#heterophobia cw
sweetcitrusboi · 1 year
Scrolling through tumblr for this long has made me a wee bit insane. Anyways I’m still caught up on the cw/wb misha drama but like everybody is screaming about “don’t speculate on his sexuality” but after watching the short clip from the con panel about wb calling him I’m confused on too why ppl keep saying he’s stated he was straight at the panel. He just said he wasn’t bi. He never said anything outside of that and personally im just confused.
Misha doesn’t need too come out about anything if he doesn’t want too. And that’s completely fine but during bigate he was being called out for queerbaiting. And now he talks about how he didn’t want too queerbait us bc he’s a good person and now y’all are mad about it. To be real, WB must like watching Misha get dogged on spn tumblr/twitter every year, some of these “feral” post are doing a lil bit tew much.
And even if he was queer, which I kind of do believe he’s queer in some way but not everybody uses labels and that may not just be anything he truly feels like opening up about rn. And with the way this fandom acts I doubt any of them will genuinely “come out” without y’all back lashing them in some type of way.
Anyways the cw/wb making heterophobia somewhat real and the actors being unhinged, as usual.
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segasister · 2 years
Do you really hate white people, specifically white girls?
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Why do I have a feeling these two are connected?
@ironbloodaika, your stalker found me again. … Turns out they’re racist too.
Here’s the original Twitter post anon, “linked,” for context.
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luulapants · 1 year
Which Supernatural event was more extreme? ROUND 2
Extremity should be rated not on a scale of moral superiority but based on which event caused you to see more shrimp colors, which was more shocking/delighting, or which caused more of a fandom-wide meltdown.
This is not a bracket which will have a winner but an effort to rank and categorize Supernatural events on a scale like natural disasters.
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arctic-hands · 4 years
Anyway I'm the CEO of Heterophobia Inc and my dev team is coming up with a heterophobic pride flag as we speak
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supernulperfection · 5 years
That same year a group of three gay men were accused of assaulting a woman who was trying to get them married, in what is being said to be the most famous of these cases.
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villainessbian · 3 years
I have heterophobia in my eye 🥰
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silver-and-ivory · 7 years
Linking instead of reblogging since I don’t want a confrontation. Also, warning for oddly strident post below.
I do not like this norm at all. In fact, I reject it in the strongest terms.
Making jokes at the expense of other people in some way dehumanizes them. It makes them less than; it makes them an underclass.
“Fuck white people”. “What if we just murdered all straights?” “Cishets can go and fuck themselves and their feelings.” What do these all have in common?
These are power plays. These are saying, “This space is a space where I can say cruel things about large groups of people, and no one is allowed to object.” Which is not a problem in itself except it is also saying:
“No one is allowed to feel uncomfortable, or to object, or else they are racist (etc.).”
Yeah, it’s empowering. I agree. And yeah, safe spaces need to exist for people of color to air their grievances and, yes, to create norms like these where “Fuck white people” is considered common.
But not spaces with white people, and not spaces with allies.
Because underneath that empowerment, not buried quite deeply, is a violation. A violation that overrides and invalidates people’s emotional instincts, and that, moreover, divides the world into privileged and oppressor quite nicely, ingroup and outgroup.
You have neatly created a class of people whose feelings don’t matter and a class of people whose feelings always matter, who must be listened to, always, always, even at incredible cost. (”Defend trans women at all costs!”) There is a class of protected people-
-and there is a class of injurable grunts whose job it is to listen, and who can be ostracized for stepping a foot out of line. Whose place it is to remain polite, and kind, and accommodating, and listening, even when the words tear their hearts to shreds and their emotions to nothing; even when it feels that they are stripped to the bone and dying, they have not done enough, they must not rest, for their privilege makes them dirty.
It’s a radicalism test (the-grey-tribe I think invented this concept). And once you’ve committed to this idea, you’ve committed to the rest.
And what I’m coming to realize is that people don’t notice this. White people come listening and submissive, and they get hostility for their troubles, and they tell themselves that they don’t get to be upset, it’s fine, because people of color could never be racist, because it’s not structural.
And here we see also: certain upsets don’t matter. If a person of color says something out of anger that hurts your feelings, the message is, your feelings can fuck off because they’re not structural.
And so people snipe at every possible microaggression (”don’t listen to rap music, that’s racist”) and yet tolerate increasingly painful amounts of overt racism.
Look. It’s one thing to forgive anger. But it is absolutely another if actions like this become the norm rather than the exception.
It’s the difference between snapping out of rage at someone once, and being abusive. The first is a mistake. The second is endorsed; Ozy writes that Lundy Barcroft once wrote that abusers are not defined by being people with mental illnesses, but instead by having corrupt value systems.
This is a corrupt value system. What good can come of telling people that their feelings don’t matter unless they are structural? What good can come of normalizing the violation of boundaries? What good can come of making fun of privileged people for having feelings?
This is abusive. This sets people up to deny their feelings and to deny their realities and to accustom themselves to silence. Fuck that. If you fight for real equality then you cannot build gaslighting into the structure of your movement. You cannot build justice upon a foundation of human suffering.
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5typesoftrash · 4 years
sometimes i get comments - not necessarily hate, just comments - about some of the ways that i talk about straight ships vs. gay ships. so here’s a lil run-down
I am. SO TIRED. of heterosexual relationships. they exhaust me. i spent thirteen years of my life being spoon-fed nothing but heteronormativity and stories about boy-meets-girl-and-five-scenes-later-they’re-in-love. they’re just... boring, at this point.
that’s not to say that i don’t have, ship, and appreciate straight ships.
Reylo, Dramione, Lara Jean/Peter. I don’t create content for these ships because they don’t catch my imagination like other ships do. But there are tons of gay ships that I don’t create content for either.
I got an anon who came at me for saying I didn’t ship Saileen. admittedly, I didn’t word it too well (my words in the post were something to the effect of ‘Sam’s not straight, and I just don’t see them together’ which weren’t intended as connected statements, but I do understand why they’re perceived that way. It was intended more as ‘Sam isn’t straight, full stop. I like him better with other male characters. I don’t see him with Eileen.) but I also felt like they were being pretty unreasonable with how vehemently they came at me. It’s not like I went out and said SAILEEN IS DISGUSTING AND ALL SAILEEN SHIPPERS SHOULD DIE
(anon also told me that my headcanon for how Sam comes out to Dean, mentioned in the same post, is biphobic. the headcanon is that one day he says totally out of the blue, to his brother, “I’m kinda gay” and Dean chokes on his sausage. anon said it was biphobic because bi people aren’t ‘kind of gay’, we’re full bi. I deleted these asks because I didn’t have the mental energy to get yelled at, but anon? that headcanon wasn’t biphobic. that headcanon was my own personal opinion that Dean wouldn’t understand very well what bisexuality is, and that Sam would think that’s the best way to explain it to him. not to mention the fact that I’m a bisexual person too, so I’m well aware of the ways biphobia rages around us constantly.)
so my point is that I find gay ships to be more compelling from a story standpoint 98% of the time. I believe that in those relationships, I have more empathy for those characters because there’s already this barrier in their way. the fact that they are non-heterosexual characters, at least if they’re written well, makes them deeper and have more meaning to them. so when i read a story, i’m more likely to be engaged in the work if the romantic pairing is gay.
(there are exceptions to this, but they’re almost all the same concept. for example, one of my fics features a straight couple, but the female portion of the straight couple is a trans woman. that gives it that barrier; the internalized, institutionalized, and systemic transphobia that she faces in that world still predisposition me to be empathetic to her situation in a way that i wouldn’t to a cishet white main character.)
tl;dr I’m not a heterophobe, I just think that there’s enough straight media in the world to last a hundred thousand lifetimes and we need quite a lot more queer media.
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legaylity · 6 years
Anyone else have that moment where you're scrolling through gay shit here and all of a sudden someone starts ranting about Heterophobia and they're like....serious. It's a fucking trip. Like for real how does this happen. How do you come to this conclusion that I'm just as bad when I say "man Straight people kinda suck sometimes" as when a man raped his daughter after she came out as a lesbian. Okay Mckynleigh-Sara-Papilloma I'm sure you have a point but I have not done enough black tar heroin to understand it and I can only hope that one day you do a little too much of it so we don't have to deal with your bullshit anymore.
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drpupper · 2 years
heterophobia cw
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oleworm · 3 years
Frivolous moment and CW heterophobia on my part
It makes me feel crazy when people say that Pete Davidson must be hot because Kim Kardashian is dating him now... As if all the men she's dated aren't super ugly
They might have other qualities as people but good looks are not one of them I'm sorry
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luulapants · 1 year
Which Supernatural event was more extreme?
Extremity should be rated not on a scale of moral superiority but based on which event caused you to see more shrimp colors, which was more shocking/delighting, or which caused more of a fandom-wide meltdown.
This is not a bracket which will have a winner but an effort to rank and categorize Supernatural events on a scale like natural disasters.
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Please do not peruse this post if you do not want to see posts with severe homophobic & transphobic messages, anti-mask & anti-science messages, as well as pro-trump content.
Inspired by @babyboomerbullshit
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Shit, a minority was in a position of power, the straights forgot which bathroom to use again. Looks like they’ll just shit on the floor.
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Bill shits on the floor, we get it.
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😳 What if we kissed 😳
😳 and we were both politicians 😳
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The hetties are trying to tell everyone how cool and popular they are...something that cool and popular people totally do....
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Ehhh I would argue this definitely deserves some shame. Also, if homophobia isn’t a word, heterophobia definitely isn’t you guys.
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Is this them admitting that they’re fuckin weirdos?
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You heard it here folks, America only has heterosexuals. No gays here. Just a lot of dudes being guys.
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No family member of mine is straight! In this house we are all gay. No hetties allowed.
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This just in: straight people can’t do math.
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One of those flags is not like the other 🎶
Can you point out which flag is inherently treasonous to the United States of America?
Right! The Confederate flag!
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supernulperfection · 5 years
The last question is whether or not marriage between a man and a woman can be defined as a union.
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arielmagicesi · 7 years
why do women trust and marry men, like... why do you do it i really don’t understand, unless you have no choice or you do it for survival like i do not get the real live decision, as a woman, to marry a man
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walterscoolgifs · 4 years
CW: Heterophobia
I don’t hate straight people, in fact I have many straight friends. I just don’t think people should allowed in public lol. Can’t believe the SJW’s can’t figure that out lol.
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