#hes such a silly for stealing the piece pls 😭
baeshijima · 1 year
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
bday anon back with more shenanigans headcanons bc sof’s ferris wheel post and delete gave me buzz!! 🧁
ok so i could totally imagine that the whole gang are released for thanksgiving break and this time miss jenn decides not to give them an assignment like last year but instead encourages them to get out and have some fun (because best believe she will be working them hard when they return from break lol) and there’s this local Autumn Fest so the gang decide to meet up on its opening night to hang. and like imagine they’re still kinda secret dating so they end up wearing coordinating outfits but play it off to the gang as a wacky coincidence. by this point they seem super sus but everyone keeps quiet when they act up, instead sharing comical looks (ahem WDYKAL callback) and there’s montages of them all playing fair games together like cornucopia hole (hehe see what I did there) and that stupid strength game trying to get the turkey to hit the top bell and whack a pilgrim 😭 . and imagine there’s a bobbing for apples game in which the gang loudly cheers on our favorite himbo Ricky and he frickin wins and he’s excited so we get a callback to the 306 celebratory hug ahhh!!! and ofc Ricky and Gina hug a little too long for “friends” and another hilarious 👀 ensues. the evening continues with them all doing various rounds of photobooth photos and Gina sneakily presses her cheek to Ricky’s for the last group pic and does a peace sign while he cheeses because they could play it off as this silly goofy pose. and we get to see the gang walking together (the girls ahead of the boys) laughing and enjoying fall themed fair food which includes Seb holding up a humongous turkey leg that Ricky hilariously jokes about being dinosaur meat and bless his heart seb would believe him 🥺 and Carlos is like ‘oh honey no its not actu—nevermind eat up’ /fond sigh/) and they all laugh and they’re all munching on different stuff like kettle corn and candy apples and Gina is like ‘I’m gonna get a cotton candy, anyone want anything?’ like the generous queen she is and Ricky offers to come with and they share this look and head off while the gang hangs off to the side by some fame booths having fun and while no one is paying attention, they lock pinkies as they head up to the candy counter. ‘1 cotton candy pls’ Ricky will say and pay for it because he’s a gentleman and loves how Gina’s face lights up when the carney hands it to her. And she holds the fluffy orange confection next to Ricky’s face and laughs ‘it looks like your hair’ and rips a piece off and Ricky makes sure the gang is still preoccupied before stealing a soft kiss from her, making them both blush and is like ‘We should prob head back now huh?’ and they have to act they weren’t just being the cutest couple for 5 mins. more fun group stuff happens like bumper cars and the water-balloon shooter thing’ which Kourt is surprisingly amazing at and collects like four giant plushies and Gina wins her own little bear, thinking to herself that now Franklin has a little girlfriend too 😭. The night sky settles in and the wind picks up so they agree to call it a night and give each other hugs and wishes to have a nice Thanksgiving and ‘text me! see you next Monday!’ all around. Ricky and Gina and Seb and Carlos hang back and they wait until the rest of the group is out of earshot and off to their separate ways before Carlos is like ‘okay you two, spill it. You’re totally dating aren’t you? My straight-dar is never wrong. Besides you know what” as a S3 callback to them mistakenly thinking Jet and Maddox liked each other lmaoo. And so Ricky and Gina sheepishly nod and then Seblos start squealing in joy for their friends like ‘oh Thank God! I had a reputation to uphold whew!’ And so Gina tells Seb a rundown off what happened over the summer while Carlos pulls his bestie Ricky to the side and is like ‘Bro I’m really happy for you two. I knew you would end up together eventually’ and it’s just really sweet to imagine all the support they would get from their friends :) . They all agree to have one final ride and then head home and ofc their eyes light up at the sight over the towering Ferris wheel(1/?)
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Literally WHO, and I mean WHO gave you permission to write this. It is 10 at night. I am going to have to go to bed and all I keep thinking about is stolen kisses with shared cotton candy, bobbing for apples, and a Ferris wheel where gina is talking about a beautiful night and he’s just staring at her saying “yeah it is” with the biggest heart eyes… EVERRRRR???
And of COURSE seblos would be the first to know. And omg can you imagine if CARLOS helped RICKY write a song since ricky did that for him and seb?? 😭 naurrr it’s chew much for me mate. Chew much!!!!
And then the scene of them going home in the car together to parallel 1x5?? And thanksgiving together?? Omg what if ricky wore the hat to the park 😭😭 no I’m ill I hate it here
Literally this was 10 out 10 for headcanons and I loved every second of reading it. I totally get coming up with stuff out of nowhere because I found one picture of Sofia and I am pretty sure I wrote an entire rina fic off of it to so I. Get. It.
Yeah if tim wants to hire us that would be great??? Much appreciated ❤️ this was so beautiful and it makes me want rina secret dating 10x more now 🥺
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