#hidan hc
starrybunnyarchive · 2 years
Hidan enjoys seeing you punching someone in the face
once, you two were together in a restaurant (using a disguise of course) just enjoying the time together when a guy started being really annoying with you. Hidan was almost getting his scythe and doing a sacrifice to Jashin but you were trying to keep everything peacefully.
until that comment. the guy said something really disrespectful about you and you decided you couldn't stand it anymore. Hidan looked at you and noticed what you were about to do, so he didn't even bother to follow you.
you went to the guy, smiling pretending he said nothing and then you punched him in the face. Hidan, who was seated perfectly in his place, saw the whole thing with his eyes shining. he couldn't be more satisfied with this.
you called him out before things got bad but he certainly had to say something to that guy first.
“i would kill you right here, right now but i think my woman already caused you too much humiliation. but stay aware of this, if i see you speaking with her again, you will bleed to death.”
he raised his hand but didn't punch the guy again, just slapping slightly his face. and then he left, placing his arms around your waist.
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snuggleboots · 6 months
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₊˚♡˚₊ The Akatsuki, communicating their love ₊˚♡˚₊
₊˚♡˚₊ feat. Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu, and Hidan ₊˚♡˚₊
Tags: Fluff, mishmash of random headcanons, general cutesy relationship stuff.
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♡ Kisame communicates his love in various ways, but it's always most sincere in the little things he does. If you're both walking up a flight of stairs, he'll always walk behind, just so he can steal a kiss without having to lean down a bit to reach you. Usually, he'll follow that up with a stupid little, 'How's it feel to be the tall one for once?'
♡ He's a man who likes to sleep in, but when you're sleeping with him, it's his god-given duty to wake you up with some combination of stupid, sleepy shenanigans. It typically starts with some needlessly aggressive cuddling while he's waking up, which becomes a smattering of kisses and little nips dealt wherever he can reach, and eventually develops into... either cackling over your groggy irritation or moving into a little extra lovin', if you feel up to it.
♡ Cuteness aggression is a real thing, and it's his curse. If your tongue pokes out just a little bit when you're thinking hard or focused on something, if you flex your toes like a little cat when you stretch, or purse your lips when you're frustrated - he's gonna bite you. Always does. He can't help it, he gets the impulse to squish you, bite you, pinch, or bully you a little bit when you're minding your business, doing things that he finds objectively precious. You make his teeth itch when he catches you off guard, and you flash him those big eyes, and- UGH.
♡ Now, he isn't the perfect listener by any means, but Kisame is very attentive when tiffs happen in the relationship. He listens with the full intention to learn and solve the problem, and if things get a bit heated he'll calm himself down and ask you to back up and explain why you're upset. He doesn't make a habit of taking himself too seriously, which really helps him navigate rough patches well.
♡ Your personal space is his preferred space. You're stretched out, reading a book or resting your eyes? It doesn't matter where you're hanging out, that's still just as good as an invitation in his books. When he saunters on over and nonchalantly plonks his entire body weight on top of you, he doesn't even have the courtesy to say sorry for the disturbance. Nope, he's on a mission, hooking his arms around your waist and just burying his face in your belly. You're warm, you smell so nice, and he's livin' large on cloud nine, which means you're stuck there until he's decided he's had his fill for a bit.
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♡ Itachi's a man with simple wants and simple displays of love. If your days are busy and he's tucking into bed before you are, he'll cosy up on your side to keep it warm until you're ready to join him for the night. It's a little silly, a little cute, watching a man like him streeeetch right out when you meander into the bedroom, and unceremoniously shimmy back over to his side before settling in and promptly passing out. That is, however, a quiet little token of his affection.
♡ He's perceptive about things you don't enjoy doing, and especially things you tend to stress about. Without so much as mentioning it, he'll tend to the little things like that just to take them off your plate. If you're sick or in pain, Itachi is more than content to take care of you. Sorry, it's a small facet of who he is, to tend to the very few people he cares about. The man also cooks, and pretty damned well at that. His breakfasts are a cure-all when you're feeling like absolute garbage.
♡ There is such a thing as an 'Uchiha pout', and he weaponizes it for petty reasons and to ridiculous extents. He isn't always just some stone-faced caricature of a stoic, and it's brilliantly displayed when you deny his simple requests, such as relaxing after a long day, curled up on the couch with him when he's having a low-energy, no spoons left kind of day.
♡ Yes, he wants to settle his weight into your side and just be - or better yet, rest his head on your shoulder and soak up some easy, effortless affection until he's feeling a bit better. (Please card your fingers through his hair, he won't nod off again, really-) If you really have the audacity to say no - and he will call it that - you're going to see him purse his lips, pinch his brows and angle his face away from you like some kind of disappointed housecat. 'You make me lonely', he'll halfheartedly mumble, because it's a guilt trip that works and he's fully aware of that fact. No, he does not feel bad about it, either.
♡ Kakuzu's 'love language' exists in subtle acts of service and physical touch, generally shared in private. No, he's not going to say he loves you, but he can show you that your presence doesn't irritate the part of his brain that makes him want to shove his fist through someone's skull.
♡ When the seasons turn and you inevitably wind up freezing cold every goddamn night, he's content to settle beside you on the couch and tuck your chilly feet under his leg while he unwinds with a good book. There's no need to fill the silence, just let it be and enjoy the moment. You're cosy, he's relatively happy, and for all intents and purposes, you two are set to have a wonderful, quiet night.
♡ And since Kakuzu's a habitual early riser, you're typically still snoring long after he's up and ready for the day. When it's time for him to get up and get dressed, he'll flop his blanket - because he sure as hell doesn't share one - over your head before he turns on the light to get dressed. When he's done and the light's out he'll pull it down and be on his way without having disturbed your sleep.
♡ On the odd time that you're waking up with him, he'll slip by while you're getting dressed and steal a kiss to your shoulder.
♡ When his nail polish is chipped and it's time to reapply, he'll let you do it. For one, it's less for him to do, but! It's also a little token of trust on his part to toss you the polish, plop his hand in your lap, and grumble something like, 'Don't paint my damn fingers this time'. You probably still manage to flood his cuticles, which he will grumble about, but it's the thought that counts.
♡ Hidan's love can sometimes be compared to that of a fat, obnoxious housecat. If he's off-duty when you're trying to enjoy some free time, he is firmly wedged up your ass because he likes attention and you actually listen to him when he talks about... whatever's bouncing around in his head.
♡ Lounging on the couch when he's just coming in from a month on the road? Haha, sucks to be you actually, because he's instantly ripping through the living room at terminal velocity, with full intentions of divebombing your sorry ass before you have the chance to scramble up and evade him. You're still wheezing from impact, and this guy's already launching into a tirade about every little gripe he's had about his mission. 'Kakuzu was a dick, the ration bars taste like shit, the coil broke on my scythe and, and, and...'
♡ Hidan loves a good late-night hangout, so he's usually around to burn time with you when you can't sleep. Even when you don't feel like talking, he always fills the silence himself by chatting your ear off about whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it's just life stuff, other times it's his interests - and often, he'll animorph into a used cars salesman for Jashinism. You expect it, he loves that you actually listen and engage with him.
♡ 'You only get to die if you lived, no matter how great or shitty your life was, get it? Seeing the end is a privilege', he'll mutter into the lip of a half-full mug. When you're tired at the table, jolting upright after accidentally dozing off for the fifth time during his proselytizing, Hidan will slide you a cup of something that'll keep you fucking wired for the night. It's not to be a dick, obviously, but you're listening! And this is important shit! 'Diseased, crippled, or fuckin'... broke; at the end of the day, you're alive, and your pain's recognised by Lord Jashin. Suffering is a gift imparted, that only the living receive, and...' something something Jashin is great, and you should probably definitely convert.
♡ He's claimed half of your bed, and sleeping with him fucking sucks. He sleeps like a starfish and steals the blankets, and you're not waking him up unless you feel like investing some serious effort into doing so. He snores, and on the nights that he winds up sleeping half on top of you, you have to deal with the fact that he drools like a dog and sleeps with his mouth hanging open. You don't wanna deal with that? Tough shit, you're comfy, and somehow your bed is just waaaaay better than his. Okay? Okay.
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 1 month
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I want Hidan's jacket to say Jutsu Couture on the back
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cakeemoji · 3 months
long time no hidadei ... hidan has made out with both of deidara's hand mouths before and said it was the worst thing he had ever experienced (<-secretly into it). deidara has made out with hidan's decapitated head once and said it wasn't as weird as he thought it'd be and then proceeded to sculpt him a body for the fun of it before blowing it up idk
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blkkatsuki · 2 months
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A Hidan that was supposed to be a quick doodle,,,,it became anything but that
[ID: A digital drawing of Hidan from Naruto Shippuden. He is shown from the shoulders up, grinning with a smug look on his face. The background is a bright lime green with the symbol of Jashin repeating in the background. /End ID]
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effeminateboyninja · 1 year
akatsuki music hcs
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
I can’t listen to a song without making it about characters so here’s some headcanons for what kind of music each of the Akatsuki characters would like/listen to
more here:
konoha 13 | jonin sensei | sand siblings |
Pain/Nagato - TOOL // Opeth // Nirvana // Swallow the Sun // Daylight Dies // The Foreshadowing // Alice in Chains // Mad Season
Konan - The Cure // Echo & the Bunnymen // Bauhaus // Siouxsie and the Banshees // Timber Timbre // Mitski
Kisame - The Rolling Stones // The Doors // The Animals // Judas Priest // Black Sabbath // Led Zeppelin // Dio // Ghost
Itachi - Radiohead // Manchester Orchestra // Duster // waveform* // sssense // kees. // Beach House
Deidara - 3OH!3 // Cobra Starship // Panic! at the Disco // Mäneskin // Teenage Disaster // Afourteen // Danny Brown // Cxrpse
Sasori - silence // white noise
Hidan - Nine Inch Nails // Korn // Rob Zombie // Orgy // Skinny Puppy // Sister Machine Gun // PIG // Skold
Kakuzu - the steady hum of his money counter
Tobi - Aqua // 100 gecs // Jimmy Buffet // NSYNC // Crazy Frog // the Cats soundtrack // PSY // Kidz Bop Kids
BONUS: Orochimaru - a notice from the medical malpractice board read aloud // the wet, gurgling, nubile sounds of a lab engineered fetus taking it’s first breaths (1hr loop) // Slayyyter
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x-emeraldsky-x · 4 months
Hidan: Hey, don't you have a cousin in Konoha? That Sasuke dude?
Obito: Yes, he has his own family there too.
Hidan: Why don't you go visit them?
Obito: I do sometimes, when I make visits to the Hokage. With the kids' missions on both ends, we can't organise a visit where we all see each other that often
Hidan: Hm... interesting.
Obito: Why do you ask?
Hidan: I'm just curious about what you Uchiha do for family things, like if there were traditions or something
Obito: There are a few I remember from when I was a kid, but when we live so far apart its hard to do. Most involved a gathering of the family
Hidan: What do you do? If I can ask
Obito: We used to paint on scrolls or wooden plaques, usually things from the stories of our history. And sometimes we'd play music on special, hand made instruments. Sasuke wasn't around for that though, the traditions fell apart when Konoha started turning against us, just before he was born.
Hidan: ... You could bring it back
Obito: I could... but I don't know how. It's a family thing, for multiple families. And I can only remember the words of the Uchiha songs, I never learned the instruments.
Hidan: I'll join.
Obito: Really?
Hidan: Yeah, if you're okay with it. I'll be an honorary Uchiha!
Obito: *smiles a little* Thank you.
Hidan: I'm shit at art though, just warning you now
Obito: You'll be fine. It's not my thing either
Hidan: Great! We can suck at it together!
Obito: *chuckles a little* Wonderful
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zealctry · 1 year
BDSM test
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achizuto · 2 years
@scurriilous asked: “i suck at apologies, so unfuck you, or whatever.” [ couldn’t help myself. also HI ]
                    A dirty grin is plastered on the terrorist’s face, though it disappears underneath the collar of his cloak. “I’ve been called worse by better.”
                    Black nailpolish hides the dirt under the Deidara’s nails, accumulated from digging up soil with his proper hands. The crimson clouds are stained from the dust that the earth jutsu dispersed as he launched repeated impact of chakra to loosen an raise the ground- careful not to crush what he was looking for. Eventually, he did find the severed head. “But it’s cute to watch you try. Now, where’s your body?“
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snuggleboots · 3 months
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₊˚♡˚₊ been thinking on love languages & faith recently & that led me to Hidan headcanons because I'm a weeaboo w/ no limits ig ₊˚♡˚₊
₊˚♡˚₊ just a word salad post about Hidan and how (I think) he loves ₊˚♡˚₊
Tags: Hidan, a little angst? maybe?, this can be kakuhida or reader-insert or anything really- ball's in ya'll's court on that one
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Hidan's love comes in the form of his faith, because that's the one way he knows how to communicate it. it's nagging, it's demanding, it pushes boundaries without consideration.
to proselytise is to extend his hand and offer you a chance at eternal life, free from the constraints of mortality that would eventually take you from his side. maybe it's done in part to spread the word of his god, but it's also something done out of love.
a follower of the faith of slaughter and suffering, his love is in his blood.
how is he meant to enjoy eternal life when he lives with the knowledge that anyone he might dare to love, or even care for, will face a short existence that ends in the punishment of suffering with no meaning?
to Hidan, love is a gamble that, when looked at in terms of risk versus reward, bears all the risk and none of the reward.
because he exists in a burning house where his hand is extended, open and waiting to be taken, just so you might be saved, with all his knowing that you would sooner succumb to the fire than accept salvation.
does his heart ever fight his faith when you stray too close to death? knowing that in your final hour, you might meet his eye and ask him, 'how could you not have told me, that i could have been saved?' or worse, you might accept the finality of your short life, and go quietly into that goodnight?
an eternal existence separate from any he might ever love, because he- the breathing evidence of a power higher than you and himself and anyone -failed to convince you that Lord Jashin is waiting, His arms wide open, if only you could open your eyes, and please, just accept Him?
I think Hidan gives his love the way one might lay an offering to the altar, a token given in the hopes that his prayers are answered and you walk the path alongside him, so that he might not be forced to lose the one thing that ever managed to sink its roots into his heart.
it's desperate, it's insistent, because it's your blood that laves his tongue, stains his hands, when you turn your face from the gift of life eternal, from the god that's always desperate to grant such a priceless gift as that. heavy are the shoulders that bear the burden of a duty flippantly rejected. all he ever wanted, was to save you.
what a visceral pain it is, to have ever let himself love.
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moumouton4 · 1 year
That Moment You Tried To Be On Top Hcs || Naruto characters x reader
Including : Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, Yamato, Iruka Umino and Hidan
A/n : I received 2 asks and I'll be working on them slowly as I have exams soon ! Though it's be easier to know what you're thinking about if I could ask you the question I got. I'm thinking of the idols one of example 👀
A/n 2 : If you want to see others characters with this hc I'm open to suggestions ✨
Warnings : NSFW, penetrative sex, riding, cockwarming, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1983
Sasuke :
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You decided not to talk to about it with him beforehand. You know him very well and 1. he never talk about sex and 2. because of his pride and as stupid as it may sound he tell you "no" right away
So you tried your luck while doing it when you were on top of him and his cock was sliding in and out of your tight cunt
If he realizes that you are trying to get out of his grip he will immediately put more pressure to keep you pinned where you are under him "Do you think I'm your bitch or something ?" It will take a lot for him to conceive the fact that you can be on top while you are having sex
So you had to blackmail him. Always finding excuses to refuse doing it so he couldn't be able touch you the way he was craving
You decided to hold out until he gave in and let you be on top. And frankly for the now you were holding on well
The same could not be said for him. He thought he could hold out but after 2 months without sex he thought he was going to go crazy because of how hard his cock was his every time he saw you
He really questioned one of his opinions for the first time in his life when he half-heartedly accepted that you were on top. And when he saw you riding him, oh gosh you looked like a goddess. As his hands squeezed your perfect breasts, with your gaze that seemed to was going to implode with pleasure was fixed in his, and the divine sounds you let out caressing his ears
He swears he's never cum so hard in his life he even moaned
Okay he might like it but don't expect it to be like this all the time nor even sometimes, he doesn't want to be vulnerable to you :(
But who knows with time he might end up letting you see more of his red, sweaty, disheveled face as you ride his pretty cock
He lowkey knows this moment will happen at some point and he can't wait for it to happen
Naruto :
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You preferred not to tell him beforehand, because you knew he was going to tell his friends he still did afterwards. Also to do it when you're going at it will avoid you to be subjected to his endless questions about why and how you asked him that. Like he's going to worry about him not making you feel good :(
When you try though, he doesn't understand right away why you try to get out of his grip by wrapping your legs around his like this
He thought you wanted to stop or that something is wrong. So he releases you but to his surprise you flipped him over and found yourself on top of him. Pinning him to the bed just like you were a few moments before. His cock still buried inside you throbbed in a way that made your eyes roll
The high pitched cry of surprise he let out at that moment was priceless
He really liked this initiative from you, but being the hyperactive boy that he is, he couldn't help but grab your hips and pound into you when he felt his orgasm coming. Resulting with you cumming on him, your wetness running down his thighs
"That was definetely something dattebayo !"
This is something you'll do often, the days he's tired or recovering from his injuries. But most of times, when it's time to go to bed, he asks you to lie on top of him while you cockwarm him while you fall asleep in each other's arms, feeling the warmth of the love between you
Kakashi :
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You don't talk about sex much in everyday life. Yes he reads Icha Icha in public but he is still uncomfortable talking about it. Just look at his scarlet face when Shikamaru asked him to read what was written on a page of his book and he struggled so much just said "I love you very much"
So it was while you were doing it that you asked him between moans "Can I ughh go on top ?"
His eyes only went slighlty wide before he flipped you both over at lightning speed ( pun unintented ) so that you were on top of him. You moaned as you clit grazed his pubic bone, giving you an etheral friction. You then grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head
It was very exciting for him to finally reproduce one of the positions he had read in Icha Icha so many times well yes he reread it so many times
It became something you'd often do when he just got back from a mission and he's tired but still wants to get dirty with you
Don’t try to joke about him being secretly a sub because he is going to fuck you into the matress so hard you won’t even joke about that anymore… unless you’re into that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But he does like to see you on top of him so much that sometimes he asks you to lie on top of him without moving while he reads his bed lying in your bed while beng all warm and snug inside of you
Don't worry he will reward you appropriately afterwards you will need help to walk though
Yamato :
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You figured he was shy with it since you didn't really talk about sex and when it happened it was spontaneously depending on your moods
Not to mention the face he made when he looked in Kakashi's book one day
In reality you were right because the few times you mentioned something sexual he ended up red as a lipstick or a sports car…. well bright red
So you decided to give it a shot just as he was about to lay you down on the bed and climb on top of you
You teleported your naked form behind him and pushed him in order to settle between his legs
His face was as red as a robin as always
"W-what are you- mpff" you cut him off by impaling yourself on his cock and giving a vigorous thrust with your hips
The sight that was subjected to his eyes was divine
"Princess- ugh p-please slower I won't l-last if-" to late he came
He came faster than he would have liked after only a few more strokes at this pace
He apologized for 15 minutes straight despite you telling him it was ok ( you were still on top of him at the time )
It didn't take long for him to get hard inside you again
And there you go again for 2nd ride
It's a position that you use a lot for quickies as you're more in control of your pleasure and he's even weaker for you like this. So it goes pretty fast
But Yamato staying true to himself would still be 1000 % flustered like the it's the first time when you're on top of him, because you're just so hot
Iruka :
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He's a teacher and he teaches sex education to his older students, so you thought it was safe enough to speak about it without getting him embarrassed
But it's Iruka we're talking about and well you were wrong because the moment the words "do it" reached his ears he froze in place when you said "Next time we do it could I be on top ?"
He had to summon up a lot of self control to answer you "Erm s-s-sure L-l-love" he was as red as the pen he used to correct his students' tests
And he was so flustered and bothered after that. Like if for example you could have done it that night well you wouldn't because of the state he was in
Iruka.exe has stopped working
You had to trick him to start having sex again. What you had asked him had turned him on so much that he overthought it a lot which had him have a brief block
So you made up a plan. You grabbed his clothes while he was in the shower and waited for him to come out wrapped in a towel to put the next step of you plan into action
Your plan was just to jump his bones 😂
"Hey at least your clothes are already off we're saving time" you joked as you pushed him onto the bed while he yelped
You wasted no time straddling him and impaling yourself on his cock. He let you experience what you wanted and never tried to take over
He's just as proud of you for asking him to try new things and himself for holding on cumming for so long - even though he usually lasts longer - but for his defense you looked so delicious in that position
There was a 2nd round after that... and you've never been fucked this hard by him all the other times you did it
Definitely go back to this position often. Besides, you now take an initiative that he craves, that is, when he has a lot of exams to correct in the evening, you just sit on his dick while he marks them. You try your best not to move but it's really hard when you start feeling him roll his hips into you like this... and before you even know it he isn't grading papers anymore
Hidan :
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You've been with him for a long time and you know very well that he has no taboos. So you asked him in a straightforward way
He was very interested because he is just a horny bastard but he has a misplaced pride that made him say with a shit eating grin "Don't forget you're the one taking my cock, not the other way around Princess"
You tried to retort but he spanked you hard and you squeaked
But you really wanted to see him pinned underneath you, so during your last mission for the Akatsuki, while he was doing his ritual for Jashin you offered him to join you next time if he accepted the proposal you had made to him some time ago
Of course his perverted mind made a direct link with the fact that you wanted to ride him and he accepted, feeling that having you with him in his rituals would be the most wonderful thing
When the time came he let you ride him and after a few strokes of your hips he lifted you up and pounded inside of you to relieve pressure he was feeling, thinking that you were going too slow
By the time he let you go at your own pace again your legs were already trembling from the pleasure you were feeling. So he simply flipped you over before fucking you hard, as usual
Hidan doesn't play fair lmao. He never did and probably never will
Anyways, he liked it a lot, a little too much even. Because sometimes he put you on top of him and make you feel like he was ordering you to do it when all he wants is for you is to use his dick to like an object of pleasure
Sometimes even when you are on a mission, when he feels horny almost all the time he sits cross-legged somewhere and asks you to ride him
And frankly, in a country where there's little chance of you meeting anyone or even being recognized, who would you be to deny your boyfriend that, especially knowing the sinful whines that escape his mouth when you circle your hips this way he loves so much
Cut to someone pointing 2 Akatsuki members fucking behind a tree
A/n : First headcanon on Naruto characters. Now I shall go to sleep it's 1 am 😂 I hope you guys liked it ! 🍿🌭 Again my requests are open 🥗🧀
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 2 months
I'm thinking about Kakuzu and Hidan and nail polish because ofc I am, and no I don't actually want it to be a jutsu, I want all the Akatsuki to do it the hard way
he learns quickly and doesn't see why others have trouble with it - especially Hidan
he does one coat and one coat only, to save up, luckily the stuff they all use is quite opaque
he's good at not getting any polish on his fingers, again, cause he wants the bottle to last as long as possible
he doesn't need his hands to turn pages while he reads, he can use his tendrils for that, so he does his nails before reading time and lets them dry
he's grateful for the dark brown, the only thing that would be worse than being partnered with Hidan would have been ending up with one of the bright colors that other Akatsuki members got
Hidan: "So there's something worse than being partnered with me?~ <3" to which Kakuzu glares
Kakuzu won't use nail polish remover cause that costs extra, he waits for that one coat to chip to the point that there's only a little bit left in the middle, and paints a new coat on top of that, and ends up with a number of bumpy layers
he's just efficient at it, it doesn't really look all that great from up close
he absolutely sucks at painting his nails. absolutely sucks
no patience, no focus, he'll do one nail and then he'll go "Hey Kakuzu!!" cause he's already done a whole entire nail and he's bored
Kakuzu is still trying to think of some kind of way to get Hidan to associate nail polish with Jashin-sama, but no luck yet, that dark green shade is to blame, why didn't they give him red to remind him of blood? white to remind him of bones?
at one point Hidan learns to weaponize his crappy nail painting skills and make Kakuzu do his nails for him
but not by complimenting him on how much better he is, Hidan already knows that flattery won't get him anywhere - instead he "accidentally" knocks over the bottle and lets it spill, and after a very unpleasant lecture about wasting the product, Kakuzu accepts the reality that it won't get done without him
and the perfect time for that is when Hidan is lying down in his prayer circle
Hidan doesn't really start praying until Kakuzu is done painting his nails though, he likes to watch Kakuzu focus on him so intensely, just like when he stitches him up, and most importantly, he loves knowing that Kakuzu would never ever do this for anyone else <3
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cakeemoji · 1 year
hidan and deidara didn't confess when they become boyfriends. i am 99.9percent sure that one of them - hidan, probably - said something of "i think we should date" and deidara willingly agreed for the fun of it. anyways they don't have to communicate that they like each other when it's obvious with the small things they do (being there for each other is one thing but! supporting and participating in each other's hobbies is another).
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or0ch1maru · 5 months
orochi sfw hcs? :3
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hii bby :3
pls they’re so cute🥺like look at that smile
• whenever they’re busy working in the lab, I just know they’d have you close to them in one way or another. sitting at their desk? you’re curled up in their lap, head resting on their shoulder
• in one of the corners of their lab, there would be a bed or couch, specifically for you to hang out in. your favorite books, or activities kept in a neat stack on a table nearby
• after long & exhausting missions orochimaru would enjoy nothing more than a glass of sake to unwind. the fridge stocked up on their favorite brand or flavor
• Orochimaru’s favorite food are eggs right? every morning or anytime they’re craving, they would be found in the kitchen cooking. scrambled, hard boiled, deviled eggs, omelets, and the list continues
• I totally believe orochimaru is confident. I mean extremely. They wouldn’t be cocky about it like Hidan or anything, they’re much more humble about it
• isn’t afraid of going shirtless or even fully nude in front of others, will often be found in bed or roaming around without a top on
• enjoys having their hair played with, styled, brushed, etc. if their partner has long nails don’t be surprised when they ask for scratches. on their back, chest, and scalp.
• speaking of hair, orochimaru would have a strict hair care routine too, specific shampoo & conditioner, hair masks, and soft brushes and a single comb to get rid of knots & tangles
• sometimes when working or studying, they’ll put their hair up in a low pony or even a messy bun to keep strands of hair from getting in the way
• I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this somewhere before but wouldn’t really enjoy being little spoon when it comes to cuddles because they don’t like feeling too vulnerable, even if you’ve been together for a long time, they consider themselves as the protector, and never wants to risk something happening
• in bed, has to be on the side that’s closest to the door. If something happens and they need to jump into action, they wouldn’t want to crawl over and accidentally hurt you
• praises.
• simple ‘nice job’ or ‘good work today’ would slip from their lips if you actively help with their research or other lab work
• gentle pats on the back or shoulders would follow the small compliments.
• is definitely into pet names in a relationship. loves calling you baby, sweetheart, doll, prince/princess, love, and so on
• knows how to paint their nails without spilling or messing up, but always comes to you. feels enjoyment doing the smallest yet intimate things with you(outside of bedroom activity lol)
please send in more sfw headcanon prompts, would love to eventually do a list like this for every akatsuki member
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ludagubi · 1 year
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I just want you all to know that I adore hc that Kuzu's masks are silly pets that reflect his attitude towards other people and especially Hidan👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️
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fireflylitsky · 2 years
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Okay, Akatsuki cooking Headcanons, are they good in the kitchen??? Itachi- What he’s learned to cook, he does so very well, but only knows a few simple recipes his mother taught him. He's a perfectionist and would rather master the egg flip than have an arsenal of ‘okay’ meals under his belt. 
Kisame- An absolute grill master. If you want rare, you get rare. Medium rare? No problem. All he needs to do is poke it with a finger and he knows just when to pull it off the grill. Ask him for well done and he’ll shame you the entire time it takes to cook, but yeah, he can do that too. He knows fancy spatula/tong flipping tricks and will show off even if no one’s looking. Hidan got him an apron that says “Fuck the cook” and Kisame wears it every chance he gets, and if he’s drunk enough, with nothing underneath.
Sasori- Food is for the weak.
Deidara- He definitely thinks he’s a good cook. The others refuse to eat his creations on the assertion that if he has mouths on his hands, it’s unsanitary, but really he just goes crazy with spices and hot sauce.
Hidan- Is Hidan good in the kitchen? Of course he is. The counter is the perfect height. When it comes to cooking though, he’s impatient and always cranks the heat, then whines when it tastes burnt. That doesn’t stop him from eating it, and it definitely doesn’t stop him from burning it next time either.
Kakuzu- No one has any clue if Kakuzu is a good cook because he won’t do it for anyone but himself. He buys the food he wants in the exact quantities required. None is ever wasted. He is a meal prep king and reserves a spot in the fridge for all his perfectly portioned leftovers. Anyone to touch them dies.
Konan- She knows the basics, but she’s a woman with a lot of shit to deal with, so she turns to instant ramen a lot. Whenever one of the guys teases her for not being a better cook, because apparently that’s expected of her, she will make them something purposefully disgusting and forces them to finish it. No one really says anything disparaging about her cooking anymore.
Nagato- Lol just no. The man knows nothing of cooking, but Konan ensures he eats.
Pein- As a corpse being piloted by an unhinged trauma-ridden friend, no. No, he is not much of a cook.
Zetsu- Doesn’t believe in cooking. 
Tobi/Obito- Tobi would not be a good cook. Obito knows this and loses a piece of his soul every time he has to purposely fuck up a meal just to stay in character, because Obito is actually quite a good cook. The man just wants to make beautiful, braised meats and savory soups and instead he’s stuck pretending to not know the difference between soy sauce and maple syrup. He pretends to enjoy sugar-filled, rainbow colored treats because that is what Tobi would like.
Orochimaru- This motherfucker is so extra. His cooking is gourmet. He fully intends on enjoying his immortal life and that means each meal should be a treat. Of course he gets busy and doesn’t always have time, in which case he opts for something quick and efficient—he has a whole ass recipe book for smoothies alone with all his favorites dog-eared and he tells Kabuto they taste better when he makes them.
(Thanks to @mooshi-png for the Kisame in that fucking apron hc lmao, it lives in my head permamently)
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