#hf edits
nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Favorite Historical Fiction || Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman
“You’re not hurt?” He waited only for her to shake her head before he swung around to confront his son. “All your life I’ve made excuses for you, found reasons to explain away your deranged behavior. I cannot even begin to count the times I’ve overlooked your tempers, your blunders. But no more. This time you’ll answer for what you’ve done.” “But it was not my fault!” “It never is, is it? You’re always the injured innocent, never accountable for your own actions. It’s as if your entire history begins and ends with those years you spent in English prisons. Well, that was thirteen years ago, Gruffydd, and my patience has at last run out.” Senena was tugging frantically at Gruffydd’s arm. “Do not argue with him, love, I beg you. Do not say what you may later regret!” Gruffydd ignored her, did not even hear her. “Your patience? What of mine? You talk of making excuses for me. What do you think I’ve had to do for you? I’ve watched for years as you shamed yourself, shamed us all, watched and could do nothing about it. I do not know why this last surrender surprised me so. You’re so eager to stay in the good graces of the English King that nothing else matters to you…least of all, pride. I once accused her”—he pointed toward Joanna—“of bewitching you, and you denied it. But how else explain your actions? You demean yourself before the English King, allow de Burgh and Pembroke to humiliate you, to—” “That is enough, Gruffydd!” “What do you call it, if not humiliation? You can posture all you want, boast that you’re a brother sovereign of the Scots King, but the truth is that you’ve shackled us to the English throne, made us vassals of John’s son. And yet we’re likely to look back upon your reign as the Golden Age of Gwynedd, in comparison with what would befall us under Davydd! Christ, Papa, you must see him for what he is, a craven weakling, a pampered milksop who’d panic at the first hint of trouble, and yet you’d have him over me! You’d forsake your firstborn, abandon our ancient laws of inheritance, and all to please a Norman-French bedmate!” “I do see Davydd for what he is, and I see you for what you are, irresponsible and willful and foolish beyond belief. You talk of governing Gwynedd, and yet you cannot even govern your own temper. You’re a child, Gruffydd, a child at two and thirty, and it is time you faced the truth. I would never have turned Gwynedd over to you. Should evil befall Davydd in my lifetime, I’ll choose Tegwared then, or even Adda’s son. But not you, never you, for you’d blunder into a war you could never win, destroy the work of a lifetime in less than a twelvemonth.” Gruffydd was stunned. “You’d do that? You’d truly choose Tegwared over me?” “Yes.” Llewelyn’s voice was very cold. “If it came to that, I would.”
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mercyking · 9 months
Hello I am . Autistic and so is Nicholas Angel and I want to talk about it (again)
First of all, Nicholas' relationship to social interaction: the way he clearly just Doesn't Care when he's being shown around town / introduced to people; he was bullied in his childhood for holding other kids accountable to the rules; he likes his peace lily because "its needs are simple." Nicholas' character arc is really concerned with his relationships, from the 1-on-1 level (Janine, Danny) to larger groups (the police team).
In my opinion, this arc also revolves around the struggles associated with having a Strong Sense of Justice. One of many examples: Nicholas' first scene in the pub, when he feels so angry and uncomfortable knowing there are underage drinkers. Compare his expression to how RELAXED he looks after kicking the teens out.
Before my rewatch, I'd forgotten how emotional the movie has Nicholas be about his desire for order. He really be YELLING in so many scenes!! I LOVE IT. In my experience, it can be almost physically painful when you feel there's something Wrong and your sense of justice won't let you be at peace until you address it. I love the way Hot Fuzz handles this, because it treats Angel's pain as legitimate. One of the plots in the movie is Angel moving from an unhappy life to a happier one. These scenes include his frustrations with the enforcement of rules (ie the small stuff like shoplifting and underage drinking). These moments are just as important to his emotional arc as the ones relating to his breakup!
I guess this is why Nicholas is so precious to me as a character. Some autistic people might relate to the experience of getting labeled as boring, rigid, etc for expressing feelings related to a strong sense of justice. For me, getting emotional about rules has been part of the struggle to socialize / "fit in." It's really awesome to see Angel show real distress and anger about these things, and for the movie to take his feelings seriously.
Not only is his sense of justice legitimate, but it's capable of being a positive force --- it's what makes him the person who finally saves the town. It's nothing new to have the idealistic hero save the day, of course. But for me, it hits different when the movie pays so much attention to Nicholas' struggle to balance his social life with his morality. Hot Fuzz doesn't resolve this by saying Nicholas' desire for justice and order is '''naive''' or problematic. He has to develop a healthy way to live with it, yes, and doing so takes effort. However, he doesn't need to erase this part of his personality in order to have good relationships. Instead, his sense of justice becomes part of the fulfilling life he builds for himself in Sanford.
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heartfragment · 4 months
Warning: contains some Book 3 CG spoilers & flashing images!
I spent an ungodly amount of time making this so of course I must share it. :') There's so many tiny details in here that hint at things.
Song: Code Blue by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
(Also available on YouTube here if you want to like and/or comment.)
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jackals-ships · 3 months
wondering Why im in such a bitchy lil mood only to check my Devils Week calendar and go ah. the pmdd strikes,
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helyiios · 1 year
ghost town
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maxsix · 10 months
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faithfulcat111 · 5 months
Remember all those Black Friday and Jonathan Byers photo edits I made? Cause I kept going Black Friday is very VERY much a Jonathan Byers song. Well, I finally made a video edit version. So here you guys go :D
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miaestrellabr · 1 month
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Sonic the hedgehog (edit on the canva)
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akilice · 10 months
"Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way."
I keep saying that Cassandra's song are so Sakura coded.
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charlottesweetly · 21 days
i love writing convoluted AUs tjhis is my favorite part to take out of context
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iero · 8 months
and how about foals for the band album thing if you haven't done that yet? <3
Yeah! It hasn't been done yet!
Everything Not Saved 1
Everything Not Saved 2
What Went Down
Life is Yours
Total Life Forever
Holy Fire
Thanks again Kamila! 😊
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 years
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Favorite Historical Fiction || Destiny of Fire by Zoé Oldenbourg ★★★★☆
Of the four who were burned, Gentian was the first to die. Bérenger had managed to get his right hand free in order to protect his face: with his half-blinded eyes he saw his companion’s head, raw, bloody, smoking, drop forward over the calcined cords that held her. The fire still licked about her, crackling and spluttering, but she no longer writhed in its embrace. Thank God, he thought, she is out of Hell.
Pain was no longer there: it had destroyed itself. He did not know now whether it was heat or cold that devoured him, whether the smoke that surged before his eyes was red or black, whether he could still hear those cries. My God, he thought, I am still alive. How hard a thing it is to die.
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shinesurge · 8 months
i dont wanna get up in that person's tags but man i've never seen somebody else talk about The OCD Substance lmao. Mine feels more solid than fabric and mostly exists attached to people or feelings but they are definitely cousins Wrow
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thxta · 1 year
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insomnia ridden Theta could definitely be confused for a vampire
or even possessed by a demon ngl
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snobgoblin · 2 years
i get to be the annoying horse girl again and there are no bullies this time
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grimzeyblogs · 2 years
i hate how the fandom wiki acts like midnight show isn't out yet but also references multiple events that aren't in the trailer, y'know, the SECRET tapes???
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