#hes like a little pet gelatinous cube that hangs out in a jar until shig wants to play with him and lets him out to be person-sized
Why do you do this to me tanco. I was laying down like oh ima go to bed early and I get a notification. Oh its tanco I wonder what they posted.
And now I'm sitting here thinking about power bottom shigaraki flipping the script and getting dabi turned into a slime boy bc what eldirich demon doesn't wanna get absolute railed?
I'm sorry, but my horniness cannot be contained to business hours
Mm, Shig being like 'alright, give me everything you've got then. Show me that you are worthy of taking what you want from my body.' And poor Dabi trying but getting so flustered because???? This is NOT how it's supposed to go when a creature like him is summoned. He's supposed to be in control! His touch should fill his meal with fear and his body should submit to Dabi's will. But he's not and he's getting so flustered and confused, doubting himself which let's Shig flip the script and force him into the form he wants. He's going to keep Dabi in a jar on his desk and only take him out to play with him when he feels like it.
(And Dabi is going to love it. He's not exactly being worshipped in a traditional fashion or driving his charge insane, but he'll stay here if he can keep having the attention of this mortal)
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