hansjisung · 23 hours
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SOLDIER, POET, KING — The Three Hunters
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autistook · 2 days
How would the fellowship spend a day at a shopping mall? I've been thinking about this for far to much time, and I want someone else's thoughts.
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Frodo: Goes to a small tea shop and spends the whole time there, because he can't make up his mind.
Sam: Follows Frodo like a puppy, until he spots a gardening shop and buys like every possible useful tool. Glances at Merry and Pippin's activities and rolls his eyes.
Merry & Pippin: Use the tiny carousel for kids, running to ask Aragorn, Gandalf and Boromir for more coins to put in it because they are high as hell and having the time of their lives. Probably go eat junk food for cravings and most likely Pippin goes to run around a comic book store, while Merry goes to a book store to buy a stack of complex and informative books. Pippin has ice cream and accidentally drops it on the floor of a toy store, because he went there for fun.
Boromir: Mostly just sips coffee and chit chats Aragorn, keeping an eye on Pippin.
Gandalf: Spends his time groaning at high Pippin. Maybe goes to see a 3D-movie and eats popcorn with a large smirk on his face. Also goes to a book store, but avoids Merry at all costs, accidentally ending up in the toddler book section - and he sits down to read Peppa Pig or some shit - and accidentally reads the whole series because "wow how will this continue?"
Aragorn: Coffee with Boromir, keeping his eye on both Pippin and Merry. Keeps Pippin running errands for him in his hyperactive, high state. Boromir lifts an eyebrow at his schemes, to which Aragorn just shrugs his shoulders and sips his cappucino with a smug smirk.
Legolas: Wanders around body shop, smelling all the different shower gels, body creams and what not, trying all the testers and eating some, confusing the people working there. Does this for HOURS. Probably tries all sorts of donuts if there's a cafe that has them, and buys a lot of weird ass clothes for the fellowship because "wow, x would love this." Buys himself a lacy, oversized bra because he is curious. Gives it to Gimli at home.
Gimli: When he is not carrying all of Legolas' shopping bags and rolling his eyes, he can be found listening to Gandalf reading Peppa Pig - and he is so fucking into it.
Bill the Pony: Didn't get inside, even though Merry and Pippin tried to put a trench coat, sunglasses and a fedora on him as a disguise.
Thank you for this ask LMAO
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gandalf-the-fool · 1 day
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seagull-energy · 2 days
Happy anniversary Watermill LotR!!!!!
To celebrate the one year anniversary of this lovely production, I've chosen to draw the entire cast with a notable quote by/related to them. For people who play multiple characters I've chosen my favorite one, and I've skipped quotes for the ensemble folk because they don't have many solo lines.
Drawings under the cut because this is going to be a longgg post
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Louis Maskell as Frodo Baggins
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Nuwan Hugh Perera as Sam Gamgee
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Amelia Gabriel as Pippin Took
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Geraint Downing as Merry Brandybuck
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Aaron Sidwell as Aragorn
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Yazdan Qafouri as Legolas
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Folarin Akinmade as Gimli
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Peter Dukes as Boromir
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Patrick Bridgman as Gandalf
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Charlotte Grayson as Rosie Cotton
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Aoife O'Dea as Arwen
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Tom Giles as Elrond
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Sioned Saunders as Galadriel
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Matthew Bugg as Gollum
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John O'Mahony as Bilbo
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Bridget Lappin as Ensemble (Lobelia Sackville-Baggins)
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Kelly Coughlin as Ensemble (Mrs. Bracegirdle)
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Reece Causton as Ensemble (Otho Sackville-Baggins)
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Zara Naeem as Ensemble
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Elliot Mackenzie as Ensemble (Haldir)
Missing from this collection are Georgia Louise (Galadriel) and Peter Marinker (Gandalf) because I did not get to see them when I went to the show. I may add Georgia later because I do really want to draw her and I know I have a friend or two who would appreciate it (hi salla 😄)
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emmanuellececchi · 1 day
For your drabble challenge, how about Gimli as the character (😉) and “mother” for the word? Only if that interests you!
So here is my first drabble. I had a GREAT time writing it. Thanks for the prompt.
Warning! This is a drabble. No one did a verification of my language or my english. So : many errors/mistakes and grammar wrongness can be found. So: all advices and corrections welcome, as I intend to post it on AO3.
You've been warned.
A gift in the night
It was in the middle of the night. A cool breeze was ruffling the leaves in the garden. Ithilien was a beautiful place, he couldn’t deny it. Legolas and his people had found a good place to live. And he, Gimli, wasn’t unhappy with his lot either. The Glittering Caves were a wonder in themselves among the wonder of Rohan.
Gimli was walking, lost in his rumination, in the corridor of the guest house that had been build for their arrival. For here they had come, from many places, to celebrate a birth, to bring gifts to the new born child of the Princess and Prince, Lady Eowyn and Lord Faramir.
Strangely, he wasn’t satisfied with his gift. True, the toy had been flawless, made for a child of royal blood by his best artisans. Then why was he feeling… restless? Something was amiss in this gift. But Gimli couldn’t find out what and it sent him walking into the night.
Seeing the lass, well Lady Eowyn, so tired had strummed the string of his dwarven heart. But he couldn’t understand why. She was happy but her eyes had held sadness.
He walked until he arrived to the opening leading to the garden. The smell of flowers and herbs were still strong but a chill could be felt in the air. Fall was coming. Even if Ithilien’s weather was mild.
Somewhat, the smell in the fresh air reminded him of his mother. And it struck him. They had this same look. Was it a look all mothers had?
Gimli stroked his beard, deep in thoughts. And then something got his attention. Steps. Someone light was walking very slowly. Gimli hid behind a column, so that the light of the moon wouldn’t show his shadow.
Of course it was an old, and odd, reflex here in Ithilien. The risk of someone coming to do some evil was… almost inexistent. But almost wasn’t enough. Not with a new born babe and young parents around. Gimli would not let anything happened to them.
But soon, his worries evaporated as he recognized the long blond hair, the tired voice singing.
“Lady Eowyn?”
For a moment, the young woman seemed startled, as if she had been walking without noticing. Gimli understood why as he heard a sniffling, and small cries coming from her arms. Still, Eowyn looked at him with a crooked smile.
“Honorific title from you, Master dwarf?”
He gave her a small smile and an apologetic shrug. She was a princess now. Eowyn smiled, a bit sadly and Gimli felt bad about it. Then, he gestured towards the baby.
“Is the wee lad giving you trouble?”
Eowyn sighed but the smile came back, wavering.
“I’m sure all mothers have passed through this.”
“It does not make it any less difficult.”
Something passed on her face. Surprise, or maybe relief? Gimli remembered again his own mother.
“I heard my mum said once, how each child is different and how it is no less difficult, from the first to the last.”
For a moment Eowyn was silent, trying to calm the fussing baby.
“You have siblings?”
“I do not. But dwarves help each other when it comes to family. And as there are very few women dwarves, it’s all the most important that we help each other out.”
She nodded, half listening. Gimli frowned. He began slowly walking at her side.
“Lady…” he caught himself. “Lass, why are you outside? It’s beginning to be cold.”
She looks at him, her eyes shining in the light of the moon, or was it a tear?
“The baby. He was crying and I couldn’t calm him down. Faramir tried to help, hoping I could rest, but that didn’t do much.” She kept cradling the child but Gimli could see the distress in her eyes.
“Now I am trying to let Faramir rest, he hasn’t slept for a while. I was hoping the fresh air would do some good…” the last words were strangled.
Lack of sleep thought Gimli, she must be exhausted. Gently, he kept walking at her side, but slowly steering her back to the corridor. Back where it was warmer. Eowyn was too tired to notice anyway.
As it was, his own room wasn’t that far. And so, he kept silent, walking in long stride at her side. Eowyn seemed half-awake, holding still the mewling child in her arms. Finally, Gimli touched her arm.
“Lass, this is my room, come on in.”
Eowyn nodded, not really registering his words and just followed. It was only when he helped her sat in a very comfortable, but too large for him, chair, that she realized where she was.
“Gimli! I cannot bother you anymore! I….”
She went to stand but he stopped her by putting his hand gently on her shoulder. He shushed softly.
“It’s warmer here. And I am far from any other rooms… Let the wee lad scream all he wants, he won’t bother anyone.” The words were meant to make her smile but there were only tears welling in her eyes now.
“I wish I knew how to calm him…”
There was defeat in her voice, a sense of failure. Gimli was reminded once again of his own mother, when she was particularly upset by something he had said or done.
He patted her arm.
“There, there. Those small ones, their tummy is difficult the first few days. Nuthing to wurry about as my mum would say.”
Eowyn’s eyes widened and he laughed softly, blushing. That he could remember so much was surprising him as well. Then he noticed the young woman shivering. This brought him another memory.
Gimli walked towards the back of his room and opened his travel trunk. For a moment, he caressed something in it, luxuriating in the warm smoothness of it all. Her smell was still there.
Eowyn was startled a bit as she found herself surrounded in a wool shawl, intricately knitted with complicated pattern. A golden clasp with dwarven runes helped keeping it closed. Even made for a dwarf, it was more than enough to cover her shoulders and arms. Soon her shivers died and she began relaxing in its warmth.
“Thank you, it is beautiful.”
“Aye. It was my mum’s. Always wearing it when she was taking care of the wee ones.”
He was a bit wistful but he felt good, seeing Eowyn’s smile. The baby was still sniffing and crying. Without hesitation, Gimli held out his sturdy hands.
“Gimme that little goblin, lass, I’ll held him while you rest.”
“Gimli, I cannot ask that of you!”
“You don’t. I offer. And keep the shawl as a favor to me, aye?”
“I can’t…”
“Now now. There is no chance for me to ever marry. So, to whom would it go?”
“You cannot know that…”
Gimli shook his head, a bit sadly, as his hand went to the small pocket with three golden threads hidden in it.
“No. My one…” he sighed and smiled to the young woman. “I had the chance of meeting her but now she is where I cannot follow.” He gestured to the shawl. “It is a good shawl, it fits you. From a fierce mother to another, as it should, lass.”
Eowyn’s eyes were teary again and Gimli felt foolish. But the smile she gave him was warmer than the light of the sun and he knew he had done good. Then he took the small bundle from Eowyn’s arms, if a bit gingerly.
At first, the young woman tensed as the babe was agitated even as Gimli was taking him close to his chest. But soon, the deep voice of the dwarf could be heard. Soft and strange words, sung with kindness and love, filled the room. As Gimli sung this lullaby he had almost forgotten, he looked at Eowyn, whose eyes were closing as well.
While he was singing and pacing, Gimli remembered his mum’s words. He began slowly rubbing in circle the little tummy. Soon, even the child began yawning and fell asleep in the dwarf’s steady embrace.
This was how, in the middle of the night, Gimli, son of Gloin, Lord of the Glittering Caves, found himself with a babe in his arms and a princess in his room. And how he felt that, finally, he had found the perfect gift for a loving mother.
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hello hello
how would the fellowship react to someone who always loses their glasses
Something tells me you are prone to misplacing your glasses 🧐
The fellowship x reader that loses their glasses
-At first he is sympathetic and will find your glasses for you and remind you where they are
-But after a while he becomes desensitized
-“Sounds like a you problem” but in a nice way because he will eventually cave and help
-Actually I think he would pick them up when he sees you put them down somewhere because he knows you won’t remember
-He’s confused as to why you would need glasses in the first place
-He’s got the perfect elven eyesight and is smug about it the bastard
-He would pick them up and not give them back for a bit
-He says he’s trying to get you to remember but he’s actually just having fun because he’s a little shit
-But actually finds it kind of endearing; he thinks mortals are cute in their ways
-Does try them on before giving them back to you
-Tbh I imagine his eyesight isn’t incredible either so he’s not much help
-Does he also need glasses or can he just not see through all the hair? We may never know
-If you dropped your glasses he very well might accidentally step on them
-Does the little “oh!” with the hand over his mouth he did when he redirected Legolas’s bow
-He’s someone who likes to fix problems
-He will fashion some sort of attempt at those glasses band things that make your glasses into a necklace so you can’t lose them
-Concerned but pragmatic
-Idk if he would help you find them
-I think he would tell you they are in the general vicinity but will sit back and enjoy watching you feel around blindly like Velma
-Isn’t mean about it but also doesn’t want to interfere because it’s free entertainment
-Immediately will help you find them
-Might grumble to himself about you needing to be more observant but won’t admit he does this
-Concerned though if you don’t have them because he wants to make sure nothing can happen to you because you can’t see
-“well that’s a predicament”
-He might move them purposely so they are even more lost to you
-But it has also happened where he thinks your messing with him
-“you are joking right?” “No Merry, I can’t see” “they are on your head” “oh…thanks!”
-You didn’t lose them
-Well you did
-But it is because he stole them and is walking around with them on
-He’s having a great time trying to find his way around while being blind because of the prescriptions
-Honestly fed up
-Listen he means well but he’s a tired old man with better things to worry about
-But also if he was to wear glasses he would never know where they are either
-He very well might actually wear glasses but lost them so long ago and just can’t be bothered
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verkomy · 4 months
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glóin and baby gimli
you can get a print here: inprnt!
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thegorgonist · 5 months
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The Fellowship When I was a kid, my folks basically told me I was a hobbit. I cherish the memory of them reading all these books to me--and I turned around and read them to my little siblings and eventually to my partner! I've drawn and painted a lot for The Hobbit but never The Lord of the Rings, and this ECCC seemed like the right time to debut one!
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dudja · 3 months
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keltii-tea · 4 months
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(affectionate <3)
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nyxshadowhawk · 4 months
Which Lord of the Rings characters say fuck:
Aragorn: definitely says fuck, and has to catch himself and tone it down when he becomes king
Boromir: yes. "They have a fucking cave troll."
None of the hobbits do; at least, not at first. Pippin picks up swears from Boromir, and Sam will swear under duress
Gimli: swears all the time, but mainly in Khuzdul. He definitely tries to teach Khuzdul swears to Legolas
Legolas: swears very rarely, and usually in Sindarin, which sounds so pretty that it goes unnoticed. Gimli often tries to goad him into swearing
Gandalf: knows all the swears, but doesn't say them
Galadriel: used to swear when she was younger, but that was thousands of years ago, and she no longer does.
Eowyn: swears constantly. every other word.
Faramir: swore once, and still regrets it.
Gollum: doesn't know any swears, but would say them if he did.
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autistook · 4 months
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my new favorite Gimli picture
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gandalf-the-fool · 21 days
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animentality · 4 months
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coveredinsun · 5 months
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