#hi yes this is an oc i haven't really introduced yet but all you really need to know is that she's a lil bby nautolan
merlyn-bane · 10 months
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jedi initiates deserve to stomp in puddles too!!!
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briefcasejuice · 23 hours
Thanks for the rec list! If I have the brainspace while doing college work, I'll have a look :)
Unsure if you're interested in any sort of chatter about the show (critical perspetive obv) as I know it'd just be tiring to get bogged down in complaints? If that's so, instead of starting that conversation, is there anything about any of the comics you'd want to spotlight? I've seen a couple characters I'm unfamiliar with that I'm curious about.
i'm going to be so for real i do not remember much about the show anymore; i recently got into supernatural which has fifteen seasons, 20+ books, an anime, and a lot of behind the scenes and crew content so the show's been almost entirely pushed out of my head minus how it directly affects the comics, to make room for the new interest as well as what i'm still interested in re: comics. if i talk about daredevil it's entirely from the perspective of the comics, a limited perspective at that because ive been fixated on a character with like fifty issues for almost two years.
but YES okay. i'm mainly spotlighting characters here since i mentioned mike murdock in my last post, but i'm named after sam chung aka blindspot, who is soule's original character who first appeared in his v5 run (2017). my mutual @faacethefacts is quite literally sam chung central and my favourite interpretation of his character exists in their psyche.
jumping all the way back to v1, something i remember really enjoying were the reoccurring background characters in ann nocenti's run; @murdockmeta and i were talking about it the other day and he said, "nocenti's characterization feels so authentic [...] nocenti reminds the reader that karen and foggy and the people of hell's kitchen are just as important to matt as his internal struggles. it makes him feel much more human rather than just a dichotomy [relating to miller]."
all of david mack's runs changed my perspective of comics as an art form which was a pretty low bar to reach as a first-time comic reader (who had only read post-mcu stuff) but that made his stuff all the more important to me. his character maya lopez aka echo recently got a live action adaption and while i thought it was promising that disney finally reached their own lowest fucking bar and starred a deaf actress in a show about a deaf character, i've found that disney's interpretation of echo's abilities horribly and purposely misunderstands her character and her identity as keetoowah. they tied her abilities to her native american identity, which is something mack explicitly did not do when writing her character; her abilities are her aid as a deaf person !! they're part of her conflict as a weapon !! her cherokee identity should be a fact about her, explored but not tied to the mysticism of that fictional world !! either way, do not watch the show, read the comics <3
god okay. bendis introduces a lot of his own ocs because that's kind of his thing but my favourites were milla donovan and agent del toro. they fell into the wrong hands after he stopped writing for daredevil—milla was fridged (if you know how to look at it, it can be a really good tragedy) and they whitewashed del toro in their racist the hand plotline—but their existence was super important to me and i'm just terribly fond of them :') matt's relationship with ben urich throughout v2 is also something i hold close to my heart because 1) bendis specifically does really well with writing relationships and people, and the nuance of it intrigues me; i could write meta about it if i got back into writing comic meta again, and 2) that's the last we see of them until the most recent run (word-of-mouth, btw. i haven't read v8 yet).
KIRSTEN IS MY GIRL!! she's like so important to me. i'm imprinted on her. if i was on tumblr in 2012, and she as a character existed, i'd fight tooth and nail to have her on my kin list and make sure no one else did. she unfortunately succumbed to the whitewashing demon of daredevil past but that's okay because to me, she is living her best life after [v5 spoilers tbh].
my relationship with elektra can simply be described as that of something akin to a strike. i refuse to read anything of modern daredevil if she's in the title. she has her own fucking title !! we're regressing and it makes me feel a little bit more insane every time i remember that zdarsky stuffed her into the daredevil suit and gave her ableist and infantilising lines for matt. either way i implore you to read nothing about her in the daredevil title past 2018 and to make sure you check out her actual title. amen.
also, simply, matt and foggy's relationship. and not so simply, i miss you karen you deserved better.
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
Evie's One Piece OC Compendium
SO @eustasskidsfattits asked me to make a post about my One Piece OCs, so here it is! I wanted to make this way sooner, but then stuff happened and then I got to show one of my friends OPLA and 8 OCs turned to 9 (oopsies...). Also, the perfectionist in me would not shut up. Yes, this is technically the intro for the three newest ones, so buckle up!
I'm gonna list them in the order that I created them, simply because listing them in the order of their appearance in the story would be fairly impossible with how OPLA likes to introduce characters earlier on lol - These OCs also all exist in their own separate universes, by the way...
So yeah, long post incoming and, for any OPLA-onlies reading this post: Spoiler warning!!!
Not proofread because I just wanna finally get this post out and I am lacking energy
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The Guardian: Aether S. Luna
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The original One Piece OC and also the one who has gone through the most changes. I revamped her only recently!
Luna is convinced that she's the daughter of the moon goddess aka of Mother Moon herself, and there are some very odd things about her that make that very plausible. She looks like how you would imagine the daughter of the moon to look like, with very pale skin and very light blonde hair, she has magical powers that are charged by basking in the moonlight, she needs very little sleep as long as the moon is out, her strength is based on the moon cycle... Oh, also: Wings. Large, white wings, that don't fit in with any other humanoid creature in the world. So, nobody really has any solid evidence against it either. Well... Nobody who hasn't been to Egghead Island.
She's introduced into the story at Long Ring Long Land (I actually have two fics for that) as a part of Foxy's crew because he won her in a Davy Back Fight. Before that, she was sort of aimlessly travelling the seas with various crews, just trying to find a place to belong. Throughout the Davy Back Fight, Luna ends up befriending the Straw Hats and Luffy, being Luffy, of course won't pass up the opportunity to have someone as weird as her on their crew, so she joins!
Sanji is, of course, very enamoured with this literal goddess. Even more so than usual. Luckily for him, his charm seems to be working on Luna too. She essentially goes from "Oh, you're adorable. You're funny." to "Oh. Oh no. That's the love of my life, isn't it?", at the very latest when she sees Sanji after he absolutely decimates the people on the Sea Train.
I can't really talk too much about her because a lot of my ideas for her are very visual, but I guess I could give some more little facts? First of all, Luna is 18 and her blood group is S. You can take a look at my animanga character sketches for her here and here if you want! Her wings haven't grown to their full size yet pre-timeskip, and she molts like a bird as she grows, so whenever that happens, she's essentially grounded and chronically exhausted. And that happens around the time of Sabaody. Perfect timing, right? Also, she has to preen her wings, especially after battles, and her crewmates keep around her feathers either for practical or sentimental reasons. And in case you were wondering, of course she heads to Whole Cake Island to go after her boyfriend. Big Mom takes an interest in her, Judge wants to steal her lineage factor, it's a very fun time for everyone involved.
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The Sweet Tooth: Charlotte Inari
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Ah yes, sweet little Inari. Inari is Pudding's twin sister, she's also a member of the Three-Eyed Tribe and she's named after inari-zushi (if you were wondering how she fits into the Charlotte Family naming scheme). She ate the Kami Kami no Mi, Model: Shikigami, which has a very complicated way to how it works, but, essentially, it binds her to a master whose orders she has to follow and, in turn, gets special abilities from based on her master's. That master is the person who last saved her life. The problem with that situation is that she got the devil fruit when she was still very young and travelling at sea with one of her siblings, and a sea battle ensued where chaos happened and she got herself kidnapped. So, she ends up being passed around from master to master for years until finally ending up with Enel. That is, until Luffy defeats him, and she joins the Straw Hats.
Inari, being that she spent her early formative years on Totto Land, has some very interesting ideas of what's considered normal for animals, plant life, people... for everything, really. She fights with two war fans (as well as her devil fruit, of course) and knows how to play the shamisen, both of which she picked up while travelling with a crew of Wano ancestry for a while. Also, she naturally has a huge sweet tooth and loves to make sweets too. It runs in her genes.
Inari's goal while travelling with the Straw Hats at first is to get back home. She's just a kid, she wants to go home, at least to let her family know that she's okay. And her family and her friends will totally get along, right??? That's also why she doesn't fully consider herself part of the Straw Hats for the longest time. She's a member of the Big Mom Pirates, simply by birth right. However, this all gets a bit thrown on its head with the Timeskip and everything after that. Because, during the timeskip, Kuma sends her to Totto Land, and she officially joins the Big Mom Pirates. So, she has everything she has ever wanted, right? Well... She still ends up coming back. She loves her friends too much not to go back to them. And then Luffy ends up starting a war with Big Mom, which is... not ideal? Whole Cake Island is especially fun. And Wano? Oh boy!
Also... remember the special ability of the Three-Eyed Tribe? Yeah. Inari awakens her third eye when she hears the Drums of Liberation, but nobody notices and she doesn't tell anybody until the battle is long over, and even then she only tells Sanji and Robin.
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The Tailor: Akaito Coraline
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My dear, sweet Cora... We're entering the live action era now! Aka when everything started to escalate and I started drowning in OCs. I freaking love the live action, man... Maybe a little too much.
Anyways, Cora! Cora is the last living member of the Akaito Clan, a tailoring family from the North Blue of world-class fame who was eradicated by Germa 66 when they didn't want to work for their evil plans. Their main identifier is a sewing needle pierced through the left ear, and they can tell a person's measurements just by looking at them. Of course, there are many imposters around because Akaito-made clothes sell for a fortune, but they usually fail at these criteria. Cora was only a baby when the attack from Germa happened, so she doesn't remember anything from that day or about her family, except for her mother, who was selected as the sole adult survivor of the massacre, because she had Cora, and Judge had plans for Cora. Little did Judge know that her mother also had plans for Cora, and that she had given the baby the Akaito Clan's most prized possession: The Sew Sew Fruit (Chiku Chiku no Mi), which gives its user mastery over the entire clothesmaking process and its tools and materials.
I don't want to get too much into Cora's backstory here, but she befriended Sanji and thought that he had died, and then her mother died, she helped create and designed the Raid Suits and then she ran away with the help of Reiju at 16 years old. Afterwards, she rose to considerable fame as a tailor in the East Blue, until finally stumbling across Sanji at Baratie, the same day that the Straw Hats also show up there. Shenanigans ensue.
I think, if I were going to describe Cora's personality in only three aspects, it's trauma, kindness, and a huge double crush that she doesn't like to admit. Because not only is she wholly unprepared for Sanji being not only alive but also a pretty and charming young man, there's also a swordsman who she has to stitch back together after a big fight and who she ends up falling head over heels for. The two boys constantly bickering doesn't help much either, and they also bicker over her, constantly trying to out-boyfriend each other. In case you were wondering whose side Cora usually takes in these fights, the answer is: She joins in on the side of entertainment. Whichever side would yield the funnier result. She just thinks their fights are way too funny and stupid. Also, she's constantly touch-starved and also scared of touch. And sleep-deprived. She gets better in the "scared of touch" category over the course of her journey with the Straw Hats, so... Sleepy cuddles. So many sleepy cuddles. If Zoro's taking a nap, she's taking a nap too, no buts. And Sanji eventually ends up with his arm around her waist 90% of the time. His personal space is also her personal space.
So, uh, fighting style! She uses a rapier and keeps explaining to people that, no, she's not a swordsman, she's a fencer. There's a difference. Also, she uses strings a lot, and plagiarizes Doffy's travelling method after Dressrosa. The thing with strings and dyes and whatnot is a whole new can of worms that I won't get into right now but it's super cool.
One more fun fact: Cora is short. She's tiny. And she wears heels to compensate, which Zoro hates because they're not practical at all. Her entire fashion sense gives him minor aggressions, partially because a lot of her clothes are a lot more fashion than function, partially because she looks too damn gorgeous in them and he's constantly reminded of his embarrassing crush and has gotten so distracted by her that he has walked into tables and doorframes multiple times. Sanji, on the other hand, fully supports her fashion choices. Maybe show a little more skin next time..? Pretty please? I have concept art for her and one of the more distracting outfits :)
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The Scout: "Desert Fox" Felicity
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The baby of the crew. Yeah, she's younger than Chopper. Inari is already young, being 14, but Lily? Lily is twelve. Absolute baby. How did she end up with the Straw Hats? Blame it on Buggy kidnapping her and then kidnapping the Straw Hats on top, letting them bust her out with them. Nami and Zoro pretty much become her caretakers on the spot, Nami consciously and Zoro... well... Turns out he has a bit of a soft spot for little scared kids with fox ears. They bring her back home to her "sister" Kaya at Syrup Village, but then she almost gets murdered by a killer butler, and Kaya asks them to take Lily with them, so... Well, she's with them now! Only about a few days later though, one of her caretakers gets himself almost killed and the other decides to abandon the crew. Good thing that Sanji has pretty much decided to adopt her, because otherwise she'd be crying her eyes out.
Lily is actually half mink! That's where she got her fennec fox features and some of her behavioural patterns (i.e. cuddliness, switching between napping and getting the zoomies...) from. But her behaviour could just as well be caused by her devil fruit, because she ate the Jōi Jōi no Mi, which gives her emotions magical properties. Which ones? No one knows! You'll find out when it happens. Pretty much the only really predictable effect back when Lily joins the crew is that she turns back into a nonverbal five-year-old when she gets too scared. She also has a pretty good success rate of turning into a more anthropomorphic fox creature when getting into the spirit for a battle. She's a mink after all, and minks are born fighters! And in case you're wondering: Yes, she does have electro! And sharp teeth. You do not want to make her upset. Best case scenario is that she bites you, worst case is either some magical shenanigans or she starts crying and her crewmates come to kick your ass.
I haven't developed her too much beyond the first season of OPLA, but I just know that she has to go absolutely feral at Alabasta, because that's a fennec fox's natural habitat and her epithet is "Desert Fox", so it only makes sense for her to get it at Alabasta. Also, it would be peak funny for Crocodile to complain to the Marines about a literal child messing up his plans, and peak funny is also peak One Piece, so you best believe I'll do it. Also, her being this young means I get to watch her grow up over the timeskip. I imagine she maybe gets sent to Zou and starts to really master her electro and devil fruit attacks? Something along the lines of "I'm all grown up now! I have my powers under control!" and then immediately turning back into a kindergartener in the face of danger would probably be her running gag post-TS. Also, I'm so soft for her relationship with Sanji. I could go on for ages about Whole Cake Island, but I'll leave it at that for now. This post is already getting long enough...
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The Matron: Dracule Aurelia
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Oh boy, you're not ready for her. She's the daughter of Rayleigh and Shakky. Trans queen (thanks, Iva). Raised as a Kuja, got love sickness just like her mother and fell for a red-headed idiot first, then for a certain swordsman. Ended up marrying the swordsman in the most dramatic way possible. Also maybe the second most beautiful woman in the world, after Boa Hancock of course.
Aurelia is essentially the fusion of a mafia boss, a mob wife, and an Ancient Roman patron. She has unbelievable amounts of money and an invisible net of connections that makes her almost untouchable. She's allied with Emperors, Warlords, kings and queens... Her main deal is providing smaller, more inexperienced pirate crews with her protection and support and getting their services in return, for example as soliders, for transportation... Whatever she needs at that moment. She can be as kind as she can be cruel, and people are generally both in awe and scared of her. Her epithet is "Black Widow" both because of her spider net of connections and because all of her lovers keep mysteriously dying as if through some sort of curse. Mihawk is the only one who has been able to resist that curse. Shanks doesn't count because Aurelia claims she never truly loved him.
One of the places under her protection is Baratie, and so she gets caught up in the Straw Hats' shenanigans. First, Nami asks her for help, then she returns to Arlong ransacking the place and essentially kidnapping Nami, then she finds out that Zoro was almost killed by her husband... Also, Sanji is the closest thing to a son that she has, so Sanji joining the Straw Hats is pretty much the final nail in the coffin to her deciding on her own terms that she's going to protect those kids to the best of her ability. You can kind of imagine her as the rich aunt, but a lot more deadly. Generally, she spends a majority in the story picking up her den den mushi and going "Luffy, what did you do this time?" The boy pretty much becomes her most effective portégé when it comes to expanding her territory, because he keeps punching tyrants and asking her to put the newly freed kingdoms under her protection. She also kicks ass at Marineford, of course, helps protect the Sunny during the timeskip, and becomes decorously unhinged when Whole Cake Island comes around because of her own personal history with Big Mom and "That's my son!" and "Luffy, you are not going to kill an Emperor." - so yeah, she pretty much has to follow the Straw Hats to Wano too, lest they get themselves kicked. She's both the queen of the literal universe and the exhausted mother of a crew of literal toddlers. Or. Well. Children and one supercharged toddler who will not stop causing chaos.
Her entire backstory is so freaking great. Growing up as a Kuja, running away from home because she's mad at her mother for leaving the Kuja tribe, her very first murder of a lover who also happened to be a nobleman, her bond with Iva and speedy hormone therapy, whatever the hell was going on between her and Shanks, her relationship with Mihawk, the whole situation with Big Mom and her rules for alliances, Mihawk literally fighting for her hand in marriage, her meeting Sanji and essentially adopting him... There's a lot going on. Wish I could write it one day.
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The Mechanic: Lux Jirou
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Lynx boi! Kuro tricked him into thinking he had Amber Lead Snydrome but it's actually just vitiligo. Used to be a member of the Black Cat Pirates (posing as the mansion's security guard) but liked Kaya a little too much and figured out Kuro was lying, so he teamed up with the Straw Hats to take him down. Also has the worst crush on Zoro and Zoro has the worst crushback, but they're both too stupid to figure it out. He goes by Jirou while with the Black Cat Pirates but starts going only by his last name Lux once he starts rebelling. Ends up joining the Heart Pirates and working as a mechanic on the Polar Tang.
Once again, so many of my ideas for him are more visual because... big kitty! Huge freaking paws! Cuddly cat naps! Involuntary purring because he has a crush and he's a cat and... Yeah. Also, he's absolutely thriving at Punk Hazard. Lots of snow? No problem! Lynx have built-in snow shoes. Also, his devil fruit (Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Lynx), much like the dinosaur SMILEs of the Beasts Pirates, works with Zoan logic. "Lynxes can walk on snow, so they can also walk on water, right? Since water is just frozen snow. And then maybe they can walk on air too if they train hard enough? Because of the humidity?"
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The Siren: Kanyalani
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Also known as Kan-chan, because Luffy is not pronouncing her full name. She's a betta fish mermaid and former slave and joined the Sun Pirates after being liberated. She has a romance with Jinbe which eventually turns into a polycule with the addition of Robin and Franky when they both join the Straw Hats. Kan-chan fights with chakrams and uses Merman Combat as well as some Fishman Karate.
Now for some mermaid characteristics: Since she's a betta fish mermaid, she shares betta fish characteristics. This means that she loves her color when she's unhappy and becomes more vibrant when she is happy. She also has a unique ability. Whereas all mermaids have beautiful voices, Kan-chan's singing can lull anyone to sleep, even in the midst of battle. Also, she's over thirty, so her tail is split, but she has trouble walking, so she practically never does it. She prefers using Bubbly Corals to navigate and claims that her very frilly fin makes for bad legs anyways.
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The Archer: Shimotsuki Kaede
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A Kuina look alike from Ebisu Town who nearly gives Zoro a heart attack when he sees her with her mask off for the first time. The concept for this OC basically came to me in the concept of many What Ifs. What if Kuina was still alive? What if Kuina was even more gender? What if there was a flying squirrel? What if someone pulled a Robin Hood on Orochi?
So, here's Kaede. Regular Ebisu Town citizen by day, dying and mending kimonos, stealing food and shooting arrows at people by night. As Ebisu Town gets the leftovers from the Flower Capital, this also includes the half-eaten SMILEs, and Kaede had the one-in-a-million luck of one of the SMILEs, finicky things that they are, still having traces of the power it once gave. And so, she got the power of the flying squirrel SMILE, making her the "devil fruit twin" of Bao Huang. She practices kyūdō in secret and almost runs an arrow through Orochi's head after Yasuie's execution. She would've hit the bastard too if someone hadn't hit her bow and made her miss.
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The Soldier: Roronoa Sonoko
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Ah yes, the reason why this post took me so long... She just appeared the moment I saw the scene in OPLA where Morgan tries to get Zoro to join the Marines. Because my brain went: Y'know, what if he actually had? So, I bring to you: Zoro's sister. No, not biological sister. They're siblings the way the ASL brothers are siblings. By exchanging sake cups. They got in trouble for stealing the sake and the cups but it was all worth it. What makes the situation even funnier is that Sonoko keeps on telling people that they're not biological siblings but nobody believes her because she's pretty much Zoro's spitting image. And it's her fault, too! Because she chooses to wear those earrings (more or less, but that's a bit of a longer story) and she chooses to dye her hair green! Yes, among the thousands of people with naturally funky hair colors, Kaede is pretty much the only one who actually dyes her hair.
So yeah, she's a Marine! Freshly promoted to Ensign when Koby and Helmeppo join and Garp's protégé. Her sword training comes from Bogard but she uses Two-Sword Style, so it's more her figuring out techniques and Bogard putting up with them. That is until Garp calls on Mihawk to go catch Luffy. Hawk Eyes comes to the ship to say that he decided not to do just that and Garp, as a payment for not reporting this to the World Government, asks Mihawk to take Sonoko on as a student. Mihawk, being Mihawk, is about to remind Garp that he does whatever he wants and doesn't need a deal like that. But then he sees the spitting image of Zoro in front of him and hears the same last name - and he changes his mind. Maybe it's worth a shot?
Following that, I don't have that many ideas except that Sonoko gets a bunch of promotions, only to go AWOL to warn Mihawk of the dismantling of the Warlords system during the Reverie because, at this point, she's far more loyal to him than to the Government or the Marines. She then completely deserts and dashes to Wano to help her brother and his crew defeat Kaido. In the process of the Raid on Onigashima (possibly while protecting either Hiyori or Zoro), she loses an arm and one of her swords and is just... overcome with guilt and shame. So much so that she can't bring herself to return to Mihawk after this incredible failure. Franky does replace her arm with a robotic one and everyone is super nice and supportive to her, the samurai step in and try to reason with her, but she's completely blinded by shame and anxiety. She keeps training, of course, she keepy going, but she just doesn't see herself as worthy anymore of being the student of the World's Greatest Swordsman. But then Mihawk himself shows up at Wano, looking specifically for her and tells her that she isn't a failure, that he's proud of her for her sacrifice for her cause and, most importantly of all, because she kept going. So, all is well and she joins the Cross Guild. Maybe befriends Cabaji, I dunno.
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats @supermarine-silvally - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
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♡ AUBURN'S MUTUALS !! (there's more of you than i thought HELP)
@tinyletterz / 🍙 — my friend since forever ago, genuinely one of the kindest people i have ever met. she's so cute and she writes beautifully!!!! i highly HIGHLY recommend her flower language series GFGRGRGRGRFRFR
@identity-theft-101 / 🪓 — bonded over mushroom stayed for the eels tbh!! chaos incarnate BUT he has a cute bird named asa that said she loves me so i'm winning
@names-are-dumb / 🐚 — i'm so glad i got to introduce them to twisted wonderland. i am reliving my own experience through him rn. IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE OCTAVINELLE GRAHHH!!!!! one month later and we're married he's my husband and my angelfish that i write cringe ass sonnets too and i adore him <33 muah muah
@merotwst / 🧶 — LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG. she's so warm and welcoming its no wonder people just gravitate to her :C i adore her tbh she made me feel so welcomed even though i'm still scared of most twst writers LMAO
@shkrmpp / 🦐 — one of my first moots!!! personally i really love their hair dye headcanons GRAH they're so cute BUT!! they also draw C:< AND ITS A CUTE STYLE. plus their blog always looks MUAH
@siren-serenity / 🌙 — YOU'RE EVIL I STILL THINK ABOUT "i need you" WHY DID YOU WRITE THAT /lh no but actually you're so good at writing angst that rips my heart out like. if i want to sob i'm going for your azul angst (ITS A GOOD THING PROMISE)
@siphoklansan / ☔ — BEAUTIFUL ART. STUNNING. i love love love how much detail she puts into her pieces (yes i am thinking abt the floyd piece for the lipstick challenge ITS SO CUTE) AND SHE DREW STUFF BASED ON THE SONG HEART ATTACK AND I THINK ABOUT IT EVERY DAY.
@fukashiin / 💌 — silly little goofy deuce rambles and omg the leech twins. I REREAD THE STARING THINGY SHE WROTE OVER AND OVER AZULLLL AZUL'S PART IS SO %@$!%##@%!$#$%@!$#%@$!#%!@%#$!@#$%
@ryuubff / 🪼 — omg there is literally so much i could say about them. my first obey me mutual. the first person who was alike "omg let's create solomon content together." i love talking to them sm and honestly they deserves the best because they're so kind and creative C: WAHHHH
@hisui-dreamer / 🌟 — SO SWEET. i know i'm saying a lot but i have so many mutuals that made me feel so welcomed and rinna was one of them. every single piece of work you'll find on that blog is brewing with emotions and gentle care I LOVE.,,.., I LOVE!!!!!!
@officialdaydreamer00 / 🌠 — ?!?!?!?! ALSO INCREDIBLY KIND AND SO SO CREATIVE!!!! they draw me things all the time and it literally melts my heart :((( i love lov love talking to them about octavinelle and they're super easy to connect with :(((
@the-v-lociraptor / 💙 — we literally just became moots a little bit ago BUT i find a lot of good fanart through her!! she reblogs a lot of cool stuff :D !!!!!
@ceruleancattail / 🔷 — I FORGOT TOW RITE SMTH HELP EM anyways <33 ceru writes some cute ass shit that makes me kick my feet and squeal (AND ALL THE AZUL CONTENT I HAVENT BINGED YET....UGH IM SO EXCITED)
@i-like-forgs / 💪 — appreciator of sand cats and draws a lot!! the creator of my wedding venue with azul and enabler of so many of my ramble i am clinging to his ankle as he drags me around
@valerie-leech / 💚 — we just started talking but they're part of the auburn azul wedding squad!! :D im excited to interact with them <3
@twst-beam / 🎉 — we also haven't talked a lot yet but i can't wait to get to know her better C: !!
@iseethatimicy / 💎 — a fellow azul kisser!! i finally found another one!! :D has an unholy amount of azul memes i do not know where they come from (probably pinterest) but they are Fascinating
@acornwinter / 💫 — sends random shit in my inbox because they started talking about their dreams once and i decided Yes!! and now they draw my ocs and its super cute and i love their little tiny ppl drawings C:
@totallymem3 / 🥀 — we just started talking but!! very sweet <33 her art style is just MMMMUAH CHEFS KISS!!!!!!!!! i love it. it reminds me of spring.
@z3llous / 🐸 — draws azul SOOOOO good i love lovelovlevoevloev his art!!! its so scrumptious i eat it all up for breakfast lunch dinner ON NOMNOM
@cecilebutcher / 🪩 — has a bunch of really cool ocs!!! igor my belobed /p they have such a creative mind and its a pleasure to listen to them ramble about the characters they created!!! :D
@ang33333333l / 🙏 — another azul kisser!! we haven't talked much but i can tell doll is a very sweet person <33
@soru-ya / 🍞 — THEY WROTE AROACE CONTENT FOR ME :((((( CRYING RN they're such a good writer please go check them out PLEASE im begging you
@rains-asleep / 🐝 — ANOTHE RGOOD WRITER WHAWHWAHWHAHWA <33333 we had such a deep conversation about caramel once it was enlightening.
@shinysparklesapphires / 🎀 — floods my inbox with precure stuff and now its next on my watch list. started the laura and azul siblings conspiracy :O !!!!!
@twistedchatterboxed / 🌊 — The jade kisser ever. we have a lot of mutual moots (hehe say that ten times fast) so i'm excited to get to know her better!! :D
@keii01 / 🍡 — she's so sweet i want to put her in my pocket and carry her around everywhere i go!! she draws a lot of cute stuff too (there is no such thing as too many ribbons <3)
@tsun0tar0u / 🐉 — showed me a genshin glitch once and i have never been the same. also i would die for kafka btw. normal about rollo btw. So Normal.
@non-binary-lil-shit / 🍄 — enables my marine bio and mycology rambling!! also i am very concerned for you C:
@queen-shiba / 🦁 — your profile theme is literally so pretty i am eating it right now (IDK I JUST LOVE ORANGE) also the leona blender post made me so confused but also i laughed really hard HELP
@vioisgoinginsane / 💜 — she likes some vampire game i think LMAO but the twst content? YUMMY. a writer once in a blue moon and apparently best known for the BITING ROOK HUNT post. GET IT!!!
@moonlit-midnight / 🌸 — hannah is such a good writer :(( WRITES PLATONIC FICS DID YOU HEAR THAT EVERYONE!!! PLATONIC FICS!!!!!!! they're all so adorable and make me want to curl up under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate <3
@ryker-writes / 🦚 — asked about to deep sea and LET ME TELL YOU i got so excited about it and im still writing it hehe. ryker writes a lot of familial angst so its that your thing go for it!!
@datboredpencil / 💀♦️ — GORGEUYS ART ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPTIOUS YUMY UMY UM AN ENTIRE BUFFET!!!! theres a lot of idia x cater content too if thats youre thing!!! :D
@twistwonderlanddevotee / 🪷 — we havent talked a lot but im still happy to have you here!! :D
@beeirdos-buzzing-bogaloo / 🐥 — apparently very normal about sebek. the Most normal. we havent talked a lot but hes silly :D
@dove-da-birb / 🪿 — literally so funny. putting you in my pocket right now!! ALSO I LOVE YOUR BRAINROTTING HELP
@loser-jpg / 😬 — YOUR BEWILDERMENT AT MY DASH SPAMMING WAS REALLY FUNNY i hope you get used to it </3
@ashipiko / 🌺 — THE #1 ACE KISSER EVER???? her art is so munchy and yummy i want to eat it :(( HER STYLE IS SO CUTE SRSLY IF YOU HAVENT SEEN HER ART YET PLEASE CHECK IT OUT
@shyhaya / you should pick an emoji!! — wrote the most fantastic delicious delightful heart wrenching thing for azul and tagged ME in it :(((( AAAAAA IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE IT SOONER. IF YOU EVER WRITE FOR AZUL AGAIN PLEASE TAG ME I'D LOVE TO SEE IT.
@musicalhistorical / 👹 — omg hi quotev person you've been putting up w my bullshit since forever ITS SO FUNNY TO SEE YOU HERE LMAO
magical girl anon
seahorse anon
❤️ anon
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Oh right, I forgot I made reference sheets of my
Krang OCs!
That's right! A species of aliens from my favorite media, RoTTMNT, is one of my favourites, and thus has a bunch of OCs from the species! Only four of them are really developed, and I'll introduce you to them!
(Ignore the height measurements where I mention the turtle brothers, because it's now outdated! This is also a very big post, so there's a lot of text, and even in some of the images too.)
Now let's get introduced to... Petrol!
(2023 April 7th)
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Right, he looks more or less... Basic for a Krang at this stage. I have developed them way more now!
(2023 April 9th)
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Now there he is! A young Krang with a kind heart, he isn't much of a threat like a singular Krang, but he's a swimmer! A formidably quick one too, and CAN fight while swimming, though their vision is unfortunately so bad they see the clearest at 2 centimetres away, almost one inch vision! Which is why he has goggles whenever he typically goes out to explore.
As he grew up within multiple generations of his raccoon family, he slowly forgot more about the Krang species, and because he was very young when the Krang were sucked in the Prison Dimension. He also gained markings resembling a raccoon's and is able to communicate with raccoons fluently. Yes, Petrol is capable of chirping, growling, barking and hissing, like an actual raccoon does.
Oh, and the easily combustible part? He pretty much combusts into flames whenever he gets scared. Mostly because he digests a lot of oils and gasolines, the perfect ingredients for bursting into flames.
"Where is his exosuit?", you may ask. Well, back when he narrowly escaped from being sucked in along the many other Krangs, he just abandoned his own exosuit, and in return being destroyed in the Prison Dimension from the chaos that happened where only three Krangs managed to survive from the aftermath. Now he has a custom one, made by none other than Nix. Or Kaos as an alternative.
(2023 April 8th)
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No, wait, this is the wrong Nix.
There they are!
(2023 April 11th)
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As expected and obvious from their looks, Kaos is the inventor of the four Krangs. Oddly enough, he distances himself a LOT from Krang technology, to the point he would only use that technology only if necessary. Quite a feral yet impish Krang, they love to bring their explosives with them no matter if it's a mission or any relaxing activities. And no wonder they made the bomb 💣 (Uxitron or UX∅3) by themselves, as they like inventing! They've made customized exosuits, machinery, weapons, and never forget, the littlest things like their own goggles, the artificial antenna they added in their own head and bombs.
They invent so much and experiment things, though sometimes not all of it was a success. Because of one failed experiment exploding into pieces, Kaos gained a permanent and thick scar on their face, especially affecting their left eye to the point it cannot constrict no matter the lighting conditions. Essentially, Nix has mydriasis in this case. In order to make it easier for themselves while working, they made goggles which both the lenses are adjusted with filters in order to allow them to see microscopic bits and inventions more easily, as well as controlling the amount of light that enters in the left goggle.
Despite their markings resembling explosions, one of them resembles a flower. A time where they first lived on Earth. They love hills covered in pretty flowers, and even still loves them, as they have pots and vases of plants in their shared home. Not in their own laboratory, of course.
Back when they used to be apart of Krang 01's/Leader's army, they admired him to such an extreme extent that they would do ANYTHING to please him, make him satisfied with their own actions despite not being seen as anything but an engineer. But nowadays they haven't forgotten Krang 01/Leader entirely, but doesn't even bring him up in a conversation other than to mention how they used to admire him.
Who else would be quite disappointed for Nix to admit they used to admire Krang 01/Leader?
Vemirath, or Ven for short.
(2023 April 11th)
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A powerful and formidable ex-warrior, Vemirath is NOT someone you should underestimate. She isn't feared for no reason by her opponents. She can clearly pin down her opponents who are almost the same size like her, as well as tear open buildings with ease. Despite this, like a rattlesnake, she also has a tender side of herself despite struggling to show emotions other than anger. She is a primary caretaker of Petrol, as well as his role-model. She cares deeply for her allies and family, but does she spare some for Krang 01/Leader?
None. She would find it better if she could've killed him with her own tendrils, tear him apart and stab him repeatedly. If she wished something to never exist in the universe, she would immediately say Krang 01/Leader with no hesitation. The only other thing she dislikes heavily are pickles. Pickles. 🥒 How? It reminds her of Krang 01/Leader for some reason.
And to talk about her third eye, it has miosis. Constantly a vertical slit, not even dilating at all. It doesn't improve her vision and visual depth too much other than a slight change. It's not much of a bother for her either, so she still kept it even when she was young.
It was clear Krang 01/Leader didn't like her much either, so it was a mutual feeling, though Ven's was more extreme.
The only one who managed to reach Krang 01's/Leader's ranks and role is Forth.
(2023 April 15th)
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Despite being blind, she has sonars implanted on the sides of her head, allowing her to see her surroundings in a way she never had done before.
This made her more formidable, even as she is a very quick fighter. She can now be more precise in fighting her opponents and targets, yet smart enough to act like she can only hear, not "see" her surroundings. She clearly is strong after all, and has a lot of potential for her future in the army.
Despite being the highest rank of most Krangs, she loves getting herself into dangerous situations, as it's thrilling for her but also a bit more exciting than being a potential leader together with Krang 01/Leader. But the stress and concentration she tried to muster in order to focus more better has made her tendrils unable to relax naturally like others, always in a similarly jointed shape. It hurts for her to truly straighten her limbs, even if they're quite flexible.
She is also a constant smiler, rarely frowning at all mostly because she feels more relaxed smiling.
Even while she is the one who frequently explores and encounters more living beings than her fellow family (excluding Petrol), she still likes being in Nix's laboratory, listening to the machines working and moving to function. She finds the sounds relaxing.
(2023 April 17th)
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Here are some personality notes for my characters in case you write them! Unfortunately I do not know how to properly write dialogue, so you can pretty much feel free to write dialogue in a way that you think could fit them!
More information the better!
Unfortunately I can't add any more images, BUT I can write even MORE information! So here is incoming bonus information for the four Krangs!
Petrol: He would absolutely adore being around Michelangelo, as he's the bubbliest, friendly and loveliest turtle he has ever met. He hasn't tried drawing before, but he will gladly practice together with Mikey!
Nix/Kaos: They are easily capable of fighting four opponents at the same time with a melee weapon. And he would love to work alongside Donatello with inventing things as well as blow things up for FUN!
Vemirath: She will slowly lose her patience and herself if you keep talking about Krang 01/Leader. She will snap if you dare say a word that implies or even means that you admire him. She would rather hear him say he's a gift rather than hear someone else think he's a good Leader or someone admirable.
Forth: She has a thing for Vemirath. (Not elaborating.)
And that's what I have for my Krang OCs!!
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rubia-peregrinart · 2 months
Hey I just saw your shitposting with Laurence and Amelia as Lion King refs, this is hilarious XD That made me think of a question though! The both descriptions of Gold Pendant and official BB guide state that there were generations of Vicars between Laurence and Amelia 🤔 How many of them do you think were here? You have some OCs for these spots? And if yes, and Amelia was already a baby within the Church walls, what was her relationship with other vicars predating her while she is growing up?
i haven't even seen that movie but the jokes write themselves :pensive clown:
To be honest yeah this is something I overlooked until recently ! And to be honest² uuuuhhhh... my take on that is probably gonna go somewhat against canon, I mean if it really speaks in generations then canon probably didn't mean for Laurence and Amelia to have been alive at the same time at all. But the idea was Important to me,,,
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Unless they meant generations as in... one vicar after the other, each with short "reigns", rather than age ? Because BB as we know it likely spans over less than a century, if Gehrman aging within the Dream is any indication, so there couldn't have been that many,, but also i'm notoriously bad with ages and time so it's wholly possible that i'm just screwing myself over sgdhfjghkj
NOW with this said, first for a bit of context - I hc that Amelia was spotted early on in the Orphanage as one of those kids with naturally high insight AND decent frenzy resistance (i have that hc for Viola and her younger daughter as well). Perhaps she had quality blood as well, but either way, Laurence chose her early on as her successor. It doesn't reflect in my drawings here, but he was already starting to slip at the time, so it was HUGELY convenient too lmao
And what I have for now, which is fresh and still under construction, is what I've introduced with my take on the Cleric Beast we fight in-game here ! Instead of one (line of) Vicar(s) between the two, there was a council of sorts that served as Laurence's surrogates during his absences in Cathedral Ward. Of course, "absences" include "brutal and premature death to beasthood" and Amelia was like five back then.
Again I'm still thinking about it, but if I had to pick at least one to be Vicar I guess it'd be Norbert here, as I prefer to re-use existing characters as much as possible. I haven't thought about the kind of man he was yet and by extension his relationship to Amelia, but among the council you could have differing scenarios towards her. Some would be kind, if they knew her as a child and grew fond, but there would definitely be at least one planning to take the power for themself and try to get her killed before she was of age ! In fact, I just had the idea that this one would get killed by Henriett (then a church huntress and Amelia's... really good friend), and that's why she had to leave afterwards. X)
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aectpen · 1 year
synopsis: 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥
pairing: Zhang Hao of ZB1 and fem!oc
status: ongoing
chapter 8: haemin
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haemin. rina's right hand woman. she'd tell her everything that happens to her. whether it's tragic or as minor as a stranger giving her a dirty look on the train. why didn't she just tell her that she was seeing him, even if it was an innocent friendship at first? that's something she'd immediately tell her.
but something in the back of her mind urged her not to. she knows how much of a big fan she is. she would lie awake at night imagining the outcomes of of her finding out. the best case scenario is her interrogating you about it. the worst case scenario is her freaking out and telling people that she has a connection to her favorite boy group.
despite rina being her best friend, rina isn't her only friend. out of the two, haemin has always been the more social, more caring one. it was always haemin looking after rina and pushing her to do things. it has always been that way.
with rina finally getting close to hao; she didn't want to say it out loud but she wanted to finally have something, someone for herself. haemin had her own friends and relationships that didn't involve her, so why couldn't she just have this one thing for herself?
why can't i just keep this one secret?
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rina glanced over at haemin.
they both heard that phone buzzing. there was no denying it.
rina watched as haemin walked to the shelf behind her. she can't stop her, that would be even worse.
"oh. my god." you would think she saw a ghost. "zhang hao. rina that is zhang hao. strawberry, z is zhang hao."
rina did not want to look back and see the scene unfold before her. but she had to. she looked at haemin's shocked face and couldn't imagine the one on hao's face.
"hi." his signature greeting alongside an awkward chuckle and smile in an awkward situation.
"haemin, zhang hao. zhang hao, haemin."
"when were you gonna tell me about this?" she seemed more calm than rina had prepared for. it seemed too good to be true, but rina was internally thanking the universe for this reaction.
"i was actually planning on it. very soon." truth was, she was planning on keeping it from her for far longer than this.
"well. are you guys dating or something now?" haemin crossed her arms.
"yes." - "no."
the two looked at each other confused.
"no." - "yes."
"i'm guessing you guys haven't thought this through yet."
"it's very new. we'll definitely have to discuss this." rina scratched the back of her neck "are you sure you're okay with all of this?"
"of course! why would this be a bad thing. i'm happy for you!" haemin engulfed her in a tight hug.
rina gave hao an i don't know look facing him in the hug. he only shrugged back at her.
"i'll leave you two to it." she smiled and left them alone.
"i have no clue what that was about." out of all the scenarios rina drafted, that one never came up.
"strawberry. wow, you really serious about that." hao found the entire thing amusing. everyday he was finding out something new about rina.
"i warned you we did talk about you quite a lot when you were a faceless stranger."
"at least i never have to worry about you liking me for my looks or status."
"okay, heartthrob." she rolled her eyes.
finally, she started to lock up the store. she would definitely have to tell her boss about the extra time she spent in the store after hours. someone could've easily robbed the place, but she didn't get paid enough to be worrying about that.
they were now standing outside of the closed store, his phone buzzing in his pocket again.
"yeah, i got caught up. relax. no, the store is closed. okay, whatever." he hung up "sorry, my members are so obsessed with me."
"it's kinda late, i'd be worried too. you can go home now. today drained me."
"i should introduce you to them. a proper introduction."
"i think i embarrassed myself enough." rina recalled the humiliating interaction with them from the bowling alley.
"them of all people are not immune to embarrassing themselves, trust me." he reassured her.
"we'll have to find out who is more embarrassing between us. i think i'm in the lead right now."
they shared a goodbye hug. it was tight, warm, and lasted so long that you'd think they were never going to see each other again.
as they slowly parted ways, they only had one thing in mind;
i should've kissed her
i should've kissed him
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bellarose204 · 7 months
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I never seen the Wonka movie just yet but i wanna because back when everyone was talking about it made me wanna start re-drawing my old OC again since 2019
Meet Clara Spice (she's 100% better than "the unknown")
She was made as Willy Wonka's assistant and a love interest too but they don't show chemistry that much only if they're having a moment to judge other people then yes you'd say there is some chemistry right there then they both agree on things.
I haven't made the 1970's version just yet but I will be getting there soon because at this moment I'm in my 2023 Clara era at the moment.
So from what I know from the trailer Clara in the Timothee Chalamet version, she is a young mechanic at work in the laundry place when she is introduced climbing down from one of her machines and removing her home-made goggles she fixed up herself, there was some chemistry spark during that introduction but for all I know inspiration came first to Willy wonka's brain before noticing her as well.
Clara in this version has more personality in her since she is embodied as a young mechanic at 19 but she's kinda better than 2005 because being a tim burton movie i kept in the gloomy aspect in her design, She is kind of an inspiration for Wonka because she makes great machines that work and has cool googles too and has got a spunky additude too, there is a reason her last name is "spice" the girl may be sweet but she is also spicy.
Her friendship status is important too, her and Willy Wonka are like a tease with each other but total opposites he's neat and organized his ideas with recipes he has in mind, and she's messy and does heroic actions without thinking. Her and Noodle in the movie have like a older and younger sister type vibe but in the Meantimes I'd think her and Wonka act like parent figures to her. Her and the police. . .You don't know how much crime she has done in the past but for short notice she does not get along very well with the police nor the bad guys that are to come in the movie
Anyways that's my old oc that I brought back for yall! I'm really in my Wonka era at the moment now so I'm pretty excited to write more about my character for you guys!
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roselightfairy · 6 months
Also, I suspect I know what this title is for, so I'm hoping for some fun juicy additional tidbits from:
Mod FAV snippets
Hahahahahahaha so this one is a pure vanity project, maybe the most navel gaze-y thing I've done.
When I started working with @deheerkonijn, I absolutely loved playing around in modverse and I've continued to love it. But it's an interesting balance, working with a specific set of characterizations and situations! Our depictions of Legolas in our own work often appear on the surface to be completely, completely different. While working together, we've found a ton of points of connection and similarity, and have realized that we have a very similar view of him as a character after all, but the way that looks outwardly is - uh, quite different. Influencer!Legolas is about as opposite of FAV!Legolas as you could possibly come, you know? So just for fun, just for myself, I started playing around with what my specific characterizations and OCs would look like in a similar fusion universe. It was only for me and DHK, but it was a ton of fun (and turned into, like, a Legolas Family Drama TV Show haha).
Probably the crowning jewel of anything I wrote in there, though, was a made-up magazine profile of Gimli the architect, and since I haven't given you any snippets, I'll include a bit in here:
But if he’s been collaborating with Éomer of Rohan, does that mean we can expect to see more of his work outside the country? “I’m not saying anything about that yet!” he deflects again. “Nothing is set in stone – if you’ll forgive my pun.” No amount of gentle prodding will get another word out of him, so I return to the subject of his life. What has the transition been like – between Erebor and Minas Tirith, moving outside of dwarf-only circles, and rising so quickly to prominence? “It’s been . . . surprisingly easier than I expected, actually.” He smiles fondly. “I was lucky that I made some really wonderful friends right away, and having them has helped me both with the emotional transition and with even the finer aspects of design. I might have loved Lady Galadriel when I was younger, but having an elf as an idol doesn’t mean I really knew anything about elvish design. But since I met Legolas, I’ve been introduced to a whole new world. I find I love trying to integrate all these different inspirations and sensibilities – it’s a refreshing challenge.” Ah, yes, Legolas. The elusive elvish husband who has somehow remained such an enigma to the public eye. What about him? I can’t help asking. What’s it like being a dwarf married to an elf – especially that one? Are the rumors true? Is he really that Legolas? But Glóinul refuses to tell me anything. “That’s personal,” he says. “We like to keep our private life as private as possible.” If the rumors are true, I can’t blame him. It’s been whispered that Glóinul’s husband is Legolas Thranduilion – yes, son of that Thranduil, longtime prime minister of Eryn Lasgalen and generator of the most rumor and controversy since Thingol himself. Legolas has been much farther removed from the spotlight than his sister Laerwen Thranduiliel, former Lasgalen Secretary of State and center of a fair amount of spectacle herself – but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t step forward and claim some fame himself if he asked for it. So far he’s never granted an interview, and even Glóinul has never explicitly confirmed his identity, but my eyes keep straying back to that gorgeous antique desk in his studio. If that isn’t Lasgalen design, I don’t know what is. “Legolas is my husband,” is all Glóinul will say when I point this out. “All that’s important for you to know is that he’s my most fervent supporter, my biggest inspiration, and he makes me happier than anyone I’ve ever known. He’s been with me since before all this started, and honestly I admire him more than anyone I’ve ever met.” His fond smile says it all, but I can’t help teasing a little. Even the Lady Galadriel? “Even her.” Glóinul smiles. “But I don’t think she’d hold it against me.”
Thanks for asking! These will probably never see the light of day, so it was fun to get to share a little bit of it!
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
His Little Dragon
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Doc Holliday x OC
Dedicated to @callsignscupcake
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Doctor John Holliday hasn't seen his darling Little Dragon for many years. Once as thick as thieves, they were quite the pair, but that long since ended when he left. Now, with opportunity blooming in Tombstone, it would seem they have a second chance at the love they lost. However, a threat looms over the town, and if he wants his Dragon back, he has to win the heart of little Baylie too. Nothing is ever easy.
Word count: 1.7k
Chapter Two - Working hard
Rachael returns to the hotel room. Baylie was waiting on the bed, exactly where she had been when Rachael left. She chuckles when she sees her darling girl.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting, sweetie."
"No, mama. Did you get it?" Baylie asks, looking up at Rachael.
"I did. I'll start tomorrow. For now, we should go eat. You must be hungry after our long journey." Rachael holds out her hand. Baylie slides off the bed and takes it.
"Yes, mama."
The pair leave the hotel and into town. There was a decent place to eat not too far away, so Rachael took Baylie there. It was unlikely there would be any trouble there, so she could rest easy knowing Baylie could eat in peace.
Baylie chooses the table and Rachael orders them something. The pair sit down.
"Are we going to live here?" Baylie asks.
Rachael looks at the girl. "I'm not sure yet, honey. But I'm certain I can make enough money here for us to settle down wherever. I just have to work really hard for us."
Baylie smiles brightly at her mama.
"Okay, mama."
Food is put onto the table and the two of them dig in. Baylie remains her bright self as they eat their food. When they're done Rachael stacks the plates in the middle of the table and let's Baylie tell a tale of what she saw from the hotel window while she was gone. It sounds like Tombstone is quite a town.
Just as Rachael gets up for the to head back, a voice, different than before, calls out. It's another familiar voice, and it made sense to Rachael that if Wyatt was in town, so were his brothers.
"A sight for sore eyes!"
Rachael looks up and smiles at the sight of Vergil Earp. She chuckles softly as he comes over to greet her.
"Vergil. I suppose Morgan is in town too? Wyatt has already made his appearance."
Vergil chuckles. "That he is. What a strange coincidence for everyone to be here at the same time. You know, Doc's in town too."
"So I hear."
"Mama, who is he?" Baylie asks, looking up at the tall gentleman in front of her mama.
"Oh Baylie, this is Vergil Earp, and old friend of mine."
Vergil tips his hat to Baylie.
"Evening, little miss."
Baylie smiles up at him.
"Hello!" She greets.
"This is my daughter, Baylie," Rachael introduces.
"Daughter?" Vergil looks at Rachael with a questioning gaze.
"Yes," Rachael can tell instantly what he's thinking. "Not by blood, mind you. She needed help and I was there."
"I see." Vergil looks back at Baylie. "A pleasure, little miss."
Baylie giggles. She seems to like being called that. You chuckle at her bashful smile.
"It's good to see you Vergil, but we must be getting back to our room now."
"Allow me to escort you?" He offers.
"Won't your wife be missing you?" She smiles.
"She can miss me for a moment longer. I haven't seen you in years."
Rachael chuckles and accepts Vergil's offer. Baylie holds onto Rachael's hand as they walk with Vergil back to the hotel. All the while, the two adults catch up, Baylie listens in.
"How have you been, Rachael?" Vergil asks.
"Okay. I've been... roaming."
"All this time?"
"Mmhm. It hasn't been easy. Baylie has been with me nearly a year now. She's all I got. I need to settle down Vergil, it ain't no life constantly moving on the road, not with a young girl. I'm to here to make money for a home. Somewhere we can live peacefully and enjoy our life."
Vergil nods his head quietly.
"You boys been busy? What are you doing in Tombstone anyway?"
"Wyatt not tell ya?"
"He mentioned claiming a fortune. You fellas living here?" She asks him.
"We are. We have our own little homes too. Life is good here, you will like it too."
"I'm not sure we are settling here, just making my money here," Rachael explains.
"I understand."
Vergil stops with her outside of the hotel and they turn to face each other. He smiles at her fondly.
"You plannin' on seeing the Doc?" He asks.
"Not planning to. I do quite well blending into crowds, Vergil. He doesn't need to know I'm here."
"You don't even want to see him?"
Rachael sighs. "I'm not sure my heart could handle it. When you love someone with your entire being, and then discover they don't want what you want, it's hard. I would have stayed with him forever if I knew he loved me the same."
Vergil considers her quietly.
"Enough of that. Np more talk of Doc. Perhaps I'll see you around, Vergil."
"You know," he starts before you can leave his side, "even in a crowded room that man would find you. Tombstone isn't as big as it feels. I'm just saying."
"Your words are noted. Goodnight."
"Goodnight. Little miss," he bows head once at Baylie and then takes his leave. Rachael follows him with her eyes and then takes Baylie's hand again, heading inside.
Once in the room, Baylie climbs onto the bed and turns to her mama.
"Who is Doc?" She asks.
Rachael wipes her hands on her skirt as she looks up at Baylie. Her heart is racing in her chest, but Baylie doesn't realise that.
"He's... an old friend."
"Did he hurt you?" She asks.
"Kinda. You should rest, darlin'. Big day ahead of us tomorrow."
"Am I coming with you?" She asks.
"That's the idea, sweetpea. You have to stay close though," Rachael tells her.
"I know, mama."
Rachael leans down to give Baylie a kiss on the head before helping her remove her boots. She tucks Baylie into bed and kisses her head once more. Baylie gets comfy while her mama dresses down for bed. They had very few belongings with them, so they would to go shopping soon.
The pair look at each other with a smile.
"Goodnight, Baylie."
"Night, mama!"
Rachael turns the light out and they go to sleep.
Come morning, the pair are up bright and early. Rachael makes sure Baylie eats before they take the horse round to the saloon. The Oriental was high end, but clearly for the rowdy crowd. The kind who stay up till sunrise gambling their money away. Luckily for Rachael, it was quiet during the day.
Billy stands outside with a wagon.
"Decent horse," he comments.
"The best we got for now. The wagon won't be a problem."
Billy nods silently as he helps get the horse on the wagon. When it's all been done and checked, Rachael helps Baylie onto the wagon bench and then climbs on too. Billy hands over the job note and gives Rachael a vague direction of where to go. She nods and they head off.
As long as Rachael delivered and picked up before the day was out, she would be paid in full for the day. She was in no hurry to get the job immediately and rode on so Baylie may at least get a good look of the town.
Baylie was fascinated by Tombstone. There was life all around her. Riding past families makes Rachael smile. If families can settle here, maybe she could. All she wanted was the best for Baylie.
They reach the first stop and Rachael hops off, telling Baylie to sit and wait. The young girl does as she's told and Rachael walks around to the wagon to take it the first delivery.
While Rachael handles business, Baylie looks around her. There was so much to look at and admire, but her eyes are drawn to a couple of gentlemen talking in the road down the adjacent street.
They're both dressed finely, and Baylie can't help thinking one of them resembles Vergil who she met last night. The other is wearing a bit of colour in his outfit, that's what catches Baylie's eye.
Her attention is broken from the two men as Rachael reappears and climbs back onto the wagon. She forgets about the men as they ride on.
All the jobs are completed a little after noon and Rachael returns the wagon to The Oriental. She helps Baylie back onto the ground and heads inside to fetch her pay.
"I hear it's going to be a quite a game tonight," Cupcake says, following Billy around the bar.
"It always is when he's playin'."
Rachael catches Billy's eye and hands over her completed list. Billy thanks her and takes it, counting up her pay and handing it over.
"Your goods are in the wagon."
"Thank you. I'll have more errands in a couple of days."
"Very well, this will do us just nicely," Rachael tucks the money away safely.
"Rachael, won't you swing by tonight. A lot of interesting characters will be in tonight. You won't want to miss it," Cupcake states, leaning over toward her.
"No thank you, Cupcake."
"Oh please!"
"I shall be spending the evening with my daughter."
Cupcake takes not of the young girl beside her.
"Well, hello! You'll have to excuse me, I didn't see you there."
Baylie chuckles as she looks up at Cupcake. The lady was dressed in her best clothes, a hat was pinned into her hair and she held a closed fan in her hand.
"I'm Baylie!"
They all chuckle, even Billy who usually has a stick up his backside.
Rachael and Baylie bid them a good day and take their leave. Rachael helps Baylie onto the horse, named Whiskey by lively girl, and takes the lead back toward the hotel. Baylie laughs as they pass through town. She always did enjoy riding Whiskey like this.
Upon reaching the hotel Rachael ties the horse up and helps Baylie down.
"I must be dreaming."
Rachael freezes. That voice. She knows that voice. Baylie looks up at her mama wondering why she stopped. She takes her hand in her smaller one and tries to get her attention.
"I must be hallucinating," he says, staring at the sight before him.
Rachael turns slowly.
There is he. Baylie peeks around her mama and spots the man she had seen earlier that day. The finely dressed man with colourful tie.
Suddenly Rachael feels like she had gone back 4 years as the man she once loved more than anything stands before her.
"My Little Dragon."
@bayisdying - @callsignscupcake - @mrsjaderogers - @cycbaby - @mtnofgrace @kiichirose - @askmarinaandothers - @themusingofagothicsoul - @gizmodear - @beaner-life-23 -
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tiredassmage · 5 months
[remembering that i can just blorbo post whenever i feel like it, that's how i introduced my swtor ocs. i can do it again for the bg blorbos i can just Do That that's Free to do in my own house. giggles!]
yeah, yeah, it's all fun and games flirting with poetic lines and declarations of attraction, isn't it, leo?
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sure. right. hot men telling you pretty things is just a darling time! flattery is wonderful, he can enjoy this, surely this isn't something of depth and meaning and everyone's having such a good time-! haha, astarion's so good at this, this is amusing, surely-
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oh fuck.
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[most genuine leo reaction.] activate deer in headlights mode.
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right! fun! haha! of course! totally just in jest! you know!!! because this physical thing is all very well and good, just a little amusement between... travel partners?
I don't think knowing everything was getting more and more elaborate and showy just for the sake of it prepared him to hear that. even knowing - or believing, at least - none of this is. more than just. just a little fun. nothing more. leo wouldn't say the whole thing has been at his own expense, not to astarion - genuinely gods forbid leo imply his own lack of self-esteem is somehow someone else's problem. genuinely. there's some level of awareness there that that says something about the other person's character that he doesn't mean, necessarily.
I do love that leo's a disaster in this sense. leo's... the kind of guy that won't easily end up in the clearly better for him option in wyll - wyll is so clearly and evidently a Good Guy and he's sweet and leo's a little sweet on him for it, but that. would also mean genuinely admitting to feelings. actually having those. and leo just... doesn't do that. not yet. not very easily.
but falling along at someone like astarion's heels isn't because leo entirely believes the honeyed words and endearments from the start. they're as nice to hear as they are for astarion to say, this early on, likely. it's not about saying things with intention. it's saying what sounds good. they're both guilty of it, full stop. the difference, perhaps, in leo playing along versus some of the targets astarion had brought cazador is that leo's not ignorant, entirely, of the fact that it's a game. he's just... willing to go along with it. in a way that'd be liable to get him into trouble. because leo unfortunately does a self-fulfilling prophecy thing where he struggles with deserving the kind variety of guy that might actually be good for him and supportive and thus leo instead trots himself right into questionable arrangements, romantic and otherwise aknlksfdl;dsf.
and he's. afraid of mucking up good things when they do come, so it's far easier to run away from these things, right?? right??? cutting a deal with a hag is obviously the safer option than waiting around for his feelings to get hurt or for when he inevitably causes some sort of terrible event himself, right? i'm sure that hag deal back in the city just worked out so well for him.
[it did not + the last person that told leo those three little words was that cute bard he definitely totally did not (yes he did) have a crush on and who was definitely too good for him (leo he was concerned about your safety and well-being, y'know, like a decent partner) + congrats you got a hag eye deal out of it and lost the first love of your life, i think (i'm still pondering details. i still don't know who made a deal in which direction, whether it was leo bargaining or his lover, but either way... at the very least, feelings got hurt and they stormed off in different directions and haven't seen each other since. and at worst... well. dealing with a hag has historically not worked out for anyone very well in this game)]
which is all perhaps just a really long way of saying leo i think you could do so much better, baby (for yourself, bc not that this relationship can't ever turn out sweet bc it can but that's something i know as a player that leo doesn't ahaaa), wyll and gale and literally also right there, but leo is also incredibly fucking skittish and astarion will play him like a lute and leo will let it happen and i'm just here with popcorn waiting to see if either leo runs from it all (again) when shit starts to actually mean something or if both of them are going to do the screaming opossum moment about 'seduce and manipulate haha just for safety right just as a little bit' turning into 'oh fuck Feelings' and ultimately work something out.
i mean, the screaming opossum moment is likely going to occur either way, it's just. will they actually manage to stick it out and make a relationship out of it or will at least one of them go 'good gods absolutely not kill it with fire and ten thousand bees me have an emotion? haha you're hilarious, no.'
in the meantime, i will be the screaming opossum watching it all unfold because gods they're going to kill me with the suspense.
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pastellar1ne · 1 year
⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of abuse and self-neglect ⚠️
I haven't posted in a while despite REALLY liking the posting format for Tumblr so. HI GUYS!! Have Kyle Daniels (my OC) as an Identity V Survivor.
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Given that Kyle is from 1845 – 1873 in the Identity V universe, I have kept it in its original butler uniform. For those who have seen art of Kyle before — yes, this is its official uniform, the other suit you've seen me draw it in is for simplicity and ease when doing doodles or less serious drawings.
I'm pretty sure the suit that I used as a reference (seen below) is more from the early 1900s, however it looks relatively similar to the late 1800s suits that I saw — and is also the clearest image that I could find.
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I've decided on making its buttons have a slightly more original look for its eyes, in comparison to (most of) the other Survivors. Upon recommendation from a friend of mine, I have decided to go with simplistic but slightly worn down buttons, as this fits Kyle's character and background nicely (example shown below). However, its buttons would be a dull green colour, to match its eye colour while maintaining the idea of its eyes being 'worn down' due to both the abuse that it has endured and the way it has continuously overworked itself — wearing itself down.
I aim to see if I can achieve a simple yet worn down look for its green button eyes, while also making the eyes look polished — even with its past and troubles, Kyle maintains a good image for itself (and its master), and is also never seen untidy (with the only exception being its Worn Clothes). It keeps itself polished and clean even as it's worn down.
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On the topic of its stitches and rips, it was decided to give it very few rips — of which would not damage the suit it is wearing — to maintain a professional look. The rips were limited to 2 on the neck, which can be seen more clearly in my first progress shot (seen below). This place was chosen for the rips as I did not want them to interfere with its face or suit, as well as it being an element of foreshadowing.
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Its stitches, however, are plentiful — being more common and noticeable in comparison to those of other characters (see first image for all, see below for suit only). This was to create another element that related to its abuse, in a way that hid it in plain sight. The amount of stitches symbolises the way that it is so worn down and broken by its abuser — and even its neglect for its needs, however holds itself together, akin to my design choice for its button eyes.
Its stitches can be found: down its left cheek, starting from its eye; across its nose; at the shoulders of its suit, connecting them to its torso; halfway down its upper right arm; at the end of its right blazer sleeve; halfway down its left forearm; ⅓ of the way down its left index finger; halfway down its right thumb; and across its left side.
In the above list I have excluded the stitches at the corners of its mouth, and the stitch on its chin. This is due to the fact that its mouth stitches are more symbolic, showing that it has become so accustomed to its stone cold glare that its frown is practically a permanent part of its face. The chin stitch is representative of its cleft chin, as seen with existing Survivors Embalmer and Cowboy.
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fabseg-creator · 1 year
Miraculous: Tales in the Opposite Universe (Inversed Personas AU): Chapter Two part 2
This story is a fanfiction (Not an official script for an episode of the TV show). Some characters result from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (original title: Miraculous: Les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir). It contains some original characters (OC) but they're fanon. All rights reserved to ZagToon.
Part one
The day dawns on Paris: It's a saturday. Marinette and Cerise come to the ship Liberty. By walking, they cross paths with Wayhem… and Adrien ! Adrien: "Marinette ?" Marinette: "Adrien ?!" At this moment, Marinette are Adrien are troubled. They looked lightly amazed at each other. A: "Is it really you ? But… how did you get here ?" M: "Same… Same question for you, A-Adrien ? About "here", is it possible you…" They run towards each other to embrace each other. A: "I'm glad you are fine. I see you again." M: "Me too, Adrien." Wayhem and Cerise simultaneously interpel them: "Do you two know each other ?" M and A: "Yes." The parallel teenagers both tell their lives in their homeworld to their two new friends. They both tell it all by avoiding to reveal their superhero's identities (interesting facts: Marinette doesn't mention the Alley Cat's identity she already knows; Wayhem is already known by the three other people as Rouge Chance since the loss of his earrings). W: "It would seem that Voyager the akuma didn't miss you two. With this Ladybug and this Cat Noir, you must be four." A (ironising): "That's the circumstance, Wayhem." There is a collective sarcastical laughing between the four.
Following the next minutes, they take the road at the ship Liberty, at the Seine river. Once arrived on place, Marinette and Adrien are slightly stupefacted: They see out the ship Liberty from this world is a rusted damaged wreck. M: "What the hell happened to the ship ? It's the Luka's and Juleka's home." C: "It was. But now, the twin siblings and their mom live with Bob Roth a.k.a. 'the greedy record' since five years. The mom is remarried to this guy." M: "Wait ! Have did you say: Bob Roth ?!" W: "Of course, girl. Your homeworld's friends hadn't certainly lived the same life as their counterparts. About the boat, according to TV medias, an accident would caused these destructions five years ago. Happily, there weren't any casualties. Sadly, the Couffaines hadn't any house anymore. Mr Roth had hebergated them with the price of Mrs Couffaine getting remarried with the man." An expression of dismay temporarly appears on Marinette's and Adrien's faces. Later, at the other end of the wreck, they spot a rally of teenagers. Marinette and Adrien recognize their friends among the group: Alya, Nino, Mylène, Ivan, Juleka, Rose, Marc, Nathaniel, Kim, Ondine, Max, Sabrina, Socqueline and… Alix and Luka ! And Chloé (as bonus but not really a friend in their initial world) ! Before coming to them, the two not yet lovers are interupted by Cerise. C: "Do you know these people ?" M: "Yes. They are our friends." C: "In your homeworld, I must admit it's true. But listen to me: You two come from another world. These people you can see are our friends for me and Wayhem. They know you too but they see your counterparts, your other selves. If you introduce yourselves to us all with Marinette's and Adrien's names while the others Marinette and Adrien come at the same place, they would be suspicious. They could believe you're some spies from Fathom or Lycène, you come for a conspiracy." A: "And how are we supposed to interact with them if we can't say our real identities ?" M: "Adrien, we haven't the choice if our friends' counterparts must trust us. We must find some others names for avoid create the confusion." A: "I follow you, Marinette." M : (to Cerise) "It's okay. I will take the identity of 'Germaine'. And Adrien… (to Adrien) What name do you choose ?" A: "My name will be… 'Anathase'." C (sighing): "Too old. (normal tone) Why not… ? 'Nathan'." M: "'Nathan' sounds like cute." A: "I agree with the alias of Nathan." W: "I hope you two will fit in very well with all of us. Good luck." A: "Thanks, you two."
The 'quartet' advances to the group and Cerise and Wayhem move to different ways while Marinette and Adrien watch around them. Suddenly, both Marinette and Adrien are amazed to see their 'friends' wear different clothings each others. Idem about their looks. But the most glaring detail that astound the two: They figured out each counterpart have a different personality compared to each initial friend they knew in their homeworld.
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
Evie's OC Nursery
... aka a list of all the OCs I haven't introduced or fully fleshed out yet. Feel free to bully me into fleshing one of them out if you feel like it.
Included in this list are OCs for...
The Legend of Zelda
Lord of the Rings
One Piece (shocking, I know...)
The Barbie movie
Disney's Alice in Wonderland / Descendants
More Descendants (curse you, Dolly)
Also, revamps/AU versions of...
Jelena (Die Drei ??? / The Three Investigators)
Vicky (Hogan's Heroes)
Evelynn (Vocalization)
Celine (Who Killed Markiplier / Markiplier Egos)
You can find all the avatar makers etc. I used at azaleasdolls.com - pictures that are not meikers were made by me :)
The Guardian of the Deku Tree (The Legend of Zelda Series)
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I came up with her when Tears of the Kingdom came out. Because of the whole time travel scheme in the game, I felt like creating an OC that would be there across all time to connect Zelda in the past and Link in the present. A timeless creature, if you will. Also, I fell in love with the concept of the Zonai. She isn't really a Zonai, but still. I then got obsessed with a YouTuber who was playing an Ocarina of Time randomizer, and so I got the idea of making her the Guardian/Sage/Spirit of the Deku Tree, because the Deku Tree is pretty much one of the most eternal things in the series. And also... Wood elves and dryads my beloveds...
The Weapons and Intel Expert of the New Squidbeak Splatoon (Splatoon Series)
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This is just my love for Octolings and Splatoon in general and my obsession with Splatoon 3 combined. I freaking love the music, too, my gosh... She's there from the very start in Splatoon 1 because I have a very special connection with the first game. I know it doesn't full make sense but I believe in the principles of Shrödinger's Canon. In Splatoon 2 she definitely uses dualies, but in Splatoon 1 it's still a modified octoshot.
The True Halfling (The Lord of the Rings)
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Half hobbit, half elf, this is a true halfling. With her being half elf, she got the choice of immortality and she chose to be immortal. She spends her days travelling and learning about different cultures, specifically their songs and music. Legend has it that she's the last creature still alive who can harness the magic of old.
The Feral Lynx (One Piece)
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He actually has a name! His name is Lux Jirou! While he's still with the Black Cat Pirates, he goes by his first name Jirou, but once he deserts from them, he goes by his last name Lux. My boy has a very funky lynx devil fruit that lets him do cartoon logic style things because One Piece is One Piece and, judging by the one canon lynx in the series and other animal devil fruits, Oda couldn't care less about biological accuracy, so... Funky lynx boi. In the live action, he's Kaya's bodyguard and, one time when Klahadore finds Kaya crying to fluffy big cat Jirou, Kaya lies and says that this his her pet lynx named... Bowie! Yes, this is a David Bowie reference. Also, he's a Zoro ship. And he joins the Heart Pirates later :)
The Lonely Daughter (Encanto)
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Behold! It's Bruno's daughter. You probably already know what that entails, she develops some issues after her father leaves. Her name is Soledad which means "loneliness" but Pepa thought that name was cruel after Bruno left, so everyone calls her Soles now, which means "suns". Wanna know what her power is? Water. With a hint of clairvoyance/scrying. But we don't talk about that :)
This Barbie is...
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still in development. Brought to you by me feeling bad for Ken. Someone get this man a girlfriend because he's a lonely boi. I am someone, I am getting him a girlfriend. Tis her. This picture isn't actually from Azaleasdolls but a picrew that you can find here.
The Princess of Hearts (Disney's Alice in Wonderland / Descendants)
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What can I say - I love the animated Alice in Wonderland a normal amount. I created her for a Roleplay like, I dunno, six years ago? Over six years? She's the daughter of the Queen of Hearts and her King and she's a Wonderland citizen through and through. Delightfully whacky and fun but also a little creepy. And she loves her tea, spends a lot of time with the Mad Hatter and his friends at his tea party. I tried to import her to the Descendants universe once or twice but I just never found a faceclaim that fit. Her name was originally Alice, but I don't know if the Queen would really call her daughter Alice or if she even knows the name of the girl who caused a ruckus at her court, and also that doesn't fit the Descendants naming scheme :)
The Botanic Monster (Undertale)
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Well, I had a hyperfixation on Undertale when I was young. Like. Really young. And I kinda got hit in the feels about it again. Sans ship, probably. Dryad-adjacent thingy. Lives in Snowdin and is constantly cold. That's it for now. Look at my girl :) Well, my first draft of her anyway. Kinda feeling like making her anthro because what else is new. We create cat girls here sir. Dryad/cat hybrid? Maybe some sort of panther or other tree-adjacent cat?
The Cheshire Kitty (Disney's Descendants)
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Curse you, Dolly, why did you have to enable me? So yeah, Cheshire Cat's daughter. Queen of Hearts' daughter's bestie, maybe? Absolute menace. This is also a picrew, you can find it here!
Redux/AU: Jelena, the Auxiliary Detective
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The bitch is back. The original bitch. Bitch here being short for boss bitch because that's what she is. What if Jelena were a default part of the Investigators? She and Justus would constantly bicker and I am here for it. Is she an OC? No. Has she gained the title of honorary OC? Absolutely. What a queen.
AU: Vicky, the Resistance Spy
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What if Vicky's mum and dad had gotten divorced and her mother had taken her back to Germany? What if Vicky had grown up there, never joined the WAAF and never joined the SOE. And what if she met Newkirk on a night out in Hammelburg, accidentally stumbling into the Heroes' organization and putting her life as a civilian on the line for the love of her life, for as much as he lied to her?
Redux/AU: Evelynn, the Not-So-Human Singer
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First concept for Evelynn's non-human form! She obviously wouldn't walk around like this in day-to-day life, but in the magic-ish realm, this is what she looks like. She's a fairy! Picrew can be found here!
Redux/AU: Celine, the Glitch in the System
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After watching Who Killed Markiplier, in my YouTube-obsessed mindset, I thought to myself: "Hey, what if Celine had been dragged into Mark's mind along with Darkiplier?" And so, Ego!Celine was born. I don't really know how I'm gonna redo her but I wanna redo her. Or at the very least I wanna revive her.
So, that's it for now! This list is probably gonna get longer, honestly...
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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avatarrecom · 10 months
Yes. Honestly, I also quietly noticed that for unknown reasons you get very little response from others. Although I think that in general this fandom has recently become extremely inactive, and modern AUs are even more underrated. In this case, I think it may be because it's a rather unusual (or I haven't come across such) idea - by that I mean the number of love interests (who are Recoms, which also does not suit everyone "morally") + you introduce OCs, which are also often not well received.
For example, let's take the case of Left For Death (I don't remember the author sorry) (it's not, God forbid, hate on the author or something like that) when she focused on the Quaritch-Spider relationship, it seems to me that she received much more active support than when this was left in the background and she focused more on other members of Deja Blue (also bringing in her original character).
Personally, I really like your fic, so it's sad for me too when I see people doing absolutely nothing about it. I think that if you had published it when there was more hype for Avatar, it would have been very more warmly received, but unfortunately nowadays very few people write anything at all, and those who do get attention started doing it much earlier. I really like how you are doing extra content <3. I think that if you wrote a simple "boring" (by boring I mean quite common in modern AU Avatar , I love them myself) story about the kidnapped Spider himself and his (non-romantic) relationships with the team and Quaritch, maybe there would be more activity. Again, you should know that you have at least one person who is reading this, hyper fixated on it and is simply delighted <3 I also really appreciate that you haven't given up yet. Thank you so much for keeping this fandom alive ♥️
Thank you! 💙
I'm hoping that the fandom gets a bit more active once the extended version of ATWOW gets released on December 19!
I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with KWaH, not in the sense of 'will I finish it or not' but more how many chapters the story is gonna have.
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tsundereition · 1 year
And sending more for the character interaction ask, finally. Ignore some if it's too much(?) for Mika: ♣️,♦️and 🌟. For Anne: 🍎,♥️and ♠️. And well, Ryder I'm not sure if he knows many of the NRC ones? But I'll ask for 🐾,🏹 and 😈 in case he does? Again, I sent a lot because you said it was ok hahah I thought some of these could be interesting~
Thank you for the ask again! (From this ask game)
It's a bit long so under the cut!
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Relationship with Trey and Cater:
Mika doesn't have a very close relationship with either of them, but they're still on friendly terms. They met at the beginning of the school year with the whole overblot ordeal, and they see each other on unbirthday parties whenever she's invited. Out or the two, she talks a bit more with Cater because he's more outgoing; they might take some selfies here and there but their relationship is mostly superficial. Trey doesn't talk as much but he's there to remind her now and then to take care of herself and not get into too much trouble (a fruitless effort, really).
Relationship with Kalim:
Kalim is one of Mika's closest friends outside from the braincell duo (or maybe the closest?). They met each other during summer break when she had to stay over at Scarabia, and their energies matched perfectly. They both have the same type of happy-go-lucky personality; they're careless and chaotic, much to Jamil's chagrin, who has to clean up after two "Kalims" now. Even if they don't share any classes or clubs, they hang out quite often. It's not a rare sight for both of them to be flying on the Al-Asim heir's magic carpet around campus. They're also pretty big on casual skinship. You could say they're something like platonic soulmates.
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Relationship with Epel:
Anne knows Epel because he is one of her new dormmates. She doesn't know everyone at Pomefiore, but this particular boy is stands out because he became Vil's favorite and he also participated in the VDC. She often sees him complaining and arguing with the leader and she feels a bit empathetic since she also had a phase of feeling like she didn't fit in the dorm. However, seeing that he's quite rambunctious, she would rather keep her distance. As for Epel, he has possibly seen Anne around the dorm, but doesn't know or care too much about her.
Relationship with Ace and Deuce:
Ah, the infamous duo. Of course she has heard of them. Since becoming closer to Riddle she has also seen them during tea parties. Whenever she sees them approaching, she tenses up because she feels like something will break, spill or go wrong in one way or another. And also Riddle's patience becomes thinner by each passing second and she swears she can see steam coming out of his ears. Therefore, they're a pair she'd rather avoid.
As for these Heartslabyul first years, they see her sometimes during these same parties but they don't know much about her besides her being "Riddle's friend from Pomefiore". Their first impression is that she's a very nervous and quiet person (little do they know that they're the ones responsible for her nervousness). However, at some point they might have done or said something that made her explode in a way that left even Riddle in awe. Since then, they start to be more careful around her.
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Relationship with Ruggie:
So, here's the thing. I have an OC that I haven't formally introduced yet, but he's Ryder's acquaintance and he's in NRC and in Savanaclaw. Also consider that Ryder's UM is shapeshifting, so yes, he does visit NRC sometimes and Savanaclaw specifically as well.
That's how in one of those visits he meets Ruggie, and oh boy do they hit it off. They have many things in common and they become friends pretty quickly. Hating rich people? Check. Loving mischief? Check. They're partners in crime.
Ryder also loves "helping" Ruggie economically, which kinda bothers the hyena since it low-key feels like he's being looked down upon but hey, free stuff is free stuff (don't ask where Ryder got all of it). So... they aren't the type of friends that have a very deep bond and have existencial conversations together, but they're the type of friends that you call up to have a fun time and then don't text for a whole month.
Relationship with Rook:
Ryder's relationship with Rook is a bit complicated, especially to outsiders. Their bond is something only them understand. They're rivals, but friendly. They're those type of enemies who would die if the other died, because "who will be my enemy now?". They're too similar, but opposites. They're like the two sides of the same coin. They hate each other's guts but they also have respect for the other.
They met during the VDC, when NRC opened its doors to students from other schools. Obviously Ryder went there, and since they're both very observant people, they noticed each other, and they also noticed that the other had noticed them. After all of the mess was repaired, they introduced themselves with a handshake and somehow they knew what their relationship would become. Ryder always carries his bow and quiver, which Rook obviously saw, and Rook's feathered hat and eagle eyes informed Ryder that he was facing another hunter as well.
Rook is very interested in Ryder's beastman characteristics, and, despite not loving the attention, Ryder understands, really, since he's a very curious person as well. They're also both the type to put up a façade and not show their true feelings. However, they're opposites in the sense of what they pursue and their morality sense. Rook is a free spirit, but he's devoted to Vil in his pursue of beauty. Ryder on the other hand, doesn't like to follow any authority, and dislikes "vain" things.
Relationship with Lilia:
They haven't met each other, but let's talk about if they hypothetically met. Since Ryder is such a fake, they would be friendly with each other, but Lilia is old and has seen all types of people, so he knows (that it's all fake). And Ryder can't explain how, but he knows that Lilia knows. This leaves him with a very uncomfortable feeling, because he doesn't like being the one at a disadvantage of information. With Rook, he's more or less on an equal stage, but Lilia knows too much about him and he knows nothing about Lilia. He can sense that there is more to him than meets the eye, but he can't pinpoint exactly what. So, they wouldn't comment anything about it, but they would have a false amicability. To any outsider it would seem that they get along quite well, they might have a similar sense of humor and share a laugh even, but the fox would constantly be on edge around the fae.
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