#hibiscus paper mastery
DIY Hibiscus Paper Mastery | The Art Of Making Hibiscus Paper Flowers || Aklima Crafts And Journals
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salixj · 6 years
“No. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true.I'm imagining this.” Azula raced away from the outdoor training arena, crashing headlong into a servant coming out of the rose garden, a newly cut bouquet in her hands. The flowers scattered. “Careful!” she warned the woman. The servant bowed and apologized. “Running is part of my morning routine! You should be aware of that.” “I'm sorry Princess...: the woman stammered. ”I thought that was early in the day." “Well it isn't! And pick those up. You'll need to cut fresh flowers now, those are wasted!” Azula snapped. “Now move!" She pushed past the servant and raced till she was around the bend of the garden path. There was a bench beneath an oak. She flopped down to catch her breath. Now she would need to add running to her already intense workout schedule. Damn! It couldn't be true. She must have made a mistake. It couldn't be true. The Avatar, well the world hadn't seen an Avatar since Roku. Her ancestors made certain of that. They killed or imprisoned all benders, took their children away and raised them in service to the Fire Nation. Loyal fire nation subjects.   Any child suspected of being an Avatar was isolated from their family, community, any other bender. Even if they wanted to learn different bending techniques they couldn't. “I'm not!” she said out loudly. Then realizing what she had done, stood and peered about, ascertaining that no one was within earshot. “I'm not,” she told herself more quietly. Being Princess, being the heir to the throne, being 11, none of that would stop them from killing her.  She couldn’t be the avatar. She couldn’t. She began to shake.  It must have been a fluke, the earth rising in response to an angry stamp of her foot when she had come down from a twist, her legs too far apart for personal form. “I'm not," she said again, then stood, looked carefully about, looked up to the palace. No, too many chances that someone was in a window that she couldn't see. It had to be in private, complete isolation. She rose and entered the palace, commandeered the first servant she saw. “I've decided to take up horticulture. Bring me three potted plants," she demanded. “Yes Princess...what flowers...” “I don't care. Potted plants! Something red. Bring them to my room!" She turned on her heels and stomped off. An hour later a servant came carrying in three plants in jade planters. “These are hibiscus ...” the servant began. “The gardener gave me instructions.” “Fine fine fine, just put them down. There." Azula pointed at her desk. “Now go. Close my door on your way out” As soon as the woman left Azula rushed to the door and put her ear to it, waited  until the woman's footsteps had retreated. Then she locked the door, checked her windows, drew her curtains. There was no wind in the room. She went over to her desk and removed a piece of paper, then took a bit of dirt from each of the planters, laying it down on the paper. “Now,” she told herself, “now...” She had seen the motions of earth benders, many times. They were the only benders allowed within the palace grounds. Not in the palace, but who else to tend the gardens? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, opened her eyes and made a gesture with her hand that she had seen the gardeners use, to sweep dirt from the pathways back into the garden.  “Gentle, slow...”. How did that movement go? She pulled the memory from her mind, seeing the fingers, the wrist, the flow, and mimicked the movement. Once. “Nothing," she was relieved, and disappointed. Twice. “okay, okay, Am I really trying?". Despite her fears she didn't want to fail. Third time. It moved. Not far but it moved. “Maybe I swung my hand to hard." Lift then.  A pinching movement. And the earth sprang to her fingers. Azula dropped the soil, and put a hand to her mouth. What would they do to her? What would her father do? Oh he favored her. As far as firebending went she was supreme. Love her? Protect her? Only a fool would think that he cared. As far as her mother went...she might help if it were Zuko, but for her? And to count on Zuko was preposterous. Her Uncle Iroh wouldn't trust her, he hated her. He would turn her in just to help Zuko win the throne. She was all on her own then. Azula  sat down on her bed, studying the dirt that clung to her fingers. “If I am this, I am the avatar, I'm going to be the best avatar there ever was.” In the archives, under strict lock and key, were several scrolls about bending other elements, as well as what it meant to be an avatar. Marked strictly for the Firelords eyes only. Death for anyone else caught reading them. When did locks and keys or threats of death ever stop her? Azula smiled. She would learn in secret. Train in secret. And when she knew all she needed to know, she would...what? “I'll be the best avatar there ever was. And the greatest asset the Firenation ever had.” She went to her desk, emptied the dirt on the paper back into the planters, then went into the bathroom to wash her hands off. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, and cocked a grin. Avatar Azula. I like that! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Three weeks later Azula was again in her room. She laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She had read all the scrolls, memorized the information, practiced what she could on the various bending techniques till she could do something from every group. Not well. Not expertly. Not  yet. She could someday, if she kept practicing, of that she had no doubt. That, mastery of each element, wouldn't make her the best avatar ever. Because, according to the scrolls, according to the wisdom of past avatars,  the avatar was more than that. “An Avatar must never allow their own national interests to predominate. It is the world as a whole that is important.” Avatar Hao “An Avatar must strive to see the harmony in every situation. Each element has its purpose in the world. Every person has their purpose.” Avatar Qimat “An Avatar is humble of spirit. Failure is not a crime. Success is marked less by what the Avatar does, than by what the people learn from the Avatar's leadership.” Avatar Sovann “An Avatar is a servant-leader, not a ruler The job of an avatar is to help people become their best.” Avatar Xola. From the Firenation. She could not be the best avatar if she was in the service of the Firenation. She could only be the best avatar if she was in service to the world as a whole. If she respected each nation. If she respected every person. If she was not acting as the Princess of the Firenation and heir to the throne. Azula turned onto her side and curled into a ball. “It isn't fair. I'm not even 12 yet!” If she wanted to be the best avatar, what choice did she have. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Night came. Everyone had gone to bed. Azula, dressed in an servants outfit and hat, packed a few belongings into an old sack. Among the items were the avatarian scrolls. She said goodbye to her plants, which she had tended to and come to love “Mother will take care of you...” Azula said softly. Then she went out through the hidden passage behind her cabinet. An hour later she was at the dock. A few dragons bought her third class passage on a boat. She'd study more. She'd learn how to achieve the avatar state. Then she would come back, and attempt to bring harmony to the world.
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