#high maintenance troubadour
Halo - An Etrian Odyssey Novel (Chapter 8/50)
“Hn, where’s Sage?” Emery asked when he saw Dyria stepping through the hallway alone, two bags in his arms and a heavy frown on his lips. Emery would go as far as to call it an indignant pout.
“With Vien,” Dyria answered, pushing Emery’s bedroom door open with his foot, “He met up with us outside Sitoth Trading and dragged Sage to the bar to grab a request and see if anyone would recognize him.”
“Oh, I see,” Emery hummed with a teasing smile as he leaned against the door frame, folding his arms, “So Vien stole your date.”
Dyria tensed up in a highly amusing way before spinning around to argue with Emery, “Don’t be ridiculous, we were just taking a walk to Sitoth Tradin. Sage needed supplies, we were heading home, and Vien just showed up. It’s good for Sage to get out and walk around like he’s doing, and spend time with everyone else, he needs to bond with Halo so he can trust us.”
“See, that’s all great,” Emery said, lifting his hand to push his glasses higher onto his face, “Besides the fact you didn’t exactly deny the fact you were on a date.”
Red suddenly darkened Dyria’s cheeks, his shoulders squaring defensively but not bothering to really argue. He just turned with an irritated mumble and set the bags on Sage’s bed as Emery shook his head with a sigh and rolled his eyes.
“Well, I can’t blame you, Sage has that kind of rare, unexpected, ethereal beauty to him. I’m sure everyone he encounters will develop somewhat of a crush,” he smirked a little at the way Dyria bristled, but wiped the expression away when the protector turned to face him, instead frowning a little and tapping his chin, “Then again, you’ve always been so stifled and kind of uninterested in things like romance or relationships. You’re always so focused on raising Iliad and looking after Vien and myself. Don’t tell me the only thing you’re interested is how cute he is.”
“I’m not,” Dyria defended, shoulders tense, “It’s not like that.”
“Okay, sure,” Emery pushed off the door frame and leaned forward, hands folded behind his back as he winked, “Love at first sight then.”
“You’re not making this easier on yourself,” Dyria growled, and Emery snorted.
“What are you gonna to do, sulk?” he waved his hands in front of him, “Come on, Dyria, I’ve seen how you look at him; and by look, I mean you literally just stare at him for minutes on end. And somehow, he never realizes or catches you! It must be a side effect of the head injury,” he tapped his forehead, “Or he’s just too embarrassed to call you out on it.”
“Why is this even a conversation?” Dyria asked, striding forward, and slipping past Emery into the hallway, “You’re being ridiculous and immature.”
“I’m calling it like I see it,” Emery explained simply, following Dyria as he stormed down the hall, “You’re my friend, so it’s my duty to tell you when you’re avoiding some very obviously strong feelings.”
“No, I’m not,” Dyria stiffly denied, and Emery stopped walking, staring at Dyria with narrow eyes before sighing heavily and loudly in exaggeration, lifting a hand and raking his fingers back through his hair.
“Yea, I guess you’re right!” he said, his words echoing rather abruptly due to the fact they were in the entry, “I mean, you’re so blah, and Sage is so wow. You don’t fit together at all. He’s so adorable, though, he probably won’t be alone for too long,” he shrugged, smiling brightly, “Who knows, maybe he found someone better at the bar. Someone who thinks he’s just precious and adorable and beautiful. Someone who wants to do dirty, indecent things to him,” he dropped his hand from his head to cup his cheek, eyes wide, “Dear me, but I’m sure we can allow that, yes? After all, it’s not like you care.”
Dyria had essentially frozen to the spot in mid stride when Emery started to speak, and slowly turned to glare at him with an almost menacing expression. If Emery didn’t know Dyria personally, he would probably be terrified. He still kind of was. Dyria had done awful things after all, dropping to the lowest of lows just to defend the people he cared about. He would likely do it again if the need arose.
“There’s no way,” Dyria said, and a moment later the doors were thrown open.
“Great leader, we’ve brought a friend!”
Dyria and Emery both turned to look at the now open door, where Vien was standing in the threshold, Sage lingering behind looking embarrassed and uncomfortable, and a tall, unfamiliar man standing beside him, sporting thick dark purple hair tied into a ponytail and piercing red eyes. The shirt he was wearing was thin and strained against what muscle he had, and he was intimidating… and not awful looking…
“Huh,” Emery was holding his chin, appearing mildly surprised, “Well I didn’t think that would actually happen, to be honest.”
Dyria’s left eye gave a tic as Vien grabbed the ronin by the arm and dragged him through the door, silver eyes bright, “Ah, Dyria! Good! Look, I found a new member for Halo! His name’s Nirim, he’s a ronin!”
“A new member?” Emery questioned, and Vien nodded.
“Yup! Sage and I found the perfect request at the bar, but it required we have a ronin in our guild, and this guy was all alone, so we grabbed him!”
“Vien, you can’t just do that,” Emery sighed out, rubbing his temple, and Vien pouted, wrapping both of his arms around one of Nirim’s and leaning forward.
“But now we can take that request! It’s the perfect thing for Sage’s reintroduction of the Labyrinth! I’m not super sure why we specifically needed a ronin, but we’ll figure it out. Besides, they’re like hella strong, right? Look at this guy!” he patted Nirim’s broad chest, “Fuckin rock hard! So? What do you say? Dyria?”
Emery looked over at Dyria, who appeared a bit pale and sickly as he stared numbly at Nirim. The medic almost felt sorry for him and stepped awkwardly in front of him, holding a hand up, “Sorry, Dyria is currently unresponsive due to shock, but I’m sure we can discuss initiating Nirim into Halo,” he smiled at the ronin, “Where have you been staying?”
“Here,” Nirim answered, finally snapping out of whatever stunned trance he’d been in before, “I have a room on the top floor.”
“That’s perfect!” Vien decided, still clinging to Nirim’s arm in complete excitement, “One of us can move into your room!”
“Vien, you can’t just decide that,” Emery tried to scold, but the troubadour was far too excited to have heard.
“And we can leave tomorrow for the request! What do you think, Dyria?”
Dyria just pressed his lips into a thin line, and Emery laughed as he held an arm out, “How about we talk in the tea room? I think Dyria needs some fresh air.”
“Sure,” Vien yanked on Nirim’s arm and started to pull him towards the room off to the side, and Emery held his head, humming as he watched them go.
“I really was not expecting that,” he shrugged and turned, patting Dyria’s shoulder, “Oh well, shock treatment works best sometimes.”
With that said he followed Vien and Nirim, and Dyria watched after him with a grim expression. Sage stepped carefully towards him before reaching out to touch his arm, making him jump and whip around to face the survivalist, cheeks turning a dark red color.
“Are you okay?” Sage asked, “You look a bit… sick. Did something happen?”
Dyria’s eye twitched a little and he glared over at the tea room, “Emery can be a punk sometimes,” he said, and Sage smiled a little.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it, whatever it was.”
“Oh, he did,” Dyria mumbled, shoulders slumping and a sigh heaving from his lungs as he dropped his head, “Honestly he should just leave me be.”
“Well, he is a medic,” Sage noted, “It’s not in his nature to just leave someone alone.”
“But I’m not sick!”
“Yea you are!” Emery called, and Dyria tensed up.
“I am physically healthy!”
“I didn’t say you were physically sick!”
Dyria just growled in irritation, and Sage bit his lip as his fingers curled into the protector’s sleeve, “You’re not… actually sick, right? Maybe you should lie down.”
“What?” Dyria turned to gape at him, “No, I’m not sick, I don’t have a cold or a fever or anything like that, really, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Sage looked quite honestly worried, “I-I don’t want anything happening to you when we’re in the Labyrinth because you’re lightheaded or nauseous.”
Dyria seemed to struggle internally for a moment before shaking his head, his hand lifting to push Sage’s hair from his face, tucking it behind his ear so his eyes were in full view, “I promise you I’m not sick. Not… not in a conventional way at least, and not in a way that would ever put me in danger or in a vulnerable position.”
“Not exactly true!” Emery called, and Sage gaped over at the open tea room as Dyria turned and stormed over to slam the door shut before walking back over to Sage and taking his hand, leading him away from the entry of the inn.
“A-are you sure?” Sage asked, reaching out with his free hand to grasp at Dyria’s sleeve again, “You should lie down anyway, Emery said-.”
“Emery is just giving me a hard time,” Dyria mumbled, looking over his shoulder to glance back at Sage before turning back to the front and pushing the door to the bedroom Sage shared with Emery and Vien open, “Come on, I left all of your new supplies on your bed.”
Sage cringed, “Ah, I forgot about that,” he admitted, his hand lifting to mess with the fur lining the collar of his vest, “I still think it wasn’t necessary…”
“Well, how about this,” Dyria turned to Sage and squeezed his hand, “If I promise to lie down for your peace of mind, will you stop feeling so bad about me buying you supplies?”
Sage considered it before his lips twisted into an adorable pout, trying to glare at Dyria, though it wasn’t working, and pointed over at the bed, “There,” he said, “I want to see you resting myself, so lie down here.”
Dyria was mildly stunned, lifting his hand and attempting to hide the blush against the back of it before he easily gave in, “Fine…”
Sage seemed pleased as he pulled Dyria over to the bed and set the bags of supplies on the ground before pushing the protector onto the mattress, then sat down and reached out to brush Dyria’s black hair away from his eyes, setting his hand against his forehead to test his temperature. Dyria just frowned heavily and tried to sink into the bed entirely as his face heated up a little more and Sage hummed.
“Are you certain you’re not sick? Your head is hot.”
“Not from fever,” Dyria mumbled, eyes shifting to the side so he wasn’t meeting Sage’s intense gaze, “I’m resting now, see? I’ll try to sleep if you really want me to, so you should go through your things and prepare for tomorrow.”
“Mhm, I can agree to that,” Sage decided, turning away, but Dyria suddenly sat up and grabbed him by his shoulders, staring intently into his eyes.
“I need you to promise me something,” he said, and Sage tensed up, his eyes growing wide as he nodded.
“Don’t ever bring strange men home with you.”
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
even numbers on lachesis, odd numbers on finn
Holiday headcanon: Leonster was a great place for holidays, especially the big harvest festival where the commoners all got invited into the castle grounds for fun. Since that was really a highlight of the year Finn tries to keep up that spirit for his own sake and that of the kids. He also was impressed by some of the traditions he saw traveling around the continent (Verdane, Silesse, etc).
Cooking headcanon: Lachy knows how on an abstract level and has read lots of books but is pretty terrible at it. Not in a “LOL burns water” way but just… not good. 
Sleeping headcanon: When Finn was serving Quan in the field he generally stumbled to bed around midnight, slept soundly, and woke before dawn feeling pretty decent. Those were the good days. After dealing with small children and constant peril he alternates between light and unsatisfactory sleep and the occasional blackout nap. Sleep and the lack thereof is a real quality-of-life issue for him.
Driving headcanon: Lachy is aggressive behind the wheel and is the kind of driver who keeps up a monologue of how terrible everybody else on the road is.
Bathing/showering headcanon: Finn really doesn’t like feeling unclean and pushes showers as far as he can depending on whatever resources are available. If you get close to him you will probably guess what soap he used that day.
Hugging headcanon: Not interesting in giving or receiving hugs unless your name is Eldigan or you are an adorable small child.
Kissing headcanon: Finn rather likes bestowing kisses on the hand, arm, mouth, cheek, even the foot… but mouth kisses aren’t that pleasant for him and he’s not sure why.
Sex headcanon: Lachy is a physical girl with a powerful sex drive. She’s the kind of character who wants it, lots of it, and can be pretty decently satisfied by the sexual side of a relationship alone even if the emotional/intellectual component isn’t being met (see: Beowulf, Dew). If her sexual needs are not being met she is an unhappy girl.
General physical contact headcanon: I suspect Finn was deprived of positive physical contact after his parents died and he got sent to the castle to be raised in what I presume was a more institutional setting than a cozy domestic one. He’s not sure if he enjoys affectionate contact or not. It’s kind of good but kind of weird and he maxes out on it fast. On the other hand it’s a primary way that people around him express affection. Also small children appear to crave it even if he’s not sure he’s any good at providing it to them. 
Physical appearance headcanon: Lachy is one of those “five hundred hairbrush strokes” high-maintenance people and learns to take pride in little appearance hacks that can be done on a budget and when one is pressed for time.
Wardrobe headcanon: Dude wears the same coat for twenty years even though wearing clothes that shout “Yo I am that Leonster Knight Dude” might possibly be a bad idea. Pretty sure we see what he likes and I assume he goes to inordinate lengths to keep that minimalist style up. If that’s not the exact same coat he got it replicated, you know?
Jewelry headcanon: Lachy loves jewels, especially earrings, brooches, and hair ornaments. Rings and bracelets not so much because they do catch on things. Gold and precious gems preferred. She has high standards and wants to pass good pieces down to Nanna.
Nickname headcanon: Nicknames are things your shitty classmates give you when they want you to feel extra shitty that day. No thanks.
Dancing headcanon: Well-versed in dancing, loves it, appreciates a good dancing partner. Just don’t get fresh with her on the dance floor.
Singing headcanon: Has a very nice singing voice but rarely uses it; most often it comes out as a low, tuneless way of singing to himself when he’s bored or anxious and people find it kind of alarming. Does sing in the shower.
Anger headcanon: Very tetchy as an adolescent and spends her young-adult years trying to temper and control it, especially when  the kids come along. She is excellent about controlling her temper around the kids but does snipe at Finn, especially when she thinks he deserves it.
Soft spot headcanon: kittens and other smol fluffy things
Favorite possession headcanon: Aside from the Earth Sword, relics of Eldigan, Agustria, and her old life in general are powerful mementos and reminders of who she was and ought to be. A miniature of Eldigan, any jewels she keeps from the Nordion crown jewels, things like that.
Favorite photograph headcanon: That CG of Quan, Ethlyn, and the kids from one of the ranked endings of FE5, yup.
Relationship with/thoughts on _____ headcanon: Lachesis has a kind of push/pull relationship with Ethlyn, who is Not Her Mother/Big Sister but really, really wants all the Chalphys and Leonsters and Nordions to be  One Big Happy Family and clearly has Plans for keeping Lachesis in the fold. Lachesis does like getting positive attention from a mentor-type woman but boy does not like the transparent manipulation, especially if it involves getting shoved into marriage with any Suitable Young Men who just so happen to have ties to Ethlyn&Quan. (Guess who.) She’ll be kind of grimly amused at Nanna going the Troubadour route.
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penneyfranz11-blog · 7 years
Receive Reviews Before You Watch Off Tainies Online
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After that, from training program, songs as well as dancing were religious and also additionally religious: in Hindu practice, individuals danced and sang to satisfy the lords and also sirens as well as dancing had the type of wajd, or even rapturous delirium, one of Muslim Sufis. Violins are presently existing throughout a wide array of new popular music genres, coming from your period of troubadours to Mozart, as high as and which includes present-day times, from blue lawn to jazz to rock and roll, along with various other concepts. Jobs mentioned there appeared to be no perk for the file companies in continuouslying market more than 90 percent of their popular music without digital rights control on cds, while marketing the staying small portion of their songs overloaded along with a digital civil liberties monitoring body.
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frenchwellness · 6 years
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Forever Home East of a little town and down out past the hedges and burrows and scarlet-veined ivy there are two tobacco brown rivers that slit the soil and as they roll off into a backdrop of innumerable golden bushels of wheat and grain and pebbled soybeans there lies a treasured slice of triangulated land that sways rhythmically and sweet beneath the swarms of larks and teals and red breasted mergansers and they all funnel into a conflux where starlings swirl and trails amalgamate and muddy waters gurgle and here the earth inhales as farmers till up bronze and silver dust that seeps low and thick and leisurely with low pressure fronts arriving now and then and bringing with them a hollow feeling now and then akin to that uncanny calm before the storm that sears your nerves extraordinarily sensitive and carves your insides out and dilates your pupils as you cast them out upon the windswept cash crops that caress the jagged spines of carcasses that are strewn amok among the countless chinked and serrated arrowheads of which the farmers have sifted up as if they were artifacts of lost and incinerated souls and here beyond the beams of combines that move so slow they look like the silhouettes of toys you can catch the glimpse of an incandescent plume rising high on the land's southernmost rim nitric and looming and obscuring the horizon while it smears the distant view of ripped and mutilated flesh that drips with dripping drops of blood drip-by-drip-by-drip-by-drip into the soil until it becomes so densely saturated and infused with blood that the soil is glazed with only the deepest hues of crimson but the crimson grows deeper still into one shade short of black as the elongated shadow of a towering road sign inches over it and hovers like the octagon of an apocalyptic eclipse while a half smoked cigarette with its filter stained red with lipstick tumbles down into a ravine with its every ember glinting as if someone were actively taking a drag off it and it comes to rest beside a handful of cows that graze and huddle dead eyed and playful and unassuming and as the dripping blood glistens in little rivulets that sweat and fuse with dew to produce prismatic steam that wafts up from fallen leaves and jimsonweed and blades of uncut grass the cows strangely begin to congregate around the cigarette which still bellows with a barren burn though not a single suspect smoker is in sight and one by one the cows begin to low and look back and forth to one another and stare at the cigarette passively with sunflowers bursting flamboyantly behind them silent though you could imagine if they could speak and there are lovers parked not too far down the road who whisper with flickering anticipation and notice nothing before them but the relentless thrash of time as they await the sun to sink westward and bring the night so they can gaze at the fantastic stars that will soon dance and fracture in the reflections of their spiral eyes which are also galaxies of their own design that streak with microscopic stardust along the fathomless vaults of their own dark inner heavens while they unwittingly weld their hearts shut spark by spark until they are astrally castaway into the never-ending life defining consequences of the coming unforgettable night that will rend over the long run equal amounts of massive pleasure and suffering while the barbs surrounding them and the barbs that strangle them from loving freely and truly and without limit throughout that delicate and irredeemable time hang dull and oxidized with stiffened spools and clefts of wool left glued here and there from the viscous serum oozed out from the lacerations of prey and predator alike and as the fields all around start to burn you can feel a trembling roar begin to ripple down your spine with the robust and vital sensation that only the most arousing expectations can summon and sustain and as the firmament reigns on with gunshots reverberating amidst a sky of wispy clouds all wayward signs seem to point here to this very venerated and impossibly beautiful coordinate east and down of the little town where sits nothing but a faded stop sign half devoured by rust-riddled holes shot out by the blast of a man who at the time was a young cartographer of the heart but is now old and dead and the stop sign never did anything to him to deserve that blatant buckshot save serve as a mark of civilization in a land with no need for it since the lonesome intersection was passed by only a handful of motorists a day each of whom over the years had absentmindedly ambled through this unparalleled trek of land including this late mapmaker god rest his broken soul but every one of them had automatically and more accurately programmatically stopped at the stop sign and stared and looked both ways to see that it was only solitary dust that crossed the gravel minimum maintenance road but still every time without fail the motorists would give the dust the right of way and as the dust dispersed and settled and new dust formed they all began to feel something mysterious dispersing and forming deep inside of them that seemed to poke around for portals in need of calibration until they each began to feel the rigorous and synergetic schisms of something churning indescribable changes within them that made them all in the coming days dispense of their old selves as if they were worn out and no longer relevant snakeskins and they all became narrowly and obsessively focused on the single critical question of why they hadn't stopped there in that land and hung their hats and called it a merry day in the first place and they had all like atomic clockwork begun to ask themselves at the break of each new splendid rising sun how on god’s green earth could they have been so hapless to have let themselves press on that day when they'd been surrounded by all that staggering beauty and anything and everything to each of them soon became a mere retrospective shadow of that seismic inner moment and ever and spectacularly after once they’d allowed that truth to ferment and the memory had become something that bubbled like champagne in the crystal vessel of their mind’s unsinkable eye and their lives were all swept inevitably away from the sacred time they spent in that sacred space the stop sign ceased growing infinitely smaller behind them and began to grow infinitely larger before them because they had all begun to approach it from another angle in another dimension until it possessed them wholly and without doubt and none of them were ever the same again because they all knew that they'd been conquered by something absolute and pure and immeasurably special that had no bounds and could never be contained and though most of them thereafter never returned physically the memory had haunted them like the warm torment of something they could only feel and never touch which resided in the silent gaping holes that antagonized their each and every earthly delight until their souls were slowly devoured and spit out covered in a chemical concoction that petrified them into that bygone but somehow miraculously retrievable moment when they’d been ignited with a blaze of indestructible love that would never be extinguished nor allowed to burn dry and whenever and wherever they’d stopped and stared and looked both ways from that point forward whether it was by chance or choice or circumstance they were always struck with the eternally recurring question of why they hadn't stopped in that land of otherworldly beauty long ago and they all savagely tried to navigate their way back to it and though most of them had failed the hope was never lost by a single troubadour who made that lengthy quest that someday they would again attain the brilliance of that lost blessing and some of them did indeed attain it and those who did all said later when they were very old and wise and extremely teary eyed and smiling with a heartbreaking quiver that despite the clear improbability of reverse engineering that magnificent moment in time it had always been the slim possibility of their ultimate dream becoming true that kept them moving wildly and unmistakably onward and it wasn’t until they had finally returned to the starting point of their greatest odyssey that they had known in the heart within their heart that they had come to the place they were meant to build a life and so each of them upon their final return dropped to their knees and unraveled and exhaled and kissed the ground and called that land forever home.
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antonyhiggins2-blog · 7 years
How You Can Play Guitar.
Here are a couple of factors to keep in mind when you are trying to find the perfect tracks to made in your docutainment. The iPod/iTunes combination, the default from cool in our society, has actually freaked out the Big 4 as well as sent typical music retailers like Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) as well as web 1.0 giants like Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN) scrambling into electronic popular music circulation. Violins are presently current throughout a range from brand-new music categories, off your era from troubadours to Mozart, as high as and that includes modern times, off blue yard to jazz to rock and roll, together with various other concepts. Due to the fact that his birth parent did not have an abortion our experts get to appreciate the geniality and also excellent songs from Rodney Atkins. These are actually some factors you can possibly do to earn certain you stay on monitor while in the workshop making music. As somebody in the popular music company who is likewise a music fanatic, I've signed up for as well as appreciated every streaming company starting with Composition in 2006. This document checking layout, knowledgeable to a lot of us coming from e-journal web sites including JSTOR or even local area training program reserves, works pretty effectively for songs. If you intend to create some consulting service for your web design company, you can easily market solitary themes and also give to give affordable consulting or even routine maintenance solutions once the client has used the website to obtain on-line. The common trend in this particular day and age is to get your musica gratis en linea or musica on the web descargar. Elle satisfy Google Play Popular music, lancé en 2011, et YouTube Songs Key, dévoilé en 2014. If you are actually working on the net, knowing some basic website design skill-sets is actually a downright must. For example, rather than checking out the Weather Stations's Web site for the latest forecast, one may simply download and install the firm's widget and also viewpoint continuously updated weather info in a small home window. Popular music is actually a lot a portion of our lifestyles that its own existence in literature may assist audiences associate with imaginary situations and also personalities. Privileged pretty-agnes.info Me, HyperDub as well as Hotflush are at the cutting side, producing a bunch of the new post-house, post-dubstep popular music.
Since those exceptional very early days from video recording, popular music has surely enhanced to harmonize with modern technology Today a lot of pop stars began to rely on integrated vocals as well as pc modifying in their recordings. However that is truer along with a performer or specific would like to venture into the popular music industry at today and also grow older. These applications won't provide you complimentary songs or even just about anything like that, yet you are going to have a blast answering tests, plunking out your very own songs and maximizing the popular music currently on your iPod making use of some fun electricals. Kathy Sherman has actually been actually an expert people artist for 44 years and also a music teacher for 9. You only have to seek subliminal audio recovery music CDs that come in the musical genre you choose. . Each from these forms of activities showcase numerous tracks through popular artists thus take the time to explore what songs your adolescent likes just before you buy any of them.
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Halo - An Etrian Odyssey Novel (Chapter 24/50)
“The Guardians can babysit Blaise while we’re in the Labyrinth,” Sage decided, standing in the entry and checking through his quiver to make sure he had enough arrows, strapping it to his belt and tightening the elbow-length leather gloves on both arms, “I asked Lynus earlier and he said it was fine.”
Emery scoffed a little with his head bowed, turned away and searching through his medical bag. He wasn’t going to argue because Blaise wasn’t his responsibility, he was Arcan’s. Emery had no say and frankly he didn’t care, he had more important things to worry about. Most notably the dark hunter who was standing near him, shuffling on his feet and looking around lazily.
“I said you could sleep in,” Emery said, looking back into is bag and counting the vials of medicine he carried for Vien’s lungs, “You’re not entitled to follow me around everywhere, stay here. Have you ever even been in the Labyrinth before?”
Zedimir shrugged, “I know how to fight.”
“That’s not the point,” Emery mumbled, closing his bag and standing straighter, setting his hands on his hips and frowning at Zed, “You could get hurt.”
The dark hunter just shrugged again and played with the buttons on his coat, staring down, “I wanna go anyway.”
Emery rolled his eyes, “Zed you’re not even part of Halo, it wouldn’t feel right to put you in danger like that for no reason.”
Zed looked up, “I don’t mind.”
“I do,” Emery replied, his frown getting heavier when he felt someone’s hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t see any problem with letting him tag along,” Dyria stated, “Who knows, maybe he wants to join a guild. The experience will be good for him, and in any case, it shouldn’t be too difficult or dangerous of a quest. We’re just getting some ingredients for the hospital and the bar. You don’t have to be so overprotective.”
“I’m not overprotective, he might get in our way is all,” Emery argued, and Dyria rolled his eyes before turning, tightening the buckle of his gauntlet.
“Arcan you can go ahead and bring Blaise to the tea room, we’ll head out now.”
“Sure,” the gunner agreed and lead his brother by the hand towards the tea room across the entry.
Emery watched him with a slight scowl on his lips that faded when he felt something tugging on the back of his coat, prompting him to turn the other way in order to see Zed had reached out to him and was currently clinging to his coat with his head bowed and an unreadable, stoic look on his face.
“Fine,” he finally gave in, turning fully to face Zedimir, “You can come, but if you get hurt even a little I’m forbidding you from going back into the Labyrinth.”
“Do you really have a say in that?” Vien asked from beside Emery, who squinted at him, “I mean he’s not part of Halo, he’s just your roommate, and he said he wanted to leave soon, didn’t he?” he shrugged and Zed looked down.
Emery opened his mouth to respond, but Dyria interrupted before he could, calling for everyone to head out, so he kept silent and just let his hands cling to the strap of his bag as he followed at the back of the group with Zed dutifully trailing at his heels.
It wasn’t like Emery cared about Zedimir staying, he already understood the dark hunter wanted to leave, but it was his reasoning that made Emery a little suspicious and uncertain. From what he’d noticed in the past three days, Zed didn’t sleep very well, if at all. Emery had caught him several times at night either lying on his back staring up at the ceiling or sitting up in his bed crouched over staring at his hands like he was bored or had some form of insomnia.
He never appeared to be very tired during the day, though he did move sluggishly and shuffled his feet most of the time, his single visible eye a bit droopy, and his attention span about as broad as a rock’s. The unusual dark hunter had an appetite that could rival a competitive pie eater, he always seemed to be hungry, and more than once he’d wandered off because he smelt something cooking.
Just like Emery had been expecting, Zedimir was a very high maintenance roommate, but it wasn’t like the medic wasn’t used to it. He’d shared his room with Vien after all, at least the dark hunter didn’t play a lute at three in the morning. He would definitely feel better if he could see the explorer actually sleep, though.
“Are you doing alright?” Emery asked Arcan when they’d reached their first mining spot, somehow managing to get to the third floor with only a few attacks from low level foes, “How’s your leg?”
“Not hurting,” Arcan smiled, one hand on his hip, “I’m a bit wary being back, I admit, can’t help waiting for something to come at us like that bear that attacked me, but it’s actually surprisingly peaceful today.”
“Mhm, some days not much happens in the Labyrinth,” Emery agreed, looking down into the pit where Iliad was crouched down looking through a codex with Sage leaning over him and pointing to the pages like he was explaining what they were looking for.
“Makes you wonder what all the monsters and FOE’s are doing,” Vien noted, wandering around the edge of the pit, precariously at the edge with his arms folded behind his back, eyes lifted to the cloudy sky, “Maybe they take days off from attacking explorers? Like those lazy days we took while Arcan healed.”
“I highly doubt monsters take vacation days,” Iliad stated with closed eyes, shutting his codex before getting to his feet, “We’re just lucky is all.”
“You’re so negative!” Vien pointed down at the younger explorer, pouting, “Stop scaring Arcan!”
“What?” the gunner pointed at himself, “Why would that scare me?”
“Cuz a Bloodbear used you as a chew toy last time you were here,” Vien reminded, and Arcan winced a little.
“I’m not scared, come on, I’m an adult.”
“You’re eighteen,” Emery argued, “You’re definitely still a child.”
“He’s got no reason to be scared anyway!” Iliad snapped, “He’s too dumb to be scared of anything!”
“Thank you?” Arcan tilted his head, and Emery chuckled a little, shaking his head.
“Now all we need to do is pick up herbs towards the east side of this floor for the hospital,” Dyria was explaining from where he was standing at the edge of the mining pit, holding his hand down so Sage could reach up at take it, allowing the protector to help him up onto solid ground beside him.
“This is where I’m most useful,” Emery decided, a light in his eyes that was normally faded out and hidden by clouds, “I can collect the herbs, just tell me what I’m looking for.”
“Em, I can’t even pronounce these,” Dyria argued, holding the request up so the medic could snatch it from him, smiling in excitement.
Sage couldn’t help smiling at the way Emery was acting, so different from how he usually seemed. This was the first-time Sage had ever seen him excited about being a medic, which in retrospect was a tiny bit sad, but he decided to just enjoy how happy Emery looked now and confide in Lynus about it later.
Emery took the lead striding down the path, Zed following closely only because he was still clinging to the back of his coat, while the rest of Halo stayed a few steps behind, letting their medic take charge considering this request was related to the hospital.
“He can complain about other medics all he wants, but when it comes right down to it he just wants their acceptance,” Vien was the one to say, and Sage hummed in agreement.
“Em really does care about people,” he added, smiling at Vien, “He’s just passive aggressive and finds it a lot easier to defensively run from things than deal with them gently and sweetly like some medics.”
“Yea, he’s a scary bitch sometimes,” Iliad readily slipped in his opinion, falling into step between Vien and Sage, “Especially if you have a fever or injured in some way. He can’t snap his fingers and heal you with voodoo like the medics at the hospital, but he’ll probably staple you to the bed and put you in a coma too make sure you rest.”
“What a persistent doctor,” Vien hummed.
“I can fucking hear you!” Emery yelled back, and Sage laughed as Vien ducked behind Iliad.
Sage found himself stopping suddenly when he heard howling, turning away from the path to look towards the line of trees, unconsciously holding his breath until he felt a hand on the middle of his back, the touch prompting him to jump in shock before settling down when he realized it was just Dyria.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ah, nothing,” Sage tried to reassure, looking back at the tree line when he heard the howling again, “I’m not hearing things, right? Are there wolf monsters in the Labyrinth?”
“There are a few,” Dyria answered, and Iliad hummed.
“That’s not a Labyrinth foe, though, it sounds domestic. Maybe it’s just a normal wolf.”
Sage tensed up as Vien piped out an argument, “How would you know that?”
“I am a fucking survivalist you know, I can hear it! Somehow! I don’t know, I just know!”
“Well I’m a troubadour!” Vien sassed back, “I’m not gonna be outdone when it comes to noises like that! Step aside!”
Sage looked over his shoulder to see Vien had an arm in front of a fuming Iliad, his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side as the area grew quiet besides the occasional howls. After a few moments, he held a finger up.
“Originally domesticated, but you can tell by the pitch it’s grown rather feral and wild. I’d say the wolf is around five of seven years old, that’s just an estimation though, and I can’t tell from this distance but it sounds male. It sounds pretty big too,” he opened his eyes, “My guess is it was a beast companion who was either abandoned or lost.”
Sage was pretty sure he stopped breathing, and tensed up more when he felt someone’s hand around his wrist, looking over his shoulder to meet Dyria’s confused green eyes, “What?”
“What are you doing?” Dyria asked, tugging the survivalist by his arm and leading him back onto the path; Sage hadn’t even noticed he’d been walking towards the tree line.
“I just…,” he trailed off and frowned, looking down, “Nothing.”
“Don’t just wander off the path, especially alone,” Dyria chided, “I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.”
Sage just smiled weakly and looked up at the protector, “I know, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”
“Let’s just keep going and finish this request,” Dyria said, taking one of Sage’s hands with his own before he started to walk after the rest of the guild, “I can tell something’s been bothering you, but I won’t push it,” he looked back at the survivalist, “At least until we get back to the inn, then I want you to talk, okay?”
“Sure,” Sage agreed easily, squeezing Dyria’s hand.
He was completely distracted while Emery was collected herbs and the others in Halo chatted and argued casually with each other, much like a family who spent every day together would. Sage couldn’t stop himself from remembering what Lynus had said the other night, about how the entirety of Halo acted like a big family, and that Lynus wasn’t the only one who thought so.
It made Sage happy to hear him say that, but at the same time it hurt him deeply. He loved Halo, but he also loved Historia. He lost everything, and although he now had so much more, even with his uncertain memories, he couldn’t stop the human error of wanting more, wanting everything. It was so selfish, but… he wasn’t going to argue with himself.
That same howl from before started up again, and Sage lifted his head, eyes growing wide as he took a few steps towards the tree line before stopping and pressing his lips into a thin line. He finally remembered his guild, their names and faces, he remembered his brother, Eliath, had a beast companion, a black wolf, and after what Vien said…
What if that wolf was still alive? If Sage could just remember his name he could call to him and maybe he’d come running! He lifted his hands and pressed the heels of his palms against either side of his head, shutting his eyes as he tried to search through his foggy and blacked out memories, looking for a name, the name Eliath gave to his wolf.
Sage remembered Historia loved that beast, he even remembered being very young and small, curling up on the floor because he’d been studying Eliath’s codex’s and promptly passing out, only to wake up with his brother’s beast companion lying beside him and keeping him warm. Eliath laughed when he found them, shaking his head in pure amusement as Sage complained about something.
Somehow… somehow, he remembered the day Eliath came home with that wolf. It had been raining, pouring so hard that Sage couldn’t leave the house, though Eliath didn’t seem to care. He liked the rain, Sage recalled. When he got home he was soaked, but grinning like an idiot, clutching a small bundle wrapped in his coat that he excitedly set down, allowing a tiny black puppy to stagger forward and trip over the fabric.
“I found him hiding under a porch,” Eliath had explained, kneeling down and collecting the tiny puppy against his chest, his purple eyes heavy with emotion, “He’s going to be part of our family now. I’ll train him myself to be the perfect sidekick in the Labyrinth!”
Sage laughed as Eliath held the puppy at arm’s length, grinning, “What do we call him?”
Sage opened his eyes, wincing and clutching his head as he staggered forward and fell to his knees, staring at the trees as the wolf’s howl rose again, whispering, “Na’axri.”
“Sage!” Dyria fell to one knee beside the survivalist, reaching an arm around his shoulders as he carefully took Sage’s chin in his other hand, “What happened?”
“Ah, my brother’s wolf,” Sage said simply, “I remembered Historia’s beast companion.”
“What?” Dyria kept an arm around Sage as he struggled to his feet, holding his head, “Easy, sit back down.”
“But it could be him,” Sage argued, brushing Dyria’s hand away and stepping towards the trees.
“Sage,” Dyria stepped in front of him, keeping his hands on the survivalist’s shoulders, “Calm down. Wandering carelessly into the forest of the Labyrinth is literally the worst decision you could make, especially considering your explorer class. It’s your job to logically think about these things. You need to slow down and think through what you’re trying to do.”
“I’m trying to find Na’axri,” Sage bit, pushing at Dyria’s chest, “He could still be alive! Vien said so! He said that wolf could be a beast companion who was abandoned or lost! It could be my brother’s wolf!”
“I’m not letting you go off on your own, we came here for a reason, don’t get distracted. What if it’s not Historia’s wolf?”
“It is!” Sage dropped his head, pinching his eyes closed, “It has to be! If it’s not then I really have nothing left of him!”
“That’s not true, Sage,” Dyria argued, eyes widening when Sage lifted his head to glare at him with glassy eyes and tears on his cheeks.
“I can’t even remember my own name! I have nothing!”
“You have me,” Dyria easily countered, “You have Halo.”
Sage pinched his eyes closed, tears slipping down his cheeks, “You’re important to me, Dyria. Everyone in Halo is so important to me, I can’t even explain how much I care about you,” he slowly reopened his eyes, “but this is different. This is my brother. How would you feel if something happened to Iliad?”
Dyria tensed up, his eyes growing hard, “I would never let anything happen to him.”
“Maybe we should go look around at least,” Dyria looked over Sage’s head to see Arcan and the rest of Halo had gathered around, “I kind of understand where he’s coming from, I mean. My father was killed in the Labyrinth, my mom died soon after him, then my nana. Blaise is all I have left from my family, my past, he shares my blood, and that’s something not even the best of friends can replace. If I lost him, I’d never be able to live with myself,” he shook his head, “There’s no harm in just checking it out, right?”
Dyria didn’t look very convinced, until Iliad added in, “I agree,” he said, looking away awkwardly and rubbing his neck when Dyria shifted his gaze to him, “I mean, I probably wouldn’t give any shits if you died, but I mean we’re already here, right? Sage needs some sort of closure, and if we do find that wolf companion, he could come in handy.”
“I want a pet!” Vien piped up, and Dyria dropped his head with a sigh that Emery followed up with.
“It’s still day, and we’ve collected what was requested,” the medic pointed out, “There’s no harm in taking a quick walk just to see what there may or may not be. If we find something, great, if not, no harm done.”
“Fine,” Dyria gave in, squeezing Sage’s shoulders, “but you stay within sight of me, got it? Don’t wander off and don’t move off the path.”
“Okay,” Sage nodded furiously, reaching up to grab Dyria’s hand with his own, letting their fingers twist tightly together as the protector turned with a reluctant sigh and started into the trees.
They followed the howling, there wasn’t much of a path, but Sage made sure to stay right behind Dyria, their hands securely locked together, the rest of Halo taking up the back. Sage was surrounded by his guild, safe, and yet there was something prickling the back of his neck, making the hair stand on edge as he looked around anxiously.
He got the feeling that he, in particular, was being watched by someone or something, and the knot it created in his throat had him walking faster so he was clinging to Dyria’s armor with his other hand. It made him feel a bit better, but that sick feeling remained. Maybe… maybe this was a bad idea after all.
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