flare-dragon · 7 months
Ron's Gone Wrong: An Analysis
I recently rewatched (most of) Ron's Gone Wrong and remembered a few reviews I'd read of it, describing how its message seemed muddied and not very clear...which, ultimately, is true.
But, with that said, there's something I realise about it that it almost gets right (literally, all the way up to its second-last climax is so perfect, and even its ascent to its final climax is still consistent with this realisation). The realisation is that there's one thing it describes really well:
Artificial/Algorithmic "Friendship" vs Organic Relationships
It seems almost simple or obvious that this is the message the movie tried to portray, but the way that it ultimately ended tells me that they either missed the point they were making or someone else forced them to have a different ending (sadly, I think it's the former). I cannot call it a bad movie for missing that point (it's still one my most watched recent movies), but it makes me wonder what it could've been had it brought this point home.
So, without waffling on for too much longer, here's a quick analysis on how it goes about this message, and why it's a good message that doesn't inherently contradict the pervasiveness of social media (even if it also didn't do much about that point)
Barney vs Friendship
The beginning of the movie shows us a "revolutionary invention", designed for making friends: The Bubble Bot (B-Bot for short). From the get-go, we're given a presentation of what the modern friend-making dynamic intends to be: Interact with interests and media, share them online, and the algorithm uses that to help connect with others who shares those interests and enjoyment of media. It's an intentional reflection of modern social media, albeit a somewhat simplified version.
It quickly shifts to a large number of kids connecting to their B-Bots for the first time in a short montage, cut at the end with a hand touching a similarly-coloured door. An assumedly unintentional, but well-placed, contrast and summary of the story. Here we meet Barney.
Without rehashing too much of the beginning of the movie, we learn that everyone else at his school (supposedly?) has a B-Bot and he's the only one without it. Similarly, he doesn't have any friends he talks to during school (or outside of it apart from family). He himself states that he "kinda, actually" needs a B-Bot to make friends these days. One could call this a simple set up to the idea of "You won't make real friends using computers" by starting us off with a B-Bot-less Barney...if it weren't for the fact that he gets one the next day.
This is when we really start to see what I mean by "Barney vs Friendship": His attitude towards what his new B-Bot should be is pretty consistent with how everyone else has been using them: "You are meant to be my friend, and know everything about me." It's hammered in later on during the friendship montage, with Barney making a board on "How to be my friend" (underline by me).
Barney's perception of friendship, then, is revealed as "You are my friend. You are on my side. You like the things I like." A very selfish and self-centred perception. This might seem to set up Barney to be a selfish person...but isn't that how the algorithm is supposed to work? Finding people with the same interesting ("the things I like") and rejecting those who don't share it (which we see at the school, two B-Bots rejecting each other, and thus the two kids, Savannah and Ava, simply walk away from each other). It isn't Barney's fault his understanding of friendship is like this. He's been inundated and surrounded by it.
Barney vs Ron
Up to this point (after the school "riot"), we see Ron as trying so hard to be Barney's friend, to the point of taking Savannah's words to heart and going outside to find people to be friends with Barney (since Ron wants to not be pointless and is connected to Barney). It isn't until now that Ron asks the question: "Barney, are you my friend?"
Barney's response is typical and expected: "What do you mean? My dad bought you for me." After all, Ron is just a robot, right? It does make the idea of the message "Artificial Friendship vs Organic Relationship" difficult to apply since Barney literally doesn't see Ron as a person. He's just a self-moving machine designed to be a friend.
But, interestingly enough, that makes Ron a perfect vehicle for the message. A machine that was intended to just follow the algorithm, instead forced to (and willing to) create their own way through life by whatever limited tools it has access to. Even in the moments Barney sees Ron as just a machine, he's also treated him as an important person in his life.
When they meet up again in Barney's shed, it all finally shifts into what it always should've been: A two-way street. They'd already spent so much time bonding, regardless of the way they'd perceived each other before then (Barney seeing Ron as just a friend machine, Ron seeing Barney as the one person he needed to be a friend to), that the change to actually being a friend to each other and allowing each other's individuality to shine but never be the only priority allows them both to be better friends, differences and all.
To contrast, we also follow in pieces the journeys of Savannah, Rich, Noah, and Ava's own experiences with their functioning-as-intended B-Bots. We see Savannah and Ava miss an opportunity to be friends (and Ava's loneliness from very few B-Bot owners showing an interest in science). We see Noah's constant struggle to be at the top of the leaderboard. We see Rich attention-starved and making as much "content" as he can just to get some. Instead of exploring the possibilities of relationships with people who may not share the same interests, they're steadfast focused on what they're used to, never really getting a chance to evolve it into something more joyful (more on that later)
Barney & Ron vs The World
...a dramatic subtitle, but this is when the two of them run off, away from Bubble's attempt to capture Ron to stem the damage they've seen from him. Barney still doesn't have any friends aside from Ron, and Ron doesn't have any friends aside from Barney. Barney refuses to lose his one and only friend, so they run off, separated from the rest of the world, and just...enjoy each other's company.
In the montage and subsequent scenes, we see more bonding from both of them. Ron is still trying to be a good friend, but Barney gives him a chance to say things for himself and to do things for himself, even if Barney doesn't like it. Even when they argue later from the stress of living outdoors in the woods, they stick together and try to keep warm.
There's not a lot to say about these scenes, except that we see a very stark differences from when they'd first met. It's almost as if this is where we get to see how far they've come as friends. We've seen the relationship grow over time, shifting from seeing each other as a particular purpose into treating each other as individuals. A shift that would've been impossible if Ron simply followed the same algorithm the others did.
Would Barney have found friends if Ron functioned as intended? Would Ron have shown the personality he does if he had ever been connected to the Bubble Network? Would there have ever been a discussion on how to actually make friends? It isn't until later that we find a likely answer to all of these: No. Barney would have fallen into the same trap every other B-Bot user did: A constant hunger for validation that only resulted in disconnection and loneliness.
It al comes to a head when they both find themselves in danger from being caught by Bubble (by remote-controlled B-Bots being controlled without user consent or knowledge. Makes one wonder~). Barney does everything he can to hide and protect Ron (which only succeeds due to Andrew's complete disregard to human life), even risk death from asthma. Ron then does everything he can to ensure Barney doesn't die in the woods, even if it meant being taken away and destroyed.
It's a beautiful relationship, given a chance due to them having to discover who each other were over time and in an organic matter. Ron had to learn Barney's interests manually and even began to observe new things about him over time. Barney shifted the way he looked at Ron to seeing him as his own person, and spent the time to learn his own likes and desires.
Barney vs "Ron's Gone Wrong"
I figure it's also important to include where - in my opinion - the movie loses the message and the storytellers mess up. In the last segment of the movie, we have Ron having been connected to the Bubble Network and losing everything that made him unique, each interaction with Barney being a shallow facsimile of what made Barney become best friends with him (right down to Ron's individuality being erased).
I'm sure there was a way to make this work, but it instead has Barney try to rescue Ron's personality (a backup Marc created somehow) and then, after getting it back, Ron sharing his personality with every other B-Bot (due to seeing how the original algorithm just lead to sad kids disconnected from each other) at the cost of his own life (although that's technically ambiguous, especially with the ending).
I'm...not sure what the intent is, but it misses something big. What made Ron special to Barney was not simply that he existed outside of the mould that every other B-Bot was forced to fit into. It was that Barney got to know him and his eccentricities, and Ron got to grow and evolve alongside Barney. They both grew organically alongside each other, and demonstrated the need for a more natural approach to friendship making compared to the rigidity of the algorithmic connections that occurred through the B-Bots (and not questioning this algorithm or given much chance to examine the issues).
By simply sharing Ron's personality to every other B-Bot, it only really achieves one thing right in relation to the message: It forces each person to operate on their B-Bots level and develop their own connection to their now-chaotic buddy (I suppose not focusing on "online vs offline" as far as friendships go was also a good point for it, as it didn't really feel like a strong enough point for the movie and there's better ways to go about such a message.)
Had there been a greater focus on how it was that Barney's friendship had developed - or at least some kind of portrayal that the updated B-Bots weren't just copies of Ron but had actually become wide and varied individuals for their owners(?) to get to know - the ending might've been able to work better. Ron's sacrifice was a tragedy, but it displayed Ron's sheer selflessness and self-developed kindness and generosity.
If there's one scene that at least supports the message of "Artificial/Algorithmic Friendship vs Organic Relationships", it's the moment Barney sees how unhappy his former-now-again friends as they stare at their B-Bots screens and try to make some semblance of happiness, however shallow it is. Having a contrast of their artificially-built connection compared to Barney and Ron's hard-earnt friendship felt like a good way to help demonstrate the point. I just wish it could've lead to a more satisfying ending.
Barney and Friends
This is just a short little bit, but I wanted to at least point out one other good thing that happens in the last segment and ending. Barney may have started out friendless, but his friendship with Ron and Ron's selfless sacrifice (to get him medical attention) allowed Barney to reconnect with his former friends. It was a moment of realisation for Savannah, Ava, Noah, and Rich: After all this time, they let their friendship decay and be lost.
Seeing them, then, be together and hanging out alongside Barney? It showed another element of an organic relationship: Organic connections. Algorithms can give you other connection points, but it may leave you limited to other perspectives too similar to your own. Organic connections, though, force you to figure out if this thing that you never really thought about before is something you like or not, and if this person's appreciation and interest in it is something you like. It's one of those things that can just grow on its own and become something beautiful.
Just to note: I do not believe online friendships are worse than offline relationships, nor more shallow. Rather, it's algorithmic friendships that fall flat. The power of the internet is that it lets you get in touch with so many people you normally wouldn't have the chance to. Leaving it entirely in the hands of an algorithm (and not thinking critically about it) has you miss out on the beauty of the mish-mash nature of the internet. It's why Tumblr's such a fun place to be~ ^^
So yeah. The thing that always disappointed me most about the movie isn't that it didn't stick the landing. It's that it has such a beautiful message and the story it tells is so heart-warming and charming, but the message isn't carried to the end so you wonder if it was ever intended (I believe it was, but it's hard to say).
Seeing the way Barney and Ron's friendship evolves - and the way they each grow as individuals - contrasted with everyone else using B-Bots as they were originally designed/programmed makes for a pretty compelling portrayal of the differences between a friendship formed and informed by entirely through an algorithm, and a relationship that grew from organic interactions that, even when influenced by expectations from and of each other, created something much more different and complex and much more fulfilling for the two of them.
It's a beautiful friendship, and it's still worth watching to the end~
It's more a funny coincidence I noticed, but the way that Andrew kicks Marc out when Ron loses his individuality, and then how Andrew was removed and Marc taking charge again when Ron's personality was distributed to every other B-Bot? Almost feels like its own reference to that message (Algorithmic Friendships may be ubiquitous and everywhere, but ultimately Organic Relationships will last the test of time)
A funny comparison honestly~
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fdragon-art · 2 years
Okay actual last word:
Y'know, I just wanna send a special thanks to @hootpoop12 and @autisticmob. Hootpoop started their year of dailies more than 3 years back (at @hootpoop52 ), and it was enough to inspire me to start my own, and AustisticMob is still going strong with their own (at @autisticaradiamegido )
Thanks for giving me the inspiration to try my hand at it, which made me a better artist~ ^^
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I had every bit of faith in you that you’d be summoned by dream liking that tweet. Hello.
Hello. Hi.
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engelsschwert · 6 months
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Hey! HEY @staff
Get your fucking bots out of my face!
Fuck you and fuck this pile of garbage!
If someone is looking for me, I will be over at Pillowfort
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calliemortix721 · 2 years
hetalks and he ta lks, neverstop
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divineconnection77 · 4 years
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Handle with Care✨ Fragileness of Freedom... Oh!!! how u handle it my friends... . . . It's the freedom that makes us slaves to unwanted rather we are called to be slaves of Most high GOD.... . . . God says, Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves. 1peter 2:16 . . When we remain , rely and replenish with ALMIGHTY GOD.... we reap HOLINESS and ETERNAL LIFE this can never be replaced with pleasures of this World.. . #handlewithcare #freedom #slavetogod #godsword #liveasfreepeople #abide #rely #remaininhim #replenish #livebyfaith #nevercoverup #slavestogod #fragileness #freefromsin #morningmotivation #morningwithjesus #worthy #scripture #hetalks #meandjesus #webothforever #hispresence #amazingfriend #remaininjesus #jesuslovesunconditionally (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBKf8N2jCgx/?igshid=13op6cq2eyyyl
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lukotacon · 4 years
So I’m making a Miraculous AU where every Kwami is representing of a country.
Any idea what their powers or idea should be?
Germany - Hard Work?
America - Freedom?
U.K. -
Australia -
Canada -
Sweden -
Italy -
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yugiohz · 4 years
why does Polnareff get so much screen time 🧍🏻‍♀️
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sylvexter · 6 years
imma make a lime cookie ask / rp blog in a few minutes or so
Because why the fuck not
The citrus squad will pop up once in a while too
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flare-dragon · 11 months
trick or treat!!
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Sorry for the late treat! Here's a Jake dressed up for Halloween offering a pumpkin (that he forgot to empty out first? Or did he find it like that? Mysterious~)
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fdragon-art · 2 years
3 Years of Daily Creatives
Another Year Down
Somehow, through some miracle, I've made it to the end of my third year of dailies. It's pretty impressive to think that I managed to make something for each and every single day of the year, whether it was two sentences, a 10-minute drawing, a tune that took an hour or so, or something entirely different. An entire 1106 days of creating. It's pretty neat~
Probably more interesting is how, unlike the first two years, this was the first year I was actually working on top of my dailies (though home life still had its moments during the first two years). Balancing creating with work was its own challenge, but managing to make the odd big piece through it? Feels good~
The End Result
As of now, the question still remains: What next? At the end of Year 1, I was ready for a second year. At the end of Year 2, I wasn't sure how much longer I could go. So now, at the end of Year 3, how do I feel?
I feel as though it's time to free myself from the routine of forcing a daily each and every day. The initial reason for starting - aside from joining in on the action - was to help improve my art. Even as I added writing and music in the mix, art was always the thing I wanted improvement in most. And I'd like to say that I've definitely come a ways from the beginning.
Even comparing Day 1/1 and Day 365/3, The former was a high-effort piece that took time to make, while the latter was done within an hour at most. I feel more comfortable with my style, even as I continue to refine and improve, and even my colouring has made some strides (comparing my best Art Fight 2020 pieces to Art Fight 2022, there's subtle but definite improvements~)
What's Next?
So what is next, if not my dailies? Well, the hope is that I'll still draw and write, and that I'll still maintain the blog. After all, it's "fdragon-art", not "fdragon-daily" (which wouldn't even matter since I could just change the name pfft).
I do still want to keep going, and I was almost tempted to go for a Year 4, but, as much as the dailies have helped me improve, it's also been a limit on my creative output. If I'm making myself release one new piece a day, how do I balance that with pieces that need more out of me to complete? I've only got so much energy each day, and motivation's an even more precious commodity.
To Cap It Off
So, as a last word, I just have to say: Thanks to those who did follow me throughout it all. I may never have attracted much attention (count how many 0 note pieces I've got VS 10+ notes), but that was never the main goal, so any time you peeps reblogged something or even just left a like to say you've seen it, I appreciate it~
And if you're ever wishing to improve your art for those artists who see this, consider starting your own "Dailies for a year". It improves your speed for sure, and gives a great opportunity to explore styles. Plus, even if you don't make it to the end, the amount of new pieces you wind up having will be something you can hold on to~
See you all next creative~
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mistleaneous-chaos · 2 years
Hey so I had a thought about Boc. Boc’s mom may have been a Demi Human Queen due to the fact that he seems more canine than Ape-like, similar to Queens.
Also hetalks about his mother being a seamster and Queens seemingly are intelligent enough to cast spells so it’s not a stretch for one to be able to sew. Also it’s possible that his mother was a Queen who died at some point, and maybe he got kicked out because his mother was gone and the others didn’t like his passivity and couldn’t do anything before.
This is mainly Headcanon/Speculation but I just wanted to share
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ikaris-whore · 5 years
What do you think Sebastian is like when he's flirting with a girl?
I hope you enjoy this little drabble 😘
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You wouldn’t know Sebastian was flirting with you if you weren’tlooking for it. There was none of that witty banter you had seen him pull outhis ass on talk shows. He was reserved, quiet, reverting into that shy kid hedescribes from his childhood.
You suggested heading to a local diner with him one nightafter the two of you ran into each other on the streets for the first timesince your mutual friend introduced you two at a party, but you left thinkinghe wasn’t interested. You were carrying the conversation mostly as he was fairlyquiet, playing with the straw wrapper and acting like his plate was moreinteresting than you when it arrived. After his third glass of lemonade helooked up from his plate after absent-mindedly playing with his food while hetalked to you. He looked you directly in the eyes for the first time most ofthe night and simply said “I have counted all of these fries. Steal one and Iwill know.” With a curt nod, he slid out of the booth and scurried off to thebathroom.
You eyed his plate for a moment, debating a plan of action. Reachingover you stole three longer fries, ripped them in half, placing half in your mouthand the other half back on the plate placing them throughout the pile of fries tonot make it as obvious. He slid back in the booth and grabbed the glass ketchupbottle, opening it, tipping it upside down, and slamming the bottom a few timesto help the ketchup make its descent out of the bottle and onto his plate. Contentwith the amount of ketchup that had come out he grabbed a pinch of fries,dipped them, and took a bite. You tried your hardest to keep a straight face asto not give yourself away, but you knew he had grabbed one of the half friesyou placed back on his pile.
“What?” he responded, mouth full, as he noticed the smilecrawling across your face.
“Nothing” you quickly said picking at your own food. “Justyou’re real cute stuffing your face like that.” He started to cookie crumble atthe comment. If he wasn’t already nervous and self-conscious about making afool of himself, he was now.
“Well, I love fries.” was all he could get out. He mentallyface palmed himself, berating himself to get it together.
“Good, we couldn’t hang out anymore if you didn’t. Butyou sure didn’t notice I stole some of your fries while you were gone.” you quipped. He looked at you stunned, his deep blue eyes searched your face, his tongue slipped out between his lips, and he shook his head as he looked down to see one of the half-there fries. He held it up in front of his face making him gocross eyed.
“You sneaky little thing. I can’t believe you.” He wore thebiggest grin as he held it out for you to finish you leaned in to take it withyour mouth, lips barely brushing against his thumb and pointer finger.
“That’s what you get when you leave your food unattended.” You reached across the table for his free hand, taking it in yours and squeezing.
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sagisongs · 6 years
‘till the wheels fall off!
pairing: reddie
read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17664026
warnings: none (extremely soft though)
Richie Tozier needs a friend. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll find one in little Eddie Kaspbrak.
Richie was scanning. That was a spelling word his teacher had taught him the other day. Richie might not have known how to spell it, but he knew what it meant. It meant to look for something or someone super carefully. Currently, Richie was scanning for a new friend or two, because his current best best, Stan, had gotten sick from a few kids in their kindergarten class. It was gross, he called Richie this morning and told him he had chicken pox. Someone once told Richie that one person got chicken pox from getting bit by a chicken and spread it to a bunch of people. Now Stan had it. Gross.
Anyways, Richie needs someone to play with. This isn’t his first day of kindergarten, he isn’t dumb, and he knows what happens to kids who sit alone at recess. They get sand kicked in their faces and they get pushed onto the concrete by the third graders. And that had happened to Richie plenty of times, even when he wasn’t alone, so he wasn’t risking it just because Stan wasn’t here. He had to find a friend quick.
He looked across the playground and saw a little girl playing with bugs. She seemed cool. Richie liked bugs, he knew at least every kind of beetle there was because for his fifth birthday his mom got him a big book of bugs and he had studied the beetle chapter. When he recited all the beetles his mother’s face had lit up in amusement and somewhat awe, and she praised him, saying, “Good job, Richie!”  That was Richie’s favorite thing to do. He loved making his parents proud of him.
His attention went back on the blonde girl when he watched in horror as she picked a bug up from the ground and put it in her mouth. Suddenly Richie did not think she was cool, nor did he really wanna be friends with a bug eater. Sometimes Richie ate pretty gross stuff like strawberries dipped in Cheese Wiz or bananas and hot sauce when his parents weren’t at home, but he would never eat an actual real live bug.
Richie’s gaze shifted and he adjusted his glasses. He knew Henry and his meanie friends were gonna come by any second. He ran across the playground and started walking towards the sandbox when he saw… a three year old sitting on the edge of the sandbox? The three year olds have their recess way earlier than kindergarten, what is this little baby doing on the playground? Richie was good with babies though, he has like two little cousins, so he could handle this. He’s gonna make sure this little kid goes right back to the class where he belongs. So Richie plops down beside the brown-haired toddler and goes, “Wasn’t preschool recess two hours ago?”
The smaller boy looks up at Richie with confusion in his large, brown doe eyes. “What are you talking about?” Richie squints at him. What is hetalking about?
“You’re in preschool, but this is kindergarten play time,” Richie says as if it is plainly obvious.
The short boy frowns. “I’m in kindergarten. Just like you,” He says defensively.
Richie laughs. “No way, shortie, you have to be like three.”
The other boy is not laughing. In fact he looks quite upset. “I’m six! My birthday was in September!” He huffs, his cheeks flushing with anger.
Oh. He’s older than Richie. Richie is only five, but his birthday is in seven weeks, he’s counting. He has 51 days until he’ll be six, but he’s not gonna tell some six year old baby that. So he decides to introduce himself. “The name is Richie Tozier, and you are?” He asks, turning his nose up and speaking in a posh British accent, doing what he called his Butler voice.
The quaint boy next to him smiles and crinkles up his little button nose “Why’re you talking like that? You sound funny,” He remarked.
“You think I’m funny?” Richie’s eyes lit up. He loved it when he made people laugh or smile, it made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
“No, I said you sound funny, that doesn’t make you funny,” The boy responded matter-of-factly, blinking those large chocolate eyes.
Richie thought the boy was pretty adorable. He looked like a cute little baby and he seemed okay. Maybe he could be Richie’s new friend. “Hey, kid, what’s your name? I told you mine but you didn’t tell me yours.”
The boy grimaced slightly, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t call me kid. My name is Eddie.”
Richie laughed. He could think of at least fifty nicknames with that name. “Okay, Eddie Spaghetti!” He replied with the first rhyme that came to mind. Richie was good at coming up with rhyming nicknames. That’s how Stan became Stan the Man.
Eddie’s face dropped into an expressionless smile. “Don’t. Ever. Call me that name ever.”
Richie laughed. Stan said stuff like that to him all the time too. But it’s whatever, because Stan was his best friend and nicknames are what you give to people you love. That’s something his dad taught him. So he gave Eddie this nickname to show him he wants to be his friend. But before he officially became his friend, he was gonna have to ask a few things about him first. “Do you like Star Wars?” Richie asked. This was a deal breaker. If Eddie didn’t like Star Wars, he would have to just find a new friend.
At this question Eddie’s eyes widened. Then he scooted a little closer to Richie and began to whisper. “Okay, you can’t tell anyone because my mommy said I couldn’t see Star Wars, but my dad took me to see The Empire Strikes Back and I think it’s my favorite movie ever. It was so cool I loved the part when they fought with the lightsabers and the spaceship when super fast and then there was a cool chase and—,” Eddie’s excited, speedy talking was abruptly interrupted with some slight wheezing coming from the smaller boy himself. Richie’s face dropped in horror for a second. Was Eddie gonna die? Cough up a slug or something?
Eddie lifted his shirt up slightly, exposing some baby fat and a blue fanny pack with dinosaurs on it. He tucked his shirt behind the fanny pack and unzipped it. Richie watched as he put something blue in his mouth and took a deep breath before resuming his sentence. “And Luke Skywalker was so cool but Han Solo was even cooler and then my dad said Princess Leia was badass and I wish I could see the next movie,” Eddie pouted.
“Well, why can’t you? You said your dad took you to see Episode 5. Why can’t he just take you to see Episode 6 when it comes out?” Richie asked, as if it was plainly obvious.  This kid was kinda dumb…
Eddie looked down at his small hands. “My daddy died.”
Richie’s cheeks heated up and his mouth formed an o. “Oh…” He didn’t really know what to say, but he knew that people got really sad when people died. “Uh, well we’re friends now, so you can go with me to see it!” He offered, smiling at his new friend softly.
“That would be fun,” Eddie said, smiling back, showing one of his bottom teeth missing.
“So what’dya say Eds, are we pals or what?” Richie said, putting his arms around Eddie.
Eddie giggled softly before replying with, “I told you not to call me nicknames, Richie. But yeah, we can be friends,” He held his hand out to Richie.
Richie linked his pinkies with Eddie and thought of a promise to make. With Stan their friendship pinky promise was “Till death do us part,” even though Stan had protested saying that’s a promise for married people. But Richie didn’t care. He loved Stan and that was that. But what would his promise be for his friendship with Eddie?
“Hey, Eds…what are some of your favorite things?” Richie asked, hoping to get an idea of what their promise should be.
“Hmm… Well I like that shark movie and Star Wars and I like playing CandyLand with my mommy and I like playing with racecars, they’re my favorite toy,” Eddie concluded, digging two Hot Wheels out of his fanny pack and putting a fiery green one in Richie’s hand, himself keeping the orange and blue car.
Richie held his pinky out, and Eddie gave him his. “We’re making a friendship promise, it’s gonna make sure we stay friends forever, no matter what.”
Eddie looked skeptical, but he kept his pinky linked with the bug-eyed boy’s.
Richie smiled at Eddie and said, “I, Richie Tozier, promise to be best friends with you ‘til the wheels fall off, Eddie Kaspbrak!”
Eddie only giggled. “What does that even mean Richie?”
Richie answered back, “It means we’re gonna be best friends forever ‘cause we aren't cars and there’s no wheels to fall off!”
Eddie laughed again before concluding the promise with, “I, Eddie Kaspbrak, promise to be best friends with you ‘til the wheels fall off, Richie Tozier!”
And from that moment on, the boys were never seen without one another.
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eurydices-carnation · 2 years
First orphydice fanfiction hope the public likes it
It was a late night, Orpheus and Eurydice had just finished their shift at Hermes' bar and they were both exhausted from the day, sense it was summer that meant Persephone was in the over world and that meant more patrons at the bar, more costumers did mean better tips so they weren't complaining. When the young couple got home to their apartment they settled in the living room sitting on the couch, Eurydice laid down on the couch her head in Orpheus' lap while she listens to Orpheus talk about his song writing process, Eurydice found it interesting how he gets ideas for lyrics or melody's of his songs.tonight he's explaining the process he had for making his song that brought the world back into tune, it may have been just bias but that song was Eurydice's favorite of his, it brought Hades and Persephone closer which brought back spring and fall and the song technically brought her and Orpheus together so she thinks there's a good reason it's her favorite. Orpheus was talking about how the melody came to him and how on his breaks (and when Mr Hermes wasn't looking) he would work on it and while hetalked about this his hand started stroking Eurydice's face."Sometimes while I was writing the song I would get caught by Mr Hermes- your face is really soft" Orpheus said interrupting his own ranting by admiring his lover, which he did often anyways. Eurydice looked up at him noticing he had nothing but pure adoration in his eyes (which is how he usually looked at her) "what?" Eurydice said confused, this was one of the first times she's ever gotten that compliment from Orpheus but it's not like she didn't appreciate the compliment, every little thing Orpheus said about her made her flustered, but she was particularly confused about this compliment. "Your face is really soft, like you have really smooth skin" Orpheus said smiling at Eurydice.Eurydice giggled "then I guess waking up early to do my skincare routine is worth it" Orpheus grinned "maybe you should teach me your skincare routine soon, gods know I have the worst skin ever" Eurydice cupped his face to see if his statement was true "I wouldn't say you have the worst skin, but I'll teach you anyways" the two young lovers spent about 15 seconds staring at each other and admiring one another and after the staring Eurydice kissed Orpheus.An hour had passed, by now they were in bed Eurydice's head on Orpheus' chest and Orpheus had his arms wrapped around her. Eurydice was pushing hair out of Orpheus' face when she said "y'know my skincare routine takes a while, but we can start slow like with moisturizers and lotion of you'd like" Orpheus smiled and then kissed her forehead "whatever you think I should start with first is what I'll go with, love" Eurydice smiled softly "we'll start out slow then"
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sylvexter · 6 years
Somebody give me a better laptop so I can play hk
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