#hey Google play All I Ask by Adele
doodle-do-wop · 2 years
Gallagher Girls Promptober Day 2: Drive In Movie
Warning!! Not really smut as it just fades to black but it's still very suggestive so MINORS DNI
Tina Walters was not nervous. She had no reason to be nervous! She was just at a nice drive-in theater with Mick(and it was not a date). So there. Perfectly normal roomie activities that didn’t require the infuriating rapid beating of Tina’s heart. She was fine, everything was fine!
UGH!! Expect this infuriating thump thump thump that Tina was sure was shaking the bed of Mick’s dad’s truck. It was driving(pun not intended)(okay maybe a little) Tina up the non-existent walls of the drive-in. Tina smoothed the blanket on her lap, fiddling with the unrelenting wrinkles and huffing withfurtation as they refused to bend to her will. Tina turned her attention and forkleing thoughts to the radio Mick had attached to the side and made sure(again) that it was tuned in correctly and that the sound would come out alright.
Seriously, Tina knew Mick hated it when movies were too quiet for her to pick up what was being said or done and since Tina highly doubted subtitles would be a thing tonight she wanted to make sure. Thought it was kind of annoying that subtitles wouldn't be a thing. You’d think they’d just have them on just in case someone’s radio decides to burst or the static crackles get too strong and block out an important sentence.Tina decided she would leave a good few strong emails asking for subtitles, accessibility was a simple necessity.
“Hey, I’ve got your butter.” A strong voice called out and Tina turned, her heart leaping into her throat as Mick Morrison appeached the bed of the truck and Tina sucked in a small breath. Sure, she already knew what Mick was wearing(they did share a college dorm after all) but nonetheless she managed to rob Tina of any other coherent thought.
Throughout their years at Gallagher Mick kept her wardrobe simple, t-shirts and pretty skirts, athletic shorts and plaid pajamas but god was Tina still not ready to watch as Mick climbed into the bed of the truck, smoothing her skirt and adjusting the sleeves of her turtleneck sweater(yeah! Mick Moriison in a turtleneck SWEATER).
Tina held the buttery popcorn in her hands and hoped for the love of all things good and holy that her grip was controlled and she didn’t have a chokehold on the poor bag. Mick turned to her with a bright smile and Tina bit her lip to stop the strange strangled noise that crawled up the pits of her expanding heart.
“Excited?” Mick asked, her brown eyes dancing with joy as the reflection of the bright screen before them played with the color. Tina could only nod and smile(please oh sweet merciful lord, please don’t let her be smiling too much because like normal smiling is fine but when-)
“T?” Mick asked and Tina snapped out of her mind.
“Yes?” She breathed out the word like they were suddenly stuck in a world of their own and not in a parking lot surrounded by smooching couples and cars. Mick blinked at her and then leaned forward and Tina’s eyes went WIDE.
Oh how could Tina be so stupid! Of course this was a date they’re playing fucking 13 Going On 30. Mick knows Tina loves that movie! She knows Tina loves overly buttery popcorn that could put Cammie Morgan in a butter coma. She knows that the quilt they were currently sharing was Tina’s favorite fall blanket and that she loved corny, cheesy dates like drive-ins and movies.
Oh my god she’s leaning in. Okay breathebreathebreathbreathe-
Mick’s hand reached up and Tina wasn’t sure to close her eyes or not but she leaned in anyway and-
Mick’s finger flicked at her cheek and Tina froze, snapping open her eyes as Mick looked down at her index finger and then showed it to Tina.
“Eyelash, sorry.” She smiled and Tina wanted to eat the bag in her hands and forget she existed.
Maybe if she grabbed the next car’s radio cord and a pack of llamas she could-
“So I was thinking,” Mick’s voice whispered into Tina’s ear, the cool mint of her breath fanning on Tina’s cheek as the screen flickered and started playing the movie. “After this we could go grab some ice cream?”
Tina was going to scream. Seriously, she would! Mick Morrison was trying to kill her.
“Sure!” Tina answered quickly and Mick turned to look at her but Tina snapped her attention to the screen.
“Tina-” Mick tried to ask but Tina just shoveled some popcorn into her mouth and smiled like a mad woman as she tried not to choke on kernels.
“I love this movie!” She whispered and then whipped her head back around to look at the screen.
Three movies. THREE WHOLE MOVIES they stayed like that, listening to couples overcome the obstacles in their way and profess their love on the screen for all to see as romantic music swelled and filled the bed of the car and reverberated inside the ever rattling mind of Tina Walters.
Tina thought she was going to go ballistic. Every second or so she would catch one couple or even two sharing a kiss under the dark canopy of the night and whisper ‘i love you’s into the cold air. Her legs wouldn’t stop shaking and more than once she happily volentured to grab more snacks to fill the silence of the truck and to try and quiet the explosive thoughts in her mind.
“Hey Tina I-,” Mick began but Tina just smiled and took the empty soba from between them and winked.
“I’ve got you covered Micky.” She beamed and wiggled out of the truck as swiftly as she could and started to walk off to the concessions booth again.
“Wait Tina,” Mick softly called out but Tina just turned on her heel, smiled and shrugged.
“I gotta go to the bathroom anyway, it’s fine.” She was calm and cool and breezy like a summer wind. Or at least a spring gust. Tina kept the pep in her step as she walked away and then veered off from her path, dodging in between cars and making a beeline for the bathrooms(if she had to face the poor teenager running the concessions booth one more time she was going to bury herself alive out of embarrassment).
Thankfully there was no line this time so there wasn’t a soul around to question anything as Tina scooted around the small building and paced.
What on earth is she doing?! She should be out there enjoying rom coms like any other girl in the parking lot, eating Baby Ruths and Junior Mints until she regrets it in the morning. She shouldn’t be back here behind some smelly bathrooms thinking about how she leaned in, about kissing Mick Morrison. Since when has she ever thought about kissing Mick Morrison?! I mean sure she was smart and pretty and god when she’s going her morning yoga routine or exercising- OH MY GOD TINA WALTERS GET YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT!!
Tina paused her pacing and then let out a small string of cackles that led to giggles that led to leaning against the bathroom’s back walls and groaning in frustration. Tina buried her head between her knees, folding her hands behind her neck as she groaned for what felt like forever.
“Are you feeling okay?” Asked the last person on earth Tina wanted to see right now. She looked up and was met with the towering stature of the very girl who’s lips she kept staring at all night long.
Mick looked beautiful, her hair was teased and it framed her face in soft layers, the tight knit fabric of her sweater hugged her chest and arms, leaving almost nothing to Tina’s wild imagination. And with the seeping light of the moving screen shining upon her, bringing every feature Tina loved to light and laying it all out for the world to see. Tina couldn’t take it anymore, she stood up, walked right up to Mick Morrison even though every part of her screamed to turn back, say her stomach hurt and to go home. Forget about the night with a pint of ice cream and toss and turn in bed for forever. Ignore the warmth that burst into her chest as her eyes locked with Mick’s.
“Tina.” Mick started and when Tina opened her mouth Mick raised a hand to stop her….and Tina’s stomach filled with cold acid. Mick closed her eyes tight and Tina felt small, smaller than she had ever felt before in her life. She was no taller than the blades of grass beside her as Mick took a deep breath and squeezed her words out.
“Did I do something wrong?” She cracked one eye open and Tina was nothing but a pile of knocked over building blocks.
“What?!” She cried out and when Mick turned away she reached forward and put a hand on her arms. “No! No, no, no, no, no! Mick- Micky, no you- you haven’t done a thing what on earth-”
“It’s just you’ve been acting all weird and I-”
“-how could you even say that you’ve been perfect a evening if anything-”
“-and I don't know if it’s me or the movies or-”
“Mick!” Tina cried and she didn’t much care who heard her now as her hands trailed down Mick’s arms and held her hands.
“Micky?” She asked but Mick wouldn’t look at her, and it didn’t matter if Tina was never hit again in her life or if she was tortured for the rest of it. Nothing could compare to the absence of Mick’s gaze.
“Mick.” Tina pleaded and Mick finally looked at her, a requiem of warmth futtered it’s way out of the box Tina kept locked deep inside her chest and Tina knew that while it was a shot in the dark, humanity is nothing without a glimmer of hope on the horizon.
“I-...” the words started to fall and Tina was on a crumbling bride at the end of her tower and she had to decide to be buried or jump and see if she could fly. “I have had the most amazing time with you tonight and I just- I just…”
So Tina chose to spread her wings.
She leaned forward and kissed Mick Morrison, it wasn’t sweet or firework worthy. It was small, it was frail, and it was nothing more than a peck.
“I’m sorry.” Those two little words wobbled out from under Tina’s trembling lip as she pulled back, letting go of Mick’s hands as she stared down at the dirt, tears blurring her vision.
“Tina?” Mick’s voice cracked and Tina looked up at her, squaring her shoulders as much as she wanted to hug herself and be nothing more than a pebbing in the grass. But there wasn’t any more room for that as Mick’s lips captured her own. Kissing Tina so feverishly Tina’s few thoughts were how Hollywood could never do this right.
Tina’s hands started to tangle in Mick’s hair as she was pressed up against the wall of the bathroom behind her, Mick’s hands on her waist and trailing down to her hips. Tina only had a moment to suck in a sharp breath of air before Mick’s lips were upon hers again, sloppy and missing their mark on multiple occasions as her strong hands roamed cluelessly along Tina’s body before they found their way farther down than both of them had expected and Tina let out a yelp of surprise.
They both froze, Mick’s hand on her ass and Tina’s eyes wide and looking into hers before Mick stumped back, hands up by her head like Tina was ready to shoot.
“I’m so sorry I-I just that was- I hadn’t meant to,”
"Please don't stop." Tina whispered into the nook of Mick's neck and Tina felt her hand lift and her fingers gently cradles her chin as Mick tilted her head up to face her. Tears glittering in the corners of her eyes and Tina kissed her softly.
It was so at first but turned feverish as Mick returned the gesture, Tina warped her arms around Mick's neck as Mick's hand flew up her waist, taking the bottom of her shirt up with it and Tina closed her eyes and enjoyed what felt like the first and last kiss of forever.
She held onto the memory, cherishing it like something precious(which it was). She pulled closer, her hand tangled in Mick's hair as she sucked in a breath and continued the kiss. Letting soft noises slip into the night as Mick's hands roamed in places Tina only imagined she would in her dearest fantasies. Embracing her like an addiction and craving for her lips, her taste, like a song.
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
You reblogged that Sam gifs post and it reminded me of that headcanon i have of being Sam’s friend but you’re feisty and take no one’s shit. Like he’s always takes the high road and you’re like when they go low i go lowER. I would fight that Akufo dude for him no questions asked.
hi wifey <3 you are absolutely right!! i fucking love that idea of Sam having a bestie who'd throw hands for him.. it's on sight all the time.
special thanks to @sokkigarden for bouncing ideas off me, love you bby. okay, i wanna write about being friends w the AFC Richmond boys more, so if yall have ANY thoughts on being friends with ANY of the lads then send me requests on it so we can DISCUSS
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he's such a wholesome and loyal friend... a breath of fresh air yknow?? Dani is more of that 'unconditional sunshine' energy, but Sam is positive whilst still keeping it real w you
and sooo you're hella loyal to him too. well, you're loyal to everyone you care about. you'd take a bullet for them, no questions asked, but probs a lot of cussing involved (same, but i'll come back to this)
sharing an airpod each if yall go out on a walk or join the team on a bus ride - if you're dating jamie then he NEEDS you next to him on the ride back, probs uses your shoulder to sleep on and has an arm around your waist so you can't leave, but that's a diff post ahahaha
having a shared spotify playlist that you both keep adding music too...the vibes are all over the place. "Y/N, I was trying to jam out to J.Cole, and then Adele came on??" "Oh yea, I was sad bout something earlier"
blanket forts and microwaveable caramel popcorn for when he's missing home
playing as him in FIFA when you're with the lads and yellin "YEA THATS MY BESTIE" every time you score as him
pinching his earlobes like his dad would for good luck on the days of a big match/when he's really nervous
since opening OLA'S, you join him when he attends small business owner conventions, but that's mainly to try the free food
since i'm vegetarian, telling him that his menu looks great but you can only stick to sumn like the jollof rice.. so next month when he invites you over to his restaurant for a catchup dinner there's a whole new lil section for vegetarian dishes on the menu (or whatever dietary inclusivr thingy etc.)
warning Sam about Afuko because "a man simply doesn't feed you pasta and lobster and send you a stack without something in mind" and him being like ??? what and you groan, "did you watch the tiktoks I sent you??"
hearing about how the Afuko rejection went and Sam only focusses on "he called me medium talent??" and you're SEETHING
you're like "what the living F U C K" and he's like "oh hey Y/N, don't worry, I know I am not medium talent" and you're like "what? no, shut up, obviously not, but that's not the POINT here. how did that ASSHOLE have the audacity to speak to you like that?!!"
you're searching up flights to Nigeria and opening a google map from the airport to Afuko's business residence or something, and Sam is like, "seriously, forget that guy. bullet dodged." and you're angrily muttering about how Afuko's gonna have to dodge the bazooka you're gonna smuggle onto the plane
"We cannot be best friends if you end up in jail because you tried to smuggle a bazooka onto the plane." "I just wanna talk to him...with a bazooka." "No." "Pleas-" "No."
telling Sam you might be getting feelings for Jamie and being nervous he'd be mad because of their relationship in S1, but you promise he's changed, and Sam is like, I know
wearing the Obisanya jersey and the rest of the boys are like 'hey why don't you ever support our merch' so like every match you're switching out jerseys before texting a pic to the groupchat
running into that Francis guy who's Afuko's right-hand man and "accidentally" stepping on his foot real hard like OOPS
giving him updates on your love life and vice versa. "Y/N, please tell me this one is not a loser." "Um, Sam, shut up; you know my rizz only seems to work on losers??" "hey, Jamie told me that telling a woman my favourite movie is Ratatouille is a bad idea... is it?" "just bake her a lasagna or something and say that's how you learnt to cook." "I am not doing that." "dammit, I thought we'd get lasagna for dinner"
doing random tiktok trends or challenges - the baking one where one person is blind, one is deaf, and one is mute, but they all gotta work together to bake a cake!! sam (tape around his mouth) x you (blindfolded) x jamie (loud ass headphones on)
jamie: pass the FOOKIN sugah!! *back turned to yall as he stirs the mix*
you: WHAT. WHERE. *randomly smacking shit, picking up the salt and dropping it on the counter and onto a spoon*
sam: mmmhnph! *waving his hands in your face like NO but you can't see*
you: *turning to jamie with a spoonful, which he probs tastes absentmindedly whilst stirring* OI TASTE THIS
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alarrytale · 1 year
Good evening Marte!
I have always believed (even since the hiatus happened and their solo career started) that both harry and louis are still under contract and cannot come out. Unlike the majority of the larry fandom, I don't believe they have the ability to come out and don't want to due to their careers. My biggest reason to believe this are 1) Simon Jones is still here and 2) I'm pretty sure if both harry and louis had the ability to CO and refused to (bc their careers would go South) do so, they would at least stop participating in stunts (holivia, emrata etc) and end babygate. They would find another way to increase their popularity instead of stunts and find a healthy place in which both would be able to be single (maybe some rumors about them with women but no confirmation or pap pics with girls) while making music at the same time. Some big larries genuinely believe these stunts are the only thing giving them exposure when in reality, A-list celebrities like Adele and Ed Sheeran, get all the exposure they need by staying true to themselves and winning music awards.
Could you share your thoughts on this all?
Hey, anon!
There are several working theories about all of this. Sometimes i feel like it's choose your own adventure. There are things i'm very certain about, things is i'm less certain about and things that i'm uncertain about. My degree of confidence varies on all these things.
I have believed from the start that during 1D they were all put under a very limiting contract and strict image clauses, that in effect made mangement/label control them 24/7. This i am very certain about.
Whether they are still under some of these contract and image clauses i'm less certain about. It's plausible, but it's hard to know what Sony/Simon Jones can still control and what they can't.
Do I think they have signed new contracts with new image clauses to have their solo careers? Yes, i'm very certain of this. I'm less certain on their negotiation position. Could Harry and Louis ask for no stunts? Is the stunting a cause of their old image clauses? Maybe.
In regards to the stunting (faking a relationship). From my point of view it's unneccessary. I don't agree with it being a neccessary evil. There are pros and cons with stunting, and i believe it serves different purposes. I also believe the different stunts HL have participated in have served different purposes.
To mention the pros first. It's a way to communicate you are a straigh to squash the gay rumours, that you are relationship material and able to land a young, rich, beautiful (etc.) partner. You can make money off of it, stunting is contract based. If you are of a bigger caliber and an up and coming person wants their 15 minutes of fame, they have to pay up. No matter who you're stunting with it's going to drum up alot of engagement and/or get you exposure. People are going to talk no matter if they love or hate them. Both parties names will be in the media, get mentioned in SOME, googled and maybe become household names (at least in certain circles). Fan and non-fan engagement is celebrities bread and butter. People need to know who you are and what you are selling, weather that's albums, tour tickets, movies, plays, nail polish etc. Having a good looking partner makes you also more interesting for paparazzi, and if you have brand deals with clothing/jewelry companies you need to be a walking billboard and be papped to sell the products.
Now the cons. Stunting is detrimental to their mental health. You are basically lying and decieving your audience. You are taking something as beautiful as love and tainting it by faking it. You are doing it to hide your sexuality (to someone who already knows the truth), sell a product or make money off a stunt (selling you celebrity status). In my eyes it's ethically wrong and it's a sign of greed. It's taking shortcuts. There are other ways to go about it. I also believe stunting will taint their legacy. I hold people who achive something without stunting in much higher regard, than those who do stunt. Too much stunting makes you a laughing stock and a sell out. Especially when it's not believable at all or one or both parties isn't making an effort. Stunting is also a way to royally piss of your fandom, divide fandom an create more hate. Stunting also breeds misogyny and homophobia. When the stunting partners is not equal (in age, status or experience) the power balance is off and stunting can be seen as exploitment.
Stunting should be banned as false advertising, and i hope in some years in the future it will be very frowned upon. For a multitude of reasons. Every stunt sucks.
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ohtobeaspettyasleah · 4 years
how long does it take for Lorelei and Gray to meet? And how did he react when Ethan told him about the new assistant situation? :)
Grayson’s Phone rang out on the living room table as he helped Lisa move her vanity around upstairs, missing the facetime call Ethan was begging he’d answer. “Shit” was all he said when the called died out. No answer. Ethan placed his phone back into his back pocket-- trying to figure out how exactly he was gonna word this to stop his brother from going off the deep end at him. His phone pinging not too long after, not Grayson, but Lorelei. 
Lorelei Figgs: You never mentioned a time for tomorrow so is it okay if I come over around 9? I can come anytime! Just seemed like a good time.”
Ethan Dolan: fuck sorry, yeah come round at 9. Trying to call Gray now and tell him what’s up.
Lorelei sat in her bed up against her headboard. Her pillows shoved down behind her back, oxygen being blown into her lungs generously as she typed away on her laptop. The one Ethan had given her. Setting up her google docs and organising personal information she sometimes forgot. If Lorelei wasn’t a highly functioning over analyser, she never would’ve seconds guessed Ethans tone. She always did that, tried to read her text as if someone was speaking to her in person. 
Lorelei Figgs: Does he not know? 
Ethan Dolan: Not exactly, but we’re good. Trust the process Lore. ill see you tomorrow.
Ethan had always been a firm believer in manifesting possibilities, goals and overall events you wanted to see play out in life. But unfortunately, he hadn’t even had a chance to think about manifesting the idea Grayson would loose his absolute shit when the time came for the boot to drop. It was time: his phone was ringing. Facetime call from Gray. 
“Yo bro, I was helping ma with her vanity what’s up?” Grayson looked rough. His facial hair had grown rugged. Not kept. The blue flannel was probably a mere three seconds away from falling off his back-- having not changed properly in days. Sure, he showered and changed his underwear-- but that was about the extent of it. His hair was greasy, slicked. Ethan could clearly see the shin. 
“Don’t get pissed.”
“What did you go? Ethan--”
“Nothing! Nothing just-- well, I hired that girl, the friend of Adele’s? She starts tomorrow and--” 
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ETHAN!!” Grayson screamed with a groan so guttural it made Ethan kinda flinch. “We’re a fucking TEAM!”
“Well, okay look it was cute and needed when you left but it’s kinda hard to make team decisions when you’re not fucking here bro, ever think of that?” Ethan retaliated with a sigh. “Just meet her bro.” 
“Why the fuck would you do that without me bro, Jesus, that’s it, I’m coming home.” Ethan tried to hide his smile. Deep down he’d missed Grayson although he’d try twist reality to suit the ideology that it was Grayson who missed him. 
“I’ll book you a flight. When for?” 
“We have a fucking assistant for that shit Ethan get what’s her name to do it!! The next one out, text me later I’m gonna pack my fucking bags.” when Grayson hung up Ethan could tell he was in fact-- Pissed. But as his smile grew with the idea of his brother coming home he knew the anger would fade. All he had to do was meet Lorelei. 
Grayson kept his rage built up within him the entire trip home, including in the car ride back from LAX to home. Ethan coped an ear full the entire ride home, good thing he didn’t have to drive-- forever thankful for the technology of autopilot. He swore with the way Grayson was bitching in his ear about being left out of important decisions like hiring a new assistant, Ethan would’ve driven straight into a wall if he had control. 
“Is she at ours?” Grayson hissed. 
“With Mando yeah, she’s working, Mando was going through the DT productions laptop with her, Sharing the docs with her email-- you know shit I should be doing but I had to come pick your bitch ass up.”
“Wouldn’t be back if you hadn’t hired a new assistant without me--” Grayson grumbled. 
“Good well, she’s already doing a great fucking job isn’t she because she got nature-loving tree kissing wild boy back to L.A.” Grayson glared-- furious. 
“She’s fired the moment I walk in the door bro-- you don’t get to make these decisions without me!!” 
“Grayson you cant fire her I fucking hired her yesterday! We need an assistant.”
“Yeah well we’ll figure it out together but this ones on you-- fire her, refire someone else together! Because this is always- always something we do together Ethan, no ifs or buts and the idea you just couldn’t pick up the fucking phone and ask me beforehand is infuriating!!” it was one of the top ten heated arguments Ethan and Grayson had ever had in the Tesla. Not the car-- just the Tesla. Different top tens. 
“I didn’t want to bother you, bro! Fuck! I needed you here but you needed jersey a little more and I didn’t wanna bother you with work. We were on a break, relaxing.”
“Well look what good that did! I’m here! I’m back! I’m the bad guy because I gotta fix your mess--!”
Ethan didn’t respond. deciding to give up and give in. his head hurt from the shouting. He had a feeling, deep down, that Grayson would calm down. He always calmed down-- he was angry, hurt even, that Ethan had left him out of such an important decision, but he’d get over it. And he did. Very quickly. The second he saw Lorelei.
Ethan delta quick change in atmospheric pressure as she walked in behind Grayson-- now standing still at the door. Swallowing thick as he stared. He hated that he was this way around girls he thought were pretty. But he couldn’t help it. 
“Lori, Grayson, Gray? This is Lori--”
“Grayson, its actually so good to meet you! I was pretty bumbed out when Ethan said you were still in Jersey when i came over for my interview thingo-- but hey.” She stood, lifting her arm and extending her hand to shake his. Grayson mimicked her actions. 
“Lori, its uh, yeah no its good to meet you too, thanks for uh-- coming on board so quick, we can get a little stressed out when someone isn’t here to deal with, with like meetings and schedules and shit like that.” Ethan couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath as he watched Grayson stagger over his words. Night and day from the man who sat brooding in his passanger seat. 
“Well like i was saying to Ethan yesterday i might not have too much experience but im pretty stoked with the opportunity.” it washer eyes that had him right from the get go. Eyes that swirled in different shades or brown-- melting together to create a perfect deep brown that made them seem doe like. Beautiful. 
“Experience can only be taught, everyone’s gotta stare somewhere right.” Grayson smiled. Lorelei chuckled. Mando side eyed Ethan and Ethan almost wheezed. 
“Alright alright, Gray go shower and fucking shave, Lor imma show you how to set up in the podcast room works.” 
“Cool, i’m keen, ill move my stuff down there then, brought a note book to write stuff down.” she pressed her lips together nervously Grayson watched as her hand patted the hard cover diary that she held before watching her pick up her coffee cup. Mando had already beaten both Ethan and Grayson to showing Lori how the coffee machine worked. Knowing that when everyone was working? Sometimes no one had a chance to even make it. Grayson stood still and sighed, knowing the roast was coming. 
“Don’t even start E--”
“I’m sweating, your so awkward bro, what the fuck was that!” Ethan laughed as he covered his mouth. His cheeks red. “Bro--”
“She, her eyes got me shut up, i couldn’t think”
“So she isn’t fired? Just so we’re clear on this decision together? Not fired?” Mando furrowed his brows, wondering what type of question that was as Grayson trudged down the hall with his bag. Groaning: 
“This cannot be happening”
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purple-phantoms · 4 years
Hi lovely!
Can you please do a Nick imagine where the reader is a really shy piano player with anxiety? Like maybe she has to perform in front of the class and after she’s done she runs out crying?
Thanks bb!
The Pianist
Nick x Female!Reader
Thank you so much for requesting this! I totally love this idea and I think it’s so cute. I’ve experienced that kind of anxiety before when singing in front of people I’ve just met and it just sucks. I tried including a bit of that in this, so I hope it worked out well! Again, I’m writing this on the mobile version of tumblr so this will not be properly edited for a little bit. Enjoy!
Being in the music program was hard. You’d think that all you have to do is to just create music. That part is just fine for her. But then you have to perform it in front of your class or sometimes in front of an audience. Performing in front of one or two people that I know isn’t bad, but when when it’s a big group of people, it just gets bad.
She was an outcast in school and didn’t mind. She had a few friends here and there, but nothing to big. Never anything to draw attention to herself. She never had the courage to talk to people like Julie Molina or Carrie Wilson. They were always the ones to volunteer to go first on days where they had to present their work to the class. Julie was always nice to her. She sometimes tried to bring y/n out of her shell. She’d invite her to eat lunch with her and her best friend, Flynn, sometimes but she always declined the offer. Carrie was like Chris Hargensen (from the movie Carrie)... except she wasn’t that aggressive. Carrie loved making fun of her in class by saying things like, “are you going to talk today, y/n?” she just wished you were more sociable like Julie. In theory, it would be so amazing to be a part of Dirty Candy. Even if you hated Carrie, there was no denying that their music slaps. But she would never be able to perform with all those people staring at her, so instead she just opted for teaching herself their choreography in the safe space of her bedroom. That way she wouldn’t have to experience the stares of her peers.
Today was Wednesday, a.k.a., the day her parents were always a little bit late for picking her up. she preferred staying away from the crowds of students who were also waiting on their parents. Dirty Candy always practiced right after school on Wednesday’s in the dance studio. Their practices were closed to everyone but Nick, the guy Carrie said was off-limits to anyone but her. They weren’t dating, but everyone expected them to be like if Sharpay and Troy dated. Nick was the cool guy who everybody liked. He was the star of the lacrosse team and an amazing guitarist. Carrie, on the other hand, was the girl most people feared. You’d never see her wearing an outfit in a dark color or without her backup dancers. Anyway, back to business. The door to the dance studio was always locked, but there was a tiny glass frame in it where you could easily use your phone to record their routine. They were dancing to their new song, Wow. It was her favorite so far. Well, she says that about all their songs.
They finished and paused for a couple seconds to catch their breath. She ended the video and started walking away, only to bump into another person, making her drop her phone. She leaned down right away to avoid any sort of eye contact or conversation with that person, but they just had to speak, “sorry, y/n.” It was Nick.
She looked up at him in shock. “You-you know my name?” Barely anybody acknowledged her existence in the school.
“Of course I know you,” he chuckled. “You’re the girl in class with the killer vocal chords.” His smile was contagious. Wow, she now understood what Carrie saw in him.
“Um, thanks, Nick,” she muttered. Then her phone went off, her mom was finally in the parking lot. “I gotta go-“
“Hey, what song are you doing tomorrow?” Nick asked. Did he not hear her say that she had to go?
“Uh probably just something by Adele,” you smiled. “Sorry, my mom’s here to pick me up.” This was probably the fastest she’s ever speed-walked away from someone before. Talking to people is weird. If it had been any other guy, she wouldn’t have had to get into a conversation. Nick is great and sweet and cute and all of this is besides the point. Nick is a nice guy but she just wanted to pick up her phone and leave.
When watching someone play the piano and sing at the same time, it looks so effortless. Nobody takes into account what they’re really doing. Nobody considers how long they must have trained to learn all the right chords and memorize the ones that go with their song. Nobody considers how long it must have taken them to perfect their song, whether it be alone or with the help of anothe person. Nobody considers what goes on inside the person’s head. Nobody considers what they think of themselves as they play. Nobody notices that maybe that person wants to be invisible.
The next day was the day of class performances. Per usual, the teacher allowed volunteers to go first. Julie sang first, then Carrie, then Flynn and so on and so forth. It got to the point where everybody who wanted to perform had already performed, so her teacher started getting frustrated. “Guys, it’s just two minutes of spotlight.” Silence. “Y/n, how about yo give it a go?”
Her head shot up so quickly at that and just froze. The teacher knew about her situation and has let her perform just for her during lunch. It just made things easier. “Ms. Jacobs, can I just perform during lunch,” she asked timidly. Everybody was staring at her, expecting her to go so that the teacher wouldn’t call on someone else.
But Ms. Jacobs shook her head. “Sorry, y/n. You’ve got to get over that stagefright somehow.” But did it have to be now!? There was no way she could argue with her without causing a scene. Come on, y/n, don’t cry.
Within what felt like a lifetime, she stood up from the chair and lifted her feet, one by one, to walk over to the shiny black piano. It was brand-new, just bought buy the school that summer. It was sleek and clean, practically begging to be used to make music. The walk to the piano’s bench felt exhausting and slow. It was silent, you could easily hear a needle hit the ground as her classmates waited on her to play. But oh god, what note does she even start with? What’s the first line of the song?
“Ms. L/n,” her teacher called. “Any day now.” Y/n looked up-nope, big mistake. Why is everyone watching her so intently? Ba. Did she just press a note? She looked at Ms. Jacobs, who gave an encouraging smile in return. Okay, y/n. Just pretend nobody’s watching you. Pretend you’re just singing in your room.
Her fingers started playing as if it was the only thing they knew to do. They couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop thinking.. Just get it done, y/n.
When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said.
No final kiss to seal anything.
I had no idea of the state we were in.
I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness
And a wandering eye and heaviness in my head,
But don’t you remember?
Don’t you remember the reason you left me before?
Baby, please remember me once more.
Y/n closed her eyes and sighed as she finished. That wasn’t that bad.. Then the applause came and her perfect setting of playing the piano at home where nobody could hear her was gone and was filled with people. People who knew her were staring at her and applauding her. Performing in front of a random audience is one thing, because you have no idea who’s in the audience. You’ll never know (until afterwards at least) if your best friend happened to be in the crowd, or if one of the Kardashians were there. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about someone saying things about you when you’re right next to them because they don’t know you and you don’t know them. When you’re performing in front of your class, there are no rules. Anybody can think anything they want about your performance and nitpick it in their heads or out loud and that’s just how they’ll look at you. She was brought out of her thoughts by Ms. Jacobs talking to the class again, “see folks, this is what I’m talking about!” She looked like she had just met the queen of England. There’s no way she’s smiling like that after her performance. Was she really that good? This is too much.
Y/n managed to slip away from the classroom unnoticed as Ms. Jacobs kept talking. She couldn’t breathe. Oh god, why couldn’t Ms. Jacobs just let me perform at lunch? That was so bad. Does google offer tips to give yourself amnesia? Because she just wanted to forget about all of that mess- “Y/n?” Oh no, it’s Nick again. “What are you doing out here,” he asked.
“I just needed to catch my breath,” she muttered. Why is a cute guy paying attention to me like this?
“Wait, why are you crying, you were amazing,” he said. What? She wasn’t even crying. Oh, there we go... Why am I crying!?!
“I don’t know,” I sobbed. “I hate it when people are watching me.” She didn’t understand why the majority of her classmates could perform efortlessly and not even consider that they did badly later on. Why couldn’t she feel that way?
Nick put a soft hand on her shoulder. “But if nobody watched you, nobody would know how great you are,” he proclaimed. Woah, headrush. He thinks I’m great now? She nodded and smiled. Maybe he was right. “What if we work together next time,” He offered.
“But we don’t even know if the next project will be a group one,” she chuckled. People never wanted to work with her. They always thought that she’d never do the work because she couldn’t even bother to speak, or she’d just take over the entire project.
“Let me at least get your number,” he replied. He seemed genuine, there was going to be no foulplay in this, so she agreed to that and to him walking her home from school. And on the next project, they got to work together and y/n got through it wih his help. They did it together.
Add yourself to my taglist!
@flashoe @carnationcreation
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/8/2021)
Hi lovelies! I just filled up the queue through May but I have a LOT of requests left. So I’m posting the remaining requests below! If you see your request here that means it’ll be posted in June at the earliest. If you don’t see your request it means it’s probably going to be posted in May (although I did delete two messages that weren’t “requests” as much as “demands”, messages that said, “Do this,” or, “Make that,” which I don’t respond to). There are some requests I addressed in a post on April 27th though that won’t be posted until June also so be sure to check that out. Thanks for the support lovelies! Hope you like what’s to cum. ;)
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Anonymous said:
Could u do emma stone from amazing spider man i like her look from the 2nd one but its fine whichever u use
Yep! Second one it is. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi was wondering if you could do a caption of a superhero that is captured by their villain and turned into an evil hench woman thought about anne hathaway as cat woman if you could thanks love your captions btw
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption where a white guy gets turned into Kerry Washington. And becomes addicted to sleeping with black men? I was thinking of using the scene from little man where shes in bed after a night of "doing it". Can that be done or is that too graphic of a description?
I don’t think it’s too graphic? I’ve never seen Little Man (idk what it is tbh) but I googled “Kerry Washington Little Man” & found a pic I think works so I can do this.
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Anonymous said:
I don't remember if I requested this already or not but could you do one of Haley atwell from captain america I was thinking like a super soldier test turns a guy into her but he then finds out that was the plan that the government wanted to make super sissies instead
You did not request it and I can do it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do a caption using Betsy brandt? Shes the aunt from breaking bad incase you didnt know I just think shes beautiful and hope you could do a caption for her idk what about maybe something about milfs thatd be good ig whatever you decide anyways thanks
I DO know who that is! And there have been quite a few MILF requests (as you’ll see) so all you MILF lovers will be happy going forward. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello first off big fan 2nd off im sorry if this is too much but I have abit of a list for ya if u can do these thats great if not its ok just sorry i know its alot.  Emma thompson(saving mr banks)  Sean young, (ace venture)  Rhea Pearlman, ( matilda)  Christina agulara( burlesque)   sigourney weaver, (alien or ghostbusters)   emma stone (cruela)  thank u there will be a part 2
Heres part 2 its just ones I dont really have any specific thing in mind.    Tia and Tamara. Idna menzel.   Adele.    Bonnie Tyler.    Ruby rose.    Sarah chalke.   Kristen schaal.  Melissa McCarthy.  Megan trainer.    Elizabeth gillies.   Like i said if u can great if not thats alright atleast u'll have some stocked up for a rainy day thanks again and sorry again
Hello im the one who gave the list of requests sorry once again I just wanted to further explain one of them the christina Aguilera from burlesque one to be specific I would like the one where she is wearing the bowler hat with the  loose frizz curls thats the only one I can think of to elaborate on the rest are up to u thanks again sorry again
Ok so this is A LOT of requests and in the future I would like to ask people to limit their requests to three celebs at a time, but I’ve never said that before so it wouldn’t be fair to the person who requested all these. So yes I can do these requests. The only one I won’t do is Sean Young from Ace Ventura because her character in Ace Ventura is really really transphobic (or, more specifically, how that character is written). And I can do that specific Christina Aguilera one. Also since this IS so many requests I’ll probably be sprinkling them in through instead of doing them all at once, & I already wrote an Elizabeth Gillies one coming out towards the end of May.
Anonymous said:
If possible could you do Elizabeth perkins as Wilma Flintstone I had the idea of it litterally being set in cave man times and depicting the forat instance of feminization, the first sissy, being of a weaker evolution and stuff causing the tribe to pick him as the tribes cave sissy
Oooo, sounds fun. Totally!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do Marissa tomei? Was thinking hero type story by night hes a crime fighing vigilante by day She is a stay at home sissy wife waiting for hubby to get home to pleasure him
I can do this!
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Anonymous said:
Could you try making one where a boy who’s always been short his entire life gets feminized by his friend? I was thinking someone like Skai Jackson would be great for this
Sure thing! I found one of Skai where she’s of age so I’ll use that. :) (I won’t use a GIF of here her though since most of them are from Jessie when she’s under 18)
Anonymous said:
I was wondering if you could do one about a college professor named Peter whose autocloset gets hacked by his students.  They transform and feminize him into a sexy latina milf so they have someone sexy to look at during class.  Actress of your choice, someone over 30 please.
Oooo, I’ve got the perfect celeb for this. ;)
Anonymous said:
Hi I actually have 3 u may have done them before but if u can thatd be great. 1 Natalie Portman (V for vendetta ) the little girl outfit with the pigtails I was thinking like a lost bet. 2 P!nk (beautiful trauma) the house wife look is so good.  3 Elizabeth olsen (wandavision) when shes in the bed wearing her costume like a morning after thing.  Thats all like I said if u can thank u love ur captions
Ah gotcha. I can do these!
Anonymous said:
Hi id like to start off by saying i love your captions. Was wondering if you could do one of Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona flowers when she had Green hair as far as the story I dont really have anything other than green being the guys fav color idk hopefully you can do something with that anyways thank you for your time have a good one
I can work with this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey I have a specific scene in mind its of kaley cuoco when she was on the big bang theory I dont remember the episode but its where shes sitting on the couch when her BF walks in and shes dressed in this purple lingerie and shes got her hair up its beautiful I was thinking if u could do a caption on that? Maybe like a roommates thing sorry I dont have enough info on the scene
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Anonymous said:
Could u ro Lindsay sloane from bring it on I had to look up the name I just remember her as "Big red" what they called her in the movie
Yep! I love Bring it On. :)
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Anonymous said:
Omg i love the Alex kingston caption u did recently whenever u get a chance could u do more River song captions also the billie piper one again whenever u get the chance
You got it. :)
Anonymous said:
Ok if you could i have an idea for a caption of a guy who wants to be internet famous but cant cut it as a guy so he pretends to be a lady on an onlyfans but doesnt show off anything too much then he gets surprised by his Male roommate who found out and his roommate blackmails him into making more "Private" videos to get cash I was thinking using meg turney if u could thanks
Sounds fun. Sure thing! :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I know you mightve done this one already but the one of Katy Perry from "Hey hey hey" music vid could u do another one from that still her with the blonde hair but when shes just waking up instead thank you
You bet!
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Anonymous said:
I know you got alot of requests lately but if you dont mind one more could you do Drew Barrymore from Batman forever?
I had to double check how old she was in that but yes! I can do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
I know I probably wont see this for awhile but if u could can u do a caption of debby ryan from jessie where she is dressed like a little kid and has her hair in pigtails? I was thinking like a babysitting gig gone wrong for the story like dress up goes too far or something anyawys thank u
Do you know what episode that’s from? I found the image and I think it looks great but I just want to make 100% sure that Jessie was an adult when she made it. If you know the episode feel free to message me & I can go ahead with it. :)
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Anonymous said:
I have 3 if u could do them 1. Zazie beets  2. Zendaya  3. Tessa Thompson. Thats all thanks
I actually have Zazie Beets and Zendaya caps coming up before May ends, but you’ll get the Tessa Thompson one in June. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do another caption tor jenna fischer from the office please?
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a cap where a teacher named Peter gets feminized into a latina housewife and use Marisol Nichols from Riverdale?  Can't ignore the MILFs.
Damn right you can’t! I’ll be sure to do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Addison Rae or Ariana Grande please
I’ll do both! :)
@tammyboy25 said:
Hi there! I was wondering if you could please do one where a sister or best girlfriend guilt trips a boy into being their maid of honor for her wedding? Bachelorette party, Dress shopping, getting their hair done, dancing with other boys at the reception are some ideas I had. Thank you so much either way!!!
Ooooo I love this! You got it sweetie. :)
Anonymous said:
Wow, I really loved the "From the Amazons" caption you did with Wonder Woman! Could you do something similar with a guy named Rene put into the body of a sluttfied superheroine?  Maybe Scarlet Witch/Wanda? Thanks!
“From the Amazons” has been getting a lot of love so thanks everyone! I can totally do this with an Elizabeth Olsen pic. :)
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Anonymous said:
I'm not sure if youve seen falcon and the winter soldier yet but Erin kellyman who plays kharli in that is a relatively new actress so I could understand if you dont know her but if you do could you make a caption for her? Thank you
I actually do know who she is! I saw her in “Falcon & Winter Soldier” and Solo so I can totally do a cap with her. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi, yesterday I said how much I loved that Wonder Woman caption you did with Gakl Gadot. And I've since discovered the manips made by Saturdays24. My name is Rene, and I'd loved to be turned into a girl in one of his pics, particularly Taylor Swift! Thanks!
Sure thing! @saturdays24 gave me permission to use their stuff a few years ago so I can do any caps with their manips. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you please do Priyanka Chopra captions
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Anonymous said:
Can you do Lala Anthony captions. I am a big fan of her
Totally! (For some reason I can’t find a good GIF of her though)
Anonymous said:
Can you do a cap with the new Billie Eilish Vogue Pics? That would be so so amazing.
Anonymous said:
billie eilish or addison rae?
Anonymous said:
Hi I remember someone else asking for a billie eilish caption since she was of age now but it was still too recent to have any pics of her at the right age well now shes 19 and I just saw she was on the cover of vogue afew days ago ....would that work?
Don’t worry, a Billie Eilish cap from British Vogue is on the way! She is an adult now & so I can make caps with her. :) (Also to the person who asked about Addison Rae, like I said earlier I’ll make one for her too. :D)
Anonymous said:
I really liked ur newest caption of Kelly lebrock as a boss being spotted enfemme I was wondering if u could do a follow up to that one? Maybe with her from woman in red. Id just like to see the coworker confront the boss
I like that idea! Totally. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption with Jhene Aiko or Jenna Ortega? They’re both similar to me in body build so it would be pretty amazing to see them in a caption.
Jhene Aiko yes. Jenna Ortega MAYBE. Jenna Ortega only JUST turned 18 and that was during the COVID-19 pandemic so there aren’t going to be a lot of projects where she’s an adult to pull from. So if I can find something maybe otherwise you might just have to wait a bit. Sorry if that’s a bummer. :/
Anonymous said:
Can you do Nikita Dragun captions please?
I’ve no idea who this is, sorry.
Anonymous said:
Idk if u know the band pentatonix or not but if u do could u do a caption for Kirstin Maldonado they just came out with a music video for 90s medley and she is gorgeous in it much appreciated :)
I’ve actually done some Kristin Maldonado caps already so I can totally do another. :)
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09yards · 5 years
7 - Houston, I have so many problems (days gone by - nct)
Days Gone By masterlist | main masterlist - ao3 link
warning: excessive use of italics in this chapter because apparently I felt like it and I've only worked on this during night hours and honestly it probably doesn't make sense because it isn't edited properly okay love you bye now, enjoy the chapter (:
Mark drowns his sorrows in T Swift, Grey's Anatomy and Ben and Jerrys and we talk about Johnny a whole lot and the pressures of school and life decisions.
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I’ve got a hundred speeches thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
Yeah, after all this time, I’m still into you
      Johnny was a good brother, just not exactly role model material. He was protective, but still let you do all the dumb stuff you thought of - like jumping fully clothed in the lake during winter or staying out past curfew because ‘mum will never know, not unless you tell her anyway’ - he was the one there to laugh with you, cry with you, encourage you to do stupid things because you have to live your life. Mark never really understood when Johnny would go on some philosophical rant about how you only get one life, if you aren’t enjoying it then you’re not doing it right.
     He wasn’t constantly thinking about what to do next, how if he did this or that then this would happen. Mark was confused by it in all honestly, he couldn’t comprehend that Johnny studied for fun, wanted to do well not because he felt he had to but because he wanted to. Mark never felt like he made choices purely for himself, he did it for other people or because that’s what he was supposed to do. It wasn’t just academics, Mark was nice to everyone, he it his tongue when he really wanted to correct someone on their opinions (everyone is entitled to their own opinions but the guy was just plain wrong, zero factual basis for his arguments). Mark liked being in control of his own thoughts and feelings, he liked dictating his own life, for once. He just didn’t know how to regain control. He wanted to stop doing things for others, he wanted to be a little selfish – wanted to make himself happy first. He didn’t realise there was absolutely nothing selfish about that at all.
      And then, as stupid as it may sound, Mark started binging Grey’s Anatomy. The medical drama was a major turning point for the sixteen-year-old (at the time), taught him about how he wanted to help people, how he wanted to make a difference to people’s lives. He remembers sitting down and talking to Johnny about it, about how he felt like he’d found his calling. Sure, if anyone asked him now, he’d tell people that he fell in love with medicine as a young child, always playing doctors with his teddy bears and seeing his mum go to work every day, not that Sandra Oh being the magnificent actress she is, made him want to learn more and more about the field, thus he pulled an all-nighter googling different medical pathways and finding what was right for him – and how.
      Johnny was there for all the big decisions in his life. Johnny was there when Mark didn’t realise you were supposed to ‘come out’ if you were anything but straight (frankly, he strongly believed in the idea that no ones sexuality should be pre-determined and that no one should feel the need to define who they are - like that clip in ‘Love, Simon’ which prompted Jisung, Hyuck, Renjun and Jaemin all telling him to shut up when he went on a rant about how assuming someone’s sexuality is wrong and how coming out shouldn’t just be for the non-heterosexual) and in the midst of his first full-on breakdown over his burgeoning crush on Daniel from year 10 maths, Mark had said ‘he’ around thirty-two times, give or take a few (yes, Johnny had counted just to be sure), and only then had it truly dawned on Johny that this was it, this is the closest Johnny was getting to an ‘I-am-gay-and-this-is-me-coming-out-to-you’ moment. Honestly, it’d made Johnny quite proud - his mother was an avid supporter of the community and they’d grown up completely aware that any and all love was love, nothing wrong with any of it and those who believed otherwise didn’t deserve a lollipop (sue him, he was only eight and that was their mum’s way of describing people who were arseholes without calling them bad names). Johnny was there when Mark, sweating nervously and disgustingly clammy-handed, told them how he wanted to follow in their mothers (actually Meredith Grey’s, not that he was going to tell his mum that) footsteps and become a doctor too. Why he was so nervous, he’ll never really know nor understand.
      Especially not when Johnny picked him up and twirled him around in a hug shouting about how his little brother is going to be a doctor, Johnny always was one for theatrics, their mum on the other hand gave her usual warm-hearted smile, said she’d support him no matter what and wrapped him up in one of her bear-hugs. She always gave the best hugs, they simply felt like home, like no matter what you’d be safe.
      Jisung smiled, too young to really care and didn’t understand why Mark had made some big deal about it – “it’s just a degree, you could buy one online for like a hundred pounds instead”. Yes, Jisung spent too much time on the internet, Mark really didn’t want to know what the majority of his time on there was spent doing. Honestly, Mark had him pegged as some sort of edgy Tumblr teen running an insanely successful blog for a book-turned-tv-or-movie series so the majority of his time was probably devoted to reading (that Mark knew) and watching and then reviewing the episodes. It was somewhat worrying the amount Mark had thought about this, was he a multi-fandom blogger or did he just stick to one? What was he watching? Shadowhunter’s? Harry Potter? Sherlock? So, many, questions. But hey, it wasn’t Marks business to know. If he’d just asked Jisung he’d be aware of the youngers multiple blogs, one dedicated to his love of kpop and idols with dimples, the other dedicated to reviewing and just general chatting and fan theories about his favourite book series turned movie/TV shows, Mark wasn’t as far off as he’d like to believe.
      With everything that was happening with Hyuck, or rather lack thereof, Mark was desperate to feel at least somewhat in control of his life. Desperate to feel like he was doing something that mattered, like he was working toward something. One thing Mark could always rely on is that all of his friends and family, among other things, would describe him as a workaholic. As much as Mark loved to attempt to dispute this, he couldn’t. It was the truth and being the emotionally constipated teenager that he is – what better way to deal with your emotions that not doing so and instead throwing yourself into schoolwork? Mark was a broken human in many ways, in many ways he was just normal. Just like any other teenager feeling like they didn’t have their lives under control, feeling like they had to make life altering and affirming decisions at the age of sixteen or seventeen. It wasn’t fair. It didn’t feel fair at least. It didn’t feel fair that he couldn’t have some cute teenage love story like in the movies, didn’t feel fair that he had to submit his university applications by mid-October when everyone else got to wait until December, didn’t feel fair that everyone else had their soulmates or were finding them left and right but he was stuck.
      It was stupid and selfish but he wanted to feel upset. He wanted to feel like he’d lost something rather than just admitting the plain truth that Donghyuck just didn’t like him back. Not every love story was straight (oh the irony) out of Wattpad and not everyone got their happy ending, at least not yet. So, a very stressed Mark was free to wander mindlessly around his home, mind too occupied with some parallel universe where there’s no such thing as soulmates and everyone possess the ability to fall in love with whomever they wish. Not that that would change much in Mark’s case, but let the guy dream okay? Okay.
      Johnny was a good brother. But Johnny was still his brother at the end of the day.
      A brother who comes home for the weekend unexpectedly and so his seventeen year old brother believes he’s able to be singing his heart out to wildest dreams by Taylor swift, I break from crying over Mcdreamy’s death, with a pot of Ben and Jerrys fish food (yeah he was in full blown sad mode) in hand and the most over-sized hoodie he could get his hands on, actually wearing his glasses for once and well… Mark was a mess, in peace, but Johnny took the initiative of filming Marks current endeavours before making his presence known by snorting obnoxiously and crumpling into a ball (well as close as Johnny could get to folding his over six foot body into something remotely small) on the floor of their kitchen unable to breathe normally for at least ten minutes and unable to look Mark in the eye for the next two hours while keeping a straight face, as every time it resulted in him wheezing again and managing to get out a “Y-you, you listen,” another wheeze, “to Taylor, the Taylor Swift,” another, stupid, wheeze, “like queen of break up songs when you’re sad? Oh, Mark, where did I go wrong with raising you.” Yeah, not the most pleasant of experiences for Mark, his bright red ears clearly displaying his emotions.
       He should be allowed to drown his sorrow in peace, listening to Taylor Swift (and Adele but Johnny didn’t hear his rendition of ‘hello’ so #MarkFirstWin) eating his ice cream and dancing around the kitchen. We’ve all been there and anyone who says they haven’t done some sort of version of this is a down right liar, or just really, really, lucky and hasn’t experienced any form of heartbreak ever.
      Nevertheless, this is the same Johnny who then slaps you so hard on the back that it winds you, and then tells you with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, “Hey! You know what would be perfect to distract you?” No Johnny, he was taking the Taylor Swift route. Mark just shook his head, his ears tinting red at the memory of Johnny catching him again (yes it was three hours again) and how he would definitely be relaying the message to others. “Well, your uni applications are in, nothing you can do right now to change that. So, I wasn’t going to invite you because I knew you’d say no but now I’m leaving you no choice. As it’s Winwin and Yuta’s birthdays, they’re having a party tonight and you are coming with me.”
      “Yeah, no buts. You’re coming. Yes, everyone will be there – it’s a family affair. Even Jisung is coming for a bit but I’ve already bought him chocolate milk and put it in the fridge at Yuta’s place.”
      “And you’re really going to let me drown my sorrows in alcohol after my birthday party?”
      “Sure, after all, what’s the worst that could happen?”
      Like Mark said, Johnny let you do the dumb shit. He’d help you pick up the pieces later.
   Hyuck. Alcohol. Jungwoo. Alcohol. Yuta. Alcohol. Winwin. Alcohol. Jaehyun. Alcohol. Soulmates. Black-out drunk.
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handsofdarkness · 6 years
SHARON DEN ADEL 'Wasn't Sure' She Wanted To Continue WITHIN TEMPTATION After 'Hydra' Album
Germany's Radio Bob! recently conducted an interview with frontwoman Sharon Den Adel of Dutch metallers WITHIN TEMPTATION. You can watch the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET).
On collaborating with PAPA ROACH frontman Jacoby Shaddix on the song "The Reckoning":
Sharon: "We met in Belgium about three years ago. We were playing at a huge metal festival and we were located in the backstage next to each other and bumped into him and I've always been a fan. 'Hey, you're in PAPA ROACH. I've always been a fan.' He also knew us, so we were, like, 'Yeah!' He immediately went up in my ladder of great people. [Laughs] No, just joking. He's a really nice guy, [with] a lot of energy and positive energy. We just talked about art, not even about music. One, I like his music. Second, he's a nice guy. And third, [I thought to myself] if I ever have a song that really fits his voice, we're going to ask him. I think it was a week before we started the video for 'The Reckoning', I already sang everything front to back myself and we were thinking, 'Oh, actually, it would be nice to have a duet on this song. But who can we ask?' It was pretty late because everything was recorded and we were going to do a video in seven days. 'Jacoby. We should ask Jacoby.' We sent it to his management. He was in the studio and he said, 'There's a lack of time. My family is not going to like that I have to do another thing, but I'll ask my wife.' His wife said, 'I like this song. I love it. You can do it!' That's what he told us. [Laughs] That was funny. He was in the studio and did it beside all the stuff he had to do. He sent me the files and that's how it went. It was easy. Done in a week."
On what the song "The Reckoning" is about:
Sharon: "It has to do with the album title, 'Resist'. I grew up in the digital age. You're a bit younger than I am, but I had a Commodore 64. You had floppy [disks] to play your games on. Anyway, I never thought the Internet and social media would become as big as it is today. Songs on 'Resist', most are personal songs where you have your own battles, but songs like 'The Reckoning' and 'Raise Your Banners' are really about, well, we felt there should be more awareness about our privacy laws. I think our governments really failed in protecting us against big companies because any time I go on the Internet, everybody's trackable and traceable through cookies — you give so much for free. People don't know what they're giving away. It's also difficult to get out of the system. How do you remove it? It's possible, but most people don't know how to. What we do for the album, when you go to our website, you have to accept cookies, but then we show you what we know when you do accept cookies. For instance, we know your postal address. When I go to Google maps, I can see where you live. I can see what your house looks like; I can even go there. That's crazy that everything is so accessible to everyone. That there's nothing to protect you."
On why WITHIN TEMPTATION has taken five years to follow up 2014's "Hydra":
Sharon: "I did a solo album called MY INDIGO. There was a certain time when I came back from the 'Hydra' tour that I wasn't sure I wanted to continue with WITHIN TEMPTATION. I've been touring for a long time. I'll keep this short, but it leads to the reason why we changed our music a bit. The fact was I was really tired of being in this roller coaster of writing an album, going on tour, doing festivals, going to a theater tour, then writing a new album again. It's always the same thing. I've done this my whole adult life. I love it and I wouldn't change anything, but the thing is, I also missed out on a lot of stuff. For me, it was a total roller coaster of accepting the choices I made in the past and the highs and lows of the band that we never dealt with. For me, it was time off, a break to figure out what I wanted to do in the future. Do I want to continue for 20 more years or do something different? I couldn't write for WITHIN TEMPTATION because it's very powerful music and everything. I didn't feel powerful and I didn't feel this… the atmosphere that WITHIN TEMPTATION had at the time because it's very powerful, it's being on the barricades at the same time, but I didn't feel like that. I had to do a step back and I wrote MY INDIGO, which is totally different, then I got really inspired by urban music. When I finally dealt with the whole process of what I wanted to do in the future, I found my way back to WITHIN TEMPTATION, I found a new direction, not just me, but the whole band. You don't really know which direction to go with the music. Because I did this MY INDIGO project and I was inspired by urban music, we learned a lot from how you make different sounds again, also, putting our heavy stuff on top of it, like the heavy guitars and everything. It became WITHIN TEMPTATION again, but in a totally different vibe. More laid back, groovier. I was, like, 'This is actually really cool.' We were happy. We found a new fire. It came together with this political view with things we wanted to say. It really gave us a new fire that we believe in that we can still bring something for the future and there's still something we want to say to our audience and the people who listen to our music."
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
Babe, I need a commentary on "Swan Song" more than I need my next breath. Pretty please ‼️
 [Send me an ask with your favourite or a random SPN episode and I’ll comment on it while re-watching it.]
+SPN Commentaries+     
Season 14 
a/n : all the episode SPN gifs are made as I watch , unless they’re from google , you can see that if they are. If you can’t see them you need to use a computer or use the gifs post right under the episode link.
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UUUGH *wraps herself in a blanket* 
[zoom on Dean as the song goes “don’t you cry no more” ] J F C
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[Chuck’s voice] “On April 21st-”
[slams the laptop close] I can’t do this.
- I gotta . 
*sobs* [open laptop] “ -1967 , the 100 millionth..”
- “the most important car “  
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-” Getting folks right for judgment day” 
- “ a used car-lot in Lawrence, where a young marine bought her on impulse”  [sucks breath in]
- “ Where the story begins ..:”
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- “…and here is where it ends”
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- “Watching out for you,it’s kind of been my job”  “ it’s kinda who I am”
- “I let him out…I gotta put him back”
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Goddamn it this will hurt like a son of a bitch , I can’t even be funny
- I always cringed seeing those two demons hanging from the ceiling to bleed out like pigs honestly.
-…and damn that fucking jacket!!!! I hate whoever stole it with all my heart
- Oh fuck Sam’s so disgusted and scared 
- Looking at Castiel sleeping in the back “oh ain’t he a little angel?” 
 S:”Angels don’t sleep”
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 D: Well…fuck
-S “Dean I’m sure he know a buttload we don’t”
-S” you gotta promise me you are not gonna try to bring me back”
 D: WUT, lol sure
-Apple-pie life ….sorry but that doesn’t suit neither of you. AND just because Idgaf about y’all haters….I don’t even want that for them . I mean…I don’t see supernatural ending like that , do you? Blaze of glory guys.
-time for the goodbyes .
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- S “Do you mind not watching this?”
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[skipping forward crying] I CAN’T YOU GUYS FUCK YOU
also…that was a lot to drink, I can barely drink two bottles of water a day without being sick.
-S “ We’re here you sons of bitches” 
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- Hey Lucy…looking rotting
- All those little details in the car makes me so sad and warm and happy, ffs
-oh my fuck look at Dean right now….my heart 
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-The moment where Sam becomes Lucifer…..DAMN JARED
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- And here we have the entire fandom mood
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-The mirror talk 
-Samifer: “ Such anger, young Skywalker”-Samifer “ we are two half made whole”S: first of all EWW
-Jesus H Roosevelt Christ , that is so not Sam
-”Sam Winchester this is your life”  
Hi hello, uhm…can someone send help? I think my heart is being ripped off
- C “I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol “ A MOOD
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- D” yes, well, .thank you Bukowski “
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Jk that’s insufferable 
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-”Sam used to insist on honest jobs.” that’s cute.
-”They could go anywhere and do anything” LIVING THE LIFE I WANT 
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-”Sure , they never really had a roof and 4 walls, but they were never, in fact, homeless “
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-”It has to end where it started I guess”
-”You are gonna do something stupid. You got that look” TELL ME AGAIN HOW BOBBY IS NOT THEIR FATHER
-”Well I ain’t gonna let him die alone”
[ok …I’ve run out of pitiful cats pics ]
-oh well that’s a graveyard that @curly-haired-disaster would enjoy
- Angels and their constipated staring contest.
- is it bad that I find the fucking Devil reasonable ?!?!?! Like??? he’s?? not wrong??
- JFC Michael is so…aseptic 
-but also I’m imagining this with Michael true vessel and I’m dying because….PARALLELS
ALSO , Michael and Lucifer:
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- [PURR] *GASPS* OH look it’s Dean doing something stupid.
-[Rock of Ages starts to play ] My lame 90s’ ass:
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*record scratch* In my defense….nope…there is no excuse….proceed *record starts*
-”it’s better to burn out than fade away”
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 D mentally : hello you stupid motherfuckers, Dean-suicidal-tendencies-because-nothing-to-lose is here.
- Michael : RUDE
-Lucifer : lol I love this stupid son of a bitch, i’LL KILL HIM LAST
-”Hey, we need to talk” 
can someone get me an infinity rule to measure Dean’s balls right now?
- Satan: This is a new whole mountain of stupid” also I’m so entertained right now. You go mud monkey, do a little dance.
-Dean addressing Adam
- Satan “ did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?”
Castiel : …..nnnnno…?
- Lucifer grabbing Dean by the collar , slowly , saying “ You are such a pain……” [dramatic pause because Lucifer is a drama queen] “…in my ass”
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(please don’t start sending me Wincest or SamLucifer x Dean or SamxLucifer stuff , I still don’t like them)
- “Oh he’s in here all right” …. kinky
(please don’t start sending me Wincest or SamLucifer x Dean or SamxLucifer stuff , I still don’t like them)
- [Dean gets trashed]
- The toy soldier!!!!
-OH my god he’s so scared and oh look you can see the moment he gives up
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-those silent goodbyes
- [gross sobbing]
- also….bye forever Adam and Canon Michael arches.
-The moment Dean realize it’s done and his head bump into the car and his lips trembles and his eyes are so lost and full of pain and then he closes them and turn his head [fades to black]
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OH LOOK HE IS ON HIS KNEES , FUCKING GREAT THANKS…..wow ok YA REALLY NEED TO STOP MAKING ME DO COMMENTARIES ON SAD EP , but that would mean that there would be just a handful left then….
- *whop whop * here is Castiel
- D:”Cass are you God? “
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 C: “ no but I’ll make you scream that later in the seasons. That’s a nice compliment, but no”
- C: “ New and improved” CASS IS A SERAPH NOW , [LEVEL UP]
- “ you try to tied up any loose ends, but you never can “ … are the writers calling themselves out?
“The fans are always gonna bitch”
“There’s always gonna be holes”
yeah riiiight
-D “ wow…God gives you a brand new shiny set of wings and suddenly you are his bitch again”
oooooh speaking the truths and we all know what happens in season 6 .
C : “It’s just seems like the right thing to do” 
me : *cringe *
- D: “ All I’ve got is my brother in a hole!”
- C: “ what would you rather have? Peace or Freedom ?” 
CASTIEL WHAT’S WITH THESE IMPOSSIBLE CHOICES, JFC he’s already starting to sounds like what he’ll become in season 6
- D:” You really sucks at goodbyes”
-Bobby and Dean’s hug *sobs*
-Chuck:” Every part of him, every fiber he’s got wants to die…”
thanks god, I hate it
- “..he’s made a promise” 
A VeRy FuCKIng StUPid onE 
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- Chuck:” they did alright” 
*spluttering* I’M SORRY WHAT
-”Nothing really ever ends”HERE….RIGHT HERE…at the time I’ve watched this the first time I was…..BITCH WHERE U GO? AND THEN…….OH..OOOOH YOU MOTHERFUCKER.
God every time something bad happens on heart, heaven and hell : 
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-[ camera pointing in Sam’s face] and where the fuck did you come from bitch.[Hello by Adele starts to play]
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Next up : Free to be you and me
ugh I forgot who wanted the tag in these so I’m tagging the ones from the season 14 ones
@waywardbaby     @ravenangel33       @mariekoukie6661    @wayward-and-worn       @spnskinnyballs      @starfirerules      @cloverhighfive    @supernatural-teamfreewillpage   @dragontamerm @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @destiel-honeypie @mattiecat   @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee    @jacks-word-of-the-day
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dammit-stark · 5 years
Answer 21, tag 21 people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @stiffinme
Nickname: I just go by julia, no nickname required
Zodiac: gemini (which is ironic bc I'm a twin)
Height: about 5′6″
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
The last thing you googled: ginger spice girl now
Favorite Musician/s: Adele, Sara Bareilles, Taylor Swift, The Black Keys, Paramore
Song stuck in my head: Me Party from The Muppets soundtrack (I have the worst music taste okay at least I'm aware)
Following Now: primarily marvel (tony stark, carol danvers, the works), but I'm also a fan of all those iconic sitcoms especially parks and rec, and leverage too!!
Followers: something a little over 3.7k I think it’s been a bit since I've checked
Do I get asks: not as much as I used to y'all asks are always open I love screaming about marvel and writing literally two words on anon and I'll love y'all forever
Amount of sleep: ha
Lucky Number: I've alway like the number 9 for some reason
What I’m wearing: the softest sweater I own, boyz!!! we’re out here, warm, cozy, everything’s fine
Dream job: i wish I could just study the stars and the sky and space all the time I wanna be an astronomer but that’s megaunrealistic
Dream trip: just all of europe
Favorite food: either pasta or milk duds I'm the worst
Instruments: I play euphonium in band like a friken nerd
Languages: sadly only English but I've been taking French for the past five years and it’s my favorite class so hey there’s that
Favorite Song: Midlist Author by the decemberists or The Go Getter by the black keys or Hard Times by Paramore or literally any Adele song from 19... also the muppet version of smells like teen spirit hehe
Random fact: vacuum is the only word in the English language with two consecutive u’s
Aesthetic: super soft sweaters, black coffee by the truckload, stacks of books, multi-colored pens!, crappy Tony stark doodles in the margins of papers, the smell of honeysuckle, nerd memorabilia everywhere, a bumper sticker of an airplane wearing ear muffs, rotating between two pairs of boots every day, a hand-me-down necklace with my name on it
Tagging: @dontshootmespence @pepperonys @lovelyirony @thenochillgal @codeflaws @itsallavengers @xx-expecto-dementor-xx @thegirlinthebyakko and anybody else who wants to take a crack at this pls I wanna find out more about my followers! we can talk about our shared passion of milk duds or Tony stark or whatever yknow hehe
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Meaning of Life - Harry Styles Series (Part 15)
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Part 14
“It’s official Y/N has topped the Billboard chart with her debut album.” 
“The Music Industry’s top Songwriter, Y/N, has now made a name for herself debuting at number one.”  
“Y/N’s debut album could certainly break multiple records including ones held by Adele, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and The Beatles.” 
“Harry Styles and Y/N are slowly becoming music’s it couple with both artists smashing the album sales.” 
“Y/N-” Harry started once again.
“Okay! Okay,” you laughed stopping him from reading yet another headline or article from his recent Google search. 
It had been two weeks since your album dropped and it was still at number one. Shocked would be an understatement if you were being honest. Your name was featured in dozens upon dozens of articles, posts, and tweets. There were even a few billboards with your album cover and face on them scattered around the city. Every time you turned on the radio, it seemed as if you heard your name or one of your songs playing. 
You even had been on quite a few late night shows for interviews and a performance and you were scheduled to Carpool Karaoke with James Corden in a few days. Never did you think the world would respond in this way regarding your album and music. It was still overwhelming and you definitely got major anxiety before the interviews and performances, but as soon as you were in the moment, all those feelings of self-doubt fluttered away. 
“Sorry, I just, damn, Y/N, I’m so fucking proud of you and apparently the entire world is too,” he said. 
“Yeah, but not everyone is singing me praises,” you said. “I’ve seen just as many negative reviews.” 
“Which are complete bullshit, by the way,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes, “You’re biased.” 
“Yes, and no,” he said. “I may technically be biased, but that doesn’t mean my opinion isn’t the truth.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, why don’t you just put the phone away and maybe stay away from Google for the rest of the night? Let’s just watch the movie and eat our dinner,” you smiled. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay away,” he laughed grabbing another slice of pizza from the box. “So, I can’t wait until we go over to the UK for your promo.” 
“We? You’re coming too?” You asked. “I thought you’ve been working in the studio, some.” 
“Did you honestly think I wasn’t going to travel with you when you’re going to my home country, Y/N? Really?” He laughed. “Studio or no studio, I’m going with you.” 
“My bad,” you laughed holding your hands up in defense. “I just you hadn’t really talked about going, so I thought I was going by myself.” 
“Do you want to go by yourself?” He asked. 
“Of course, not,” you said. “I’d feel awkward being there, at your house, without you.” 
“Bold of you to assume I’d even let you stay in my house without me,” he joked. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Anyway, so my Mum’ll be coming down to London while we’re there,” he said. 
You smiled, “I’m glad we get to spend time with her and your sister. Oooh, maybe while we’re there we can go on a double date with your sister and her boyfriend.” 
“Eh,” He groaned. “That’s weird.” 
“How is that weird, exactly?” You laughed. “It’s no different than us going out with a couple of our friends who are married or a couple.” 
“She’s my sister,” he groaned. “It’s bad enough they went to one of my shows as their first date.” 
“I thought you liked him,” you said. 
“I do, but it’s still weird,” he said. 
“You’re weird,” you laughed. “You’ve hung out with him before... you know as a group with other friends and family.” 
“Still weird,” he said. 
“You’re such a child sometimes,” You rolled your eyes. 
“You know, you’re not exactly the first person to tell me that and I’m really starting to take offense to such a statement,” he said. 
“You would,” you laughed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He gasped. 
“Oh, nothing,” you said taking a bite of your pizza and turning back to the television. 
“You’re lucky I love you,” he mumbled. 
“No, you’re lucky I love you,” you smirked. 
“Somebody’s a diva,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Am not!” You defended. 
He smirked wrapping his arms around you and pulling over onto his lap. 
“Excuse you, I wasn’t exactly finished with my pizza,” you said. 
“It’ll still be there,” he smirked pressing his lips against yours. 
You were now in the UK, ready for your huge promotion tour across the UK and Europe. There was even talk from your team about doing promotion in Australia and Japan. You weren’t exactly sure if you wanted to do to that because of the fact you would be traveling even more than what you had planned. You knew it would be a good idea to do all the promotion opportunities, but you also needed to focus on what would be best for you. 
Once you and Harry were off the plane, you both headed to the car waiting for the two of you. You were shocked to see the number of fans, which wasn’t a huge number because of the whole airport security thing, but way more than you thought would be there. They were all screaming and crying across the street from where you and Harry were. 
You smiled waving to them, which caused them to scream even more. You got into the car and Harry followed you into the car. The loud, deafening screams turned into muffled ones when Harry shut the door. You looked out the window and it almost seemed as if the crowd grew in just those short few seconds. 
“Well, you seem to be getting used to that,” Harry smirked at you. 
“To what?” You asked confused. 
“Having fans... waiting for you... screaming for you... and well, crying,” he laughed. 
“It helps when they’re on the other side of the street, away from me,” you laughed. “I’m able to enjoy them at a distance without feeling trapped and claustrophobic.”  
“That’s true,” he nodded. “But I do think you are getting better with it.” 
“Well, thank you,” you smiled kissing his cheek. 
By the time you had arrived at Harry’s London house, your stomach was growling to the point the entire block could hear it and the many hours spent on an airplane started to catch up with your body. Harry got the bags from the car and carried them into the house behind you. 
“I had some food delivered, so it should be in the fridge,” he said. 
“And by delivered you mean your sister brought it by?” You joked. 
“Hey, I paid for the food,” he laughed. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you said walking over to the fridge and opening it to see what was inside. 
You started grabbing different things and decided on just making a couple of sandwiches. You put them on a plate and quickly started eating. 
“So, fucking good,” you mumbled. 
Harry laughed shaking his head, “All that food and you decided on a sandwich?” 
“Hey, it was the quickest thing to make,” you laughed. “I’m hungry and sleepy. Plus, I want to take a shower to wash off the airport grime from my body before sliding into bed and sleeping for the next fourteen hours.” 
“But if you want to make something super fancy, go right ahead,” you added. 
“Nah, I’ll take a sandwich,” he said. 
“See!” You laughed handing him one. 
He smiled taking it from you and finishing it less than four bites. You rolled your eyes shaking your head at him as you finished up your own sandwich. Once you both were done, Harry carried the bags up to his room, while you followed him. You quickly got in the shower and back out before crawling into the bed, not even bothering to get redressed and let the sleep overtake your body as it prepared for the mountains of interviews the next day held. 
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Blackouts (Part One) - Stuart Twombly
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “The First Blackout”
Relationship: Stuart Twombly x Original Female Character
Based on: Writer In The Dark - Lorde, which you should listen to just cause it’s like so a part of this fic...
Author’s Note: So, my first Stuart. It is purposefully detailed as all get out and poetic-ish. *shrugs* This will only be two parts, and the second part will be coming soon enough.
Additional Note: *** so anything that looks like this is a lyric from “Writer In The Dark” by Lorde... I generally use italics for a greater effect on a certain part of a sentence, which I still do, but in the part where she is reading from her book, anything that is italicized but not bold, was borrowed from Said the Shotgun to the Head by Saul Williams. That is not my original content. He is a brilliant poet, and I am not, but I wanted Penny to be. so, credit given where it is due. ***
Summary: At age 18, Stuart Twombly met and fell in love with Penelope Marshall. At age 21, he let her go. At age 27, he saw her again.
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"Hi, I'm sorry, I really don't want to bother you, but are you Penelope Marshall?"
The hair on Stuart's arms stood at the sound of that name. He lowered the volume on his laptop, as a new song began to play, and then pulled his headphones from his ears altogether. The coffee shop had died down as the lunch hour crowd had begun to clear out, and the tables around Stuart's began to empty. He looked around to see where the conversation he had managed to overhear, in between changing songs on his computer, was coming from. Three tables down he saw a girl standing in front of a table, and then saw a familiar sight: a pair of blue slip-on Toms, ankles crossed, resting on an empty chair. Stuart thought that it had to be a coincidence, and yet, he continued eavesdropping.
"I just, I'm such a huge fan of your work, and my Modern Literature professor at USF had us read your book my sophomore year and I have read it so many times since, and it has gotten me through a lot of hard times. I just, it would mean the world if I could get your signature."
Stuart listened, quickly slipping between bouts of absolute denial and sheer, heart racing terror over the fact that this was too great of a coincidence and it was actually her. He knew that he heard that name correctly though. He quickly grew frustrated that the coffee shop was playing Adele's "Hello" a little too loud, and that only the excited, standing fan was speaking loud enough for him to hear. He craned his neck, trying to see around her, but she was standing too close to what he really wanted to see, to actually set his eyes on it. He leaned in, and tried to listen more.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, honey." Stuart knew that voice. It was quiet and low, but it was unmistakable. "Oh, don't cry...."
"It's just, your writing has really helped me to not feel alone. That passage where you wrote 'Break the news, you're walking out to be a good man for someone else. Sorry I was never good like you. Stood on my chest and kept me down, hated hearing my name on the lips of a crowd. Did my best to exist just for you.' was something I so understood and identified with and to know that someone as talented and beautiful and wonderful as you got cheated on but bounced back and turned all this trauma into something so brilliant, it really... it really..." The girl devolved into a puddle of tears, and the one he wanted to see finally stood.
"Oh, you are so sweet. Come on, honey, let's sort you out and I'll buy you a coffee..." The familiar voice rang again.
Stuart sunk into his chair and hid his face with his hand as the girl was escorted to the bathroom by the woman she was talking to. He watched as the restroom door closed behind them, and he began frantically packing up his laptop, tablet, personal phone, work phone, multiple flash drives, and two external hard drives. Then he stopped.
He hadn't seen her, in person, in six years, and just the sound of her name still gave him literal goosebumps. He had dreamt about running into her again, on a more frequent basis then he would ever admit to anyone out loud and if Stuart believed in fate, he would think that this was it. But he didn’t and he had a decision to make suddenly. 
Something in Stuart told him to keep his laptop out and remain in his seat. He did a Google Images search for 'Penelope Marshall' and stared at the picture that he had seen on the inside of her book cover a million times. It was about four years old at that point but it was certainly her.
"No, thank you, sweetheart. You are so kind and I really loved meeting you. I hope to see you at my reading on Thursday. Have a good day, honey." She waved as she sat back down at her table. 
Stuart saw her smile and shake her head, as she picked up her pen and began to write on the yellow legal pad in front of her. Her smile was like a shot of adrenaline to his heart; he felt more alive in that very moment than he had in years. A rush of memories came over him suddenly, but one in particular stuck out in his head. The kiss. 
He sighed and ran his long fingers through his chocolate brown hair, massaging his scalp as he worked his way to the back of his neck. He slumped his head down in the crook of his arm, feeling his glasses jab into the bridge of his nose, and he stared at the USB ports on the side of his MacBook Pro. He sighed, picked his head up, glanced over at her again, and then went back to reading the memos in his work email, trying to focus on anything but her. He reached for his now tepid coffee and looked up at the ceiling as he sipped. He slowly lowered the oversized mug back onto the accompanying saucer on the table and stared at her again. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.  
Penny tapped the end of her purple felt tipped pen on the paper in front of her, stalled in her writing, and she looked up. Finally, she saw him. A slow, but genuine smile spread across her lips as she made eye contact with the man across the room, hiding behind his laptop and coffee cup. She smirked and raised an eyebrow, as she pushed the empty chair across from her out from under the table with her feet, daring him to come over. Stuart accepted her silent proposal. He shoved his phone into his gray trousers pocket, stuffed his computer into his backpack, and grabbed his coffee. He adjusted his thick black rimmed glasses on his nose and walked over to her table.
"Hey, Pen." Stuart said in his low husky tone.
"Hey, Stu." She said smiling up at him. "You going to sit or...?"
"I don't want to bother you if you're writing..." Stuart began doubting himself. He was normally very confident and self-assured, but there was something about this exchange that was throwing him off. He knew what that something was: her.
She happily shook her head, and pushed the chair out a little further with her tip-toes, the sound of the legs sputtering against the terra cotta tiled floor filled the quiet room. "Sit, Twombly. Let's catch up."
Stuart smiled. 'Twombly.' God, he loved hearing her say his name again. Stuart dropped his backpack to the floor, pushed the sleeves of his navy blue pullover up to his elbows, and sat down in the chair across from her. "I never.. I, uh..." He struggled to find the perfect opener. "How are you?" He sighed internally.
She smiled and leaned forward, resting her elbow on the legal pad and her chin on the back of her hand. "I'm good, Stu, how are you?"
He rolled his pink lips into his mouth and wet them with his tongue, and rang his hands together in front of him on the table. He was mere inches from her and he could not think straight. "I'm good. Uh.. just, you know... Um.." Stuart struggled to find his words.
"Okay, well while you figure that out, I am just gonna..." She snickered and pointed her pen down towards the paper underneath her. "..go back to this..."
"Oh god, I'm gonna go."
"STUART! I'm kidding! Sit! Oh my god, you act like I'm auditing your finances, not catching up with you for the first time in years, would you relax? I'm your ex, not like the boogeyman." Her raised tone garnered some attention, and a few of the other customers looked up to watch what was happening at their table. Stuart lowered himself back into the chair and sighed.
"I'm surprised to see you is all. I never thought you'd come back to San Francisco again."
Penny smiled, and leaned back in her chair, biting down on the end of her pen between her front teeth. Her arms folded in front of her, as she barely held onto the cap. "Well, I've only been in town for a couple of months, so."
"Months?" Stuart questioned, unable to hide the surprise in his tone.
Penny nodded. "Yes, Stuart, months."
"What are you doing back here?" Penny frowned slightly and narrowed her eyes at him. "I didn't mean it like that, just, like, what brought you back... oh, fuck, Pen, you know what I mean." Stuart brought the palm of his hand up to his forehead and Penny laughed. He glanced up at her from under his eyelashes and felt like he had been struck through the heart again. Her laughter was like the best song from his childhood; the sweetest and most nostalgic music he had ever heard.
"I got recruited by a writer's collective in the area, and... yea, my publisher has been on me to write and I thought that a new space could get the creative juices flowing again, and yea, so I moved back."
"You have a publisher? That's amazing, Pen." Stuart played coy. He didn't want her to know that he had kept tabs on her after all these years.
Penny narrowed her eyes and smiled, then nodded. "Yep, and she's trying real hard to get a decent book out of me."
"I'm sure you could write a wonderful book, Penny. You were always incredibly talented." Stuart continued his charade.
"You still at Google?" She asked, trying to steer the conversation away from her reappearance in the Bay Area and her employment by a publishing house.
Stuart nodded. "Still at Google. I've been headhunted by a few other companies, Facebook, Spotify, Microsoft, but Google was always the goal, and it's home at this point. I couldn't leave." Stuart relaxed as he talked about work, one of the few things he was truly passionate about in life.
"How's Neha?" Penelope was never one to beat around the bush, and in this instance, she felt like she had nothing to lose by being direct.
Stuart's cheeks flushed a bright and noticeable red, and he ran his hand through his hair, pushing the locks back and forth, trying to hide his face with his arm. "She was good, the last time we spoke. I haven't talked to her in a long time though. She moved on to Apple like five years ago."
"So you broke up?" Penny’s facial expression remained completely unchanged. She was playing the best game of personal question poker that Stuart had ever participated in.
Stuart furrowed his brow and frowned slightly. All of his daydreams of running into her and instantly falling back into a happy rhythm were being dashed by the talk of Neha. He rubbed his hands together nervously. "We broke up after only a few months; it was never destined to be anything special..."
"Hmm.." Penny moved her pen off of her paper and onto the table. She had spent six years irrationally hating a girl she had never met, and now she knew that she had never been replaced by that girl, and Penny didn't quite know what to say about it. She moved on instead. "If you're working for Google, what are you doing here on a Tuesday afternoon? Shouldn't you be at work, at Google...?" Her smile returned.
Stuart was grateful for the topic change. He smiled and Penny felt a small tingle dance across her skin. She pulled the sleeves down on her denim jacket to hide her sudden goosebumps. "I can work remotely if I want and sometimes it's nice to just get out of the office."
"So you're supposed to be working right now?" Penelope asked, with a smirk, leaning to the side of the table to look at Stuart's full backpack.
Stuart chuckled quietly. "Kind of, yea... and you were obviously writing, so I can just..." He scooted his chair back and began to get up to go back to his previous table, until suddenly Penny's hand was on his forearm.
The two of them stared silently at each other, frozen in their respective positions for a longer amount of time than would be considered normal. Finally, she spoke. "No, you weren't bothering me, Stu. You don't have to go back over there to work, I can work just fine with you sitting here... if you wanted. I wouldn't mind hearing about your job and your parents and brother a little more too.."
Stuart felt like he had been kicked in the stomach; his breathing was ragged and shallow. He could barely think straight, let alone speak coherently. He simply nodded and sat back down, grabbing his laptop out of his backpack and placing it on the table.
Stuart tried hard to focus on his work and not the way that she chewed on her bottom lip as her pen flew across the paper. He could make out the words if he tried, but instead he felt warm inside staring at her handwriting. He always thought that it looked more like calligraphy than regular handwriting. It was a beautiful cross between print and script and it was steady and full of flourishes and embellishments. He remembered all of the handwritten notes that sat in a shoebox at the top of his closet in his apartment, and all of the memories attached to each letter. Some were pages long and some were simple and short, pages torn out of her books with affirmations of her love to him, or napkins that she had scribbled little notes of encouragement on when he needed a quick confidence boost.
Penelope was hunched over the table, her free hand rubbing her shoulder and neck, under her shirt. He became distracted from her writing when a section of her hair feel from her back to the front side of her shoulder, and suddenly, Stuart found himself at eighteen again, on his first official date with Penny, watching her stare at the menu and then smile up at him when she caught him admiring her.
"Stu... Stuart...."
Stuart jolted out of the movies playing in his head when he felt her soft skin touch his arm. "Yea?" He blinked at the contact that she hadn't broken yet.
"You haven't typed anything in, like, three minutes and you have been staring at me...." She narrowed her eyes and smiled at him.
Stuart laughed. He missed how direct she was. Regardless of the fact that both of their blunt natures used to lead to some arguments between them, that quality was one of his favorite things about her. He never had to wonder what she was thinking because she would always just tell him. They never really played games. It was something he struggled to find in his dating life as an adult.  
"I kind of zoned out there for a minute there.. sorry." He winked at her quickly, and then glanced at her smile in reaction to his gesture.
"I missed that." She grinned from ear to ear and shook her head. "Fuck, I didn't even realize I missed that until you just did it." She began laughing, and covered her face with her hands.
Stuart closed his eyes and drunk in the sound of her laughter; that childhood song playing over again. "I missed that." He whispered, testing the limits of his upfront nature. He opened his eyes and saw her leaning forward, softly smiling and looking at the paper in front of her.
"You know what I've been thinking about since I saw you?" She asked, as she leaned in, her chin resting on her balled up fist, suddenly willing to take a walk down memory lane with him.
Stuart raised his eyebrows, rolled his lips into his mouth, and allowed the corners of his mouth curve upwards into a coy smile. "Hmm?"
"The kiss." She replied, and Stuart felt like he had literally been shot in the chest. He instinctively brought his hand up to his heart and dug his fingertips into his chest, almost like he was trying to jumpstart his heart again.
Stuart stumbled with his words; his brain felt like it was on fire. "Is that what you've been writing about?" He asked, glancing down at her yellow legal pad.
Penny smiled, and Stuart felt his skin tingle. He rubbed his left arm and wondered to himself if he was having a heart attack. All of those thoughts left his head though, as he watched her long and delicate fingers run across the dried ink and flatten out the pages. "I was working on short stories and some poems about my time in New York before, but it was going no where...." Penny grinned. "Then some inspiration hit, but I haven't quite worked out my thoughts yet." She gently pushed the pad of paper across the table, towards Stuart, and he read the words quietly to himself.
Stuart saw some scribbles at the top of the page about old school versus new school and a doodle of his glasses. He flipped the page up to see if anything was written on the back and noticed the underside was blank, so he tore out the doodle and placed it on the table. He reached into the small front zipper of his backpack and pulled out his wallet. He opened it and placed the doodle inside, next to his cash, and then closed it and put it back in his backpack.
"For the collection." He winked, and Penny blushed, and grinned.
He continued reading the ramblings on the page. A lot was crossed out and most was her just jotting down feelings and words and ideas, but when Stuart got to the bottom of the page, he read something that was incredibly familiar. Something he had read before. Something he had read upwards of a hundred times. 'When you see me, will you say I've changed.' Stuart tried to fight an emerging smile, as Penny became fidgety, and leaned back in her chair, tapping her pen quickly against the air as she waited for him to speak again. He reached across the table and pulled the pen out of her hand, and then wrote something down on the paper below her scribbles, then slid the pad back over to her.
Penny held her hair back from falling in her face with her hand, as she leaned over the table and stared at the words he wrote. She glanced up at him through her eyelashes, a bashful smile emerging on her lips, and she remained frozen in her position. "'Just more gorgeous with age'?" She repeated what he wrote, and then shook her head. "Still know how to make a girl weak in the knees, Twombly." She shook her head and grinned.
Stuart closed his laptop and leaned his elbows on the table, folding his hands over the closed lid. He leaned his chest against the edge of the table and spoke lower. "Penny, I don't want this to be the last time I see you again." As soon as the words left his mouth, Stuart's AppleWatch lit up with a phone call from Dana. "Shit, it's my boss... I may have just accidentally dropped out of a work Google chat... Um, I probably have to head back to the office, but Pen... I'm serious. Can I see you again? Take you out to dinner and actually catch up?" Stuart founds his confidence in desperation. He needed to see her again. He had waited six years to see her again, and he was not going to let the opportunity slip through his fingers.
Penny smiled gently, and tucked a small section of her hair behind her ear. She began to slowly nod. "Okay. Yea. I'll see you again... For old time's sake."
Stuart didn't love that clarification but he would have to take it. He began to pack his computer back into his backpack, and then pulled his phone from his front pants pocket. "Um, what's your number? We'll set up a plan for maybe Thursday or Friday?"
Penny leaned back in her chair and smirked. "I don't have a phone, Stuart."
Stuart's mouth gaped open slightly, and he raised his eyebrows. "You what?"
"I feel like that should surprise you less.." She smirked, and Stuart snickered and shook his head. If anyone he knew would live a cell phone-less life, it would, in fact, be Penelope Marshall. "I'll tell you what, do you remember that dim sum place we used to go to all the time in Chinatown?"
Stuart grinned and nodded. "Yea, but it isn't there anymore."
Penny smiled at the fact that Stuart knew that. "I know, but the Greek place that replaced it, that's in the space now, is weirdly amazing. I have a work thing on Thursday at 6:30, but it should be over by 8:30 and I can meet you for dinner there at 9. If you're late though, Stu, I won't wait. Sound like a plan?"
Stuart sighed softly and nodded, while he typed the dinner date into the calendar on his iPhone. "I'll see you on Thursday then."
Penny stood as he stood, and she walked around the table to hug him. The familiar smell intoxicated her and she was grateful for his prolonged embrace. Stuart rested his cheek against the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her back. "I'll catch you later, Twombly." She whispered into his clavicle.
Stuart exhaled through his nose. His heart hurt and his chest constricted again. He didn't want to let her go, but she began to break from the embrace. He licked his lips and adjusted his glasses, the slung his backpack over his shoulder. "I'll see you on Thursday, at nine. I won't be late." He winked one last time, watching her cheeks flush pink, as she smiled and shook her head, and he walked out the door.
"Stewieeeee. What's happenin', kiddo?"
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"Oh, hey, Bill. Nothing, just trying to troubleshoot that glitch for Nick." Stuart answered, barely glancing up from his computer.
"Whoa, 'Bill'? What am I your boss or something? Since when do you not call me 'Big Daddy'?" Billy asked, his face contorted with confusion and a subtle smirk.
Nick walked over and patted Billy on the shoulder as he saw his friends and colleagues congregating without him. "What's up, guys? What's the news?" The tall and shaggy blonde-haired man always had a much more casual and gentler approach than his lifelong friend, Billy.
"Stewie neither complained about me calling him 'Stewie', nor did he call me 'Big Daddy'." Billy reported to Nick.
"Whoa.. Stu, what's going on? Your aura is a little weird." Nick ran his hands above Stuart's head.
Stuart rolled his eyes and turned in his swivel chair to face the two men behind him. "Shut up about my aura, Nick. You have no idea what you're even talking about."
"No, no, it's really dark, I can feel it. What's wrong, bucko?"
"You know he's not going to give up until you tell him? He's a relentless friend like that. He cares. I respect your privacy but Nick, he cares." Billy began to talk faster and faster, knowing exactly which of Stuart's buttons to push in order to get him to talk, and finally Stuart did.
"OKAY! Enough, my god. The two of you are like a circus act. Fine. I'll tell you." Stuart huffed and rolled his neck along his shoulders, then adjusted his glasses. "I ran into my ex yesterday..."  
"You ran into Neha? How is she? Man, I miss her. She always had a penis joke just ready and waiting." Nick grinned, and Stuart shook his head profusely.
"No, not Neha. Penny."
"You gotta give us a little more here, Stewie. This is the first time you have mentioned a 'Penny'." Billy replied.
Stuart sighed and turned back to his computer. He opened a new webpage in Chrome and typed in Penny's name, along with the title of her book. Nick sat in the chair next to Stuart and leaned over to see the screen. "Oh, I know her! Dana is obsessed with her book... wait.. Penny... Penelope Marshall is your Penny? Your ex? Dana is going to flip." Nick became very excited and smacked his hand against the desk top.
Billy patted Stuart hard on the back and Stuart scowled, sighed and then turned back around. "Well, she is quite the looker. How'd you mess that up?"
Stuart became more pensive looking and shook his head. Billy pulled up a seat and sat near the two of them, listening intently as Stuart began his story. "Penny and I met during Freshman Orientation at Stanford, during one of those idiotic ice breaker games. She was complaining about it and I was on my phone and she kept leaning over and making snide remarks about other kids' stupid answers and instead of finding her annoying, I found her funny, and..."
"Wait a minute.... she wrote, wait a minute, if you met her when you were Freshman... wait.." Nick tried to work out the problem out loud, but it only frustrated Stuart more.
"IT WAS ME!" He shouted, then looked around and saw that he had garnered some stares. He lowered his voice and continued. "It was me, okay? She wrote the book about me... about us, and about what I did."
"I'm confused. Who is this girl, besides someone who is really hot?" Billy asked, gesturing to Penny's picture on the screen.
"She's a New York Times Bestselling author. Dana read her book a billion times. Hell, she made me read it too. It's amazing." Nick explained.
Stuart took his glasses off and pinched at the bridge of his nose, trying to stave off a tension migraine. He sighed and put his glasses back on. "Penny and I dated from eighteen to twenty-one, about three and a half years, and honestly, she was the love of my life, and I let her get away."
"Weren't you twenty-one during the internship, Stu?" Billy asked, toning down his jokes and sarcasm, seeing the internal struggle happening inside of Stuart.
Stuart rubbed the back of his neck and closed his eyes, a pained look covering his face. "We lived about thirty minutes away from each other when we were home from school, we grew up in adjacent towns outside of the Bay Area and I was... well, you knew me back then."
"You were kind of a dick, buddy." Billy patted him on the shoulder.
"Not too bad though. You grew out of it. I mean, it only took you.. how old are you now?" Nick tried to defend Stuart.
"Twenty-seven.... and I didn't grow out of it quick enough. I just, I thought I was too good for her when I got here and we started doing well as a team, and Neha would flirt with me, and I felt like we were going in different directions in life, and so about half way through the internship, I broke up with her..... over text message...." Stuart winced and glanced between the two older men.
"Oh, you dog." Billy chuckled.
"Not good, Stu, not good at all. That's not how you treat a lady." Nick shook his head.
"I know that now. I was an asshole back then."
"Alright, then what happened?" Billy asked.
"Then towards the end of the internship, Neha and I sort of hit it off, and you guys know that story, but then we all went home because classes for my senior year started a few weeks later, and she knew what day I was coming home, and when I pulled up with my parents, she was sitting on my front steps. My parents went inside and she just sat there, holding her phone in her hand, and her eyes were all puffy and red, and she just kept asking me if I had seriously dumped her over text after almost four years, and I only then realized how fucked up that was. She cried and asked if it was because of someone else, and I told her no, but I also told her that I had become recently involved with Neha an-"
Billy cut Stuart off. "She thought you were cheating?"
Stuart nodded shamefully. "I hadn't, not even emotionally, but there was no changing her mind on that. She smacked me across the face, and she accused me of being self-involved, which was true, and having a superiority complex about my future, which was true, and not supporting her when she would perform her writing live, which was sort of true too. Then she told me that she had managed to get into the study abroad in New York City for Fall Semester and that if she ran into me when she was back for Spring Semester, not to fucking talk to her. She said she would never forgive me and that I broke her heart."
"And then she wrote a best selling novel about it." Nick shook his head, and patted Stuart on the shoulder lightly.
"Yea, and I mean, she wasn't even petty or cruel about it either, and she never mentioned my name and basically every thing she wrote was true.." Stuart trailed off, staring into empty space as he thought about the book.
"So you ran into Penny yesterday?" Billy asked.
"That makes sense, she must be in town for a book reading and signing. Dana is going to it tomorrow night." Nick interjected.
Stuart shook his head. "No, she moved back. She lives here again, and she's writing another book, and she looks amazing and she was Penny, and it was kind of spectacular being around her again." He stared down at his hands.
"Oh, I see, Stewie, you still have it bad for this girl, huh? Never got over it?" Billy prompted Stuart.
Stuart nodded, shamefully. "She was the one and I'm pretty sure I just barely got her to agree to get dinner with me tomorrow night after the reading."
"You need a big gesture." Billy suggested. "Show her you care."
Penny listened intently and graciously as the manager of the local bookstore introduced her to the packed house of eager fans. She stepped up onto the stairs, leading up to the platform where the podium stood in the middle.
"Please give a big round of applause for Ms. Penelope Marshall." The manager said before the room broke into a round of applause.
"Pen.." Penny's agent, Meg, grabbed her wrist and put the book in her hand. "The day you don't forget to bring your book up with you is the day you can fire me."
"Lucky for you, I'll probably always forget my book." Penny smiled and then walked up onto the stage. She stood in front of the podium, adjusted the microphone and opened her book. "Hi, everyone. How are you all tonight? Thank you for not only coming out to this reading tonight, but for sending my agent so many emails requesting that this happen that we had no choice but to make sure it finally did."
The crowd sat in their chairs chuckling and one younger girl screamed out above the laughter, "WE LOVE YOU, PENNY!"
Penny chuckled, smiled, and shook her head. "Thank you..." Penny flipped through the book, staring at the words on the pages of her usual passage that she used for readings, but something about it didn't feel right that day. "Um, do you guys mind if I read something a little different than what I usually do at these sorts of things? I am feeling particularly....." Penny cleared her throat. "...connected to this chapter this week, and you all know I try to live my most authentic life as often as I can."
Excited murmurs filled the room and Penny's agent whispered from the side of the stage. "What are you doing?"
Penny smiled at her friend, and flipped to the section of the book that had been on her mind for two days. She took a deep breath and began speaking slowly into the microphone, staring out into the eyes of her audience members as she asked her first question. "Have you ever been kissed by God? Passionately (tongue, lips, etc.)? Here's a simpler question: Have you ever lost yourself in a kiss?" Penny looked up from her book and out into the crowd, connecting her eyes with those looking back, when suddenly she connected with a familiar amber set, hiding behind black thick framed glasses. Penny felt like she had been punched in the stomach; all of the air left her lungs and she adjusted her focus to be sure, and she was. Stuart sat in the third seat from the left, in the back row. His brow was slightly furrowed, like he was worried that she would be upset that he was there. Penny understood that she had started this chapter in front of some of her most enthusiastic and dedicated readers and that she would have to commit to what she had started. She blinked up at the warm lights above her, and took a deep breath. "Sorry. I've been having one of those weeks."
Penny heard the soft and comforting sound of people rubbing their hands together over and over in support of her. She smiled out at her fans and bowed her head slightly. "Take your time, Pen!" Someone finally shouted out, and others snapped in agreement. Penny loved the quirky support that usually accompanied creative communities like this. She took a quick sip from the glass of water under the podium and decided she was ready to continue.
"Have you ever lost yourself in a kiss? I mean pure psychedelic inebriation. Not just lustful petting but transcendental metamorphosis when you became aware that the greatness of this being was breathing into you... The first kiss of the rest of your life. A kiss that confirms that the universe is aligned, and that the world's greatest resource is love." Penny spoke slowly and emphatically, hovering on certain words over others, using hands gestures and the slow winding of her neck to further drive her point home. "Will you allow me to tell you a story about that kiss?" Penny looked up again, and instead of watching as the people in her audience snapped in agreement with her question, her eyes became glued to the handsome man in the back, who had leaned forward, pressing his elbows against his knees, his hands pressed against his mouth, just to focus more on the words escaping her lips.
"It was a record breaking and sweltering one-hundred and two degree September evening, in the Nob Hill neighborhood of San Francisco and the power had gone out four hours and twenty-three minutes prior. The rooms in Billy's apartment were illuminated by the candles that were haphazardly strewn on level surfaces, inevitably raising the temperature by another few degrees. The apartment smelled of sweat, skunky beer and weed, and to this day I am certain that the only reason that we talked as long as we did was because his phone died and even if he had gone home, he wouldn't have been able to charge it." Penny looked up at Stuart, and saw the right corner of his mouth curl up. He recalled that evening like it was yesterday, instead of nine years ago.
"'What kind of stuff do you write?' He asked me, as he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. 'Poetry, mostly.' I told him, confident in my youthful talent. Three more hours, and the entire city was covered in a dark sheet; no light, no distractions. Just truths. The kind of night that only happens under those circumstances. Our skin wasn't sticky, not with that much sweat involved; it was just smooth and wet. I watched him watch me drag my hand from my jaw down my clavicle, under my shirt towards the valley of my breasts, trying to wipe away whatever salty excretion I could." Penny mimicked the movements she explained, closing her eyes and getting lost in a memory. Stuart felt his blood pressure rise, as he remembered the epic moment that followed, and how it led him to be sitting in the sturdy mahogany chair he was currently in. He shifted uncomfortably.
"Have you ever lost yourself in a kiss? We did. We kissed as if we, alone, could forge the signature of the sun. Licking the sides and corners of your mouth, like sealing a thousand fleshy envelopes filled with the essence of your passionate being and then opened by the same mouth and delivered back to you, over and over again - the first kiss of the rest of your life." Penny wasn't even reading from the pages in front of her anymore. Her eyes were closed and she was speaking from pure memory and feeling. When she opened her eyes, she saw that at least half of the audience had pulled out their phones and were recording her, but there was one person who was still watching for just him, his eyes glued on her.
"'Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark.' I said to him, the joking threat rolling off my lips in between reality-shattering embraces, on the dingy old couch in Billy's cramped living room. 'Why's that?' He inquired in a whisper, peeling a damp strand of hair off of my shoulder, and replacing it with his fingertips. 'Cause now I'm gonna play and sing and lock you in my heart. Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark.'"
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Penny paused, and opened her eyes. She made eye contact with Stuart, who suddenly looked visibly uncomfortable. They both knew what was coming next in their story. "Three and a half years of love and laughter and pain and tears and opposites coming back together through history's most epic kisses...." She took a very long pause, and stared straight into Stuart's amber eyes. "Then he left." Stuart pursed his lips together, his nostrils flaring, as he tried to fight the sharp pain building in his stomach. His regret was eating its way out of his body.
She never broke her gaze on him. Some of the audience members began to take notice of their prolonged eye contact, and began to glance back and forth between Penny and Stuart. A spectacle was forming, but neither of them noticed.
"So, she left. But those feelings never did, because I am my mother's child, I'll love you 'til my breathing stops. I'll love you 'til you call the cops on me. It took two years, but in our darkest hours, I stumbled on a secret power. I'd find a way to be without you. But I'll always wonder if you regret the day you left a writer in the dark."
Penny stopped speaking. She stared into Stuart's melancholic eyes, and then got brought back into the present by her agent fake coughing off to the side. Penny blinked excessively for about ten seconds, trying to collect herself, and then she finally closed the book, and leaned back over to the microphone. "Thank you." The crowd erupted in excited applause and gave her a standing ovation.
Let me know what you thought and if you would like to be added to the forever tag!
@ninja-stiles @lightbreaksthrough @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @iknowisoundcrazy @leilaelizabeth @5secsxofamnesia @awkwarddly @completebandgeek @chivesoup @ivette29 @sunshineystilinski @theneverendingracetrack @dailyburritos @mieczzyslaw @im-very-odd33 @amethystmerm4id @anonimereader06 @sp00der-m00n @ellie-bee242 @nocturnalzeal @sumcp @gluetwentyfourobrien @stopit-ihateyou @wittystiles @mrs-mitch-rapp93
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effortlesslyemma · 7 years
tag game!
I was tagged by @anotherbeliever so HEY THANKS.
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag blogs you would like to get to know better (or don’t it’s up to you!)
Nickname(s): the most popular is Em, but others circulate every now and then
Gender: Female
Sign: Aries
Height: 5′ 7′’
Time: 5:52 pm
Fav band(s): Pentatonix, Little Mix, Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, The Head and the Heart, Panic! At the Disco, Fleetwood Mac... there are more
Fav solo artist(s): Ed Sheeran, Troye Sivan, Taylor Swift, Peter Hollens, Adele... there are also more here, but these are off the top of my head, judged by if I can listen to an entire album without skipping a song
Song stuck in my head: I bless the raaaaaiiiiins down in Aaaaaaaaaaafricaaaaa
Last movie I saw: GREATEST SHOWMAN
Last show I watched: hnnnnnng Grey’s Anatomy
When did I create my blog: November 2013 
What do I post: a clusterfuck
Last thing I Googled: “how to find out when you created your tumblr”
Do I have any other blogs: just one
Do I get asks: not here
Why did I choose my URL: the ALLITERATION
Following: 560
Followed by: 680
Average hours of sleep: 8 or more bc I am a monster who loves a good sleep
Lucky number: probably the one attached to my phone
Instrument you play: trumpet, very basic piano
What I am wearing: show shirt from high school and leggings
Dream job: writer/some sort of maker of beautiful things
Dream trip: British Isles (this includes Ireland right)
Fav food: pasta salad
Nationality: American
Fav song: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, any version
Last book I read:  Z by Therese Anne Fowler!!!!!
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: all fictional universes suck because I only read dystopias but Harry Potter’s pretty cool when they’re not at WAR
tags: @sforsavage @latenovembersholdingmybreath @shining-rey-of-sunshine @trashcanielhowell @existential-rainbows
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magicalketchup · 7 years
30 Questions Tag!
I was tagged by @that-vegetarian-girl thank you darling!! Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 people you want to know better (i'll not tag anyone cause i already did one like this but if you are readind this and wants to do it's okay, tag me and i'll read and hopefully we begin a magical friendship lol)
1) Nickname(s): Mari (everybody calls me Mari lol), Jacaré and Mané (my family call me like this TuT)
2)Gender: Female
3)Star Sign: Taurus
4) Height: 1,56 (5'1.5??)
5) Time: 00:50 i should be sleepping ;×;
6)Birthday: 3rd May (is this right?? idk)
7) Favourite Bands: Astro, Loona
8) Favourite Solo Artists: Ed Sheeran, The Weeknd, Adele, Zico...
9) Song Stuck In My head: Stay by Rihanna
10) Last Movie I watched: ... i don't remember sorry, but i'll watch jumanji soon with my friends
11) Last Show I watched: One Day at The Time
12) When I created my blog: beggining of june???
13) When I post: everyday i reblog something but original posts... two times for month??
14) Last thing I googled: quiz-what animal would i be ~i was curious!!
15) Do you have any other blogs?: nah but maybe i'll start a studyblr soon :D
16) Do you get asks?: nope, but i would love to receive some ♡
17) Why did you choose you URL: i was saying something with ketchup and magical came to my mind
18) Following Count: 371 lol
19) How many followers?: 59, and i love all of them ♡
20) Favourite Colours: all possible shades of blue and baby pink
21) Average Hours Sleep?: 10 or 4 :)
22) Lucky Number?: 3, 7, 13 and 21
23) Instruments?: i don't play anything TuT but violin or piano would be nice
24) What I’m wearing?: my brother's shirt, it's blue!
25) How many blankets do you sleep with?: just one!
26) Dream Job?: idk man, i just want to be rich ~something with animals or history would be nice
27) Dream Trip?: Hawaii with the love of my live, i don't know them yet but meh
28) Favourite Food?: ribs with bbq sauce ~¿¿~
29) Nationality?: brazilian
30) Current Favourite song?: ... Hey! We Ok by Never About Never, or... La Vie en Rose, the cover by The Mother from HIMYM... Temporary Nothing by Mxmtoon... Peek-a-boo by Red Velvet... I'm sad by eli. ~idk!!!!
byeeeeee ❤🌼❤🌼❤🌼❤🌼❤🌼
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tagged by: @snowfallens tagging:  @lckyflwr, @imtinkerbell, @truebelieved, @sxmethingbreaking, @hookedcop. @generaltiana, @evilsmade
1.) name/nickname: Amanie /Ami 2.) gender: cis-female 3.) Star sign: pisces 4.) Height: 5′5 5.) hogwarts house: slytherin 6.) favorite animal: orcas and sloths 7.) hours of sleep: uhmm about 6 8.) dogs or cats: cats! 9.) number of blankets: 2 10.) dream trip: I really, really, wanna go to Pompeii and then I want to go Wizarding World with my best friends.  11.) dream job: uhmm i have no idea. I just want to travel and then write books and then like explore old historical shit. so I’m all over the place 12.) time: 10:47pm 13.) birthday: March 6th 14.) favorite bands: twenty one pilots, walk the moon, panic! and imagine dragons  15.) favorite solo artist: dua lipa, adele, lorde and beyonce 16.) song stuck in my head: Immigrant Song by Zeppelin  17.) last movie i watched: uhm Thor Ragnarok  18.) Last Show I watched: blackish (last weeks episode) 19.) when did i create my blog: uhmm October. It was the day after the season premiered I believe  20.) what do i post/reblog:  well replies and then anything dealing with the Mills family or the Enchanted Forest squad and then Lucy centric things...kinda..most of the time i think 21.) last thing i googled:  what the weather was going to be tomorrow to see if I could wear my Doctor Who sweater (it’s gonna be 48) 22.) other blogs: lmao yes I have  Wednesday Addams, Melinda Halliwell, Robyn Mills, Olivia Swan, A Multi Muse and then a Regina (i have a problem okay???) 23.) do i get asks: sometimes 24.) why i chose my url: cause Lucy likes wishing on quarters  25.) following: 84 26.) Followers: 125 27.) lucky number: probably 6 28.) Favorite Instrument: violin!! I played it for like two and half years and I loved it 29.) what am i wearing: blue marvel t-shirt and red shorts 30.) favorite food:  probably pizza 31.) nationality: american 32.) favorite song:  uhm at the moment it’s probably Hey Girl by Lady Gaga. But overall my go to happy song is Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. 33.) last book i read:  One Dark Throne by Kendra Blake 34.) top three fictional universes i’d like to join: lmao obviously Harry Potter. Then maybe Marvel or DC?? But I’d want to have super basic powers.  Maybe the Doctor Who universe. Other than that idk. 
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illneverrecover · 7 years
30 questions tag!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 30 people. I was tagged by my favorite Australian Goddess, @serensama
1) Nickname: I go by my main nickname - Jackie. Others include Jack, JG, Ki Ki, Mama, Babe, Babes, Nurse lady, hey you, hoe, slut, etc
2) Gender: Female
3) Star Sign: Sagittarius; Dragon for Chinese Zodiac
4) Height: 5′3, I am smol
5) Time: 2:17 pm
6) Birthday: December 15th
7) Favorite Bands: I have way, way too many!! I can’t just just pick one. Here’s a random list - Linkin Park, Metric, Paramore, Fleetwood Mac, Pvris, Florence + the Machine, Brand New, TOTO, Evanescence, Taking Back Sunday,
8) Favorite Solo Artists: Please see the above, I have no chill and can’t pick just one. To name some randoms - Lana del Rey, Halsey, Hozier, David Bowie, Ed Sheeran, Jack White, Kesha, Adele, Sia, etc etc etc
Hahah but for real, besides Africa, which is forever stuck in my head, I had “You and I” by Pvris looping on repeat.
10) Last Movie I Watched: I had Victor Frankenstein playing in the background while I was farting around on Tumblr yesterday.
11) Last Show I Watched: I’ve been watching Assassination Classroom all day.
12) When Did I Create My Blog: I apparently started it in May 2014, but I didn’t really start being active until September 2016.
13) What Do I Post: So much random garbage, haha. Stuff about shows i’m into, books i’m into, games i’m into. Sometimes I post my writing, but mostly I reblog the writing (and art for that matter) of people far more talented than me. Shit posts. Memes. It’s a dumpster fire in here, y’all.
14) Last Thing I Googled: “voice actor of Karma Akabane”, haha. His voice sounded so familiar but I couldn’t place it - turns out he does the voice of Obi in Snow White with the Red Hair, which I watched last weekend. 
15) Do you have other blogs: Nope. I’m too lazy. Y’all gotta put up with the dumpster fire.
16) Do you get asks: Occasionally, yes! I’ve gotten more in the last few days than I think I’ve ever gotten, which is pretty dope. I love talking to everyone!
17) Why did you choose this blog name: I wasn’t sure how tumblr worked, and I didn’t know if I wanted anyone I knew IRL to find my blog, haha. All of my usernames for other social media have my name in them, so I was trying to think of something different. I then stumbled across an old quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald - “They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.” From there, I became “illneverrecover”. I don’t have the heart to change it.  
18) Blogs you are following: oh god, so many blogs. Any time I find a new anime/show/book/game I like, I end up following 5-10 blogs from that fandom. The majority are probably MysMe blogs, though.
19) Followers: 245, which blows my mind. It seems like just the other day I only had 100 porn spam blogs following me.
20) Favorite Colors: Purple, black, grey, red.
21) Average hours of sleep: Ugh, probably 6-7 during the week, 8-9 during the weekend if tiny human lets me sleep.
22) Lucky Number: 15! 
23) Instruments: I can’t play anything proficiently, honestly. I learned to play some piano by ear, but I took voice lessons for years. I haven’t been in a class for over 10 years though, now.
24) What I’m Wearing: my Slytherin jogger sweatpants, and one of my husbands oversized long sleeved t-shirts :) Comfy lazy Sunday.
25) How Many Blankets I Sleep With: Just one. In the summer we use a quilt & the winter we use a down comforter.
26) Dream Job: To sit around, drink wine, read books, and make sassy commentary. ALAS, this is not a real job, so I’ve been told. If I had to pick a real one - something with music! (though I have to say, being a nurse is also one of my dream jobs and I do love it). 
27) Dream Trip: I really want to do a Europe Trip, hit all the countries, see everything there is to see. Japan is another biggie, and is my husbands’ dream vacation. AUSTRALIA AFTER PICKING UP MY GURLS @feelsgood-anon and @zenscrotch SO WE CAN HAVE A WINE & PJ PARTY AT @serensama‘s HOUSE!
28) Favorite Food: Yes. All of it. 
29) Nationality: American - my heritage makes me European mutt, essentially
30) Favorite Song Now: ‘One More Light’ by Linkin Park
I’m just gonna tag people who I think would want to participate, or those who I’d love to get to know better :) Feel free to ignore this if tag games aren’t your thing! <3 @zombolouge @feelsgood-anon @celeste-draws @forever-ender @brakeyourbones @zenscrotch @sinfulinsecret @omgawkward @squirrel-nut-zippers @incubeebirb @all-my-cuffs-have-buttons @la-saffron @promiscuous-jalapeno @cass-darling @n3sh3r0x @betyoucantfindmehaha
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