#hielo is drunk
The Shadows of Medellín
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Paring: Javier Peña x ambassador's kid!reader
Words: 1.5k
Rating: R
Warnings: The reader gets misgendered, language, mentions of death, talk of weapons, mentions of physical assault, and insinuation of S.A.. If I missed anything please let me know!
Summary: You decide to take a spring trip to Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona in Magdalena, Columbia, despite your father's demands. On your way, you stop in Medellín for some drinks. There you meet a handsome DEA agent who offers you drinks, then a fun time. After turning him down however things went south. Fast.
Author: Mod Crow
Notes: This is the short opening to a series that I plan on starting, the translations for the Spanish sprinkled in is at the end. I'm also attempting to fix my writing schedule, so keep your peepers peeped 👀👀👀
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“I’m going to be honest, I don’t normally offer to buy a drink for men, but…” You couldn’t help but look towards the voice. Your eyes rake over the man beside you, he was obviously fit, thanks to the little preview that he had on display. The next thing that caught your attention was how the sleeves of his black button up hugged his biceps. The last thing you noticed? The way his jawline perfectly flowed into the beautiful expanse that was his neck.
“Am I talking to a wall hermoso?” Hearing him talk again, you blink a few times, eyes refocusing on the taller male’s face. Clearing your throat you shake your head softly.
“Sorry, I’m not really used to men coming over, offering to buy me a drink. But, yeah, you can buy me a drink. I’m drinking a spiked limonada de coco, the liquor of choice is tequila.” Seeing the smirk play at his lips, you can’t help but take your bottom lip in between your teeth. 
“Nice choice.” You watched as the mystery man looked towards the bartender, “Disculpe, una limonada de coco y otra de bourbon con hielo.”
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The laughs were falling from your lips like a waterfall. Maybe the man beside you was hilarious, or maybe it was the seven drinks that had made their way in your system. Though Mr. ‘Stash was just as drunk as you, you couldn’t help but stare at his alcohol-reddened face. As you finished the water he had made you drink, he was finishing his fifth bourbon. 
“I think the two of us deberia salir de aqui y go to my place.” Hearing him flow between the two languages caused you to take a shaky breath in. You weren’t actually sure of all the words that were in the sentence but you could still tell what he was asking. Nodding you grab his hand and enthusiastically pull him to the bar’s door. Pushing open the door you were hit with the humid night air of Medellín. Once outside, you stopped leading the way, turning to him you furrowed your brows together.
“You know, I still don’t know your name.” You steadied yourself with the help from the taller man. As the two of you stood there, you heard him chuckle, and then felt his free hand rest on your waist. Letting go of his hand, you rest your hand on arm. Feeling him pull you closer you couldn’t help but gasp.
“Mi nombre es Javier Peña, but you can call me papí hermo-”
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The sound of the door slamming open ripped you from sleep, the only real sleep you’ve had in about a month or so.
“Despierta esa cosa, tenemos que movernos.” Sitting up on the mattress, you pulled the thin blanket closer to your chest. You watched as one of the other men made their way over to you. Squeezing your eyes shut you braced yourself for the handling. 
Feeling the rough dryness of a hand grip your bicep you fought yourself on pulling away. You had learned your lesson by now, the first time you fought back it was mostly yelling and a tightening grip. The second time wasn’t as pleasant, they had to “show you your place” and the result of showing you your place was an angry red split lip and a blackened eye, so swollen you couldn’t see from it.
Feeling the bigger man give your arm a tug, you scrambled to your feet, blanket still in your hands. The minute you opened your eyes, you dropped your gaze to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with any of the men.
“¿Qué coño se supone que tenemos que hacer con eso? Si algo le pasa, ¡estamos muertos! ¡Yo no firmé para secuestrar a la hija del embajador!” Hearing the panicked tone, you look towards the source of the voice. The guy didn’t look much older than you, maybe twenty-five at the oldest. Dropping your gaze back to the floor, you continue to be pulled along the way. As you passed the men you listened to the whispered Spanish, then you heard muffled popping. Then the sound of chaos breaking loose, doors being slammed shut or being forced open, glass breaking then crunching under heavy feet, and the screaming. 
“Joder, ¡es la policía! Cógela y sal por detrás hacia los coches y muévete rápido.” Looking between the two men, you watched as the one holding your arm gave him a nod. Watching him turn around, you felt him pull you along. Stumbling over your feet you felt yourself start to trip, but because of the hand holding on to you, you didn’t fall. Instead you were practically dragged along until you were able to get your feet under you again. 
Once the two of you were outside, he let go of your arm and quickly wrapped his arm around your neck, gun pressed to your back. Feeling the cold gun being forced against your back, you took a sharp breath in, tears instantly blurring your vision. While he pushed you, gun against your back, you attempted to blink the tears away.  
“We are going to,” You heard him mutter under his breath, obviously trying to recall the English words. Swallowing dryly, you speak softly, “Those cars over there?” You shakily pointed at the cars that sat about twenty feet away.
“Sí, those cars.” The two of you were quiet for a moment, the silence that hung between the two of them was that of a stick of TNT sitting next to a raging fire. Closing the distance between you and the car, you heard the man’s thick accented voice as he spoke behind you, “Gracias, mí inglés es muy mal.” The small bit of gratitude given to you feeling so out of place given the situation.
Once at the car, the guy quickly pulled open the back passenger door, and forced you into the back of the dark vehicle. Scrambling to sit up, you watch as the door slams shut. Looking out the darkly tinted window, you watched as men rushed out the back door, they looked different than ones who had been in and out of your room. You had assumed the men coming from the back of the house were just another gang. Though as they drew closer you could start to see the details on their shirts and hats.
Hearing the -not as muffled pops- your eyes snapped from the house to where the guy who had dragged out was. Watching as he stumbled back, bumping into the vehicle, only to slide down the side to the ground. Eyes glued to the man, you see why he collapsed, he had been shot…in the chest. Once the realization that someone was shooting in your direction hit you, you slide yourself between the backseat and the front seat to hide yourself on the floor of the vehicle. Squeezing your eyes shut, you clamped your hands over your ears, trying your hardest to muffle the sounds of yelling and gunfire. As you laid there, you had started humming to yourself, anything to drown the outside world away.
You don’t know how long you had actually hid for you, but when you felt the car door being pulled open. Feeling an instant weight land on your chest, you took ragged breaths in and let shaky ones out.You could hear a voice but your brain wasn’t absorbing the words. Feeling an unknown hand land on your shoulder you screamed.
“Please no! I-I can give you whatever, please!” Feeling tears run down your face, you couldn’t stop the sobs that forced themselves from your body. Feeling a second hand on you, you sat up and forced yourself back to the other side of the vehicle. With eyes open, you blinked tears away. Looking to the open door, you locked eyes with the man who had touched you. Javier Peña. 
“What the fuck, you’re the ambassodor’s…? Carrillo, get over here! I found the kid!” As he holstered his gun, you watched him with hesitancy. Seeing a new guy look into the car, you held your breath, not knowing what he might do. With eyes glued to the new face, you could feel a set of eyes on you. 
“Hey hey hey, it’s going to be okay now.” You watched him reach a hand into the car. “Let’s get you somewhere safer.” Looking from Javier’s hand to his face, you watched as his once harsh cold eyes softened. Nodding softly, you shakily reach out and take his hand. Slowly climbing out of the vehicle, you gripped Javier’s hand tighter, scared that the man who was shot was going to reach out and grab your ankle.
Once outside of the car, you felt as Javier pulled you into him, shielding your line of sight. You knew he was doing just that, shielding you from the carnage that had occurred, but just for a moment you allowed yourself to believe that -just for a moment- he cared for you.
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“Okay, this isn’t something we do but, this is the only thing we could arrange for the night. You can sleep in the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Javier gestured towards what you could only assume was towards his bedroom. Shaking your head slightly, you clear your throat. 
“I-I can’t take the bed, this is your house. I can sleep on the couch.” You weakly nodded towards the couch. You knew that if you had agreed to the bedroom, you wouldn’t be able to sleep. At least not for long. Your nights have become riddled with nightmares, most were things they could have done to you, most ending with you dying. However, some nightmares were just moments you were reliving. Most of those nightmares were the things that had happened since you had been taken.
“We aren’t going to argue about that right now. What you are going to do is have a shower while I throw together food. I’ll show you the way.” You watched as he started towards a hallway, stopping part of the way he looked over his shoulder. Without talking, he motioned for you to follow him. Swallowing dryly, you cautiously followed behind him. As you followed him, the two of you were silent, that was until he opened his bedroom door and walked in. Seeing the room, you felt your breath become ragged. You weren’t aware you were crying until you felt Javier’s rough hand gently wipe the tears from your cheeks. Eyes refocusing, you look at Javier's face. As you stood there you watched every little thing the man in front of you did. Watching him nod softly, you listened to his voice, he sounded tired, but there was something else laced in his voice, annoyance “Okay. No bedroom. Just, wait here.”
You watched as Javier turned around and disappeared into his room. You could hear him moving things, opening and closing drawers, and then he was in front of you once again. Looking at the items in his hands you scanned over them. When he noticed that you were staring at the things in his hands, he looked down to them as well before looking back to you.
“I don’t have any…women’s clothing?” Looking at Javier’s face, you shook your head softly, “No it’s fine. I prefer men’s clothing.” Your voice had become small again and you hated it, the time off of your HRT, was becoming more and more apparent as time went on. 
Nodding his head, Javier gently slipped past you, though he didn’t walk too far from you. Opening the door that sat several feet from the bedroom door, he motioned to the room. “It’s the bathroom, I’ll turn the shower on for you. If it’s too cold, turn the left knob towards the wall a bit. If it’s too hot, you can turn the left knob the other direction or you can turn the right knob towards the wall slightly. Okay?” 
Nodding, you walk closer to the door, watching Javier nod back. Turning away from you, you could hear the flip of the lightswitch. The silence was short lived as the sound of water soon filled the air. Watching Javier reappear, he stepped out of the bathroom, making room for you. 
“The uh, shower is ready. If you need any help, just holler for me I guess.” Nodding softly, you walk into the bathroom, the steam from the shower filling the small room. Peaking your head out of the bathroom, you saw him still standing there. Grabbing onto the door knob, you slowly start to close the door. Just before you pulled your head from the doorway, you dropped your gaze to the ground just in front of Javier. 
“Thanks Javi.” Pulling your head from the doorway you quietly pushed the door close. Once in the bathroom alone, you gently press your forehead to the door. Squeezing your eyes shut, you try to will the tears away, but you couldn’t. Feeling your legs turn to jelly, you allow yourself to slide down the door. Once you were on your knees in front of the door, you couldn’t stop the racing thoughts.
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“Aye mami, no eres una cosita bonita. ¿Necesitas ayuda para lavarte la espalda?” Wrapping the towel around tighter, you stared at the man who had walked in. Shaking your head you tried to back away from the intruder. You want to scream, but you can't. Your mouth dries, your words stuck in your throat.
“Oh, no voy a hacerte daño, voy a hacerte sentir tan bien.” Watching him walk closer, you held your breath, trying to disappear into yourself.
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Feeling the door open, you snapped open your eyes, hands catching yourself before you face planted on the floor. Lifting your head, you watched as Javier crouched in front of you, a groan escaping from his lips. Nodding his head he gently grabbed a hold of you and pulled you up off the floor. As the two of you stood there, staring at each other, you felt the tears start to fall again.
“Hey, shh shh shh. I-I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Okay? You’re safe now, those guys can’t come after you, the police took care of them. There are unmarked cars outside with DEA agents and police inside them. No one is coming in or leaving this place without being seen.” Javier’s voice was different then before, there was a softness that you haven't heard from him before. The calm quietness of his voice helps you relax slightly, the cries slowly turning into the occasional whimper. 
Dropping your gaze from Javier’s face, your eyes stop at his chest. Without thinking, you let your needs take over. Wrapping your arms around his waist you pulled his warm body to you so that you could bury yourself in his being. With the collision of bodies, you wrap yourself in Javier and just hold yourself there. Feeling his unsure arms wrap around you, you allow yourself to break, and that’s exactly what you do.
All Works Taglist
@for-a-longlongtime @romanarose
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
@carusolikey @thebeldroramscal
@morallyinept @lady-bess
@pedrostories @rivnedell
@pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing
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Disculpe, una limonada de coco y otra de bourbon con hielo: Excuse me, one limonada de coco (coconut limonada) and a bourbon on ice
Mi nombre es...call me papí: My name is... call me daddy
Despierta esa cosa, tenemos que movernos: Wake that thing up, we have gotta move
¿Qué diablos se supone que debemos hacer con eso? Si algo le pasa, ¡estamos muertos! ¡No me inscribí para secuestrar a la hija del embajador!: What the hell are we supposed to do with that? If something happens to her, we're dead! I didn't sign up to kidnap the ambassador's daughter!
Joder, ¡es la policía! Cógela y sal por detrás hacia los coches y muévete rápido.: Damn, it's the police! Grab it and go out from behind towards the cars and move quickly.
Gracias, mí inglés es muy mal.: Thanks, my English is very bad.
Ay mami, ¿no eres una cosita bonita. ¿Necesitas ayuda para lavarte la espalda?: Ay mami, aren't you a cute little thing? Do you need help washing your back?
Oh, no voy a hacerte daño, voy a hacerte sentir tan bien.: Oh, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to make you feel so good.
Thanks to the lovely @samspenandsword for the cloudy moon divider. I also ended using @animatedglittergraphics-n-more. They were both really nice how could I use only one?
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Por cierto.. No se como CHRISTOPHER TYLER (muerto en HALLOWEEN 2023) 1er marido de EVA LONGORIA (nacida en CORPUS CHRISTI) pudo rodar en 2022-23 la pelicula apocaliptica TORMENTA DE HIELO con su HISTORIAL tras su 2do divorcio en 2019 de una Comentarista de carreras de coches con la que poso llevando pantalones TRUE RELIGION (por cierto.. Estrene una cazadora T. R. que me enviaron desde las CATA-RATAS del NIAGARA el dia que vi a TIERRA SANTA grupo de LA RIOJA capital LOGRo+cOÑO.. autores del cd APOCALIPSIS dandome su cantante ANGEL SAN JUAN su pua aunque era de ADRIAN de KOAKTZION=COACCION)
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later years of his life, Christopher was open about his bipolar disorder and alcoholism. He claimed to have died 3 times in alcohol related instances. In November 2019 while Christopher was going through alcohol withdrawal, he experienced delirium tremens, leading to a fall during which he hit his head on the edge of a bathtub and sustained a traumatic brain injury. He underwent a craniotomy to relieve pressure on his brain.
After recovering from his head injury and ending a medical guardianship under his sister in September 2021, Christopher moved to Hollywood from Ohio to try to find work as an actor where he was homeless for the first six months. Before his death, he was close friends with General Hospital co-star Maurice Benard who is also diagnosed with bipolar disorder and gave support to Christopher.
Legal issues
On November 11, 2019, Christopher was arrested and charged with public intoxication in Martinsville, Morgan County, Indiana after falling asleep in the back of an Uber car. He pleaded guilty and paid a small fine.
From January 2020 to September 2021, Christopher was placed under the medical guardianship of his sister Susan Asmo Baker following a nearly fatal head injury. After requesting that the guardianship be ended and his sister approving, he filed a lawsuit against her, citing guardianship abuse and alleging that she misused $40,000.
In May 2023, Christopher was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication at the Hollywood Burbank Airport. Police responded to reports of a drunk male and arrived to find him sleeping on the ground near a terminal. He was arrested and fined.
On October 31, 2023, Tyler Christopher was found dead. His cause of death was revealed to be positional asphyxia due to acute alcohol intoxication.[42][43] He was 50 years old.[
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hielorei · 7 years
drinking game
watch some stream of Dream Daddy: a Dad Dating Simulator, and take a shot every time someone says “Daddy”
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esuemmanuel · 3 years
Ya casi termina este día, ya viene la medianoche… pero, este placer que me provocas no sabe de finales; se me ha quedado el sabor de tus labios en la boca y su acaramelada miel sigue palpitándome en la lengua como si hubiese bebido de la más dulce colmena. Bien puede acabar la noche y llegar un nuevo día, pero este calor que me has dejado, ni una tormenta de hielo lo apagaría.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, This day is almost over, midnight is coming... but this pleasure you give me knows no end; the taste of your lips has remained in my mouth and its caramelized honey continues to throb on my tongue as if I had drunk from the sweetest beehive. The night may well end and a new day come, but this heat that you have left me, not even an ice storm could extinguish it.
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lasconsentidas · 3 years
Los mejores productos para el cuidado de la piel de más de 50
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Sin importar que apliques pocos productos o seas una verdadera maximalista en lo relacionado con el cuidado de la piel, lo único cierto es que todas tenemos que adaptar nuestra rutina de acuerdo a las necesidades que van apareciendo. Debido al curso natural de la vida y la gravedad, las arrugas, manchas de sol y la resequedad aumentan conforme pasamos a la mediana edad.
VER MÁSÁcido retinoico o la vitamina que tu piel necesita para rejuvenecer en 3, 2, 1…POR MELINA ABACHE 📷
Es por eso que muchas comienzan a ver rutinas que van más allá del cuello, para lograr el balance perfecto cuando se tiene más de 50 años. Desde la mejor manera de reducir arrugas, pasando por lograr más brillo y mejorar la textura de piel, aquí los expertos nos comparten las herramientas para lograrlo fácilmente con una rutina de belleza diaria, para principiantes.
Limpia y tonifica
Lo repetimos, el mejor cuidado para la piel de más de 50 es comenzar con una limpieza diaria. La piel madura debe ser hidratada con un limpiador suave, que no le quite a la piel sus aceites naturales ni que tampoco irrite las más sensibles. Para aquellas con pieles resecas, la dermatóloga newyorkina Patricia Wexler, aconseja emplear productos que fortalezcan las capas protectoras de la piel y que incluyan ceramidas.
‘Luego de usar un removedor de maquillaje oleoso, aplico una crema limpiadora, aplico agua ligeramente tibia para enjuagar, y seco mi cara con pequeños toques con una toalla suave’, nos explica Wexler. Para mantener el PH de la piel, la facialista Joanna Czech recomienda usar un tónico que además de una capa extra de humectación y actúe como un vehículo para aplicar el resto de nuestra rutina de belleza y maquillaje.
Murad Age Reform Refreshing Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Renée Rouleau Elderberry Soothing Toner. © Cortesía. 📷
Thayers Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel Facial Toner. © Cortesía. 📷
Algenist Genius Ultimate Anti-Aging Melting Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Dr. Barbara Sturm Balancing Toner. © Cortesía. 📷
Exfolia pero no exageres
En lo relacionado con la exfoliación, tanto los exfoliantes físicos como los químicos (AHA o BHA) pueden ser usados en pieles maduras, pero con extrema precaución. ‘Sí, la exfoliación es necesaria, pero no abusemos’, explica Czech. ‘En las mujeres de más de 50, la capa externa de la piel se vuelve más delgada y por ende, delicada’.
Para evitar cualquier complicación, Czech recomienda llevar al mínimo la exfoliación física que puede ocasionar micro rupturas en la epidermis. Para remover células muertas de forma segura, Wexler recomienda usar un exfoliante suave como el limpiador Regenerating Exfoliating de Tata Harper. Este limpiador contiene microesferas de albaricoque, lo ideal es no aplicarlo más de 3 veces por semana. Al final de cada exfoliación se recomienda agregar un elixir calmante con ingredientes activos como ceramidas y manzanilla.
VER MÁSÁcido mandélico: qué es, para qué sirve y los beneficios que debes conocerPOR MARIA BELEN ARCHETTO 📷
Para una exfoliación química considera el producto Powerglow Peel squares de M-61, que están inmersos en ácidos glicólico y salicílico, así como vitamina K que cura las cicatrices del acné y extracto de arándano, para usar por la noche mejorando así el tono de la piel. Son lo suficientemente suaves para que puedas usarlos con frecuencia.
También puedes considerar un tratamiento de ‘peeling’ semanal como el de rejuvenecimiento de Drunk Elephant que tiene por nombre T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial. Este producto está formulado con un 25% de AHA con una mezcla de ácidos glicólico, tartárico, láctico y cítrico.
Tata Harper Regenerating Exfoliating Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Eminence Organic Skin Care Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
M-61 Powerglow Peel. © Cortesía. 📷
Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial. © Cortesía. 📷
Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. © Cortesía. 📷
Susanne Kaufmann Enzyme Peel. © Cortesía. 📷
Date un masaje facial
Un masaje facial diario puede ayudarte a lograr maravillas en el rostro, sin importar la edad. Nos ayuda a esculpir los músculos de la cara (puedes lograr pómulos y mandíbula marcados) y reducir las inflamaciones ya que mejoras la circulación sanguínea, la reparación celular, la tonicidad de los tejidos y estimulas la producción de colágeno.
‘El colágeno es la red de soporte de nuestra piel, es lo que le da la integridad estructural a la piel cuando está cayéndose, se debilita o aparecen las primeras arrugas’, nos explica Rochelle Weitzner, fundadora y CEO de Pause Skincare, una línea de belleza desarrollada para mujeres que están atravesando la menopausia.
Durante la menopausia, las mujeres experimentan una reducción dramática de la síntesis de colágeno. Para ello, Weitzner diseñó una herramienta para estimular los fibroblastos, que son las células que producen el colágeno. Puedes usar tus dedos, o herramientas como la Fascia Stimulating Tool de Pause para estimular los pómulos, la región por debajo de los ojos y la frente.
Para una extra estimulación al final, puedes poner cubitos de hielo en una gaza y pasarlos por la cara. Los cubitos pueden estar infusionados con algún antinflamatorio como el té verde o el té de manzanilla y debes deslizarlos suavemente sobre la piel.
Herramienta estimulante 'Fascia' para el rostro de Pause. © Cortesía. 📷
Roller facial ReFa Carat. © Cortesía. 📷
Roller facial de Joanna Czech. © Cortesía. 📷
Mini dispositivo tonificador NuFace. © Cortesía. 📷
Barra dorada para esculpir el rostro de Jillian Dempsey. © Cortesía. 📷
Herramienta Lanshin intro gua sha. © Cortesía. 📷
Recupera el volumen con extra humectación
En los 30 y 40 tus niveles de ácido hialurónico comienzan a decrecer, esto es lo que hace que aparezcan las líneas finas y las arrugas. Cuando se aplica tópicamente, el ácido hialurónico puede ayudar a reponer y retener la humedad celular (retiene 1000 veces su peso en agua), por lo que es un ingrediente tan común en sueros y humectantes, particularmente en fórmulas dirigidas a pieles maduras.
‘Los sueros tienen concentraciones de ingredientes más altas que las que usamos en cremas o lociones’, explica Wexler, que es fanática del hidratante rejuvenecedor HA5 de SkinMedica. ‘No solo contiene ácidos hialurónicos que se quedan en la dermis, [sino que] sus cadenas complejas de diferentes ácidos estimulan la producción de tu propio ácido hialurónico, aumentando la resiliencia natural de la piel’, explica la especialista sobre el suero cremoso.
Para sellar este suero rico, busca un humectante mezclado con ingredientes que te ayudarán a imitar y ayudar a restaurar la barrera de la piel, como la nueva crema antienvejecimiento KateCeuticals Total Repair de Kate Somerville, que combina ceramidas y un complejo de péptidos especial para calmar la irritación y minimizar el enrojecimiento.
SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator. © Cortesía. 📷
SkinCeuticals Redness Neutralizer. © Cortesía. 📷
Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Supercharged Complex. © Cortesía. 📷
BeautyStat Universal Pro-Bio Moisture Boost Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Kate Somerville KateCeuticals Total Repair Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Skinfix Barrier+ Triple Lipid-Peptide Face Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Trata las arrugas y la híperpigmentación con cuidado
Para arrugas marcadas, híperpigmentación y daño solar invisible, Wexler recomienda usar retinol, un derivado de la vitamina A que se puede aplicar de forma tópica y que ayuda a mejorar la renovación de la piel. De igual forma le da brillo y la tonifica, reduciendo la híperpigmentación y aumentando la producción de colágeno.
Está disponible tanto en fórmulas de farmacia como otras que requieren prescripción. Lo mejor siempre será que consultes con tu dermatólogo quien te recomendará la potencia así como el mejor tipo de retinoide a emplear en tu piel.
Wexler también señala que el retinol puede ser beneficioso para las áreas cercanas al ojo que tienden a arrugarse con mayor facilidad. Allí en combinación con los péptidos, el retinol puede tratar las bolsas y devolver la tonicidad al área.
Wexler recomienda una crema con cafeína como Advanced Night Repair Eye de Estée Lauder (que además contiene ácido hialurónico, pepino y extracto de levadura) que ‘ayuda a desinflamar y deshidratar las células grasas’. También contiene haloxilo ideal para contrarrestar la híperpigmentación.
Otro ingrediente clave para iluminar un cutis apagado y borrar las manchas solares es la vitamina C, que ayuda a tratar y combatir el daño de los radicales libres que causan el estrés oxidativo y el envejecimiento de la piel. El poderoso antioxidante también actúa para desvanecer la híperpigmentación. ‘Comienza con una concentración baja del 10% y aumenta al 15% o 20% según lo toleres’, dice Wexler sobre la concentración correcta para tu tipo de piel en un suero o crema humectante.
Lo que es importante tener en cuenta es que las formas más potentes de vitamina C son vulnerables con la exposición a la luz y, por lo tanto, el uso de vitamina C debe darse junto con una buena cobertura de protección solar y a los rayos UVA / UVB.
Para proteger la piel contra el cáncer de piel y los daños (líneas finas, arrugas profundas, manchas, decoloración y anomalías en la textura), usa protector solar con un mínimo de SPF 30, como el Anthelios Melt-In de La Roche-Posay, una leche protectora solar con SPF 60, ideal para llevar todos los días.
Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Night Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Ferulic + Retinol Wrinkle Recovery Overnight Serum. © Cortesía. 📷
Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum. © Cortesía. 📷
Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Vitamin C Serum. © Cortesía. 📷
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-In Sunscreen Milk SPF 60. © Cortesía. 📷
EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46. © Cortesía. 📷
Mascarillas para optimizar todo el efecto
‘Para pieles maduras las mascarillas son ideales para hidratar y lograr todo el efecto terapéutico de cada tratamiento’, afirma Wexler. Recuerda también que puedes extender las mascarillas hasta el cuello y la parte posterior de este.
Si tu piel es extra seca o quieres que esté más suave para una ocasión especial, la experta recomienda una máscara superpotente como la de Natura Bisse llamada Diamond Mask, o la Powerlift Instant Tightening Mask de Strivectin. Esta última está repleta de ácido hialurónico y péptidos.
Para desinflamar, busca un tratamiento frío que contenga péptidos como la línea Hydro Cool Firming Face Gels de Skyn Iceland, que es ideal para tratar líneas finas en la frente y en la zona de la sonrisa.
Natura Bissé Diamond Extreme Mask. © Cortesía. 📷
Skin Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Face Gels with Extension and Peptides. © Cortesía. 📷
StriVectin Powerlift Instant Tightening Mask. © Cortesía. 📷
La Prairie Cellular Hydralift Firming Mask. © Cortesía. 📷
Dr. Nigma Talib Treatment Mask No1 - Brightening. © Cortesía.
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atlantesblog · 3 years
(Basta. Andate. Andá al hotel, date un baño, leé Nuestra Señora de París o Las Lobas de Machecoul, sacate la borrachera. Extrapolación, nada menos).
Pureza. Horrible palabra. Puré, y después za. Date un poco cuenta. El jugo que le hubiera sacado Brisset. ¿Por qué estás llorando? ¿Quién llora, che?
Entender el puré como una epifanía. Damn the language. Entender. No inteligir: entender. Una sospecha de paraíso recobrable: No puede ser que estemos aquí para no poder ser. ¿Brisset? El hombre desciende de las ranas… Blind as a bat, drunk as a butterfly, foutu, royalement foutu devant les portes, que peut-être… (Un pedazo de hielo en la nuca, irse a dormir. Problema: ¿Johnny Dodds o Albert Nicholas? Dodds, casi seguro. Nota: preguntarle a Ronald).
Un mal verso, aleteando desde la claraboya: «Antes de caer en la nada con el último diástole…» Qué mamúa padre. The doors of perception, by Aldley Huxdoux. Get yourself a tiny bit of mescalina, brother, the rest is bliss and diarrhoea. Pero seamos serios (sí, era Johnny Dodds, uno llega a la comprobación por vía indirecta. El baterista no puede ser sino Zutty Singleton, ergo el clarinete es Johnny Dodds, jazzología, ciencia deductiva, facilísima después de las cuatro de la mañana. Desaconsejable para señores y clérigos).
Seamos serios, Horacio, antes de enderezarnos muy de a poco y apuntar hacia la calle, preguntémonos con el alma en la punta de la mano (¿la punta de la mano?) En la palma de la lengua, che, o algo así. Toponomía, anatología descriptológica, dos tomos i-lus-tra-dos), preguntémonos si la empresa hay que acometerla desde arriba o desde abajo (pero qué bien, estoy pensando clarito, el vodka las clava como mariposas en el cartón, A es A, a rose is a rose is a rose, April is the cruellest month, cada cosa en su lugar y un lugar para cada rosa es una rosa es una rosa…). Uf.
Beware of the Jabberwocky my son.
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atlantc · 3 years
(Basta. Andate. Andá al hotel, date un baño, leé Nuestra Señora de París o Las Lobas de Machecoul, sacate la borrachera. Extrapolación, nada menos).
Pureza. Horrible palabra. Puré, y después za. Date un poco cuenta. El jugo que le hubiera sacado Brisset. ¿Por qué estás llorando? ¿Quién llora, che?
Entender el puré como una epifanía. Damn the language. Entender. No inteligir: entender. Una sospecha de paraíso recobrable: No puede ser que estemos aquí para no poder ser. ¿Brisset? El hombre desciende de las ranas... Blind as a bat, drunk as a butterfly, foutu, royalement foutu devant les portes, que peut-être... (Un pedazo de hielo en la nuca, irse a dormir. Problema: ¿Johnny Dodds o Albert Nicholas? Dodds, casi seguro. Nota: preguntarle a Ronald). 
Un mal verso, aleteando desde la claraboya: «Antes de caer en la nada con el último diástole...» Qué mamúa padre. The doors of perception, by Aldley Huxdoux. Get yourself a tiny bit of mescalina, brother, the rest is bliss and diarrhoea. Pero seamos serios (sí, era Johnny Dodds, uno llega a la comprobación por vía indirecta. El baterista no puede ser sino Zutty Singleton, ergo el clarinete es Johnny Dodds, jazzología, ciencia deductiva, facilísima después de las cuatro de la mañana. Desaconsejable para señores y clérigos).
Seamos serios, Horacio, antes de enderezarnos muy de a poco y apuntar hacia la calle, preguntémonos con el alma en la punta de la mano (¿la punta de la mano?) En la palma de la lengua, che, o algo así. Toponomía, anatología descriptológica, dos tomos i-lus-tra-dos), preguntémonos si la empresa hay que acometerla desde arriba o desde abajo (pero qué bien, estoy pensando clarito, el vodka las clava como mariposas en el cartón, A es A, a rose is a rose is a rose, April is the cruellest month, cada cosa en su lugar y un lugar para cada rosa es una rosa es una rosa...). Uf. 
Beware of the Jabberwocky my son.
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I’ve been listening to early Morat songs these past few days (you know, Amor con Hielo, Cómo te Atreves, Besos en Guerra, those upbeat “I’m so over you” songs). Mainly because we didn’t have crazy parties this summer, and I’m feeling a bit nostalgic of those parties where we were all sweaty and drunk and dressed nicely and I ended up leaving my pumps somewhere at a table to give it all on the dancefloor. 
Ironically, my ex called two days ago, and we’ve been texting back and forth since then and it’s so nice that I cannot stop smiling whenever I see his name pop up. It feels very 2016: crazy in love, going on weekend trips to behave like idiots. There’s this one thing about us that I have with so little people, and it’s that our (my) parents get crazy worried because we end up in a restaurant where there’s no phone reception and we don’t notice until 2-3 hours later. Like, when we’re together we don’t give a shit about anything else in the world, we’re really in the moment. 
So yeah, I’m singing in the shower that I’m over someone, that I don’t love them anymore while I smile like an idiot every single time he sends a message.
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bashdupondmoretti · 4 years
Drunk in love.
Un vodka era la bienvenida a un tormento que disfrazamos de amor. Eras dolor en la lejanía y pasión en la cercanía. Tus manos jugaban con las mías y yo, embelesado de tu presencia y tu encanto, disfrutaba cada caricia como si fuese la última. Eras un amor que no sería pasajero y mi corazón lo gritaba, mi mente también y mi boca callaba ante aquellos locos alegatos. Y es que no podía ignorar cada una de las señales. El alcohol que pasaba como agua, tu sonrisa nerviosa y discreta tras cada mal chiste y mi cuerpo que quemaba al más mínimo roce. Tus constantes “no quiero que te vayas” y un risueño “jamás” que sellaba una promesa aquella noche.
Una noche bajo el radar de la luna, entre tus brazos, siendo suficiente para dar rienda suelta a una enfermiza pasión antes de que te esfumaras por la mañana. Porque sabía que te irías y las horas pasarían colindantes a este sentimiento. Fuego con hielo que ardía entre nuestros dedos y nuestras pieles que anhelaban más. Ebrio de amor te busqué, te conquisté y te sometí a este fatídico querer que hirió, rasgó pero que marcó un taciturno para siempre.
Tumblr media
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aysunlangblr · 7 years
spanish nightlife vocab!
bailar - to dance
beber - to drink
borracho/a - drunk
el botellón - a social event that involves drinking in the street
la calavera - party animal
la cerveza - beer
charlar - to chat
los chupitos - shots
el club - club
el cóctel - cocktail
con hielo - with ice
coquetear - to flirt
devolver - to throw up
la discoteca - dance club
la fiesta - party
la fiestón - a great party
la ginebra - gin
la jarana - house party
ligar - to make out, to hook up
la marcha - nightlife, as well as the energy Spaniards have during the night
mareado/a - dizzy
la noche - night
pasarlo bien - to have fun
la resaca - hangover
el ron - rum
sobrio/a - sober
la vida nocturna - nightlife
el vino - wine
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jamesniall · 7 years
Answer them all haha
do you have a favourite sweater? idk i think it’s more a hoodie than a sweater lmao but yes it’s a disney one, with mickey’s ears and it’s kind of lilac and it’s soft and warm and i love it
what’s your middle name? paola :/ 
do you still talk to the first person you kissed? if u mean like, a kiss on the lips...i have never done that and i never ever will
do you get on with your grandpa`? i did :( my mom’s father was the best person i’ve ever ever ever met and i miss him so much everyday
what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? rugrats omfkg
what’s your favourite cartoon now? i dont watch them anymore tbh i dont watch tv anymore
do you read the news paper? sometimes, when things happen but it’s not a thing i dutifully do everyday nope
who was the last text you sent to ? my sister
what does the last text you sent say? ‘thanks u asshole’ lmao
if you could have any hair colour what would it be? i dont think i’d ever change my hair color tbh i dont think i’d look good in anything other than black
do you like nature documentaries? yeeeeess
what is your aesthetic? i....dont think i have one tbh....this is a very especific thing but i like concert pics where the artist looks tiny and u can see the crowd and the lights and the stage and it’s in HQ and i can set it up as a wallpaper lmao
when did you last pet a dog? like 2 minutes ago :’)
whose friend’s parents do you like the most? i dont have any friends in real life so i dont know anyone’s parents
have you ever been on a road trip? eehhhh yeah kind of? we used to go to a lil town called ‘anapoima’ and it was a 2 hour trip.....that’s it
tell me about someone you know called emma in real life? u dont find emmas in colombia so idk
are you reading a book in english class, what is it? im not taking an english class like the one you’re probably talking about but i am reading a book, well, re reading tbh, the all for the game series by nora sakavic 10000/10 would recommend
do you have a favourite aunt? yes, sorta, my aunt marta, she used to be my fave and #funfact she was the only one who could get me to sleep when i was a baby but she has her own kids now and we see each other like once a year so yeah idk
baths or showers? i have never in my life taken a bath so i’ll have to go with showers.....also i kind of dont understand how baths work??? do u just....sit there with soapy water??? how do u get the soapy water off??? with a shower??? i dont see the point of baths i have actually never seen a bathtub in my life
skiing or sun bathing? i’ve never done either of those so idk....also i hate the sun bc i get sunburnt in 2 minutes and skiing it’s basically impossible in a city where snow it’s...not a thing....so yeah
do you kill spiders? I WISH I COULD, that sounds mean but i hate spiders i know they are harmless and most of the time they are more scared than i am but i just cant physically get close to a spider, they scare me so fucking much i cant ever kill them so they always run away and i live with the endless anxiety of ‘where are they now? do i have lil baby spiders living with me now?’
have you ever made an ice pop? im not quite sure what an ice pop is so im gonna pretend it’s like...making a paleta so yeah i have
are you wearing shoes right now? nope, just fluffy socks
tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher i didnt have one
who was the last person you hugged? i havent hugged anyone in literal months so i dont remember
do you wear glasses? nope
do you have a cat? nope
do you have a favourite pair of underwear? yep
what was your last tweet? a response to niall’s knee tweet: lmaaaao this is the most me thing ever. did 20 minutes of cardio last tuesday and my knee's achey and swollen. also my hip hurts.
do you still use facebook? ehhh....kind of. to see what my high school ppl are up to i guess
do you like birds? yeah they’re cute
who was the last person you called cute? ......the birds of the question before this one? does that count? if not, probably my dog.
who was the last person that called you cute? idk it was probably years ago 
how did you meet your best friend? i dont have a best friend
escalators or elevators? it depends, there are days when elevators give me anxiety so i’d go with stairs then, but there are days my knees hurt a lot so i’d go with elevators then
are you named after anyone, who? nope
what was your first url? horan-nialler lmao
autumn or winter? idk i have never been through those
do you win at scrabble? ....i have never played scrabble
put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? slow hands by niall horan lmao go listen to it on spotify and buy it on itunes
have you ever drunk from a mason jar? what is a jason bar?
can you draw? i can try
what was your first profile picture?i dont remember lmao
favourite tshirt? dont have one
best tumblr friend? i probably dont have one tbh
when did you last run? in my cardio class last tuesday
do you like to paint your nails? not really
did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? not smth super big that i remember
who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? i only know by lil baby dog
have you ever been drunk? nope
have you ever done something you regret while drunk? go back to question 50
do you want to kiss anyone right now? nope. never. digusting.
do/did you like you math teacher? nope
do you often ride the bus? e v e r y d a y
do you have a fireplace in your house? nope and if i did i’d move out 
are you violent when you’re angry? nope
do you cry when you’re angry? ehhh...nope, i’d have to be way too angry and even then im just quiet
favourite Harry potter book? i havent read the books, just the movies
can you remember your last dream? yep, it was more of a nightmare tbh
do you go to bed early or late? depends if u consider 3-4am late or early
do you speak a second language? yes
who was your first ever best friend? i have never had a best friend
have you ever had an operation? yep, a tooth 
tell me about your favourite cousin i dont have one
do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? nope
have you ever been in a musical? nope
do you have a porch? nope
how many times have you watched your favourite movie?like 1 million probably
what do you order at mcdonalds? idk how to say this in english so: un combo de cuarto de libra con coca cola sin hielo y papas agrandadas
do you get on with old people? yeah i’d like to think so
science fiction or romance? a romance in a sci fi universe
do you take naps? nope but i wish i could
how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? like 20
when did it last snow where you live? it has never snowed but with the weather as it is i wouldnt be surprised if it started snowing one day bc climate change it’s a real and scary thing
does it ever snow where you live? see question before this one
how many months until your birthday? 2 i think
how much charge does your computer have right now? 100%
what is your favourite disney channel movie? hsm
the city or the sea side? sea side even tho i’ve only seen the sea once in my life
what is your least favourite colour? yellow
do you have homework to do? yes my thesis lmao
are you still friends with your first best friend?
do you have/are you the gay cousin? i am the gay cousin
do you own dungarees? nope, but i did when i was like 10
do you like to play sport? nO
what was your favourite ever christmas present? a polaroid camera
how old are you? 21
what is your mum’s name? angela but in spanish so anhela lmao
do you ever use internet explorer? nope
have you ever had blonde hair? NO
is their a play park near your house? yes but it’s a scary place, u go there, u get mugged
when did you last see the person you have a crush on? i saw niall horan on the 25 of april 2014 (im kidding i dont even have a crush on niall idk what a crush is tbh)
who did you last talk to on the phone? my uncle maybe
pants or dresses? pants
do you read fan fiction? it’s all i do
what is you’re favourite blog? @dailyniall
do you write poetry? nope
drama or comedy? drama, i love angst
have you ever had a hickey? no ew
Your own question that you want me to answer is niall horan coming to colombia on 2018? he fucking better
woooooooooow that was a ride odngkjdfg lmao THANK U that was fun!
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Tagged by @charmed-aspie <3
Rules: List 10 songs you’re currently vibing on and tag 10 people.
1. Ed Sheeran - Shape of you 2. The 1975 - Girls 3. Calle 13 - No hay nadie como tú 4. Alma - Requiem 5. IMRI - I feel alive 6. Beyoncé ft Ed Sheeran - Drunk in love 7. EXO - Ko-Ko-Bop 8. Morat - Amor con hielo  9. ZAZ - Je veux                                                                                                 10. Salvador Sobral - Amar pelos dois 
I tag @perfectblackthorns @nandawrites @i-am-but-a-humble-potato @ailecstuff @aegyo-me
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deshumano · 7 years
Dejando poco mas que mucho bebí del humo cósmico de tu boca. Tú apareciste como estrella fugaz tantas veces yo repetido cubos de hielo infinito comportamientos irascibles no tan propios de mi ser indomable alejado de toda realidad comprensible un poco de realidad con mezcalina una mixtura de poemas quemados por el sol. Así me describen los días vividos y mi mundo que muere cada paso a la vez miré en el fuego de tu alma y la sombra de tu desnudez miré en los cerros de la ciudad y encontré mas pisadas que mar la sutileza se marchaba entre conversaciones.
Tú cabello nunca olvidado entre mis manos y tus ojos infinitos de mares turbulentos de pasión, tus besos resonantes en mi memoria aquel día que todo empezó y tu destellas de mi ausencia sé que nunca olvidaremos las pisadas en la arena y tus facetas de improviso tu música colérica y sobre todo tu autentico amor
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effleuree · 7 years
sunday night
we bought cucs at the airport and a pack of cigarettes for only 3 cucs  a very good looking man came up to us, taxi? we finished smoking and got into his car,  o my god we’re in havana, all the songs that I already love being played loud
our hostess’ name was magali she speaks no english it’s late but la & i want to go out sparkling wine on the flight and coffee and coffee on landing because we’d already decided we want to be up late we don’t even change and ask magali  taxi.. quiero bailar to.. uh.. casa de la musica? she finds us a driver. he’s going to charge us 15 there and we say 20 if he will come back to get us later to take us home, we’ll pay 10 later
we pull up to a place called 1830  no es.. casa de la musica but he says it’s good so we get out
aqui.. tres horas we thought we were telling him to pick us up at 3 am
it’s balmy out, 27 degrees  an outdoor venue i am already comparing it to mexico city it’s much less glamorous, people seem less dressed for other people the women are in flat shoes they wear their hair naturally  i am happy to not be wearing lipstick 
there’s a live band  la goes to get another drink and a local takes my hand to dance
it feels different here it’s much more about the steps  which he shows me
bachata he says when the song changes and i realize that’s supposed to mean something to me he shows me the steps
1830 closes at 1 because it’s sunday 
we meet his friend outside the four of us go down the street to bar canada no, no bar canada! quiero bar cuba we say but we have to find somewhere to go until 3 am anyway in my memory it looks like a house with a canadian flag hanging from the upstairs window
we don’t hear any music playing the door man opens the door for us  there’s a vestibule with two cuban men sitting in chairs it’s dark why don’t we hear any music la says  wait wait savannah i don’t know if we should.. come on la, I say the other door opens up into the bar,  music
we dance
we go out to have a cigarette
his name is george  his english is really not very good he helps me along in my spanish  it occurs to me that I’ve been drinking my whiskey on ice agua i say and make a wave with my hand más frío y más frío and the wave becomes a clenched fist ... enfermos?
he laughs. no enfermos but he tells me not to drink the water he says in spanish that tomorrow I should buy a bottle of water because tap water will make me sick I understand that it doesn’t make him sick
hielo is ice sounds like yellow
the bacteria is killed when the water is frozen
i decide to believe him because i’ve been drinking whiskey on ice all night it’s too late 
he teaches breakdancing he says we dance salsa some more
he invites la and i to have dinner with him and his parents the next night
we agree to meet at hotel habana libre next day at 2 we’re going to go to the beach he says he’s also a masseur and would I like a massage on the beach tomorrow yes I say. he tells me that if i ever come back to cuba I don’t have to stay in a hotel his family would be happy to host me
so generous
he says he has a garden in his backyard  that’s where we’ll eat  he lists all the vegetables he grows  flores tambien? i ask sí!
la and will are inside dancing he wants me to touch his hair maybe he thinks it’s the first time that i’m touching black hair i hear solange’s don’t touch my hair in my head he doesn’t kiss the way i’d expected 
they walk us back to 1830 at 3 music plays on somebody’s phone and we dance on the street outside of this old salsa club beside the malecon, the smell of the water is healing it places me this feeling that i associate with being young floods over me it has to do with taking charge of the night/ something to do with permission or with being unhinged from consequence around 4 we realize our driver is not coming back
we tell george that we’d paid him 20 cucs
his jaw drops he should have driven us for 5 he says 7 maximum
george asks if it’s alright if we all share a taxi
he puts his hand out
and an old car pulls over it’s black and matte i really take notice of how it looks there’s nothing to indicate that it’s a taxi but I did notice when we were dropped off that other people were getting out of the backs of cars that also weren’t taxis george negotiates price for us la and I both assume that they will drop us off first  but they get out at a street corner and point aqui hotel habana libre. aqui, mañana!
la pulls out the address of our airbnb
he brings us to that neighbourhood
we can tell that he’s lost
he asks a couple of people still awake outside 
(because night never really feels like night)
for directions
and then we end up down a smaller street  and a group of 6 or 7 men slowly approach the car he turns the music down he’s just going to ask for directions, I think but I can see us in the back of the car
visually it’s bad news
I can’t believe how stupid we are. I can’t believe we got into a local’s car at 4 am and I invent the worst. he’s just been pretending to not know where to go (there’s no meter so it wasn’t to get more money out of us) and he knows these people i inventory what i have on me; only 30 cucs and my cards-- i’d left my passport and phone in our room. as a woman this is what you hope for: that you will only be robbed that only what is replaceable will be taken
the car is very old and very run down and the back doors can only be opened from the outside this means we are trapped inside
la and I stay silent
they exchange words in spanish
it could be ancient greek I don’t understand a word
I’m scared but mostly I’m mad for having gotten myself into this situation. one of them is leaning into the window and exchanging words with our driver i can feel the eyes of the other men looking at us through la’s window
I’m looking away, in the other direction out my own window at nothing it must be obvious that i’m scared because there’s absolutely nothing to look at down that dark street it occurs to me that I am trying to hide my eyes
like they’re precious jewels
I worry that the men will think they make me worth something
we might already be in trouble but if we’re not i don’t want my eyes to be the reason~
peripherals on hyperalert. that’s what our silence is like and I can tell that la too is gauging the situation 
then the men back away from the car slowly
and we drive off slowly
our driver turns up the music slowly
I can’t believe that we’re safe
our hostess had been waiting up for us we fall asleep very quickly we’re safe so we can actually feel how drunk we are we fall asleep without noticing just how uncomfortable the bed is because we’re so drunk
the next morning la did you think we were going to die last night? i say
i was sure something was going to happen, she says
and we were trapped!
I know! she says
we laugh
it’s already after noon. we can’t remember if we’re supposed to meet them at noon or at 1400
I don’t think I actually want to meet them, I say
Me neither, she says
I still feel bad about having stood them up.  especially george,  my actions don’t show that I saw his kindness  but we had no way of telling them and I think that we were afraid that if we met up with them  we’d feel obliged to spend our whole trip together
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oldtompar · 6 years
Respiro profundo y trago, me duele verte feliz   no sé porque si así era que quería verte y todo lo que hago te pinta en mi nube gris, estúpido por arriesgarme a quererte. Y quiero saber de ti, creo tener derecho pues hacerte daño es lo que más daño me ha hecho Hoy desecho con el corazón en Chernobyl, I'm getting drunk tonight for this whole shit I feel. Sal de mis ojeras, sal de mis desvelos, sabes ser la primera por la que siento celos, la primera que busco entre cerveza y hielos ya ni se como luzco respirando en tu pelo. Ya no disfruto escribir frases así pues hoy me duele, antes se me hacía fácil, Me alejaste de ti como se alejan las horas en un reloj de arena con afán y sin demoras. Me quiero ir hay algo que me tiene atado, es que... podría ser el que te saque esa sonrisa. Pa' que sufrir el tiempo ya fue malgastado y espero que sea él quien te escuche poetiza... Entre tus risas y otros recuerdos felices guardaré estas putas copas y las cosas que me dices, le rociaré ginebra y veré cómo sube el humo pues, Sé que no me quieres ver y así lo asumo. Y todo fue culpa mía, pues te prometí el cielo y solo te di rimas y un poco de consuelo... Te juré que serías lo más importante para luego poner mis canciones por delante Y yo dejo que el humo baile, dibujé recuerdos en el aire, que me ponga ciego y después me recuerde en braille. Maldito día gris en el cual tu me dijiste, No te vuelvo a buscar porque nunca me quisiste. ¿Que hiciste? No acostumbrabas a hacerme daño cuando te conocí hace más de un año Yo me siento débil diciéndote que te extraño y peor cuando me dices que verme te hace daño girl.
Una vacante. 
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cjburgosf · 7 years
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Con 2 hielos... #drink #drunk #nightlife #ice #lenka #bar #darkness #instalike
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