#hey! augie
cloon-draws · 2 years
🅱️ugie 🅱️nderson OR Augie Doggie 😎
🅱️ugie 🅱️nderson and Augie Doggie it is :> 🅱️ugie 🅱️nderson
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bi disaster. We all agree to this
Gender Headcanon: Outwardly he would be cis, but for some reason, the back of my mind is lowkey refusing
A ship I have with said character: Skaugie or I sometimes dub Brawnsmarts
A BROTP I have with said character: Literally him with the crew, including Mudsy bc he's his dad Mr hanna and Mr barbera told me.
A NOTP I have with said character: Think of that one fic saga where he was shipped with April. I did not like that one bit.
A random headcanon: Augie being an artist is an absolute big brain move. He's the kind of guy that would be sketching sceneries when there is a moment to rest. Also in his sketchbook (which is forbidden to be looked into) has sketches where he often draw his friends, trying to get every detail perfect. (Sorta Unrelated note: He and Tuan (my oc) respect each other's works because of the effort put into it despite the medium differences). And Im just thinking, what if I give him an inferiority complex where one of his worst fears is his friends finding out that he needs them more than they need him. General Opinion over said character: This guy is so goofy it's unreal like look at him. I literally can't stand him being the Fred-Type bc I know he's not like him. Why compare a jock to a theatre kid?
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Augie Doggie (I'll go with my version I held for at least 5 years)
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Sexuality Headcanon: I see him in the asexual umbrella, even as a pre-teen, he's not really into romance that much.
Gender Headcanon: I see him as trans. It just makes sense to me
A ship I have with said character: Peggy Poodle in the future of the au (it's hard to tell from others if they're dating at first because they don't do the mushy romantic stuff"
A BROTP I have with said character: Got a small list includes my oc Nick Vile as a brother figure, Bernice (Spruce Goose), Niall Scroolews (my oc)
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't see too many ships regarding to the character in general so I didn't apply to it
A random headcanon(s): Had seen the embodiment of Death at his grandma's funeral. Im not kidding when I said that he can make friends with anyone. General Opinion over said character: I care too much about him, and I'll keep doing that.
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jasminebelle096 · 3 months
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andthebubbles · 1 year
not me writing 8.7k words of anthony angst fic, finally being possibly happy with it (read: the first section), then realising that i fORGOT DAPHNE WOULD BE PREGNANT WITH AUGIE AND SKFJGKG I WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO SHOVE SOMETHING IN SOMEWHERE
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positivexcellence · 6 months
‘Walker’: Jared Padalecki on ‘Hot & Heavy’ Cordell and Geri, What’s Next With The Jackal
Finally! You’re back. It’s been forever! And we’re still looking for The Jackal?
Jared Padalecki: Yeah. We had a little five-month time lapse just to allow for all the strike stuff, but it’s still the same storyline. We pick up in the same storyline, for sure, with some time passed. Obviously, Cordell and Geri [Odette Annable] are a little more, um, advanced, than they were. [Laughs] Stella’s [Violet Brinson] back to college, and Augie’s [Kale Culley] back to nearing the end of high school. But The Jackal has reared its ugly head once again, and we got to go figure out what’s going on.
And you’ve been going without Cassie for five months, so it’s you and Trey, which is a pretty cool partnership.
Super cool. Yeah, Cassie was on our FBI task force, and she comes back to let us know what she’s been up to and to kind of say, “Hey, there’s something we might need your help on.” We all love her and miss her and are wondering where she stands. Is she going to stay or go? But Trey and James and Walker have been running amuck in her absence. [Laughs]
And how is her return going to change things? She comes back a little different, too.
She does. She’s had a little different experience and has had a taste of what might be available to her. And she has a different set of expectations. Obviously, she’s welcomed back with open arms from our other characters, but it’s sort of like, “Okay, well, we don’t know where she stands.” We want to be respectful of what she wants and what she needs to do, and we all secretly hope that she’s going to stick around.
And we’ve got a full-blown relationship going on with Geri and Cordi. They’re living together. How’s that going?
Yeah, I think it’s going well. They seem to be hot and heavy, and I’m glad that nothing happened in the five months between the wedding and Episode 401 to kind of sideline that. But that’s not to say that something won’t sideline that within Season 4. [Laughs]
Of course! Because he’s taking on this case, dealing with a serial killer, and I’ve watched enough TV and movies to know that when the good guys take on a serial killer, serial killers tend to target the people their pursuers love most.
You’re too good at this, Damian. [Laughs]
So this is putting a target on a lot of people?
Oh, yeah.
And how will Geri factor into this? Because you can’t just have her hanging out at the house. What is she going to get to do?
Well, good point. She has some stuff of her own going on this season that she needs to care of. And let’s just say that Walker has never been the best about admitting what is going on in his head. Probably something that the astute writers have noticed about [me] and just weaved into Cordell. [Laughs] But we certainly see Geri as sort of a grounding force and guiding light who is trying to figure out things like, “Well, these characters seem to be different, and this person isn’t really responding the way I expected or when I expected.” So we kind of see her as the lighthouse that’s saying, “Hey, you seem to have stuff going on.” Meanwhile, she’s also juggling kind of new responsibilities with Augie and Stella. Stella’s an adult and Augie’s almost an adult, so she’s not overbearing by any means, and she’ll always be “Aunt Geri” to some degree, but she’s taken on a lot and is doing it very well.
We see Stella relying on Liam (Keegan Allen) during all the trauma that she’s dealing with following the home invasion. Will Geri help out with that? Because I feel like Stella definitely at this point needs a mom.
Yes, she does. And Stella has a great arc this season. Let’s just say that many times this season, people accuse Stella of being just like her father. [Laughs] Oh, yeah. Stella is great at keeping secrets as well and keeping struggles to herself. So just like Walker has a tough time reaching out for help, we think Stella may have unfortunately learned that from her dad.
And how is Walker going to handle the fact that his daughter has been counting on Liam with all this stuff that’s been going on and he hasn’t been brought into the loop?
I think he understands more. Unlike prior seasons, I think Walker understands that his daughter’s now an adult, even though he doesn’t like it. It’s new for him. He spent 18 years with his daughter as his child, and now he’s kind of a year or two in to his daughter being an adult and able to make her own decisions. She needs to be responsible, and so I think Walker gives Stella a little leeway, hoping that she’ll remain the kind of stalwart that she’s always been. And then I think he realizes that maybe even though she’s surrounded by friends and family who are there for whatever she needs, that maybe she has a little bit too much Cordell Walker inside of her.
And Augie going into the military? This is a big step for a young man, and as much as a father would want his son to follow in those footsteps, it’s also like, this is a very dangerous line that he wants to get involved with.
For sure. Augie is coming into his own and has some ideas. He’s always been the kid who wanted to grow up a little bit too fast. And frankly, with the passing of his mom and his father being a Texas ranger who’s been abducted and had the house broken into and kind of always been in danger, I think he grew up long before the prospect of turning 18. But he wants to prove that he is an adult in his own right and that he has these ideas about how to secure his future. So Walker is trying to walk that line between, “I know you’ve been through a lot, you’ve been through more than most 70 year olds have been through,” and “Let’s tap the brakes, buddy.” And this is not disrespectful. This is my job as a dad, but I think also Walker finds that, because his profession is in law enforcement, sometimes he can come across a bit more harsh than he intends to.
Understandable, since it’s his kid! I will say, at the beginning of the season, this is probably the happiest we’ve seen Cordi. He’s eating a massive amount of steak. He’s in love again. He has put the ghost of his late wife to rest. The kids are growing up, he’s kind of reclaiming his own life again. Can he have this all, can he be happy?
Oh, Damian, you know TV better than that! Hell no. [Laughs]
He can have a lot sometimes and some a lot of times, but one of the things that [showrunner] Anna Fricke and I talked about from the get-go was trying to make sure that this version of Walker was more similar to life than just a TV version of a [person]. We never sought out to go like, “Well, it’s the end of episode, I roundhouse kicked somebody and now everything’s okay. Let’s all high-five!” This is more like, “Well, what did I miss while trying to get the bad guy? Oh, I missed my daughter’s graduation. Oh, I missed her birthday. I missed this. Oh, I didn’t call back my live-in partner that I was supposed to.”
And so there’s no pure win and there is no pure loss. So I think with Walker, though happy now, his life happens in seasons and not like TV seasons. Walker’s had some hard times and now is an easy time, but life is difficult, and Walker finds that out.
Still, it’s nice to see him getting to enjoy being the hero he is more than usual. Especially with Captain James. This season, the drama is his and Cordi gets to be there for him and support him.
Yeah. That is very true, and it’s great. Yeah, I agree all around. I think Walker is going to find out who he is in good times, which he hasn’t had a whole lot of chance to explore yet. And as with anything, if you haven’t had a lot of experience, you might not be as good at it as you would’ve hoped. We’ve all seen that Walker can be great in times of struggle. He’s had some reps in the gym as far as that arena goes. But let’s see who he is when there’s no bad guy to chase right now — especially when that bad guy might be strengthening themselves in preparation for when the Rangers come after them.
Before you go, was there anything that you’ve gotten to do this season that you just are so excited for people to see?
Big time. We’ve had a lot of fun, fun stuff. There’s something, unfortunately it’s the finale, so I can’t talk about it—I’ll call you privately [Laughs]—but I will say, in the first episode, we have a really fun sequence. We got to do a car-chase sequence in the back of a big rig.
And funny behind-the-scenes fact that no one knows about: During the Longhorns playoff game on New Year’s Day, I was walking around barefoot, my brother and his kids were over, and they were all playing and stupidly, I grabbed a piece of pizza and tried to run back to the couch to watch the game and I kicked my coffee table on accident! So I had a broken toe for the first three episodes and before shooting that sequence and for a couple episodes after, I would have to ice my foot, throw a sock on real fast, shove it into my cowboy boot, and run around park garages and throw myself around. Yeah, so that was fun. [Laughs] We laughed about it afterwards, but it was just hard to get the boot on and off.
They couldn’t shoot around the boot?!
I didn’t want to complain. We’d all been out of work for nine months because of the strike and everything. So I was like, I got it. I’m not going to complain about this. The show finally can go on, and I’m going to go like “Ouch, my toe hurts”? No, thank you! [Laughs]
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spaghetti-man99 · 1 year
Okay, so after seeing Asteroid City a bunch of times, I thought I should probably write down my thoughts, so here they are
(warning this is kind of long)
Thoughts On Asteroid City:
“4th wall break”, or When The Characters Become the actors:
Woodrow constantly looks at the “audience” (the camera) during the film, this is because the understudy is playing Woodrow and is not used to the audience
“I still don’t say I forgive you”: at first I thought this was Midge saying this to Augie, but upon watching it again, it actually seems to be the actor Mercedes saying it to the director Schubert, who had written her an apology letter.
“Hey, do you feel any different?”: this is a stretch, but the day after the alien takes the asteroid, Midge asks Augie if he feels any different. He answers that he doesn’t, and asks if that’s odd, and Midge says that she also doesn’t feel any different. Now, taking into account Augie’s actor Jones’ (probably) very fresh grief and shock over the death of his lover Conrad (the playwright), coupled with the fact that he doesn’t answer with his line immediately (probably because he’s dissociating), this makes me think that Midge’s actor, Mercedes, is actually asking if he feels any different now that Conrad is gone, and Jones is in too much shock to actively feel anything
The Quickie Gridle: In the scene where Augie burns his hand on the Quickie Gridle (something that Jones had asked Conrad about at the beginning of the film, “Why does Augie burn his hand on the Quickie Gridle?”), it looks as if Mercedes is in actual shock when his hand hits the griddle. She asks him why he did it, and his answer is, “it’s unclear” because Conrad never told him why.
(there is probably a great deal more that I don’t remember, I might add more
I was put onto this by @mummer, and after going to see the movie again with the idea that the movie is partially about Jones trying to process his grief, a lot of scenes were put into a different light and honestly I enjoyed it even more.
Obviously, we have the scene where he goes on his backstage rant (which I did not realize he did while they were doing an active performance and not just a rehearsal). It seems to be him searching for the meaning in Conrad’s passing (and also the meaning of life in general) in his play, but being ultimately told by Schubert that it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand the meaning, because he just has to keep going
“I feel like my heart is breaking, my own personal heart.” “Good.”: this comes across to me as Jones finally being able to get past his shock and actually feel something about Conrad’s passing through the lens of playing Augie and Schubert telling him that the pain is good and healthy
“Am I doing him right?”... “I think you’re doing him right.”: again, this could be a stretch, and it makes sense to interpret it literally, however… Jones is, again, actively grieving for a partner that could not be grieved in public. This could be his way of subtly asking if he’s doing it right, if he’s doing the play the way Conrad would have wanted, if he would have been happy with him and his performance, and Schubert’s answer of “I think you’re doing him right” could very well be an attempt to comfort him and saying that he is doing right by Conrad, that he would be proud of him.
“Use your grief.” Again, this could just be how the play was written, but if that isn’t some great advice for Jones I don’t know what is.
“I think you might have to try to replace me.”: The scene with the actress that played Augie’s wife and her quoting the dialogue to Jones, essentially speaking what has been going through his head since Conrad died.
Also I think it was extremely intentional that we get the news that Conrad died directly after the above scene.
Again, there are probably more that I forgot or have already been said somewhere else.
(these are more just little things)
The way the cowboy Montana’s actor is not present in the beginning line up and is instead represented through a painting over the teacher June’s actor’s head
The little roadrunner puppet!! Which you can see being played with when Jones goes backstage
The little scene where the narrator just appears and then is like, “Am I… not in this one?” And then leaves and the actors go back a line of dialogue
The way we only see some of June and Montana’s relationship and only know they got together because the mechanic’s actor came out and told Jones
The picture of Augie’s wife being exactly how he described her in the little monologue
Augie’s laugh after he told the girls they weren’t orphans
“That business with the pipe and the camera and the eyebrow.” – Schubert to Jones
The scene with Schubert and his wife, I loved the way that even though Schubert is obviously torn apart by this, he still understands that his wife doesn’t love him the same anymore and lets her go
The memory game that the brainiacs play
Woodrow and his Grandfather have the exact same hairstyle
“I play him as a metaphor.” “For what?” “Well I don’t know, we never pinned it down.” – Jones and the actor for the alien.
The colors!!!
Basically all the times the brainiacs interacted
Where does Ricky's father sleep??? Where does Ricky sleep?? Cause they were not sleeping in the tent.
Montana's perfect, stereotypical cowboy speak
And so much more I might have to update this if I remember
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geralts-yenn · 2 years
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Hey Augie, what are you up to?
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waistcoat35 · 1 year
hey do you ever. do you ever think about how. do you ever think Conrad's red silk pyjamas and Midge's bathrobe look similar.
the way there's parallels between Jones' character's love interest and Conrad. and there's parallels between Augie's dead wife and Conrad.
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lightsburnbrite · 8 months
The Love You Want: Part 1
The buzzing of my phone on my nightstand was what woke me up. We were given the day off from training so I turned my alarm off and ended up sleeping later than I normally would have. Picking up the phone, I saw that it was my mother and immediately swiped to answer it. She wouldn't normally be calling on a weekday morning so I knew it was probably important.
"Yeah, Mama?"
"Oh, Leon. I didn't expect to get you. I'm afraid I have some sad news. Augie Kohler passed away last night."
It took me a minute to process what she had said and to then connect the dots. August Kohler was the husband of Maria Kohler, my mother's best friend. They were the parents of Elena who had been my closest friend up until about four years ago.
"Mama, I'm so sorry. Have they made any arrangements yet?"
Before I knew it, I was on the phone with my coach asking for permission to miss the next two training sessions. I said that my uncle died, which was more or less true considering the amount of time I had spent around Augie growing up. Once I landed back home, I went to my parent's house and from there we would go to the Kohler's. 
"Just so you're aware," My mother turned around from the front passenger seat, "Elena got married about two years ago."
My heart stopped for a beat. Elena and I were thick as thieves when we were kids but things became weird once it was established that I'd be moving to Munich. At first, she offered to make the move with me. It was going to be a new place where I didn't know anyone and I had never lived on my own before. I turned her down, not willing to take the chance to find out that my feelings for her were unrequited. Not long after that I heard she had slept with the guy in our friend group that no one really liked but also didn't have the courage to split from. Hurt feelings on both sides meant that we pretty much just stopped talking after that. 
"Did Ellie invite you to the wedding?"
My mother sighed. "She did, but it took place in London, that's where she lives now, so we didn't make it."
I stayed silent for the rest of the drive. I stood by my mother's side, offering my silent condolences until Maria approached me with her arms outstretched.
"It's good to see you again." She squeezed me and kissed my cheek before stepping back, her hands still on my forearms. "I don't remember you being quite this strapping the last time I saw you."
I felt my face flush. "It, um, helps with my game…to be more…physical."
Maria smiled. "Well, it suits you."
I gave a little nod. "Is Ellie here?"
"Oh yes, of course, dear. She's here somewhere."
I excused myself to go in search of her only remembering after the fact that she was now married. The last thing I wanted to do right then was to have to suffer through the forced politeness of meeting her husband. Still, I wandered throughout the house in the hopes of finding her.
I hadn't figured on finding her outside but with the early autumn weather still being nice, I knew I shouldn't have been surprised that she chose to escape the crowd inside. Elena had found a lone lounge chair on the pool deck and was now sitting in a beam of sunlight with her eyes closed. She didn't move when I opened the door.
"Hey," I cleared my throat to let her know I was approaching before sitting down next to Elena. "You ok?"
Elena shrugged as she struggled to find an answer to my question. "I don't know. Even as an adult you get lulled into this feeling that your parents are indestructible and then…they're not. And, like, I love my mother-"
"But you were always a daddy's girl." When I finished her sentence, that seemed to trigger her unraveling, she couldn't hold it together anymore. A few years ago, I absolutely would have embraced her. Now, I didn't know how she felt towards me so the safest way on consoling her was just a hand on her shoulder.
When she seemed to settle, I decided to press her. "So where's the husband?" When Elena looked back at me, I answered the question she didn't ask. "My mother told me. I didn't even get an invite?"
She wiped under her eyes with the pads of her fingers. "You made it pretty clear that you didn't need me as a friend anymore after you moved. I didn't think you'd be interested in coming to my wedding."
"What are you even talking about?" I searched her face as if I was going to find the answer there. "When did I tell you we weren't friends anymore?"
"How many times did you take my calls or answer my texts after you moved?" Her tone suddenly shifted as though she wanted to keep the conversation in a neutral place. "I get it, you were busy and we grew apart. It happens, it's not anyone's fault."
Still, her accusations didn't sit right with me. "How often did you visit me?"
"I offered to move to Munich with you. I knew it would be a hard transition in a new city, living on your own for the first time, but you turned me down." I felt her move farther away from me. "Besides, Angela told me what you said."
Now she had me stumped. "What did I say?"
"Angela said that you told her the only reason I wanted to go to Munich was because I'd run out of guys to fuck here." Elena repeated the words in a flat tone but I could tell that there was a great deal of bitterness associated with them.
Elena was refusing to look at me by this point but I wasn't going to force her, I was still trying to figure out what I had said that could have been interpreted into what Angela relayed to her.
"Well, I did appreciate knowing what you actually thought of me." She quickly steered the conversation back to the original question. "Alex is in Dubai for work. He's coming as soon as he can."
Now it was my turn to be offended. "Your father passes away and your husband might not even make it to the funeral? Seems like a great guy."
"He can't just stop whatever he's doing-" Elena paused and took a breath, seemingly willing herself to stay calm. "I don't have to defend him to you."
I just shrugged as I stood, feeling like the conversation was coming to a close. "No, you don't. I just thought a husband was supposed to support his wife. If you were my wife…well, I'm here, aren't I? How did you meet Alex?"
"Once I finished school, I started working for Deutsche Bank." Elena sighed as happier memories flooded her brain. I wondered if she knew I'd done that on purpose. "Alex works for the London firm and he was there for a week of meetings and I was assigned to work under him for that time. We hit it off really well and then a few weeks later I get a call that they'd like to move me to London."
I pulled a face, not hiding the fact that I disapproved. "So he was your boss-"
"No." She seemed surprised herself with how stern her tone was. "We worked in separate areas."
"Yet he still had enough pull to bring you to a different country." I pressed my lips together and shrugged. "Seems like there was at least a little coercion going on."
By this point, Elena refused look at me. "I'm finished talking about this."
I waited, an attempt to call her bluff, but eventually caved. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow."
Later that evening, I sat in my childhood bedroom lamenting the fact that I should have expressed my feelings to Elena when I had the chance. I was worried that she didn't feel the same and doing so would have jeopardized our friendship. Of course now i realized that by not saying anything, I only pushed her away and now I didn't have her in my life at all.
Once we made it to the church, I wasn't surprised to see that it was already filling up. Augie was a well respected member of our local community. The first row of pews was reserved for immediate family so we sat a little less than halfway back. As the casket was brought in, Maria was directly behind it followed by Elena walking next to a man that had to be at least 20 years older. When I noticed that she had her arm wrapped around his, I figured that must be Alex.
Glancing through the order of service, I read that the eulogy would be given first by Elena and then Maria. That order didn't surprise me, knowing Elena, she wouldn't have been able to speak after her mother.
About midway through, as Elena gave an anecdote on how her father had a way of gently nudging her forward even when she thought she was stuck, I watched as Alex stood up. I wanted to keep my eyes on her, knowing that she saw him stand as well, but I couldn't help but to stare as he walked about halfway down the outside aisle before pulling his phone out. 
Maria, waiting for her next to the pulpit, gave Elena a hug and wiped her tears away before she stepped up but that meant that Elena was essentially alone once she sat back in the pew. I watched as she glanced back every so often, seemingly waiting for Alex to come back but it became apparent that he had left. 
Once the service had finished and the pallbearers were in place, Maria stood behind the casket, same as she had when they entered. Elena stood as well, but the look of sheer panic on her face broke my heart. Maria had started walking but it was as though Elena was frozen in place. Without giving it a second thought, I stood and quickly walked to her side. With my arm around her, I gently guided her forward until we made it to the narthex. Pulling her off to the side, I held her tightly against my chest as she sobbed into my shoulder.
Obviously she was grieving her father but I fully believed that it just clicked in to her that her own husband was never going to put her before anything else in his life.
My arms still around her, I rested my head against hers as she let out a final sigh. I gave her a squeeze before kissing her temple, not caring that she was married, I was going to show her the affection that she deserved. "C'mon, Ellie. The car is waiting for you."
I rode with Elena and Maria to and from the interment, Elena never letting go of my arm. They had a reception at their house afterwards and aside from me making sure she had something to eat and drink, Elena never left my side.  
My parents and I had said our goodbyes and no sooner had I closed the car door did my mother start. "So, what's going on?"
"What do you mean?" When she raised an eyebrow I knew I couldn't get away with playing dumb. "Oh, I didn't want Maria to have to to be alone today."
My mother nodded silently. "And Elena?"
"What about her?"
"She didn't leave your side for the entire afternoon." She lowered her voice even though it was just the three of us inside a moving vehicle. "I know you're friends but there was genuine affection between the two of you."
"Mama, she's married." I pressed my lips together. "I was simply being compassionate."
She turned in her seat to look back at me. "But do you think of her?"
There were so many answers that I could have given. I could have said that I knew I was in love with her for as long as I understood what it meant to be 'in love' and that I was pretty sure Elena had felt the same at one point. I could have said that I regretted not asking her to come with me. Instead, I just shook my head. "Listen, I told Kemal that I'd go to his birthday dinner, but I'll be going home after that."
"Ok." She nodded. "Make sure you don't leave without saying goodbye."
I smiled, knowing that my mother didn't specify who I needed to say goodbye to on purpose. "Of course, Mama."
I had debated going to dinner at all, I originally wasn't going to be able to, but I figured it wasn't a good look to have been in town and blow off a good friend on his birthday. I ordered a car and was then shown to the private room he had reserved.
"Hey!" Kemal jumped up excitedly and greeted me with the typical bro hug. "I didn't think you were going to make it."
"Yeah," I gave a nod to the others until my eyes fell on Elena. "I came up for Ellie." 
"Here," Angela gestured towards the space next to her. "I saved you a seat."
I had wanted to sit next to Elena but she was on an end so I settled for the chair next to Angela which happened to be across from Elena. I tried to make eye contact but she was concentrating on the menu.
I was surprised to see her here at all but given that she spent most of the day glued to my side, I thought that she would have at least acknowledged me. Instead she spent the rest of the evening avoiding looking directly at me. She either had her eyes on her plate or whoever was talking. I watched as she glanced at her watch and then discreetly stood, placing a hand on Kemal's shoulder and speaking in his ear seemingly to let him know she was on her way out.
Waiting for a beat, I then excused myself in an attempt to follow her.
"Ellie!" I called out as I saw her, probably waiting for her ride, just down from the entrance.
"So…why do you hate me?" I tired to laugh it off but I was sure Elena could still tell there was at least some sincerity there.
She frowned slightly. "I don't hate you. I just…I don't really feel anything towards you. I mean, why would I when I know that you think so little of me."
"Ok, that's not fair." I glanced around before taking her by the elbow and guiding her away from the entrance of the restaurant. "Can we talk?"
Elena covered her mouth with her hand and inhaled deeply before shaking her head. "I just…I can't. I don't have it in me right now, I'm not in a good place and-"
I cut her off by embracing her. Much to my surprise, I felt her hug me back. "That's not how I see you at all, I never said that to Angela. I was, um, I was disappointed that you slept with Simon because he's kind of a jerk. If you wanted to make me jealous it worked."
"I didn't want to-" I felt Elena's whole body grow tense. "I didn't want to do anything."
"I'm so sorry, Ellie." I gave her a squeeze, an attempt to be reassuring. "For not asking you to come with me. I was being stupid because I knew what you wanted and I was scared that it wouldn't work out and then I would lose you, But I lost you anyway."
Elena stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity.
"Can we go some place and talk?" I rested his head against hers. "Maybe grab a coffee or something?"
Elena sighed, seemingly summoning every ounce of patience, as she brought her arms up to her chest. "Can you please let me go? I really need to get to the airport."
I did as she asked and took a step back. "Don't go back."
"What?" Elena genuinely didn't understand what I was saying.
"Divorce him." I put my hands on her shoulders. "Move to Munich with me." 
At that moment, I was convinced that the Elena I was with this afternoon and the Elena in front of me now were two separate people. She looked at me briefly before looking away and clenching her jaw. Then, she simply shook her head. "No. I just want to get home."
At this point, I needed to come to terms with the fact that some things couldn't be healed overnight. Breathing in deeply, I nodded. "Ok. Have a safe trip."
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fandom-hoarder · 3 months
Walker 4x12, transcript of the final Stella/Cordi scene:
*Cordell picks up a pillow and sits next to Stella*
*Stella wakes up* Dad?
Cordell: Sorry. Sorry, I... I didn't mean to wake you. *shushes her*
*Stella looks at Augie, shakes her head at Cordell* It's fine.
Cordi: It's all right?
Stella: Is Geri coming over?
*Cordell sags, sinks back into the couch, puts his hand on Stella's* Uh, not tonight. *nods head meaningfully*
*Stella looks thoughtful, shrugs* All right, well, I warmed up some leftover chili if you're hungry.
*Cordell chuckles* Thank you. *looks into her eyes*
*Stella meets his gaze*
Cordell: Hey, Stel? I was hoping we could talk. Will you just give me a chance to explain a few things?
(Me: about him and geri and him and stella, and all this)
*Stella nods* I need to explain a few things, too.
(Me: about her and augie. About her pregnancy/lost pregnancy/abortion cuz I'm still thinking 👀👀👀👀)
Cordi: Okay. Well, I-I'm ready to listen whenever.
*Stella looks overcome and angsty* I know we have a ton to talk about, but...could we maybe do it tomorrow?
*Cordell smiles and nods, understanding how tired they both are, maybe grateful for not having a bedtime confrontation compared to the morning one with Geri* Of course. Yeah. Sure. Tomorrow would be just fine.
*stella snuggles in*
*cordell cautiously put his arm around her, rubs her arm*
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rinnysega · 9 months
December, 1979 - A Gustavo Drabble (Novel AU)
A small drabble for @thebiggestnope for the holidays. Writing the book has taken up all my time, but it's nice to do these small drabbles once in a while. Here's a little short that takes place in the world of the novel in those beginning stages of the romance between Gustavo and Ozzy~
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening A beautiful sight We're happy tonight Walking in a winter wonderland
Perry Como’s melody followed Gustavo around the department store as he looked through several racks of wool sweaters, scarves, and tweed blazers. Maybe it was the lighting clashing with the fabrics or the new pair of glasses he'd just picked up at Pearle Vision, but something didn’t feel right, and none of these were striking him to be a gift he’d want to give to Ozzy. 
Gustavo was a man who wouldn’t mind wearing the whole of the Sears catalog, but Ozzy’s fashion sense was just out of the boundary of where his wallet could reach, and nothing here seemed to compete by comparison either.
Maybe getting Ozzy a dog for Christmas back in 1976 was starting off their relationship a little too strong. The previous two years of a vase he made in an art class and a Stetson from their trip to New Mexico weren't quite living up to par.
“Gustavo?” a voice sounded from the walkway. “Hey, I thought that was you.” 
A short head tilt would reveal Augie Jones coming through the narrow pathway off the linoleum - several bags in hand on his way from the inner workings of the mall back out to the parking lot. 
“Christmas shopping too?” Gustavo asked. 
“Yeah,  I’ve got some nephews back in Utah really into those little Matchbox cars. What about you?”
“Trying to find something for Ozzy, but that man’s hard to shop for.” Gustavo stepped over to a tie display. “God, these are ugly.” 
“I got Frank tickets to see The Music Man at the Pantages. I can call my friend at the box office and see if he can get two extra seats with us.”
“What date?”
“January 4th.” 
“Sorry, Ozzy’s got a business trip in New York. He’s flying out on the first. Thanks for the offer though.” 
“Well, if it helps, Frank told me that Virgil told him that Michael told Rupert that Ozzy told him he’s been craving a specific brand of wine from Italy that he hasn’t been able to find since the art gala back in August.”
“Augie, look at me.” Gustavo gestured to himself in his thrift store attire with peeling sneakers. “I know wine comes in red or white, and even if that wasn’t the extent of my knowledge, I only have ten dollars to my name until after Christmas. These damn things weren’t cheap." He adjusted the eye glasses on the bridge of his noses.  
Better than to correct him on the varieties of wine, or to tell him he looked different yet distinguished with glasses, Augie thought a moment before digging through one of his shopping bags. In a gift bag of wine he intended for Virgil, he pulled out a card with information on the different types and handed it over. 
“Here, use this. Frank says Virgil and Ozzy have the same taste. These are what they like.” He pointed to a selection of reds on the top row. “I got Virgil the one on the far left, but the one next to it was cheaper and has a nicer label if you ask me. It may not be the specific brand he wants, but it’s the thought that counts. I’m assuming you’re cooking dinner?”
“For Christmas? Of course.”
“So imagine how nice that would be for him to sit down to a nice, home cooked meal, and you surprise him with a wine you picked out yourself.” 
“Technically you picked it.” 
“Our little secret then.” 
Gustavo smiled, looking down at the wine card. “Thanks, Augie. I’ll be home taking care of Dolly while Ozzy’s out of town, so if you and Frank want to come over for dinner one night, the invitation’s open.” 
“Sounds good. Listen, these bags are getting heavy, so I’m going to head out, but don’t you worry about a thing. Ozzy likes you, and he’s going to love anything you get him. Merry Christmas - I’ll have Frank give you a call when we figure out plans after the new year.” 
“Merry Christmas. Drive safe."
Gustavo waved him off and looked back down at the wine card on his way back toward the interior of the mall.
Maybe his New Year's Resolution for 1980 would be to actually educate himself on wine and surprise Ozzy with something better by his birthday.
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
Gonna pick apart some Roches songs in terms of 03 Donny
Quitting Time (my fave of theirs)
Money is not the problem
You have enough of that
Now you must close your office
Put on your coat and hat
Put on your cat and hat
I mean, money isn't the problem. Certainly poverty is, but for mutant turtles who cannot open bank accounts, it's less about savings and more about direct resources. They do have some cash, ie they shop at the comic book store and Don asks Casey to 'spot him some cash,' but more so they seem to have what they've found and built. And Donny's played a big role in that. His time in his lab is pretty directly related to what kinds of resources his family will have--not unlike having a job, though I don't think he thinks of it that way.
Anyway this is pretty surface level, like hey bro time to leave your lab, your family has what they need and you have other problems to deal with
Now is the hour of quitting
Twilight paints the town
Old industrial skyline
How does the sun go down
How does the sun go down?
Twilight = we can go outside soon! Skyline = rooftops, turtles' area.
I wonder how often they take the risk to watch a sunset? I'm sure often, but probably not as often as I'd imagine they'd want, simply for the fact that you want what you can't have. How does the sun go down?
You can go south in winter
Be what you are, a goose
You can live near the ocean
Your clothes can fit you loose
Sometimes a teenage turtle just wants rest and relaxation (not training, Splinter 😠). You can stay up till 5am playing video games with Raph. You can build yourself a glider to fly through the city at night. Check out this turn of the century mill, they don't build them like this anymore. Ice cream run, anyone?
(You are a goose. These joys are all fleeting. You know what's coming).
Even as you are leaning
Into that glass of wine
You and beloved business
Have come to the end of a line
Come to the end of a line
Creating things in his lab to provide for his family = happy turtle. But there's always something, isn't there? How are you going to save your friends from deeper underground? Mousers attack, restart building home. What can you use against the Shredder? Drako and Ue attack. Renet needs help. Angel needs help. Defuse this bomb. How does this traveling between dimensions and through time work, anyway? Because April's Uncle Augie is still missing and now because of you, so is Kirby. Maybe you could figure it out? Karai attacks, restart building home.
To me here "end of a line" is when "business" stops being 'here is my hobby that can help my family' to 'if I don't do this and do it well people will die'
All of the gates are open
All of the charges dropped
Talks are terminated
Payments have been stopped
Payments have been stopped
You did it! Shredder is gone. That future is no longer hanging over you. The likelihood has gone down significantly.
btw what's up with Leo
You can move north in summer
You can be in the breeze
You don't have to notify
Any secretaries
It's just you and your family. Nobody knows if you go missing. Nobody knows if your inventions change the world.
Unsung heroes of the ways of Bushido
Old industrial skyline
Drawing away from you
You are the one that's moving
You are the fool that flew
You are the fool that flew
Remember that other skyline, where you left April alone with the bodies of your brothers? What happened to the version of you that was supposed to be there?
You can go south in winter
Be what you are, a goose
Honk all the moon out the ocean
Your clothes can fit you loose
Some things you can't find out. There are so many loose ends.
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mhbcaps · 2 years
Tumblr media
my in-game blorbos at a glance :3 brief info for each under the cut
David “V” Lozano: (he/him) my canon V, a born-and-bred Heywood brawler who never really cared about being famous but god Jackie made it sound so good. He doesn’t think he can make a difference and he doesn’t really try to. It’s all about survival, and corps can wipe you out in the blink of an eye. He would’ve minded his damn business after the heist if it hadn’t been for Johnny.
Viggo “Gogo” Day: (they/them) a Static of the Kessler clan along with their three brothers and a sister. They’re David’s best friend, a bright and cheerful foil to his taciturn toughness. The city hasn’t beaten the optimism out of them yet, and they have a lot of friends in surprising places who’d like to keep it that way.
Sanctuary Zelenko: (they/them) Medtech washout, ex-Scav, currently a ripperdoc in Vista del Rey. They’re eccentric, they’re enigmatic, they’re downright creepy sometimes. Their friends tell people they’re harmless, but no one knows for sure. Best not to find out.
Brother Calloway: (she/her) a statuesque netrunner that’s earned herself a spot in the Afterlife’s back booths. She keeps things close to the vest, never lets people in on what she’s thinking. It can be hard to get a hold of her, but she’s worth the wait.
Heiress: (she/her) Seasoned merc and 6th Street royalty--her grandfather was Santo Domingo’s premier fixer in the 2020s and her mother was a founding member of the Street. She used to be a high school teacher, but she got sick of corpos headhunting her students. Now she takes young and dumb mercs under her wing and teaches them a thing or two about survival before the city can eat them alive.
Hunter Ward: (she/her) the eldest daughter of Gogo and River. She’s a rainbow baby and her parents are protective of her, and she’s fine with that. Probably why she tends to be shy and doesn’t go out much without her family. Put her on a motorcycle, though, and she lights up like Christmas.
Joey Armas: (he/him) Scav who’s on the cusp of growing a conscience and quitting. He grew up poor on the outer edge of the Glen, just shy of Coastview. His brother was killed by some trust fund kid testing out their new combat-grade implants--that’s probably what set him down the path that led to the cyberware and organ black market. He and Sanctuary used to to date, and Sanctuary’s leaving the Scavs might have planted a seed of an idea that hey, maybe this shit is really fucked up.
Léonide St. Martin: (he/they) wannabe rockerboy and another Static of the Kessler clan. He’s Gogo’s “twin” brother--they were born a month apart and Leo’s mother nursed Gogo after Gogo’s mother died in childbirth. Leo’s the black sheep of the family, and that’s saying something considering his older brother Augie is registered as a cyberpsycho (but he’s doing really well these days). Like Gogo, he’s embraced Night City, but he’s drawn to the darker underbelly and he’s always getting into trouble that gets back to his family more often than it should.
Harvey Vignaud: (he/him) London-born and never figured he’d do anything else but work for Arasaka like his parents. And he did, for a while, netrunning his way up the corpo ladder and earning himself a reputation as someone you never want to meet out there in the net. Then he quit and became a BD editor instead. There’s not much more to it--he’s fickle, and he’s got the skills to do whatever he wants and not be bothered about it. He’s got the air of someone standing comfortably on that thin line between enigmatic and completely detached from reality.
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stradiivarrii · 1 year
Anyone else think Midge was wrong when she said that Augie couldn't express grief because he was broken?
Like, I'm sure that's part of the reason why. I'm sure he's broken to some extent- but his whole family is weird about expressing emotion!
I think it's mostly the autism doing that. I have lots of theories about Augie and his children being autistic (it explains as well Augie's actor's confusion).
There was something too romantic about what Midge said when I saw it. I was thinking about my autism theory afterwards and thought- hey, that could be Midge projecting onto Augie. Projecting either how she feels, or how she portrays her characters (probably both. See how she painted a black eye on and was like "that's how my character feels inside"?)
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maskyartist · 2 years
Why do I get the feeling that in Augustus' System Error, assuming Raz isn't also plural, there might of been something of a misunderstanding by Augie's Crew about Raz having a Psychic Obsessed "head person guy". Heck, just, Augustus kinda categorising others personalities as different "head people", not out of malicious intent, but just him not realising that most people aren't plural
“Hey Dad?”
“Yes, Son?”
“There’s…an old guy living in my head?”
“Oh, that’s normal, everyone has someone living in their heads.”
Hard cut to Raz just staring at his Dad like do…do YOU have a crazy bacon man in your head too??? While Augustus is just calmly folding laundry like nothing’s wrong
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steel-forged · 7 months
"hey Augi? ARe ya used ta making magical weapons for people? If so, what sorta stuff do ya usually use?"
"Magic weapons? Well, there are multiple ways, really. The materials themselves may have some magical, or adjacent properties, ala silver and lycanthropes." Unlocking a small safe built into the floor, she pulls out a few ingots of some rarer or precious metals, placing them up on the counter. "Some creatures have similar adverse reactions to gold, according to my notes. When it comes to enchanting normal weapons, I know there are people with magical talent that can just imbue power into them. I bet you could do that!"
"As for me, I use runes from my home world to create a variety of effects. Sharpness, flames, throwing weapons reappearing in your hands... A variety of things, really."
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indouloureux · 2 years
hey augie !!! <3 can you give us a sneak peak of your wips? like titles or pairings?
harmonia!! hi honey, how are you??!! yes of course hehehe
— cherry bomb!: rockstar!eddie x (maybe)groupie!reader. basically, eddie sees her in the crowd and piqued his interest. spoiler alert: they fuck
— talk down, turn the radio down: im considering making this a series. just a few parts to progress the story more. basically, you're an adopted!henderson!reader, eddie aells you drugs (it's heavy content with drug usage), but decides that he'll stop selling special k to you and takes you out on dates. it's interesting, trust me, i just suck at explaining 😭
— mirrorball: you know this one babes ;) (steve harrington x reader)
— summer thing (pt1): a fic inspired by taylor swift's august, separated into two parts. part 1 will be reminiscing the one summer you had with steve. heavy angst, heavy smut, heavy fluff
— summer love (pt2): basically steve realizing his stupidity and tries to win you back hehe
— closer: vamp!eddie. 10% progress. will be released SOON 😭 it's a period fic too hehe. i made a cool poster for it too so i rlly hope i get to finish it
— gold skinned, eager baby: friends to lovers with steve. smut!!
— films and parnassian wounds: inspired by your ask babygirl. steve finds the new girl mysteriously ethereal and tries to ask her out through films hehe
check more here!
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