vi99i8 · 1 year
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hexogen lady
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SLAMhound by Duncan Lindbo Via Flickr: "THEY sent A SLAMHOUND on Turner's trail in New Delhi, slotted it to his pheromones and the color of his hair. It caught up with him on a street called Chandni Chauk and came scrambling for his rented BMW through a forest of bare brown legs and pedicab tires. Its core was a kilogram of recrystallized hexogene and flaked TNT." -William Gibson, Count Zero This was inspired, of all things, by my dog's walking harness/vest. It's red as well, and the idea of the red vest becoming armor plates strapped over an agile dog-mech seemed like a cool one. As for the name, I defy you to come up with a cooler, more cyberpunk-y name than Gibson did with "slamhound"... In an effort to use more interesting colors, I went with dark blue for the mechanical body parts, which gave me a nice opportunity to use the Friends saddle for the waist.
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notagenteklabtech · 9 months
Note to self: Making C-4 internally "just to see if I can" was a bad idea.
Even if nothing exploded (or melted), the way it felt like the hexogen was mixing with the dioctyl adipate in my throat was very unpleasant.
I don't even have a throat.
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leelany-world · 1 year
DBH Rarepairsweek: Sacrifice (RK1760)
@dbhrarepairs DBH rarepairsweek 6, Day 1, prompt: Sacrifice
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Words: 1818 Relationships: Connor x Sixty x Nines Additional Tags: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt, no real comfort in this one, Post-Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), established relationship Summary: “No... No, I can't let this happen.... NO! No, no!.. No! NO!” Sixty freaked out, desperately trying to shove the broken pieces of the thirium pump regulator back into Connor's chest.
Just a moment ago, Connor and Sixty had entered an alley while Connor was telling Sixty about his plans for their evening together. All the plans he had for him and Nines when they got home.
Now Sixty was lying on his back on the asphalt, staring up at the sky—a sky obscured by smoke and dust. His optical units took a moment to calibrate and his body felt sluggish. Static noise filled his head as his audio processor also malfunctioned.
The sensors in his mouth, however, were working. They involuntarily analyzed the contents of the air and flooded his HUD with the results of their readings. The following substances were highlighted:
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN C5H8N4O12 Hexogen, RDX C3H6N6O6 Polybutadiene styrene rubber, SBR C12H14
The ingredients of Semtex.
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Connor and he would guard the exit on one side of the anti-android gang's headquarters, while Nines and a few others from the New Jericho Defense Force would come from the opposite direction to attack from the other exit of the building.
A few days ago, this gang had attacked New Jericho, and now New Jericho's finest were supposed to fight back. They had done this many times before, taking out several other gangs.
But Sixty never thought it would go so wrong this time. 
It was a run-down, abandoned neighborhood in Detroit, and he hadn't expected to be attacked in this meaningless alley he had spontaneously chosen as a shortcut. This gang seemed a lot more dangerous if they secured their territory this heavily.
Connor and Sixty had distracted each other, they had been careless and had not scanned their surroundings—and then the two were hit by an explosion.
Sixty had to get up to look for him, but his processor and body still felt slow as his entire system had to recalibrate. So he just managed to lift his head to look around.
The alley was in shambles. The walls of the surrounding buildings bore scorch marks from the explosion, and there was debris and shards on and around him.
Then he spotted Connor lying a few feet away from him, apparently still unconscious. Sixty turned onto his stomach and reached out to him, his fingers just barely touching Connor's, who fortunately opened his eyes at Sixty's touch.
They must have been lucky. His HUD still showed no warnings of any damage to himself or Connor.
He saw Connor's mouth moving, talking to him, but it didn't come through the static.
Sixty tried to communicate through their shared link, but his communication system was broken as well. He pointed at his head and shook it in denial.
Connor must have understood his problem and pointed in front of Sixty. Sixty's eyes followed the movement, and he found his audio processor lying on the floor in front of him. Confused, he checked his HUD and self-scan again, but still nothing was displayed.
With trembling fingers, he picked it up and placed it in the slot behind his ear. After a second, the static was gone and he could hear clearly again.
“You are ok…” Connor said, his voice distorted by the static. 
Something was wrong.
But Sixty still couldn't see any warnings, his scanner and self-diagnostic program must have been malfunctioning. He had probably hit his head after the explosion—a  weak spot after being shot once—causing his programs to shut down.
This was confirmed when Connor tried to sit up, a hand grabbed his chest, and thirium flowed freely through it. When he withdrew his thirium-stained hand, a part of his thirium pump regulator slipped through his fingers and fell to the ground. For a moment it glowed red before its light went out. 
It was broken.
Connor's fucking thirium pump regulator was broken.
Something must have hit him in the chest and destroyed it.
Sixty's stress level skyrocketed, and the situation crashed down on him. His thought processes were messed up, everything went haywire in his mind while he stared helplessly at Connor with wide-open eyes. He felt paralyzed again.
This had been his fault. He had talked Connor into taking the path through this alley. A deserted area where they would get no help. Not in the few minutes Connor had left.
“Six…” Connor whispered and reached for him. But he was already too weak to support himself and collapsed back to the ground, his eyes begged for help.
Hearing his voice like that shattered something inside Sixty.
“No! No... you fucking idiot!” Sixty screamed as he crawled across the dirty pavement—his body still not cooperating—shards tearing his clothes and scraping his chassis, but he had to get to Connor.
He flipped him onto his back, and saw Connor's fiery red LED. With trembling hands, he tried to reassemble the biocomponent.
“Nines!” Sixty yelled into the air.
He must have heard the explosion, why wasn't he here already? Sixty thought, but he didn't even know how much time had passed because he couldn't read anything from his system.
“I can't reach him, can you?” he asked Connor.
“He'll be too late.” 
“No... No, I can't let this happen.... NO! No, no!.. No! NO!” Sixty freaked out, desperately trying to shove the broken piece of the regulator back into Connor's chest. 
They were in danger in this situation because they would both die here if the gang found them before Nines did. Their weapons were gone and they had no place to hide.
“Sixty, it's no use, it's over…” Connor said, putting his hand on Sixty's arm to get his attention. “You have to go, the gang is on their way.”
“No, I won't let you die,” Sixty muttered, “You didn't let me die either. You came back for me and showed me how to live. You can't do that to me and Nines. Or to Hank.”
Sixty's thoughts continued to spin madly in his head. 
This was all his fault. He had failed Connor.
He had talked Connor into going this way.
He had distracted Connor when he wanted to know his plans for their evening.
Now Connor would die because of him.
Nines and Hank would never forgive him, nor would the other leaders of New Jericho.
He could never forgive himself for it—and never live with himself for letting Connor die.
This made him realize something, and his spinning thoughts merged into a single one.
He felt calm—despite the dire situation.
He could never live without Connor.
Every single one of his sensors was focused on him. The only thing he could see was Connor, the only thing he could hear was his failing voice.
Sixty had never thought he would act like this. He was always the selfish one, the one who made poor decisions, and the others had to get him out of it. But with this decision, no one could save him.
He knew what he had to do—and it was the only way to save Connor.
It was Connor or him.
A decision that had been made once before.
But this time, Sixty could decide for himself.
He focused on Connor's teary eyes as he ripped open his own shirt, hesitating for a moment as he touched his chest. 
“What are you doing?” 
“You don't have time,” he began. “You're one of our leaders, I'm just a soldier, and I really don't feel like taking your position,” Sixty joked.
“Sixty, no ...,” Connor begged, but he was already too weak to stop him.
“I'll save you. Let me do something right for once.” With a determined look in his eyes, he pressed lightly on the edge of his own regulator to eject it.
Sixty watched one of the most vital biocomponents in his hand, but even then his HUD remained clear. No warnings, no timer telling him when he would die.
He leaned forward, but Connor tried to shield the socket of his thirium pump regulator with his weak hands.
“I can't live with this…,” Connor stammered.
“And I couldn't do it the other way either, so let me be selfish and not be the one left behind.”
Sixty pried his hands away and pushed his regulator in.
Connor groaned and his body automatically took in artificial air as he sat up to flood his system with fresh air to stop the overheating.
“This is usually a lot sexier,” Sixty joked in a static-distorted voice as he collapsed.
Connor shot forward and lifted him into his arms. Without another thought, he reached for his chest to return the regulator, but Sixty stopped him.
“Let me have this dramatic ending,” he laughed again—humor, his typical way of dealing with difficult situations.
“Shit, Sixty, that's not funny.”
“You know… how I am… Maybe now you'll finally have a sense of humor… with my heart...”
Connor tried again to get the regulator out with his own trembling hands when Nines’ firm hand on his stopped him.
“It’s too late,” Nines stated, his toneless voice hiding what he really felt as he looked down at the hopeless situation before him. He was too late, he could not save them both.
Connor hugged Sixty tightly, whispering repeatedly that he wouldn't leave him as he rocked his body back and forth.
“Please, let me go... I should have died in the Tower…”
“Sixty, no, I—”
“Shut up. You know we don't do that…” 
So Connor opened an interface and sent all his feelings through it, instead of having to express them verbally, as he kissed Sixty one last time; a hard, desperate press of lips against lips.
“Nines, take him away now, big guy,” Sixty ordered, his voice failing him more and more.
“I will,” Nines replied as he gently pulled Connor away from him and pressed Sixty's weak body against his in a last embrace.
“Please forgive me,” Nines whispered as he kissed him goodbye on the forehead.
“I don't want to…” were the last static words to come out of Sixty's mouth. A mouth that normally could never shut up. His LED flickered red before the light went out forever.
Nines gently laid his lifeless body on the floor as Connor pushed him away to return to Sixty.
But he could only give him a brief moment to mourn when loud voices came in their direction, most likely their attackers.
He grabbed Connor and dragged him out of the alley amid shouts and protesting fists pounding on his arms.
“Nines, we can't leave him!”
“He's gone, Connor,” Nines lied. 
He didn't want to give him false hope.
For Nines had transferred Sixty to his ZenGarden at the last second, where he now lay dormant. But he didn't know how long even his state-of-the-art hardware would be able to run two systems.
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brookstonalmanac · 12 days
Events 6.4 (after 1940)
1940 – World War II: The Dunkirk evacuation ends: the British Armed Forces completes evacuation of 338,000 troops from Dunkirk in France. To rally the morale of the country, Winston Churchill delivers, only to the House of Commons, his famous "We shall fight on the beaches" speech. 1942 – World War II: The Battle of Midway begins. The Japanese Admiral Chūichi Nagumo orders a strike on Midway Island by much of the Imperial Japanese Navy. 1942 – World War II: Gustaf Mannerheim, the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Army, is granted the title of Marshal of Finland by the government on his 75th birthday. On the same day, Adolf Hitler arrives in Finland for a surprise visit to meet Mannerheim. 1943 – A military coup in Argentina ousts Ramón Castillo. 1944 – World War II: A hunter-killer group of the United States Navy captures the German Kriegsmarine submarine U-505: The first time a U.S. Navy vessel had captured an enemy vessel at sea since the 19th century. 1944 – World War II: The United States Fifth Army captures Rome, although much of the German Fourteenth Army is able to withdraw to the north. 1961 – Cold War: In the Vienna summit, the Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev sparks the Berlin Crisis by threatening to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany and ending American, British and French access to East Berlin. 1967 – Seventy-two people are killed when a Canadair C-4 Argonaut crashes at Stockport in England. 1970 – Tonga gains independence from the British Empire. 1975 – The Governor of California Jerry Brown signs the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act into law, the first law in the United States giving farmworkers collective bargaining rights. 1977 – JVC introduces its VHS videotape at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. It will eventually prevail against Sony's rival Betamax system in a format war to become the predominant home video medium. 1979 – Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings takes power in Ghana after a military coup in which General Fred Akuffo is overthrown. 1983 – Gordon Kahl, who killed two US Marshals in Medina, North Dakota on February 13, is killed in a shootout in Smithville, Arkansas, along with a local sheriff, after a four-month manhunt. 1986 – Jonathan Pollard pleads guilty to espionage for selling top secret United States military intelligence to Israel. 1988 – Three cars on a train carrying hexogen to Kazakhstan explode in Arzamas, Gorky Oblast, USSR, killing 91 and injuring about 1,500. 1989 – In the 1989 Iranian Supreme Leader election, Ali Khamenei is elected as the new Supreme Leader of Iran after the death and funeral of Ruhollah Khomeini. 1989 – The Tiananmen Square protests and massacre are suppressed in Beijing by the People's Liberation Army, with between 241 and 10,000 dead (an unofficial estimate). 1989 – Solidarity's victory in the 1989 Polish legislative election, the first election since the Communist Polish United Workers' Party abandoned its monopoly of power. It sparks off the Revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe. 1989 – Ufa train disaster: A natural gas explosion near Ufa, Russia, kills 575 as two trains passing each other throw sparks near a leaky pipeline. 1996 – The first flight of Ariane 5 explodes after roughly 37 seconds. It was a Cluster mission. 1998 – Terry Nichols is sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing. 2005 – The Civic Forum of the Romanians of Covasna, Harghita and Mureș is founded. 2010 – Falcon 9 Flight 1 is the maiden flight of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40. 2023 – Protests begin in Poland against the Duda government. 2023 – Four people are killed when a Cessna Citation V crashes into Mine Bank Mountain in Augusta County, Virginia.
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head-post · 3 months
SBU head hints at Ukraine organising terrorist attacks – ICTV
The head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Vasyl Malyuk, has pointed to his agency’s involvement in the murders and assassination attempts on a number of politicians and public figures, the Ukrainian TV channel ICTV reported live.
In an interview with the TV channel, Malyuk said:
In no way will we officially recognise this, but at the same time I will tell you individual details.
Malyuk said that the explosive-filled statue, which killed military officer Vladlen Tatarsky, contained 400 grams of thermobar.
He added that 800 grams of plastid was used in the attempted assassination of LPR [Luhansk People’s Republic] Prosecutor General Sergey Gorenko.
Malyuk said former Rada MP Illia Kyva was shot dead with a 9×19 calibre pistol.
Earlier, SBU head Malyuk also agreed that his "organisation" was also involved in other terrorist acts in Russia.
According to media reports, Malyuk admitted that the SBU was behind the attacks on the Crimean bridge.
In order to damage the powerful structure, the Ukrainians disguised 14 tonnes of hexogen mixture under rolls of greenhouse film.
Meanwhile, Russia has said that Ukraine was involved in the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall near Moscow.
Malyuk did not speak about the tragedy in Crocus, although his words were clearly meant to dispel doubts that someone else was involved in the organisation of the terrible terrorist attack.
Read more HERE
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random-wikipedia-ing · 8 months
The SC 1800 (Sprengbombe Cylindrisch 1800) or cylindrical explosive bomb was a general-purpose bomb used by the Luftwaffe during World War II.
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The SC 1800 had a single piece forged and machined steel body and was similar to the preceding SC 1200 in construction.
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The bomb was usually filled with a mixture of 40% amatol and 60% Trotyl, but when used as an anti-shipping bomb it was filled with Trialen 105, a mixture of 15% hexogen, 70% Trotyl and 15% aluminium powder.
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The SC 1800 had a single transverse fuze unlike the central fuze of the SC 1200. The SC 1800 tail assembly had four diagonally braced tail fins while the SC 1800B had a circular braced tail ring.
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Inside the bomb casing there was a reinforced H-type suspension lug and it could be horizontally suspended in a bomb bay or horizontally mounted on a fuselage hardpoint.
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 9 months
Russia's own September terrorist attacks of 1999 have largely been forgotten by many abroad, despite considerable evidence that these attacks were planned by none other than Russia's own Federal Security Bureau, rather than accused Chechen terrorists.
America's Central Intelligence Agency has evidence on the series of apartment bombings that spread terror throughout the Russian Federation during that fateful month, but they refuse to release it. Reportedly, this is to avoid damaging the relationship between America and Russia, a statement that now looks worse than foolish.
I strongly recommend Russia scholar David Satter's The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep for a detailed treatment of this topic, as well as Blowing Up Russia, by Yuri Felshthinsky and the murdered former FSB agent, Alexander Litvinenko.
It's time for Western nations to publicly demand answers from Russia about the September 1999 bombings. David Satter noted in his books that Westerners find it unbelievable to accept the idea that Russian authorities might be capable of blowing up their own citizens in order to retain power. Satter urged his readers to discard this view and be prepared to accept the unacceptable: that Russian authorities have no respect for human life whatsoever and possess Machiavellian levels of cynicism.
Russia will not conduct an independent investigation into these crimes. People who did were either arrested (Mikhail Trepashkin) or suddenly died (journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin in July 2003 and politician Sergei Yushenkov three months earlier). Very few Russia analysts and commentators have consistently linked numerous high profile assassinations in Russia to the ongoing attempts to find out the true cause of the September 1999 bombings.
The murder of renowned journalist Anna Politkovskaya in October 2006 is largely attributed to her criticism of Putin's regime and that of Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov. In fact, Politkovskaya was yet another Russian seeking to uncover the truth about these bombings, and copied into her diary several lengthy comments from Russian politician Irina Khakamada about key discrepancies in the authorites' version of events. The aforementioned Yuri Shchekochikhin was her colleague at the Novaya Gazeta.
The September 1999 bombings are a matter of international interest and potentially contain egregious violations of international human rights law. We already have a precedent for investigating such events in Russia. In August 2020, agents from Russia's Federal Security Bureau poisoned Russian politician Alexei Navalny with Novichok. Becuase Novichok is a banned chemical weapon, the international community correctly demanded an explanation from Russian authorities about its manufacture and use, and access to Russian soil to investigate further. Unsurprisingly, Russian authorities have refused to comply.
But this doesn't have to be an obstacle. Organisations such as the United Nations could make themselves useful for once by issuing a meaningful resolution accusing Russia of deliberately orchestrating the September 1999 bombings and being criminally responsible for the murder of 307 Russian civilians and the injuring of over 1000. (In Ryazan, where police discovered FSB agents planting a fourth hexogen bomb, residents eventually developed sleep and heart problems.)
Russian diplomats will undoubtedly complain and make threats, as will the Russian government, but the effect of these will be countered by Russia's current and entirely self-inflicted isolation. Russian authorities have lied and will continue lying about these events, as well as throwing in all manner of distractions to make the population forget. Russian authorities cannot deceive everyone outside of Russia, however.
The widespread knowledge of possible FSB involvement in the murder of Russian citizens will cause serious damage to Putin's international reputation and hopefully justify further arrest warrants and investigation at the International Criminal Court.
And let's not forget that the Beslan school siege also occurred in September, three days that resulted in the deaths of 333 people and the injuring of over 700. Many of the fatalities were children, who died when FSB agents stormed the school in defiance of all safety and antiterrorist measures. Questions remain as to who orchestrated this attack, questions that David Satter also addresses in The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep.
It's time to bring back investigation into the 1999 bombings in Russia. They are the centre of the criminality that has occurred inside and outside of Russia since 1999. It's time for the truth.
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Strict Tempo 07.28.2022 (Virus Meadow) Youtube: https://youtu.be/5KV5b354dWo Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/VoxSinistra/strict-tempo-07282022/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/voxsinistra/strict-tempo-07282022
Terror Forms - Opaque Alek Drive - Amour Musique (Original Mix) Gertrud Stein - 2m2 D/SIR - Violate Later Venom Vampires - Super Science & Sorcery   Kris Baha – Kalt FORMAT ERROR - Flüssiggas Luke Eargoggle & The Hacker - Body TSTI - Strange Times (Extended Mix) Volta Cab - Immortal Fix (Hesperius Draco Remix) Venom Vampires - Axiom [Extended Mix] Night Sins - Annihilator (Confines Remix) Massive Luxury Overdose - Love Disease GEGEN MANN - Caged Beast RUKSBY, MAN2.0 - So Familiar Transponder - The Return Of The New Beat Feat. Leaether Strip (Remix By Parralox) Dead Husband - Luxe Kondo Jyl - Universe (Iro Aka Edit) Endrik Schroeder - Rainy Days NNHMN - Lovelorn RUKSBY - Blood On The Beat Exterminador - Mohammed Bin Salman (Tegeler Mix) Radondo - Alone (Mufti 'In Gloom' Mix) SARIN - Hexogen Xenia Beliayeva - BPD DSX - Information War (Antoni Maiovvi Remix) Paula Tape & Volantis - Octava Dimension DSX - Digitalia NOTAUSGANG - 24 Failures Alexei Volkov - Levitan David J Bull - Dream System BS-1 - Kill Switch Rue Oberkampf - Hope and Fear DSX - Shifted [beatless] (feat. Zoé Zanias) RANDOLPH & MORTIMER vs VITTORIO DI MANGO - Body Hack NNHMN - B.o.y O+her - Virus Meadow Neila Invo - Bright and Tempting WENDY BEVAN - LOVE FROM THE MOON (Black Egg rmx)
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wdowiaczek20 · 7 years
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demifiendrsa · 5 years
Sentinels: Aegis Rim details more sub-characters, Sentinels, and kaijuu
■ Characters
Erika Aiba (voiced by Hisako Tojo)
“I’ll do my best… to be a good assistant.”
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A student from class 1-D. A mysterious girl with a unique way of seeing things. She loves detective novels, fantasizing Takamiya as Holmes and herself as Watson, and enjoys investigating the case when Minami dissapears.
A pure-hearted detective girl with a scent of secrecy.
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Tetsuya Ida (voiced by ???)
“Exactly… you are special.”
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A part-time instructor at Sakura High School. He teaches Ryouko Shinonome’s class. He is actually secretly the chairman for the Special Intelligence Agency, a government spy orginication. He draws out Shinonome to the battlefield.
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Morimura-Sensei (voiced by ???)
“How’s your body feeling, Kurabe-kun?”
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The school nurse for Sakura High School. She is also the class teacher for class 1-B, which inculdes Juurou Kurabe and Iori Fuyusaka.
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Shippo (voiced by ???)
“I know everything about you.”
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A talking cat that appears before Megumi Yakushiji. He promises to grant Yakushiji’s wish to save Juurou, and sends her on a dangerous mission in return.
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BJ (voiced by ???)
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A mysterious robot Natsuno Minami encouners. It is about 60 centimeters in height. He wants Minami to help him find his memory cells.
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Takemi Wajima (voiced by Okaatsu Imaru)
“Lets settle this here.”
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A deliquent from 1985. A gang leader at Nigakuri Tech High School. He is nicknamed “Nigakuri Take.” He has a mean face and uses foul language. He acts as if he is strong in fights, but often times get himself defeated.
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Heizou Onishi (voiced by Motoi Koyanagi)
“Are you connected to the Special Agency? Can you tell me anything about them?”
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A police officer from the juvenile crimes section of Kamazumi Ward police department. He strictly cracks down on juvenile crimes and violence, but has a kind heart and many of the kids who encountered him call him “Oni-hei” out of respect and friendliness. He and Wajima know each other.
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■ Sentinels
There are four types of Sentinels that appear in the game, including the melee type, balanced type, ranged type, and aerial support type. In this article we are going to introduce the first, third, and fourth generation Sentinels.
First Generation Sentinel (Melee Type)
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Sentinels specialized in close-range combat, and the oldest of them all. Sentinels no. 10, 11, and 12 are of this type.
Nenji Ogata, Ei Sekigahara, and Takatoshi Hijiyama pilot these three Sentinels.
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Third Generation Sentinel (Ranged Type)
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Sentinels specialized in ranged attacks. Sentinels no. 16, 17, and 19 are of this type.
Tomi Kisaragi, Natsuno Minami, and Keitaro Miura pilot these three Sentinels.
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Fourth Generation Sentinel (Aerial Support Type)
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The newest of the Sentinels that are able to fly using two gigantic tilt-rotors. Sentinels no. 20, 21, 22, and 23 are of this type. These were created in order to provide support for the other Sentinels.
Shuu Amikuchi, Yuki Takamiya, Renya Gouto, and Megumi Yakushiji pilot these four Sentinels.
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■ Kaijuu
Kaijuu with unique abilities will attack the city to get to the terminal. Create your team according to the kaijuu forecasted and counter their attack.
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Eight meters tall and rather small for a kaijuu, it still poses a huge threat to humans. They come in large numbers and barge through buildings like solider ants.
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A 35 meter-tall high kaijuu with huge weight and power. It has a thick layer of armor that missiles and machine cannons barely do any damage against. It is also a kaijuu that specializes in melee combat.
Twin Tail
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A kaijuu that specializes in attacking with missiles and Gatling guns.
Drum Mine
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A kaijuu filled with hexogen, which detonates itself when it comes close to its target for an explosive attack.
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A kaijuu that protects other kaijuu by shielding them. When a kaijuu is covered with its shield, they will not take any damage. Prioritizing this kaijuu before it emits its shield will be key to combat.
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A five meter-tall small scout drone kaijuu that flies with two large tilt-rotors. It uses formations and attacks with small lazers.
Drill Fly
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A 30-meter flying / digging kaijuu. It attacks from the air using machine guns and missiles. It also has a high defense.
Tera Carrier
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A giant airborne carrier-type kaijuu that attacks by releasing waves of Hunters. It has a thick layer of armor and is also capable of attackig with machine guns.
Mobile Fac
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A mobile factory-type kaijuu that absorbs surrounding materials to create kaijuu inside itself. It continues to create small or medium-sized kaijuu as long as it is alive, so it is wise to destroy this before it bombards you.
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High Quad
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A heavy machine-type kaijuu that is over 100 meters tall. It has many weapons and thick armor. The plasma cannon fired from the upper middle part of its body is extremely strong, and even melts the armor of the Sentinels.
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■ Kaijuu Appearance Tendency
You can check what type of kaijuu appear for each stage. The Sentinels have combat styles they specialize in, so organize your team accordingly.
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■ Use Experience Points and Metachips to Strengthen Your Characters and Sentinels
Earn experience points and metachips from battles against kaijuu. Accumulating experience points will level up your characters and unlock character-specific skills. Collecting metachips will strengthen your Sentinels, and unlock new weapons and weapon upgrades. It also strengthens the functions of the terminal.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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This week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation Vol. 680 includes a feature on 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. The 4-page feature includes information on the types of sentinels and their respective pilots, as well as the types of enemies and new profiles for side characters.
Sentinel Types
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As described previously, there are four sentinel types: melee combat type, universal type, long-distance type, and flight support type. Each of these types are piloted by specific characters.
Melee Combat Type
A mech specializing in melee combat, and the oldest type of the sentinels. The three sentinels of this type are No. 10, No. 11, and No. 12. It does not have much in terms of firepower, however it excels at closing the distance for close combat and overpowering the enemy with power and mobility.
The three pilots of these first generation sentinels are: Nenji Ogata, Ei Sekigahara, and Hijiyama Takatoshi.
Universal Type
The second generation of sentinels with a balanced combat approach. In addition to offensive weapons for close-range and medium distances, it also has auxiliary weapons. It has thick armor, weighing 2,200 tons. The three sentinels of this type are No. 13, No. 14, and No. 15.
The three pilots of these second generation sentinels are: Juurou Kurabe, Ryouko Shinonome, and Iori Fuyasaka.
Long-Distance Type
A sentinel specializing in long-range attacks. It is armed with numerous heavy weapons, being able to launch a variety of attacks from a long range. However, it is lacking at close range combat. The three sentinels of this type are No. 16, No. 17, and No. 19.
The three pilots of these third generation sentinels are: Tomi Kisaragi, Minami Natsuno, and Keitarou Miura.
Flight Support Type
The latest version of sentinel, with the capability to fly with the use of two large propulsion engines on its shoulders. It is designed to support other friendly combatants. There are four sentinels of this type: No. 20, No. 21, No. 22, and No. 23.
The four pilots of these fourth generation sentinels are: Shu Amiguchi, Yuki Takamiya, Gouto Renya, and Yakushiji Megumi.
In battle against monsters, you will earn experience points and machine chips. Analyze how the monsters will appear, and create an effective team based on that information. The other members that aren’t picked, as a defensive team, will intercept enemies who approach the terminals and lend support.
Footage of the battle gameplay segments can be seen in a previous post.
Monster Types
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Numerous monsters appear, threatening the city with destruction and striking fear into the populace. There are various types of enemies, from large types with the appearance of huge battleships to small types. All of them are designed for destruction.
It has a total length of 8m, which is small among the monsters, but it still represents a serious threat to humanity. It attacks in hordes, like an army of ants.
Twin Tail
Among the monsters, these ones are specialized in long range attacks using missiles and gatling guns. It is characterized by its two crane-like arms (or tails?).
Drill Fly
A flying excavation type of monster with a total length of 30m. It hovers with the use of many propellers, attacking from the air with machine guns and missiles.
A monster that protects other monsters by deploying a shield. The monsters covered by the shield cannot be attacked, so taking these out first is a priority.
Mobile Fac
Incorporating its surrounding as materials, this is a huge mobile factory monster which produces other monsters one after another in its internal manufacturing facility. It is a threat if left unattended, due to its continuous manufacturing of small to medium sized monsters.
A huge monster with a total length of 35m, with armor so thick that it cannot be easily defeated with normal artillery attacks.
Drum Mine
As it approaches its target, it releases a large amount of hexogen: an explosive substance, which it then commits suicide with, damaging the surrounding area.
A 5m long reconnaissance drone monster that flies at a high speed with two giant propellers. They line the target up and attack with small self-defense lasers.
High Quad
A huge mobile, heavy machine monster which exceeds 100, in length. It is equipped with a large number of weapons and it has thick armor. It has an extremely powerful plasma cannon on top of its main body which, when delivering a direct hit, will instantly dissolve the thick armor of a sentinel due to overwhelming heat.
Side Characters
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Profiles for more side characters in the game are revealed in this feature, with previous side characters described previously. Additionally, Atlus has updated the official website for 13 Sentinels with the newly shown side characters.
The profiles for the 13 main characters can be found here.
Erika Aiba
A Sakura High School student of year 1, group 0. A mysterious girl with a peculiar tempo and an elusive side. She loves mystery novels and likens Yuki Takamiya to Holmes and herself to Watson, where she enjoys going on investigations with Takamiya.
Tetsuya Ida (Voice: ???)
A part-time lecturer at Sakura High School. He is in charge of Ryouko Shinonome’s class, but is actually the chairman of the Special Intelligence Organization (a government spy agency).
Shippo (Voice: ???)
A mysterious talking cat that appeared in front of Yakushiji Temple. In exchange for granting Juurou’s wish of saving the temple, it sends him on dangerous missions.
Takemi Wajima (Voice: Atsushi Imaruoka)
A high schooler in 1985 who acts as the leader of the delinquents at Nigakuri Technical High School. He is nicknamed Nigakuri no Take (a type of poisonous mushroom). However, he often finds himself being beaten at his own game.
Morimura-sensei (Voice: ???)
The school nurse at Sakura High School. She is also in charge of Kurabe and Fuyusaka’s Class 1-B, but she also seems to be taking some unsettling actions…
BJ (Voice: ???)
A mysterious little robot about 60cm tall that Minami encounters in the club room. It asks Minami to help it find its storage cells, and travels through time.
Heizou Onishi (Voice: Motoi Koyanagi)
A plainclothes officer working for the Kamazumi Ward Police Station in the juvenile boys division. He is strict but compassionate, and the boys he deals with call him “Demon Hei.”
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim will be released for the PlayStation 4 in Japan on November 28, 2019. The game was announced for English localization in June 2017. No Western release date has been announced as of yet.
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eatsatreat · 3 years
Cỏ biến đổi gene hút chất độc hại
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Các nhà khoa học lần đầu tiên phát triển thành công cỏ biến đổi gene có khả năng hấp thụ hóa chất hexogen, giúp xử lý ô nhiễm.
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Putin praises author who said Jews were "hastening a second Holocaust"
Vladimir Putin has praised the antisemitic Russian author Alexander Prokhanov in a birthday message.
Putin praised the “social, literary and journalistic activities” of Prokhanov, who edits an ultra-nationalist newspaper that has called for a new cold war, on the occasion of Prokhanov’s 80th birthday.
“You have taken a great professional path, you have found your calling in your columns and in your social, literary and journalistic activities. You have always remained committed to your civic principles and ideals… I wish you good health and hope that your plans will be realized”, Putin wrote.
Prokhanov has said that Jews who protested against Russia’s actions in Ukraine were “hastening a second Holocaust”. He then claimed that Jews also “brought about the first”. Blaming Jews for the Holocaust is amongst the most profoundly antisemitic statements that one can conceivably make.
At the same time he said to the New York Times: “I am afraid that I am interested in a Cold War with the West”. More recently he wrote that he “worked day and night” towards such a conflict.
A character in one of his books, “Mr Hexogen”, claimed that Russian Jews were harvesting organs to sell to Israel, a claim that mirrors medieval blood libel, and which is frequently voiced as a conspiracy theory about contemporary Jews.
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ulibeudgen · 4 years
A49-Trasse: Gift im Boden
Wo die A49-Trasse den Herrenwald schneidet, steckt jede Menge altes Gift im Boden: Trinitrotoluol (TNT), Hexyl und Hexogen stammen aus der Sprengstoffproduktion des Dritten Reiches, Polycyclische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) aus den Bauten der Westfälisch-Anhaltischen Sprengstoff-Actien-Gesellschaft (WASAG) und der Dynamit Nobel AG (DAG). Beide betrieben hier nahe Marburg Europas größte Munitions- und Sprengstofffabrik als Teil des Netzwerks, mit dem die Nazis massiv aufrüsteten. Auch Hirschhagen nahe Kassel gehörte zu diesem Netz.
Blick auf die Reste: Die Stadtallendorfer Sprengstoff- und Munitionsfabriken nach Kriegsende.© Archivfoto: Privat
Tarnname Barbara – dahinter steckten 1000 Hektar mit 650 gut getarnten Bauten und Bunkern im Wald oder hinter Erdwällen: Im Zweiten Weltkrieg schufteten bei Stadtallendorf mehr als 15.000 Zwangsarbeiter und KZ-Häftlinge, die unter SS-Bewachung in Barackenlagern hausten. Die Gifte aus den Sprengstoffen, die hier in Munitionshülsen verfüllt wurden, färbten den Menschen in den Rüstungsfabriken die Haare rot, Hände und Arme gelb. Nach dem Krieg demontierten oder sprengten die Alliierten die Anlagen großteils. In den Lagern wurden Heimatvertriebene und Flüchtlinge aus dem Osten einquartiert. ...“
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diggitysurplus · 7 years
(DSV Audio)
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