#hidden injuiry
whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
could you write some prompts about stomachache? sorry writers block is rlly bad and im trying to get some lists 😅
Sure, thank you for the ask!
Whumpee with a Stomachache
(Cw: Hidden injuiry, fear of abandonment, pet whump)
Caretaker being th Smart Introverted One and Whumpee being the Recless and Brave one. (W:) "What's that now? I don't trust that smell" (C:) "A special variant of elvish valerian root infusion. For the stomach. Herbology comes in handy from time to time"
"Did you eat something today? Maybe you're hungry? No? The mint helps. Do you want mint tea? I'll get you some painkillers"
"It's just the stomachache," whumpee calms caretaker down one day, after caretaker notices something's wrong. "It's just my stomachache again," whumpee explains the other day. "It's the stom-ph-," whumpee cuts the sentence and covers their mouth, fighting the retch. "Really, I'm fine." As Whumpee says it, Caretaker sees the blood on their teeth and lips.
Whumpee does their assigned work as everyday, but due to the stomachache, they can't focuse on anything. The employer/leader figure patiently explains one activity several times. Whumpee gets it wrong all over. "What's going on with you today, Whumpee?". Whumpee apologises and tries to focus. But instead their eyes well up with tears. They really tried their best. (L:) "Why didn't you tell me you feel sick? Go take a rest. And stay in bed next time you're in pain"
"Listen. I'm tired. I'm swollen. My stomach hurts as heck. I'm irritated. And I don't want to say something nasty to you I would regret. So listen to me when I ask you nicely to drop the topic."
The obidience test. Whumper leaves the food "unprotected" to check if their pet will take it without asking. If Whumpee tries to steal and eats it, they get terrible stomachache.
Whumpee is rescued from their captors where they were constantly starved and had to fight for food with other whumpees. A wealthy caretaker takes them in. Cooks/orders for them more food than they could imagine and says to eat as much as they want. They keep eating even if their stomach can't fit anything more. They're so so so happy even tho they end up nuseous.
Caretaker's being irritated and distracted because of constant ache. Whumpee with the fear of abandonment isn't taking it very well. (W:) "Are you upset with me?" (C:) "Wh- no! My tummy's upset!" (W:) "....with me?"
Thank you for the ask, cool bat anon. I hope I helped a bit with the writers block.
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bttnnghtmr · 4 years
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@wildinfinitum​ : push :   my  muse  pushing  your  muse  out  of  the  way  of  danger. ( Patricia for Naib? ) | some one word prompts |
    ‘Focus on decoding’ or ‘the hunter is near me’ - few words Naib hated to hear during matches. Not in meaning of reminder, but these words meant that he was forced to take care of ciphers, which honestly felt like even worse torture than dealing with any of the hunter. The clicks, snaps and every little sound that escaped machine just made his hands and legs shake, yet tensing up as well, making it bit more painful than it should. Not mentioning when he messes up and tears well up in his eyes, body just begging to break down right there and now.  Yet he couldn’t just get away, wiping these upcoming tears over and over again, as he had to focus on decoding, while hunter was still chasing that one person.     In that moment it felt like nothing besides him and this damned cipher didn’t exist. Even sound of walking robot around, heartbeat getting faster and bombs exploding closer and closer seem to be unusually ignored by a mercenary. Even if they were in his area of sight or even right besides him. Just focus on decoding and get over it.
     At least until there was sudden push, dragging him away from machine and bringing him back to reality as bombs right beside him detonated. Though even with that he was frozen on ground for a bit, trying to put thoughts together, breath getting quick and shallow as he was pulled from what he could call trance. Heat lingering after Guard’s bomb was still there, right besides his hand, helping to collect what exactly happened, before he looked up on Enchantress standing right there, eyes for a brief moment focused on burn mark on her skirt and leg.       Yet soon after he looked down again in shame and guilt, before hitting side of his head with his own hand. Collect yourself Subedar, you’re a soldier, you should be more careful. You’re in middle of match. Why weren’t you alert? Are you really forgetting your own rules? How more pathetic can you be? With these thoughts he finally stood up and quickly brushed off bit of the dirt. Hopefully it wasn’t taking it as long as it felt like for him.     “ Sorry, Patricia. You shouldn’t have done it, I can handle small injuiry like this. Besides you’re hurt yourself now, right? You really should left me to deal with that. “ Even if it was really hidden, there was silent thank you between these words. “ I... can’t really help with that injury now, b-but let’s keep de... decoding so we can get Emily to take care of that burn, okay? “ He hated hesistance in his voice, but neither he wanted to keep decoding. Not like they had much of a choice to do something else, did they?
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whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
Dead on your feet
Whumptober - Day 4
(Content warnings: begging, critical wound, major character close to death, accepting death, self-sacrifice, post trauma, past kidnapping, magical whump, hidden injuiry, exhaustion, sleep depravation)
Hero's scared of death. But got badly injuired before being taken hostage. Villain tells him that he's willing to patch his wound and keep him alive. But only if he gets on knees to Villains feet and begs for rescue.
||Hidden injuiry||
Leader is suffering from a charm that slowly kills him. But him and his team are in the middle of mission to win against magical Villain. They have no time to waste. He knows that searching for a way to take the charm down will only slower them down and they all will fail. It's either him or his friends. So instead he leads them, hoping he will get enough time to guide them through the last mission.
||Waking up desoriented||
Whumpee having nightmares of him being back in prison, jerking awake and realising he's lying on Caretaker's lap and he's safe. He's melting back to sleep, exhausted and relieved. Caretaker gently pats his hair.
||"Can't pass out"||
Magical Whumpee is experiencing sudden, uncontrolled blasts of energy because of his powers. So he can't sleep for days or pass out, is exhausted and stimulated by his powers to his limit. Everytime he closes his eyes to rest, the sudden shock of energy wakes him back up.
My whumptober masterpost ->
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