the Yellow Trailer and Akihiko's one-hit KO from the Arena games. If it's option A, then the arena, the spectators, and the announcer are blown away (ba-dum-tss) by the impact, and the winner is left standing, panting, and tired. However, they thank the loser for the fun and challenge. I want the winner to take one of the loser's weapons as a memorandum, but I don't think it'd be in character.
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Blaze allows for strength increase
+ Has ranged weaponry
≥ Has slight versatility due to her kicks and weapons
≥ Likely has longer experience due to her training under Taiyang
≥ Can likely dodge Caesar's lightning if scaled to Mercury
- Aura takes a long time to recharge
- Cannot activate Blaze without Aura
- Cannot exploit any weakness
+ Caesar can quickly recharge if broken
+ Stronger and more durable
+ Has greater support due to Caesar's support spells like Power Charge
+ Has faced more dangerous opponents in Straega, the Full Moon Shadows, and the Red Fog clones.
= Can likely keep up with Yang as he has avoided lightning attacks
Ending puns:
"Don't Celica short; Akihiko went out in Blaze of glory."
"Yang was handed a defeat and Akihiko Caesar (see-zar) victory."
I wanted to use "got beaten to the punch" but Roshi vs. Jiraya had that as a punch line. Dio vs. Alucard used the "owned" punch line like Mario vs. Sonic 2018 but then added to it.
Name: "Beat You To The Punch"
The title makes reference to Yang's love of puns and both their primary methods of fighting.
Art: The art would depict the two arm wrestling, Yang's arm blazing and Aki's having lightning coursing about it. There could be a Strawberry Sunrise with Caesar's sword in it in the background.
Sound: I Burn + Mass Destruction. The beginning is MD but with a rock vibe, and the climax has I Burn, like in Yang vs. Mercury.
Another fascinating idea, but sadly, one I can't really give my opinion on. First, I'm not familiar with Persona (Saw bits of 4 and 5 and that's it). Second, after the last Death Battle, I'm hesitant to pit RWBY against them, since Persona characters seem a bit... OP compared to RWBY.
Still, I will honor your submission with at least this...
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On the one hand, I feel Yang may have an edge with her kickboxing, bombs, AND durability compared to Weiss.
However, Persona also has, well, personas, which kinda give an unfair edge over their opponents (like a stand VS a regular person). Then again, I don't know the exact details.
Still, I like the idea you brought up.
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iceicewifey · 6 months
TOAST ty for the ask! i almost accidentally deleted this twice, it’s been a day HSKSK
꒰ oc x canon ask game ꒱
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 🍷; favorite thing about your oc?
how dare you expect me to pick one thing.
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/LH /LH AHXJSJXKS UHH i was gonna say that they’re hot but tbh? i like how even with ship purposes aside, they fit into sdc canon—especially shay. i know i haven’t really explained much about what they do and how they affect canon and i’m so bad for it but like… they feel like real characters to me 😭 plus they’re hot
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 💋; what motifs/symbols do you associate with your ship?
the obvious answer is hearts since these mfs are covered in them, but i can't really think of anything else??? i know i’m gonna think of something as soon as i post this 🫠
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 💄; does your oc have any inspiration?
i'm interpretting this question as in design inspiration mostly because YEAH!! JHBGVFGV giselle wasn’t really directly inspired by anything in particular, but i kinda had old actress/model vibes on my brain when originally brainstorming her, think brigitte bardot (´▽`")
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shay takes a lot of inspo from 80's metal singers like janet gardner & lita ford… mostly the hair. she's always been supposed to look like someone you'd meet backstage at a van halen concert bdjdks
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cat-esper · 6 months
PALADIN | Druid and Kovna
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"Chelsea, meet Druid. The planet is his." Chelsea blinked. "What, like the whole planet?" Druid smiled the sort of smile that suggested socializing wasn't his forte. "Welcome to Planet Archive, Chelsea." He turned his attention back to Solika. "Come. Shay is expecting you." They started down the walkway. "You already told him we're here?" Solika asked. Her long strides threatened to pull her ahead of her companions. "As soon as you touched the atmosphere."
Name: Druid
Birthday: ???
Age: ???
Home: Planet Archive
Personality Type: INTJ-A
Druid's history has the trappings of myth. Even he doesn't remember the full story anymore. What he does know is that he was once a druid on the planet Earth long, long ago. Using a relic of a now-extinct form of magic, he sent his mind hurling across the universe in search of knowledge. Centuries passed and he learned much, though he forgot his name in the process. When his body back on Earth had long since crumbled to dust, he found a new green world, devoid of sentient life, and with the last of the relic's magic he bound his soul to the planet.
Eventually, Druid was reborn from the soil of that world and given a new body. His connection with the planet means that he can see everything that happens within its atmosphere and he will live as long as the planet does. But should he ever leave, he will die. This world would eventually become Planet Archive, the largest repository of information in the known galaxy.
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"Curious. I'd be fascinated to study this further." "Knock yourself out." Solika leaned back in her chair and waved a hand at the infuriating device. "If you can find anything useful about it, I'll buy you dinner." "I don't eat food," Kovna said as he picked up the radio to inspect it. "Then I'll buy you whatever you want." Kovna stuck his finger into the cassette opening. "I don't want anything." "Then I'll buy you whatever you don't want." "That's counter-productive." Solika rolled her eyes up at him, ignoring Bela's soft laugh from across the table. "Do you want me to take it back?" Kovna tore his gaze away from the radio. "No. No, studying this will suffice."
Name: Kovna 4-6-12
Birthday: August 30, 1997
Age: 27
Home: Planet Archive
Personality Type: INTJ-A
Kovna 4-6-12 is a synth, or synthetic sapient, grown in a factory with thousands of other identical synths. Made up of artificially engineered organic materials and with a computer for a brain, he is much more obedient and efficient than humans or Denebians. Programmed with a perfect memory, intelligence, and curiosity, the Kovna model line makes for ideal assistants, librarians, and archivists. When Druid had Planet Archive up and running, he purchased dozens of Kovnas to work there.
Kovna 4-6-12 is not special. Every day is the same and he is content to work in the archive until he finally runs down. But he is not without emotion and ends up caring about the regulars who come through, specifically Chelsea and Alexos, who encourage him to look beyond his simple life and learn what it means to be an individual.
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venturismcdonald · 1 year
From your story Romance is not dead, is there a reason with the fact that all their kids' names (or nicknames) start with a "s"? I do have a theory that Skyler is Skyler because Derek wanted her to be a part of the Smerek/Smarti thing. You know, it's the circle of the best. (this is actually from my LWL fic that I'm working on, oopsie, big secret's out). When I saw the names of their children in your story, I couldn't help to wonder if you were thinking something similar. I love their names by the way.
Yes, all of the kids are named/nicknamed with an "S" because Derek worries his children having Casey's genes will make them lame and if they have S names, they can be in the Smarti/Smerek awesomeness!
Skyler's name definitely works for that theory as well! It also fits the "~2014 cool girl daughter of model and rockstar" vibe I think that she's got going on. Derek refuses to have lame children.
Here's their kid's names and stories, just for fun, in the everyone knows nothing universe!
Kate "Scout" James Venturi- born in August of 2017, Scout's name was chosen because Casey really likes literature and Derek thinks Scout sounds cool. But last minute, Casey worries about the implications of naming her child after one of the most loathed protagonists in literature and what that's setting her up for in life, so she changes her first name to Kate, keeping Scout as a nickname. Derek just thinks she's insane, as do the children once they're old enough to learn the reasoning.
Sutton "Spud" Andromeda Venturi- born February 2019, Spud's name was chosen because Derek and Casey got stranded on a vacation in a resort named Sutton, and both like the name. She gets the nickname Spud because, well, she's a little potato spud at first and it just sticks.
Spencer "Spen/Spin" Darcy Venturi- born November 2020, Spin's name was a compromise. Casey always wanted to name a kid after Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, but Derek is vehemently against this idea, so it's a middle name because he can justify that. Spencer is because Derek watches a ton of soap operas after he retires and he likes the Spencer family on General Hospital. And, of course, Spen and Spin are used interchangeably as nicknames because Spud and Scout aren't thrilled that there's going to be a boy in the house, so he needs a fun nickname. And as a reference to Spinner Mason on Degrassi, because I think it's funny.
Willow "Sawyer" Francesca Venturi- born May 2024, no one's really sure how Sawyer's name came to be. She's one of the twins (or babies, as they're referred to in romance is not dead), so maybe it was some weird mixup or Derek had too much free time, but she was Sawyer. Casey, however, didn't want to be seen as naming a child after Peyton Sawyer or her One Tree Hill character, so her first name was Willow, because it's a pretty tree and close enough to Sawyer they can blame the nickname on the kids. Francesca is after the second car Derek ever had, who tragically passed before they had the twins.
Shawn "Shay" Mackenzie Venturi- born May 2024, Shay's name is the result of a Boy Meets World rewatch. Derek pitched it as a name for one of the twins and it got approved, but the Mackenzie comes from Casey, who once read a book with the name and thought it was beautiful. The girl was questionable (being an axe murderer and all), but the name was nice enough to be given to her daughter.
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donotmindme1 · 1 year
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #2
2023, August 16-31
Link to first post;
Yang Xiao Long vs. Akihiko Sanada (RWBY vs. Persona)
RWBY's heavy hitter and Persona's bruising boxer duke it out!
(I wanted to use "electric emperor", but Kanji Tatsumi can also be called that)
Fighter 1: Yang Xiao Long, the blazing dragon from RWBY.
Fighter 2: Akihiko Sanada, the specialist boxer of Persona's SEES.
Wiz: We may lose our loved ones to events out of our control, but that only leads us down a path to finding a new family to look after and care for.
Boomstick: And the best way to do it is by saving the world through punching! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
We had Weiss vs. Mitsuru as an actual episode and Yates did a commission for Penny Polendina vs. Aegis, so why not our hard-hitting punching people? P.S., Don't think I hate RWBY. I just love the idea of certain RWBY characters fighting, nay, interacting with other fictional characters that are similar to them, especially if they have some sort of connection through crossovers.
1. Both fight via boxing and punching.
2. Both lost family members that served as motivation for their actions. Yang lost her stepmom and was abandoned by her birth mother, which led to a rough childhood for Yang, resulting in her thrill-seeking lifestyle (essentially living her childhood later on as she couldn't do it as a kid). Akihiko's sister died when they were both young and his best friend Shinjiro died, but he steeled his resolve which led to his Persona's growth. You can also add in Blake leaving Yang.
3. Both have a specific trait that they don't exhibit much but are now seen as the chore trait of their personalities due to side material. Those are their passions for puns and protein respectively.
4. Funnily enough, both have powerful connections to a younger sister (Ruby and Miki respectively).
Personal reasons: I'll be blunt, I want this to be another Balrog vs. TJ Combo. I think it could work, but the only other way I see this match starting would be an encounter similar to those of Tartarus, the Yellow Trailer, or Yang's interactions with Shay. What I want the most from the fight is for them to compliment each other's physical strength, treating the fight first like a friendly spar and then turning up the heat (like All Might vs. Might Guy). The encounter could happen in the open since both have a history of wandering in search of something (Yang would be on her bike, and she has searched for info on her mom and Akihiko traveled the world, searching to become stronger), which would come into play in the Notable Events. If Akihiko is shown in his P4A model, I'd want him to use his knife, but it'll likely not happen. I also want some lighting and hothead puns, and I think the golden colors of Yang's Blaze and golden colors will complement Caesar's blue and violet lighting as well as Aki's scarlet and black clothes.
Art and animation: This one will either be 3D like Weiss vs. Mitsuru. It could also be a 2D fight like a potential BBCTB fight, but I think they'll go with the former because all RWBY fights (as of me writing this) have been in 3D so they could distinguish themselves from BBCTB. I think the animation from All Might vs. Might Guy or even Blake vs. Mikasa could work with the CQC involved, but the former is the better option.
Possible setup:
OPTION A: They're part of a tournament like the Yang vs. Bakugo DBX (Yang would look like she did in Vol. 1-3 and Aki would look like he did in P3 for some reason) or a boxing match a la Balrog and TJ Combo, or even Heihachi vs Geese. The prize is cash, which Yang wants for her bike and Aki wants for equipment, be it for boxing or the Tartarus quests. Or ramen.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Introducing our fighters! In one corner, you have the blazing sunny dragon from Beacon, the fiery and explosive Yang Xiao Long! On the other, Gekkougan High's boxing captain, the shocking protein junky, Akihiko Sanada!" The announcer mumbles, asking someone near him whether or not this is the chick that broke a kid's leg even after she won a tournament match, but quickly gets back into the job.
Yang: "You better not go easy on me."
Akihiko: "Same to you, blondie."
They walk back to their corners and prepare themselves.
OPTION B: They encounter out in the open, likely in an urban scene like the Kingdom of Vale or Tatsumi Port Island. Yang is riding her bike, searching for something, be it info or thrills. However, a screaming man falls in front of her and she swerves out of the way, only to find more people falling out of the sky. She hopes to find the source of the commotion and see Aki punching out thugs. She speeds in, excited and ready for a fight.
1. If the fight starts with Option B, then Yang enters like in Vol. 6's fight against Adam, so away goes her bike! Aki notices, and either punches away the vehicle or dodges out of the way. Yang skydives in, reeling in a punch. Aki prepares his own strike, and BOOM!
2. They both relish the combat. Their competitive natures lead them to be ever so slightly boastful, but they'll complement each other's power.
3. Akihiko summons Caesar and lightning is launched. Yang makes puns as a result: "Well, that was shocking."
4. Yang uses Ember Celica and Aki dodges.
5. Combos from BBCTB and P4A/U.
6. Yang takes advantage of both their up-close approaches and uses her bombs. The explosives catch Aki off guard.
7. Eventually, a strand of Yang's hair falls, and she notices. She thusly activates Blaze, and Aki is in awe of the increase in firepower (ba-dum-tss), even if momentarily, but he then embraces the challenge and rises to the occasion. "Bring it on!".
8. The ending is a clash of fists like in the cover of Brandon Yates's Blazing Fury, and it would pay homage to the Yellow Trailer and Akihiko's one-hit KO from the Arena games. If it's option A, then the arena, the spectators, and the announcer are blown away (ba-dum-tss) by the impact, and the winner is left standing, panting, and tired. However, they thank the loser for the fun and challenge. I want the winner to take one of the loser's weapons as a memorandum, but I don't think it'd be in character.
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Blaze allows for strength increase
+ Has ranged weaponry
≥ Has slight versatility due to her kicks and weapons
≥ Likely has longer experience due to her training under Taiyang
≥ Can likely dodge Caesar's lightning if scaled to Mercury
- Aura takes a long time to recharge
- Cannot activate Blaze without Aura
- Cannot exploit any weakness
+ Caesar can quickly recharge if broken
+ Stronger and more durable
+ Has greater support due to Caesar's support spells like Power Charge
+ Has faced more dangerous opponents in Straega, the Full Moon Shadows, and the Red Fog clones.
= Can likely keep up with Yang as he has avoided lightning attacks
Ending puns:
"Don't Celica short; Akihiko went out in Blaze of glory."
"Yang was handed a defeat and Akihiko Caesar (see-zar) victory."
I wanted to use "got beaten to the punch" but Roshi vs. Jiraya had that as a punch line. Dio vs. Alucard used the "owned" punch line like Mario vs. Sonic 2018 but then added to it.
Name: "Beat You To The Punch"
The title makes reference to Yang's love of puns and both their primary methods of fighting.
Art: The art would depict the two arm wrestling, Yang's arm blazing and Aki's having lightning coursing about it. There could be a Strawberry Sunrise with Caesar's sword in it in the background.
Sound: I Burn + Mass Destruction. The beginning is MD but with a rock vibe, and the climax has I Burn, like in Yang vs. Mercury.
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( ooc ) Instead of the starry meme, I shall just take the opportunity to expressing my adoration and admiration of your endless creativity and world building, your writing and characterization of your muses are top notch and I love reading it a few times coz I enjoy reading it that much, and ofc I am so thankful and lucky to have you as a good friend and writing partner. I'm slow af but I'm still glad you can endure my snail pace haha. Sending all the love your way, Vanessa!
Inbox Positivity / Accepting! / @ervaurem
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( Shai!! When I received the star meme, you were one of the people I was planning on sending it to but I saw you had locked the ask box!
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So, I shall proceed to give you my love right back here! Thank you so much for the compliments, lady! I am not worthy! If I am not doing something creative like drawing, writing, roleplaying, making oc's then something is horrendously wrong with me. It's just soothing for me and how I do to keep myself occupied.
Well, to start off, I must go back to my favorite quote that you recognize "There is no such thing as coincidence only inevitability" and I must thank @sharedpractice once again for hooking us up and I will proudly namedrop you to other KnB mutuals given the chance. There is definitely no coincidence in how we vibed well off the bat and have so many things in common! Oho Asa could not tell me otherwise, our zodiac signs' compatibility is undeniable! It must surely be meant to be, and I am so very thankful to you for adding Kise and Takao for my KnB boys to ship with.
You are a big inspiration to my crazy crossover world-building. Whereas other Kise's are still being models as he ages, your Kise will be a pilot as he gets older and that's the vision in my personal world as well plus it makes it easier for Kikasa happy ending after they get through their trials! I love the other things you've described about Kise, like his sisters and how he gets their tastes from them. It will be so fun to make his sisters later on for Senshi no Basuke.
Ofc, I too love rereading your replies. At random times I like to go back to your replies and reread it all over again because you are an amazing writer and so fun to plot with! I am super thankful to have you as a rp bestie because I swear we must have some kind of wavelength for giving to each other whether in times of need ( mostly me unintentionally in the dumps but hopefully that'll change with this fresh new blog ) or simply out of a mutual desire to express our platonic love for one another! I will always gladly wait until your social battery is ready so I can be a heathen at you again! I know I'm probably too much like a puppy at times lol. Well to cap this essay expressing my love for you, love you Shai! )
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murmursdraconic · 2 years
He's been scruffed by the Tyranitar.
"UGH is she about to lay eggs or something???? Why is she being so mom-like?"
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Shay did not look up from what she was doing. She was looking at a Paldean map with a Fuecoco on her head. Riuda was in the background, and upon having heard a specific little DJ, decided to scruff him off the ground. Even when she was sitting, she was seven feet tall.
"That's her personality." Shay answered, marking another spot on the map. "She mothers everyone smaller than her. Even me. Granted..."
Shay closed her map, folding it up several times before Timpa takes it out of her hands. She turns to the teenager with her typical resting bitch face, finally seeing just how Riuda has the boy scruffed.
It was kind of funny.
"She did get protective over the fact she had to protect me from my now long time ex from mugging me on a dark street in the city. Evolved prematurely and all that when she found me on the ground."
Did that not sound kind of familiar?
Shay turned away to look at her PokeGear while the Fuecoco on her head was looking at the map in small folds. "Or it could be the fact she sees you as a human gremlin that needs a positive guiding role model in their life. I don't know. She's the excellent judge of character, not me. Ask her."
Riuda grumbled in agreeance. She was not too keen on letting Giacomo go at the moment.
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awerzo · 2 years
ask game - shay pls!
01. Full name: Shay the Unlucky
02. Best friend: def Kubo, he's such a stand-out among the pirates that they immediately liked him for it
03. Sexuality: Pansexual
04. Favorite color: Orange
05. Relationship status: Prefers not to commit to any
06. Ideal mate: They don't really have one, they're very casual about romance
07. Turn-ons: Someone being able punch them through a wall
08. Favorite food: Def something spicy
09. Crushes: Same as 5 and 6, they don't really do those
10. Favorite music: shanties sung while drunk at 3 am
11. Biggest fear: They fear that one day they will end up in a situation without an exit and that they will lose what little control they have over their life
12. Biggest fantasy: While not their priority, they do hope to discover their Wyld Hunt one day
13. Bad habits: This bitch has no self preservation. Also enjoys causing explosions a bit too much
14. Biggest regret: Accidentally revealing that they were lying to their first captain - which caused them being thrown into the sea
15. Best kept secrets: Them being responsible for deaths of a small asura research team, that they mistook for Inquest.
16. Last thought: (not sure what this one means)
17. Worst romantic experience: Had one too many experiences where their partner wanted them dead at some point. It just kinda happened
18. Biggest insecurity: They refuse to open up about their health issues and they will stubbornly resist any help when their chronic pain gets really bad.
19. Weapon of choice: g u n
20. Role Model: When they were younger, it would always be their captain. Nowadays they dont have a role model, since they prefer to do things their own way.
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