#hey... what if jared's mum said this
insanelycooljk · 4 years
j comes out 👀
send me the title of one of my deh wips and I’ll share an excerpt/tell you a bit about it 
This was just intended to be a short one-shot that I may or may not finish, but here’s the current summary:
Jared is finally ready to come out to his parents and tell them about the boy he’s dating. He just didn’t expect coming out to be the easy part.
it’s kleinsen ofc because uhh it’s me lol
So, Jared and Evan have been dating for a few months now and Jared is just... so happy and he wants to tell people damn it! He just loves this boy so much!
Also Heidi knows that they’re dating, so it’s just been making things really awkward whenever both of their families catch up.
Evan would never pressure Jared to come out before he’s ready, but Jared kind of gets the impression that Evan is a little insecure about it? Like, he gets the impression that maybe Evan wonders if the reason Jared hasn’t told his parents that they’re dating is because he’s embarrassed of him or something
Which obviously isn’t true, but first of all: that’s anxiety babyyy!! and second of all: given years of putting up with Jared’s teasing and shitty jokes and emotional problems? Not the most unreasonable conclusion to come to.
So a part of it for Jared is about wanting to show Evan that he loves him and he wants other people to know.
Anyway, Jared’s pretty nervous about coming out. Mostly because he’s not really sure how his parents are going to take it, but also because the Kleinmans just... do not do emotions. Not necessarily in a bad way, they just don’t ever talk about feelings. (hm I wonder where Jared got it from :/)
He decides he’s going to tell his mum first. So he tells her he’s gay and it actually goes suprisingly well.
Her immediate response is just ���Oh. Well, I can’t say I’m surprised.”
She says it in a teasing way and she’s smiling, but Jared is almost kind of offended?
He’s just, he’s not like “sterotypically gay” and he thought he’d done a pretty decent job of hiding it over the years. I mean sure he never expressed any interest in any girls, but he never expressed interest in any guys to his parents either?
Until his mum tells him that he announced to her that he was going to marry Luke Skywalker when he was like 7 lmao. (Sweet boy with soft blonde hair and big blue eyes? That sounds awfully familiar!)
So they have a kind of nice conversation about it. It’s a little awkward sure because like I said the Kleinmans don’t do FeelingsTM, but it’s nice and Jared feels relieved because honestly he’d been bracing himself for the worst just incase.
It’s going so well that Jared then goes “Also... I have a boyfriend.”
And now his mum actually does look surprised, which kind of hurts because surely it can’t be that unbelievable that he’s dating someone.
But she’s still really supportive, and says something along the lines of
“That’s great Jared, I’m really happy for you. If you ever want to invite him over for dinner, I’d love to meet him.”
And then is Jared all... ok so here’s the thing lmao.
“Actually, um, it’s Evan.”
And here’s where the angst part of this factors in. Because Jared’s mum just kind of... doesn’t really believe him.
She’s just like “Evan Evan?”
And Jared’s getting kind of annoyed now.  “Yes, Evan Evan.” He feels all hot and his cheeks are flushed because this is so humiliating, is it really that hard to believe that Evan would like him?
Cause here’s the thing with Jared’s parents and Evan. Growing up they’d always kind of praise him as being so polite and such a good kid, which eventually became more of a passive aggressive jab at Jared which really meant - why can’t you be more polite and well-mannered like Evan?
A lot of adults tend to baby Evan because of his anxiety and kind of assume that he can do no wrong. Like, if Jared and Evan ever did something together as kids and got in trouble, it would always be Jared’s fault. Regardless of what really happened, because the adults would just assume Jared was being a bad influence on poor, sweet Evan.
Oh boy, if Jared’s parents ever found out the truth about The Connor Project? They’d absolutely assume it was all Jared’s fault because they couldn’t possibly imagine Evan ever doing something so horrible.
ANYWAY, basically Jared’s mum thinks Evan is too good for Jared.
Which his mum actually says to him. Jared’s mum has always been blunt, but this just feels cruel. Because god if that doesn’t hit all of his biggest insecurities.
And like, He knows, Jared fucking knows that Evan’s too good for him, but hearing it from his own mother? Knowing that this seemingly universal truth is so obvious that even other people can see it? Ouch.
So yeah, the rest of that conversation doesn’t go particulary well :( If I was feeling nice I might write a second chapter of Evan comforting and reassuring Jared afterwards lol.
So tldr? Coming out goes well, but trying to convince his parents that Evan actually likes him and isn’t just dating Jared because he’s incapable of saying no? Less successful.
I’m sorry I got a little carried away with this one lmao, but now I’m thinking I might actually finish writing it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  we will see
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
First Boyfriend
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: Tom goes into protective big brother mode when you bring home your boyfriend for family dinner 
Warnings: Like one cuss word, fluff, protective brothers
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You were so excited, and nervous, to bring Jarrett to your home. After going on four dates, Jarrett asked you to be his girlfriend. When you told your mum, she told you to invite him to dinner Friday night so her and Dom could meet him as your boyfriend.
Nikki and Dom were good friends with Jarrett’s parents and knew he was a good kid. So when she helped you get ready for your first date with him, she was so thrilled. After a month of dating, she saw how happy you were with him. Saw him treating you right. So it was only right they welcome him with open arms.
When you got out of your last class for the day, you met Jarrett at his car. He was going to drive you home. You smiled when you saw him sitting on the hood with his sketchpad in his lap and pencil in his hand. As you walked closer, you didn’t want to scare him so you said,
“What you drawing there?” You said as you walked closer. He looked up at you and jumped off the hood.
“Oh just a little something something.” He said as he walked closer to you to give you a hug. He walked you to the passenger door and opened it for you. He grabbed your backpack from you and walked around the car. He set your backpack in the back by his before jumping in. You smiled at the small gesture. “So how was your day?”
“It was the same as usual. Given homework to do over the weekend.” You said. “How was your day?”
“Same as you. Want to do our homework when we get to your house to get it out of the way? Or do it Sunday?” He asked.
“We can do it before dinner. We can sit at the table so if mum needs help, we can help her.” You said. “Paddy should be the only one there if he’s not with his boys.”
Jarrett took off towards your house. When you got closer you noticed more than your parents car there. You saw Tom’s and Sam’s car sitting behind your parents’ in the driveway. Panic started to sink in as you didn’t plan for the whole family. Maybe Paddy, but that was it.
“Uh..” You started. Jarrett turned to you as he parked in the street. “My brothers are home.”
“All of them?” He said as he paled a little.
“I bet. Tom and Harry haven’t been home in two months.” You said with fear written over your face. “They don’t know I’m dating someone.”
“It’ll be okay. Let’s go in and do our homework and help your mum prepare dinner.” He said as he grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze. Both of you got out of the car. You looked at the house and took a deep breath before turning to see Jarrett carrying both of your backpacks. You smiled at him as you grabbed his hand and walked toward your house.
“Hi mum.” You yelled as you walked through the door. You took your shoes off and motioned for Jarrett to follow you to the kitchen. “Is it okay if we sit at the table to do our homework?”
“Homework on a Friday?” You heard your oldest brother say as he walked into the kitchen. “Wait.. Did you say we?” He asked as he looked from you to Jarrett.
“Tom. You remember Jarrett?” You asked.
“Yeah. Hey man. How’s it going?” Tom asked as he reached a hand for him to shake.
“I’m good. How have you been? Just get back from filming?” Jarrett asked as he set the backpacks down next to the table and sat down.
“Yeah. I did.” He said politely. “Y/N, can I talk to you for a sec?” He asked, pointing towards the living room. You sighed and nodded. “I’ll be right back Jare, go ahead and get started.” You said as you followed Tom.
“Why is he here?” Tom asked really aggressively.
“Mum invited him for dinner. We have been planning it all week.” You explained. “Not that I’m not excited your home, but why are you here so early and why didn’t anyone tell me?”
“Wanted to surprise you. We were supposed to finish next week, but we finished early and mum had mentioned dinner tonight, so me and Harry hopped on a plane to come home.” Tom said. You moved to hug him.
“It’s good to see you.” You said pulling away. “But if you’ll excuse me, I have homework to do.”
“Woah woah woah, not so fast.” He said grabbing your wrist. “I don’t like him. He seems like he’s up to something, that he likes you or something.”
“Well I hope he likes me. He’s my boyfriend.” You said analyzing Tom’s reaction. Tom went from confused to angry really quick.
“He’s your what?” He almost yelled. “You are too young to be having a boyfriend.”
“I’m 16 Tom. You were dating at my age so don’t even try that ‘too young’ crap.” You argued back. “Now seriously, I don’t want to worry about homework over the weekend so I’m going to do it now while Jarrett is here to help if I need it.” You said walking away. You were annoyed with his reaction. You knew Tom was protective, but he’s never gotten mad like that before over something so small.
“Mrs. Holland, I really do appreciate you having me. If we need to reschedule since Tom and Harry are here, I wouldn’t be upset. I bet you want some family time with them.” You heard Jarrett say as you walked back in.
“Oh nonsense Jarrett. We have plenty of room for you to join us for dinner. Tom and Harry will be home for a while, so we can do full family time this weekend.” Nikki said as she started to cook. Sam was helping.
“Hi Sam.” You walked over and hugged him. Even though he was always in town, you hadn’t seen him in a few days. Sam hugged you back before he turned back to cutting the vegetables.
You sat next to Jarrett and pulled your homework out. As you started to work on your math assignment, you noticed Tom and Harry come in and sit where they could talk with Nikki and Sam as well as stare at the table.
“So Y/N, how long have you two been dating?” Harry asked.
“A little over a month. We’ve only been official for two weeks.” You said. Jarrett smiled at you before he looked back down at his history assignment.
“What are your intentions Jarrett?” Tom asked rudely.
“Tom.” You said in a short, angry tone.
“What Y/N? If he’s going to date my sister, I think I have the right to ask.” He said.
“It’s okay y/n/n.” Jarrett said softly before he set his pen down and gave Tom his full attention. Nikki watched on as both Tom and Harry both tried to intimidate the young man. “I care for your sister a lot. I like her a lot. My intentions with her are to be her partner in crime, her shoulder to cry on, her protector, her best friend, her biggest supporter. Behind all of you of course. I won’t say I love her.” He turned to you. “It’s too soon for that.” He turned back to look Tom in the eyes. “I do have strong feelings for your sister. I won’t hurt her. Not intentionally. If I do, I’ll come to you so you can kick my ass.”
Paddy walked in as Jarrett started his speech. He already respected Jarrett. He knew the two of you were a good match. He gained more respect for him from watching him stand up to Tom and Harry.
Tom stared skeptically at the young man, but knew he just earned a lot of respect in his books. He nodded at Jarrett before turning to talk to his mum like nothing happened. Harry did the same.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered to him, side eyeing her brothers.
“Don’t be. They’re just protective over you.” He smiled at you. “Need any help with your math?”
“Actually, yes. I can’t figure out number seven.” You said pushing your homework towards him. He scooted his chair over to help walk you through the problem.
Tom turned and watched his sister. He saw how happy she was with him. She seemed to just like being around Jarrett. That he was calming to her. He saw how patient Jarrett was when he was explaining how to work the problem over and over again. How he reacted with kind words when you started to get frustrated and repeat how you felt stupid. Tom knew he didn’t have to worry about Jarrett, but you were still his baby sister and didn’t matter how old you got, he would always be protective of you.
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edwardsmedow · 3 years
Sam's little sis (pt2) (previous) (after)
Ps: I swear this is eventually Paulxreader
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The day I gat kicked out was surprisingly calm.-
As I walked out the gray changing room block, pulling my burgundy school sweat shirt over my head, I noticed Sam's black beat up land-rover. I sprinted across the small parking lot. He had his elbow on the window sill and his head propped up on his hand. In a world of his own. He hadn't noticed me standing at the drivers side. Bang! Bang! My fist bounced of the window. Sam practically jumped a foot in the air, then leant over to the other door and opened it.
"Hey sammy wammie!" I said in a stupid voice. He didn't respond, instead he drove.
He doesn't normally pick me up from school. I typically walk or get a lift from Jared's mom. Sam only took me home when I'd had an argument with mum. Witch was often to say the least. But un like every other time he's picked me up. We drove straight to his house, Sam giving me the cold shoulder all the way.
As we approached the gravel path that went through a housing estate, to a holiday home, and deep into the middle of the woods, I jokingly asked Sam, "am I being kidnapped?!" With such put on drama that ex theatre kid Sam had to be impressed. All I got was a brief smile, but it quickly turned to a frown. Something was up.
As we pulled up to his little wooden cabin he locked the door, making me feel like I realy was being kidnapped. Then looked at me like he was going to say something, but just let go of his breath and opend the lock.
Sam walked slower than normal, not like he was walking slow for me. No I was abnormally tall to. My 6,1 is still impressive even when compared to Sam, he was at least 6,6, I was definitely a freak too. But he walk slow, like he was avoiding the cozy little home, with turquoise accented panels, and jingling wind chimes, and that he shared with the fat cow Emily Young. I've hated her for as long as I've known her. She's so fake, and you do not. Under. Any. Circumstance. Steel your cousins man.
Sam unlocked the rickety old front door and walked inside. I had to admit, it was hard not to feel comfortable in Sam's cluttered kitchen. There was a few boxes on the floor. Sam had maintained a stiff posture ever since wed walked inside. "So, uhh, do you unanticipated to help me take some boxes up to the spare bedroom?" Sam asked quietly. He was oddly nervous. I nodded since my mouth was full with one of those little chocolate pastries you by from the shop.
I grabbed a box and it clattered as I moved. "Christ how much shit do you have?" I exclamed. Sam laughed awkwardly behind me.
I pushed the clean white door open. The room was light blue and had grey curtains and bed sheets, an ensuite and white desk with a matching chair. But the thing that really caught my attention, my guitar. What was that doing here? Why did it have mud on? Come to think about it, all the boxes were bashed and dirty.
Oh no.
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treason-and-plot · 3 years
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Saffron and Jared walk into the house chatting and laughing, then stop and exchange quick glances when they see Joël and Anita's faces.
Saffron: Is something wrong?
Anita: There's a couple of things we need to discuss with you. Firstly Saffron, I'm not happy about you borrowing Joël's car to give Jared driving lessons. It doesn't even have airbags!
Saffron: But Joël said we could, didn't you Joël?
Joël: Yeah, but I shouldn't have. I was a bit distracted when you asked me. Your mother's right. Her car would be a lot safer.
Saffron: Cool. Then we'll take your car next time, Mum. Okay?
Anita: Well, you won't be able to borrow it till we get back from Appaloosa Plains. We're using my car to drive there first thing tomorrow morning.
Jared: What? Why?
Anita: Joël's just received some bad news. His mother's in hospital.
Joël tells them about his mother's accident. Saffron and Jared try to disguise their glee at the news that they will be alone in the house till their return.
Saffron: No need to worry about us, we'll be fine! Won't we, Jar?
Jared: Yeah, totally. It'll be so awe- I mean, gee, poor Grandma. I hope she'll be okay.
Joël: Thanks, Jar. I hope so too.
Saffron: Yeah, what happened to her really sucks. Hey, how old is she?
Her blue eyes meet Joël's, bright and blinking with innocent inquiry.
Joël: She's sixty.
Saffron: Oh. My. God. Your mother is only ten years older than Mum!
The singing of the birds outside is very loud in the sudden stillness that has fallen over the room. Anita compresses her lips.
Anita: I'm going to go upstairs and pack.
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
World Revelations
Warnings; spoilers for season 13, mentions of death, angst, lack of hope, some Alex Calvert x reader, and tiny bit of jack x reader, swearing, brief illusions to sex, angry brothers, mentions of a sex scene, insecurities, online hate, protective winchester brothers, apocalypse world, major character death, lucifer
(Y/A/N) – Your Acting Name.
A/N; it’s a little bit different from the request, so sorry about that, but I hope that any one that reads this enjoys. Also sorry about the wait, I had bad writers block, but when I started writing this it sorta figured itself out and I may have got carried away. Feel free to tell me what you think ☺️
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“Look, I am not going to some other world to help stop Michael. But I can help you in another way, one where none of us get harmed.” Gabriel shrugged, reducing Sam’s expression to confusion. The archangel had felt like their last hope at retrieving their mother, into delving into the apocalypse world, and here he was, turning him down.
 He had tried his very best to make the celestial being better, and here he was, talking again, able to use his grace rather than have it removed and syringed into a demon’s veins. However, he still refused, and the hunter had no other plan in forcing Gabriel into helping. This was the last shot, and it had been blown.
 But however could he still help? This was the primary problem that had to be solved, there was no other route they could take to bring their family back together. And that was all that mattered in this life, saving people, remaining together.
 “What are you talking ab-“ Before Sam could complete his question, Gabriel set him with a poised glare, and snapped his magical fingers, a spark of electric blue grace sparking from the action. That was all Sam saw before he felt himself transported, and once he opened his eyes, he remained in the bunker, however there were cameras around him, and an entire filming crew.
 Gabriel had sent him to the other life, another world in which he presumed that he was called Jared. “What the hell Sammy?” Dean barked from beside him, twisting and turning his sights around, upon realising that although this looked like their home, it was an alternate version of it. A set, made of fake walls and truthless literature that was not at all necessary in this peaceful, monster-less realm. “Son of a bitch!”
 “Cut!” One of the cameramen called out, shaking his head exasperatedly at the line said wrong. Jensen had been doing so well, and Jensen seemed to have slipped far too into character, to the point where he had forgotten his lines. “Do you need to see the script again, or would you rather take a short break?”
 “I’ll go for the break.” Dean confirmed, grabbing Sam’s forearm and hastily dragging him from the onlookers, and towards which he assumed was his, well, Jensen’s trailer. It looked pretty much the same as last time. “Gabriel?” He asked, rightly assuming that the blame of this mishap ordeal was down to the glowing figure.
 “He refused to help us open a rift.” Sam licked his lips, his eyes jutting around the luxurious space. “And then he snapped his fingers, and we were here.” Here, another earth. However this was not their home, it was a disfigured writing of it, if anything, it was worse than the books Chuck wrote. There were more fans, and more complications that came along with being here in place of the actors.
 “We don’t have time for his tricks.” Sighed Dean, raking his hair with his rough hand. “Parading around as a painted whore is not on my agenda, all I care about is getting mum back, we have to get home quick.”
 “Dean, I don’t think that this is a trick…” Sam spoke to his elder brother, in thought of Gabriel’s words. “He said he could help us in another way. I don’t think he meant taking us away from the problem, there must be something else.” No matter how much he rolled the idea around his head, he could come to no conclusion.
 “What?” There was already plenty on the man’s mind, he didn’t need another incident coming their way. Dean was to begin speaking again, until a knock rapped against the door to his double’s trailer, intruding his mindset. Him and Sam shared a glance and frown until Dean called whomever was on the other side in, and to their dismay, he looked exactly like Castiel.
 Misha Collins. Last time they had visited this place, he had died, but the return of the real selves must have somewhat fixed the timeline, he looked well, even if he still was dressed as their angelic friend. “Hey, I was seeing if you are ready for the scene tomorrow.”
 “Scene? Which scene?” ‘Jared’ asked the colleague of his false identity, unaware of the context in which Misha spoke in. Dean only huffed and rolled his eyes, until Misha spoke, and he froze, both the brothers understanding Gabriel’s meaning for sending them to this world.
 “(Y/N)’s death scene. Apparently it’s gonna be quite emotional, and it’ll be strange after, not having the kid on set anymore.” It was a revelation, a nightmare that foreshadowed the truth in their own dimension.
 “Thanks uh- Misha.” ‘Jensen’ rubbed his hand over his face, shocked by the oncoming doom. They had already lost far too many members in their makeshift hunter family, but this was different. This was their sister, whom they had protected and vouched to continue doing since the day she was born. And now the universe had this grand plan of cutting her young life short, and sending her to either heaven or hell, where so many people they loved already were.
 “Do you know where um, (Y/A/N) is right now?” Sam asked, desperate to somehow convince her to remain on the show. It was the only way in which he could save his younger sibling, and he would, by the gods, do anything that he possibly could. Him and Dean had already had meetings with death himself, he couldn’t allow the new version to come and take you.
 Billy would not compromise, she was intent on having a Winchester under her cloak, forever taken from life, never to return to the living. And they couldn’t take a chance, any chance on not getting (Y/N) back, she was a legacy as were they, but she was supposed to live on for longer. Their names would otherwise be nothing more than memories in the world of hunters, until they faded into distant and dead members of the community.
 “In her trailer, I think. She’s rehearsing with Alexander I think.” The name that he mentioned was unfamiliar to the unfitting pair, but they spared no thought to it. Instead they sent him a quick smile before leaving the confines that they felt trapped in, and began their search for the actress of their sister.
 “We have to change her mind Sammy. If she stays on the show, then our (Y/N) lives. It is the simplest solution.” Dean spoke as they walked through the lines of trailers, unable to find the name that they were searching for on any door. “Where the hell is her damn trailer?”
 Sam squinted, until a name he had heard was seen on one of the doors. Alexander, whoever that was. Before he could even put any thought into his actions, he subconsciously knocked on the door, waiting a moment for an answer. And when the door opened, they were met with who looked like Jack, his hair a mess, and his shirt hanging over his shoulder, clearly put on in panic.
 “What’s up guys, need something?” He scratched the back of his neck, impatient with the situation, considering the one that he had been interrupted from. A part of him feared that this was one of Jared’s infamous pranks, he had mostly been on the end of shifted lines, but worse could have been heading his way for all he knew.
 Dean frowned at the sight of young man, it hardly felt right seeing the innocent boy that they knew with sex hair and slight bruises upon his neck. He cleared his throat, keeping up his expression, as he spoke to the boy. He had softened up to Jack, he was their kid in some ways, but this was no Nephilim, if anything it was worse, it was a man who impersonated they kid.
 “Heard that uh, (Y/A/N) was running lines with you. Y’know where she is?” Alex’s eyes shifted slightly inside of his personal space, before everything was given away by a familiar giggle. It sounded the exact same as the one that often left (Y/N)’s mouth. Dean knew it, he would never be capable of mistaking it.
 The noise had renegaded in his ears since she had been born, in the impala as John drove, through the halls of the bunker as her and Sam made jokes about his cholesterol. At the worst of times, before he knew that they existed, he liked to think that it was the voice of angel, she always guided him on the right path, and if she were to disappear from his life, he would sorely lose the track that he was hellbent on walking down.
 And he could see her face now, as she tugged the sheet over her body. A frown sculpted her expression, as she looked exasperatedly between Alex whom had tried to lure the tall pair from the confines of his trailer, and the intruders who had barged carelessly in. It wouldn’t have mattered so much if her and Alexander had actually been running lines, however the situation explained more than enough of the fact that they indeed were not.
 “Jared, Jensen, can you like, I don’t know, not cockblock me, for once in your elderly lives?” It felt peculiar, for both Sam and Dean. They knew that this was not their sister, but her calling them by other names was so foreign. Their skins crawled at the labelling, and it only reminded them farther of their cause, the reason that they were sent by an angelic being to be here in this very moment.
 “I am also getting bored of it.” Alexander tilted his head, in agreement with (Y/A/N), who only grinned at his compliance to suit her opinions, and Dean could only roll his eyes, just like he did with Jack the majority of the time. “But it’s cool, but can we hurry this along, I mean not to be rude, but aren’t you guys supposed to be filming a scene in like five minutes?”
 Sam cleared his throat, admittedly he did like Jack. The kid was sweet, however this was not him, it rather was a man who pretended to be a Nephilim for payment, and was bedding the doppelganger of his sister. If he were to see his sister and the devil’s child in such a compromising predicament, most people would assume he’d be the calm sibling, but they’d be wrong. He would go mad, and think of a way to keep the pair separate.
 But luckily for them, there had never been such adult situations insinuated between their dear (Y/N) and Jack, or at least not that they were aware of. This riled Dean, and so he couldn’t help but feel like exploding. It angered him that any man had laid their bare and lustrous hands upon his youngest sibling. No one was to have that pleasure, she was supposed to remain innocent, even if she were legal.
 “Seriously?! Jack of all people?!” He bellowed at (Y/A/N), shaking his head at their obvious exchange. If (Y/A/N) had any clothes on underneath the white sheet that hugged her body as she lay on the sofa, her instincts would have driven her over to Jensen and her palm would have met the side of his stubbly face.
 “First of all, you need to start remembering Alex’s name, and that goes for Jared too. You can’t just keep calling him Jack, even after I’m done here and move onto my next project.” Her words, although not having the intent to, had the effect of triggering Sam’s goal, in-deliberately reminding him of their foremost goal. It was not to get angry at the characters that played them and their loved ones, it was to save someone that was incredibly important to their world.
 “And second,” the woman in covering continued, “this isn’t exactly going to get me to stay on the goddamn show, if you barge in here, interrupting our privacy. If you don’t like what me and Alex are doing off screen, you sure aren’t going to like what is gonna go down between (Y/N) and Jack. Sometimes I do swear that you’re just like Sam and Dean.”
 The jab she made at them struck nerves, but they knew that this was not the real her. It may have looked like (Y/N), but this was only a woman who played the part of her. “We’ve been trying to make you stay on the show?” Sam asked, his voice soft. He didn’t want to be harsh, she was already uncomfortable enough.
 It was her unknowing that they were actually Sam and Dean that could be an element that they could use, a tool of convincing. “Yes, for weeks now.” (Y/A/N) sighed, pinching the point that was between her eyebrows. “And I’m getting tired of it, and overall, this character. I’ve played her for years on end, I think that her story should have a finishing point, a finale. I’m ready for bigger and brighter things, something that is not pretending to be a strong woman on set, and as soon as I walk away from the cameras, I go back to being weak.”
 “I think you’re going to have to explain a little more if I’m going to get any of that.” Dean prompted, both him and Sam had turned away, giving the actress in the sheets the privacy to change. The shuffling of fabrics could be heard, they had been in worse situations with their sister, small motel rooms, of which they could usually only afford one in the past, helped nobody. And none of them received the personal space that should have been an outright human right.
 “Of course neither of you understand.” Alex sighed, “she wants a smaller workspace, one where there aren’t so many eyes on her. The whole ordeal got out of hand, and now there are people online saying terrible things about her and I. Neither of you have made such a mistake, or had something so sacred and personal leaked on the internet. The things people say really digs in deep, she at least wants a break, can’t you understand that?”
 “Wait, what got leaked?” Sam’s curiosity often informed him of things that he did not wish to be aware of, and this was one of their instances. Alex huffed and rolled his eyes, walking over to where (Y/A/N) was now fully clothed, and took a seat on the sofa beside her, their eyes meeting and mirroring smiles shining at one another.
 The sight admittedly made Sam smile, but it made Dean feel internally sick. The sight of what looked like their sister and Jack fuelled a fire inside of him, he wanted his eyes to burn and the memory to be forever removed from his sights.
 “Look, you play a pretty badass character, although I’d say Dean has a bit more kick to him.” The man himself chuckled, but no one joined in, so he continued through a forced smile, coming to sit down next to Alex, his ignorance to what happened there merely minutes ago encouraging his brother to cringe.
  “But that’s not my only point, you’re here, whilst those sad souls that sit behind their computers all day waste their time typing crap. The life you have, the family that you have here, is worth more than the opinions of a few, invisible idiots, who are only jealous of everything that you have earned for yourself. Don’t breathe their toxicity win, because if you do, the bad guys win, and then you will only fade out of the spotlight and they’ll forget all about you, and all of the things they ever posted about you.”
 Alex had been understanding through all of (Y/N)’s decision to leave the cast, although to begin with he had tried to convince her to stay. And it seemed out of all of them, it was Jensen that made her reconsider her options, he could see it behind her eyes, the unravelling of interest, the flickering of hope.
 The only thing that the younger actor could not tell were that these were not Jensen’s words, they fell from the lips of Dean Winchester himself. A character that he knew of, and was an important symbol on the show that he was cast on. But it did not matter if he was not aware of that snippet, because it changed nothing, other than possibly (Y/A/N)’s mindful decision.
 “You know what, you’re right Ackles. It’s not often that I say that, but the thought of leaving everyone here, settling for something that I have no connection to or history with, it is undermining. And I’m going to talk to Kripke, he’ll be over the moon with the consideration, however if he chooses that (Y/N) is to die as was planned due to my indecisiveness, then that shall be the battle that I am to bargain with.” They had won (Y/A/N) over, it was victory.
 It was also the closest that they could do by themselves to save (Y/N). If this didn’t work, they would be nothing more than John’s broken tools, defined by all those that they were always mourning. And it would only make their sister another name on that sour list, even if her death would pain them substantially more than others.
 “I guess we’ll go then.” Sam awkwardly spoke, encouraging Dean to stand from the christened furniture and join him in leaving the sexually active couple alone. He sent the woman a nod, and Alex a raised eyebrow. He would have Jack’s head if he ever thought he had the guts or wings to be so intimate with their sister, he’d make him feel something, and it would be painful. Torturous even.
 They shut the door behind them as they departed from the actors, a smirk on Dean’s face. He felt victorious, he was the same hero that would read (Y/N) stories when it was dark and a storm was thundering outside, as she hid under the duvet of some dingy motel bed, a torch protecting her from the enveloping bleakness, but also her brothers. “I’d call this a win.”
 “They said about a video…” Sam had Jared’s phone in his hand, he scrolled through the feed with a wrinkled nose and scorned eyes. After he received an answer to what it was concluding, he put the device away, he could never look at Jack and (Y/N) around each other the same again. It was burdened by the facts of this world, contradicting the innocence that both the kids in their world showed. “It was a leaked sex scene of the show, Dean.”
 “Heck no!” Growled the elder brother, shaking his head. The instant images that flashed through his mind of the Nephilim atop of his little sister made his teeth grit in anger, and a pit of queasiness fold in the cave of his stomach. He already wasn’t too sure on Lucifer’s spawn, this only enhanced that formed opinion, and he wished to shoot the child more than ever in this instant, even if the real him was not around.
 “They’re not actually the people we know Dean.” Sam comforted him, easing his anger, but only slightly. “Nothing like that has happened between them, he is in another world, whilst (Y/N) is in the bunker, reading lore and trying to find a way to bring mum and Jack back to us.”
 “Yet Sammy, nothing has happened yet.” He allowed himself to shut his eyes for a second, and the next thing that he knew, he was returned home. His speech must have worked on the employee of the show Supernatural, otherwise, Gabriel surely would not have returned them to their home world.
  “He’s gone, for chuck sake. How are we supposed to bring Jack and Mary back if we don’t have archangel grace?!” The stressed voice of their younger sibling often triggered a debate from the brothers, but seeing and hearing her, it was a miracle. They couldn’t waste time and argue, instead Sam lurched forward, grabbing the girl and bringing her into the embrace of his giant like arms.
“We’ll figure it out (Y/N/N), we always do.” He spoke softly, earning a confused yet pleased smile. The hug had come out of nowhere, but it calmed her nerves, the rushing of the blood that hurtled around the veins of her body slowed, and it gave her a moment of peace, a blank mind before she began researching again.
 “I have a question.” Dean stated with his gruff tone, squinting at his female sibling. He suppressed a smile, she was oblivious to the blockade that had rested above her head like a raincloud, but he knew that she was here for good. And that she was not leaving to any sort of afterlife any time soon. “Do you have the hots for Jack?”
 (Y/N)’s eyes went wide, however she forced a scoff to hide the shock and cover up anything that her brothers could pick up on. She released herself from Sam’s hold, taking a couple of simple steps backwards, so that she could have a clear view of the expressions that both of them wore. “Are you seriously asking me that at a time like this?” Her sentence was finished with a sigh and a roll of her eyes.
 But her brothers knew their sister well enough, and that she indeed did not want to admit something to them. (Y/N) was much easier to read than (Y/A/N) was, they had known this growing woman since the day that she was born, the same day in which John rescued the shrieking baby from a mother that was fed and eaten by wolves. She would have been next, however the hunter saved her, as was in his job description, but he couldn’t bare to let her stream through the system.
 He felt an attachment to her, and looking at her was practically the same as the notion of peering at one of his boys. She was to be a Winchester, he hadn’t decided it, but God himself did. The universe worked in mysterious ways, it was as though it was all written out for the family, but this instant, none of them minded. It gave the boys another reason to fight, another person to love, and eventually another family member to lose.
 But it had been evaded this time, Gabriel had although not helped them with reaching their mother and the son of Kelly Kline, however, he had somewhat saved (Y/N) himself. Without his trickster interference, they’d have never known of her doomed fate, or have been able to fix it.
 “I’ll take that as a yes.” Dean was smug with being right, as he always was. Overall though, he was more pleased to know that they had stopped the crumbling of the bottom of the family tree, they had protected their sister, literally to the ends of the world.
 “Pick up a damn book and help me, I’m not doing all of this research by myself.” Another sign that he was indeed correct, changing the subject, how original. But neither of the brothers, more so Dean than Sam, even wanted to try and switch the mindset that (Y/N) had about the boy. They were allowed to have feelings, romantic and so on, and their sister appeared happy with the tether that was from her heart to Jack’s.
   The vampires were almost mutated. This apocalypse world had really taken a toll on all life. Michael of this plain had destroyed everything that was known to be true, even living itself. The habitat of these morsal creatures was dark, and disgusting. Humans had already tried to pass through the deadly lair to reach the other side, to get to the rebellion camp, however, no one had survived to the opposite end of things.
 (Y/N) felt hopeless, even as she walked through the home of the starving monsters. She had never been a fan of vampires, no hunter was, but this was cruel to every extent. They didn’t even appear as human anymore, their fates had been cursed by this ruined land. Without the world that was in her own, they would be worse off, everything in this dimension was.
 Everyone of their company was on edge, Dean ensured that he kept a sturdy eye forward, looking for any light. He knew (Y/N) would have to be okay, it was paved for her to be so in the other universe, she’d be fine. Of course, he still worried, that was what he did in retrospect, all day, every day, he worried that it was to be someone’s last.
 And he was right, as the monsters crept from the dark, tasting the scent of rushing blood in the air. They had lured them from their slumber, and they began to attack, dragging one of the travellers towards their death, where they would be fed on until he was completely drained. (Y/N) swung her machete, beheading one of the animals without a second glance, but perhaps she should have spared another look on the side, as she was a target.
 She was the prey to what she was raised to hunt, it wrapped its clawed hand around her leg like a coil, dragging her to the ground, and feasting its teeth into her supple flesh. This was it, there was no route away from her fate, and her body was already weak from blood loss, and so she gave up, and refused to fight. Her body was dragged into the abyss of the nest, and its members followed after her.
 Sam noticed their apparent glee, they had yet again prized food from them. He looked around to see whom it may be, and he was aghast with the sight. (Y/N) had her eyes shut as her limp form was being taken by vampires, and he froze, traumatised by the sight. And his surprised and hurt stature gave another of the beasts the perfect opportunity to rip into the rubber of his neck, and relish in the unstoppable river of blood that poured out from the fatal wound.
 “No!” Dean cried out, noticing that his sister too had disappeared. Before he could follow after the menaces and get vengeance, and possibly save his family from being the meal of savages, Castiel grasped his arm, pain rendering in the blueness of his vessel’s eyes.
 “They’re gone Dean.” His words rang through the hunter’s head. This was his worst nightmare. Gabriel’s warning had not helped at all, because (Y/N) was dead, and so was Sam. He forced himself to trudge on, pained like no other time before. Sam had died before, but he had always found a way to retrieve him back into life, and even through his tragic absence, he always had (Y/N). Now, the only other Winchester was his mother, who also needed to be saved from this damned world.
   “Think about it Sammy, Jack is going to be so pleased to see you alive, but your little sis, well, I’m sure that is going to be one hell of a reunion between them.” Lucifer smirked, he was in Nick’s body again, using it as a vessel. “And he’ll think of me as a saviour, a knight that saved his princess from a terrible fate.”
 The fallen archangel always had ulterior motives, and Sam realised that he had no choice in whether he’d rather remain dead, or be used as a bargaining chip by the devil himself. His interest in Jack was not exactly pure, it was clear to the man that he sought the backup, the power of his biological son. His intent was to creep into the boy’s mind, and decipher for the kid the difference between wrong and right.
 “That’s what you want, to lie to him about who you are?” He couldn’t exactly say he was surprised, even more so that the audience of vampires were seething to break free from Lucifer’s force. He wasn’t even supposed to be here, he should have been in the bunker, his grace feeding away at Rowena’s spell, and keeping the gate open for their return.
 “I’ll just bend the truth to fit the story, and I care about my son. As you care about your dear sister, and it would be a shame if she were not to wake, and then the news will have to be delivered to my boy, and I’m sure that would just break his half and half heart.” The celestial being, the epidemy of evil tutted at the thought, only to send Sam a mischievous smirk afterwards. “You don’t want him to be like me, but without her, he’ll be in so much pain that he won’t think about his actions. If he has (Y/N/N), then that choice will be entirely up to him, and what he believes in, yada yada yada.”
 The sight of his sister covered in her own blood, motionless on the ground, bite marks on her shoulders and elsewhere drew out a desperation in Sam. He couldn’t not allow the villain to bring her back to life, and it seemed that no matter what he disputed, that Lucifer would do it anyway, to get himself in Jack’s good books. And so he hung his head low, awaiting the personal enemy of his to resurrect the most important woman in his life.
 On first instinct, (Y/N) gasped in air. There was a lack of it rolling around the vitals of her lungs, but her breath was taken away once more, when she saw the looming of a horrifying figure, a first son of god. He was supposed to be, even if forced to do so by the traditions of magic, be at the bunker, revelling them with a way back. Rowena had been left there also, to keep the spell brewing, and a fearful eye on the hellish shadow.
 Assumingly, he had escaped his sentence, and for some reason, brought her to life. It was no mistake as to what the vampires had done to her, she could smell the spilling of her own blood over her thrifted and worn clothes, and it was gruesome. Although it was not the hunter’s first time in being a sponge to her injuries, but nevertheless, she fought to stand beside Sam, who steadied her shaken feet, and balanced out the rest of her body by looping his supportive arm around her waist.
 “Come on.” Lucifer rolled the human eyes that he wore like spectacles into the lives of the Winchesters, unimpressed by the slowness of the world’s large cockroaches. “We have places to be and sons to meet.” At his verbalised of clarity for his ungodly presence, (Y/N)’s body became rigid. His intent was to get to Jack, she couldn’t allow him to provoke a fire inside the boy.
 He was sweet and innocent, even harmless, despite the accident that had happened when he accompanied her and her brothers on a hunt. If Lucifer reached him, he would only try and navigate the darkness inside of him to be what it was, rather than try and make him change it into something brighter, something that was good, like Kelly would have wanted.
 “No.” (Y/N) refused, earning a frown from Sam and a elongated groan from Lucifer. She had died, it didn’t matter if she were to return to that fate, not if she stood by what she truly believed in. Nothing much would change, other than the vampires getting another meal from the same body, Dean already thought that she was extinguished from life, and the news would be passed on before any of them were to reach him.
 “Oh, for crying out loud!” The devil shook his wolfish head, Winchesters were always so stubborn. “I’d allow it if Sam were to stand against the gift of life, I’ve seen what is inside of his head after all, but you! You’re the priority here, you are Jack’s weakness.” This gesture of good faith seemed to be more than it was worth, but if she didn’t comply willingly, then he would force her to follow him along, and live.
 “Where’d you hear that from? He doesn’t have a weakness, he just has a good heart. I’m just another person that he lives with, a soldier that is going to fight anyone that dares to try and hurt him. And I won’t mind if I have to give my life to try and kill you.” She spat at the disgrace of heaven, hardly moved by his goal. As a Winchester, the stubbornness ran through her veins, even if the bloodline itself did not.
 “I hear things, and I did in that bunker. Like how Dean was speaking about you and Jackie boy, and how it all made sense. The shared looks, the flushed faces, all that gross stuff. He didn’t seem too happy with the circumstances, but he was content with the fact that you were alive, like you are again, because of me.”
Lucifer was the last person that (Y/N) would thank for her existence, but she realised that there was no way out of his trap, she was the bait for Jack, that would reel the boy into the wings of his dreaded father.
He could sometimes be so naive, that she feared that Jack would fall for the extension of kindness, one that hardly suited Lucifer. But that was up to him, and in this apocalyptic version of her world, anything could happen.
“She’s dead.” Dean’s voice was gravelly, it had been dragged through hope, and now the realisation that his baby brother and sister were lost to life. The eyes belonging to Jack widened, and tears began to form.
He could quite comprehend how he felt. There was a tearing in his chest, he felt as though he was being split apart, his breathing rapidly increased, and his eyes flared like the bursts of the sun.
Until whispers hit his ears, and he looked up, only to see the girl alive and well. He was not the only one relieved in the circumstances, Dean and Mary were too, but they feared the fact that Lucifer had joined them, and was being trailed by the bloodied siblings; the ones that he had saved for his selfish purposes.
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colimbae · 3 years
supernatural for dummies (or theres so many supernatural memes and they are fun! but who wants to watch 15 long ass seasons to enjoy memes)
disclaimer: i watched supernatural years ago, and stopped watching at maybe season seven but will that even matter? no.
supernatural is a monster of the week show (aka each episode is a discreet story, that in this case involves actual monsters) in an america where all of the creepy monsters are real, common, and very deadly, but most people have no idea about it somehow
some people do, and they hunt them down for the good of humanity and nothing else. they dont get paid. toss a coin to your witcher people. they are imaginatively called hunters
sam and dean winchester are hunters because their dad was a hunter (and an abusive prick) and their mum got killed by a monster. sam tried to pretend like there werent monsters and went to law school, only to have his partner also die by monster (rip). dean turned up, said that their dad had gone missing, and was like “hey lets hunt again” and so they did for the rest of their (dean’s) life
important story beats for all of the show include:
dean is macho man
dean used to pick up girls CONSTANTLY. like every bar he went to. then for some reason the show runners decided to make every antagonist call dean gay in various fun ways and he started to not pick up hot girls at every bar and instead get… flirted at… by dudes
i think that was meant to somehow just be homophobic jokes but they instead just made him look gay on purpose lmao whoops
sam misses his old life :( but he’s good at researching monsters and killing them and also getting flirted with
every season they tried to ramp up the stakes like “oh no its armageddon” “oh no wheres god” (or something like that) and they had to ramp up the stakes FIFTEEN TIMES. they started way to high for that
so there was demon possession and all that jazz, a (surely) gay demon named crowley who hit on dean constantly and also the lilith? getting all the big names in here
dean went to hell at one point. cant remember why. thats not important though, only that he was there
he then woke up out of hell with a handprint scarred onto his shoulder and fear in his heart
after a lot of build up it just turned out that a (now confirmed!) gay angel in a trenchcoat decided dean looked too cute to be in hell x
castiel, our gay boy, wasn’t meant to be a big character but the fans loved him so the showrunners just. went with it. and so we watched a lot of dean (and sam) teaching their gay angel friend about life, going on roadtrips with him, hunting with him, declaring that dean wont let him die a virgin no matter what (GOTTA RAISE THE STAKES)
you know, straight activities
(i dare you to go look up how many dean/cas fics there are on ao3)
so anyway this went on for many years. idk how they didnt run out of monsters and/or stakes to raise
but in 2020 they decided that enough was enough. they would end the show at fifteen seasons (thank god) but they had to make the finale the Biggest One Yet (oh god)
so, near the end of the season, they have castiel dramatically reveal he was always in love with dean just before being whisked away to SuperHell™ while dean just stood there and watched, confused. 
this is where things get wild
this reveal, that fans had been hoping to see for OVER A DECADE was a) terrible b) killed off the gay instantly c) made dean/his actor (jensen ackles) look Home Of Phobic and, most importantly, d) was released during the wait for the 2020 presidency election results and the putin meme night 
everyone went insane, started researching everything, decided that actually jensen ackles was the true destiel stan and had tried to get a line into the show where dean reciprocated, there was a whole thing with the spanish subtitles confirming deans romantic love for cas y yo a ti, cas
then we saw the finale. dean died by tetanus nail, went to heaven, didnt see or talk about cas once,,,, sam just stopped hunting and went back to his old life, and for some ungodly reason they kept playing carry on my wayward son Over and Over again. everyone was sad
cut to today (25/06/21 nz time) and jensen ackles reveals that hes doing a prequel to supernatural, focused on the abusive dad and dead wife meeting, that he didnt tell any of his former cast members about? including the dude who played sam (jared padalecki) who found out (and then was very publicly sad about this) on twitter (OR the castiel actor, misha collins, who fun fact interned at the whitehouse as a young adult and wrote about the monica lewinsky scandal and stole security passes, apparently)
everyone has decided that the public drama from this will be the spiritual season sixteen of supernatural and are treating this like reality tv
have fun now x
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theatreslave · 3 years
Recovery Ch 2
Second Chapter of my Manifest Fic Jared/Drea Fic
By the end of their first week as partners, Jared and Drea had gotten into an easy routine. Jared, like the lieutenant he is, would arrive at the precinct first. He would drop off a cup of coffee at Drea’s desk and then head over to his own. Drea would arrive a half hour later with some breakfast for the both of them, some days she would make something and other days she would grab something nearby.
Then they both would both be at their desks looking over files until one or the other needed some type of consultation. It was surprisingly easy. The banter was fast and snarky which fit their dynamic. When they were out in the field, Drea didn’t mind letting Jared take the lead. He was an amazing detective and seeing him in action first hand was a treat for her. Things had been pretty standard since Michaela left, thankfully no 828er drama or anything from the Xers. Just your run of the mill robberies, domestics, and crimes of passion.
Jared had been over to Drea’s two more times since that first night. Once to cook for her to prove that he wasn’t a terrible cook after a disagreement over tastes in pizza, long story. The next time was to watch a horror movie that Drea insisted that Jared wouldn’t be able to get through; he didn’t. At least not without turning all the lights on and some cuddles from Mimi.
Jared was surprised by how easy it was to get along with Drea without Michaela around. He had thought it might be awkward without a common denominator, but it was anything but. Drea was charming. As simple as that. She was always smiling, playful, and endlessly curious. Opinionated and stubborn. It made for some hilarious conversations and interesting bets between them. But she was also an incredibly competent detective. He had seen her put her rich upbringing to use, from finding connections to get them into exclusive illegal online auctions, to clearance for an emergency helicopter landing on private property. She could slip from one persona to the next seamlessly, happy-go-lucky rookie to experienced and connected detective. And Jared liked her. Not like that. But he enjoyed her company and was honestly happy to call her his friend.
Drea on the other hand was surprised to learn that Jared really did have a life outside of his Michaela obsession and his romantic escapades. He took hikes on his own and knew all the trails around the greater New York area. He loved cooking and playing cards. He was also as charming as could be. She knew he was handsome, everybody did. When she had started with the precinct she noticed, but he was married back then so she didn’t bat an eye. But having his attention on her, his focus, occasionally made her blush. Not that she liked him like that. She was actually very happy to call him a friend. Jared didn’t seem to mind her invites or challenges and that was all the encouragement she needed.
It was the end of a long Saturday that had them running around in search of a kidnapped child. Thankfully the culprit had a soul and only wanted the car. They dropped the kid off in a park and his parents’ stranger danger training had kicked in and he had run into a school that happened to have after school programs. The relief that had travelled through everyone in search of this child was palpable. By dumb luck a rookie had stumbled upon the stolen vehicle on the way home in Queens. The culprit had been arrested, the parents and child reunited, and all was well.
Jared was in a jovial mood after the day’s successes. He was perched on the corner of Drea’s desk urging her to hurry up with the paperwork for the day so they could grab dinner, “Come on Mikami, you can type faster than that.”
Before Drea could respond her cell phone rang. Recognizing the name she swept it up and shushed Jared, “Hi Mom.”
Jared smirked and decided to have a little fun. He made his way around the desk to stand behind her. Speaking louder than normal he said, “Drea, baby, hurry up, I wanna take you out.”
Drea smacked his arm hard, sending him into a fit of laughter. The few officers still at the precinct just ignored the two’s antics, a familiar sight already. “No Mom, that was nothing. Just my partner messing with me. Yeah, yeah don’t worry about it.”
Jared proceeded to poke her lightly but quickly in the side making her yelp. Before he could run, Drea was up, had tripped him, and had him in a headlock. Jared sputtered, turning red with amusement and embarrassment at his new position.
“Oh nothing Ma, I just stubbed my toe. Yes I will be careful. Don’t listen to him Mom, you know I have coworkers over sometimes. It’s nothing weird.” Drea squeezed a bit tighter when Jared tried to pry her arm away. He finally stopped struggling when he realized how strong she really was. “I know Mom, but do I have to? I told you I could take care of it. Mom, please? Fine, but I’m bringing my partner with me. Ok bye.”
Drea ended the call then proceeded to give Jared a noogie, “Hey watch the hair!”
“You idiot! You’re lucky my mom is hard of hearing or she would have had a heart attack. I’ve already had to convince her that you coming over was nothing. She’s already on my ass about being paired with ‘unseemly men’ all the time.” Drea said finally relinquishing her hold on Jared.
“Unseemly?” Jared said, loosening his tie, “Was the head lock really necessary?”
Drea smacked him again, “Grab your stuff and go home and shower and get into a new suit. I will pick you up in an hour and you are coming with me to this fundraiser my cousin is throwing.”
“Oh no no no, you are not dragging me along to one of your rich people functions,” Jared insisted.
“There will be free gourmet food and I will buy you those new Nike’s when they get released next week.” Drea bargained.
Jared held her gaze for a long moment then finally caved, “Deal.”
“Ok then I will see you in a little over an hour. Bye!” Drea said before hurriedly packing her things and then rushing out the door.
Jared stood in shock, wondering exactly what he got himself into, before he headed out the same way.
He didn’t want to look like a complete fool so he had opted for his higher end deep navy suit and brown shoes and belt. Jared’s shirt was a light yellow and his tie matched with a deep blue and yellow pattern, perfect for spring. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and nodded his head. Not too shabby considering it was last minute. Honestly he probably should have asked Drea what exactly to wear. His phone chimed telling him that Drea was waiting outside for him.
Drea was waiting in her car, waving for him to hop in. Once he was buckled in he finally had a chance to take a look at Drea all dressed up. She was wearing a soft blue lace dress that reached her knees. It had cap sleeves and a rounded neckline. Her hair fell in soft waves and was longer, down to mid-back.
“Are you wearing extensions?” Jared finally breathed out.
“Yea, my mom likes it better when I have longer hair,” Drea replied, focusing on the road.
Jared couldn’t stop himself and reached out to play with an errant curly, “I really like it.”
Drea turned to him, surprised, “Don’t go falling for me now, Vasquez.”
Jared just laughed, “Not falling. Just appreciating that my usually childish partner can actually look like a beautiful grown woman.”
“You clean up pretty great too. We even match a little,” Drea glanced at him with a smile, “ Anyway, I just need you to mingle with me and protect me from my dad’s creepy business partners and hopefully deter my mum from trying to introduce me to any of their sons.”
“And your mom will stop because I’m around?” Jared asked.
“She assumes that I’m dating any man I talk to, no matter what I say otherwise. Bringing you to a function will get rumors going and the damage control will get her off my back. Oh and don’t take any bribes from her or her butlers,” Drea rambled.
“So I’m your date?” Jared said with a smirk.
“Technically, so don’t go flirting with anyone or my mother might have you shipped off somewhere. She might not like me “dating” but she will raise hell if anyone cheats on me,” Drea warned.
Jared couldn’t help but laugh, “This might actually be fun. How much PDA would freak out your hoity toity rich friends?”
“They barely shake hands, let alone hug. But don’t get any ideas,“ Drea managed to glare at Jared who just raised his hands in defeat.
They approached a large venue with a sprawling lawn and a circular valet drop off. Jared was distracted by the sheer size of the place and the extravagant cars that were being valeted off to a hidden parking lot. “Hey, Drea?”
Jared turned to his partner only to see her handing her keys off to a valet boy. It was then that he noticed her demure lace dress was actually backless, showing off her clear skin and an intricate moon phase tattoo down her spinal column. Just like her hair, he felt his fingers twitch, wanting to touch the tattoo. But she turned. “Are you nervous? You don’t have to be. I promise they are mostly nice, just a bit snooty. Just go with the flow, eat the food, and then I can take you home.”
“Your place or mine?” Jared said absentmindedly, the image of her bareback glued to his sight.
Drea just smacked his shoulder and then started walking into the venue. Jared shook his head and then followed her up the stairs and between the columns of marble. He cursed under his breath. Seeing her looking so different from her rather tomboy-esque persona at work was having an odd effect on him. He took a deep breath. She’s just a friend. A good friend. Don’t mess this up.
Jared stood next to Drea at the entrance of a ballroom. There were quite a few people making small talk, sitting at various tables, and drinking champagne. Jared took Drea’s hand and placed it on the crook of his arm. She seemed nervous but she latched onto his arm, turned to him and smiled, then pulled him along.
A few people waved at her, some greeted her as she walked by, but thankfully no one stopped them or asked her about her date. The tables seemed to be assigned and soon Drea stopped in front of a round table that already had a severe looking older asian woman and a softer looking older asian man seated.
“Hi Mom. Hi Dad.” Drea said in greeting. The two elders stood up, hugging their daughter and sneaking glances at Jared, “This is my partner, Lieutenant Jared Vasquez.”
“Nice to meet you.” Jared offered his hand for a shake but the two just nodded their heads.
“I am Eileen Tamaki and this is my husband, Akimitsu Tamaki.” Eileen said, looking at Jared up and down. Akimitsu who had been staring intently finally smiled then reached out a hand to shake Jared’s. Jared didn’t know what was going on but shook his hand and even bowed a little not wanting to be rude, despite the earlier rejection.
“I have seen you on the news Lieutenant. I knew you were familiar, it took me a moment to place you. You have solved many cases in this city of ours, it is my pleasure to meet you. It makes me feel relieved to have you working with my daughter in such a dangerous field,“ Akimitsu praised, his eyes glowing with kindness.
“It’s my pleasure, sir. Your daughter is a great detective. I can always rely on her.” Jared replied sincerely.
“Come and sit, before the others arrive,” Her father gestured to the table. The size and roundness of the table caused Jared and Drea to sit across from her parents so it would be easier to talk. Eileen still had a stoniness to her visage while Akimitsu was already making small talk.
“Drea didn’t you have anything else to wear?” Eileen finally chimed in hushed tones.
“Eileen, leave her alone. She’s a grown woman, she can wear what she wants.” Akimitsu interrupted. “She looks lovely and I’m sure Jared agrees with me.”
“She looks beautiful,” Jared agreed.
Drea blushed at their defense, not noticing the very different looks her parents were sending Jared’s way. Before anything more could be said, two women who looked around Drea’s age came up to the table greeting everyone. The taller redhead was named Katrina, and her blonde friend was named Melody. Drea greeted them warmly as they took seats next to her. Before Jared could be introduced, two younger men joined the table as well. Katrina’s husband, Caleb, and Melody’s fiance, Ivan.
“The youth have arrived my dear, it is time we move to our own table now that we have seen Drea,” Akimitsu said as he stood up, offering his hand to his wife.
“I knew you weren’t assigned to sit with me, Uncle Rico would have been jealous,” Drea said as she waved to her parents. Eileen and Akimitsu said their farewells, nodding to Jared, before making their way across the ballroom.
“So Drea, introduce us,” Katrina giggled, gesturing towards Jared. Drea smiled awkwardly as the rest of the table made noises of agreement.
Jared decided to grant her some mercy and introduced himself, “I’m Jared Vasquez, Drea’s partner. It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Drea! Where have you been hiding him?” Melody asked excitedly, “If I didn’t have Ivan around I would have had to steal Jared away.”
Jared just threw an arm around Drea’s shoulders, “I’m definitely not that easy to steal away.”
Ivan chuckled, “I don’t know, Jared, she managed to pull me away from Major League baseball, she’s incredibly convincing. Still not sure if it was worth it though.”
“Hey!” Melody retorted, flicking water at her fiance, “That’s why you’re gonna marry me!”
“I know, what am I thinking,” Ivan faked a look of regret before smiling, “Don’t go flirting with Drea’s man, Mel, it isn’t me you’ll have to worry about.”
“Yeah Mel, you know how protective Drea is. She would literally fight you if you touch her man, remember, Isaac?” Katrina said.
“Jared’s not my man, he's just my partner. I’m never going to live that down, am I?” Drea said, letting out a short laugh.
“Dumping a glass of wine on Mel’s white Versace gown because she flirted with your man at her birthday party was a bit too dramatic to be forgettable,” Caleb finally joined the conversation, “We all know that Mel’s a flirt, Drea, but you were so far up that guys ass.”
“Don’t remind me. Sorry, about that again Mel. Really.” Drea said looking embarrassed.
“It’s old news Drea, no worries. You ended up getting the short end of the stick on that one,” Mel said looking sympathetic.
“Hey, hey, no walking down ‘bad memory lane.’ Drea is safe and sound with a hottie on her arm, and looking sexy as ever. Don’t think I didn’t notice the open back on that dress,” Katrina interrupted, expertly changing the subject.
Jared found himself lost in thought as they started talking about outfits and some fashion show. He was curious about Isaac. Who was he and why was he such a sore spot? He was so lost in thought he didn’t realize that he was absentmindedly playing with Drea’s hair.
Melody leaned in to whisper into Drea’s ear,”He’s cute Drea, and he seems to really like you.”
“It’s not like that, he’s just my partner at work, I brought him so Mom wouldn’t try to introduce me to anyone tonight,” Drea whispered back.
“I don’t know, Drea, he seems very affectionate. Act or not, he’s comfortable around you, and you are with him. Maybe it’s a game right now but keep an open mind. I think he would be good for you,” Melody said with a smile.
Two more men joined the table. A slightly older man who greeted Drea warmly. Apparently her cousin Julian, the one putting on the fundraiser. The last was a tall handsome Korean man named Kevin who seemed to immediately dislike Jared and his proximity to Drea. Jared made a point to lean closer to Drea, feeling oddly protective seeing the way the man eyed her hungrily.
“Julian, Kevin, this is my partner, Jared Vasquez, he’s helping me deter mom from throwing me to the wolves,” Drea said.
“He’s definitely an upgrade from the last man you introduced us to, Drea,” Julian joked before reaching out to shake Jared’s hand, “Nice to meet you, man. Be careful with the elder Mikami. She’s been trying to get Drea married off for years. Every event I throw inadvertently gets turned into a speed dating event for Drea. I’m happy she found a friend willing to put up with it to spare her some embarrassment.”
“My pleasure, Drea’s a great partner,” Jared said, throwing a fond smile her way.
“Nice to meet you,” Kevin said stiffly as he shook Jared’s hand. He then turned to Drea, “If you needed a date you could have asked me Drea.”
“Oh stop it Kevin, you’re one of the ones that Mrs. Mikami would force Drea to marry. You know Drea, she wants a ‘normal guy’,” Katrina said bluntly.
“Guys, just stop. I’m not getting married anytime soon to anyone,” Drea said with a hint of frustration, “Can we talk about Mel and Ivan finally getting engaged after 7 years.”
Julian and Kevin took the last two seats at the table across from Jared and Drea. The group started talking jovially about Melody and Ivan’s upcoming nuptials. The dinner was served and it was one of the most delicious meals that he had had in a while. It was nice seeing Drea loosen up and talk with friends he had known since she was a child.
Eventually, Julian left the table to host the event. It was pretty standard, the tickets and donations from all these rich people would go to some charity for underprivileged kids in the city. It devolved from there into a party with a band playing instrumental music. Things were going incredibly smooth until Jared decided to go to the restroom.
The two couples had gone off to the dancefloor, Julian was off mingling, and that left Kevin and Drea. Kevin immediately took a seat next to Drea, taking her hand and leaning in close so she could hear him speak.
“Drea, you look so beautiful tonight. When will you give me a chance?” Kevin asked, gripping her hand tightly.
“Kevin, stop joking around,” Drea shrugged him off, removing her hand from his grasp to reach for her wine glass.
Kevin grabbed her hand again and leaned in so that his lips were brushing her ear with each word, “Drea, I’m not joking. You told me to wait. After everything with Isaac you needed time to heal. So I gave you that time. It’s been five years, Drea. I’m the CEO of my family’s company. Your father and I are business partners. Your mother has given her blessing. I expected to come here and finally confess again now that you’ve let off some steam with this rebellion. But it’s time to leave that job and your partner behind and come back and run our families’ businesses together.”
“Kevin, let me go. I know what I said before. I did my healing and I won’t settle for anything less than I want and deserve. And I don’t want you. I’m sorry.” Drea whispered back urgently, pushing Kevin back into his seat.
“You’re such a stupid bitch you know that. After everything we’ve been through. After you chose that psycho over me. And who did you go running to when he turned on you? You think you’re too good for me Drea? You’re nothing but a used up druggies bitch who doesn’t know when to shut up and just take her best option. Or do you only let psycho meth heads fuck you? Does your new partner know what kind of whore you are?” Kevin seethed, getting in her face. His voice grew louder with each sentence. The music and chatter was still louder than him, but those nearby had started to notice that something was wrong.
Drea was close to tears, standing from her seat she addressed him, “How could you say that?”
“How could you reject me? I’m more than you deserve but I would still love you Drea. Even knowing your history. Not many men would. Especially men of my caliber. You think your little lieutenant will still like you when he finds out what they did to you? You aren’t worth anything Drea. But I’m worth so much that I can make up for it. Just stop being such a pig headed bitch and make a good choice for once!” Kevin urged her. Grabbing her by her shoulders and shaking her.
Suddenly, Drea was pulled from his grasp and Jared was in front of her, throwing a punch so hard that Kevin landed hard on the floor, knocked out. Eyes started turning towards them, someone gasped, someone screamed. Then people were rushing towards them. Jared turned to her to say something, but she couldn’t hear anything. Blood was rushing in her ears, tears were streaming down her face and all she could do was run. So she did.
She ran between the tables, pushed her way through the crowd and escaped through side doors that lead to a courtyard. The spring night air was cold on her skin, her breaths coming in sharp inhales that nearly made her cough. Drea couldn’t see the beautiful garden or the perfectly carved pillars through her tears. The heaving sobs that wracked her body came hard and fast. She reached out for something, anything to cling to while she spiralled into the feeling. Like she was dying. So overwhelmingly alive with pain and cold air and heartache, but at the same time she was dying from it.
Drea’s hand found the cold rock of a pillar and she gripped fruitlessly at the smooth surface. Her knees gave way and she fell. Curling up against the pillar, her hands gripping the cloth at her chest, trying to find her own heart because she didn’t think it could still be there.
Drea was so overwhelmed that she hadn’t noticed that Jared wasn’t far behind her. When he reached for her hands to stop her from tearing her dress she fought back.
“Drea! Drea! It’s me! It’s Jared! I’m not going to hurt you,” Jared pleaded as she scratched and flailed. He managed to grab both her wrists and then held them both down with one hand while the other gently but firmly cupped her cheek, “Drea, look at me. Look at me. You’re ok. You’re safe. It’s just me. It’s Jared.”
Drea met his eyes and familiarity slowly sank in. When she finally spoke her voice was soft and broken from crying, “Jay?”
Jared just opened his arms and Drea threw herself into them, weeping. His mind was moving a mile a minute. He was angry at Kevin for what he said, even though he didn’t understand half of it. He was angry at himself for leaving Drea alone when he was supposed to protect her. But most of all he was worried. Drea never shortened his name. She said she felt like she was stepping into Michaela territory if she did. Instead she made up all kinds of silly names for him instead.
Her wracking sobs soon faded and her breathing slowed. Jared now had his back to the pillar, his arms around Drea, with her in his lap. She had her head curled into the crook of his neck. Jared didn’t say anything as he held her in his arms, gently running his hand up and down the outside of her bicep. He tried not to think of how good she smelled, and how she was trembling just the slightest bit.
The tell tale click of high heels on stone broke the intimate moment. Drea stiffened in his arms but he only held her tighter and whispered reassuring words.
“Drea? Jared?” Katrina called softly before she rounded the pillar. Once she spotted them she gasped at the sight of her friend and knelt down, “Oh Dre. I’m so sorry. If we had known he would push you again we would have never left you alone. He’s gone now. Your dad had a fit and Julian kicked him out. I can’t believe he would say those things.”
Drea didn’t respond, just turned closer into Jared’s neck. She was telling him she wanted to go. He didn’t know how he knew but he knew. “Katrina, is there any way you can get the valet to bring Drea’s car to the back outside the courtyard gate? I think it’s best that I take Drea home.”
“Jared, it really won’t look good for her to just leave. I mean it will be like she let Kevin win,” Katrina responded without thinking.
Drea flinched, and that made Jared angry, “Look Katrina I know we just met, but right now I think the only one who is putting Drea first is me. So please get Drea’s car brought over. We are leaving and I don’t give a damn what any of you people think because Drea did absolutely nothing wrong.”
Properly chastised Katrina whispered an apology before heading back into the building. Jared sighed pulling Drea closer to his chest to bring him some comfort of his own. He leaned his head against Drea’s, kissing her forehead instinctually, “Drea, I’m gonna take you home ok. I know I’m making decisions for you and you hate that but I’m worried about you. So I’m going to take you home where I know you will be safe, away from all this.”
Drea didn’t respond for a moment then he felt her nod her head and grip him tighter. Her voice came soft and muffled, “Take me home, Jay.”
Jared did just that. He took her home to his house. Something told him she didn’t want to go back to her apartment. She didn’t question the route they took or when they arrived in front of his place and he led her inside. Drea was looking less unstable but that didn’t stop Jared from babying her. He sat her in the living room and brought her a glass of cold water. She sipped at it. He carefully took her shoes off and then gingerly started combing her hair. Drea stayed stuck in her thoughts until she realized he was meticulously taking out her clip in extensions and placing them on the coffee table.
Drea was surprised at the thoughtful and detailed gesture and felt herself start crying again. But the tears were silent and accompanied by a sad smile.
“There we go. Well, Cinderella, it is a lot later than midnight and time for bed. I’ll go find you something to sleep in and wash up myself. Then you can have my bedroom and the bathroom,” Jared stood up to go up stairs but Drea grasped his hand. When he turned she stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thank you, Jared. Thank you for everything.”
“Drea, you’re my friend. You needed me and I was there. I don’t know what all that was but don’t feel like you have to explain anything to me. I’m just happy you’re feeling better. That Kevin guy is a dick. Forget him and anything he said,” Jared replied. He held her close, rubbing his hand up and down on her back. She finally relinquished her grasp on him and looked up at him.
Her eyes were rimmed red and puffy. But she looked up at him with a soft smile, “You really are a knight in a shining necktie.”
Jared laughed and just made his way upstairs. In the meantime, Drea checked her phone. There were a few missed calls and texts that she ignored. She decided not to tell Jared the details behind the confrontation that night. She wasn’t ready to admit it to him. When Jared came down, he had his arms full. An extra blanket and pillow for himself and a t-shirt and boxers for her. “This is all I have but it should be comfortable enough for tonight. Don’t bother arguing with me about my bed. You’re my guest, and after tonight you need the comfort of a nice bed.”
He handed her the clothing then walked over to the couch, setting up his sleeping area. He was wearing thin grey sweats and a black wife beater. If Drea were in a better mood she would have made a joke about seeing him so undressed. Jared was about to settle in and shut off the light when he realized that Drea was still in the room, staring at him, “What?”
“Nothing,” Drea answered quickly, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.
“No sharing beds. At least not yet,” Jared quipped, winking at her.
“Shut up!” Drea gasped and ran up the stairs.
Jared just chuckled to himself as he shut off the light and got comfortable. The events of the day passed through his mind. He tried not to think about how good Drea looked in her dress, or how good she probably looked in his shirt and boxers. He tried not to think about how good she smelled, or the jealousy and rage he felt when he saw Kevin touching her and then yelling at her. Holding her for who knows how long in that courtyard, in any other instance, would have made him uncomfortable. But it quelled his rage, and woke something else in him. What it awoke were feelings that were too deep to be merely platonic. But he wouldn’t think about that.
Upstairs Drea had decided to take a shower. She was surprised to find a basic but thorough skincare regimen, decent shampoo and conditioner, and neutral smelling shower gels in his bathroom. Remnants he probably picked up from his last two serious relationships. She silently thanked god that she wasn’t forced to use a 3-in-1 after a day like today.
Soon she was tucked up in bed, her hair wrapped in a towel and clad in the clothes Jared gave her. The bed smelled of him and so did the clothes. A smell she now associated with his strong arms around her as she broke down. Jared went above and beyond with helping her tonight and she felt her heart ache a little. Kevin’s words were still ringing in her ears. What would Jared think once she told him the truth of what had happened to her?
Her phone chimed from the bedside table. Jared had texted her.
*You’re amazing, Drea. Ignore what Kevin said. I will always think you’re amazing and funny and stubborn as hell. Nothing anyone could say would make me feel any different.*
Drea hugged her phone to her chest and let a few tears slip out before her phone chimed again.
*No more crying or you’ll look like a steamed bun in the morning.*
She couldn’t help but laugh a little at that. Jared was here and he liked how she was right now. The past was the past. Finally she snuggled into Jared’s bed and went to sleep.
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
mirror room - e.h
evan and his girlfriend are dragged along by zoe, alanna and jared to an escape room course that has a theme of optical illusions. there are four rooms and three hours. each room has it's own task that will eventually lead to the occupants' escape. if you do not solve the task you will "blow up". amidst jared and the clock's pressure, supposedly neuro-typical y/n suffers from what she's normally calming her boyfriend down from.
tw: anxiety attack. pressure. mentions of distortion.
we were supposed to go on a date but it's alana's birthday tomorrow so i guess that alana gets what she wants.
evan didn't seen too disappointed about our date's cancellation.
thankfully, he didn't appear to look relieved about it either.
he just seemed... worried. but then again, evan had anxiety.
so him being worried about our date having been cancelled wasn't worrying enough for me to text his mum in secret.
we'd even made it to the fourth room without anything distantly related to anxiety occuring.
even with all of the distortion, evan seemed to be enjoying today.
i couldn't really say the same thing about myself.
i mean, i was pretty sure that i was calm.
because otherwise evan would notice immeadietly.
i just... the lights... the noises... the fear of our fictional death...
every noise possible in the room was piling over each other in loud groans over the previous sound.
evan's sleeve.
the strap of zoe's backpack.
jared, adjusting his glasses.
the ticking of the clock.
alana's breathing.
even the colours...
the pinks and blues and greens of the neon projectors popping against the black tinted mirrors...
"our life depends on you, y/n! there's a number left! come on, seriously?" this was jared. he sounded like he was underwater.
i tried to compose myself. i knew this code pattern, i'd done it before when i was little.
i couldn't let my friends down... everyone was taking things so seriously...
tick, tick, tick...
evan's sleeve.
zoe's backpack.
jared's glasses.
alana's breathing.
tick, tick, tick...
evan uncaps his bottle from a thousand miles away...
it's so fucking loud...
tick, tick, tick...
"we have like, fifteen minutes left..." jared again.
evan sighs loudly.
"fellow agents," the robotic woman added to jared's banter, "we have fifteen minutes left to solve this case! we must get out before the enterprise explodes!"
tick, tick, tick...
"see? she totally agrees with me!" howled jared, still underwater.
"shut up, jared," said evan, his voice dangerously leveled.
they were all underwater...
the numbers in front of me on the lock started to blur.
more neon blobs...
"fellow agents, there are ten minutes left!"
"why is she so energetic about us blowing up?" asked zoe.
"no idea..." said alanna.
"hansen, if we were on an island with codes we would all be dead..."
"shut up, jared..." evan sounded both underwater and pleading.
"fourtern minutes to get that door open! would you like to use your last hint?"
"yes!" shouted jared.
"no!" yelled zoe, "no, we wouldn't! come on, n/n!"
"she's trying..." said evan quietly, making me feel a whole lot worse than he intended to.
"very well..." said the lady through the hidden speakers, "there are thirteen minutes left..."
tick, tick, tick...
"eleven minutes!"
tick, tick, tick...
"oh my god, come on!"
"i said, shut up, jared..."
tick, tick, tick...
"ten minutes to go!"
"we're literally already dead!"
"jared, seriously, shut up."
tick, tick, tick...
"you can do it n/n!"
tick, tick, tick.
"nine minutes to go!" tick, tick, tick... "oh my god... this is taking so fucking long..." tick, tick, tick... "shut up, jared..." tick... "eight minutes..." tick, tick, tick... "i give up..." tick, tick, tick, tickticktickticktick... "shut up..." hurryupshutuphurryupshutuptickticktick...
my hands shook and everything finally, finally went quiet.
the waves dragged me down.
tick, tick, tick...
"look, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to..."
"jared, seriously, shut up." this was not evan but alana this time.
tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick.
"evan, evan, i - i c - i can't - i can't - " tears began to form.
"hey. hey. talk to me..." evan wasn't faraway. everyone else still was but it was okay. "what can't you do?"
i exhaled but nothing came out.
"hey, babe. listen to me. what can't you do, beautiful girl?"
"i can't... i can't..."
he held me. evan hansen, held me.
and that made me feel a little bit safe.
"b - i can't - i don't know how - it won't - they won't let me breathe... evan... i can't breathe... the air, it's not... i can't breathe, why can't i fucking breathe!"
i had no idea what to do. it was normally me who had an anxiety or panic attack.
she was normally the one comrorting me.
i took moment to think. just a second.
i went with what my gut told me (for once).
when my attacks were really bad y/n would hold me close.
she would whisper things in my hair and tell me it would be okay....
so that was what i did.
"hey," i said softly, trying my best not to freak out too, "you're okay. it's fine if you didn't solve it, you got most of it and that's all that matters. no, baby, don't listen to jared, he's talking bullshit..." i glared at him. "just... go to that place. remember?" when we were kids... the tent... the fairy lights you made me put..."
she nodded. thank god. thank fucking god.
"it's okay, baby, it's just a game..."
"yeah, we don't mind! it was still fun!" added zoe. alanna nodded.
"are you sure?" said y/n, still trembling but just a little bit.
"of course i'm sure," i replied softly. "i'll always be sure..."
calm was finally, finally restored. y/n cried into my shirt.
"i'm sorry..." she wiped the last of her tears with a sniff, "i'm sorry i couldn't do it... jared. guys... i'm really sorry..."
an explosion went off over the speakers.
"nah, it was my fault, remember? i took forever to figure out the hidden number in the css code... zoe rolled her eyes. "besides. who cares! we had fun!"
"you didn't do anything wrong..." i whispered. "i love you..." fuck, i loved her so much...
"i love you too..."
"get a room!"
so as you can probably tell deh is my new obsession (i'm reading the book and listening to the soundtrack) so requests for evan are open and i'll make a spot on my masterlist.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The Prankster Queen is dethroned; SPN & Lucifer cast x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LOOOOOONG time request from my Wattpad account but I finally got some motivation to write and finish this fic. Now I talked with the requestor about this and some changes were made, originally this was gonna involve Criminal minds cast but I had barely watched the show at the time so I talked with them and they agreed to have this be a SPN X LUCIFER cast crossover. So I hope you all enjoy this little fic and until the next update.
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“Okay guys; here we are back at the Supernatural set ready to start filming the 2nd half of season 14. Before I get into the special prank on Alex day I want to first send a very special thanks to the Lucifans for the #SaveLucifer and thank Netflix for renewing a season 4 and 5 of Lucifer.  Yes I am a fan of that show as well. I mean I’ve got to my dad plays the famed Devil himself. No, no, no, no, no I’m joking. I watch the show because I really love what they did with it. The writing is phenomenal and the cast is super friendly. They’re like my second family next these guys here at Supernatural.”
I spoke through my Youtube channel streaming live.  I could already see comments popping up along my livestream. Comments like ‘YASS LUCIFERXSPN SUPPORT’ or Winchester sister stans Lucifer.
“Yes I do thank you. Now for the moment you’ve all waited for. I’ve got the plastic wrap, the super glue, feathers, and fan. And of course the star of this prank on Alex, my baby boy Shadow.” I then presented my black German Shepherd who was lying on Alex’s trailer couch. “You ready to prank Alex boy?” he tilted his head to the side. “You ready to prank him?” he let out a bark and I cooed. “Good boy!” I flipped my camera back around and said. “Now Jared kindly set up the camera just a bit ago so I will transition to that in just a little while. For now I’m going to set up the door so please enjoy this fast forward montage of me getting the prank set up.”
I spread the super glue all around the plastic wrapping and tapped it across Alex’s trailer door so that when he would run right into it, he would get trapped with the plastic wrapping before I would attack with the pillow filled with feathers.
“Okay everything’s all set up. Now for the final touch, c’mon boy up on the bed.” He got off the couch and into Alex’s bed and just lay there at the foot of it. “Good boy.” I opened the trailer door and waited for Alex to come around.  Once I saw him walking alongside Misha, I cried out. “ALEX! ALEX! SHADOW’S TAKING A SHIT ON YOUR BED!!”
“I’m not kidding I was walking him and he just ran in here and literally shit on your bed! Bad dog!”
“Shadow! Shadow! Damnit Shadow!” Alex then ran up and just like I hopped, he slammed right into the plastic wrap and fell right to the ground.  I then pelted him with the pillow till his entire face was covered with feathers.
“BOOM SUCKA!!! That’ll teach you to eat my big cookie.” I told him.
“Okay maybe I deserved that.”
“Wow (y/n), all this for a cookie?” Misha said as he helped Alex back up on his feet.
“Misha you don’t understand. Those cookies were my mum’s special recipe. Plus she makes them so big that you can eat it in the space of a week. I was saving the last bit of it and then this guy decides it’s a good idea to eat the last of it.” I said pointing to Alex.
“You know….one of these days. We’re gonna get you back. Everyone that you’ve pranked, we’re gonna get you.” Alex spoke as he coughed out trying to get the feathers out of his mouth.
“The day that happens is the day J2(I/l) turns on each other. And the boys and I have been doing this for a long, long time.” I sassed as I snapped my finger and Shadow hopped off Alex’s bed and we left the trailer.
Little bit about myself; the names (Y/n) Ellis, the last name sound familiar? Yep you thought right. Tom Ellis aka Lucifer Morningstar is my father.  He and I have been in the acting business together for a good amount of years.  In fact he’s helped me when it came to running lines or dealing with the pressures of the acting life, especially since I started off as a child actor at the age of 5.
I had a few small roles, but when I was just 9 years old a role on a little show called Supernatural came knocking at my door.  As a young British girl I was worried that I wouldn’t get it because this was an American tv show and I had to speak with an American accent.  But thanks to a good dialect coach, and 2 test screenings with the boys to see if we were a fit, I got to play the role of Sarah Winchester, the younger half-sister of Sam and Dean who was cursed with witch powers.
But instead of killing her, Sam and Dean actually take her in and she uses her magic for good instead of evil.  For years the Supernatural cast didn’t just become an ordinary job, it was like being home, we became a family.  Jared and Jensen were like the big brothers I never had (even though they were around my dad’s age).
When things got too tough around set, J2 always found a way to make me smile and laugh. And as the years passed, Misha came on board followed by the 2 Marks, Ruth, Brianna and Kim, Osric, Rob and Richard, and now finally Alexander Calvert.  The Supernatural family is a tight bond and we all send out a powerful message that Family don’t end in blood, and to Always Keep Fighting when things got bad.
Then when season 11 of my show was being filmed, my dad had gotten the role of Lucifer Morningstar in Fox’s new tv series “Lucifer” which was basically the story of the devil taking a vacation from Hell and he ends up working with the LAPD alongside a clever detective named Chloe Decker.
When Lucifer exploded every time I went to conventions, fans always ask me questions about potential crossovers or what I thought of the show.  And truthfully I loved it.  In fact whenever I would wrap on my time on a season, I took the hour and 45 minute drive where they filmed Lucifer and spend time with my dad and the Lucifer cast.
Lauren, Aimee and Lesley became my partners in crime when it came to the subtle pranks on the Luci cast or even my dad.  Aimee and I are always making Instagram videos of each other acting like complete nutjobs, she’s like the older sister I’ve always wanted (since I am the eldest of my three sisters).
But that’s my life, and if you were to ask me if I could trade it away for anything else, I would tell you hell no (no pun intended).
After getting Shadow back into my trailer, I decided to see if my dad was willing to talk. I grabbed my I-Pad and went over to Facetime and clicked my dad’s name (of course I added the devil emoji beside his name).  It rang about five times before I finally got an answer.
“There’s my little She-devil.” He answered with a smirk.
“Hey dad.” I said with a smile.
“Aimee saw your prank on that Alex chap.”
“She like it?”
“Mini Ellis you are a she-devil genius!” Aimee soon came into the frame. “You got to show me how that brilliant mind of yours works.”
“Guess I learned from two of the very best. I know exactly how to push buttons but not go overly extreme that it hurts someone’s soul. I’m not completely soulless like Jared is when it comes to pranks.”
“I still can’t believe he actually cut one of his credit cards. That’s super low.” She said.
“I know. I’ve been trying to get him to ease back and not go quite extreme. So far he hasn’t done it knock on wood.”
“Anyways you two, what brings on this call my dove?” my dad asked.
“Just wanted to call and see how you were doing. How’s season 4 coming along?”
“Great. Everything is great. Thanks to the Lucifans, and the Supernatural family.” My dad said.
“No sweat. You’re my dad. I’m still pissed that FOX could just cancel your show like that. And the way they would’ve ended it. God that’s literally the worst cliffhanger ever!”
“Tell me about it.” Aimee groaned.
“But it’s all fixed now. Netflix will take good care of us now. Plus we don’t have as much restrictions as FOX gave us.” My dad teased.  I then heard a knock at my trailer door which made Shadow raise his head up from his bed and his attention turned toward the door.
“Hang on dad, who is it?!”
“It’s Jared! C’mon kiddo they need us on set now.”
“Alright I’ll be there in a minute.” I turned back to my dad and Aimee and my dad said to me.
“Go on, we’ll catch up later.”
“Alright dad. Give my love to the rest of the cast.”
“You already have my love mini Ellis.” Aimee said.
“Love you Aims!”
“Alright darling love you. Stay safe and have fun filming your next season.” The two of them blew me a kiss goodbye and I waved bye to them and the Facetime shut off. I put my phone aside and quickly refilled Shadow’s water bowl before I took off and raced towards the set.
Although unbeknownst to both Jared and Jensen something was waiting for them.  As I walked in on the set I sat down at the spot where my character Sarah was to sit for this upcoming scene.
“Okay guys on cue marks. Cue lighting and roll sound.” I got into the mindset of Sarah and took the prop book in my hands as our director called out, “Okay cue Jensen and Jared. And…..action.” it was then Jensen came down the staircase while Jared came out from the back corridor.
“Hey, so any word from Jodie?” Jensen asked as Dean to Jared.
“No not yet. Hey Sar, any luck with the research?” Jared asked me as Sam.
“Not a damn thing. God even for a witch like me I still can’t figure out the spell to get us to that other place. I’m sorry guys I may be strong, but I’m not Rowena strong.”
“No, no it’s alright. It’s okay. We’ll……find another way.” Then Jared and Jensen took their seats before suddenly jolting upwards and letting out girlish screams of shock and pain.
“CUT!!!” our director called out.
“The hell was that!?!” Jensen proclaimed.
“Oh thank god I thought it was just me.” Jared sighed with relief.  I kept my poker face up as I said to them.
“What happened just now?”
“Something shocked us. I don’t know what but whatever it was, it should never have shocked me back there. My butt does not deserve that kind of treatment!” he looked around the cushioned seat until he found some sort of electronic shock pad. It was slightly smaller than the cushioned pad and as soon as Jensen took hold of it and pressed a certain button, it caused another shock to run through his arm as he swore out loud and shake his arm.
“Uhh Jensen why would you do that?” I asked him.
“I don’t know I needed to see if it was real or not don’t judge me!”
“How the hell did these even get here?” asked Jared.
“No idea.” Jensen said.  I covered my smile as I tried to act inconspicuous but that’s when the two of them looked at me. “You did this?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said as I stood up and strutted out of the room sassily to run into Misha and I told him. “Your revenge plot has been successfully played out.”
“I knew I could count on you (n/n). Thanks.”
“No problem, but just know Misha all things come at a price with me. Pranking the kings don’t come without consequence.”
“I know, I know. But still I thank you for doing this for me. That’ll teach Jared to put old cheese in my pillow.”  I patted his arm before leaving him to reset the scene again.
Weeks passed and filming continued on up until I was finally done with my scenes which meant that I was now allowed to travel on up to the Lucifer set and pop in and say hello.  After bidding everyone goodbye until July, I got into the car and my driver Tommy drove me on up towards the studio where my dad and the rest of the Lucifer family were filming.
After finally arriving on the set, I saw Lauren and Aimee out and about with a Starbucks cup in their hands.  As soon as they saw my car, they immediately waved.  I rolled down my window and said.
“What up my Luci sistas!”
“Ahhh mini-Ellis!” Aimee proclaimed.  Once the car stopped, I stepped out and I raced towards her and she met me in the middle as the two of us embraced each other tightly, rocking aggressively from side to side.  “Where’s big Shadow? You usually bring him with you whenever you’re done with shooting.”
“Well for some reason Misha wanted to keep him around set. Guess he must’ve needed the fluffy protection from Jared and Jensen after the prank I pulled on them a few weeks back.”
“What’d you do to them?” asked Lauren.
“Just put a shock pad cushion underneath their chairs. Misha told me to do it to get back at Jared for putting old cheese in his pillow.”
“Wow those guys are relentless huh?” said Aimee.
“Yep. But enough of that now, let’s get going. I wanna watch you guys film some stuff.”
“Alright! C’mon kiddo let’s go.” Lauren wrapped her arm around me before playfully giving me a noogie while guiding me onwards to the set.
I greeted my Lucifer family like D.B, Kevin, Lesley-Ann, Rachael, and of course young Scarlett (ever since the show I officially adopted her as my younger sister).
“So, have you guys seen my dad anywhere?” I asked.
“Last we saw him he was leaving his trailer for costume and makeup.” Aimee said.
“What have you got in mind she-devil?” asked Lauren with a grin.
“Ohhh not much.” I grinned as I walked towards the costume and makeup trailers.
Once I got there, I had spotted my dad just getting out from the costume trailer in the full Lucifer suit.  I grinned mischievously and slowly stalked towards him.  This was something that I used to always do to him when I was a little girl, it’s been awhile but I hope I still got it.  Like a tigress on the prowl I stalked behind my dad silent and carefully.
Whenever he turned around, I would hide behind anything I could whether it was the side of a trailer/tent, or even one of the many gold carts/motorbikes.  Then when he would resume his walk, I trailed behind him once again.  Closer and closer I got till finally I was within strike range.
The mighty huntress has cornered her prey.
I then trotted forward before leaping up but I was foiled when my dad turned around and managed to catch me and spin me around for a moment in his arms.
“Thought you’d sneak up on my again huh my little tigress? After all these years I finally caught you red handed.”
“Took you over 20 years but no time like the present eh?” my dad smirked down at me, the smirk that I had inherited from him, and said as he booped my nose.
“I just know when my daughter feels a little extra cheeky.” He bopped my nose as he said ‘cheeky’ which made me playfully stick my tongue out at him. “And put that tongue away young lady we are not a snake.”
“Wrong. Don’t you remember I got sorted into Slytherin when we went to Harry Potter world.”
“Yes I do recall that. But that’s still no excuse. Stick that tongue out at me again and I’ll give you a good whopping, do I make myself clear.”
“Yes father.” I submitted.  He pecked my forehead before releasing me.
“So, you’ve finished with your filming?”
“Yep. Managed to wrap up a little early, at least for me.”
“Now I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about you potentially branching off and getting your own spinoff series?”
“Well I don’t like to brag but it’s still a rumor. Not even I can confirm it. Besides, who knows if the CW will allow it. I mean don’t get me wrong the other two sub-series I didn’t agree with but Wayward Sisters, I would’ve LOVED to see that become something. Maybe have Sarah make a few surprise appearances.”
“Well, if the CW don’t allow it, maybe Netflix will. You never know. I could put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Tom! Hey Tom! Susan needs you in makeup stat. You’re shooting in ten.” One of the make artists came racing up to us.
“Oh fu—sorry about that Johnny.” My dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and the two of us walked towards the makeup trailer so that he could get ready.
After doing a quick touch up on my dad, the two of us left for the LAPD set and everyone was already running around getting to their marks or getting the cameras rolling.  I sat right next to the director Sherwin as he was calling for cameras to focus and start rolling.  Finally he called action and I got to sit and watch the new Netflix: Lucifer finally be filmed.
It was a long day of shooting and filming but it was a very productive day.  I even got to learn about directing since (spoiler alert! I get to direct an episode this season of Supernatural!).  I was currently right now sitting with my dad sipping a cup of tea.
“Now I know that one episode that witches have familiars. If Sarah were to have a familiar, which pet would she have and who would you want to play that familiar?” I hummed.
“Well. No offense to the women but most of the time when a new female comes on Supernatural she always ends up being a bitch. With the exception of Kim, Bri, Ruthie, Felica, and the rest of the Wayward sisters. So I’d have to say Sarah would want a male familiar. And yes while I do love dogs and would KILL to have Shadow actually be in front of the camera, I think she’d prefer a cat. Now for the actor to play him. Now don’t laugh but—this is my fantasy dream cast…..”
“Oh just get on with it will you little missy! Stop droning on!” my dad whined. I mimicked his whining before I finally admitted.
“Gwilym Lee okay!”
“The Welsh actor from that Midsomer murders series you used to watch?”
“Yeah, why not? I think he’d make a perfect cat familiar. Wise, loyal, good fighter. And—not that bad looking if I may say.”
“Alright down girl. I swear you and Aimee have been fawning over actors far too much.”
“Then you do not want to see me with the young Wayward sisters. We’re a lot worse. Plus it gets awkward when they start talking about you. Especially when it involves the Lucifer cast.”
“Oh my god.” He groaned.
“I know right!? It’s bad enough I hear from the fans about how much of a ‘thirsty dad’ you are. But now I have to hear it at work!” before my dad could say anything else, Lesley came running in with a worried look on her face. “Whoa Les, where’s the fire at?”
“You gotta call the Supernatural set (y/n).” she panted out.
“Why what’s going on?”
“I don’t know something about Shadow.” Without hesitation I took my phone out and dialed Misha’s number.  It rang and rang and as it kept ringing I grumbled.
“C’mon Misha pick up your bloody phone already!”
“Misha what’s going on!? What happened to my son!?”
‘I’m sorry (y/n) Jared was eating some M&M’s earlier and he left the table for one second and the next thing he saw was Shadow eating the M&M’s he had managed to knock down on the floor!’
‘Just come by over here, he’s been whimpering and we don’t know the contact information to the vet.’
“Okay I’ll be there as soon as I can. Try to make him as comfortable for me as possible. Okay! Tell him mummy’s on her way!”
‘Okay I will. And (y/n). Hurry!’ I hung up the phone and raced off.
“Whoa, whoa mini-Ellis where are you off too in such a hurry?” Kevin said as he and Aimee were walking back from the catering (after I had noticed the chocolate doughnut in Aimee’s hand).
“Shadow’s sick! Ate M&M’s. I gotta go!” I couldn’t even form a proper sentence as I raced outside and phoned my driver to hurry the fuck back to the set and drive me back to the Supernatural set.
Thankfully, he was right outside and the second I jumped right on in, I banged on the back window and ordered him to drive and soon he was off.  Oh Shadow baby hang in there baby boy!
Finally after what felt like an eternity (I don’t know why the driver had taken the long way around. Said it was fucking traffic or something like that). But before the car could even come to a complete stop, I jumped out of the car and raced towards the building calling out Shadow’s name.
I quickly raced into the main Supernatural set to see that it was completely empty.
“Shadow!? Shadow! Here boy!” I whistled.  Just hearing the way Misha had talked on the phone it made me really worried about my baby boy’s health.  And now just not seeing him come on command when he’s supposed to, got me really anxious.
I walked further through the main set (which was the map room of the bunker) when I felt myself slightly trip forward and I looked down to see a tripwire.  Oh shit.
SPLASH! I jumped as I let out a shriek when a small water balloon fell right at my feet.  A split second later another dropped on the other side of me but still close enough to my feet.  I jumped two more times as two more water balloons splashed right by me.
“Really guys? If you’re gonna do something like that at least have good aim.” But I was unaware of the enormous water balloon that was now starting to roll down. When I looked up, my heart sunk as I slowly let out a scream and soon I was drenched.
But it wasn’t water.  Well normal water anyway, when I had looked at myself I had seen that I was now covered head to toe in the famed fake blood the makeup artists make from corn syrup, chocolate syrup and food coloring.
My breathing sharpened and I growled out.
“J2. Are without a doubt. The lowest most vile Americans to EVER WALK THE PLANET!!!” This was my favorite shirt and now the boys ruined it.  Plus do you know how long it takes to get fake blood out of your hair? Believe me it’s not pretty. Hours upon hours of just brushing through one section of hair.
Soon enough the entire cast came out laughing and clapping but what was shocking was that the Lucifer cast also came out smiling and clapping along.
“We got you good kid!” Misha laughed.
“You—you all were……”
“About time we finally dethroned the Prank Queen. You’ve been stealing our thunder for too long kid.” Jensen said.
“And thanks to your dad and the rest of the Lucifer cast, they gave us the time to set all this up.” Jared said as he held his phone up probably recording the whole thing.  I turned to my dad and hissed.
“Et tu Papa?”
“Sorry darling. They were convincing. Plus you’ve been going a little overboard with the pranks. You even placed a dead fish in my car.” Dad said.
“Or itching powder in my underwear drawer last year during season 3.” DW added.
“And hacking my Instagram professing love for the DCEU when you know I’m a Marvel girl.” Aimee said.
“And of course you can’t forget your recent little prank. The electric cushions.” Jared said.
“So we all came together and finally got you back.” Alex said smugly.
“How’s it feel now? You just got Carrie’d!” Lauren proclaimed.
“You all are so lucky I’m not a real witch or a telepath. Cause otherwise you’d all be screwed right now!” I spat out the fake blood that was starting to seep into my mouth.  “But I’ll admit. Only I could come up with something like this. I’m impressed. Especially since it was a crossover team effort.”
Both castmates from each show came around me and that’s when all the selfies and self-promotion of dethroning the “Prank Queen” has officially happened.  Of course I couldn’t help but chase after J2 as well as my dad so that I could smear the blood on them as payback for what they did to me.
Yep the life of an actress on Supernatural who happens to be the daughter of the current ‘hot’ Lucifer Morningstar, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.  So while the entire cast and my family got their victory out of the way, I began plotting my next ultimate prank.
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jaredgreen · 4 years
After Jared’s last conversation with Peregrine, he’d been spending a lot of time thinking about himself and trying to figure out his own sexuality. This had included doing some sneaky research and spending a lot of time staring into space (or at guys). The thing was, he didn’t think he had a crush on a specific guy, but he’d definitely looked at some guys recently and thought he would give them a chance. In his Mustache Buddies group, although he couldn’t imagine dating any of them, Owen was probably the person he’d be most likely to. But did that mean he was gay, or bi, or pan? He didn’t even really know the difference between some of them. While he was making an effort to keep up with his school work at the same time, this was definitely occupying a lot of his thoughts. It made him feel frustrated - some people seemed to know almost as soon as they were born what their sexuality was. It didn’t help that Jared felt completely unable to talk to any of his close friends about it: he was happy for them to be bi but struggled to come to terms with what it would mean for him to be not-straight. His mum had always taught him that being gay was bad and, even though he could accept other people being gay, he didn’t know what it could mean for him. His thoughts were all mixed-up and twisted, and he felt like he didn’t know what was right or wrong, or what was up and what was down anymore. He was contemplating this one breakfast, slowing munching his way through some soggy cheerios, when he saw Perry leave the Ravenclaw table which Jared had been absentmindedly staring at. As Perry had said Jared could come chat to him whenever, and he was by himself, Jared abandoned his breakfast and caught him just as he was leaving the Great Hall. “Hey, Perry! Do you have some time to have a chat at some point?” He asked, hoping Perry would magically have a free period next, as Jared did.
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talatomaz · 5 years
waiting | michaela stone x fem!reader
a/n: the lack of manifest content is ridiculous
warnings: none, i don’t think
word count: 1.1k
masterlist | navigation | request rules
reader finds out that flight 828 is back and is nervous to see her then-presumed dead girlfriend again
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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You tapped your phone screen, cursing at the low battery.
Keeping your eyes on the road, you fumbled in your bag before tapping your bluetooth ear piece. Thank God, your work phone was charged.
“Y/N, of ‘Vance, L/N and Davis’. How can I help?” You answered.
It had taken you a few years but you were finally a name partner at your law firm. God, knows you had earned it.
You listened as one of your clients began discussing a recent case with you, some civil suit they were raising. You dealt with their query, disconnected the call and walked up Grace’s drive.
Ever since Michaela, Ben and Cal went missing on Flight 828, you decided to have regular catch ups with Grace and Olive. It helped you too because when Michaela had gone missing, you thought you weren’t ever going to get out of rock bottom. But you had thrown yourself into your work and worked your way up in the firm.
You opened the door and saw a frantic Olive, Grace and Steve, the Stone’s dad, and your surrogate father by association, running around.
“Woah, Olive. What’s wrong?”
“Dad. Cal. How? I-” She stuttered.
“Livvie, you’re not making sense.” You held onto her arms to slow her down.
“Didn’t Mum call you?”
“My phone’s dead. What is it?”
“The flight. It’s back.”
You stepped back as you felt the blood drain from your face. “What?”
“We just had a call. The plane just landed. We’re going to the airport now.”
A soft whisper fell from your lips as a tear dropped down your face.
For 5 and a half years, you had mourned her, not a day went by that you didn’t think of her but now that there was a chance she was back?
You were terrified.
Terrified that it wasn’t true.
Terrified that you had to go through that heartbreak all over again.
“Y/N! Have you heard?”
Steve clambered up to you and engulfed you in a hug as Grace followed behind him.
“Yeah, Olive just told me. Grace, come on, I’ll drive.”
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
As the car came to a halt, you followed Grace’s lead and jumped out of the car.
Grace was a ways ahead with Steve behind her and you and Olive falling back.
Olive randomly stopped so you did the same and lifted her chin to face you, raising your eyebrows in question.
“It’s been 5 years. What if they’re different? I’m scared, Auntie y/n.”
“Me too, honey.”
You brought the teenager in for a quick hug.
“But hey, if they’re back, they need us. And we’re strong women who can help them, right?”
She chuckled lightly, which was what you intended, “Yeah.”
“Good girl, lets go.” You grabbed her hand and you both ran to catch up to the rest of your family.
When you reached the plane hangar, you pushed past people and saw Ben, Grace and Cal. Then your eyes roamed and you saw Steve hugging a blonde girl. When she pulled away, she looked at you and her eyes widened in recognition.
“Y/N.” She murmured.
Tears immediately filled your eyes.
She was here.
She was real.
She was back.
Without a second thought, you launched yourself into your girlfriend’s arms and wrapped your arms around her.
“Oh My God. You’re here. You’re actually here.” You cried out.
When you both pulled away, she placed her hands on your cheeks and kissed you for the first time in five years.
Foreheads leaning against each other, you breathed out, “God, I love you.”
“I love you too, y/n.”
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Dropping your keys on the table, Michaela closed the door behind you and followed you to the sofa.
“At least it all looks the same.”
“Yeah, I didn’t have the heart to throw away any of your things. Besides we were going to move in together after your trip anyways, so when you went missing, I figured I’d go ahead with it. It made me feel closer to you.” You added in a whisper as your voice broke.
Jumping at the sound of your phone ringing, you cleared your throat and answered.
“Y/N, of ‘Vance, L/N and Davis’. How can I help?”
It was your partner, Caitlin Davis, who was calling to check up on you to make sure you were okay. You briefly explained the situation to her before advising that you were taking a personal day tomorrow so you could spend it with Michaela.
“See you. Bye.” You hung up the phone and stared at a patient Michaela.
“Sorry, that was Cait. Just wanted to see if I was alright.”
“I heard. And since when did you become a partner?”
“A year or two after you were gone. I threw myself into work because it was the only thing I had left.”
“Wow, I’m so proud of you, y/n. I know how much you’ve always wanted to be a partner.” She praised, causing you to blush.
“Glad to see that after five years, I can still make you blush.” She teased causing you both to start laughing.
“God, how has it been five years for you but only like 5 hours for me? This is crazy.”
“I know. As much as I’m happy that I became a partner in those five years, it didn’t mean much because I didn’t have you beside me.” You said, joining your hands with Michaela’s as you leaned into her arms.
“And you were never with anyone el-“
“No, Mickey.” You moved from her arms so you could look at her.
“I’ve been waiting 5 years, 6 months and 28 days for you to come back to me. I’m yours. Only yours.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m here.” She replied, wiping the tears you didn’t know had fallen.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
                ✧── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
After you and Mick caught up with what had happened in these past 5 years, including the fact that her ex, Jared, had now gotten together with her best friend, Lourdes, you both decided to go to bed.
You were curled up in your bed, your back to her front; Michaela being the big spoon as always, her arms wrapped tightly around your waist and her head resting against your neck.
You were both quiet, allowing a comfortable silence to fill the air.
Bringing one of Michaela’s hands to your lips, you gently kissed it before you spoke softy.
“I didn’t believe the news until you said my name at the hangar. I mean, I saw you but until you said my name, until I held you in my arms, I didn’t believe it. But you’re here. You came back.”
Michaela lifted her head to tenderly kiss your cheek and murmured against your ear.
“I’m home.”
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vampire207343 · 4 years
Elizabeth Rose Narumiya
Ikk    What if... Bella Swan has a twin sister Elizabeth Rose Swan, when their Parents divorce their father Charlie Swan gotten Custody of Elizabeth while their mother Renee gotten custody of Bella.
Before Paul Lahote ever phaseto walf he was dating Elizabeth Swan for 2 years but, when he didn’t imprint on her. He broke up with her so that he dosen’t end up hurting her when he dose imprint on another if they continue their relationship like Sam Uley  my new Alpha did whe meet Emily imprinted a few days before his wedding with Leah Clearwater.
  But after their break up, Elizabeth Swan
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 decided to leave forks and start living with her grandmother Marie Higginbootom in Japan and I’m starting my sophmore year in Inashiro vication high that’s where she meet Narumiya Mei, who she evenutally become friends with even though sometime she thinks he’s a llittle arrogant but she still care about him. She slso gotten close with the Baseball Inashiro team.
   Elizabeth has acquired a great interest in Baseball that equal to her interest in Tennis especially since she began dating Mei Narumiya
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Since in every Baseball game the Inashiro has Mei make sure that she’s watching the game, and she never miss game not once since they began dating.
   A year after...
Elizabeth left Forks, Renee Higginbottom re-married to someone way younger than her self. His name is Phil Dwayer his a baseball coach .
I meet Phil Dwyer for the first time when my mother Renee married him, my boyfriend Mei Narumiya was their with me in Arizona Phoenix, but Mei dosen’t know Phil so Phil most likely just starting out as a baseball coach.
   3 month after...
Mum married Phil, my twin sister Bella Swan
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decided to move with our dad in forks for who knows what reason since she never hidden the fact that she can’t stand visiting Forks since it’s mostly raining and hardly have a sunny day. But it’s not my bussiness why my sister moved with our Dad after she stop visiting Forks after we turn 14 years old.
1 and 1/2 year later ...
     It’s been 2 years since Mei and I began dating and during that summer the Inashiro’s baseball team lost in the National since Mei end up throwing the ball farther  than he intended that Masa wasn’t able to catch the ball causing them the game. After that Mei cried infront of the whole team because of it and it also ruwin his form that he has to rebuild it to top to bottom, but evenitally he got back on his feet after reforming his style.
Inashiro’s Tennis team also manged to reach National and Winning because of Elizabeth. Being one of the best tennis player in Inashiro.
on September 13, 2006
  Elizabeth Swan celebrate her 19th Birthday with her Boyfriend Mei Narumiya along with the Baseball and Tennis Team of Inashiro first string. 
But while Elizabeth is celebrating her 19th birthday her twin sister Bella decided not to celebrate her’s after what happen in her 18th birthday party that ex-boyfriend Edward Cullen’s family their was an accident and weeks later Edward end up breaking up with her so she’s not take a chance that Jake might break up with her as well if she celebrate her 19th birthday.
Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer still help Bella get over her break up with the Cullen boy, they would have called Elizabeth after Bella’s break up if bella was acting like she’s a zombie since Elizabeth sirtenly didn’t went through this when her first boyfriend Paul Lahote broke up with her, before Paul became well known Womanizer.
They even tried what Elizabeth did to heal her brojen heart by trying to get her away from Forks and get Bella to move with Renee in Florida to getvaway from the memories, but she didn’t want to leave town. They were lucky that she even start hanging out her old friends again.
Elizabeth and her Friends are about to Graduate Inashiro in 3 months time and all the senior of the Baseball team will be facing Seidou Baseball team in the National, after winning to reach the semi-final of Natinal that Summer.
2 days later....
 Inashiro face seidou in the national that Sawamura guy from seidou is s good pitcher that might even equal Mei one day, but it’s no suprise that seido lost snd this time Inashiro won the National.
   that Kazuya Miyuki was watching both Mei and Elizabeth after they lost in the National. It’s not well known that Kazuya  has a thing for Elizabeth he still has. He meet Elizabeth before she and Mei began dating. She is one of a kind Girl anyone is lucky to have.
3 months later..
  Elizabeth and Mei graduate Inashiro top of their of their year along with their friends.
 It’s also Bella’s high school graduation but she berly pass High school because of her Zombie stage in the middle of  junior year, but with the help of Jake and his friends she’s getting better. 1 and 1/2 year ago.
 The pack are determind to dispost of Victoria so that Bella and their Tribe would be save from those Bloodsuckers. It took them a while to catch up with Victoria and dispost of her, but it wasn’t easy.
     1 year later...
 Bella start attending Washington University  and Paul Lahote end up imprinting on Rachel Black 
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But Paul still has sttong feelings for ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Swan even if he hasn’t seen her in almost 4 yeas.
Mei and Elizabeth along with all their friends attending Tokyo University and They start living in the same apartment.
3 years later...
Mei and Elizabeth are now 23 years old recent graduate of Tokyo University and after graduation he propose infront of all their friends and teammate. And she said “Yes” to his proposal. But we wouldn’t be married until next year we told my dad and mum the news in one the phone call I usally do.
Elizabeth decided to become a professional singer and Actress that she already a movie out she’s casting as Bobbie.
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In Four sisters and a Wedding. While mei gotten scouted by Yomiuri Giants as their star pitcher.
        1 year later...
Their wedding is taking place in Forks everything are already reseved and all the wedding invitations are already sent.
Mei and Elizabeth decided to arrive in forks early along with their friends.
 2 days later...
  Our friends and I were hunging out in La push beach , when Mei suddenly have a guitar in his hand start playing it and singing to Elizabeth.
Theirs nothing I wouldn’t try
Just to make you mind
 To get a little closer 
would be so devine
Everytime I see you
You make me come undone
I always want you near me
oh why don’t you smile my 
only star
shine on baby
simile my only star
oh , why don’t you simle my only stsr
shine on baby, smile my only star
With you by myside
Girl it feels so right
Now that I ‘m close to you
I could stay all night.
No matter where I go
No matter what I do
In the end your smile brings me back to you
oh, why don’t tou simle my only star
shine on baby
(Close to you by Sam Milby)
“Oh that was beautiful Mei, but where did you learn that song. I never heard it before?” Elizabeth ask.
“Well your not the only one who could create song, my beauitfil Queen” Mei said.
“You create that song for me” Elizabeth said
“ I’ll do anything for you “ Mei said.
“Oh that’s so sweet of you” Elizabeth said.  Before Mei took Elizabeth in a heated kiss.
       The Pack of La push was also at that very beach along with Bella when Mei began playing his guitar and sing to Elizabeth. Paul Lahote, Jared Camron, Sam Uley and Bella recognize Elizabeth in just a first glace.
Paul Lahote didn’t think that he would ever see his ex-girlfriend Elizabeth Swan again after leaving Forks when he broke up with her, after he phase into a wolf. He look like she moved on and her heart healed after I left left when I promise that I will always be by her side. Now she now she loves someone else. It felt like a thousand dagger stabbing me in the heart watching Elizabeth kiss another.
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“Hey isn’t that Elizabeth” Jared said.
“We fidn’t think we’ll see her again after she left Forks” Sam said.
“You alright, Paul?” Jared ask.
“Of course why wouldn’t I be alright. Anyways I got to go I have something to do “ Paul said before leaving the beach, he knows that Sam and Jared didn’t believe what he said.
“How exactly do you huys know my sister?” Bella ask.
“Well, Elizaberh happen to be Paul’s first Ex-girlfriend before he phase to a wolf, so when he didn’t imprint on her like he hope. He broke up with her and Elizabeth pack her bags and left for Japan the next day.” Jared said.
“Well Paul’s over her right. I mean he already imprinted on Rachel Black” Quil Ateara said.
“ We also thought he would be over Elizabeth, after finding his imprint but...” Jared said
“ But... what?” Embry call ask.
“But...Paul still madly in love with Elizabeth after not seeing her for 8 and 1/2 years” Jared said.
“But I thought, if your imprints would be the centeral of your very world” Seth clearwater said.
“Well for Sam and me that’s the case but that fidn’t happen to Paul while it’s true Paul imprinted on Rachel Black, but Elizabeth still hold such huge part of Paul’s very heart from what we can tell” Jared said.
“All the Elders thought that Paul’s feelings for Elizabeth is to strong before he phase that his imprint was imcomplete for the wolf to truely see Rachel Black as it’s mate” Sam said.
“What’s Elizabeth’s doing in town anyways?” Jake Black ask Bella.
“Well she’s getting married” Bella said.
Leah Clearwater end up imprinting on Mei Narumiya hut like Paul’s own imprinting it’s incomplete, since Mei didn’t pay any attention on her when she tried to gain his attention. Mei’s feelings for Elizabeth is to strong for the imprints to take effect.
A month later...
        On Febraruy 14, 2011
Mei and Elizabeth got married the Black and the Clearwater are also in the wedding Leah watch her imprint married Elizabeth Swan and it feel like her heart is being stab by a sword a thousand time than when sam left her for Emily when he imprinted on by Emily.
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Renee and Phil are also their at thei wedding.
3 years later....
    Leah Clearwater hasn’t seen her imprint since he gotten married to Elizabeth Swan, but they heard from  Charlie that Elizabeth and Mei  had their first child which happen to be Twin daughters born on May 23, 2014 the oldest daughter was given the name Minako Eliza Narumiya then the secound daughter was given the name Serenity Diana Narumiya and they both look ifentical to their father.
 And 1 year after Minako and Serenity were born, Elizabeth gaved birth on another Daughter they name Makato Rose Narumiya  who look like her mother.
After that the Cullens Return after leaving leaving for10 years. They return and Bella broke up with Jake after dating for 9 and 1/2 years and Bella decided to marry Edward Fucking Cullen in short notice that her sister Elizabeth wasn’t able to come especially since Elizabeth just given birth to her youngest daughter so she couldn’t even come if she could.
            Renee and Charlie didn’t aproved Bella getting married to Edwsrd Cullen after 10 years being seperate and they only ever dated for 1 year atless if she had decided to marry Jake they would understand they bern together for 9 and 1/2 years. And unlike Elizabeth who began dating Mei when they were 17 years old got married when they were 24 and they are now both 27 years old like bella herself.
  And after the wedding Bella end up pregnant and give birth to Edward’s daughter Renesmee Carlie Cullen who Jake end up imprinting on. 
     Renesemee Cullen being half Vampire and half Human grows faster than a normal baby being 3 days old baby she already look like a 1 years old.
Jake decided to fallow his imprint when the Cullen left Forks and move to Alaska to be near Renesmee.
7 years after Renesmee was born and she is already fully grown more beauitful than her own mother.
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   18 years later....
Minako nd Serenity Narumiya are both 19 years old and will start Collage in about a month, While Makato “Lita” Rose Narumiya is now 18 years old attending Inashiro like their parents did and all three of them love playing Baseball and Tennis. Their younger brother Daisuke Charlus Narumiya  who is currently 16 years old.
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And he will be attending Inashiro as a 2nd year he was born in March  23, 2017.
He has our mother’s  golden brown hair and our father’s blue eyes.
       Sailor Pluto is quickly panicking since Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter and Princess Serenity are borth 19 year early than the rest of the sailor sailor scouts and Prince Endymione all just recently been born. The only good thing abou this is that Sailor Venus being reborn as the older twin of the Princess and Sailor Jupiter being the younger sister the two could protect Princess Serenity. And since only Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter and their Princess are reborn only Artemis is awaken while Luna stay asleep, until the other scouts are old enough. And because of this a huge change in the timeline small lady will never be born as the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and Neo King Endymione, but she will still be born as her father’s daughter but she could never be the next princess of the moon. That role will belong to Princess Serenity’s future daughter.
  While Elizabeth and Mei are already 45 years old but they still look around their early 20′s since they work out alot to keep in shape and it keep them young.
The next year...
     On January 5, 2033
     Edward Cullen  and Bella are a divorcing each other after being married to one another for 19 years. He is leaving me after finding his real soul mate to the human woman that could match Rosalie’s own beauty Clarissa Ross
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And even my daughter Renesmee love her then again we never see eye after she found out her imprint Jake Black and her use to date for almost nine and half years before she broke up with him to marry her father Edward.
I suppose it’s no suprise that my sister Elizabeth has always been more lucky in love than I ever did. She married the one man who would never willingly leave her even for his real soul mate, I know this for a fact since our Step sister Leah Cleawater end up imprinting on Mei Narumiya on my twin sister Elizaberhz’s husband. They been married for 23 years and they still love each other and they have 3 beautiful daughters and one handsome son together.
 After my divorce with Edward I left the Cullen covens and moved  yo England and become a a nomad vampire, where I found my real mate in Garrett Williams
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Who was a solider when he was a human. He is also a human drinker. I also chsnge my diet after meeting my mate, I adjust to drinking Human blood well.
4 years later....
Minako end up marring her college boyfriend Wally West who is currently the hero Flash who took over the role of flash after his Uncle retried as the Flash.
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While Serenity gotten married to her high school sweet heart Ryouta Kise
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Who’s a pilot and part time model since middle school and a former baketball player and a member of the GOM.
Then their’s Lita who married to Hikaru Hitachiin.
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They meet in College he has fashion desginer like his mother.
By the time Artemis return their memories of their past life they were all married and they will not be willing leave their husband for they already love them dearly.
Princess serenity cut the bond she has with Prince Endymione XII and called all the 7 rainbow crystal to become whole to her, while purging Queen Beryl out of Earth, after the task was done she hidden the sliver crystal inside her own body. By then our parents and younger brother already know our past life and they still accepted us as it turn out our mother was also reborn soul she was noble woman from Planet Jupiter and our Father was noble man from Planet Venus so really our younger brother is half Venusian and half Jupiterian.
 12 years later...
Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury are both awaken by Luna, but by then  Minako, Serenity, and lita already has 11 years old daughters.
The oldest child is the Daughter of Minako and Wally West, her name is Irest Eliza West and she 11 years old born January 1, 2038.
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The 2nd oldest is the Daughter of Princess Serenity and Ryouta Kise, her name is Hikari Serenity Kise
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She has a younger twin brother by the name Takashi Mei Kise
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The Kise twins were born in May 12, 2038.
Then their’s the final childe the daughter of Lita and Hikaru Hitachiin
her name Shizuka Rose Hitachiin born in December 5, 2038.
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(Ignore the girl holding strawberry)
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thevelvetseries · 5 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Summary : The Ackles oldest daughter Y/N has been growing up hiding a secret from her whole family and the entire world. She tries her best to keep it hidden, until one day her secret is released to the world.
Pairing : Jensen Ackles x Daughter Reader / Danneel Ackles x Daughter Reader / JJ Ackles / Arrow Ackles / Zeppelin Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Warnings : Lesbian Reader, Forced Out, Swearing, Drinking
A/N : I had just finished reading the book ‘Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda’ and really enjoyed it. After watching the movie with a few friends it gave me the idea to write a short one-shot about a female reading being outed.
Main Masterlist
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I was currently sitting in my last period of the day at school. We had 10 minutes left until the end of the day. I was meeting Bram, Alexandra, Hannah, Nick and Marcus we were heading to the mall after school to look around get dinner and see a movie like we do every Friday. Once the bell rang, I put away my books and picked up my coat and leave the classroom and head over to my locker to grab the rest of my books to take with me for the weekend. While I was placing books in my bag Hannah bounced up to me.
“Hey Y/N” she says while leaning up against the locker next to mine. She was wearing a light blue top with black skinny jeans and some simple sneakers. She looked amazing she always did. They way she would do her makeup and hair everyday she looked beautiful.
“Hey Han, have you seen the others.” I say while closing my bag, placing it on the floor to put my coat on.
“They are walking to us now” she points behind me and I see Bram, Nick, Marcus and Alexandra walking our way. I close my locker pick up my bag and we all had outside. Since there is 6 of us we take two cars, in the mornings I pick up Hannah, Nick since they live on near me while Bram picks up Marcus and Alexandra. We get into our cars and head off to the mall for the night.
Around 8pm I get home. When I pulled up in the driveway I noticed that Jared and Gen were over. I park my car and turn off my engine. I take an deep breath, and lean my head against the headboard and closed my eyes. After 5 minutes I grab my bag and head inside. I open the front door, took my shoes of sand hanged up my coat on the hook by the door. I walk into the kitchen place my bag on the counter and grab myself a bottle of water. I had drank about half the bottle when dad walked in the room.
“Hey kiddo, how was school today?” He asked while giving me a kiss on the head while continuing over to the kettle and tuning it on.
“It was ok, nothing out of the ordinary.” I say while putting the lid back on my water bottle. “I saw the Padalecki’s are here” I say while pointing to the living room.
“Yeah, they decided to come over tonight.” Jensen says while making coffee.
“I’m gonna say hello and head upstairs.” I say walking out the kitchen. I say hello to everyone in the living room and head upstairs to my room and start to do my math homework. After about an hour I make my downstairs to get myself a snack. I walk into the kitchen and see dad and Jared sitting at the table talking.
“Hey Y/N” Jared said while drinking some of his drink.
“Hey J” I say while grabbing myself an apple and joining them at the table.
“How’s school been?” He asked.
“It’s been fine. Nothings really changed” I say while biting into my apple.
“Got a boyfriend yet?” Jared says while dad gives him a look.
“Hey”dad says while putting a hand on Jared’s shoulders “She’s 16. She doesn’t need a boyfriend.” Then he looks at me. “You don’t have a boyfriend do you?” He asked me.
“No dad, I don’t” I say. What he didn’t know is that I didn’t want a boyfriend or a husband when I got older. I wanted a girlfriend, and a wife. I’ve know this fo a long time. Like when me and my friends would watch TV shows or movies I would always pay more attention towards the actresses.
“Well good. Wait until college or after college.” He says. I give me a smile and tell him I would. It was a way to keep him off my back. I get up from the table and head into the living room where mum and Gen where with the little children. They were watching Frozen and eating popcorn. I make my way over to mum and snuggled into her side. She gives me a kiss on he head and continues o talk to Gen and watch the movie, at some point I’ve fallen asleep.
When I woke up I was in my bed and it was light outside. I look at my bedside table and saw it was 6am. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs and find mum and dad in the kitchen cooking breakfast, JJ and the twins where in the living rom watching cartoons.
“Morning sweetie, did you sleep ok?” mum said while cracking some eggs into a bowl to whisk them together.
“Morning mum, dad.” I say while sitting at the table and yawning.
“Oh, is it still ok for me to go to Jessica’s party tonight?” I’m ask to the room. Mum and dad both agreed so when I finished my breakfast, I sat with my family in the living room for a few hours before heading upstairs and texting my group asking if they were going to go. We all were. We decided that I was going to head over to Alexandra to get ready with her and Hannah since she lived closer to where the party was being held. Jessica used to go to out school before she transferred when she moved last year but everyone still loved her.
Around 9pm we arrive at the party. We head to the kitchen to get ourself some drinks. By 12am I was drunk. I wasn’t really sure what was going on, all I knew was that I was with Hannah and Alexandra in the car and was heading back home. They pull up to my house I grab my bag and head inside. I quietly enter the house and close the door and went upstairs to my bed. I had a good night, but what I didn’t know was that my life was going to change when I woke up the next morning.
My head was pounding like crazy. I slowly open my eyes and immediately shut them when I come contact with light from my windows. Yes, I was definitely hungover. It wasn’t the first time it had happened but never this bad. After about 20 minutes I was finally awake enough to head downstairs. It was 10am. I left my phone by my bed. When I reached downstairs I saw JJ, the twins and their three little Padalecki’s in the living room while mum and dad and Jared and Gen where in the kitchen talking with a laptop in front of them. When I enter the kitchen they all look at me. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and turn around and looked at them.
“Why you all staring at me like that?”I asked confusedly while opening my bottle of water.
My dad looked at me and asked my to take a seat. I sit down and now I’m starting to get a little worried.
“When we woke up this morning there was an article wrote about you. It looked like someone took some photos of you at the party you went to last night.” Dad said while looking at me sweetly.
“Ok. That’s not bad. Is it.” I ask nervously.
Mum turned the laptop around and I could hear my heart break. The headline was the first thing I saw ‘Y/N Ackles seen kissing a mystery girl’. No, no no no no no. Fuck no. I start to scroll down and I see a photo of me kissing a girl. Tears start to build in my eyes. Why was this happening, for the past 3 years I’ve kept this hidden inside me. I look at up and a single tear runs down my face. I didn’t know what to do, they were all staring at me. 
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I got up from the table and ran up to my room ignoring the calls for me to come back. I enter my rom and lock the door and crawl into my bed. My phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts from my friends asking if I was ok and I just broke down crying.
I could hear my dad and mum, outside my room knocking asking for me to let them in. I couldn’t move. I stayed in my room all day.
When I woke up the next morning I woke and immediately hated the day. It’s Monday. School is in 2 hours. I head to my ensuite took a shower then go dressed, did my hair and makeup and went downstairs. When I enter the kitchen I see mum and dad and JJ eating breakfast. When they saw me dad looked me in the eyes. We hadn’t talked since they read the article. “Would you like a waffle sweetie?” He asks I just nod.
I seat down at the table not talking. I know I need to say something I should just tell them they already know. Dad placed my waffle in front of me and sat back down next to mum.
“I want to talk to guys about something.” I say. They both look at me, JJ was bus eating her waffles. “Well… I… I.. I like girls. And I don’t want you guys to think anything different. I’m still me.”
Mum jumped “of course you are sweetie” she said. “It’s ok hunny.” I give them both a small smile. “I loved you”
“We love you too” dad said. “Come here” he put his arms out. I get out my chair and walk over to him. He gives me a big hug and kissed my forehead. Then mum comes from behind me and joins the hug.
2 weeks later. Everything was great. I’m not sure why I was so worried in the first place. Nothing has really changed in my life except everyone knows my little secret, my family and friends still loved me everything was ok. I’m not sure why I was so scared too begin with. I’m was now myself. Who cares, the heart wants what it wants.
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I’m sorry Jensen ackles x daughter reader
summary: You are jensens 15 year old daughter and your parents have been spending there time with your younger siblings. you start to become lonely and start thinking how everyone would be better off without you. Jensen and daniel get a call from your friend, raising her concern for you ,and they learn how bad your mentall health actually is.
Warnings: Possible self harm, suicidal thoughts, self hating language, attempted suicide, bullying, father jensen and mother daniel fluff. 
Please if this is happening to you, or you feel like this tell someone. i know what it’s like to keep your feeling bottled up. please don’t do it. my messages are always open
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you were sitting on your bed staring at the phone screen. it didn’t matter how hard you tried you couldn’t tear your eyes away from it. the hurtful words made you feel something. Everyone assumed That being Y/N Ackles made your life great. and of course your dad and Daniel loved you, but they were far to busy these days for you to bother them with your problems.
Ever since you were a child it had always been you and your dad. your mum didn’t want you so when she gave birth to you, she gave you straight to your father and ran. you were always a quiet kid, never causing any problems. but that meant you learned to  keep your problems to yourself. your father was far to busy with his acting to deal with your miner todler problems.
when daniel came along your father had finally found love again. being 12 years old at the time you understood that they both loved eachother. She treated you like her child, and loved you as much as a mother should. you loved daniel with all of your heart, and so did your father. 
When j, Zeplin, and arrow came along you felt complete. you had always wanted younger siblings, and you finally had them. you loved them, you really did, but sometimes you wished your parents would have more time for you. 
2 months ago your family moved houses and you had to start at a new school. your siblings were all to young to start school, whilst you were starting your 10th grade. being 15 was hard enough, but having to start at a whole knew school was nothing good. normally you would have no problem making friends. everyone knew the name Ackles. sometimes you wished you had actuall friends who didn’t just hang around with you for the exposure. sometimes you wished you were lucky enough to score real friends.
but this time you knew it wouldn’t be the same. you knew from day one that you were not welcome at that school. from the very start you were called horrible names, and contantly hurt, shoved, pushed, tripped, and more when you were just collecting your books. you couldn’t add on to your parents stress and you knew that your siblings were to young to understand, so you kept quiet. 
sometimes you would video chat (Insert best friend name here). your best friend from your old school. she was your friend because she loved you as a person, not because of your name. but you knew better than anyone that she didn’t need your problems adding onto her stress. 
“Y/N dinner” called daniel from the kitchen. you wiped you eyes and switched your phone screen off. you pulled on you’re jumper and pajama pants and went down stairs. when you arrived you saw your mother feeding arrow and your father feeding zep. Jay was sitting at the table eating her pasta and watching a barbie movie on her Ipad. 
“Your dinners on the bench Y/N, help yourself” Siad your dad gesturing to the bowel of pasta left for you. 
“Thanks” You said taking a small portion of pasta and sitting next to jay. once Daniel noticed the little amount of pasta on your plate she nudged your dad on the shoulder, causing him to look at your plate. 
“Are you not going to eat anymore” Asked Daniel worry evident in her voice. 
“Sorry mum, i’m not that hungry” you mumbled playing with your food. 
“Are you not feeling well honey” asked you dad, taking his eyes of zep. 
“I’m alright, just don’t have much of an appitite” you said shrugging off the  matter. 
Your parents looked at eachother, more worry evident on there features. truth be toold they had a reason to worry. since you moved you hadn’t been eating as much as you should be. you play basketball so you needed to maintain your body. however since moving you had dropped basketball completely. you spen’t most of your lunchbreaks in the library, where food isn’t allowed. you had lost 20 kilograms in the past 2 months, which wasn’t healthy considering you were already small for your age. Your parent’s had been noticing the weight loss, but didn’t really question it considering that they thought you were just stressed. however 2 months in and you were still showing signs. 
“Y/N, can you braid my hair please” asked jay giving you puppy dog eyes. you sighed. 
“Course jay” you said letting jay lead you up to her shared bedroom, leaving your bowl of food untouched. 
“I’m worried about her” said your mum once you had left the room. 
“Me two” said your dad, concern clearly evident in his voice
“You don’t think she’s anorexic do you” Asked your mum placing arrow down in the high chair. 
“I don’t hink so, she would have lost more weight by now. besides she would be excercising like crazy, she doesn’t seem to leave her bed much now days” said your father placing zepline in the chair opposite arrow. 
“Maybe she’s going through exams, that could be why she’s loosing all the weight” said your mum, trying to find a reason for your weight loss. 
“The school wrang me yesterday”. said your dad just as he remembered. 
“You’re only telling me this now, what did they say” asked your mother. 
“Her lunch pass hasn’t been used in over a month. they also said that she dropped out of basketball and drama, they were worried about her” said your dad. 
“Maybe we should give her some space untill she opens up” said your mum cleaning up the dishes. 
“Yeah maybe”. said your dad. he knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. 
The following day at school you kept your head down and avioded the crowds of poeple walking the halls you quickly grabbed you’re books and headed to the bathroom. shutting the stool door you pulled up your jumper revealing the many cuts and burns running up your hip, you silently let a tear fall down you’re face knowing that you were so lost. you pulled back down you’re jumper and walked over to the mirror, your appearence looked tired. your hair looked dead and your eyes had purple bags under them, your face looked deathly pale and slim, far different from the girl you used to be. you washed your face picked up your bags and hastily exsited the bathroom. 
after ariving to you’re first class you found your seat in the midle of the classroom and pulled out your laptop, you stopped when you saww it. the top of it was covered in notes full of hatefull words, drawn on in permanent marker, you opemed it to see more written on you’re screen. 
you let the tears full freely down your face, you didn’t know why but you started reading them. 
You didn’t realise untill you finsihed that the whole class was laughing at you. because it was a study period you didn’t have an assigned teacher so there was no one to tell them to stop. you packed up your stuff and headed to the library where you would signed in and set in the corner. sitting down on a bean bag you curled up and started sobbing. pulling out your phone you looked through the photos. the one of zeplin, jay, and arrow, sitting curled into you while you read to them. the one of you your dad and daniel when you won your first basketball game. the one of you and (Best friend) when you both won the science fair. the one of you and your primary school teacher when you recieved your graduation certificate. you started crying even more, knowing that things would never be the same again. 
You were about to turn off your phone when you saw a call from your dad you wiped the tears from your eyes and answered it. 
“Hey dad” You said as cheery as you could
“Hey bug, how are you” he said 
“Fine, is everything okay” you said knowing that your dad normally didn’t call you during school hours. 
“Everythings fine. me and mum are going to have to stay on set late tonight. the kids are with uncle jared. is it okay if you catch the bus home today. theres dinner in the fridge and the remote on the counter” asked your dad 
“Of course” you said trying not to cry. 
“okay sweetie, we’ll be home as soon as we can. i love you” said your dad hanging up the phone 
“I love you to” you wispered to no one in particular. 
The bus ride home was horrible. you constantly had paper and balls thrown at you, and insults left right and centre. you packed up your stuff and headed off the bus afew stoped before your house, so you could clear your head. on the way out your bus driver grabbed your arm. 
“You okay kid” he asked kindly a sad smile on his lips. you put on your fake smile a replied an “i’m fine” before exsiting the bus. you took your time getting home as you knew it would be hours before anyone else arrived. you unlocked the door and thre you backpack onto the kitchen counter, not caring that your laptop was in the bottom of the bag. you slowly made your accent up the stairs and into your room. 
your room was at the end of the hallway, you parents room was the next door down and your sisters’ room was next to them, across the halls was your brothers room. you sighed and pushed open your door revealing the room that was once full of life. the walls were painted grey and all of your exam papers were lying scattered acroos the floor. your clothes lied on a pile next to the bed and your art supplies was scattered across your desk, like it was a month ago. 
your bathroom looked spotless and clean, much different to your bedroom. you walked back into your bedroom and pulled up your phone, you had a binch of text messages from about 50 unknown numbers. you felt your heart finally shatter. you had never given anyone your number, and now the harrasment would never stop. you threw your phone onto your bed and slid down the wall, letting the tears fall freely. you couldn’t do it anymore. you didn’t have the energy, you just didn’t want to. it had taken everything you had to make it this far, and you just didn’t have the fight anymore, you let the rest of your tears fall before pulling yourself off your floor and sitting on the bed. feeling your phone vibrate you picked it up to see a message with a table. by closer look you saw a petition. not just any petitiion, a petition about you. the “Get Y/N Ackles to dye petition” that already contained 280 signatures, 
you stared at your phones screen, emotionless. it wasn’t untill you felt the phone vibrate again that you saw an incoming call from (Your best friend) you letit ring a bit hoping it would go away, before you lost your patience and slid the answer buttin across. 
“Y/N hey, hey, answer me, are you okay” asked your best friend in a panicked tone. 
‘i’m sorry” you wisper into the phone. 
“What are you sorry for, Y/N, tell me that your okay”. begged your best friend. 
“I’m sorry but i can’t do it anymore... i love you” you say letting more tears fall down your face. 
“NO Y/N stay on the line, come on , i need you, your so much stronger than this” begged (Your best friend). 
“Goodbye (best friend) i love you” you say hanging up the phone and pulling yourself into the bathroom.
slowly you walk yourself into the bathroom, and drag yourself infront of the mirror. 
“I’m sorry mum, dad, jj,(best friend) zeplin, arrow, but this isn’t the right place for me” you say, grabbing medication and a razor from the cupboard. wiht as much energy as you could muster you shover 2 hanfulls of pllis down your throat. after feeling your eyes drop, you dig the razor into your skin cutting the vain open and letting the blood pour freely. 
“I’m sorry, i’m sorry” you say before you drift off into the land of unconciousness.
your dad had just finished filming the final sceen when he felt his phone buzz, he pulled it out but didn’t recognize the number, knowing it was probably business he answered it anyway. 
“Hello, jensen ackles speaking” he said through the phone
“Mr ackels it’s (Best friend)” your father heard (best friend) through the phone. only it sounded like she was crying. 
“Hey (best friend) is everything okay” asked your father genuinly worried. 
“Have you been on instagram lately” she asked. 
“Not lately” he said. 
“Can you please have look” said (Your best friend) crying
you dad kept the call running while he opened instagram, what he saw broke his heart. he saw tones and tones of hate messages comments and posts about you. but the one thing that got to him most was a petition, saying for you to kill youself. 
“(best friend name) wheres charlotte” said your father starting to tear up. he hear (Your best friend) started sobbing. 
“I was on the phone to her just before, i think she’s going to commit suicide mr ackles, she hung up on me and won’t answer her phone” cried (your best friend) 
your father felt stupid. how did he not notice, he let the tears flow freely. 
“(Best friend) thank you so much” wispered your dad before hanging up the phone. and serching for another number 
“Hey jensen” said jared through the phone 
“Jared i need you to call an ambulance for our adress, Y/N is home and i got a call from her friend. you’re colser to home than we are, i think she’s going to comit suicide” said your father through the phone crying. 
“Okay, i’ll head over there noe, i’ll leave the kids with gen, just go to the hospital, i’ll go in the ambulance with her” said jared hanging up the phone. 
your dad walked over to your mum with tears running downhis face 
“j, whats wrong” asked your mum, worried, 
“It’s Y/N” 
Your head was heavy, your throat hurt more than anything, and your body felt like it had been dumped. you could hear the beeping of a mechine and imidiately knew you were in the hospital. 
“Y/N” you heard someone say from your bed. 
“Dad” you said opening your eyes and adjusting to the light. 
“Hey bug”. said your dad removing the mas from around your face so you could talk properly. You tried to sit but your dad pushed you back down. 
“Hey don’t move, you need to rest” said your dad pushing you back down and planting a kiss on your head
“You gave us a right good scare sweetie” said your mum grabbing your hand from the other side of the bed. recalling the previous events you started sobbing. 
“I’m sorry” you said your body shaking from the sobs. 
“No, no, don’t appologise, we should be the ones appologising”. said your dad brushing your hair away from your face. 
“but you didn’t do anything” you said. 
“We wern’t the parents you needed. we should have realised something was wrong. thats our job. if (best friend) hadn’t called your dad you wouldn’t be here” said your mum kissing your palm. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you. i just didn’t want to fight anymore” you said leaning into your fathers embrace. 
“ I understand that Y/N, but we need you. were always here to talk. we know that you didn’t talk to us because you thought with the others it was to much. but nothings ever to much. please don’t scare us. talk to us. we are always here” said your mum jumping on the other side of the bed. 
“I know” you said keeping your head down. 
“ were going to work through this together, you don’t have to be strong all the time, but you need to talk to us, deal” said your dad lifting your chin up. 
“Deal” You said smiling. 
“Good, we love you bug” said your mum planting a kiss on your head. 
“I love you both two” you said. feeling happy for the first time in months.
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insanelycooljk · 4 years
Jared gets kicked out?
send me the title of one of my deh wips and I’ll share an excerpt/tell you a bit about it  
Oh boy... I hope you’re prepared for some angst lmao. In terms of just, the amount of angst/hurt, this is probably the worst wip I’ve got (...except maybe the one that’s just titled ⚡⚡⚡ lol 👀). This is another one that I’m not sure I’ll ever actually write, but it was like 2am and my brain just went hey...what if?? and I had enough to say about it that it warranted it’s own word doc lol.
Anyway, the title pretty much says it all with this one.
Also just wanted to clarify that I can’t actually imagine Jared’s parents ever kicking him out. Like, they’re clearly friends with Heidi and I like to think that anyone Heidi is friends with must be pretty decent people. But, for angst purposes... yeah they’re not great in this. On that note, trigger warning for shitty homophobic parents and homelessness.
So Jared knew coming out wasn’t going to go well, but he didn’t expect it to go quite this badly
He tells his dad first and it’s definitely not great, but it’s not a complete disaster either. His dad kind of just says “Well, you know what I think about that.” and Jared says “I know.” And that’s just the end of the conversation really. And sure Jared’s still hurt by it, but also that was exactly how he expected it to go, so it’s not like he ever had his hopes up enough to be disappointed.
“Are you going to tell your mother?” Jared knows he probably shouldn’t, but part of him just wants to get it over and done with already. I mean really, it’s not like he’s ever tried to be subtle, his mum should probably know already just based off of some of the things Jared’s said over the years, but she’s probably in denial.
So Jared just thinks fuck it. She doesn’t have to like it but he’s sick of pretending.
Which ends up being a very bad decision. As expected she takes it very poorly. There’s a lot of yelling and it’s awful and she’s saying all the standard homophobic bullshit, and then she starts talking about kicking Jared out.
And Jared’s just in shock because... she can’t be serious. Like, this isn’t happening. She’s just angry, she doesn’t actually mean it. Right?
Wrong. Turns out she is absolutely serious. And Jared is just looking at his dad desperately because he hasn’t said a word this whole time, but he still says nothing.
Jared is just so scared and angry and hurt and in shock. Part of him wants to throw a tantrum and just kick and scream and refuse to leave unless his parents physically drag him out of the house.
But he’s in too much of a state of shock to really say or do anything. His dad helps him pack some things and tells Jared that his mum just needs some time to process and calm down, and that he’ll talk to her. Jared just nods numbly, but the unspoken questions lay heavy in the air. How long? Does Jared even want to come back after that? He’s starting to regret lying to his parents so much (”literally nothing I tell my parents is true and they have no idea”) because his dad probably assumes that Jared actually has friends or something that he could stay with for a little while.
His eyes are burning from the effort of holding back his tears because Jared is just stubbornly refusing to completely break down.
He’s still in such a state of shock that he’s kind of dissociating a bit, because next thing Jared knows is that he’s in his car and driving somewhere.
It takes him about 5 minutes to realise that he’s on autopilot and is driving to Evan’s house. Once he has that realisation Jared immediately pulls over because he can not go to Evan’s right now.
Partially because he’s seconds away from completely losing it and having a full-on breakdown, and he is just not in a place right now where he could fake being fine (and obviously breaking down in front of Evan is not an option because please, this is Jared we’re talking about). But also because showing up at Evan’s uninvited and asking to stay over would be pretty out of character for Jared, so if Heidi’s home she’s going to (correctly) assume something is wrong and call his parents, and Jared just... can’t deal with that right now.
So he just lets himself finally breakdown. Once he finally calms down he’s so exhausted from everything that he just quickly makes sure the doors are locked and falls asleep almost instantly.
Any hope that the previous day’s events had just been some kind of messed up nightmare is lost when he wakes up in his car and not his bed.
and Jared’s just... not sure what to do really. His dad seems to think that his mum just needs some time to calm down, but how long is Jared supposed to wait? Should he call? Just show up at home? He doesn’t want to be the one to reach out first because fuck that, but the waiting is going to drive him crazy.
He just feels so lost. So Jared kind of throws himself into planning shit so he can feel some sense of control. He figures he can sleep in his car. His parents paid for like 6 months of a gym membership for him for his birthday, which he’s pretty sure was just a passive aggressive comment about his weight, but boy is he grateful for it now because he figures he can go to the gym and shower. He can do his homework at the library. He figures he should buy one of those adapters so you can charge your phone from your car, or maybe a portable charger so he doesn’t risk killing his battery. Jared doesn’t really spend much, so despite not having a job he’s got a decent amount of money saved up just from birthdays and things over the years. Nothing is ideal but like, he can make it work.
Of course, Jared being Jared is incapable of asking for help so he just... doesn’t tell anyone.
He goes to school the next day, and eventually he’s got a little routine going. He sets his alarm on his phone really early on school days so he can go to the gym first. He does like... the absolute bare minimum amount of exercise to avoid suspicion before he showers. He stays late after school to do his homework in the library, and then once the school library closes he tends to go to the public library to either finish his homework or just take advantage of the free internet and watch youtube or something. He’s worked out the best place to park his car overnight so he’s inconspicuous and he’s relatively safe. Like, obviously he locks the doors and covers most of the windows, but it’s still kind of scary sleeping out in public sometimes.
But he hangs out with and stays over at Evan’s as much as possible. Which like, are the best nights of his week, but also sleeping at Evan’s house almost makes Jared feel worse? It just makes him acutely aware of everything he’s lacking right now.
But overall Jared is doing kind of ok, and he thinks he’s doing a pretty damn good job of acting like everything’s normal.
Which... he is absolutely not lmao. Evan and Alana and even a couple of Jared’s teachers are on to him (maybe Connor and Zoe too, although I haven’t decided if they’ll be in this or not). I mean, no one knows exactly what’s happened, but they can tell something is up.
Jared’s just been... off. He’s very flat and his shitty jokes have been a little harsher than usual lately. And Evan’s kind of confused about why Jared suddenly wants to hang out with him so much. Not that he’s complaining, he’s enjoying hanging out more with Jared, but it does seem weird. It’s weird that Jared stays over multiple times a week now, but Evan can barely remember the last time he went to Jared’s house. It’s weird that Jared never comes over if he knows Heidi will be home that night. It’s just... something’s not adding up and Evan can’t quite work out what.
Anyway, better end it here because wow I did not mean to make this so long lmao. It’d probably end with a confrontation, confession and ultimately Jared staying with Heidi and Evan for the foreseeable future. Plus one VERY angry confrontation with Jared’s parents from Heidi lol. I love angst, but I love an (at least somewhat) happy ending even better, so things would turn out alright in the end :)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Kelly’s 6th Birthday; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
And here we go guys the last update for now. This chapter contains an equal amount of both fluff and and angst so I hope you all enjoy it and still have those tissues and maybe some ice cream (or other sweet treat on hand cause you’ll need it). Now I’ll stop talking and let you all get to reading these chapters, hope you all enjoyed them and until the next chapter (but you all are gonna hate me for it cause I have a feeling you all may know what I’m gonna write for the next chapter).
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*November 13th, 1991*
It was a nice cool November morning in the backyard of Roger Taylor’s home.  Everywhere decorations were being put up with the help of not only Roger, Brian, Deacy, Jack’s family, and the ladies of Queen, but some of the loyal roadies both from Queen and the Rock Angel.
Walking through the garden wearing a handsewn replica of Belle’s famed yellow dress, little Kelly Kline was walking towards her mom who was talking to some of the party planners.
“Just be sure that Elton and Bernie are sitting next to each other, those two can’t be separated no matter what. And see to it that David is seated here.”
“Of course Mrs. Kline.”
*My POV*
Whew who knew planning a princess themed party was such hard work.  But thankfully the planning was coming along.  We hadn’t had any hiccups or misplacements.  Mum as well as Gen were making Kelly’s dress since they were the most skilled at sewing, and it was nice for dad to lend us his backyard for the party.  God he truly likes to spoil his goddaughter.
When I turned around I gasped in awe.  There stood my little five year—well almost six year old baby girl in the famed yellow Belle ballgown dress.  
Ever since she’s seen Beauty and the Beast, it’s been her favorite movie and she’s begged and begged to have a Princess themed party where she could be Belle.  And so here we are.
“Do you like it?” she asked me with a hopeful smile.
“Ohh Kelly, you are an absolute vision. You are gonna be the talk of the party and not just because it’s your birthday.” I said as I kneeled in front of her and took her hands in mine.
She smiled and I held my arms out and she came into them as I hugged her.  God I can’t believe my baby girl’s growing up so fast already.  I mean it seems like only yesterday she was just born and now here we are almost six years later.
“How’s it coming?” I heard Jack say.  We separated from each other and when he saw his daughter he gasped and said. “And just who is this lovely princess before me?” she giggled and said.
“It’s me daddy.” Jack got down and leaned in real close to her making her giggle some more.
“Why yes it is. Oh my darling baby girl truly is a princess now. Did mums and auntie Gen do good on the dress?”
“Yes, I love it.”
“Did you thank them?”
“Yes daddy I did.” He smiled and hugged our baby girl close to him before placing a peck on top of her head.
“Oi Jack mind giving us a hand with this!?” Jensen exclaimed as he and Jared were trying to hold up one of the platform towers to help make the setting more authentic.
“Duty calls, I’ll be back later.” He kissed Kelly one last time before racing off to help his cousins.  I stood up and took my daughter’s hand as I told her to follow me.
“Ohh I just can’t believe how big you’re getting.”
“Mummy! Please don’t tell anymore baby stories. I’m not a baby anymore.” She whined.
“Ohh forgive me, but no matter how old you get, you will always be my little baby waby girl!” I cooed as I held her close and she tried to squirm but I warned her not to mess up the dress and ruin mum and Gen’s hard work.  “Oh that reminds me. I have a gift for you.”
“Really? What is it?”
“Well your uncle Freddie had it specially made. It took a few strings, even though I told him not to do it. But you can never tell that man to not do something. And it’s a symbol that makes every princess a princess.”
*3rd Person POV*
In one of the bedrooms where (y/n) kept Kelly’s specially made diamond princess tiara.  Gen and Jared’s 5 year old daughter Odette managed to find the tiara in it’s special box.  She too who loved all the Disney Princess movies wanted to know what it was like to wear one that was real and authentic, and not just a plastic crown.
She placed it on top of her head and looked at the full length mirror and couldn’t help but smile at herself.  Feeling almost proud and regal at this point.
“Odette?” she heard her aunt’s voice.
*My POV*
I went into Roger’s study where I had put the tiara knowing that the kids wouldn’t be able to find it in there. But it would seem curious little Odette managed to find herself in there and was wearing Kelly’s tiara.  I called out to her and that’s when she jumped back and took the crown off as she began stuttering.
“A-auntie (y/n) I—I’m sorry I…I just wanted to…..”
“How dare you!” Kelly sneered as she walked up to her younger cousin. “That’s mine! It’s not for you.”
“Sorry Kelly I just wanted…..” Kelly took back the tiara and said in a snotty tone.
“Poor kids don’t get to wear real tiaras.”
“Enough!” I said in a firm tone.
“Auntie (y/n) I’m sorry…..”
“No. I was talking to Kelly.” I interrupted her. Kelly turned towards me and owled back.
“I thought your father and I raised you better than that Kelly.” I spoke with my mother tone as I looked down at her disappointedly. “It doesn’t matter where we come from in life, everyone deserves to be treated with love and respect.”
“But Odette took my—”
“She apologized. And it isn’t yours yet.” I stopped her before she could even make an argument with me.
“Auntie (y/n) it was really my fault.”
“I respect your honesty Odette. But your cousin must learn. Kelly,” I knelt down in front of her and continued, “We are all the same.”
“But you’re a rockstar mummy. That makes you rich.”
“Well yes, to a degree. But that doesn’t make me better than anyone else. This party for instance, can you tell me what it’s for?”
“Yes. It’s to honor me on my birthday.” She answered with pride as she raised her chin up like a real princess.
“No. It’s for you to honor your family. And to show everyone that by being a kind, and caring young girl, you will continue to grow up to be just that.” I took the tiara from her hands and held it before her as the two of us stared into each other’s eyes. “When you are crowned with this, on your birthday. It will show everyone that like a real Princess should, you will treat everyone with love and with kindness. Just like Belle did for the Beast. Now do you understand?” she smiled and nodded.
“I do mummy.” I smiled at her and I gestured towards Odette to tell her to say that she was sorry.  Kelly turned and said. “I’m sorry Dette, I was selfish. I didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I took your tiara without asking permission first. Daddy and mommy says I should never take something without asking first.” The two girls hugged each other and it warmed my heart to see them forgive each other.
“Alright Odette, go run along and play with your brothers and the rest of your cousins.” She raced off leaving Kelly and I alone in the study.  We walked up to the full length mirror together and I handed her the tiara once more and as she held it she said.
“It’s so pretty.”
“Your uncle Freddie spares no expense for you.”
“Can we go see him?” she asked.
Now that’s where I was hesitant.  See the last time I had seen Freddie, he was looking very, very ill.  And there’s not to say I was paranoid against the AIDS virus, I would never want to isolate Kelly from her favorite uncle, it’s just—I don’t want to have her be upset at seeing him like this.
“Ahh so here’s where the two Kline Queens snuck off to.” We turned around and there stood Roger.  I playfully scowled at him and that’s when Kelly raced up to her godfather and said as she even did a little twirl.
“Papa Roger, don’t I look beautiful?” Roger was in awe as he said.
“Ohhh lovie, you are so beautiful mademoiselle.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it, just like he was greeting real royalty. “I can’t believe I have the highest honor of being in the presence of Princess Belle herself.”
“You’re silly papa Roger.”
“Oh lovie, I’m crazy for you!” he picked her up and playfully spun her around in his arms, the two of them laughing.  I shook my head at his playful antics and that’s when he said as he stopped spinning her around. “So what were we lovely lion queens talking about before I came in here?”
“I was hoping to see uncle Freddie.” At hearing his name, Roger grew solemn.
“Uhh Kelly, why don’t we try for a visit tomorrow?”
“Aww why?”
“Well because we’re still trying to build your party love. And I need to stay here and help out with the planning. And your father still needs to finish setting up the towers and the other decorations we need—”
“I’ll take you to see him.” Said Roger interrupting me.  I looked at him in shock while Kelly looked overly ecstatic.
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to see him myself. Why don’t we go together.”
“Can I go mummy please?” she turned toward me giving me the puppy dog eyes that she inherited from her father.
“Papa Roger can take me, please I haven’t seen him in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time.” I looked to Roger and he looked at me in assurance that it would be okay.
“Alright, but change out of your dress and into your normal clothes okay.”
“But I wanna show him!”
“Hey, either you take off the dress or there’s no visiting uncle Freddie.” she groaned but she knew I was right.  Roger set her down and she headed back to the room to find either Gen or mum to take the dress off and get her normal clothes back on.  “You sure visiting him is a good idea?”
“Well we can’t just keep her away from him. Plus he’s been asking for her lately. Especially now since her birthday’s next week.”
“Will you tell her why he’s so sickly? I mean compared to when she last saw him at the beginning of the year, he’s gotten worse. He can barely leave the bed.”
“I know. I’ll—try to ease her into why he’s so different.” He said.
“Just—break it to her slowly. And if she cries…..just be there for her.”
“I promise love.” He said as he wrapped his arm around my neck and he kissed my forehead.
I helped her into the backseat of Roger’s car and I said to her.
“Now you listen to everything your godfather tells you. And…go easy with your uncle Freddie once you see him okay?” she nodded. I kissed her cheek and told her. “Have a good visit.”
“No worries mama lioness I’ll take care of her.” He started the engine and the car revved.
“Bye mummy!” I closed the door and he pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road to head to Freddie’s place at Garden Lodge.  I waved bye to them and that’s when Jack came up behind me and said.
“She going to see him?”
“Yeah. I just—I just wish I could be there with her, she…..she doesn’t deserve to see her once mighty uncle in his lowest state. I’m so scared she’s gonna be so upset. He—he hardly has any time left. I fear he’s gonna die any day Jack.” I wept softly while he held me close to him allowing me to cry for the first time in months.
*3rd Person POV*
It took about 10-15minutes but soon enough they finally reached Garden Lodge.  But as it has been for months ever since the leaked rumors of Freddie’s illness with the growing rise of the AIDS outbreak, the press were out pacing around like hungry wolves waiting to storm in and photograph Freddie.
“Papa Roger, the bad photo guys are here.” Roger growled and muttered.
“Those fucking wankers.”
“Mummy calls them desperate hyenas.”
“More like pestering vultures, but your mum is right.”
“Why do they do this?”
“For their own greediness unfortunately. Here I need you to be quiet for a moment while I make a quick call, okay?” she nodded and Roger pulled out his installed car-phone and dialed Fred’s number.  
It rang a couple times before an answer was heard.
“Jim, it’s Roger. Yes I’m here with Kelly and we’ve come to see Freddie, but the press are crowding the gate…..Yes, okay. Alright we’ll wait out here. Thanks Jim, see you in a minute.” He hung up the phone and he turned to Kelly. “Care to watch a little game?”
“What kind of game?”
“It’s called ‘fool the mindless baboons.’ Any second now, a car’s gonna pull out from uncle Freddie’s place. We’re gonna make those baboons chase after the car thinking your uncle Freddie’s in the car. So while they chase after the car a few times around the next few blocks, we can go in and see Freddie, sound fun?” she nodded happily.
Then just as Jim told Roger, Freddie’s driver Terry came driving out of the gate and that’s when the press took notice of the car and took off running after it with their cameras out and all shouting over each other.  Kelly laughed as she said.
“Stupid baboons.”
“You said it love, now c’mon let’s head inside before the gate closes.” Roger unbuckled himself out of his seat and quickly raced over to help Kelly out from the car.  
He picked her up and held her in his arms, and as he quickly raced over towards the gate he noticed another car parked just nearby.
“Well it seems Brian and Anita are here as well.”
“Really?” Kelly’s tone grew excited.
“Yeah see that’s Miss Anita’s car right there.” Roger said as he pointed out the car.  She nodded and that’s when Roger took her inside and the gate closed behind them.  He walked right up to the front door and knocked twice before adjusting Kelly in his arms to move her from hanging off his hips to his waist.
The door opened to reveal Jim standing there.
“Hi Uncle Jim.” Kelly waved.
“Hello lass, hello Roger, good to see you both. Thanks for waiting.”
“It’s no problem. Anything to get those vultures off Fred’s property for a while.” Jim allowed the two of them inside the home.
Normally Freddie would either be in the music room playing the piano or in the living room with most of his children, but it was all quiet.
“I’m told it’ll be someone’s birthday next week.” Jim said trying to make conversation.  Kelly nodded shyly and said.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be six years old.”
“Wow that old already? How time flies.”
“Tell me about it. Seems like she was just born yesterday and now I’ve got a growing lion cub on my hands.” Roger said as he playfully bounced her up in his arms.  Kelly softly giggled and leaned her head against her godfather’s shoulder and Roger placed a kiss on top of her head.
“Can I get you both something to drink?”
“Just a warm cuppa for me, once we’re done here gotta help continue to build this young one’s princess party.”
“Alright, and for you Kelly dear?”
“Can I please have some milk?”
“Sure thing, one cuppa and one milk coming up. Please make yourselves comfortable.” Jim said as he gestured towards the living room.  Roger placed Kelly down on the couch and that’s when one of Freddie’s cats and Kelly’s personal favorite Romeo came up and rubbed against her ankle.
She got down and greeted him and began to stroke him as he let out a loud purr and leaned into her hand.
“Here we are, one cuppa and one milk.” Jim said as he brought in the two cups.
“Thanks Jim.”
“Thank you uncle Jim.” Rog took a sip of his cuppa and he said.
“So I noticed Anita’s car out front, they still here?”
“Yeah, they arrived just five minutes ago before you both showed up. They’re upstairs with Freddie and the doctor.”  As the two men continued to talk about grown up stuff, Kelly being the clever girl that she was, slowly snuck away from the couch and as quietly as she could, headed up the staircase to find Freddie.
When she reached the top of the stairs, she wondered along trying to remember which room was his.  That was until she heard the sound of her uncle Brian’s voice. She quietly raced towards it and peeked in.
There she could see her uncle Freddie in his grand master bed.  But she was shocked to see that compared to the last time she saw him, he looked even worse.  He was so thin and frail, it looked like he was a skeleton in her eyes.
“I see that the garden’s been tended to Fred. Brian spoke from the window.”
“I agree Brian, are those newly planted magnolias?” Anita spoke up.
“Guys….you don’t have to pretend to make conversation with me. I’m just…glad you’re here.” Brian smiled solemnly at his dear friend. It was then Anita turned towards the door and could see a small figure quickly try to hide away.
“It would seem you have an unexpected guest Freddie.” Both Queens looked toward the door and shyly peeking out was Kelly.
“Kelly.” Said Brian.  He walked over to her and knelt down in front of her and said, “What are you doing here?”
“Papa Roger brought me here. I—wanted to see uncle Freddie.”
“So that old fart finally came to see me. He downstairs?” Freddie said from his bed.  She nodded and that’s when Freddie extended his arm out and said. “Come here my sweet nightingale.” She turned to her uncle Brian and even through the sad hazel eyes, he managed a soft smile as he nodded telling her to go on.
She walked over to the bed and took his hand in hers.  Freddie smiled warmly as best he could as he said.
“You just get bigger and bigger every time I see you darling. And I hear you’ll be what? 8 next week?”
“No I’ll be six.” She softly giggled.
“Ahh yes, the big number six. God it’s hard to believe you’re getting older.”
“Yeah.” She said hesitantly.  Even through his exhaustion he knew something was going on in her head.  So much like her mother in every way.
“What is it my sweet darling?”
“I wanna cancel my party.” She said.
“I don’t wanna have a party without you. I can wait uncle Freddie. And then we can turn it into a celebration once your better.” Freddie held onto her hand as tight as he could, but to Kelly it was like holding a baggy in between her hands.
“No my darling, we can’t cancel your birthday. It’ll be alright.” He took a soft deep breath in and said to her, “I’ll—try to be right as rain by then. I wanna see my little nightingale walking in that beautiful tiara I had specially made for her.” His index finger stroked her cheek faintly.
Kelly held her uncle’s hands tighter and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.  She looked up at him, tears in her eyes but a strong face adored her features.
“I don’t care about my birthday, all I care about is you.” Kelly whispered as she placed her other hand over her uncle’s heart. Freddie couldn’t handle the level of kindness that was in this little girl.  Here his niece was willing to cancel her birthday even after months of it being planned and everything coming together, and she was willing to just throw it away and wait for him to get better.
Even though he knew he wasn’t.
Suddenly he began coughing rather harshly.  He turned away from her as he coughed into his left hand which held a tissue.  The coughing grew louder and more harsher, it was like he was gonna cough a lung out.
“Brian!” he groaned out as best he could.  He refused to let his nightingale see him like this and risk scaring her.
“Kelly love,” Brian immediately came up to Kelly who just stared at her uncle Freddie fearfully.  Brian placed his hands on her shoulders trying to redirect her attention to him as he said, “Let’s leave Fred to rest, it’s alright.” He quickly picked her up and as Freddie’s doctor came over to help him, Brian and Anita left with Kelly to watch in shock at seeing her uncle so sick.
When Fred was finally done coughing, the tissue was practically coated with blood and a small bit of it even ran down his throat as well as a tear.
Kelly kept her eyes at the doors of Freddie’s bedroom and that’s when she buried herself into her uncle’s shoulder, burying her face into his mass of curls and let out a sniffle.  Brian stopped and softly told Anita to head on downstairs.
She nodded and rubbed Kelly’s back comfortingly for a bit before heading on downstairs.  Brian found a bench to sit on and he said as he gently pulled Kelly away from him so he could have a good look at her.
“What is it Kelly-cub?”
“Is—is uncle Freddie going to die?” she suddenly asked.  At hearing her say those words, Brian had no idea what to say to her. I mean…..how does one tell a child that someone they love is dying of a terrible disease that can’t be cured like the stomach flu or the common cold.
She began to softly cry as she buried herself back into her uncle’s shoulder.  Brian stroked the back of her hair trying to calm her down as he gently soothed her as best he could.
“We—we don’t know love.”
“I don’t wanna lose him!” she whimpered out.
“Neither do we.” Brian whispered back to her. Brian continued to embrace his niece for as long as he could till she just sat there motionlessly.  He then decided she needed to be with her godfather at this point.
Brian stood up and walked down the stairs and when Roger saw the sight of his goddaughter he sighed brokenly.  He walked up and Brian transferred her over to him and Roger held Kelly close to him and patted her back soothingly.
“I should take her back. I can come back later to see him. God (y/n) is gonna kill me.”
“She probably knew this would happen Rog. Maybe we should talk to Fred and (y/n).”
“After her birthday Brian. She doesn’t deserve to be sad just days before her birthday party. I know Jack and I can’t allow that to happen.” Roger kissed the back of her head and stroked through her mother’s inherited (h/c) hair.
After a few minutes of talking with Brian, Rog buckled Kelly up into the backseat and drove back to his place for her to rest after such an emotional day.
One week later; family and friends were invited to Roger’s place for the greatest birthday in history.  
*My POV*
I was currently dressed in a white Cinderella style dress and I knew Jack would be dressed as my Prince Charming.  I was adjusting my dress and putting the final touches of my makeup when I heard a knock at my door.  Standing there were Roger and Brian.
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“Well look at you Mrs. Kline, a true Queen.” Said Brian with a soft smile.
“Now, now boys this is supposed to be Kelly’s night. I’m merely just trying to look my best.”
“And no doubt, your majesty.” Roger did a mock bow doing a dramatic hand gesture as he bowed.  I rolled my eyes at them and I said to them.
“But I’ll admit you two clean up rather nicely. Quite dapper yourselves. Like true Princes, Anita and Dominque are lucky ladies.”
“Well so far most of the guests are starting to arrive. Thankfully no press have come yet.” Said Roger.
“Good. I refuse to have a bunch of kids photographed just because celebrities are here. Especially when it comes to my kids.”
“Don’t I know it.” Muttered Brian.  There was an uncomfortable silence between us and that’s when I decided to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
“Alright, I know why you guys really came up here. You’re here to talk about talking to Kelly in regard to Freddie’s health.” They looked at me.  Before they could speak, I held my hand up and walked towards one of the chairs in mine and Jack’s guest room that Roger kindly lent us for the week till the party was over.  “You guys know I’ve been keeping this secret ever since I found out at the beginning of the year. Not even Jack knows about it, not my mum, not Misha, not even Jared and Jensen. Kelly’s been asking questions but I refused to tell her the truth because I promised Freddie.”
“We would never have asked you to carry such a responsibility.” Roger said as he came up to me.  I sighed heavily and stopped a tear from coming down my face.
“I know that every child has to go through death at least one point in their life. Whether through a pet, or unfortunately like in my case with both my parents. But—never did I think I’d have to prepare Kelly or my boys for this. How do I tell her?” Roger placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s the hardest thing every parent goes through. Believe me, it wasn’t easy to tell my kids about my father passing, they loved their grandfather and he loved them. But—if Kelly finds out a different way, it may damage her to an extent, especially if some news press makes it out to be Freddie’s fault. She at least deserves to hear it from the one person whose loved Freddie almost all her life.” Brian said to me as he stood by my side.
“And if you need us to be there for you when you tell her, we will.” I nodded and fanned my eyes out and that’s when Roger held out a handkerchief for me.  I smiled and dabbed my eyes.
“Alright enough of this. Don’t want to show teary eyes at a six year old’s birthday party.” I stood up and grabbed the box that held Kelly’s tiara.  “Ready my kings?”
“Lead the way our beloved White Queen.” I raised my chin up acting the part of a Queen and I left the guest bedroom and headed down the stairs and headed for the backyard.
All around there were people dressed in full costume of either Kings or Queens or Princes’ or princesses.  Kids were running about chasing each other or talking at the kid’s table.  There was a bouncy-castle with a dragon plushie inside.  A stage was set up for not only Kelly’s ‘coronation’ but Brian and I had prepared a little something special.
To the left of the stage, there were mountains of presents and on the other side was the snack table where the cake, and all the other treats were at.
There were fun party games for the kids to play, and even some of us grownups got involved with the games like musical chairs, the bean-bag toss, and the three legged race.  When the clock struck six o’ clock I grabbed my champagne glass and took my knife and lightly clanged them together as I said.
“Excuse me, can I please have everyone’s attention?” Everyone quietened down and Jack handed me a mic. “Thanks love, okay first of all I would like to thank everyone who came out here today to celebrate a very special someone. I know some of you have traveled across the ocean to get here but we greatly appreciate you taking the time to fly out here.” I spoke of my family and some of Kelly’s school friends in America.
“Now we’d like to ask that the birthday girl come up on stage. Kelly sweetie.” Jack said as he now took the mic while I walked up on stage.  Kelly raced up and took her daddy’s hand and he helped her up the stairs so that she could sit on the red velvet, faux gold chair that Roger had lying around in the attic to use as Kelly’s throne for tonight.
He sat her down on the chair and I took the tiara out of the box and walked behind her and presented the tiara to everyone.
“Sweetheart, your mother and I would like to finally present you, your crown. For it was on this hour just six years ago you graced us with your lovely presence.” I placed the crown on my daughter’s head and that’s when Jensen and Jared came up carrying the cake while Misha lit the candles. Once the candles were lite we all began to sing to her.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Kelly.
Happy birthday to you!
I swore at this moment, I thought Kelly’s smile was just gonna pop right off her face with how wide it was.  At the end of our song, Misha kissed his granddaughter and said.
“Make a wish sweetie before you blow them out.” She shut her eyes before blowing as hard as she could, extinguishing the candles. We all applauded her and she hugged her grandfather first before turning to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss.  I kissed her temple and rubbed her back happily.
We all then had cake and ice cream, and all the while mum was in charge of taking the pictures and she sure did get in a lot, especially of her precious granddaughter.  Brian was also our main photographer and while Kelly was opening her presents, I pulled both Brian and Elton aside so that we could prepare the next special surprise for Kelly.
After getting a whole bunch of presents from new Barbie dolls, to drum kits, mini-guitars and dozens of other games and toys, Kelly thanked everyone for her gifts and that’s when Elton sat down behind the keyboard while Brian and I came up on stage.
“If we could have your attention for another quick moment.” Brian spoke into his microphone.  “Kelly love, this is a special gift that your father had us prepare for you. We hope you like it.” Elton soon began playing the opening chords for “Beauty and the Beast” and soon coming out from the left side of the stage, Jack had changed from his white Prince charming attire to the famed blue outfit the beast wore.
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As I softly began to vocalize, Jack walked up to our daughter and knelt down to her height as I began to sing the first part of the song.  He presented our daughter with a rose and she smiled and took it from her daddy before standing up and curtsying at him.
When Brian came in with the next part of the song, Jack extended his hand out and she gladly accepted it and the two of them walked out before the stage as Brian and I began to sing the duet part of the song.
For you see as many times as she’s seen the movie, she always made Jack dance with her the exact same steps that they do in the movie.  It’s honestly quite adorable to see as the film running, the two of them get the spins and turns right on cue.
So for months; Jack has wanted to finally do the dance the right way.  And since Kelly wanted a Princess themed party, this was the perfect time for him to get tailored in the exact beast outfit and he had me practice with him the exact steps while Kelly was in school so that he could get it right.
But I knew I couldn’t sing this song on my own so that’s why I chose Brian to be my singing partner because when he needed, his voice can do such raw passion in an angelic belt, but he could control the level in which he did it.  
We were also lucky to have Elton join in on the party because Bri isn’t as big of a fan of the keyboard as he is with the piano.  So Elton gladly stepped in and got the sheet music for the song (since under secrecy he’s apparently involved with an upcoming Disney film).
As Brian and I kept singing the song, Kelly and Jack continued to do the waltz right down to the last step.  It was like seeing a live action of the film right before us.  I could see the kids were in awe and the grownups couldn’t help but fawn at how adorable it was.
I could see Roger leaned up against Dominque’s shoulder and she leaned her head against his as the two of them softly swayed while keeping their eyes on the adorable dancers up front.  Even John had a slight smile as he and Veronica were cuddled close together.  
It was like even through all this shit that’s been going on with Freddie, he still managed to find some light as he watched his beloved niece dance with her father.
By the end of the song, Jack picked our baby girl up and held her in his arms leaning his forehead against hers.  A common sign of affection he’s done with her ever since she was born.  Her eyes closed as she touched her nose to him.
Everyone soon applauded and I couldn’t help but wipe away a tear from my face.  I hugged Brian and I said.
“We’d also like to thank Mr. Elton John on the keyboard.” Elton stood up and bowed to the crowd.  When Jack put Kelly down, she walked up the stairs to us and hugged both Brian and I to the best of her ability.  I picked her up and held her in my arms and she said.
“You both sang beautifully.”
“Thank you love, happy birthday.” Brian said as he pecked her nose.
“Don’t I also deserve a thanks?” Elton asked as he walked up to us.  She turned to him and she reached out for him.  Elton took her hand and kissed both her cheeks.
“Thank you uncle Elton.”
“Anytime darling, you danced divinely. Just like your mum does.” I playfully scrunched my face at him and adjusted Kelly in my arms.
As it got darker and it was starting to get to be the younger kids’ bedtimes, we ended the part right at 9 o’clock.  I handed out all the party favors and thanked everyone for coming and they thanked us for inviting them.
I just got done hugging and kissing Elton and Bernie goodbye and thanked them for coming, when David was the next to come up.
“Thank you so much for coming David.”
“It was my pleasure love, and I hope the mini you had a great birthday.” Kelly who looked like she was about to pass out on Jack’s shoulder yawned and nuzzled closer to her dad’s shoulder. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I handed him his party favor and we kissed each other’s cheek goodbye.
“I’ll get her bathed and ready for bed.” Jack told me as he walked back inside the house.  Soon my mum and Gen came and helped out with the rest of the party favors for the guests while the boys took care of taking down the decorations and clearing out the backyard of the Taylor household.
Half an hour later, everything was all cleaned up and thrown away.  I yawned tiredly when Dominque said.
“Never thought a six year old’s party could be tiring work huh?”
“I’m just thankful we didn’t have any press stalking about, or any insanely sugar crazed kids. And luckily we were enforced with more adults than most parties I’ve taken the kids to.”
“I’ve got most of the important parts of the party recorded. I can edit it out then ship it to Freddie in about 3 days.” Said Misha.
“Perfect, thanks dad.” He nodded and gave me a kiss and a hug.
“Give my regards to the birthday girl.”
“Will do, you and mum have a safe flight back home tomorrow.”
“We’ll call you guys when we land.” I nodded and that’s when he and mum left the Taylor household back to their hotel to get some rest before flying back to the states.
“Well I better get out of this dress, god this corset has been killing me all night.”
“But you definitely work it girl.” Dominque said. I playfully stuck my tongue at her as I carefully walked back up the steps.  As I came to the bedroom, I heard the sounds of Kelly’s laughter.  I leaned against the door and peeked in and that’s when I saw both Jack and Roger tickling her.
“Four…..five…..” Jack counted down.
“Five and a half.” Roger continued for him. Oh dear looks like both of my boys have decided to gang up on my poor baby girl with the annual birthday tickles.
I don’t know whether to be relieved that I no longer need to deal with those from Roger anymore or be ashamed that my daughter must now carry the intense burden of Roger’s evil tickles.
“Five and three quarters…..and…..”
“Six.” They finally stopped leaving Kelly in a pile of giggles.
“Are you two jerks torturing my poor little cub again?” I asked revealing myself.  The two guilty men turned towards me and Kelly whined out.
“Mummy they kept tickling me.” I awed at her and came over and picked her up and held her close.
“I understand your pain. They are cruel, heartless tickle demons aren’t they?”
“Oh come off it darling, you know you loved it when you got your dose of birthday tickles.” Roger said.
“You were a sadistic torturer Roger Taylor. Like a true lion on the hunt. And you Jack Kline, are like a sneaky wolf trying to claim a lost lamb for lunch.”
“Maybe, but I didn’t hear you complain.” Jack teased. I shook my head at the two of them and that’s when I said to Kelly.
“Alright birthday girl, time for you to go to bed.” The boys got off her bed and I tucked her in.  “Did you have a good birthday?”
“The best, it was a lot of fun. Thank you mummy.”
“Well you should really thank your godfather for allowing us to use his house for the party.” Roger knelt down beside her and she said through a yawn.
“Thank you—papa Roger.”
“Only the best for you my little lovie.” He said as he stroked her hair and gently brushed some strands aside.  He kissed her forehead and gave her an Eskimo kiss before standing back up.  Jack then knelt down on her other side and she said.
“Thanks for dancing with my daddy.”
“Hey you know I’d do anything for you. You’re my best girl Kelly.” He gave her a kiss and the three of us left her bedside and stood by the door.
“Goodnight love.” I whispered.
“G’night mummy, daddy, papa Roger.” She said back.
“Sweet dreams birthday girl.” Said Roger with a gentle smile.
“See you in the morning sweet pea.” Jack said as he turned off the light and we left as he closed the door behind him.  We both bid roger a goodnight and we went over to our bedroom.
After getting a shower and changing into my night clothes, I got into the bed beside Jack and we kissed each other.
“Another successful birthday.” He said with a warm smile.
“I’d say we did pretty good.” I shrugged.  We then lay down together and as I pressed my head against Jack’s chest I began to worry about tomorrow because it would be in the morning that Brian, Roger and I would talk to Kelly about Freddie’s health.
I wasn’t going to enjoy it, but I knew it had to be done.  Cause like Brian said, I’d rather her hear about it from me, rather than an article in the paper or magazine completely blowing it up based off of radical minds.
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