nightingaleflow · 2 years
A ship dynamic guide for all of my OC couples (thanks @tired-biscuit for the idea <3)
Aki x Gaara
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Nezumi x Rock Lee
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Natsumi x Chojuro
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Kakashi x Hifumi x Might Guy
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Holly x Gaara
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Sakura x Mariana
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Rock Lee x Evie
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(All images found on Pinterest)
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
Bonding Time
Fandom: Naruto Rating: T Relationships: Hifumi Ueno (OC) & Tenten, Hifumi x Kakashi x Gai (side pairing - Kakashi is only mentioned in this story, Hifumi x Gai is present but not the focus) Other characters: Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee Word Count: 2,460 Warnings: Open and frank discussion/depiction of menstruation
A/N: This is yet another story that's been cooking in my brain for like a year. <3
It occurred to me a long time ago that Tenten didn't really have anyone to discuss puberty/periods with. So I decided to give her one in the form of Hifumi, my OC that's in a throuple with Gai and Kakashi.
Setting wise, this is intended to be pre-Chunin Exams, so Team Gai has been together for several months but they're all still very much genin. Tenten would be 12-ish.
I hope you enjoy it. <3
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Hifumi sat silently in her tree, the shifting leaves concealing her presence as her heavy sword hung on her back. Her dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, her mismatched eyes narrowing. Through the waving branches, she could see Gai’s team running laps. Gai stood in the center, barking encouragement at them. Lee was already ten laps ahead of the others, looking cheerful despite the sweat and flushing on his skin. Neji was next, running at an even pace with an annoyed look on his face. Then, last of all, was Tenten, who looked like she either wanted to kill them all or throw up, possibly both.
The previous day, Gai had come to Hifumi’s house after training with a concerned look on his face. After some prodding from her and Kakashi, Gai finally confided what was wrong. “It’s one of my precious students, Tenten,” he explained. “Today, in the middle of training, she said she wasn’t feeling well and abruptly left. I went to check on her later, and she was incredibly embarrassed before slamming the door.” He sipped his tea quietly. “It’s my suspicion that Tenten may have…become a woman.”
Hifumi lightly flicked him on the forehead. “I hate that expression,” she said as Gai indignantly rubbed the spot. “Just call it a period, Gai.”
“Well, whatever you want to call it, I believe that’s what’s happening with Tenten,” Gai said. “And I know that she has her friends, of course, but she has no older women she can call on right now. No family, no mentors. No one she can confide in if she has questions about…periods, or anything else of that nature.”
“I see,” Hifumi said. “So you’d like me to be that woman?”
“Precisely,” Gai said. “There’s no one else I trust more to help in this matter. So, Hifumi, will you do it?”
Hifumi kissed his cheek. “Of course. I’d be honored.”
They’d made arrangements for Hifumi to come out and meet Gai’s team the following day, which is how Hifumi found herself in the tree now. And, as she watched, she saw more signs that Gai had been right. The slight grimace in Tenten’s expression. The subtle touching of her stomach before jerking her hand away. How much more she was sweating compared to her teammates.
Hifumi winced sympathetically. She knew that feeling all too well.
Finally, Gai called for a break. Tenten collapsed almost instantly, gulping down half of her water in a matter of seconds. Gai smiled sympathetically, then glanced towards the trees. Hifumi immediately leaped down, landing on her feet as light as a cat.
Neji’s head instantly snapped towards her. “Who goes there?”
Hifumi smirked, waving at them. “About time one of you noticed me,” she said. “Sounds like you’re slacking in your training, Gai.”
Gai grinned. “Hifumi, my angel, I’m so glad you found us!”
“Gai-sensei, who is this?” Lee asked.
“Ah, yes, how rude of me. My precious students, this is Hifumi Ueno,” Gai said, clasping a hand on Hifumi’s shoulder. “Hifumi, these are my students: Lee, Neji, and Tenten.”
Lee immediately smiled and bowed to her. “It is an honor to meet you, Miss Ueno!”
“Likewise,” Hifumi said. “Gai’s told me a great deal about you three.”
Neji frowned. “Why is she here though?”
“Now, Neji, don’t be rude,” Gai said. “Hifumi is here…to…uh…”
He looked at Hifumi for help. She chuckled, then took over. “Gai told me about your training. And from what I’ve heard, the three of you have made remarkable strides. But, when you train with the same people over and over again, things can become stale as you get used to each other’s rhythms. So Gai asked if I would come out to give you all a fresh opponent.”
“Yes, exactly!” Gai said, giving a thumbs up as his teeth sparkled.
“Oh, how wonderful! May I go first?” Lee asked, raising his hand.
Hifumi shook her head. “I’m flattered by your enthusiasm, but you misunderstand. I’ll be fighting all three of you at once.”
Tenten looked aghast. “Three against one? How is that fair?”
Hifumi shrugged. “Are you three ready?”
Lee grinned, one hand tucked behind his back. Neji’s eyes narrowed, the veins around his eyes bulging as he activated his Byakugan. Tenten’s hand rested on a scroll at her waist. All of them tensed, waiting.
Gai raised his hand. “And…begin!”
Hifumi smiled, drawing her sword from its scabbard and tossing it into the air above them. As the team watched it fly in confusion, Hifumi teleported next to Lee. He had remarkable reflexes, able to catch her hand as she aimed a punch at his ribs. But in doing so, he twisted on the balls of his feet, leaving him unbalanced. She swung her leg under him, knocking him to the ground.
Picking him up, she tossed him in the direction of Neji and Tenten, who were rapidly approaching. Tenten caught him, but the sudden weight knocked her to the ground. Neji stood protectively in front of them, and Hifumi felt the chakra swirling around her.
“You’re done,” Neji said, taking an aggressive stance. 
The sword she’d tossed up landed in her hand.
“Eight Trigrams, 64 Palms!”
He darted closer, his fingers pointed and ready to block her chakra points. Hifumi swung her sword, blocking his hits with ease.
Neji’s expression grew frustrated as he rained more blows down on her. “4 Palms! 8 Palms! 16 Palms!”
Hifumi just chuckled, parrying the hits as if they were raindrops. She moved fluidly around the battlefield, her sword an extension of her arm as she blocked the final flurry of 64.
“Impossible,” Neji hissed. “How the hell did you block all that?”
Hifumi snorted, then backhanded Neji, sending him flying into his teammates. “You’re not the first Hyuga I’ve fought, kid.”
Neji growled but didn’t comment.
“Well, I can see that Hifumi is absolutely right,” Gai said, folding his arms as he peered down at them. “I’ve clearly been going too easy on you. Starting tomorrow, we’re going to triple our regiment.”
Hifumi didn’t miss the way Tenten paled.
“Well, that’s tomorrow,” Hifumi said, resheathing her sword. “For now, why don’t we get some water?”
Gai beamed at her, passing her a water bottle. Hifumi flopped onto the grass, sipping gratefully. Gai sat next to her, gesturing for his team to come closer. They looked wary at first, but slowly approached, sitting in a large circle as they drank their own water. Within a few minutes, they had relaxed, chatting like old friends.
“Miss Ueno, how did you meet Gai-sensei?” Lee asked.
“Hifumi and I met back in the Academy,” Gai replied, his eyes growing misty from the memories. 
“She was one of my favorite sparring partners. Always knew how to push me to my limits!”
“Still do,” Hifumi said, giving him a teasing smile.
Tenten’s eyes widened as she looked back and forth between them. “So, what, are you Gai-sensei’s girlfriend?”
Gai chuckled. “Now, now, you don’t need to worry about my relationships,” he said. “Hifumi is very special to me. But so are all of you in your own special ways.”
Hifumi beamed at him. “Gai has told me so much about you all,” she said. “And I know that Gai takes good care of you. But should you ever need something, and Gai isn’t around, feel free to come to me and I’ll do my best to help you.” She chuckled. “Or hell, if he is around and there’s something you don’t want to tell him, come find me.”
“Hey now,” Gai pouted. “Don’t go encouraging my students to keep secrets!”
Hifumi just laughed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tenten’s expression change. She looked so hopeful, her eyes wide and sparkling, her lips parted. Then she winced, pain lacing her expression. 
Hifumi immediately changed the subject. “Well, I suppose that’s enough of a break,” she said, knocking back the rest of the water. “What do you think, Gai?”
“I agree!” he said, springing to his feet.
Hifumi slid to the side as Gai directed Neji and Lee to spar, stopping next to Tenten. “Gai tells me you’re a bit of a weapon specialist,” she said casually.
Tenten snapped to attention. “Yes,” she said. “I train with every weapon I can get my hands on.”
Hifumi smiled. “How are you with a sword?”
“Pretty good, same as with any other weapon.”
“Would you like to get a little better?”
“Sure!” Tenten chirped, summoning a sword from her scroll.
Hifumi coached Tenten for the next hour, running her through a basic pattern dance as she adjusted her grip and stance. Then, as they were about to move on to a second one, Tenten’s face paled. “Shit,” she whispered.
“Are you all right?” Hifumi asked.
Tenten’s cheeks burned, and she chewed her lip, unwilling to answer. On her leg, Hifumi spotted a red streak that was growing darker. Immediately, Hifumi removed her jacket, wrapping it around Tenten. “Go wait by the trees,” she whispered. “I’ll be right there.”
Tenten nodded and darted away without argument. Hifumi put on her most charming smile and went over to Gai. “Hey,” she whispered. “I’m stealing Tenten for the rest of the day.”
Gai smiled, giving her a thumbs up. “Thank you,” he whispered back.
Hifumi sweetly kissed his cheek, then hurried over to where Tenten was hiding. As they left, they heard Gai bark, “I didn’t tell you two to stop! Again!”
They arrived at Hifumi’s house a few minutes later, Tenten looking like she was close to tears. Hifumi gently escorted her to the bathroom. “Feel free to get cleaned up,” she said, gesturing to her shower. “I also have tampons and pads under the sink. Take whatever you need.”
“Thank you,” Tenten said.
Hifumi closed the bathroom door, then rummaged through her dresser, pulling out her smallest pair of sweatpants. Then she hurried to the kitchen and filled her kettle with water. It had just begun to whistle when she heard the shower shut off. She set the kettle aside, then gently knocked on the bathroom door. “Here,” she offered gently. “I have a change of clothes for you. They’re probably a little big, but it’s better than nothing.”
The door opened a crack, Tenten warily peeking through. “I’m just going to mess them up too.”
“Nothing a little cold water won’t fix,” Hifumi said. “Speaking of which, do you know how to get the blood out?”
Tenten shook her head.
“I’ll show you in a bit, then. In the meantime, come to the living room once you’re ready.”
Tenten appeared a few minutes later. Hifumi’s clothes fit her better than she thought, much to her relief. Hifumi smiled and offered her a steaming mug of tea. Tenten sat on the couch, sipping the tea silently.
“This tea is one of my favorites,” Hifumi said. “It’s got chamomile and ginger, which is good for relaxation as well as cramps. It should help relieve some of your pain.”
“I hope so,” Tenten muttered, sipping her tea irritably. Then she blinked and looked up. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean…”
Hifumi chuckled. “It’s fine,” she said. “I was the same way when I started. Still can be some months.”
“How do you do it?” Tenten asked.
“Be a ninja while dealing with-” Tenten winced, pressing her hand against her belly. “This.”
“You have to find what helps dull the pain,” Hifumi replied. “For me, it’s tea, chocolate, and painkillers. It also pays to keep a calendar of when your periods are, especially if you’re actively taking missions.”
Tenten groaned. “I can’t imagine being out in the field like this. This would be a nightmare.”
Hifumi nodded. “It sucks, believe me. But it’s something we have to deal with as women and shinobi.” She grabbed a giant box of chocolates from the counter. “Here, try some of these.”
Tenten tentatively nibbled the corner of a chocolate square. For the first time, Hifumi saw the ghost of a smile appear on her lips. “That’s really good,” Tenten said.
“Glad you like it,” Hifumi said, eating a chocolate heart. “Gai and Kakashi gave me a bunch, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to eat them all.”
Tenten frowned. “Wait…Gai-sensei and Kakashi-sensei?”
Hifumi nodded. 
“I thought you were Gai-sensei’s girlfriend?”
“I never confirmed anything of the sort,” Hifumi said, smiling as she sipped her tea.
Tenten’s frown deepened. “So…you’re not?”
Hifumi smirked at her. “Why are you so worried about my relationships?”
Tenten turned red. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude…”
Hifumi just laughed. “It’s fine, Tenten.” 
She pulled a photo from the kitchen counter and offered it to Tenten. The photo showed Hifumi between Kakashi and Gai. Each man had an arm draped over Hifumi’s shoulder, while Hifumi’s arms were around their waists. Gai and Hifumi both had huge smiles on their faces. Kakashi’s smile was hidden behind his mask, but his visible eye was sparkling, indicating he was just as happy.
Tenten’s eyes grew wide as she examined the photo. “Wow.”
Hifumi nodded, smiling warmly. “We’ve been partners for a long time now.”
Tenten looked up at her. “How do you have the energy for both of them? I can barely keep up with just Gai-sensei during training.”
Hifumi laughed hard. “Your guess is as good as mine. They both demand a lot of energy, that’s for sure.” She smiled fondly at the photo. “But they’re worth it.”
Tenten smiled, setting the photo down. “I think the tea’s starting to work.”
“I’m glad,” Hifumi said. “I’ll send you home with some packs to get you started.” She snapped her fingers. “Speaking of which, where are your pants? Let me show you how to get the stains out.”
Tenten led her to the bathroom. She listened patiently as Hifumi demonstrated what to do, running the stain under cold water and scrubbing it with peroxide. When Hifumi finished, Tenten thanked her, then looked away hesitantly. 
“What is it?” Hifumi asked.
“Gai-sensei knows about this, doesn’t he?” Tenten’s face burned. “That’s why you were really at training today, wasn’t it?”
Hifumi nodded. “Gai suspected it after you left training yesterday, but he figured you wouldn’t want to talk to him about it, especially not around your teammates.”
Tenten chuckled. “Well, he was right.” She smiled. “I really appreciate you doing this for me.”
“Of course,” Hifumi said.
“Will you also thank him for me?”
“I will,” Hifumi promised. “And I meant what I said, by the way. If you ever need anything - whether it’s emergency supplies or just a friendly ear - you can always come to me. I’d be happy to help.”
Tenten smiled. “I’ll probably take you up on that.”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @therozpoz @undersero @headcanonsmadepublic
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nightingaleflow · 9 months
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Happy birthday to my poly ANBU queen, Hifumi Ueno! (October 3)
Kakashi and Gai are preparing the best takoyaki possible as we speak. <3
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Pairing: Hifumi Ueno (OC) x Kakashi Hatake x Maito Gai Word Count: 1.7k Summary: Hifumi comes home to find Kakashi and Gai acting a little too friendly. Warnings/Tags: 3-person relationship, rivalry shenanigans, tooth-rotting fluff, sexual implication at the very end.
A/N: It's finally Hifumi's turn to be in the spotlight! About time too, I love Mama Swan and want her to be happy. <3
If you want to know a little more about her, here is her character profile.
This is set during the time skip between OG Naruto and Shippuden.
Please enjoy!
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Ten days. That’s how long Hifumi had been out in the field, watching the new ANBU trainees go through their first mock mission. It would have been enough to drain anyone’s energy even on a good day. But this batch of recruits seemed to go out of their way to mess up every possible thing. They stepped on every twig and crunchy leaf they could find. They lit a campfire on the third night and then again on the seventh. One person lost their mask and hastily reconstructed a new one out of mud and leaves. They fought amongst themselves constantly about who was in charge, what route to take, what formations to take in battle. It was like they were fresh out of the Academy and not adults ready to take on the most dangerous missions for their village.
By the time they arrived back in Konoha, Hifumi had written the most scathing report in her career. She left it on Tsunade’s desk, then trudged towards her small house near the library, just happy to finally be home.
As she approached her front door, she saw that her lights were already on and a delicious scent was wafting from within. Through the windows, she could see her house was spotless, the floors vacuumed and the shelves dusted.
In spite of her exhaustion, she smiled.
When she walked inside, she could hear Kakashi and Gai talking in the kitchen. She slipped off her shoes and hid her mask in the compartment by the door before joining them. “Hey boys,” she said. 
Gai looked up from where he was chopping vegetables, his face lighting up as he saw her. “Hifumi! How are you, my angel?”
“Tired,” she replied. “But happy to be home.” She smiled at them. “How are you two?”
Kakashi smiled at her, his mask nowhere to be found. “Better now that you’re home.”
“Oh?” Hifumi asked. “Did something happen?”
“No, not at all,” Kakashi reassured her. “The village just always seems nicer when you’re here.”
Hifumi laughed. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Kakashi.” She stretched her shoulders, then stepped around the counter. “Anything I can help with?”
Gai swooped in and pressed a kiss against her cheek. “Not tonight, my dear,” he said. “We’ve got everything under control. You should just rest for a bit.”
“I drew a bath for you,” Kakashi said. “Why don’t you relax while we finish up?”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Hifumi said. “A bath is exactly what I need right now.”
“Was it that bad?”
“Don’t get me started.”
Kakashi turned and pressed a kiss of his own on her other cheek. “You can tell us all about it over dinner. Now, shoo. We’ll come get you when it’s ready.”
Hifumi made a face at him, but did as he said.
She sighed with relief as the shower rinsed away the layer of grime from the past week. Feeling her own skin again, unburdened by sweat and mud, was heavenly. Then, when she climbed into the bath, the water was the exact right temperature - not too hot, not too cold. 
Hifumi leaned back in the tub, the steam and warm water soothing away her stress. 
The only thing that could have made it better was Kakashi and Gai joining her, but that was just going to have to wait. Dinner smelled way too good.
Fifteen minutes later, Gai came and knocked. “Dinner’s just about ready, Hifumi.”
“Thanks, Gai. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Hifumi quickly dressed in loose black pants and a burgundy shirt, then walked out to the dining room. Gai smiled at her, then pulled out a chair for her just as she reached for it.
“Thanks,” she said, looking at him curiously as she sat down. “What’s the occasion?”
“Do I need an occasion to spoil you, my angel?”
Hifumi raised an eyebrow. “No, I suppose not.”
“Here,” Kakashi said. He laid a plate in front of her. “Everything just came off the stove, so it’ll be nice and hot.”
Hifumi’s jaw dropped when she saw what was sitting in front of her. Eight perfectly formed takoyaki balls were nestled among fried rice and steamed vegetables.
“You actually made takoyaki?”
Kakashi nodded. “After ten days, I’m sure you were craving some.”
“You’re right,” Hifumi said, grinning at him. “Thank you so much.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the flash of annoyance on Gai’s face. But by the time she turned to him, it had been replaced by his usual grin.
She waited until they were both seated with their own plates before digging in. She nearly moaned when she popped the first ball in her mouth. Tears stung her eyes as she fanned her mouth.
“Too hot?” Kakashi asked.
Hifumi shook her head as she swallowed. “It’s so good,” she said. “When did you learn to make these?”
“About…” Kakashi looked at the clock. “An hour ago.”
“Could have fooled me. They’re fantastic. Way better than bugs and roots.”
“So what happened on your mission?” Gai asked.
Hifumi sighed. “Our newest batch of recruits is not ready to be ANBU,” she replied. “For ten days, I watched them do nothing but make fundamental mistakes. I’m shocked they graduated from the Academy, let alone got recruited to our ranks.” She glanced at Kakashi. “It was like watching Naruto and two of his clones trying to be ANBU.”
“That’s a horrifying thought,” Kakashi said.
“What did they do?” Gai asked.
Hifumi ran through the list of mistakes her recruits had made, earning sympathetic hums from Kakashi and scandalized gasps from Gai. In between, she devoured her food, promising herself she’d never take proper meals for granted again.
When they finished eating, Kakashi offered to take care of the dishes. Still feeling tired, Hifumi agreed, wincing as she stood.
Gai offered her a hand. “Are you feeling sore?”
Hifumi nodded. “My feet are killing me.”
“Perhaps I could interest you in a massage, then?”
Hifumi eyed him suspiciously. “Are you looking for something, Gai?”
“What? No, not at all,” Gai said, putting his hands up.
Now Hifumi was really suspicious. 
She knew she wouldn’t get any answers through direct confrontation, so she just smiled and said, “All right, if you say so.”
“I do,” Gai said, relaxing slightly. “Now then…”
“I’d love a massage, Gai, thank you.”
He escorted her to the living room and sat her down on the sofa. She leaned back, settling her foot in his lap as he sat at the other end.
He immediately went to work, his skilled hands working out the knots in the soles of her feet and soothing the sore muscles. Hifumi sighed and closed her eyes, not caring what ulterior motive was at play as long as he kept doing that.
After a few minutes, she sensed Kakashi enter the room and tilted her head back. 
He stood silently from the doorframe. His visible eye was narrowed as he watched Gai work out a particularly sore spot, earning a groan of relief from her when he was done.
She decided to test something. “You don’t have to just stand there,” she said, smiling at him upside-down. “You can join us.”
Gai looked up at him and grinned. “Indeed, Rival,” he said. “You don’t have to be so polite on our account.”
Kakashi shrugged. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Hifumi sighed, then sat up and beckoned him over with a finger. “You know, my shoulders are kinda sore too.”
Kakashi immediately crossed the room, then sat behind her. He set his hands on her shoulders, gently soothing away the stiffness he found there.
Hifumi sighed, feeling safe and comfortable in their hands.
Then she felt a chill in the air. She cracked open an eye to see Gai watching Kakashi with an irritated look on his face. She tilted her head back slightly to see a cool expression on Kakashi’s as he watched Gai in return.
She didn’t want the massage to end, but she had to find out what was wrong before they broke one of her lamps again.
“Ok, you two,” she said. “What’s going on?”
“Hm?” Kakashi said. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yeah,” Gai said, grinning a little too wide. “We’re just making sure you’re taken care of, my angel.”
“Yeah, no, that’s not it,” Hifumi said. “Is it one of your challenges?”
Gai poorly tried to hide his surprise as he sputtered out reassurances that it wasn’t. Kakashi just shook his head in exasperation.
“Am I the challenge?” Hifumi asked, glancing between them.
Kakashi sighed. “I told you she’d figure it out.”
“I mean, you two weren’t exactly subtle,” Hifumi replied. “You’ve been trying to curry favor with me all night.”
Gai hung his head. “I’m sorry, Hifumi. It just seemed like the perfect opportunity, since you were due back today.”
Hifumi pulled herself free and sat up between them. “So what’s the challenge supposed to be, anyway?”
“To see which of us you would hug first when you got home,” Kakashi replied.
Hifumi gave them a blank stare. “Seriously?”
“Yeah,” Gai replied, rubbing the back of his head. “It was going to be our tiebreaker after we hit 37-37 today.”
Hifumi sighed, then pointed to the wall across from the sofa. “You two, go stand over there.”
Gai and Kakashi exchanged an odd look, but did as Hifumi ordered. They stood side by side with their backs to the wall, waiting.
Hifumi slowly walked over, examining them both with her chin resting on her hand. Her eyes darted back and forth between them as her expression grew thoughtful.
Then she walked over, opened her arms, and hugged them both.
She chuckled as she felt them stiffen in her arms. “I love you - both of you,” she said. “You think I’d ever choose just one?”
They smiled and immediately returned her hug, the three of them pulling each other close.
“We love you too, Hifumi,” Kakashi murmured.
“So much,” Gai confirmed.
Hifumi smiled, then pressed a sweet kiss against each of their cheeks before pulling back.
“Sorry for involving you without asking,” Gai said. “Next time, we’ll clear it with you first.”
“It’s ok,” Hifumi assured him. “Although, I know how you can start making it up to me.”
Kakashi smirked. “And what way is that, Hifumi?”
She only smiled as she walked towards her bedroom, only pausing long enough to make sure they were following.
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @rayofmirasol (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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nightingaleflow · 6 months
💔😑🐱, any ship ♡
I'll answer each of these for the one I think has the most interesting answer. <3
💔 Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
For Holly Reed x Gaara:
Before Gaara, Holly had 4 relationships. These 4 people shaped her views on romance and dating a lot, from showing her how to treat (and not to treat) a partner, new ideas about gender and sexuality, and helping her work through her past trauma and making her the person she is today.
She sometimes says she wishes she hadn't had to learn so many lessons, but without them, she wouldn't be who she is today, and she wouldn't be the woman Gaara fell in love with.
😑 How easily do they get jealous and how do they handle it?
For Aki Kamiya x Gaara:
Aki gets very jealous. Gaara, being young, handsome, and the Kazekage, is very popular with thirsty young men and women. And these people are very vocal about it, fawning over Gaara in public and sending him love letters. This persists even after Gaara and Aki go public with their relationship. Aki never blames Gaara for it obviously, but it doesn't stop her from getting pissed off when it happens.
She handles it by either going off and training or spending extra time with Gaara, or if the person is foolish enough to do something in front of her, going off on them until they run away.
🐱 Do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? How does their partner feel about their pet name?
For Hifumi x Gai x Kakashi:
Gai calls Hifumi his angel and Kakashi his rival (affectionate).
Hifumi calls Gai "Beastie" and Kakashi "Sunshine".
Kakashi doesn't call either of them anything other than their names, but he secretly enjoys being addressed by the pet names (not that he'll ever admit that).
Hifumi enjoys being called "angel" - she thinks it's sweet. Gai meanwhile *loves* being called "Beastie" - it's basically a power up for him. <3
Thank you for the asks! <3
OC/SI Couple Ask Game
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
For the ask game!! 4 & 14 for whoever you feel fits! :D - @lochselfships
I decided to do this for Natsumi/Chojuro and Hifumi/Kakashi/Gai because I've been neglecting them, bless their hearts. <3
(4) Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
NatsuCho: Chojuro. He adores Natsumi and loves showering her with affection. She finds it incredibly embarrassing, but secretly loves it and would be very sad if he stopped. <3
HifuKakaGai: They honestly keep their relationship very low key in public (yes, even Gai). They still show subtle affection to each other (being supportive, a kiss on the cheek, etc), but they save the more energetic stuff for when they're in private.
(14) Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
NatsuCho: The beach. They don't get a whole lot of time to just be alone like regular couples, especially after Chojuro becomes Mizukage. So sometimes they sneak down to the beach in the middle of the night to have some fun together.
HifuKakaGai: Usually a training field to burn off Gai's endless energy. There aren't that many 3 am adventure spots in Konoha unfortunately.
If they're ever able to leave the village though, they enjoy late nights in hot springs. <3
Thank you for the asks! <3
Self Ship/OC Ship Questions
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