#hiatus hernia
bashamanik · 5 months
Which wrap is preferable for a Hiatus Hernia repair?
Hiatus hernia is a disorder that causes severe heartburn and indigestion. It is frequently overlooked, but if not addressed promptly, it can lead to major issues. Dr. Arun has produced this five-part series to address the five most frequently asked questions concerning this illness. Please keep in mind that this video is not intended to substitute medical advice. It was created solely for educational purposes.
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vaibhavmadaan97 · 7 months
Finding Relief: Hiatus Hernia Treatment in Dubai
Hiatus hernia, a condition in which part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity, can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and a reduced quality of life. While it can be a challenging condition to manage, the good news is that effective treatment options are available. In Dubai, a city known for its world-class healthcare facilities, you can access top-quality care for hiatus hernia. This blog explores what you need to know about hiatus hernia treatment in Dubai.
Understanding Hiatus Hernia
Hiatus hernia, often simply referred to as "hiatus" in medical circles, occurs when a portion of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity and aids in breathing. The opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes is called the hiatus. When the hiatus weakens or enlarges, it can allow part of the stomach to move into the chest. This condition is known as a hiatus hernia.
Common Types of Hiatus Hernia
Sliding Hiatus Hernia: 
This is the most common type. In this case, the junction of the esophagus and stomach, known as the gastroesophageal junction, and a portion of the stomach itself, slide up into the chest when you swallow.
Paraesophageal Hiatus Hernia: 
In this less common but more severe type, the gastroesophageal junction remains in place, but a portion of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm next to the esophagus. This type is more likely to cause complications.
Symptoms of Hiatus Hernia
Hiatus hernia can present with a range of symptoms, including:
1. Heartburn: 
A burning sensation in the chest, often after eating.
2. Acid Reflux: 
Stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus, which can lead to irritation and discomfort.
3. Chest Pain: 
Some individuals may experience chest pain, which can be similar to heart-related pain.
4. Difficulty Swallowing: 
You may feel as though food is getting stuck in the esophagus.
5. Belching or Hiccups: 
Frequent burping or hiccups can be symptoms.
6. Feeling Full: 
You may feel full even after consuming a small amount of food.
It's essential to note that not everyone with a hiatus hernia will experience these symptoms, and the severity can vary from person to person.
Hiatus Hernia Treatment Options in Dubai
Dubai is home to several healthcare facilities that offer a range of effective treatments for hiatus hernia. Here are some common treatment approaches:
Lifestyle Modifications: Many individuals with hiatus hernia can find relief from their symptoms through lifestyle changes. These may include:
Dietary Changes: Avoiding trigger foods and maintaining a healthy diet can help reduce symptoms.
Weight Management: Losing excess weight can alleviate pressure on the abdomen.
Elevating the Head of the Bed: Sleeping with the head of the bed elevated can prevent acid reflux during the night.
Avoiding Large Meals: Smaller, more frequent meals can help prevent overeating.
Medications: Over-the-counter and prescription medications, such as antacids and proton pump inhibitors, can help manage heartburn and acid reflux associated with hiatus hernia.
Endoscopic Procedures: In some cases, endoscopy may be used to tighten the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) or repair a hiatal hernia. This is a minimally invasive procedure that doesn't require large incisions.
Surgery: Surgical intervention may be recommended for severe or complicated hiatus hernias. One common surgical approach is called fundoplication, which involves wrapping the top of the stomach around the lower esophagus to prevent acid reflux.
Why Choose Dubai for Hiatus Hernia Treatment?
Dubai's healthcare system is renowned for its quality and accessibility. Here are some reasons why individuals from around the world choose Dubai for hiatus hernia treatment:
World-Class Facilities: Dubai's hospitals and medical centers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly trained healthcare professionals.
Experienced Specialists: Dubai attracts medical experts from various parts of the world, including some of the best gastroenterologists and surgeons who specialize in hiatus hernia treatment.
Cultural Sensitivity: Dubai's multicultural environment ensures that patients from diverse backgrounds receive culturally sensitive care and support.
Ease of Access: Dubai is well-connected and easily accessible, making it a convenient choice for international patients.
Privacy and Comfort: Many medical facilities in Dubai offer a luxurious and comfortable environment, ensuring a pleasant experience for patients.
Hiatus hernia can lead to uncomfortable symptoms, but effective hernia treatments are available in Dubai's world-class healthcare facilities. Whether through lifestyle modifications, medications, endoscopic procedures, or surgery, Dubai offers a range of options to address hiatus hernia and provide relief. If you're experiencing symptoms of hiatus hernia, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional in Dubai who can provide a personalized treatment plan to improve your quality of life. 
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drjasmeetahluwalia · 2 years
Hiatus Hernia life style changes | Diet plan | what to eat | what not to...
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trans-cuchulainn · 4 months
in hindsight it's kind of funny (and also sad) that it took so long for me to realise i had chronic acid reflux due to tuning out the sensation, because my teeth have been absolutely fucked for years. and dentists were always like "oh do you eat a lot of acidic fruit" (i'm allergic to fruit) or "do you throw up a lot" (almost never) but if they asked about acid reflux and i said no they just. took me at my word and didn't say "are you sure bc your tooth enamel shouldn't be doing that spontaneously"
so like. there was clear, hard evidence that this was happening, for years, in the form of my deteriorating teeth, but because Teeth are not considered Health and therefore Teeth Doctors don't talk to Body Doctors, the concerns and questions of dentists never overlapped with the concerns and questions of gastroenterologists and thus nobody figured out that my fucked proprioception, widespread pain sensitisation, and general dislocation from my body's experiences was causing me to erroneously report the absence of acid reflux that was there the whole time
and i mean. they probably couldn't have fixed it. but maybe they could've done something before my front teeth got this bad. and now they're messed up and i foresee expensive dentistry in my future. RIP
(however this post is brought to you by talking to an old school friend who just got her chipped tooth and enamel problems fixed by one of our other former classmates who went into dentistry, for way cheaper than her dentist was quoting her, so it's possible there is hope for my teeth if i can bring myself to slide into the DMs of someone i haven't seen in ten years and be like "hey heard u do Dentist Stuff these days, can i get me in on that")
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all-things-fic · 2 years
Acid reflux is kicking my ass. I legit feel like I’m dying and the NHS is so on it’s knees that no one will sort me out until I get a GP referral.
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draloy · 3 months
Hiatus Hernia Surgery: Finding Relief from Heartburn and Other Symptoms
Hiatal hernia, a condition where part of your stomach pushes through the diaphragm into your chest, can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing. While lifestyle changes and medication can often manage these symptoms, some individuals find long-term relief through hiatus hernia surgery.
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When is surgery considered?
Surgery is typically recommended when conservative measures fail to provide adequate symptom control. It may also be considered for:
Large hernias: Hernias exceeding 2-3 cm in size are more likely to cause severe symptoms and complications.
Bleeding: In rare cases, hernias can cause bleeding from the stomach lining.
Narrowing of the esophagus: Hiatal hernias can constrict the esophagus, making swallowing difficult.
Twisted hernia: A serious complication where the herniated stomach tissue loses its blood supply.
Types of Hiatus Hernia Surgery:
Two main approaches are used:
Laparoscopic surgery: Minimally invasive procedure involving small incisions and specialized instruments for repair. This is the preferred method due to its quicker recovery time and fewer risks.
Open surgery: Requires a larger incision in the abdomen for direct access to the hernia. This method is usually reserved for complex cases or when laparoscopic surgery is not feasible.
The Surgical Procedure:
The specific technique employed depends on the severity of the hernia and the surgeon's preference. However, some general steps include:
Repositioning the stomach: The surgeon gently pulls the stomach back down into the abdominal cavity.
Repairing the hiatal opening: The diaphragm muscle is strengthened or stitched closed to prevent further herniation.
Fundoplication (optional): Wrapping the upper portion of the stomach around the lower esophagus to create a valve-like mechanism, reducing acid reflux.
Recovery and Outlook:
Most patients recover well from hiatus hernia surgery. Laparoscopic surgery typically involves a shorter hospital stay (2-3 days) and faster recovery time (4-6 weeks) compared to open surgery.
Potential risks and complications:
As with any surgery, there are potential risks involved, including infection, bleeding, and anesthesia-related complications. Specific risks associated with hiatal hernia surgery include difficulty swallowing, gas bloating, and recurrent reflux.
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ilchernia · 7 months
What is a Hiatus Hernia? The Latest Advances
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Hiatus hernia is a common condition in which a portion of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. This often leads to symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation, and chest pain. In recent years, medical science has made significant strides in understanding and treating hiatus hernia. Here are the latest advances in addressing this condition.
Endoscopic Procedures
Minimally invasive endoscopic techniques have gained popularity in treating hiatus hernias.
Procedures like transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) are effective at addressing reflux and hernia-related issues.
Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic hernia repair is a minimally invasive surgical technique with smaller incisions and faster recovery times.
It offers a lower risk of complications and less post-operative discomfort.
Robot-Assisted Surgery
Robotic-assisted surgery enhances precision and control for surgeons in repairing hiatus hernias.
This technology provides a minimally invasive approach with high success rates.
Innovative Medications
Advanced medications for managing acid reflux and controlling symptoms are now available.
These pharmaceutical options reduce the need for surgery in some cases.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Tailored treatment plans are crucial for addressing the individual needs of hiatus hernia patients.
Medical professionals are increasingly considering patients' unique conditions and preferences.
For individuals considering hiatus hernia surgery in Indore, these latest advances offer a ray of hope. With healthcare facilities and specialists in the city, patients can access cutting-edge treatment options and receive the care they deserve.
In conclusion, the treatment landscape for hiatus hernia has advanced significantly in recent years. These breakthroughs emphasize minimally invasive procedures, improved medications, and personalized care, making the journey of managing hiatus hernia more comfortable and effective. Those in search of hiatus hernia surgery specialist in Indore can now benefit from these innovations, ensuring a brighter outlook for their health and well-being.
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kaizengastrocare · 7 months
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Experience symptoms like excruciating abdominal pain, heartburn, and chest pain? It could be a #HiatalHernia. Consult a medical professional now for accurate diagnosis and personalized care. Don't suffer in silence, seek medical advice today.
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drsarfarazjbaig · 1 year
Dr. Sarfaraz J Baig the best hernia surgeon in Kolkata explains the necessary precautions to take after hernia surgery
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drmradul · 2 years
What is Hiatus Hernia ?
A hiatus hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm and into your chest region.
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What are the symptoms of Hiatus Hernia?
It’s rare for even fixed hiatal hernias to cause symptoms. If you do experience any symptoms, they’re usually caused by stomach acid, bile, or air entering your esophagus. Common symptoms include:
heartburn that gets worse when you lean over or lie down
chest pain or epigastric pain
trouble swallowing
What is the treatment of Hiatus Hernia?
A laparoscopic fundoplication is the procedure of choice. In this procedure with the help of Laparoscopy(key hole surgery) the gastroesophageal junction is dissected , the hiatus hernia is repaired with sutures/mesh depending on the size of the defect in the crura followed by a wrap at the top end of the stomach around the bottom of the oesophagus to form a new valve thus preventing the reflux.
One hour procedure
2 Days of Hospitalisation.
No long term medication.
Excellent results
Return to work in 3-4 days time.
For More about Laparoscopic for Hiatus Hernia, you can reach directly to Dr. Mradul Garg at +91-9560413585
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poroskota · 2 years
Jenis-jenis Hernia: Bisa Terjadi Ke Siapa Saja, Di Perut, Pusar Atau Paha
Jenis-jenis Hernia: Bisa Terjadi Ke Siapa Saja, Di Perut, Pusar Atau Paha
POROSKOTA.COM – Hernia bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, baik orang tua, dewasa, maupun bayi. Hernia merupakan tonjolan yang terdapat pada tubuh ketika isi suatu organ keluar/masuk ke organ atau ruang lainnya. Jenis-jenis hernia bisa dibedakan menurut lokasi terjadinya hernia atau organ yang terkena, yakni bisa terjadi di perut, paha, maupun selangkangan. Dilansir Poroskota.com, hernia bisa muncul…
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hazel51 · 2 years
Hiatus Hernia Surgery and Procedures
Hiatus hernia or the hiatal hernia is a common condition leading to gastro-esophageal reflux, commonly called as GERD.
Hiatal hernia is a condition when the barrier between the food-pipe and the stomach becomes less competent and the stomach acid refluxes in esophagus. The stomach slips through the diaphragm causing hiatal hernia. This type of hernia is called as a sliding hiatus hernia and usually does not cause any problems but some studies have shown its effects of GERD too. Since the anti-reflux barrier becomes more open and weaker, acid reflux and the problems associated with it become more common in patients. Hiatal Hernia Surgery in Mumbai will be coming with an convenient cost and also looking upon the paitent condition too.
Small hiatal hernias are not a cause of concern but if the opening in the diaphragm becomes too large then there is a risk that the stomach and other organs can slide upwards into the chest. This could result in severe symptoms like chest pain, trouble in swallowing or breathing, heartburn, GERD etc. Untreated severe hiatus hernia can also cause ulcers in stomach, bleeding and even anaemia.
If you are looking for a female surgeon for Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery then Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker is one of the best surgeon in Mumbai
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Symptoms and problems that hiatus hernia may cause include
Burning or acid taste in the mouth
Chronic iron deficiency
Poor exercise tolerance as the pushing stomach against the chest limits the body’s ability to breath normally and pump oxygen.
Chronic coughing
Worsening of asthma
Change in voice
Early satiety which means feeling full after a small amount of food
There are four types of Hiatus hernia Type 1 to Type IV. Type 1 does not cause any symptoms but type II, III, or IV hiatal hernia cause severe and sometimes unmanageable symptoms.
Treatment for Hiatus hernia
Gastroenterologists use different diagnostic tests to diagnose hernia. These include barium swallow, X-rays, CT scan, upper GI endoscopy and pH manometry. In uncomplicated hernia lifestyle changes, regular meal timings, healthy diet and anti-reflux medications can help.
Hiatus hernia surgery
There are two types of surgeries that surgeons use for treatment hiatus hernia
Open surgery: This is an invasive surgery which is done under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision around the abdomen and then gently pushes all organs back to their place through the hiatus. The opening in the diaphragm is then stitched to create a snug opening and prevent the stomach from pushing up backwards. Surgeons may rarely use a surgical mesh to reinforce the junction and may also suture the stomach to the connective tissue. This way there is less chances of the abdomen migrating upwards. Open surgery is rarely performed nowadays.
Laparoscopic or key hole surgery: This is the minimally invasive version of the open surgery. The surgeon will make small incisions around the stomach  and use a tiny camera and equipment to nudge the stomach to its normal position and then tighten the hole in the diaphragmatic junction. Nissen fundoplication and Toupet’s fundoplication are the most commonly performed surgeries for hiatus hernia.
Best surgeons of hiatus hernia perform a partial or full fundoplication procedure to treat acid reflux to help with the problem and keep the abdomen in its right place. The minimally approach to surgery gives quicker recovery time than the open surgery.  Gastroenterologist or the surgeon is the best person to explain the type of surgery suitable for the patient. Hiatus surgery is not suitable for patients who are
Are allergic to drugs or medicines like iodine, or anaesthesia.
Have bleeding disorders
Taking medications like aspirin etc.
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trans-cuchulainn · 7 months
sometimes i really hate my hiatus hernia because i'll be having a bad brain time and i just wanna curl up in bed under the weighted blanket but i can't because i recently ate and being horizontal will give me heartburn that feels like being shot and it's so frustrating that i have to schedule when i'm going to lie down around the fact that my goddamn stomach is in my goddamn oesophagus
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thessalian · 16 days
Thess vs The Shopping
Things I picked up today:
Antihistamines (still waiting for it to kick in)
Mallet-meds (fucking fibro)
Regular pain meds (see above)
Antacid tablets (symptomatic hiatus hernia that it's easier to just medicate than repair)
Feather duster (for getting the cobwebs out of the upper corners and the dust off the extractor fan in the bathroom)
Carpet and upholstery freshener (mostly for the bathroom because WHO THE FUCK CARPETS A BATHROOM?!? plus the cold tap on the bath leaks if I turn the cold up too high so there's a damp carpet smell and things need freshening)
Fruit (apples and grapes, 2 for £3 - I remember when those used to be 3 for 2 at that grocery store, and it wasn't that long ago. Brexit has fucked us)
Meat (well, prawns and salmon, plus some pork loin steaks, 3 for £10, a bit of a splurge but a good bargain because pork's another thing that got waaaaaaay more expensive post Brexit)
Rice (microwaveable, for a treat, and also because there was a bit of an overflow issue with my homemade sticky rice yesterday and it involved having to scrub starchy water with additional hard water issue off my stupid glass-topped induction stove and I don't feel like doing that again)
Gluten-free chicken nuggets (because I tried making my own chicken katsu for a late dinner last night and noooooope can't be having with that today but I do have leftover Japanese curry and I want katsu-equivalent to eat it with before it goes bad)
Treats (500ml bottle cola + peanut butter cups)
I also took out the trash on my way out, and dusted the ceiling corners and bathroom extractor fan when I got home and had put everything away.
Then I freed myself from the tyranny of clothes, snuggled into my new nightshirt, and am now just sitting and waiting for both the regular analgesics and the antihistamine to kick in so I can play video games that require some actual precision.
I devoured the peanut butter cups immediately but my cookie tin is full of fancy fudge I ordered on the recommendation of a Facebook friend, so I'm good for treats.
That's the thing about being a motherfucking adult - everything in moderation. Even being a motherfucking adult needs to happen in moderation, and occasionally offset by "FUN TIME NOW". Or at least "rest time now".
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tomatowielder · 2 months
I’ve been in a pretty bad bladder flare recently - I had to have an endoscopy today & chose to be sedated & the sedation completely took away the bladder pain for a little bit. Maybe useful info, could imply issue is mostly muscular?
(also I have a hiatus hernia)
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ilchernia · 8 months
Understanding the Symptoms of Hiatus
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Hiatus hernia is a common condition where a portion of the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. It often presents with various symptoms that can range from mild discomfort to more severe issues. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for early diagnosis and management. If you experience any of these signs, consider consulting a specialist like Dr. Achal Agrawal, who offers Hiatus Hernia Surgery .
Common Symptoms:
It's essential to remember that symptoms can vary from person to person, and not everyone with a hiatus hernia will experience all of these signs. If you suspect a hiatus hernia, especially if symptoms are persistent or severe, seeking evaluation and, if necessary, Hiatus Hernia Surgery in Indore from experts like Dr. Achal Agrawal can provide effective relief and prevent complications. Early diagnosis and intervention can greatly improve the
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