#hifi setup
ladelnet · 5 months
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eightiesfan · 1 year
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Dual - 1978
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transette · 1 year
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Did some upgrades to my room hifi! Made some feet and a stand so my record player can sit on top of my "new" CD player! First time in like a year I've done any 3d printing!
(current setup is a Sansui SR-5090 turntable with an ART DJPREII phono preamp, a Sony CDP-215 CD player, a Qinpu Q-2 tube amp, and a Technics M205 cassette deck. Earphones are Audio-Technica ATH-A990Z, and some random Sony speakers)
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minotaurfemme · 1 year
a lil snippet of Open Mike Eagle & Video Dave
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soundinnovators · 4 months
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Hifi Audio System Installation | Speakers Installation | Sound Innovators
Experience crystal-clear sound with our HiFi Audio System Installation & Speaker Installation. Sound Innovators delivers unmatched audio quality for an immersive listening experience.
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eksentrismi · 5 months
I rearranged my setup and got myself a retro HiFi-system + some chunky speakers today >:)
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rivertigo · 6 months
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My dad never played me any music as a kid despite all the remnants of his old hifi setup except for a single shine down album in the old car we took out twice a year and YET I ended up with a like 50% similarity of music taste ughhh and now he listens to a bunch of stupid as fuck dad rock from the early 2000s and the occasional nial horan shit worst glow down in the history of ever
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
I'm assuming you listen to music. What technology to you use to do so?
(I mean streaming services (which one? I'm in the marked for a good one) / piracy / buying cds / ...; but if you wanna talk about audio cards / laserdisc players / ... I'd find that interesting too)
a mixture !!! i still use spotify (unfortunately), mainly for shared playlists for gigs and quick discovery of new stuff. i have an mpd server for anything i download (bought, pirated etc.) or that i rip from physical media, and i do have a couple CDs but don't really use them much.
i'm getting an old 80s (i originally though it was 90s but nope) JVC hifi my parents never threw out which has dual tape decks, CD player, vinyl and FM tuner, probably around christmas time when i visit, and i'm hoping that'll encourage me to buy, borrow (friends, libraries), and burn more physical media to listen to. i'd probably also hook it up as a secondary output for my PC if i wanted to play music from there (i believe the hifi has an aux option). i'd be tempted to hook it up as an input as well (to listen to vinyls on headphones at my desk or easily rip tapes) but i'm kinda limited on inputs.
since we're on inputs and you mentioned being interested in like the hardware side of things as well as the format side, i have a focusrite scarlett 4i4 (4 ins, 4 outs) connected to my desktop and a pair of the ever-reliable ATH-M50x headphones. focusrite hardware is all usb standards-compliant and while there's no official control centre, someone reversed-engineered a few and mine is supported so i have actual hardware control of it via ALSA Scarlett Control Panel, and software routing can be done in pipewire.
when i get my mpd setup fleshed out more i'd love to have access to it from my phone w/ the ultimate goal of all my music being either in that library or physically on a shelf - probably both for any physical media i buy (we love backups !!)
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coughloop · 1 year
i thinbk it was on here does anyone know that video of the guy explaining his speaker setup in his hifi stereo listening room where he has like a specific type of wood on poles that are supposed to trap the sound in a specific part of the room and it ends with him playing like a really shitty sounding old ass like 30s jazz song i cant remember where i saw it but it was so fucking funny i want to watch it again so bad
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lucysweatslove · 11 months
I have way too much on my plate and am in such a bad mood.
Last night my parents decided to have another argument over my dad’s new speakers. For context, he got his old set in the 90s. He started looking into a new setup a couple years ago. This was a huge source of strife in their definitely not super rocky marriage (sarcasm) where my dad would go to Best Buy just to listen to cool speakers and have to hide it from my mom. Note that both my parents are working professionals and have more than enough money for new speakers. They have a very nice retirement nest egg and are well off enough to literally pay for my med school without any issues. They paid off their home years ago.
My dad is also huge into music. For as long as I can remember, his music collection has been super prized and special. Once I took one of his CDs and almost lost it, and it was so distressing to him that he moved his entire collection away from the family’s. He would put loud surfer music on to relax when I was a kid and spent a lot of time watching music performances from the 60s and 70s. He got Sirius XM when I was in middle school and would routinely quiz me on the music, saying I should just be able to recognize a band from their style. When I was a young teen, he shared another album with me when I was sick, and that was like, the most special way he knew how to connect.
My point being, music isn’t a new hobby and my parents have more than enough money to get him a fancy hifi set. My mom just kept refusing because why aren’t the “top of the line” speakers from the 90s good enough?
Well my dad finally got his new speakers but decided to move them to his (home) office. So he did. And that set off another argument with threats of divorce.
And they brought my little sister into the middle of it using hugely manipulative language. Yeah my sis is now technically an adult, but she’s still their child and it’s grossly inappropriate to put your child in between the two of you. She’s a human, not a pawn.
So I woke up in a shit mood already, and I had a busy day of a doctor’s appointment, a therapy appointment, clinical medicine workshop, then a class where I have to give a stupid chalk talk which I’ve been so sick and so busy that I just. Haven’t had time to prepare at all.
And as I start getting dressed, I realize I have no idea if I’m expected to be in professional dress for the workshop because there is no indication online if we have guest panelists or speakers or sim patients. But the professional clothes are all overstimulating and itchy and I was like *this close* to mini meltdown status, so I emailed the course lead to ask… put on clothes that were just comfortable in the mean time… packed a bag with professional clothes to change into if needed..
I get an email back that doesn’t even answer the question, stating that professional attire is required for patients, sim patients, speakers, and panelists. Which I knew. I didn’t know if we had another of those today, because there isn’t any info about it online. I emailed back but haven’t heard back.
My doctor is now running 45 min late (I’ve been here for over an hour), I had to turn off the lights in the exam room because they were too bright, and I had to cancel/reschedule therapy because it was supposed to start at 11.
I’m not mad at anybody in particular other than my parents. I’m just annoyed and overstimulated and want to crawl into a dark pit and sob.
And of course in the car to the hospital, I was practicing telling the nurse I would like to decline being weighed. Because I know it would be triggering. But when she grabbed me, I couldn’t do it.
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rockergiirl · 6 months
I just remembered the time I was sitting on the train after work, I can hear even through my noise cancelling headphones someone was playing their music outloud, and then comes this person in a kinda hippy outfit holding a small boombox looking speaker, they sit in the area with the 4 seats that face each other, not on one of the chairs, they are sitting on the floor between the chairs, because I guess if the train has to suddenly stop or something they want to die a warriors death, and they just made themself at home, putting their bag and speaker on the seat in front for that hifi audio setup
It was at that point I moved to a different carriage because a) I have my own music, and b) I have enough experiences with eccentric weirdos on public transport and aren't looking for more
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mokeymokey · 1 year
Why do middling professional internet media people love to yell at their juniors about using high quality gear like you are telling jokes online. No one cares. I genuinely can't fathom why anyone would need an XLR mic at all for like twitch streaming. The 0.8% of your audience that watches you through like a 9 million dollar home cinema hifi setup can cry about it in their perverted little audiophile cave. But I'm not in the business so maybe I just don't get it..!?
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eightiesfan · 2 years
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JVC G-AV500 (1983)
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Oh my god is that all your vintage gear?
Please, tell me about it.
That is my main HiFi setup. It's made mostly of thrift store finds I've worked on.
The main turntable is a Dual 1229 that was in a very dustcover/plinth. The original cartridge's right channel had a slightly noticeable distortion so I upgraded it to a Ortofon super om 10.
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This is the Panasonic 8-Track, AM/FM radio and the preamp for my 78 playback. It was originally my main preamp for a cheap BSR record changer turntable I got as a upgrade to my starting 5 in one no name unit when I was about 15
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This Sanyo is probably the piece of equipment that has lasted me the longest. I got it when I was about 14. I'm still surprised that the belts are still good, and I haven't had any issues with it over the 10 or so years I've had it l.
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This absolute unit is a fairly recent addition. I kinda always wanted to add CDs to my system but never found a player that stood out to me, that was until a few months ago I came across this 200 CD mega storage Sony unit. The incredible excessiveness of it was greatly comical to me and I had to have it.
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The tan kind of brownish one with all those fun enticing knobs is a Raymer 800-35 A solid state amplifier that's used with a very special piece I'll show at the end.
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The one on top with the cute iDogs on top is the Paramount Pictures Model 1000 Stereo Sound Decoder. It makes the music go from cool stereo separation to an all encompassing room of sound. It sounds pretty good.
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And finally my most priced unit. A very special piece of equipment. One that was a childhood dream of mine to own. I honestly never expected to own one. It's my Rek-O-Kut TR43H Recording Lathe. It's used to cut records. The Raymer amplifier is what I use to power the cutting head as it needs an 8ohm signal to produce audio, similarly to a speaker. I acquired this about 2 years ago. The person selling it was an older gentleman in his 80s. He was just not getting any use out of it and in his old age he needed some extra funds for medical expenses. It's the only piece in my main setup I didn't find at a thrift store and is the most expensive thing I bought for it. It took me about 2 years fiddling around with it before I finally started getting the decent results I get now.
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Here's the kind of audio quality I've reproduced.
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gothprentiss · 7 months
many great things arise from having a decent audio setup. much of our technological present is frightening but the fact that good audio equipment can be got quite cheap always makes me feel kinda hopeful. however definitely a highlight hifi experience for me is listening to something i haven’t touched since my gas station earbuds days and being like oh! wow! all this detail and none of it sounds good! like it is always so funny. those earbuds were protecting me
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soundinnovators · 4 months
Audio Visual Installation And Home Audio Systems Installation | Sound Innovators
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Welcome to Sound Innovators! Elevate your home entertainment with luxury audio-visual systems. We are specializing in home theater, hi-fi audio, and automation solutions in Mumbai and Pune. Experience the cinema-quality sound and advanced home automation today!
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