#hi my guardian feels
You don't have to think something is good to love it.
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lotus-pear · 19 days
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HIII SORRY FOR NO NEW ART have some concept sketches for the fic i'm working on instead
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deanathy · 1 year
the way rocket was singing at the beginning and the way he genuinely liked the music and the way quill called rocket his best friend and the way the guardians called each other nicknames and the way the guardians watched rocket’s childhood trauma on a hologram and the way rocket went back for the baby raccoons and the way quill gave rocket the music player and the way nebula and rocket danced and the way the guardians recognized rocket as the captain and the way rocket told the new team his favorite song was “come and get your love” and the way-
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royalarchivist · 1 year
I was watching some old VODs and completely forgot that when JuanaFlippa leapt off the edge of the wall (leaving behind a worried Charlie, who had no paraglider at the time and couldn't follow or revive her if she ran out of stamina and fell), Rubius went after her to make sure she landed safely and wasn't hurt.
Rubius likes to pretend he's ambivalent toward the Eggs, but he was really a secret guardian angel for many of them. He cares :(
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onlyzhuyilong · 22 days
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Zhu YiLong doing /that 😏 thing/ as Feng Douz (Family Banquet 家宴) , He Kaixin (Royal Sister Returns), YeZun, Shen Wei (Zhenhun), Hu Yang (Yang & his Summer), Hua Wuxie (As Flowers Fade & Fly Across The Sky), & himself (Jury Member at 2024 BJIFF).
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sweeteastart · 4 months
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Pitch Sketch dump ⌛
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some-greatreward · 4 months
has anyone posted the guardian article here yet?
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vampirebiter · 8 months
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guts + despairing over griffith looking down on him
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sp1tballz · 7 days
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Death is a calming presence
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creekfiend · 25 days
How did you/your family choose the dogs' names? And decide which kinds of dogs to get? I love all of them, please wish Moishe a happy birthday!
oh well it is different for each dog. Ella is from a private foster, Blue is from a breeder, Glimmer is from a breeder, Maisy is from a shelter/rescue, and Moses wound up on our property at ~7 weeks old after walking all the way across a huge cow pasture and fording a creek because he heard my mom and Lambchop in our pasture making noises. he's also from a breeder technically lol
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jenna-louise-jamie · 3 months
thinking about yassen gregorovich instead of sleeping (because i love him) and how he is a catalyst. yassen stabbs ash -> ash kills john rider -> ian rider raises alex -> yassen kills ian rider -> mi6 blackmails alex into becoming a teenage spy.
i have so many thoughts that i can't properly articulate. obviously this is a simplified chain of events, but yassen and his choices set off a chain reaction of the world's most unfortunate dominos. especially when you read russian roulette. to be clear im not necessarily trying to blame him for everything because that feels very mean. he was also just a 14 year old kid when everything in his life went wrong, just like alex. only difference being yassen literally had no one.
i think i should write an essay about this because i haven't even gotten into my thoughts about what yassen and alex's dynamic would look like past eagle strike. i would imagine it'd be similar to ellie and joel from the last of us part 2.
where obviously yassen loves alex and alex on some level cares for yassen back but struggles to reconcile that with the fact that yassen is responsible for his uncle's death. a very unforgivable act. it would be so messy and complicated and angsty, because on one hand here is an adult who truly cares about him and has a connection with him through his father. yassen could tell alex about john, and trust that yassen truly wants whats best for him. but he killed ian, and he cannot take that back.
while alex reels from those feelings, yassen is also trying to reconcile his love of alex with the knowledge that he on some level is responsible for the suffering alex endured at the hands of mi6. and possibly even the fact that alex's godfather is the one who killed john and helen.
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jankwritten · 2 years
I think that Jason has a stuffed animal that one of his guardians in New Rome have to him when he was a baby. A wolf or a fox or some other dog/cat-like creature - maybe even a stuffed hellhound or something, something that he rediscovers on accident while in the 5th Cohort’s barracks, something that makes him sit down on the floor holding it in his hands and cry, for some reason, something he can’t even remember but he knows was important to him once upon a time.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
🕊️ WIP Wednesday (3/13) 🕊️
Hi! Send me an ask to make me work on my WIPs. I'm not sure how many I'll be able to take today so one each pleasies. :3
1. Vampire Andrew AU
2. Guardian Angel Neil AU
3. Mafia Front Restaurant AU
4. Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU
*click the links for masterposts for each au!
Here's some Angel Neil (Part 132):
When a heated discussion about ice cream flavors has Andrew threatening to throw himself off the building, Neil banishes him from the roof. Andrew blinks at the angel. Once, twice.
“Excuse me?”
“I said you’re banished from the roof until I say so.” Neil says, crossing his arms. “Joking about suicide isn’t allowed up here, Andrew.”
“Well you’re no fun at all.”
“I’m not supposed to be fun.”
"You're supposed to keep me safe. So what's the problem with me making a joke?" Andrew asks.
“Okay. Fine. You’re not banished. But you probably should hang out with your humans for a while.”
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 6 months
Hello there Mr. Strider i'm not sure when this letter will arrive but i wanted to talk to you a bit this christmas. How have you been? Did you recieve any cool and ironic gifts? Well i'm sure you know this is not the subject of this letter, why would i write a letter to ask such casual things when we have other more interesting topics on the table.
I've noticed you don't seem to like Lil Cal anymore? And may i ask why? He is your friend, he wants what's best for you, he wants to make you cool and ironic, he wants you to join him. If you went back with him you could become better, become a divine creature like him.
Your body is not yours, you have got no autonomy, you like it or not you are a vessel for him, you should feel joyous that he chose you and not somebody else, the god of irony and coolness and you dare reject it? But there's no escaping it, every Dirk is doomed.
Merry Chrismas sir!
PS: if you see wolfpup anon tell it that it has to go back hoem it'll be on big trouble.
-☢ anon
BRO: Who the fuck- Why the hell would you even say somethin' like this? Who the fuck do you think you are? Gettin' real ballsy hidin' behind anon. I'm not some fuckin' vessel.
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BRO: I'm- . . I'm not.
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BRO: Shut up.
BRO: Don't you ever fuckin' speak to me like this agai--
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BRO: . . .
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BRO: . . .
[ That fucking puppet. You should get rid of it. ]
[ . . . ]
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[ You don't. ]
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futuristichedge · 2 months
Sonic and the Black Knight save me. Save me SATBK
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onlyzhuyilong · 9 months
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This novel is 90% a Shen Wei thirst fest isn’t it.
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Meanwhile I know little bits of Zhao Yunlan’s beauty other than the basics like hair and eye color, his habits, he’s bi, he has abs and good taste in cologne and men.
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