#hey gang have i mentioned. I like fallen london a lot. hey have i mentioned yet that I like flondon A Lot
freddie-weaselbee · 4 years
E2: The One in New York City//F.W.
Series Summary: FRIENDS but with Harry Potter characters after Hogwarts graduation, trying to figure out their lives and relationships. Non Voldy AU. Begins around the end of FRIENDS season 4 with The Wedding and semi follows plots in season 5. 
Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader, Romione, Ron x Lavender, Hinny, Georgelina
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, planned pregnancy
Summary: Years after Hermione came back into their lives, the gang finds themselves traveling to New York City for the wedding of the one and only Ronald Weasley. As tensions rise and feelings are revealed, the group has to take on New York and hope for the best. 
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: A little taste of the story:  “I’d pee on you any day of the week.” “What the hell did I just walk into?” Message me to join the series or general taglist!
May 2004
“Guys, hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours! It could take time to get a taxi, there could be traffic, the plane could leave early! When you get to New York there could be a line at customs, come on!” Hermoine Granger was racing through the flat of Fred and George Weasley, the one above their infamous joke shop, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. She grabbed clothing from their drawers and tossed it haphazardly into suitcases, while the twins in question were lounged out on their sofa observing the scene. 
You sat wedged between the two boys, leaning your head against Fred’s shoulder with your legs draped across George’s lap. You laughed as Hermione was practically hysterical about getting everything ready, even though she wouldn’t even be going to America. 
“Good thing she’s not gonna be on the flight,” Fred whispered into your ear. “A six hour trip to New York? That’s a lot of Hermione.”
Smiling you turned to look at Fred who was holding something in his hand. “What’ve you got there?”
He grinned cheekily and gave you a better look. “Condoms, Y/N! You never know what American hotties I might meet overseas.”
Rolling your eyes you turned to George, who was giving you the same grin. “And I suppose you’re just as prepared as your brother?”
“Of course! Y’know, I feel bad for poor Ronniekins, getting himself all tied down to one woman. Me and Fred, we know how to live, isn’t that right mate?”
“You said it.” You sighed and settled into Fred even more, relaxing for a few minutes before Hermione would drag you all to the airport and you and Harry would be stuck trying to teach the Weasleys how Muggle planes worked. 
There was an audible pop as Ron apparated into the room, standing off by the kitchen. 
“Hey!” he greeted, causing you to sit up from your comfortable position wrapped in Fred’s arm and go meet your friend with a hug. 
“Hey.” You squeezed him tight, noticing how his nerves had overtaken him. 
“Are you ready yet?” he asked, fidgeting with his wand. 
Before you could respond Hermione came barging out of George’s bedroom and threw two suitcases onto the twins’ laps with what could only be described as superhuman strength. “She’s ready. You have the tickets?”
“Harry and Gin do, they’ll be here any second.” The only current couple of the group, and an engaged one at that, suddenly arrived with another loud pop, startling Fred who had begun to count his condoms to make sure he had enough. 
“Hey big brother!” Ginny hugged Ron with enthusiasm, but not as much as Harry showed as he threw himself onto his best friend. 
“You’re getting married Ron!”
“I know!”
They stayed wrapped in their hug as they jumped around and around, George clapping along and laughing at the duo. 
“Don’t know why Lavender would want to marry a specky git like you,” said the younger twin, “but at least we get to travel to the states for it.”
“And have wedding food,” said Fred. 
“Oh and you can’t forget the hot bridesmaids, right boys?” you questioned jokingly. 
They shared a mischievous look. “Never.”
A loud bell sounded through the loft, signaling that someone had come in. 
“That must be Luna!” Ginny exclaimed. She sprinted down the stairs and wrapped the blonde girl in a hug, being gentle as to not crush her or her pregnant belly. 
“Hello Ginny, how are you?”
“Never better! Thanks again for offering to help Hermione watch the apartments and oversee the shop and employees. Ron really wishes you could make it to the wedding, but seeing as you’re about to burst--”
Luna interrupted her old friend with a soft laugh. She was 8 months pregnant with twin boys, and was left home alone for a few weeks while her husband dealt with a work issue in Eastern Asia. Which meant she had plenty of free time to make sure things were running smoothly in London while her friends were overseas. 
The two girls were joined by the rest of the gang who had been pushed down the stairs by a frantic Hermione. “Get going, all of you! You’re going to miss your flight.”
“New York baby!” The twins had jumped down from one of the landings, somehow managing not to injure themselves. Although they were now 26 they were never without their childlike energy. 
“I’m walking here!” cried Fred in a horrid New York accent. 
“Yee haw, cowboy!” said George, doing a little cowboy dance.
You sighed and slapped your head with your hand. “Okay, cause that’s not gonna get annoying.”
They ignored you and continued with their yelling and dancing, dragging as much luggage as they could out the front door of the shop. 
“Well,” said Ron, “we’re all here and ready. I guess we should get going!” Harry and Ginny gave Luna one last goodbye as they followed you out to the alley, leaving only Ron, Hermione, and Luna left in the shop. 
“So, we’re off,” said Ron, a little awkwardly. He and Hermione had a bit of a rough past, having dated on and off for the past few years. But that was all behind them now, and she was happy that he had reconnected with their friend Lavender from Hogwarts and had fallen in love. 
“Have fun, Ron,” replied the bushy-haired girl. 
“Thanks,” he said, giving his friend a tight hug. “Ugh, I can’t believe you’re not gonna be there!”
Hermione sighed and pulled back. “Oh I know, I’m sorry.”
“So-so come! Why don’t you come?”
“To New York!” Ron was holding Hermione’s hands and jumping up and down. “Come to New York, please? It’ll mean so much to me.”
Hermione hesitated for a moment. She wanted to go, to have a great trip with her friends and visit the historical places she’d read so much about. But she didn’t have it in her to watch her ex-boyfriend get married to someone else. 
“Yeah, well, I gotta work, I’m sorry. The Ministry is really up my arse these days, pardon my language.”
“Mione, this is my wedding,” he said, giving her his best puppy dog eyes. 
You stuck your head back through the door and called out to them. “Alright, y’know what? Now we really are late, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
Ron sighed and let go of his friend, grabbing his suitcase before heading out the door. “I’ll see you when I get back, Mione. Bye Luna!”
Luna and Hermione both gave small waves as Ron pulled the door shut. A resounding “New York, baby” could be heard even from deep inside the shop, and Hermione giggled as her friends made their way to the London airport. 
“Alright,” said Ginny as you all stepped out into the streets of New York City. “Harry and I will help the groom and bride-to-be get everything set up for their big day. Which means you, Y/N, get the honor of babysitting my older brothers.”
“Ginny I can’t handle them all by myself! We’ve been here for less than 5 minutes and look at what they’re doing already.” You all turned to look at the ginger twins, who were standing on top of a map of the city and staring down at it. 
“What is going on with you two?” you asked, but you were quickly silenced as Fred placed his finger on your lips. 
“We’re concentrating. We went in the map so we can figure out where we are.” He kept his finger there until you finally removed it and looked at the map they had made, complete with little pop ups of all the important places they wanted to see. 
“If you see a little version of me in there, kill it.” Harry laughed at your quip and grabbed Ginny’s hand, waving goodbye as the couple and Ron made their way to meet Lavender and her family. 
“We got it!” screamed the twins. They stepped out of the map and started walking right, on to their first tourist destination. “Here we go.”
“Okay, listen,” you said catching up to them, “we’re not gonna have to walk this way the entire time are we?”
Fred shushed you and George groaned. “Y/N, you made me lose it!”
George put the map down and stood back on it. “A lot harder when the map doesn’t change specifically for you and show you exactly where you are, huh?” you asked, referencing the parchment the twins used for years back in Hogwarts. 
They ignored you and took off down the street again, their long legs moving so fast you had to almost sprint in order to keep up the pace. This was going to be a long day. 
Meanwhile Harry, Ron, and Ginny had made it to the Brown’s apartment in New York. Although Lavender was raised in England and attended Hogwarts, her extended family lived in the States and her parents moved there after she graduated. The apartment was rather large, but that was no surprise as the Browns were a wealthy family. 
“Oh Won Won!” Ron was greeted at the door with a vibrant Lavender throwing herself into his arms. Ron laughed and spun her around, giving her a quick kiss before finally setting her down. 
“Hey Lavender, I missed you.” He smiled warmly at his fiancee, soon to be his wife. After Padma left him right before he was going to propose years ago, Ron decided not to waste any time in popping the question once he and Lavender started dating. They’d only been going out for a few months before he asked, but despite the worried opinions of their friends they were convinced that this was the right thing to do. 
Lavender pulled Ron down for another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. “I missed you too.”
They were pulled apart by an awkward cough from Harry, an arm around Ginny who was covering her eyes to avoid watching her brother make out with someone in front of her. 
“Sorry Harry, Ginny,” said Lavender. “It’s great to see you both. Come on in, will you, we have a few last minute preparations to attend to.”
They followed the brunette into her family’s apartment, which was decked out in reception decorations that still needed to be set up. “Where’s the rest of your group? They are coming, aren’t they?”
“Y/N and the twins are out exploring the city,” said Ginny. “I figured you probably didn’t want Fred and George to be around anything important, especially with their history of pyrotechnics. And I don’t trust them alone in the city, so Y/N’s making sure they don’t burn down half of New York.”
Lavender laughed and poured some tea for her friends. “And what about Hermione, is she at the hotel?”
The room suddenly got very tense and Harry quietly sipped his tea, trying to disappear from the awkward scene. 
“Umm,” Ron began, “Hermione’s not coming. She can’t get time off at the Ministry and she’s helping watch over our apartments and take care of Luna.”
Lavender nodded sadly, sighing deeply at the news. “I guess it’s all for the best then. She never did like me, did she?”
“No, that’s not true at all,” Ron argued, taking his fiancee's hands. “She’s just...she takes a while to warm up to people. She really wishes she could be here, but you know how work is.”
The girl smiled slightly at Ron’s comforting words. “Yeah, thanks Won Won.”
He squeezed her hands gently. 
“Alright then,” said Ginny, “what needs to be done? Even though Parvati is your maid of honor and I swear I’m not upset about it--” Harry elbowed Ginny hard, “--I’m still one of your bridesmaids, and I want my big brother’s wedding to be as amazing as possible. So, what should we do?”
“Well,” Lavender said, clapping her hands, “I need a new venue. The one I had was going to be absolutely gorgeous, but they tore it down early, which means we need a new spot.”
Although Lavender said these words calmly, it was obvious that she was on the verge of tears and the stress was getting to her. 
“Got it,” said Ginny. “Let’s go check out the old venue and see if there’s anything we can do. I promise you Lav, this day is going to be amazing, for everyone.”
“This is going to be horrible!”
Hermione was pacing around her apartment, the one she shared with you and Ginny. She was packing up Ginny’s belongings for when everyone returned from the wedding. Once Ron moved out of his and Harry’s shared apartment across the hall, Ginny would move in with her fiance, leaving only you and Hermione to share the space. Hermione decided that packing for Ginny would help take her mind off of the wedding, but unfortunately her assumptions were incorrect. 
“What’s the matter?” Luna asked from the sofa, leaning comfortably against a pillow with the Quibbler in her hands. 
Hermione sighed as she continued to pack. “I’m just bummed about the way I left things with Ron. I shouldn’t have lied to him about having to go to work. He seemed so mad at me.”
“Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself,” the blonde said, not looking up from her reading. “If someone I was still in love with was getting married…”
Luna jumped as a vase hit the floor and shattered. She looked up to see a wide-eyed Hermione staring at her. “Still in love with?!”
“Yes,” she said matter-of-factly. 
“I’m not in love with Ron!” Hermione screamed. 
Realization flooded Luna’s face. “Oh, no, good! Yeah, me neither.”
Hermione sat down across from her friend, ripping the Quibbler from her hands and attention. 
“Luna,” she said, “I’m not going to Ron’s wedding because he is my ex-boyfriend and that would be really uncomfortable. Not because I’m still in love with him! I mean, I like Ron as much as the next girl. Clearly I still have feelings for him, but feelings don’t mean love! I mean, I still have loving feelings for Ron. But, but that doesn’t mean that-that I’m still in love with him! I-I have sexual feelings for him, but I do love him--oh!” she gasped at her own words. “Luna why didn’t you tell me?”
“We thought you knew!” she said, surprised that Hermione was for once in her life so oblivious. “We talk about it all the time!”
“You all know?” Hermione asked. “Does, does Ron know?”
“Oh no,” Luna answered calmly. “Ron doesn’t know anything.”
Hermione started pacing once again, this time much more frantically. “Oh, I can not believe you didn’t tell me!”
“We thought you knew!” Luna replied. “It’s so obvious. That would be like telling Ginny ‘hey, you like to play Quidditch,’ or you know, ‘George, you’re gay.’”
The pacing girl stopped dead in her tracks. “What?”
“Oh please,” replied the younger blonde, “she’s always got a broom in her hand!”
“Alright! The Empire State Building. Hands down, best State building I’ve ever seen.” George pulled out his Muggle camera, still trying to figure out which buttons did what. They were a lot smaller than the one Colin Creevey used to carry around at Hogwarts and George still hadn’t gotten the hang of using Muggle items. 
“What do you think of the Empire, Y/N?” Fred turned his head to you as he asked his question. Your legs had gotten tired from jogging to keep up with the ginormous twins so Fred had offered to let you ride on his back the rest of the way, an offer you couldn’t refuse. 
You hopped down and quickly covered your eyes to hide from the bright flash of George’s camera. “I don’t know, I can’t see it with that thing blinding me, George.”
He quickly apologized, but not before snapping a picture of Fred wrapping his arms around you and smiling while you glared at the camera. 
“Someone’s grouchy today,” Fred said, swaying you back and forth a few times before releasing his grip. 
“I’m just tired, jet lag y’know?” He nodded and pointed to his back, letting you know it was alright to get back on. You didn’t hesitate to jump onto the redhead as he followed his brother into the massive building in front of you. 
After waiting in line for what seemed like hours you finally made it onto the elevator to take you to the top of the building. George continued to take pictures of anything and everything, including you flipping him off from on Fred’s back. As the doors opened and you stepped out onto the observation deck, you were amazed by the incredible view before you. 
Thousands of tiny buildings filled with thousands of tiny people stood before you, or rather below you. It was like you were on your broom and flying high in the sky, except this time time you didn’t have to focus on keeping your broom in check. You could just stand and stare. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Fred came up next to you, leaning on a railing in front of him. He hunched down enough that his face was right next to yours as the two of you stared at The Big Apple. 
“It really is.” You looked around for George, but he was off pestering other tourists to take pictures of him and the city behind him. “Remember when we were playing Quidditch at the burrow, and I flew up this high and stayed there for hours?”
“How could I forget,” Fred laughed. “We had to send search parties for you, thought you had been snatched up by dementors or something.”
“Nope, just got a little distracted by the view.” You continued to watch the amazing landscape and incredible sky, not missing the looks Fred was giving you. “What’re you looking at, Weasley? Don’t tell me that I’m more enchanting than the city. I mean, we all know it’s true but try not to make it so obvious.”
You pinched his cheek and he swatted your hand away playfully. “Don’t be stupid,” he said. “I was just remembering the time I peed on you to combat the jellyfish sting.”
“Fred!” you whisper yelled, laughing as he put his hands up. “We said we would never talk about that again. I don’t need that reminder!”
“I’m sorry, it’s just too good of a story! Really shows the strength of our friendship.”
You rolled your eyes at your best friend. Technically you would’ve considered Ron to be your best friend, as you’d known him the longest and had been the closest with him for so many years. But the past few years, living close to Fred and hanging out with him almost every day, he had become the most important person in your life. He was always there to make you smile or laugh when you had a rough day, or wrap you up in a blanket and watch a movie after a horrid date with some arsehole. He was one of a kind, and you were so glad he was in your life. 
“Y’know what Fred?” you asked, scooting closer to him. “If you ever got stung by a jellyfish, I’d pee on you too.”
Fred wiped away fake tears from his eyes. “I’d pee on you any day of the week, Y/N,” he said, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“What the hell did I just walk into?” George was standing behind you and Fred, having only heard Fred’s last sentence. The two of you cackled with laughter, bringing George into the hug with you and just enjoying the moment. 
“Hey Luna?” Hermione called from her bedroom. She and her friend had spent the day discussing her feelings for Ron and trying their best to help her get over him. Apparently recounting the horrors of their relationship was not helping in the slightest. 
“Yeah,” Luna called back from the kitchen. 
“Do you remember where the pygmy puff food is?” Her muffled voice sounded rushed and anxious, even more so than Hermione usually was. 
“Yeah, it’s under the front counter of Fred and George’s shop. Why?”
Luna turned her head to see Hermione come flying into the room dragging a packed suitcase behind her. “Because I’m going to New York.”
The pregnant girl nearly had a heart attack at Hermione’s declaration. “What? What do you mean you’re going to New York?”
Hermione grabbed a few more essentials from around the apartment, rushing in order to catch the next flight. “Yeah, I have to tell Ronald that I love him. Now Luna, you take care, you don’t have those babies until I get back.”
“I--but what about all of the finding his flaws and burning his picture rituals we’ve been doing?” Luna asked, straining to stand up and chase after her friend. 
Hermione easily moved past the slow-moving girl, zipping up her bag and heading to the door. “Yeah, that didn’t work. I know he loves Lavender but I have to tell him how I feel! He deserves to have all of the information and then he can make an informed decision.”
Phoebe shook her head and continued to hobble around the room. “No, Hermione, it’s too late, you missed your chance! I’m sorry, I know this must be really hard, it’s over.”
The other girl paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “Y’know what? No. It’s not over until someone says ‘I do.’” And with that she took off out of the apartment and to the streets of Diagon Alley, on her way to another country to declare her love for Ron Weasley. 
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jack-is-lost · 5 years
You've mention headcanons here and there lately. I'm interested in hearing them in more detail! Can you share any with us?
Sure! Although, I should note that my headcanons don’t differ that much to what has become widely accepted in the fandom. I’ve read and written a lot of fanfic throughout the years and certain things just ‘click’ and I’m like: “Hell yeah, I can totally see that, man!” And thus, I’ve picked up things here and there. 
Examples being the following:
1) Marko being an artist and/or mechanic savvy
2) Dwayne collecting books when not out skateboarding
3) David enjoying a glass of whiskey now and then and can play a mean game of poker
4) Paul knowing how to play an instrument, normally the guitar, and having an obsession with collecting music 
There are plenty more when it comes to their personality, but honestly, it would be me just rehashing what’s probably been said many times before. So instead, I’m going to share my headcanons on their mortal lives and how/why they turned.
Let’s start with David, shall we? 
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David was raised in a semi-comfortable living situation. One bar up from poverty, even. His family, who ran a ranch, was able to keep the foundation of their lives pretty stable and life was good. That was until war broke out in April 1861, when Confederates attacked the U.S. fortress of Fort Sumter. By that time David was nineteen and more than a little eager to play his role in history. He thrived in the military structure. He even raised himself up in the ranks to a sergeant position. Yet, within two years, just two short of when the war would end, David met his fate out on the battlefield among fallen comrades. As a leader, as someone everyone looked up to, he tried to scavenge the destruction for the wounded. And though he did succeed in rescuing one man, to which David carried back to camp before even his body gave out, David was beyond simply injured. The next thing he knew was a slow death inside an infirmary, barely alive but alive enough to be offered a second chance. The doctor being Max.
“You live for the kill, don’t you? Yet you risked life and limb to save a naïve boy.” -Max’s words to David before turning him. 
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Dwayne was born into the Navajo tribe. Raised during the dying age of the Wild West times and despite being raised during the years where agreements were made to put the war behind them, to find a peaceful ground, racism, and death for his ‘kind’ were still highly aggressive. By the time 1915 rolled around WW1 was rearing its ugly head making people more on edge, but Dwayne did not ‘die’ in any war. Dwayne, like life has always treated him, found himself enduring disputes of mens opinions. Fights always occurred, but that night would be the death of him as Dwayne went up against drunks, outnumbered four to one, and where one decided that fists were not enough. Three stab wounds later and Dwayne found himself dying at the end of an alley, laying in his own blood while staring up at the sky dazed and alone. In his mind, he had found clarity in what he expected to be his last breaths.  That is until David and Max, who just happen to lay witness to the events, decide to bring him into the fold.
“Why let such a man willing to fight vigorously lay waste to death?”- David’s words to Max when discussing to offer Dwayne immortality.
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Marko was raised sandwiched in between the generations of new postwar families and their boom of babies. It was all about high school sweethearts, wild parties and fast cars. Especially motorcycles! Yet, during that time it was also about rules. Rules about clothes — which clothes you could wear when. Rules about church, about accepting religion and faith or else damnation. Rules about the streets, when to be home and who to be out with. Even rules about how to play, with who and how. And quite frankly, Marko didn’t like rules, didn’t want to be told what to do and how to do it. He was hungry for some recognition, some validation, and when it came, he embraced it.
“He seems dangerous and wild.” Dwayne mused as they watched the energetic blond punch a taller guy in the face. Despite his short stature and blood trailing from an already busted lip, the boy was grinning.David hummed around his cigarette before letting out a puff of smoke. “Exactly, he’s perfect.”
(NOTE: I first heard this concept from @lostinsantacarla and fell in love with it. I highly recommend their fanfic of Marko that dives even deeper into the idea. It can be found HERE. )
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Almost all aspects of American society in the 1970s were marked by restlessness and a questioning of traditional authority. From public protest movements to personal fashion, people were thriving for excitement, for newfound reasoning in society. Paul was no different. He lived for the wild times and sought out a thrill whenever possible. Why let the world bog you down? Get high, share a few drinks, enjoy others company. Despite these laid back mottos, Paul’s home life was rough. Abusive father, absent mother, and no siblings. It’s not surprising that he fought for a sense of escapism, and that’s just what Paul did the summer of 1980. He packed what he could fit into a bag, took his guitar case, and rode off to southern California. No clear destination was in mind other than freedom. He never thought he’d find it within what looked to be motorcycle gang but, hey, who is he to look a gift horse in the mouth?  
“I don’t know, there’s just something about him.” Marko stared at the newcomer in town, an obvious drifter. He could be a quick and easy meal when considering that no one would take note of his absence. Yet, there was something there layering under that broad smile and weed odor. “I’m going to check it out.” And Marko was off, weaving through the crowd.
I even have a short summary for good ol’ Max. There’s not a lot of details regarding headcanons for him except how and when he became a vampire. Other than that, he’s still the typical nerdy looking family-oriented vampire seen in the movie. I suppose his reasoning behind wanting a family after a few centuries have come and gone may be due to seeking out a forgotten sensation. 
MAX:Born in 17th century England within a middle to an upper-class family who had a hand in the iron industry. Life was luxurious for Maximus. He grew up as a well-mannered boy, trained properly, and knew nothing more than high adequate standards. That all changed the year of 1636 when yet another plague swept through London. Within a week his world fell into a spiraling madness, losing his family, his home, and almost his life. It was the help of a ‘special doctor’, a doctor who walked the streets on Maximus’s final hours that he ever felt the chance of ‘life’ again. With so much death among them, the world seemed fitting for a rebirth, and so he accepted the opportunity with no difficulties.
All images used here were edited by me
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rainyrowan · 6 years
London With You | Chapter 2
AN: Hiii! I’m sorry for this overdue chapter! So much has been going on in my life, that as much as I wish I could prioritize writing, it’s too hard of a task that i can achieve at this moment. i’ll try my best to finish chapter 3 as soon as possible. sorry once again, but thank you for sticking with me. hope you enjoy this chapter! 
description: An au set 8 years after the Matthews’ moved from New York to London. At this point, Riley’s a thriving 22-year-old woman who’s on her own, especially during this Christmas season. That is, until a young Lucas friar stumbles upon her apartment building.
pairings: riley x lucas
word count: 2,356
Read the previous chapter here!
Riley and Lucas grew much more fond of each other as the weeks go by. As roommates, they managed to instantly understand each other's living habits too. For instance, it became well known that Lucas is pretty good when it comes to cooking meals, therefore he officially became chef of the household as Riley remains not being able to even cook eggs without completely burning it.
Along with that, Lucas discovered that Riley would get up bright and early to attempt yoga. He found this out when hearing a loud thump on his first morning living with her. Out of concern, Lucas dashed out to find Riley lying on top of a yoga mat, looking like she had fallen down. Lucas would've helped her up, but she got right back to her feet and attempted to do a yoga pose, before falling once again.
This happens almost every single morning afterward.
One morning, Lucas wasn't awoken by yoga ratchet, rather what seemed to be Riley yelling at someone. He gets up and out of his room to find her sitting at the dinner table, surrounded by her laptop along with a few papers lying around. She also appeared to be having a fairly heated discussion on the phone.
"You okay?" Lucas mouths.
Continuing her conversation, she offers him a nod. "You know what? I'm going to have to call you back."
After she hangs up, Lucas takes a seat right next to her. "What's wrong?"
"Tomorrow's Christmas Eve, Lucas. Every year, I fly out to Philadelphia to spend the holidays with my family." She explains. "I booked my fight a while ago, but it got canceled. There's a snowstorm coming up."
"Did you tell them?"
"Yeah, I was just on the phone with mom." She sighs. "I was already irritated when the airlines called me. Calling her just made it way worse. She's been convincing me to book an earlier flight. Although I didn't get around to it until it was too late and now she's making me feel a whole lot guilty than I already am."
"But there's really nothing that you could about it now." He responds.
Lucas folds his arms. "Hey, you mentioned that they're celebrating in Philadelphia, right?"
"Yeah. They're going to have it at Feeny's and their whole 'gang' will be there. More or less, it's basically a family reunion."
"Is Shawn going to be there?" He questions. Riley nods. "That means Maya's coming too."
A short pause comes between them as Riley fiddles with her thumbs. "That's what my dad told me, yeah."
"And that's why you're upset? This was your chance to reconnect with Maya and have a 'Christmas reunion' of your own but because of the snowstorm, you can't." He offers her a smirk.
"Alright! You got me!" Riley yells, throwing her hands up in the air. "But you know what? It's fine. I've got you, right? And we've reconnected as well." She then grips his shoulder and smiles. "You're my Christmas reunion!"
Lucas laughs, nodding his head. "Yeah, alright."
The next day, Riley quickly phones her parents once again, this time on video call. She informs them about what's been going on and how she was not going to spend Christmas alone. Topanga was surprised, yet relieved to see Lucas with her. Cory, on the other hand, was not as pleased.
"First, you're in my daughter's bedroom. Years later, and you're now in her apartment?! I just can't get rid of you, can't I?" He glares into the camera.
"No, sir." He chuckles. "I'm not too sure if that's possible."
"Ugh!" He exclaims, waving his hand around, leaving Topanga to end off the call.
"Well, Lucas, I'm really happy that you're there keeping Riley company, especially during this time of the year. Just be sure to take care of one another, alright?" Riley and Lucas nod at the same time.
"Good. Now, I'm sorry, Riley, that you can't be here with us. But I'm wishing you two a very Merry Christmas! Okay, well I've got to go now. Be safe!"
"Thanks, Mom! Bye!" Riley says before hanging up.
After sorting things out with Cory and Topanga, Christmas preparations begin immediately! Only 20 minutes in, Lucas instantly realizes that spending the holidays with Riley will be far more crazier than anticipated.
Like a switch, she suddenly becomes her own version of Monica Geller as she instructs Lucas on where she wants the decorations to be and how she wants them done.
They first start off with the easy part: Miscellaneous decorations. This would have to include placing random Christmas-themed knick knacks that Riley has collected over the past couple years, to their assigned areas.
Every once in a while, Lucas would place an item where they're not supposed to be, which seriously infuriates Riley. He's never seen this side of her, but he honestly finds it hysterical.
Later on, the Riley and Lucas work on lighting. Riley has a love for fairy lights and has loads of them.
She puts on some Christmas tracks in the background, causing her to loosen up.
Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" starts playing, which already signals Riley to stop what she's doing and get up off her feet. She dances around like the little goofball she is and always was. The nostalgic reminder had Lucas smiling from cheek to cheek.
"You know," He laughs while struggling to hold up the lights that they'd been hanging. "It's kinda hard keeping these fairy lights up myself. They're literally about to fall."
"So what?! Let them fall!" She pants, trying to speak. "You should come over here and dance with me!"
Lucas raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, I think we've established, long ago even, that I don't dance."
"C'mon! It's just me! What, are you afraid of getting embarrassed, Mr. Perfect?"
"Oh, please. It's gonna happen."
Riley starts dancing towards Lucas. She pulls him to the middle of the room, letting all the fairy lights fall to the ground.
She continues to dance around while Lucas stands there awkwardly. "I'm sure you can bust a move, Lucas! C'mon, give it a try!"
He sighs. "I warned ya." He slowly starts to dance, moving his hips around.
Still dancing, Riley offers him a double take before completely stopping to watch. Her jaw drops, allowing her eyes to widen. "Oh my God." She finally bursts into laughter, not being able to even breathe. She then falls to the ground.
"Riley!" Lucas stops to help her up.
Riley's still on the ground, fighting her laughter to breathe.
"Just so you know, I'm never dancing for you ever again." He rolls his eyes.
"No! Lucas, that was amazing!" She lies finally calming down.
Riley eventually gets up to ask Lucas to dance with her once again, promising that she won't laugh at him. He continues to refuse but agrees to twirl her around every once in a while.
Afterwards, they finish hanging lights around the apartment until finally moving onto setting up the Christmas tree.
"Lucas," Riley says whilst hanging up ornaments. "How do you celebrate Christmas with your family?"
"Well, it obviously wouldn't be your typical city celebration. For us, we had bonfires and barbeques." He smiles as he reminisces. "We usually celebrate Christmas Eve, going into midnight. An hour or so beforehand, our whole family would gather around the campfire and simply just talk and share stories."
Lucas looks back up at Riley, who apparently stopped what she was doing to listen attentively. She was always so good at that. They both were.
"That's wonderful." She responds. An idea then strikes her as her eyes widen. "There are fire pits up at the roof of the building. No one ever really goes there. We should do that later."
"I would like that." Lucas agrees.
He then shuffles into the huge box filled with ornaments. He tilts his head in confusion when he picks up a little painted one. A smile then creeps onto his face.
"You still have this?" He asks Riley, hanging it right in front of her.
Apparently, it was an ornament that Lucas painted for her.
She grins. "Why wouldn't I?"
Riley and Lucas had never spent Christmas together. Even when they were dating back then, they never have. Lucas would always fly back to Texas with his family every single year. So, they celebrate on their own time on a different day, typically a day or two before Lucas' flight. Along with their celebration, they also have gift exchanges. On their very last celebration together, before Riley and her family migrated to London, he painted her a small ornament with a purple cat on it. Truth be told, Lucas was secretly a really good artist.
Riley hangs his ornament right at the front center of the tree. She turns to him. "I'm happy that I'm spending Christmas with you."
He smiles. "Likewise."
Later on in the evening, Riley took Lucas up to the roof later that night, as promised.
"You know, you didn't have to get me anything," Lucas says examining the rather large box that Riley was carrying as they were walking up the stairs to the roof.
"You can't say that, you got me one too!"
"And what exactly makes you think that?" He raises an eyebrow.
"You're not that slick, Huckleberry, I see it dangling out of your pocket."
Lucas looks down at his coat to see her gift hanging out of his left pocket. He sticks his hands in his pocket to hide it.
Once they finally reached the deserted rooftop, Riley takes a seat in front of a fire pit, placing Lucas' gift right next to her.
"I hate walking up the stairs." She pants.
As she takes a minute to catch her breath, Lucas takes the initiative of lighting the fire pit. Once he managed to do so, he sits right down next to Riley.
He extends his arms out to feel the warmth on his hands before rubbing them. "That feels so much better. It's too cold here."
"I'm actually surprised it's not snowing." Riley states.
They talk about nothing and everything until Lucas pulls out his phone to see that they're at a minute prior to midnight. "It's almost Christmas," He says showing his screen to Riley.
"Wow, my first Christmas without my parents and I'm not balling my eyes out or anything. Very impressive, don't you think?" She laughs in spite of herself.
"Yeah," Lucas glances down at his phone once again to see a text from Asher. He ignores it when he sees the time. "Riles, it's Christmas!"
"Oh my gosh, Merry Christmas, Lucas!" They both get up off their seat and exchanged a hug.
Riley then picks up Lucas' gift that was sitting right next to her. "Here," She says handing it to him.
Lucas takes it and lifts the top to find another box inside of it. He laughs, opening the other box and finding another one in it.
"You've got to be kidding me." He raises an eyebrow.
"Go on," Riley says, waving her hand.
He continues to find boxes in boxes until he's left with one. He opens it and pulls out a yellow notebook. The front reads "Riley and Lucas Forever!" along with many other scribbles and doodles. Lucas smiles but tilts his head in confusion.
"What is this?"
"Well, it's this little thing I made when we were still in middle school," Riley states, as he flips through the notebook in amusement.
"This very notebook contains every little thing that could ruin me if ever placed in the wrong hands." She laughs. "From embarrassing sketches and letters or poems written to you, it's all there. I realized that I apparently also took the initiative of sticking photos, movie tickets from dates, etcetera, in there too."
"God, I was such a weirdo for doing these things, huh?" She mutters, tucking in strands of her hair behind her ear.
Lucas' eyes fall on her after flipping through her book. "I love it."
Setting her gift down, he searches his pockets to find the gift he was going to give to Riley. He pulls out a long brown box and hands it over to her. She takes it.
"I really hope you like it."
She gasps when opening it. Inside lies a little rose gold necklace with an autumn leaf chain. "It's beautiful." Lucas takes it, placing it around her neck.
"Back then, you gave me an autumn leaf, telling me how we have this one little life and for a lot of it, we're just blowing around in the wind," He begins. "But if we're lucky, you said, life will allow us to land on the right person."
"These past couple of days have been truly difficult." He pauses. "You know, staying in a toxic relationship without even realizing it and then later on getting kicked out isn't the best thing to endure," Lucas explains, letting out an unnecessary voice crack.
"But, life knew what was best for me, and here I am." Lucas extends his hands out with a smile.
"I'm glad I fell into your lap. Once again." He drops his arms.
The starlit sky and the ambiance of the neighborhood below them easily add on to this perfect moment.
Riley couldn't help but smile. So many thoughts ran through every corner of her mind. A familiar feeling of compassion, which she obtained for Lucas even back then, came rushing back upon her. Is she really falling for him again?
One thing's for sure: The Lucas who she first fell for, literally, was standing right in front of her. From his smile to his personality, he has not changed.
Out of impulsiveness, Riley places a hand on his cheek and pulls him towards her. Their eyes meet, only centimeters apart.
"Me too." She whispers before pressing her lips against his.
Lucas would always mention having his moment with Riley. And they would-- They were always too good at sharing moments with one another that could last a lifetime, this being one of them.
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allthephils · 6 years
Rated M (angst, sleeping beauty au, mentions of sex, adult themes
Word count: 2626/42677
Read on AO3
Chapter 15
The drive to Windsor castle felt something like the first time Louise drove Phil there. Fear and uncertainty had brought tension then but now it was magnified. Now, Phil knew what was at stake. He also knew he wasn’t wanted there and that he may have a fight ahead of him much more daunting than the fight to get in had been. Phil has never been much of a fighter, always more likely to walk away, turn the other cheek. Now he hoped against hope for a fight because a fight meant Dan was ok, that there’s something to fight for. The alternative was unthinkable. His stomach turned when he thought of how easily he had let Dan get away all those years ago. Everything could have been different if he had simply had the courage to speak up, say the words, hold on tighter. That wasn’t a mistake he was going to make again. He had let himself consider the worst case scenario, he’d fallen apart, gotten it out of his system, and now he was going to stand up and be what Dan needed him to be.
Walking up the path to the castle gate, the scene was so different from the first time. There was a small group of protesters and an even smaller gaggle of women waiting on the lawn. A large steel grate had been pulled closed at the gate that lead to the entrance to Dan’s operating theatre and there was only one guard standing in the center of the walk. It was obvious the excitement had passed, the royal family had succeeded at appeasing the public.
Phil and Louise walked in the grass toward the protesters, hoping the single guard wouldn’t notice Phil. The idea that he could be seen as a threat was ridiculous but Phil couldn’t imagine the stories Walter must be telling. Phil had to be careful. He didn’t want to risk being carted away before he was able to see Dan. Cautiously, Louise approached the gate with Phil a few feet behind. Inside, near the door that would lead to the Prince, stood Dennis.
Louise ran back to Phil, whisper shouting, “It’s that guard, the one you know. Phil, he must be ok. Why would they guard an empty room? He must still be in there.”
“He’s still in there, I feel it. But that doesn’t mean he’s ok.” Phil said, his eyes searching for some comfort in Louise’s hopeful expression. “I’m going to go talk to him. Stay close.”
Phil’s hands gripped the bars of the steel grate that stood between him and what he now realized was his future. Dennis look up and sighed heavily, scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration. He walked to Phil and spoke, low enough so that no one else could hear.
“Phil. Buddy, you know my hands are tied here. There’s nothing I can do. Prince Walter would put me away for treason. He’s been very clear.”
“Did you deliver that box, Dennis?” Phil asked. Dennis said nothing but returned to his post by the door. “Tell Walter I’m here, Dennis. Let me see him. We can work something out.”
Dennis stared forward, unflinching. “You don’t want to see Walter, Phil. Trust me, you don’t.”
“Tell me he’s ok, Dennis. Or at least tell me he’s alive.” Phil was starting to panic.
Dennis said, “he’s alive,” and cast a sideways glance at Phil that sent a chill up his spine.
“Oh my god. I need to see him. Dennis please.”
Dennis’ brow creased, he shifted on his feet and swallowed, struggling to maintain the role he played in spite of the vulnerability Phil brought. Nothing was more frightening than seeing concern on Dennis’ face. Phil turned to Louise and she rushed over.
“Louise, are you logged in to my Instagram?”
“I am.”
“Ok, we’re gonna do this. 15 seconds at a time.” His heart beat out of his chest.
Louise’s eyes grew wide and she held the hand of her best friend in the world. “Philip, are you absolutely one hundred percent sure about this? Have you thought through all the consequences?”
“Yes I am and no I haven’t. There’s no more time, Lou. You ready?” Phil stood, his back to the gate and Louise held up the phone. She pointed to Phil and he began.
“Hey guys. I’ve got some really important news to share and not a lot of time. I’m going to need your help. You guys were right about some things so yeah, good job figuring it out I guess. First of all, I’m gay. Yay.” Phil held his hands up and shimmied them just as Louise held up her hand to stop. He looked back at Dennis who just stood, looking forward, pretending not to notice what was going on right in front of him.
“OK it’s up, that’ll bring em in.” Louise shook her head and held the phone up again. “Keep going.”
“I know I’ve been a little MIA these days and that none of you were fooled by my cryptic tweets. I have been at Windsor Castle. With Dan, Prince Daniel. And yes, I’m in love with him.”
Louise held up a hand again and jumped up and down a little bit as she hit the button to post the story. For the third time, she held the phone up. Phil was sweating, he heaved in a breath.
“He’s been doing much better since I’ve been here but now our future king and the man I love is in real jeopardy because his father, Prince Walter, has decided I am no longer welcome.”
Once more, stop, post, deep breath, go.
“So I’m hoping you guys could help me out. Maybe if we get enough of you here, they’ll at least let me speak to someone. I don’t know if it will work but I have to try. We can’t just do nothing. He needs us. If you’re anywhere near Windsor castle, please.”
Louise put her phone away and walked to Phil, hugging him close. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I don’t know, Lou. I just outed the future king of England. I think I’m fucked.”
Phil leaned on the counter, happily munching tiny marshmallows as he watched his mum bake. He missed Dan, more than he’d ever missed anything, but he was happy to be with his family. The last time he was here, he would have called it home. Even with his own London apartment, home was always wherever his family was. That was all different now. Now, home was wherever Dan was. His little apartment felt warm and safe and perfect when Dan was there. Still, he was glad to be chatting with his mum, getting all the latest gossip on the Lesters. A cousin got engaged, an aunt needed to have gall bladder surgery, and uncle Frederic’s exotic pet collection has gotten him in trouble. His wife has promised to leave him if he brings home one more reptile or hissing cockroach.
Phil heard the front door open, the cold air rushing in and chilling the house all the way to the kitchen. Martin and Cornelia shuffled in together, pulling off coats, and hugging Nigel before making their way to the kitchen to get the big affection form Catherine. Phil waited his turn, smiling around cheeks stuffed with sweets. Finally, Martin came over and punched him in the arm before pulling him into a hug.
“Where the hell have you been? I feel like I have to watch your videos just to see my little brother!” Martin admonished lovingly.
“Ug, You sound like Louise. I’ve just been busy.” Phil stood away from the counter and moved toward Cornelia, who opened her arms and hugged Phil just like a big sister would.
“Hello Phil. You look well! How have you been?” She asked as she pulled him in.
“I’m really good, Corn.” Phil said, quietly while still in the embrace. Cornelia had a way of softening Phil, breaking down any barriers he might have. She pulled away, hands on Phil’s shoulders, and looked him in the eye. She grinned and cocked her head a bit.
“What?” Phil said, already blushing.
“You look different.” Cornelia said, plainly. “You are positively glowing.”
Phil laughed nervously and looked at the ground. “I’m just rosy from the cold.”
“Bullshit.” Cornelia smiled wide and kissed Phil’s nose, leaving behind a spot of lipstick.
Catherine grabbed a dish towel and wiped at the spot without missing a beat. “You do look happy, love. And healthy. Glowing is a perfect way to describe it.”
Phil felt like he was being ganged up on by the sweetest mob who ever lived.
Martyn had plopped down at the kitchen table and was eating a biscuit from a plate at the center. He looked at Phil intently. “I know what’s up. He’s getting some.” He kept eating through his smirk and Phil groaned, turning away to busy himself making tea for everyone. He wanted to run away but he knew they’d just follow him. The Lesters are a relentless bunch.
“Oh Martyn.” Catherine shook her head. “Be nice.” She slid the pan of cakes into the oven, and wiped her hands on her apron. “Though I was wondering…”
Cornelia’s musical laughter gave Phil a moment to think, to muster up his courage.
“Ok, yeah, I’ve been seeing someone. Someone I really like.” Phil was on the verge of giggling but he fought to suppress that impulse.
Cornelia beamed, “Aw Philly. Look at you! I’m so happy for you!”
Phil’s mum took her cup of tea and sat at the table so now they all sat, staring at Phil, his judge and jury, sipping their tea in a perfect metaphor. They wanted details.
“What’s her name?” Catherine asked, her tone genuinely kind and curious.
Martyn rolled his eyes. “Mum, Come on, Phil hasn’t a girlfriend since before Uni.”
“Sorry, sorry. It’s habit. What’s his name? Tell me about this boy who’s captured my son’s heart.”
Phil smiled, she always knew how to make him feel accepted, even when she screwed up.
“It’s ok, mum. His name is…” Phil hesitated, not sure how to answer that question. He breathed deep, took a sip of tea, and answered, “Dan, his name is Dan.”
“Ooh!” Catherine cried. “Like Prince Daniel. Is he as handsome as the Prince?”
“More so.” Phil said. It was true. His Dan, the Dan he held and kissed and laughed with and loved, was far more beautiful than his public persona. Prince Daniel was just a facade but Dan was real, so very real. “It’s a little scary though.” He sat down with the rest of them, grabbing a biscuit to dunk into his tea.
“That’s my cue.” Martyn stood up fisting a handful of treats and went to talk with Nigel about Football or the weather or something that made him less uncomfortable than what was about to go down in the kitchen.
“Coward.” Cornelia called after him.
“I don’t deny that!” Martyn called back.
Cornelia reached across the table to squeeze Phil’s hand. “Why is it scary, Phil?”
“I just like him so much. We just met in September. And he’s only 18, we’re so young, you know? But I feel like, I don’t know.” Phil was looking down into his tea but he raised his eyes to catch his mother’s, needing to read what she might be thinking. “I love him, mum. I loved him from the moment I kissed him. It was only our second date. Is that stupid? Is that crazy?” Phil chewed on his cuticle, nervous, afraid the answer would be yes, it’s stupid and crazy and immature. Pull yourself together Phil.
“Phil, love is never stupid.” Cornelia said, “And any love worth having is crazy at the beginning.” She sat back and sipped, ready to soak in whatever Catherine was about to say. Catherine did not disappoint.
“Cornelia’s right. God, your father and I were insatiable when we met. From the very start, I couldn’t keep my hands off of him.”
“Woah, mum, gross.”
“Sorry, sorry. My point is, sometimes you just know. And it feels too fast and too much but it’s not up to you. Love just comes and you have to be brave enough to grab on and hold it.”
“I haven’t said it yet. He has, but I’ve sort of avoided it.” Phil sighed, “Do you think I should tell him?”
Catherine put another biscuit in front of Phil. “I think you should tell him when you are sure and it’s bursting out of you. When your heart is beating so loud, you can’t think of any other words, that’s when you should tell him.”
Cornelia asked, “When did Nigel tell you?”
“I think it was our third date.”
“And you said it back?” Cornelia said, in awe.
“Oh lord no! I thought he was off his rocker.” Catherine laughed heartily. “But I did say it eventually, months later.”
“Poor Dad.” Phil paused and took a deep breath. “I’m scared if I let myself love him, he’ll go off to Uni and then, I don’t know.”
“Sweetheart, trust me. Love is painful whether it lasts 2 weeks or 2 decades. That’s why you have to be brave. Ask yourself if the fear you feel is worth not having him in your life. Would you rather just lose him now so you don’t have to lose him later?”
“No. No, mum, I can't lose him now. It hurts to even think that.”
“It sounds like you already know the answer, Phil.” Cornelia said. “I just want to know if he is worthy of my Philly. Are you happy when you’re with him?”
“So happy.”
“Does he treat you with kindness and respect?”
“Yes Corn, of course.”
“And does he make your toes curl?” Cornelia slurped her tea, glancing up at Phil over her cup. Catherine laughed and stood to clear up as Phil crumbled, covering his face with his hands. He peaked through his fingers at Cornelia, knowing his mum was looking the other way, and nodded. She held her tea up in a mock toast and giggled.
“You know what I always say, Phil.” Catherine interjected. “If he keeps you warm, then he’s a keeper.”
“Isn’t that for picking out a coat?”
“It applies here too, dear.” Catherine went back to baking and Phil sat in happy silence with Cornelia. Some of the weight had lifted, he felt understood, supported. The weight that remained was uncertainty in what the future held. Phil’s mum is a wise woman though and he knew that. He promised himself he’d tell Dan he loved him when they got home. In reality, he knew he’d made it clear but he also knew that those words matter.
Slipping into a sugar coma, Phil excused himself to have a quick lay down before dinner. Really, he just wanted to text Dan in private, though he realized he probably wouldn’t get a response.
Phil: Hey. I miss you already. My family says I’m glowing. It’s because of you. I hope you get to spend lots of time with Adrian and eat all the mince pies. Come to think of it, maybe you could smuggle a few out for me.
Dan: Phil! I miss you already too. I’ll start hoarding mince pies immediately.
Phil:  Yay!
Dan: If you text during the day, I might not be able to respond.
Phil: I know, I get it
Dan: But please text anyway. I need to know you are out there. And that you are mine.
Phil: Ok, I will. And I am.
Dan: I have to go join everyone for tea. I love you.
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Happy 4th of July, Johnny!
Fandom: Sing 2016
Pairing: Johnny x Ash (Jash)
Rated: T
Story Summary: Ash tries to teach her British boyfriend, Johnny, all about the joys of celebrating the American Independence Day.
Ash never planned many holiday celebrations.
Growing up, holidays with her parents (especially her mother) meant another day in painful shoes, tight dresses, disgusting hors d'oeuvres all taking place in much too opulent houses with far too many breakable items and being introduced to people she couldn't give two flying fucks about. Or after they divorced, forced to being a tether between her two parents; having two of everything but happy about none of it.
While living with Lance, it was just another excuse for him to get obnoxiously drunk and make bad decisions like inviting over his stupid friends to wreck her clean house…so basically, like every other day of his life.
After he cheated and she was now alone, Ash found didn't care much for the hubbub of activity holidays brought with it. Mostly because it was all topped off with her least favorite thing - crowds of annoying animals trampling around her small form - quills taut and ready to stab anyone who dared to get too close.
Yet, that was then, this was now.
Since her and Johnny started dating at the end of last summer, she wasn't completely against the idea of celebrating whatever holiday presented itself for their first year of being together. Whether it being a Halloween costume party, Christmas potluck with the theater gang, New Years Eve with a little too much champagne and sloppy midnight kisses, hell, even the normally dreaded Valentine's Day was a nice dinner and a playful snowball fight as they walked back to her apartment; Easter ending up to be a relaxing evening spent watching movies and eating chocolate - the day they got off just gave her another excuse to spend time with her handsome gorilla boyfriend.
This upcoming holiday was seemingly no different.
Summer heat pelting their small city, Ash was becoming well aware of the change of decorations hitting the stores and another holiday rearing its head. Lots of American flags adorning packaging and party supplies, overpriced fireworks, barbecuers, watermelons, and fresh corn on the cob all on display for purchase.
July 4th was quickly coming up and like any previous holiday this past year, she was excited to involve her and Johnny going out to enjoy it in some form or fashion…
…that was, until she remembered Johnny was British…
While very well aware he hadn't lived in Jolly ol' London since he was 12, it was still somewhere he considered home. Called himself a Brit and stubbornly retained his accent (as light as it was) even if he'd lived in America for almost half his life since. Ash found nothing wrong with that and found it quite adorable when she heard him occasionally humming 'God Save the Queen' in the shower but it did put a dent in her plans.
Would he want to celebrate this strictly American holiday with her?
Johnny had never turned down her plans whether it was dressing up for Halloween or coercing him for a long make-out session underneath the mistletoe (which was made easier with him consuming spiked eggnog) for Christmas, she was unsure if this tradition was one he wasn't keen on participating in.
Guess there was only one way to find out…
It was now the afternoon of July 4th and Ash still had yet to ask him or even bother to mention it - the porcupine was just so swamped with working on her new album, it kinda slipped her mind. Yet as the workday came to an end, she was determined to get it done ASAP. One thing was certain, there was a party tonight so Ash hadn't planned much in the way of food considering Buster was having a rooftop barbecue at the theater.
As she left the theater for the day, Ash called Buster.
During the phone call with her boss about what to bring for said party, he had asked her if Johnny was okay.
Ash stopped in her tracks; confused at the sudden questioning was then told Johnny had turned down the invitation and that only made Ash more resolute to get him to go. Once she hung up with Buster, Ash hit the market before catching the bus to Johnny's place.
A heavy cooler was hanging from her arm when she finally approached the back door of the garage which Johnny always left open regardless of how many times she told him to lock it.
Kinda glad for his lack of security at the moment, Ash pushed open the door.
The porcupine took in the atmosphere for a moment. The fact she visited so often made the smell of gasoline and motor oil barely noticeable to her now. As she scanned further in past the den, her eyes finally caught what, or rather whom, she was looking for.
There was Johnny - sitting at an old piano her and the theater gang pitched in to buy for his 21st birthday a few months ago. He sat on the bench playing and humming an unfamiliar tune but what more drew her attention was the fact he was only wearing a simple tank-top and exercise shorts. Johnny's lack of clothing, a fan aimed directly at him, mixed with the heat stifling in the garage - the piano bench must have been the only sanctuary to be found.
"Hey, Johnny!" Ash called out before closing the door.
The gorilla didn't seem at all surprised at her presence - only stood up to greet her. Happily, he walked over to her to help ease her of the cooler holding the tub of potato salad she'd just bought from the store.
"Good evening, Love." he finally replied once placing it on the counter; making sure to lean down to give her a proper kiss before continuing, "Why didn't you call first? I would've cleaned up a bit or at least pumped up the cooler." he chuckled once pulling away.
"Eh. Musta forgot." she replied, her neck and back already itching at the upraise of sweat (and not just because of the staunch heat of the garage). Damn, it was hot in here...in more ways than one. She appreciated a bit by gazing at her handsome, muscular boyfriend just a tad too long before Johnny spoke again and effectively breaking up those thoughts.
"It's alright. So, uh, what did you bring?" Johnny smiled, eyes averting to the cooler and being the curious soul he was, opened it and his brows furrowed at the container of potato salad sitting inside. "…You didn't bring that for dinner tonight, did you? Um…I didn't make anything or even have anything that would be good with that…"
Ash couldn't help but smack his firm tummy playfully, rolling her eyes before climbing atop one of the nearby stools.
"No, you dork. I was just heading over to Moon's for the party."
"Oh," Johnny said before plopping in the stool next to her. "His 4th of July party, right?"
"Yeah. Heh. Uh, funny that you'd mention it - um, Moon said he invited you but you told him that you were busy tonight." Ash explained and Johnny didn't even flinch; she expected him at least to be surprised that she had that information.
"I was jus' working on a new music set for the end of this month is all."
"Well, that's cool I guess." Ash muttered out, inwardly slapping herself for lack of conversing skills. They've been dating for nearly a year, dammit! She should be better at this by now - just get to the point... "…but uh - why didn't you want to go?"
"I dunno." he muttered, scratching the back of his head.
"Is it because it's an American holiday?"
Johnny just shrugged before replying, "The whole holiday exists is the culmination of your war with Great Britain; seems rather strange for a born-Brit to be celebrating that…Well, that's what my dad used to say when I asked him why we never did."
"...Really?" she seemed shocked, "Oops. Must have fallen asleep that day in history class."Ash chuckled mirthlessly, feeling a bit awkward, she continued, "So, uh…What is it? Do you feel like your betraying your countrymen or something?"
Johnny chuckled outright at that statement, "No. It was over 200 years ago. I highly doubt anyone can hold a grudge that long - I just thought it was funny my dad would tell me that as an excuse for not celebrating it."
"You used to ask your dad that?"
"Yeah. At first, I asked him every holiday why he didn't want to celebrate it - not just July 4th either. My friends from school would be having celebrations and I noticed we never did anymore, so I asked. My dad brushed it off; always gave some excuse. After awhile…I just stopped asking. Truthfully, I never celebrated much of any holiday 'til I started dating ya."
"...Why not?" she couldn't help but ask.
"It was ever since my mum passed - the holidays were rather…difficult." Johnny's eyes averted to the floor beneath his feet, his shoulders deflating as he continued to tell the story.
"Mum was always the more festive one - always making holidays special… Me and my dad just never did much in terms of celebratin' much of anything since she died. Even back in London - we tried celebrating Christmas just months after she passed and…" Johnny froze for bit - Ash saw uncertainty flashing in those sad chestnut eyes as if he wanted to elaborate but decided against it, "Well…we just kinda stopped after that. No other reason really."
The sadness that clouded his eyes killed her. Heart palpitating painfully in her chest as she saw the utter agony plaguing his normally bright features. Pain that didn't belong to someone so positive and sweet, someone she loved dearly.
She shouldn't have…
"...Oh Johnny, I'm so sorry," she whispered out - suddenly feeling incredibly awful at bringing him to those former functions this past year. How he must have been suffering internally while she was so naive to the pain she was inadvertently causing him.
"Wait…All those times I drug you to parties and outings and you just went along, and-and… Aw dammit, I should have-"
"Don't worry about that!" he quickly interrupted her with a brush of his hand upon her cheek that successfully brought her ramblings to a stop. "Don't say that either. You didn't drag me, I wanted to go - and believe me, I'm so grateful for ya, Ash. It's always fun celebratin' with you." he finished before leaning down to kiss her mouth and to calm whatever fears and doubts still plagued her.
Try as she might to avoid it to keep arguing, Ash melted into the gesture. Finding a ridiculous amount of comfort in his kiss and hating to admit at how her stomach still fluttered whenever he did that. As Johnny pulled back and smiled at her, Ash's heart and breathing calmed. His words and eyes so genuine, her fear at perhaps hurting him faded away and she sat back and took a deep breath of relief.
"It had been so long since I celebrated any holiday and you just made it so fun. You made me feel better - you really did, Ash. I used to be so sad whenever any holiday rolled around but…you changed that for me. I looked forward to them and I'm grateful for that. I truly am." Johnny admitted, reaching out to hold her paws and cradle them in his much larger hands. Ash flushed at the size difference as well as his much too sweet words that simultaneously wanted her to roll her eyes and kiss him again.
"So…does that mean you want to come to Moon's party with me tonight?" she asked hopefully.
It took a few moments before Johnny answered, "...I'm an American citizen and should be celebrating July 4th. I just never really considered it to be my home…until recently that is." Johnny smiled.
"...Is that a yes?" she asked.
Johnny didn't answer, just sighed before releasing her hands and opening his arms.
Ash smiled before immediately jumping into his lap; resting her head on his stomach and wrapping her short arms around his middle - well, as much as possible anyway. Johnny chuckled lightly, arms draping over her much smaller frame and for a second, the stifling heat in the garage didn't bother her one bit. For a long time, they just stayed like that until he shifted against her and finally replied.
"Sure. Why not?"
"Yes!" she said with way more enthusiasm that she meant to. Cheeks flushing a bit as she pulled away from his warm chest.
"If I knew it would make you that happy, I would have agreed earlier." Johnny chuckled at her excitement, hands steadfast on her lower back to make sure she didn't fall off his lap.
Ash gave his middle another quick hug before replying, "C'mon, then! You still need to change and we're already late." Ash continued before climbing off his lap (with his help of course).
"Since when do you care? You're always late to work." Johnny cheekily replied.
Ash flashed him a look, "That's work - this is fun - and free food. Besides, we both know you don't want to stay holed up in this hot as hell garage anyway." she teased and he returned her previous look but smiled regardless.
"I dunno, Ash." Johnny grumbled, scratching the back of his head as he made his way to stand up, "I'd feel kinda awkward - don't know the first thing about the 4th of July."
"Let me show you then."
"I dunno…" the uncertainty was back, "I was in the middle of working on -"
"Oh, come on, Johnny! You have weeks to work on that set." Ash held out her small hand for him to take and Johnny smiled at her. "Let's just have fun tonight."
"...Okay." he said with a resolute sigh before taking her hand.
"Hey, you two!" Moon excitedly said while walking up to the couple.
"Good evening." Johnny greeted as Ash muttered a "Sup?" to their boss.
"Wow! Super glad you could make it after all, Johnny!" Buster gave Ash a none-too-subtle wink which had her slipping her boss a dirty look but Buster didn't seem to pay much attention to it.
"Thanks, Mr. Moon." Johnny smiled at the koala with a hint of embarrassment staining his voice.
"Nice to see you two and be sure to have fun tonight!" Moon said with his normal flourish before he skirted back toward Eddie and Gunter standing nearby.
"Gunter seems to be enjoying himself…" Johnny acknowledged; said pig dressed all up in…what else? Another revealing jumpsuit - this one dabbled and decorated with the American flag and far too many sequins then should be legal. Even while Gunter was also a foreigner, it showcased how much he was embracing the lifestyle, and the excitement on his face to celebrate such an occasion was contagious.
"Gunter finds any reason to celebrate." Ash chuckled while waving to Meena, Miss Crawly, and Rosita sitting at a nearby picnic bench.
"That's true."
"Alright, Johnny. Step 1 of any July 4th celebration - food." Ash grabbed Johnny's hand and drug him over to said table. A smorgasbord of different dishes that were helluva lot nicer looking than her huge store-bought container of potato salad that Johnny was currently putting next to a fancy rainbow garden salad. Ash just shrugged it off before grabbing a plate for herself and handing another to Johnny.
"Step 2 - Knock yourself out." Ash directed and Johnny looked around the table as she steadily filled her plate with samples of everything from Buster's eucalyptus and watercress sandwiches, mozzarella, basil and balsamic vinegar crostinos, colorful pasta salads, fried tofu kabobs, all the dessert looking things available, and a hearty helping of potato salad because someone had to eat it. Ash was so busy piling her plate, she didn't even notice when Rosita approached them.
"Good evening Johnny and Ash! So glad to see you both!" she greeted; giving Johnny a tight hug and smiling at Ash whose plate was nearly full.
"You too! How have you been, Rosita?" Johnny replied and Ash smiled as the mother pig gave her a warm sideways hug.
"Great! Oh Ash, let me know if my ambrosia salad is too sweet - my kids went a little crazy with the marshmallows when they were helping me make it." she chuckled.
"...The what?" Ash asked confused as she looked down at her plate.
"The white one with the fruit in it." Rosita chuckled as she pointed to it on Ash's plate, "Oh, and you both need to try my pasta salad with the fried kabobs - they came out so much better than usual."
"Wow, Rosita you really have outdone yourself!" Johnny praised the mother pig while he put a few of the things she mentioned on his bare plate.
"Yeah, gee - I have no idea how you find the time the time to do anything with all your kids." Ash mused out-loud.
"I normally wouldn't be able to but Norman has been helping out a lot more lately." she gestured over to her exhausted-looking husband and their twenty five kids; some surrounding him and eating off his plate while the others were either playing quietly or being entertained by some of the other members of the theater group.
Johnny smiled at that and even waved to a few of her children who eagerly waved back before going back to their food. Ash peered over at her boyfriend's actions; chest warming at how Johnny was with kids even if she was still on the fence over how she felt towards the little germ-factories.
"That's good." Johnny commented and Rosita smiled at him before her attention was drawn to one of her more rambunctious sons who started getting a bit too close to the edge of the roof for her liking.
"Uh, yeah. I better go - motherhood calls." she said with a tired sigh. "Listen, you two enjoy yourselves; have a lovely time tonight and I'm glad you decided to join us, Johnny." the pig sighed a bit; gave Ash a soft pat on her back before she went off to chase after her child, "Casper! You get away from that ledge right now!"
Ash smiled after Rosita, still not understanding how the kind mother managed such a hectic life and found the time to perform for the multiple shows he theater did. Eyes slipping away from the sight and back to Johnny who was gingerly filling his plate. Ash patiently waited for him to finish.
"So, shall we?" she asked when he was done.
"Oh. Sure." Johnny replied before following his girlfriend to a nearby table.
"I thought by now, I would have had most American food - I never had this…" Johnny marveled at the grilled corn on the cob slathered with mayonnaise, melted cotija cheese and a hint of chili powder sprinkled on top.
"Probably because it's Mexican." Ash giggled.
"Oh…" he shrugged before taking another bite. "Eh, still good."
Ash, long finished with her food, gazed out at the group of people that had since accumulated to the party.
Meena was eating dessert with her parents, grandparents, and Gunter who was in the middle of what looked to be a riveting tale. Nana Noodleman had decided to attend their rather plain shindig in her normal opulent clothes. The older sheep was currently busy trying to dodge Rosita's children from touching her dress as Rosita and Norman tried to herd them away with little to no success. Miss Crawly's boyfriend showed up as the sun finally disappeared from the sky and the two had been "moonbathing" on a nearby bench since. Buster Moon and Eddie had broken out some champagne and Ash was tempted to grab a glass but Rosita's motherly presence kept her from indulging in the temptation of underage drinking…ugh, one more year…just one more year…
"You having a nice time?" Johnny's voice broke through her revelry.
Ash peered over a the gorilla who had seemingly just returned from disposing of both her and his empty plates. Had she really not noticed him even getting up?
"Uh, Yeah. Of course." Ash replied, reaching her hand out to grasp at his own and giving his index a gentle squeeze which he returned. "You?"
"Mm-hmm. It's nice. I-Is this mainly what 4th of July is? Just a potluck sorta thing?"
"Mostly." Ash shrugged.
"Oh." he sounded disappointed which surprised her. She knew he had to have known about fireworks and them just on a rooftop eating and hanging out must have seemed not at all what he expected.
"What did you think it was?" Ash asked as she made herself comfortable by leaning against his side.
"I dunno," he chuckled, "Wasn't exactly sure what to expect to tell you the truth. Just what I know from seeing it on the telly occasionally - I guess I just expected Buster to light some fireworks or something."
"Are you kidding?" Ash exclaimed, "Even with the success of his theater, you know he's still a cheapskate. He didn't even bother to buy some cheap sparklers or bottle rockets."
"True." Johnny shared in her mirth; glancing over to said tightwad koala to see him refolding clean napkins to use later on. "Yeah…I dunno what I was thinkin'."
"...he is resourceful though. Why do you think we're having the party on the roof?"
"Cause he's too cheap for air conditioning?"
"You mean like you?" Ash laughed outright.
Johnny flashed her a look that had her laughter increasing.
"Hey, I have a very expensive lawyer to pay for my dad - and AC isn't cheap or really necessary when it's just me living there." he muttered, face flushing in slight embarrassment and Ash had a hard time not kissing that adorable pout off his face.
"I know, Johnny. I'm just joking." Ash chuckled, settling for nuzzling her face against his side; the red fabric of his shirt and his thick fur underneath was incredibly soft against her cheek.
"Heh. Yeah…" he seemed to enjoy her touch; leaning more into her before continuing, "So, why did he have it on the roof?"
Ash just pulled away from his warmth and smiled at him. Johnny looked more or less confused or rather, suspicious, of it for a moment before he returned it.
"...Ready for the best part?" Ash asked; standing to her feet while gently pulling his hand for him to stand up beside her.
Johnny didn't speak, just stood beside her and looked down at her in slight confusion.
"To answer your question, Moon knew the roof would be the perfect spot to see the city's display this year - which should be starting…right...about…now." Ash said, the clock on her phone just hitting 10pm.
A few silent terse moments passed with absolutely nothing happening.
Ash cursed the fact it wasn't better timed but soon enough, Johnny confused glance was shifted from her to the sky when a sudden boom and a flash of red filled it. The excited chatter from the other animals faded into voices of "oohs" and "ahhs" as the fireworks show started.
Johnny was silent, his hand tightening around hers as more and more incredibly loud booms filled the sky with hypnotizing splashes of brilliant arrays of light and color. With the lights hanging from the roof and wires and blockage from nearby buildings, Ash's view wasn't the best. It sucked being so short - not to mention the twinges of pain starting in her neck from having to stare up so damn mu-
Ash suddenly gasped, her stomach plummeting a bit when she was suddenly being hoisted up by a pair of very strong, very large hands holding her up by her waist. The porcupine not completely gaining her bearings until Johnny placed her on his shoulders, her inner thighs pressing tightly into the sides of his neck. She instantly grasped onto him when the vantage point was made clear and it was as if she was seeing the world for the first time. Everything looked so different and she found herself smiling and laughing; pulling none-too-gently at his hair as she steadied herself on his muscular shoulders - he didn't seem to mind.
"That better?" he asked cheekily; hands firm and steady on her legs to make sure she wouldn't fall.
"Mind warning me next time?" Ash smirked, resting herself against the back of his head as her fingers loosened and ran through his soft black locks.
"Heh. Sorry." he mumbled and Ash wished she could see his face from this angle but she instead settled for just holding on tight and turning her eyes back toward the sky. Her view much clearer and just plain better from this vantage point.
"It's alright…You have a great view from up here - and the weather seems cooler too." she teased a bit and he chuckled in reply.
A few moments passed in silence.
Their gazes locked to the sky and the fireworks show taking place all around them. Scattered lights that sparkled; all different variations of ones that screamed as they shot through the night like a rocket while the others made shapes of varying kinds. Mostly giant round flashes of brilliant color spilling into the black inky canvas of the night. The iridescent light coming from them reflecting off their fur and skin and bathing them as well as the city around them in various, beautiful shades of orange, reds, and blues.
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"So…is this more of what you had in mind?" she breathed as the show neared its end, his hair shifting upon her speaking. Her hands cradling his head as she couldn't help but brush her nose against his fur.
Johnny went silent for a moment; the hands holding her legs tightened slightly before he replied, "No…"
Ash's eyes widened; shifting her sight down at the top of his head for a moment in shock before he elaborated.
"...It's better." he said, turning his head just enough so she could see the mirth in his eyes and the barest hint of the beautiful smile he bestowed upon her.
Ash shook her head but couldn't stop the smirk that tilted the edges of her lips upward. Hiding from his gaze, she rested her chin on top of his head and just enjoyed as the last flourishes of fireworks exploded in the night sky. Basking in the warmth of Johnny's body pressed against her own; his soft tufts of hair tickling her chin and how the light played off the black canvas of his fur.
Definitely the best 4th of July ever - and by how he tightened his fingers around her legs and the wonder in his voice as he exclaimed when a beautiful array of red and blue fireworks suddenly went off, she knew Johnny felt the same way...
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