#hh: wan
heromonty · 1 year
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....and woohoo.
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Lots of woohoo.
Yeah, she's definitely not taking it well.
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phone-in-the-attic · 2 years
So sad that M3GAN is going to be PG13
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glitterjay · 4 months
hi can you do like bodyguard sunghoon with celebrity/popstar reader where sunghoon is reader's main bodyguard and is always cold to her but he secretly likes her and one time she goes somewhere without telling him and he gets worried so when he finds her he punishes her and they confess their feelings for each other?IT doesn't have to like follow this transcript or plot i just want bodyguard sunghoon with reader 😭😭 thank you so much i love all your works and i hope you have a nice day/night
⭒ idol!reader, body guard!sunghoon, fluff
⭒ c's note: i left out the punishing part because i genuinely could not think of a way to write that bit
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @jaylaxies @americanojake
being a bodyguard in love was a difficult task for sunghoon. aure, it fulfilled his desire to protect you at all costs—it was his job, after all—but he couldn't do much beyond that.
he would follow you everywhere because he was your main bodyguard, but he had to stay outside your room, outside the private room where you were eating at a restaurant, outside your life. he was just there to guard everything inside the bubble.
this fed into his now-serious and intimidating personality, only giving you nods and short words as a way of communicating. he couldn't let his guard down, and you couldn't know about his feelings either.
little did he know that you longed for him to open up. you could see the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you, the way he was always first in line during your events, even if he wasn't needed. how carefully he treated you and how worried he'd get if you got a single scratch.
after today’s schedule, you agreed with your fellow idol friends to hang out and catch up. sunghoon wasn’t in his usual spot after you were done filming scenes for a music video, so you didn’t personally tell him where you were going.
you did ask some other staff to tell him for you, to which sunghoo didn't take so well. he asked the staff of other idols where you could have possibly gone, bowing several times when a makeup artist told him she overheard the group talking about going to a specific restaurant.
Hh practically ran all the way, too desperate to wait for the line of cars and vans outside the venue waiting for other artists and staff. it wasn't far anyway.
as soon as he arrived, sunghoon barged into the restaurant, presenting his identification as your personal bodyguard to gain access to the private rooms. he could hear your laughter over the other voices in the room.
he knocked once, hearing how the voices quickly hushed, and then there was another one saying, "come in!"
sunghoon peeked his head, a sigh of releave leaving his mouth when he saw you sitting there, safe. it took you by surprise to see it was hom knocking, so you excused yourself, making up a lie but promising you'd be back as quick as you could.
once outside, sunghoon began to check you for any sign of discomfort, which made you giggle a bit.
"someone's worried."
"you could've said something! my heart almost fell out of my ass when i didn't see you at the venue."
you took the silence as an opportunity to fix his messed-up hair, probably from the running.
sunghoon sighed, leaning into your touch, closing his eyes.
the view before you seemed out of the world, how the dim lights of the hallway resalted his face features, and how he leaned into your hand more and more.
"a picture lasts longer," he said, his eyes still closed.
you scoffed, taking your hand away from his cheek, causing him to stumble. you giggled.
"we can go on a date. just us two," you offered. sunghoon's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, making you giggle again. "but only if you wan-"
"of course i want!"
he cleared his throat and regained his posture, acting as if his heart hadn't done twenty flips in three seconds.
"i mean, that sounds like a great idea. yes."
© glitterjay | tumblr
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age-of-play-i-say · 11 months
Give a Peanut a Cookie . . .
Yes, Peanut?
you said da cookie would make me all happy and lil but you didn't sayyy it make my peepee hard!! Hmph!
Ohh, poor baby! Is your brain leaking into your training undies? Come here, let's do a dryness check.
daddyyy! no wan check!!! need touchies!!
We'll start with a check and see just how much Peanut needs their tingly touchies, okay? I want to make sure I didn't give you too much. Come here, baby.
neeeed it, daddy, need it bad!!
I know you think so, but I'll be the judge of--Oh, wow, Peanut! You're soaked and-- Oh! You like that? I can feel you do, you're twitching for daddy. Oh my god, Peanut, are you coming already?
hahh hhhh hh, daddy!!!! ahhnn mmmm needed it so bad, daddy, so so bad. mmm, feels so sleepy an wum!!
That's right, Peanut, come sit in Daddy's lap, that was a big load for a baby like you! Maybe a lower dose cookie next time for baby hours hmm? No worries, baby, sweet dreams 😘🤍
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tia-amorosa · 2 months
Sunset Died - Mae/Clavell/Wan
Emotional processing (Long Part)
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By now it was evening. And Xander had also had a look at the new lot. But as he was about to make his way home, Zelda stopped him short. “Here you are."/ ”Um, yeah? I can't be everywhere… What's going on?"/ ”OK, I know you two've had your problems, but… It would be nice if you could check on Pauline. The pregnancy is really getting to her”.
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"You sound like it's my fault"/ "Well, maybe it is you, after all she slept with you AND Hank." Xander reacted annoyed and rolled his eyes "Yeah, thanks for reminding me again"/ "It doesn't matter now. Please, I think it would really do her good to see you. Believe it or not, but she's always talking about you and worrying about her baby..." He took a deep breath.
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“Come on, okay? She hasn't had any contact with Hank for a while now…"/ ”And that's supposed to convince me now? Man… I… I was planning to see her anyway. Is there anything… I can do for her? Bring something?”. Zelda smiled, as he seemed to have finally woken up. “hn, she's totally on an onion trip right now, I can't tell you why, probably the hormones"/ ”Onions? Unusual… O.K.”.
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Xander had often thought about Pauline in the last few days. Of course he would like to know how she was really doing. And he remembered some of the conversations he'd had with her. She didn't want children, at least not so quickly. Maybe that's why she's not doing so well. “Do you like onions?"/ ‘eww, no, they always make your mouth stink’/ ‘hm, one likes them, the other doesn't’.
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Xander was really willing to bring an onion for Pauline. But unfortunately there were none today. Instead, he took something else that he thought she might like. On his way home, he passed his parents' house. He stopped for a moment, but didn't look over. And his path not only led past his former home, but also past the small hospital.
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As he walked past the tent, he saw Pauline standing in the entrance. That made him a little suspicious. What was she doing here so late? He hesitated for a moment, but then he went up to her. She was a little surprised when she saw him. “What are you doing here?"/ ”That… Could I ask you too… Is everything all right? With you and…” he looked down at her stomach and pointed his finger at it. ‘Since when do you care about that, Xander, huh?’.
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He looked at her seriously. “Pauline, I care about you, you know that. And when I ask you if you and… your baby are okay, I mean it, okay?”. She shook her head and looked at him. “My baby's better than I am at the moment. Anyway, Jamie assumes he's… Or she's fine. There's not the option of having an ultrasound. Hh,. I'd love to see my baby at least once, you know?“
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Xander looked down her body again until his gaze settled on her stomach. "It'll be fine, like she says, OK?" Pauline let out a deep sigh that had apparently been building up for a long time. "Can I…?" Xander asked for permission to stroke her stomach. "You can't even see anything…"/ "Not that…" It was true, you couldn't see much, but you could definitely feel that little bulge. Pauline wasn't alone here.
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He slowly pulled his hand away again. “Are you all right? And the children?” Pauline asked him with an almost wistful undertone. “Well… Bella wants her bedtime story every night, and Michael… I can't figure out what's wrong with the boy at the moment. He hangs out with Peter a lot and has this strange grin on his face."/ ‘hn, he likes him’/ ‘why do you say that so strangely?’.
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“because I have eyes in my head and so do you… what do you think why they're always hanging out with each other?"/ ‘You… You don't think the two of them… Oh please…’/ ”Hnhn, don't worry about it, okay? You can't do anything about feelings…these things just happen"/ ‘hmm… Yes’. Her words only reinforced what he himself had been feeling all along.
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He looked at her for a long time, but she avoided his gaze for a moment and smiled sheepishly. “Is it true that you're into onions these days?”. She rolled her eyes and laughed a little. “Oh man, you ran into Zelda?"/ ‘Hnhn, yeah. I would have liked to bring you one, but… They didn't have any right now’/ ”it's okay. Did you know she's making out with Hank… And with Gobias?"/ ‘you're kidding?’. Pauline shook her head.
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She turned a little. “I'm sure you'll tell me now that this should sound familiar for me. Yes… The only difference is that it doesn't hurt me. She and I… We're very similar in character, and she's always been interested in what I've had…"/ ‘And you tolerate that?’/ ‘I kind of have to… She's actually a good friend, too’.
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Xander raised his voice a little. “Actually? She's sleeping with your ex and with her… I don't know, lover? Do you think all this up and down is good for you and especially for your baby?” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No… It's not… It's stressing me out, really, I really got into it with her the other night"/ ‘It shouldn't have to be, Pauline…’.
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She looked him in the eye for a moment. “And what do you think I should do? I can't ignore it, I'll just let her do it, she'll see where it leaves her. But I…"/ ”hm? What about you?”. Pauline's fingernails dug nervously into her palms. “I know you're incredibly skeptical about the baby… But I'd like to be back with you… and the other two“/ ‘hm… ’”.
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Xander looked at her seriously. “You're right about the baby. But I also want you to have as little stress as possible… Besides…"/ ‘hm, what?’/ ‘The kids have been asking about you too…’. When he said that, it brought a smile to her face. “Really?"/ ”Mhm…listen, I don't want to rush things, okay? But I want you to be okay… So"/ ‘So… Can I come with you?’/ ‘First of all, another try…’/ ‘And when the baby arrives?’
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“We'll see, okay? I think… I need to see the little thing first, maybe even hold it in my arms, to be able to judge whether evantually it's mine… Or not. O.k.?"/ ”hmhm. Then… I'll just go and get my things, all right?"/ ‘Hey, wait…’ It couldn't go fast enough for Pauline. She ran off to Zelda's house and packed her things.
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover 😊
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
With You
❥ Valentines Drabbles: Day 3
❥ Pairing: Scarlett x Sick Reader
❥ Wordcount: 810
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AN: this is poorly edited, ignore the mistakes I beg
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
It had been a while since the two of you had time off to go on vacation together, and what made this time even more exciting was that Valentine's Day fell in the middle of the when you’d planned to go on your trip, allowing you to do something extra special for her. Everything seemed great at first; you'd chosen to and visit Italy since neither of you had gone there for reasons other than work and to be mindful of your carbon emission, the pair of you decided against flying privately and chose to take a commercial flight.
The only slight hiccup was that the lady in the adjacent seat to you seemed to have rather audible cold. The whole flight she was a sniffly mess - it was obvious the poor dear really shouldn’t have been flying in that condition. The lady offered to ask if she could move seats, but not wanting to seem rude, you told her that wasn't necessary. Luckily though, the flight itself wasn't too bad and you didn’t think much of it - not until a day or so later when you woke up to an annoying scratchiness at the back of your throat.
You had tried not to say anything, you didn’t disturb Scarlett’s time out just because you simply had a sore throat. You spend the day touring through Rome, to be honest it was really quite fun. However, as the day wore on, that aching throat only intensified, eventually being accompanied by repetitive sniffles and errant sneezes. To her credit, Scarlett had noticed something wasn't right with you – you were quieter than usual, but despite her politely asking whether everything was alright, you insisted that everything was fine.
That didn’t last long. Exhausted, you had fallen asleep in the taxi and instead of waking you up, Scarlett had chosen to just carry you back to the room. Maybe you could’ve just passed it off as fatigue but as Scarlett laid you down onto the bed, she leant down to press a kiss to your forehead but instead was instantly alarmed feeling of heat coming from your skin. The fever was a subtle one, but enough for Scarlett to fret. She'd been watching you for a while and her suspicions of you getting sick were confirmed.
You woke up after a few hours to Scarlett gently dabbing a tissue beneath your nose. Full of grogginess, you gave a very congested sounding groan as you slowly woke up.
“Your nose was running in your sleep.” Scarlett explained as she nodded down towards the tissue in her hand, frowning a little when a chill ran through your body leading to you shaking a little.
Scarlett pulled the blanket a little tighter around you, “You should’ve told me you weren’t feeling well,” she spoke lightly, her words holding no malice behind them, “You caught the plane lady’s cold, hm?”
You went to shake your head, a final attempt a denial but the action only served to irritate the burning tingle in your nose, “I di- Hh didn’t wan- Hih-h’Htshiiu! Sorry, s’cus me, what I meant to say was I didn't want to ruin your trip..." The words were barely comprehensible over your sore throat and a stuffed-up nose, “it was meant to be special...”
"First of all, bless you cutie, and special? This is special." Scarlett smiles and brings a cup of water to your mouth, helping you sip it before handing you a packet of tissues, gently stroking your hair as you rested your head against her chest. There was heat rising through her shirt, but it was no matter. She was warm in a comforting way. "If anyone can help you feel better, I can."  
“That’s sweet love, but I wanted it to be special for us. We’re in Italy on Valentines. It's meant to be romantic.” You couldn’t help but whine a little as you spoke, feeling a little guilty that you’d ruined her time.
"You want romance, hm?" She looks down at you, still with that gentle smile, she ran her hand down your exposed arm, “I think it’s pretty romantic that I get to be here with you. Valentine’s is about being around those you love, and all I need is you. I just need to be with you, the rest doesn’t matter.”
"You're right. You're right, love," You mumbled as you tried to listen to the steady thrum and slow heartbeat of her heart, the sound of her breathing lulling you into a comfortable peace. The world drifts away and her touch calms your discomfort, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy quickly.
“Of course, I’m right, now you try and get some sleep darling. I’ll be here the whole time and tomorrow, we can spend the whole day cuddling up and making you feeling better. I’ll be right here with you.”
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@mahalkitanova @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @shin-conan-kun @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @ceiestiaie @fluffyblanketgecko @kljhsong @santana1437
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bucketkizuu · 1 year
How about...you draw Gay people from your AU
wonder what I could be referring to...🤔
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U mean dem?? (I feel dum idk who u mean HH) Dis iz pre incident btw (if u wan I could doodle headspace dem too) and also random but I don’t actually have any official shipz for my au yet (other than heromari ofc)
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rainydrops · 7 months
D'awww, you can barely type coherent thoughts just imagining it! So cute! It must be soooooo hard thinking thoughts when your brain is all melty and warm, Rainy.
Do your best! Does it sound nice, Rainy? Does it sound goooood? Do you want that?
Pat pat pat pat pat
hh ii
ii wan t ??
uhm m
i wanntt
feels good
want wwant
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Hh hii Miss Melodyyy, I wan ted to apologize ((you know . If necessary)for the refolloqw notif, we mmust have misclicked at somepoi nt
Hope you're doingv okay !
- Geiger
Dawhh, no apologies needed, cutie.
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heromonty · 1 year
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Patricia and Cleo moved to town when Cleo's aunt, Catherine, offered Cleo her old home - which they just finished remodelling.  Will they find excitement in this quiet town after the dust has cleared?  Will Patricia and Gabe make a life together or is her heart set on someone much closer?
Patricia moved to town with Cleo to find a great story, not love. Is the love she found with Gabe real or is it her roommate who's truly caught her eye (and heart)?
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Cleo is happy to move closer to her favorite aunt, but will living away from the city be the best thing for her? Will Patricia ever notice that she's noticing her?
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cerealkiddie · 10 months
hh rlly wan a big brother, no fair I always gotta b the oldest
or a mama, can look after me n give me all the affection I need without feelin needy or clingy
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kitty-playroom · 4 months
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You're so right hehehe! Dat would be so fun!! I looove deco pacis but i never got to get one.. im hopin on ma birthday (2/25) i get sum money nd get a dlcustom deco paci!! I wan one of me n my lord!! Because we both are angels, and together we will become one!^_^ . .
If i were to grt it customized i would want it a white paci with wings! And a charm with this symbol :
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And the pallets of this! :
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Oooo so pretty!! If you ever got a customized one what would urs look like? :D
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- 🤍🪽
omg so prettyyyyy i bet it'd be beautiful :o
i'd like mine to be pink, i'd like it to say "kitty" or "princess" uvu maybe a little crown on it too hh
but i'll probably never get a deco paci because i havent found someone that sells in my country and the shipping prices are to high :') so i'll have to decor it by myself
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magickittycat · 4 months
i follow cuz ur blog is cute an wan agereg fens :3
omg! thank u!!! ♡ and we can be friends if u want uvu hh
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omomancer · 4 months
See? It didn’t actually make you leak, so you’re fine :)
hh pleaseee i gotta go potty so badd please pleaseee you dont wan t me to have an accident right??
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tia-amorosa · 2 months
Sunset Died - Clavell/Bachelor/Wan
🧇Waffles and Strawberry Baby🍓
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By now it was almost 11 pm. After they had arrived, Pauline briefly put her luggage down. Then she carefully took his hands and looked into his eyes with a tired smile. “Thank you…that i can be here again."/ ‘Yes, well, as I said, I want you to spend your pregnancy stress-free’. Pauline had to smile a little. “You're worried about me, hn”. He raised his eyebrows a little and looked a little sheepishly to the side. “Like I said, I just want…"/ ”That I'm okay, yes, that's fine. Tomorrow I'll make us some nice pancakes, and this time with real eggs and milk.”
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“Yes, with the new stove it's quite possible… You can sleep in my bed, but I'll take the sofa for now, all right?”. Pauline shrugged her shoulders a little. “mh, I thought…"/ ”I know what you were thinking. And I told you not to rush things…"/ ”hh, fine. I'm incredibly tired anyway.”. Even though she would have liked to press a kiss to his lips, she went to bed without this tender touch for the time being.
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What else is there to do when there is no real place to sleep? You lie down on the couch and try to get a good night's sleep there. “I hope she doesn't see it as a punishment. It's not a punishment, just…if we were lying next to each other right now, she'd want more, I know her…hormones are playing tricks on her at the moment. No, it has to be like this for now”…
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It's still quite early in the morning when Pauline gets out of bed. She's pretty hungry, so she gets to work on the pancakes early. And she takes great pleasure in preparing them. “We still had a lot of flour, but with just water and a bit of cornflour, it doesn't taste good at all. Now the dough has the right consistency again. The children will love it”..
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When you haven't eaten something good for a very long time, it's almost as if you're preparing this dish for the very first time and spoiling your family with it. And, above all, your own palate. in order to be able to use the still-functioning stove, it was connected to one of the exposed power lines outside. Only with the help of the others, of course, so as not to injure themselves. “Oh my God, that smells so fantastic! I bet they'll all be in the kitchen in a minute.”.
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And just as Pauline had suspected, it happened. "You're back?" It was a real surprise for the children. Pauline looked at Xander briefly, almost questioning whether she was even allowed to answer that. But he just smiled. "Yes, I... I was allowed to move back in. Is that okay with you?"/ "Yeah, sure, oh man, are those really waffles?"/ "Mmm, made from fresh eggs and fresh milk. I actually wanted to make pancakes, but the dough was too thick, I didn't have enough milk."/ "I can get some later, but first I have to try a waffle."
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They sat down at the table together almost hastily. Everyone looked at the warm, steaming waffles on the plate. “It's really a difference like night and day. Better than that ready-made stuff from the bag.” Pauline smiled with satisfaction. It was nice to see the children's eyes light up. “Then enjoy it. I can hardly wait either"/ ‘That's fantastic… Thank you, Pauline’/ ‘You're welcome’.
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"Michael said you're having a baby, is that true?"/ "Mmm, yes, that's right, sweetie"/ "Will it live here too?" Pauline looked briefly at Xander again, who was eating his waffles without showing any emotion. "Well, I… I think so, unless I find another house"/ "but the other houses are all broken"/ "yes, that's true…"/ "So you have to stay here, then the baby will be nice and warm and we'll get fresh waffles every morning".. Pauline had to smile a little. Apparently her company is more than welcome now.
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After a good meal. “How big is the baby now? You don't have a big belly yet"/ ‘well, it's… The size of a strawberry, I think’/ ”a big one or a small one? They all look different”. Pauline had to laugh. “Bella, why don't you go and play outside for a bit,” Xander said. “It's okay, she can ask questions…”. But Bella realized that the adults probably should to be alone for a while . “No, it's fine, I'll go and get dressed and then I'll try to swing a hundred times, hnhn”.
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover :)
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lilywily143 · 6 months
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Do wha u wan with these
( I saw the request thing hhh sorry for bothering you :c )
Enjoy :3
And please ask for more art from me I love this
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