#hh jacki
beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
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A very tired Fred:…
Jacki: He’s my favorite nephew! How could I say no to that pudgy face? It’s like lookin’ at a mini you Fred boi.
Fred: (¬_¬) He’s falling asleep sitting up Jacki. How long has he been awake?
Jacki: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Y/N: *exhausted while laying on the couch next to Daisy and new baby; tried to be the voice of reason- was defeated* Since you and Daisy left for the hospital yesterday to give birth
Fred: ?!! JACKI! WHAT THE FU-?!!
Daisy and the kiddos: ( ̄ρ ̄)..zzZZ
Disclaimer: I don’t own Fredrick, Jacki, this version of Y/N, or the VN: Heart Hunted they belong to @heart-hunted. I only own Daisy, the mysterious newborn, and the brat known as Fredrick the 2nd. Also kids are hard to draw, need to work on faces and the like but I’m getting there (I think >.>)
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Jackie Janzer
Instagram: jackie_blabla
Photo: Amin Eisawi
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sammeez · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Jacki 🥳
He has a bouquet of his mums favourite flowers and some of her peach tart!
Jacki belongs to @heart-hunted ^_^
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solipsistful · 2 years
ace: okay but are there any characters any of us like who are canonically abusive parents?
Serpent: ... :|
Serpent: Humb-
ace: okay fine yes how dare i ever forget Lolita i get it
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local-x-reader · 9 months
Saw some art on instagram that
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mayasaurusss · 3 months
I've been thinking about transmasc!shauna :(((
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A/N: Hi 💗anon! I'm so so sorry I took this long to make this but i was conflicted on two ideas I got, since i didn't know if you wanted a sfw or nsfw headcanon/blurbs or a oneshot so, since I'm so cool and amazing, I did both! So, expect a Transmasc!Shaun oneshot (with a little twist ;) ), to come out in a few days.
Warnings: sfw, short and maybe kinda rushed, ooc Shaun, he is a clumsy and embarrassed boy, he is taller than us here because I said so, beginning of a relationship.
ANON! If you wanted general transmasc Shauna blurbs with more details about you, him and his journey with transition, ask away! I'd be more than happy to do them! I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected, I wasn't completely sure about how to do this but I tried my best!
Shaun who would fall in love with you the first time he sees you reading 'Pride and prejudice' on a bench outside of school.
He is totally smitten with you. He definitely told Jackie right away about his little crush and she, like the best friend she is, made a detailed plan on how to get your attention. And, since Jackie has befriended you -came to your desk after you had just moved schools and, oh so casually asked to be your friend- at the start of the school year (Shaun thinks:"What? She hasn't told me?" with an annoyed look on his face), this could flow all more smoothly.
This detailed plan consists of: Jackie approaching you after class with the intent of asking you to hang out after school, Shaun barging in the conversation asking Jackie something about helping him with literature studies -which Jackie knows is your favorite subject ever in your course-, excusing herself from his demands and asking you to aid her friend. It's perfect, Jackie thinks, Shaun feels this is too much but who is he to complain? Everything goes smoothly till, when he has to act his part in the plan, Shaun accidentally trips on thin air and falls, the contents of his backpack spilling all over the ground and the remains of his coffee staining his papers and shirt.
He is silent, his cheeks getting red with embarrassment. Both him, Jackie and you do not move for a moment, until the first one to move is you. You neatly pick up the papers and books that have fallen near you, meeting his eyes and looking at him with worry, "Are you ok?". His lips feel dry and his blood pressure rises causing him to redden even more than before "U-u-hh I... I am okay...", he feels like he is going to melt on the spot.
When he gets up, you have already helped him with all of his belongings, Jackie hadn't moved at all from her spot, too embarrassed (even if she hadn't been the one to be utterly humiliated in front of her crush). You try to lighten up the situation, joking about it all, Shaun laughs with you but he is in discomfort: the only chance he had to be the 'cool mysterious guy' blew off of his face, leaving a clumsy and stupid version of himself to the girl in front of him. You, on the other hand, don't think of him in that way: sure it was a bit embarrassing, and also funny, but he must've felt really embarrassed so you don't think about it too much.
Sometime passes, Shaun for the first days after closes himself in his room, remembering it all and changing inside his mind what happened. Jackie tries to call him, but he is unreachable; everything is starting to get ridiculous so Jackie rings the bell of Shaun's house and finds before her, her friend emotionally destroyed. She tries to comfort him, but to no avail; he is also angry at her but he won't mention it, otherwise Jackie would never let him hear the end of it. Much to his surprise, Jackie says that you asked him, "Is he ok? I haven't seen him" and "If he still needs help with the exam, I am here". He is very much red by now, the little hairs at the end of his neck standing up and his eyes watery. "...Really?".
When you meet him again, Shaun is tidy, he wears one of his flannel shirts and gray jeans, he has shaved the uneven peach fuzz that grew on his lips due to testosterone, and has a small red cut on the left side of his lip ("Who knows what she likes?" he tells Jackie while messily shaving himself "And besides I don't want to look like a barbarian!" says while unnoticing the small cut that he made. "Ah!" Jackie laughs, "Now you look like you've gotten into a fight with a cat!"). He tries to act cool, despite his total lack of knowledge on how to. When he sits down with you for the study session, the common hall is silent and you have to whisper, causing him to get a bit flustered. Your study session is cut short when you guys start to have an actual full-on conversation; unknowingly, you both start to talk and laugh a bit more loudly than normal, causing both of you to be escorted out of the library. Out, you two forgot completely your duties and spent an entire afternoon hanging out and talking. You notice it's starting to become dark, and when you look at the hour you see that you've lost an entire afternoon of study: you apologize profusely to him, and schedule another meeting. He can't complain, he gets to see you more.
For a while, this is your routine: meeting, trying to study, chatting and losing track of time. Until the exam gets close, so you try to help Shaun as much as possible and, with little to no surprise, he passes the exam. You are so proud of him, very much so, but now there is the little problem of how to see him again; he doesn't need your help again after all, maybe he never did. So you stay silent, hoping he will reach out to you. Unknowingly to you, Shaun feels the exact same, staring at his phone on the nightstand and hoping to receive a call. But none of you make the first step, both too afraid of rejection. That is when Jackie steps in, barging into Shaun's home with new, like Cupid, she strikes him with "She wants to see you again, I think she might like you". He is on cloud nine, his heart pumps fast and it looks like he might die of happines on the spot.
He calls, asking you to meet him at the same bench he saw you sitting on the first time. When you come, he is all giddy and blushy, he tries to rub off his tension from his hands. His voice is struck in his throat, he is the first to talk "I think...I would like to see you again, if it's fine..." you would like to kiss him, you think, but you're not sure he would like it at all, so instead you mutter "Sure...I would like that too'' with a smile. Your eyes met and without notice, you locked lips in a kiss. It's passionate, it's relieving, it's months of feelings and desires all in one kiss. You let out a breathy laugh, causing him to laugh in the kiss with you also, his arms hug your waist and you his neck, impossibly close to one another. He sighs, his heart is speeding and he feels a happines so strong that it almost seems pain,"Thank you, thank you, thank you...", he holds you close and strokes your cheeks “Thank you!".
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carmillas-girlfriend · 2 months
Continuing my OFMD Deaf AU Agenda. [I basically just posted exactly this on my Twitter but I need Tumblr to have this information as well.]
Ed - Profoundly Deaf since birth.
Stede - Hearing. Certified Terp. He is so normal about this!!!
Izzy - HH. He runs the Deaf Studies Department.
Jim - Hearing Polyglot!!! English/Spanish/ASL/LSM! They're so talented holy shit!
Olu - Deaf Polyglot!! Also Eng/Spanish/ASL/LSM (again! Talent!)
Lucius - Profoundly Deaf and he is That Bitch who went to Gallaudet, too.
Pete - Deaf but he got shipped off to Oralist school so he used SEE whenever he was allowed to sign. But since dating and getting married to Lucius his sign is more like PSE or ASL.
Spanish Jackie- Hearing but she runs the coffee shop the community holds Deaf Coffee at so she knows how to fingerspell!!!!!!!!!!!
Zheng - [I wrote on Twitter she's Hearing and learning sign for Olu but I actually I've decided:] She's Hearing CODA!!! (Auntie is Deaf!)
Archie - Deaf since she was 4! (High fever.)
Roach- CODA/Hearing (also a certified terp but he is *actually* normal about it.)
Frenchie - Hearing but the rate and volume in which he is listening to Heavy Metal with headphones is alarming. He took Dr. Hands' ASL 1A to fulfill a language credit but then developed a crush lmao
Fang - HH! He plays Santa at Signing Santa every year!!!!!
Calico Jack - SODA
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panderp123 · 11 months
🍓 Berri Strawberry Demon🍓
Art by badsnailz
Species: Strawberry Demon 🍓
Age: 24
Berri was created years ago! (Approx 2009 pre HH/HB)
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Backstory: Born in the late 1700s Berri was called Berlio with his twin Jacek.
Their parents Cassandra & Francis were a different kind of couple and educated the boys that it’s ok to love who you want but with society it’s harder.
This alone was not the best as when Berri turned 24 he ended his life after being caught inappropriately with his then male lover.
He ended things in a strawberry field and unfortunately his beloved twin Jacek aka Jackie found him with their father.
Within the year after his passing Francis & Cassandra fell immensely sick to the Spanish flu. This broke Jackie’s heart and he too followed suit of his twin brother.
Due to the innocence of the death Berri was in limbo or purgatory until the last decade. Where he rushed out of Charon’s ship scared and panicked. Where he ran into a beautifully handsome squid demon called Ambrosias and the two have been dating since.
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Art by @kodoukat & me (last art piece unknown)
Ambrosias belongs to @zierkeus
Jackie belongs to @kodoukat
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Safe Haven’s Angel Book2 Ch4 End
(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. Like the last chapter this'll just be my Alternate HH/ZP ocs until I figure out what to do with them further or until Hazbin Hotel comes out.)
Maggie still helps her mother and her Aunt Charlie run the hotel and eventually does start dating Charles despite he likes to annoy her many, many...MANY times.
He's in a much better place now having cutting all ties with his mother and her gang after his father eventually divorced her and cut contact with the rest of their family and getting back with his old flame Tyco. He's a lot happier with his older sister and step father around and working on self improving himself.
Happily working in the hotel with her mother Nifty and working with her in the kitchen. Also may or may not have made her feelings known to Gossamer who also may or may not have become flustered at her antics.
Although her dream of stardom never took off she's making a very good living for herself by opening a successful dance club and bar.
Has followed in his father's footsteps of becoming a tyrant even if his mother and girlfriend disagrees with it, but it makes his grandparents and father proud of him. Still also his annoying self and loves to tease the ever loving hell out of Maggie still.
Has made his father proud and became the successor to his mother's place as Castello's body guard.
Like Maggie he helps his mother and Miss Charlie run the hotel and despises his father for being a demon hunter although he doesn't wish to ever meet or run into Fitch as well. May or may not have developed feelings for Buttercream to the annoyance of her overprotective father.
-Jaluna and Mango:
Jaluna joined her mother and younger half sister in conquering more terf and becoming powerful overlord quartet. her half sister being the pyromaniac she is takes delight in blowing things up and gaining more power.
Thomas is living a normal life with his parents working and helping around his father in the studios making sure to stay FAR away from Katy Killjoy.
Enjoys his days terrorizing and becoming his Uncle Castello's successor to most of his family's pride except for his Uncle Angel and Two cousins. Even though he misses the freedom he had before becoming his Uncle's successor, he's trying his best to make to make his family proud of him.
She's very happy with both her father and little baby brother she spoils rotten to death. Going on to become a very famous actress and performer for her father's Hell Movie career and met has actually started dating Mitzy and testing the waters. So far their relationship is going pretty well.
With his father being a famous director and his mother a famous singer it's only natural he would go on to also take those traits, becoming another E District top singer and performer making both his parents proud of him.
Turk has followed the footsteps of both his parents and love of performing and with help from his favorite teachers (Alonzo and Jackie) decides to take up teaching and becoming the new Drama Teacher at Z.P.A taking over for Jackie once she retires.
Still enjoys staying in heaven and using her abilities to heal those who needs it most.
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hhnonwoven · 3 months
S nonwoven fabric making machine
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Application of the S (Single Beam ) Spunbond nonwoven machine
The machinery is suitable to the production of nonwoven fabric by spun-laid and hot-rolled reinforcement.With PP as its main material ; color master batch, antioxidant,fire retardant as its additives to produce nonwoven fabric with different colors and different elements to fit the needs of different usages.Fabric from this machine can produce shopping bag,packing,agricultural cover,rice bag.etc
Company name: JIASHAN HH Nonwovens Machinery CO., Ltd Web: https://www.hh-nonwoven.com/ Add: Modern Industrial Square, Su Chu Modern Insudtrial Park, Xin'anjiang Road, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, China Phone: 13621544385 Email: [email protected] Tip: 239000
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
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After another successful mission, Jacki decided to celebrate by bringing his adopted work sister to a pizza joint that just opened up in town.
Spider monkey: Hey Fred, know whats better than a burger and sex
Bubble butt (Fred): WTF Daisy. This is suppose to be a secure group comm line
Spider monkey: 🍕 🍕
Secret agent man (Jacki): *video sent*
Bubble butt: …you’re not fucking serious? Did you just deep throat a slice of pizza again Daisy?!
Secret agent man: My congrats to you Fred boi, she had to roll it a few times just so it’d fit in her mouth
Bubble butt: omg
Secret agent man: oh wait. brb she actually started choking
Bubble butt: *long drawn out sigh* tell my idiot when she’s done being dramatic to come home with dog food. We’re out. Fucking third time this week with this shit
Secret agent man: ?!!
Know what’s harder than drawing bodies. God damn clothes. Literally almost threw my tablet out in the ocean alone cause the eyes wouldn’t set right. Was ready to fight god on allllll this shit.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fred, Jacki, or the VN: Heart Hunted. They belong to @heart-hunted. My hats off to you my liege as your drawings are flawless and I almost cried just from trying to shape the clothes. I only own Daisy and this shitty drawing >3<
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Jackie Janzer
Instagram: jackie_blabla
Photo: Amin Eisawi
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genderlessjacky · 1 year
//hhh i want to interact with lore so bad but hhh none of my available ocs know Jacky so ahhh
Well Redact is probably gonna be an AI that somehow became sentient enough to be classified as a living being in weird supernatural/magic or smtg stuff. So boom. Naturally became team smartz. They are still very much a dumbass though. They can act all smart and all but its the kind where yea i can tell you everuthing and more abt available chemistry stuff, but if you ask me how to fry an egg, i can't. Only he is an ai in the end and an electronic by extension so internet and learning and logic.
//LMAOO redact is such a mood also i love the lore in this hh
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nightwtng · 4 years
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❛  and I love you because you have given me no choice but to (...) ❜  
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midgethetree · 4 years
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lazysighs · 5 years
It's wrecker fam movie night. Miko is not pleased with whatever stupid shenanigans are happening
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