#hexagonal bipyramid
deedee-sims · 4 years
You know about that simblr hug? Here it comes╰(´⌣`)╯♡ Send this to 10 of your favorite followers if you want to brighten someone's day!
Awww *hugs back*
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i-mi · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💜
Oh, how lovely! Thank you, hexagonal, and right back at ‘ya! 💕 You’ve probably noticed me raiding all your traits mods and I am so excited to try them out! Thank you so much for all your hard work.
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@hexagonal-bipyramid: It's the electronic prisoner tag (http://www.simlogical.com/sl/Sims2Pages/Sims2_Prison.htm)  :)
@thevectormonster: I'm good at wrangling UVs in Blender, I can take a look at if you want.
oh thank you!! i will get this all in a .zip and get ya link!
@yakumtsaki: hmm idk i wouldnt risk hood corruption for this, better safe than sorry, kill them properly
u right, imma use them for sim surgery for an npc instead :D
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didilysims · 6 years
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your post “WCIF?”
Not realy a tractor, but this is the closest thing I could find (http://modthesims.info/d/278913) :)
Hi @hexagonal-bipyramid! Thanks for the suggestion. I did see that and thought it was a tractor at first. It could definitely work, but unfortunately it has an NPC controller, and I’m not a big fan of using those unless I know I really like the piece of CC and will use it forever...because you have to them forever if you don’t want corruption. :P 
I was also hoping more for a tractor that drives like a car, so my farmers can drive to work in it and makeout...etc. ;) But it doesn’t look like such a thing exists. Oh well, I’ll stick with the deco version. Thanks again! 
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kairisu · 6 years
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Eeep! Thank you @hexagonal-bipyramid and @deedee-sims! Both of you guys are wonderful<3
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taylors-simblr · 6 years
Sims meme
Thank you @eulaliasims and @deedee-sims for tagging me
When did you start playing Sims?
I started playing Sims 1, not long after it came out, so 2000 :O. We didn’t have a computer at home so whenever I visited my aunt I would literally play it all day. She was also a huge gamer and nerd so didn’t mind. I was actually given her pc after she died and I kept playing her sims neighbourhood (as well as her creatures game). Birthdays got a lot easier after that because everyone just got me the new expansion packs. 
I remember seeing about the sims 2 on the cover of a magazine and getting so excited for it because the kids actually grew up!!
Have you been playing consistently or do you have breaks inbetween?
I played pretty much daily from 14 to 22. Then I discovered the sims community and stopped playing so much and started posting pictures and chatting with other simmers instead and also downloading everything I could find. I played for so long without an internet connection so I didn’t even have the official patches! I had my first break from playing when my first laptop killed itself (it melted itself!) and I felt like I was going crazy not being able to play. That probably lasted about 2 months XD 
But, now I haven’t actually played a family since I was pregnant, nearly 2 years ago. I’ve almost finished cleaning up my downloads folder and my daughter is actually sleeping at night, so fingers crossed!
Do your family & friends know that you play The Sims?
Hahahaha!!! Yes! I bring it up ALL the time. Sometimes I’ll be talking to my sister about one of my sims and someone will be there who’ll ask who I was talking about. Yeah, I’m not really embarrassed about my gaming habits. I even showed my mum my tumblr after she overheard me telling my partner about some new followers. She wasn’t too impressed, but she never really understood the sims. She’s more of a fan of goal driven games, like theme hospital or the campaign modes of the tycoon games. My partner used to come home and ask me how Wendy or Lauren was getting on <3
Do you spend more time in build or live mode? Why?
I think it’s a pretty equal split. Some days I’ll be working on a new community lot and other days I’ll just play. I do find that I get burnt out with building quite quick, so I like to break it up by popping into a household.
Do you play with supernatural creatures (like Vampires, Werewolves etc.)? Why not?
Yes I do, I had lots of supernatural sims in my Odessa Bay hood. A werewolf colony and a witch family, 2 or 3 plantsims, 2 vampires and a zombie. Also lots of aliens. I haven’t really worked on getting supernaturals in this hood, but there are still aliens and plantsims.
Do you have one specific family you play with all the time (like a legacy of some sort) or do you rotate between a couple of households?
I’m all about rotational play. Even when I was first playing the game, I found it was so weird that a sims parents will still be adults while that sim is dying of old age. I always liked the legacies where people actually played the spares, because it made sense to me that the legacy heirs would have aunts and uncles and cousins that they grew up with. My first legacy that I played seriously, I would move in the sims friends and play their households too so that the legacy kids had kids to be friends with in the neighbourhood. I was so excited when I came across the Build a City Challenge rules :D
Do you like to create your own neighborhoods or do you play with the existing families? Tell us about your progress :)
I like to make my own hoods. Generation 3 is being born and growing up at the moment in my game. I have a downtown connection unlocked which means I can send my sims on vacation and downtown, but I haven’t actually started making those sub-hoods yet. I’m also working towards getting a university unlocked. I’m almost there and it will be a college in the main hood, so I don’t have to worry about building up another sub-hood.
Do you create custom content? If so, what keeps you motivated? (If not, would you like to? What stops you from learning it? For players that don’t use mods, why do you stay away from CC?)
I can do a few things. The simpler things, hair recolours, painting recolours, etc. I like to get requests, I guess. I’m always more motivated to actually finish something when someone’s asked me for it. I have a folder full of hair I want to do eventually and a folder of exported shoes that I just need to chop up in milkshape, but...eh...
If there was one piece of CC or (if you play without mods) one piece you wish the developers implemented, what would it be?
I really like the festivals from sims 4 and sims 3. Especially the sims 4 ones. I haven’t played them, but they look interesting. Food eating contests, special food and merchandise, graffiti, etc. I also really like the way you need specific ingredients for recipes in the sims 3. 
Oh also I love the way that each instrument has it’s own skill tree, so that someone great at playing the guitar isn’t also amazing at the violin, even though they’ve never touched it before.
What other expansion and/or accessoires pack do you wish the developers would have come out with?
There’s so many things I wish were added to the game. I like the generations expansion for sims 3, the extra things for elders, the school trips, prom, driving lessons for teens, the teens being able to throw house parties while their parents are on holiday, the bachelor/bachelorette parties, etc. It’s all good (shame the sims 3 isn’t great for me). I like the parenting skill (and toddler skills) from sims 4 too, more generational stuff please. I also like ambitions, where the sims are commissioned to redecorate a room, or makeover a sim, that looks like fun. I could stage it in my game, but it’s always nice when something is actually in game.  
And I wish they had done more with the witches, I feel like they did ok, but after making magic, it was pretty lacklustre. At least give me my duelling stage back!
Oh and pets! Pet shows, horses, collectable small animals, the fish tanks from sims 1, where you bought 1 fish out of a full tank in the pet shop. Also sims 2 is the only game that didn’t get a chemistry set :(
Lastly, tag 5 of your favorite simblrs!
Tagging @aondaneedles, @hexagonal-bipyramid, @treason-and-plot, @mikexx2 and @mswn
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permaplat · 9 years
hexagonal-bipyramid said: omg corbin is so cuuute! ♥
Ahh, he is! I totally agree, hexagonal-bipyramid! Can’t wait to see how he grows up later on!
dramallamadingdang said: yay, cute babies, cute, goofy dads, and neglectful parenting! ;) oh, and professor von ball. not quite as fun as the lampshade-dancing that unhappy pleasure sims do, but pretty close. :)
Haha, dramallamadingdang! I don’t think I have ever had any Sims break down the way that Leila did. I’m actually hoping to see more breakdowns in the future. >:D Glad you enjoyed the update!
syreni-sims said: i love this legacy so much! leila is too adorable for this world.
Thanks so much, syreni-sims! :D
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voleste · 9 years
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photoset
Pretty house! *.*
Thank you! :D
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didilysims · 6 years
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photoset “I finally got around to testing out Chris Hatch’s hospital mod cleaned...”
Thank you sharing your experience with this mod! It looks like an interesting a complex one. It's really impressive how such mods can be made!
Also, 113/120? Poor woman she really needed to be treated or she would have died soon :O
@hexagonal-bipyramid I was super impressed with it for sure! At first I thought it was just a couple of nurses and a doctor who heals you, which I guess is still the core, but I’m amazed at how much detail went into it, and all the extra customizable features. I’m looking forward to playing with it in more detail. Just got to finish redesigning my hospital first. :D 
Also, really, she was close to death? I don’t understand those numbers at all, ha ha. I thought that seemed like a pretty good score. I guess the lower the number the better then? 
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kairisu · 6 years
Sims Meme
Thank you for tagging me @hexagonal-bipyramid​!  ♥
When did you start playing Sims?
Back in 2008! It was The Sims DJ on my dad’s phone. I had a lot of fun creating my own tracks/mixes. There is this mixing studio where you combine 4 tracks (drums, bass, FX1, and FX2) and for each track, you choose sample songs from 6 genres (pop, rock, dance, earth, hiphop, and techno). I wrote down how I made every song on a notebook. My fave is my recreation of The Sims theme song xD
In 2009, when my brother and I got a PSP, I got myself TS2, then Castaway and Pets a year later. It was in 2013 that I finally got to play TS2 on the PC (◕▿◕✿)
Have you been playing consistently or do you have breaks inbetween?
I used to play it a lot, especially the ones on the PSP. In 2013, I played the whole summer, and didn’t touch it again until a year later xD
Nowadays, I just like browsing through other people’s games, downloading cc, and engaging with fellow simmers. I also have less free time now, so I usually take breaks.
Do your family & friends know that you play The Sims?
Definitely! I used to bring it up all the time. When we were choosing games for the PSP, my dad was the one who pointed out that the TS2 was in the catalogue and my mom sometimes asked me how my sims are doing. I also play the game with my brother or my cousin sometimes, and it’s hilarious. I even showed my gameplay pics to some of my friends back in high school and they seemed to enjoy it :D Some of them played the game as well.
Do you spend more time in build or live mode? Why?
Live mode for sure. I spend way too much time building stuff, and I usually end up scrapping what I made ;_;
Do you play with supernatural creatures (like Vampires, Werewolves etc.)? Why not?
Yes! I mostly have witches in my game, but I have all different creatures. Except for bigfoot. I remember when I first played Bon Voyage for the first time and I was shocked that my sims brought bigfoot with them? I was terrified and never played that family again (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
Do you have one specific family you play with all the time (like a legacy of some sort) or do you rotate between a couple of households?
Neither. I just play whichever family I feel like playing ヽ(´・ω・`)、
Do you like to create your own neighborhoods or do you play with the existing families? Tell us about your progress :)
Both! I sometimes create a fresh hood or just create some sims and plop them down in a premade hood.
Do you create custom content? If so, what keeps you motivated? (If not, would you like to? What stops you from learning it? For players that don’t use mods, why do you stay away from CC?)
Yea? Just the simple ones though like CAS recolors and retextures. I sometimes feel the urge to create something like “I want this for my game!” or “I wanna make it, even though I have no use for it whatsoever!” 
If there was one piece of CC or (if you play without mods) one piece you wish the developers implemented, what would it be?
I wish they did more for the supernatural creatures like treating aliens as a separate life state, have fairies, mermaids, and have cool vampire/werewolf/witch battles.
What other expansion and/or accessories pack do you wish the developers would have come out with?
A very difficult question! Hmmm... maybe something like the ones that came out in TS3? There are so many things there that I really want for TS2 xD
And that’s all! This took me way longer than I thought I would, but I had fun answering these! I think many people have done this meme already, but to the person reading this, you’re considered tagged >:D
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taylors-simblr · 9 years
Replies :3 I love you guys
mariekjepower replied to your photoset “Aw these two are such cuties <3”
They are so cute! I can't wait to see kids of those two <3
They are very cute, I think they might even be 3 bolters <3 As for the kids.......well I’m a bit ahead of where I’m posting so we’ll see
ajaysims replied to your photoset “You might have noticed that Darren wasn’t at home, he’s busy working....”
cats can eat fish?
Yeah if you put a fish on the ground they’ll eat it, but I don’t think dogs will 
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photoset “Soooooooo much cat spam. This is Isa she’ll be joining the Sandford...”
But cat spam is good! Isa is adorable! :3 ♥
She is very cute and also strangely the only cat to have spawned so far. I’ve made some strays that are running around, but this is the only game made cat
erinmuenda answered to your photo “This isn’t good >_> Darren now has a relationship with the social...”
Oh god I would freak out inside if I ever bumped into a social worker irl. XD There goes your quiet little "me-time" moment... :P
Oh yeah! I’m just imagining her popping out from behind some tree in the forest an quizzing Darren on where his kids are lol :D
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photoset “Hallie didn’t come home from school with Weston and neither did Felix....”
OMG Yeah it's so funny when they leave! XD
I don’t think I’d ever seen it happen before or at least I can’t remember it. That bunny shot out of there like some Captain Hero wannabe XD
simmingmaxis replied to your photoset “Woah! Lauren is super surprised, she never thought that she’d get...”
She lookes kind of SHOCKED on the pic where they're hugging xD
I think she probably is to be honest. Lauren’s about 48? according to my age mod and bad maths. She wasn’t expecting to have some 20 something propose to her :D
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deedee-sims · 4 years
Miss Fluffy!
@hystericallytragicsimmer​ replied to your post  “@hystericallytragicsimmer​ replied to your post  “I couldn’t find...”
I want to hug her <3 When are we going to meet her in the story?
Not soon, I’m afraid :(
@hexagonal-bipyramid​ replied to your post “@hystericallytragicsimmer​ replied to your post “I couldn’t find...”
A cutie!! :3
@shastakiss​ replied to your post “@hystericallytragicsimmer​ replied to your post “I couldn’t find...”
favorite thing on my dash today, thank you :3
Extra picture for the biggest fans <3
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deedee-sims · 4 years
Replies :)
@pattykittynana ​ replied to your photo “I finally got myself to copy-paste Fanseelamb’s recolors to Skell’s...”
You are the best, Deedee! But i'm still dreaming with a open version ir this... 😇
Thank you! You can always post a request at the GoS Wishing Tree :)
@hexagonal-bipyramid​ replied to your photoset “Bloopers and stuff from chapter 5”
Oliver's face at the last pic!! xD
I laughed so much at that pic XD
@hystericallytragicsimmer​ replied to your photoset “Bloopers and stuff from chapter 5”
Thank God I don't blush like Oliver, it's pretty inconvenient for people to read your emotions. Oof, I feel for you Ollie 😔
Haha, I’m a bit blushy, although not that much! Poor thing XD
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deedee-sims · 4 years
☆ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆
Awww thank you, right back at you! ❤️
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deedee-sims · 4 years
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@hexagonal-bipyramid​, @jeweloftheworld​, @sterina-sims​, @princess-nanaz-sims​ thank you so much!! *group hug*
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deedee-sims · 4 years
Replies :)
@hexagonal-bipyramid​ replied to your post  “No Bi Gender Preference Decrease (a mod)”
Woooah I never knew I needed something like this! Thank you very much for sharing it with us!                    
@frottana-sims​ replied to your post   “No Bi Gender Preference Decrease (a mod)”
Thank you sooo much!!! ♥
@jeweloftheworld ​ replied to your post  “No Bi Gender Preference Decrease (a mod)”
Wow this is such a great mod! Definitely something I needed for myself! Thank you so much 😊                                                
@beikonsims​ reblogged your post and added:
Bless this, omg. The bisexuality in TS2 has always been fucked up.
Thank you guys! Have fun playing with it! :D
@dunne-ias​ replied to your post  “No Bi Gender Preference Decrease (a mod)”
This always REALLY bothered me too. Like, just because you had a boyfriend in your teen years doesn't mean you're no longer Bi when you get to adult years.
Right? I just got really pissed off because of this, last week. Fortunately, this mod wasn’t insanely difficult to make, so I could do it myself :D
@watermelonsandal​ replied to your photoset  “Apparently, it’s Tuesday again! I was supposed to recolor a hair from...”
I love a good hair conversion
Me too! I really appreciate all the people who have the patience to convert hairs! (because I definitely don’t, haha!)
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