#high style deco
grahamjadiel · 7 months
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Eclectic Living Room - Formal Large eclectic formal living room idea with a dark wood floor, blue walls, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace, and no television.
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valeriacarr · 1 year
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Eclectic Living Room - Formal Large eclectic formal living room idea with a dark wood floor, blue walls, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace, and no television.
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boylerpf · 8 months
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Vintage Art Deco Style Diamond and Aquamarine Ring
Source - Boylerpf
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trb752 · 10 months
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Ogden High School in Ogden, Utah, USA
Designed by Hodgson and McClenahan
in 1937.
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thegivenchythree · 5 days
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Fendi spring 2025
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fidgetspringer-art · 6 months
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It's a very cool feeling to finally have a character you've written over 110k words about, be able look back at you from the canvas.
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gemville · 2 years
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March Birthstone: Aquamarine
Art Deco Style High Jewelry Cocktail/Dinner Ring In 14k White Gold With An 8.00 Carat Aquamarine and 20 Transitional Cut Round Brilliant White Diamonds Weighing 0.30 CTW
Source: Lang Antiques via Pinterest
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je-suis-tatiana · 1 year
When the weather is cloudy, listening to Honeymoon by Lana Del Rey album feels perfect.
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hihomeghere · 1 year
Wedding at the End of the World | Five Hargeeves \ F!Reader
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Word Count : 3.3k Summary : A reader insert for the episode Wedding at the End of the World. You and Five reminisce on your wedding/proposal before going to Luther and Sloanes wedding. You both go to the wedding with high hopes of a good evening. ( I do not own the Umbrella Academy or any of their characters) Warnings/Tags : Cursing, fluff, alcohol, allusions to sex, mentions of death, use of y/n, Aged up!Five. Not requested.
“How was the bachelor party?” You asked as Five walked into your shared hotel room. He walked over to the bed.
“Wasn’t half bad.” He said with a smug smile. He sunk down onto the mattress untying his shoes. You set your book down on the side table, it wasn’t that interesting anyway. But after stopping the apocalypse twice in the last month you were due some down time. He crawled onto the bed and you accepted him with open arms. At this point in your marriage everything was muscle memory, the way you two always came together. His head rested on your chest, while his arms wrapped around your waist. He relaxed, his whole weight on top of you. Your hand stroked his hair, lightly scratching his scalp.
“You know, I don’t regret anything about our wedding day.” He said looking up at you, “but it was nice to have all my brothers together before Luther’s.” He smiled, kissing your wedding ring. A beautiful art deco style band.
“Five Hargreeves,” You said a smile creeping onto your face, “are you going soft on me?” You chuckled as he scoffed.
“Am I not allowed to enjoy spending time with my brothers?” He rolled his eyes, a teasing smile on his lips.
“Whatever you say, old man.” You kissed his head, closing your eyes.
“Where are we going?” You giggled as Five pulled you through the outskirts of a vineyard, circa 1972
“You’ll see.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You rolled your eyes following him blindly. He turned through a stone doorway, letting go of your hand. 
You followed him, walking down sandstone steps onto the lawn. The sun was setting, causing an orange glow to reflect on everything. Lavender bushes lined the lawn, Five stood in the middle, a picnic set out before you. You smiled, racing to meet him. He grinned as you threw yourself into his arms, he spun you lightly, your cream sundress flowing around you.
“What is all this?” You asked, your smile all but splitting your face. 
“Happy anniversary,” he said looking down at you through his lashes. You cocked your head to the side.
“You little,” you hit his shoulder softly, “I thought you forgot.” You shook your head.
“I could never.” He said, a hand resting over his heart. You shoved him, he exaggerated his movements, falling to the ground. You tackled him, straddling him between your legs. “The food is going to get cold.” He said in between your kisses.
“Is that really what you’re thinking about?” You laughed pulling your hair away from your face. You sat up, removing yourself from his lap. You kneel in front of the food display, two glasses with a bottle of champagne, a charcuterie board, and for dessert different fruit tarts. Five began to pour you a glass of champagne as you dug in. From the lawn you could see the sun set over the ocean. The bright turquoise waves crashing against each other. 
“You know,” Five started, you turned to look at him, the golden rays shining on him, “you are the best thing to ever happen to me.” He grinned at you, chuckling to himself. 
“Same here,” you grinned, laying your head on his shoulder, “I wish everyday could be like this.” You sighed contentedly watching the sun disappear into the horizon.
“I can’t promise that, but I can promise to love you everyday with no conditions, if you’ll have me.” He said kissing your head. He moved slightly, slipping his hand behind him to pull a box out of his pocket. 
“Five are you?” You asked sitting up.
“Will you marry me, Y/n?” He asked with a nervous smile on his face, you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
“Yes! Yes! Of course!” You laughed, throwing yourself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you, laughing with you. He put the ring on your finger, tears slipping past his lashes. You cupped his face, kissing him sweetly. He deepened the kiss, his tongue running across your lower lip.
“You know, I reserved this villa for two more hours.” He whispered, pulling away from you, a lick of fire behind his eyes.
“This is officially worse than the apocalypse.” Five mumbles next to you. You hit him softly, grinning. 
“Oh hush.” You say turning back to Sloane and Luther. Sloane looked breathtaking, they both glided on the dance floor. Drawn to each other like magnets. Unable to be apart, always connected to each other in some way.
“Were we ever like that?” Five asked his nose wrinkling in disgust as his arm snuck around your waist, pulling you into his side.
“Who says we aren’t?” You laughed leaning into him, your head resting on his shoulder. He kissed your head, sighing as he watched his brother dance with his bride. 
There was no denying how deeply he felt for you. It was no use, he had tried to bottle up the love he felt for you for years! And yet here you were, nestled in his arms. He still couldn’t quite understand how you had fallen for him. You were heaven on earth, a cool drop of water in the apocalypse. You were nothing like him, pure, kind, empathetic, any man's dream girl.
And you had chosen him. A stubborn, egotistical old man who had (at first) brushed you off without a second glance.
You worked hard, breaking down his walls brick by brick. Like those bricks Five had fallen for you, and hard. His heart had long ago been branded yours with a hot iron. He was only so lucky that you had fallen for him just as hard as he had fallen for you. 
“C'mon Mr. Hargreeves,” you said, detaching yourself from his side, “dance with me.” You asked, reaching your hand out. He smiled softly, taking your hand in his. You could ask him to cut out his heart and give it to you on a silver platter and he would do it. 
“How could I resist Mrs. Hargreeves?” He asked his hand returning to its rightful place at your hip, his other hand holding yours. You both swayed gently to the music, your nose nestled into his neck breathing in his aftershave. You never thought your life would be like this, after all the torture and pain you had been through. You never thought you would have a normal life after that. Well, your life with Five wasn’t exactly normal. You were both stuck in your 20 year old bodies after a mishap time traveling, a couple apocalypses under your belts, and a crazy family to boot. 
But it was your life, he was yours, and you were his. You were happy, content, even if the world was going to end. As long as Five was by your side you could face anything, even the end of it all.
“Oh what am I going to do with you?” You chuckle looking into his green eyes. A smile split his face, creeping all the way to his eyes.
“Anything.” He replied simply before capturing your lips against his. You hummed softly, closing your eyes. The song slowly came to an end, and you both retired to your table. 
There, Five made it very clear that he had one goal for the night. He poured a concoction of alcohol into glasses for the both of you, trying to get you as drunk as he was. You were giddy, the booze making you tingly all over. Every time Five would catch your eye you would giggle and shy away from his gaze. He put his hand on your leg, his fingers slowly inching up your thigh. He was trying to find an excuse to get you both out of this reception and back up into your room. He knew in a blink he could get you back in bed, but how to do it without 1. Drawing suspicion and 2. Without having to hear about how rude it was for you both to leave and effectively killing the mood. Unfortunately for Five, his brother had to cock block him.
"Cinco!" Klaus exclaimed as the two looked over. "Mi hermano! And hermana-in-law.” He lowered his voice smiling at you.
"Oh, god," Five said, chewing loudly. "What do you want?" You giggled while sipping your champagne.
"Listen to me," Klaus said, sitting in front of you, "Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what say you and I pop up to the suite for a little chit chat?"
"Are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now?" Five asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at Klaus.
"Y/n help me out! This dad's different," Klaus defended him. "He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside." Five took a drink of his champagne 
"Klaus?" Five asked.
"Old dogs like me and him never change," Five told him. You rolled your eyes, lightly hitting his shoulder. "It’s true! He has never had our best interests at heart. So, my only plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition."
"Sure. Have at it," Klaus said, getting up as Five placed a shot inside another drink.
"I shall!" Five exclaimed taking a shot.
“Y/n what do you think?” After not making any leeway with Five, Klaus turned to you.
“Klaus, can’t you just enjoy the party? No apocalypse talk for one night, please.” You smiled lazily, resting your hand on his velvet suit.
“You’re only getting away with this cause you’re cute, you know that right?” He groaned, rolling his eyes. Five recoiled, a disgusted expression on his face.
“Oh please, it’s not like I’m gonna jump your wife’s bones.” He smirked, “Although Y/n….” He trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Klaus, if you would so kindly walk away before I break your arm.” Five clenched his jaw, Klaus recoiled before walking away. “Why do you humor him?” Five asked as you turned to face him.
“Because he’s your brother, and for the most part he’s a good brother.” You said putting your hand on his shoulder looking into his eyes. He avoided your gaze. You smiled before leaning forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, over his two freckles.
“He better not sit here.” Diego said quite loudly drawing your attention away from Five, which he responded with a whine when your lips left his cheek. “I swear to god he better not sit here.”
“What is he doing here?” Ben added, “Who invited him?” Your eyes caught the elephant in the room. Reginald Hargreeves, your father in law. He gave a weird smile which just made the awkward tension in the room ten times worse. You looked back at Five, who gave you a knowing look before shrugging and taking another shot.
Lila and Diego made their way over him, Lilia apparently looking for an introduction.
“You won’t make me do that, right?” Five asked, taking your hand as you watched the somewhat pleasant interaction.
“Small talk with my in-laws is not on my apocalypse bucket list.” You reassured him, laughing. He smiled, “But if you wanted to go over and talk to him, I wouldn’t make you go alone.” He rolled his eyes staring at you.
“I’d rather lick a cheese grater.” You snickered before stealing one of his champagne flutes and downing it.
“What is he doing?” You asked as Reginald got up with a flute and a microphone, “oh my god is he going to give a speech?”
“Dear god, let’s hope the kugelblitz takes us before he starts.” Five mumbled before drinking another flute of champagne. You reached out blindly hitting him on his shoulder, you couldn’t look away from the anticipated train wreck in front of you.
“Sloane ever since you were a little girl, I’ve always known you were exceptionally bright. And although I can’t say I know Luther all that well, from the few moments we have shared, it seems you have found yourself an adequate partner.”
“He just called Luther adequate.” Five snickered a grin plastered on his face, you shushed him not wanting to miss any part of the speech. 
“I acknowledge that as a father I was not without my faults. I hope these shortcomings will be seen as only a rough patch on an otherwise verdant lawn.”
You took Five’s hand, giving him a smile. 
“You know for the most part this isn’t a bad speech.” You whispered, “Remember that wedding we went to in 1986?” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“How could I forget? We killed the groom's uncle after the reception.” He said meeting your eyes, a lick of fire in them.
“See! No one has died at this wedding!” You said the alcohol giving you a false sense of confidence.
“Yet.” He reminded you by holding up his flute for you, you raised your own clinking the two glasses. 
“I’m proud to call you my children. Even those whom I raised in a revenant version of myself.” Five leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. You rubbed his back lightly, gauging his reaction. “I hope that tonight we can create a few special memories, in whatever precious little time we have left.” You looked back over at Five, biting your lip slightly. You had a good run, but like Five you were so tired of running.
“So in closing, the sun rises over a lily field. A mother veiled her lips concealed.” Alison stormed off toward the elevator, “the mourners come in droves of black. To bury what their hearts unpack, with shallow breath and time eclipsed.” You looked over at Viktor who was pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed. A pain shot through you at his expression. “I pray you miss death's gentle kiss.” He raised his flute to Luther and Sloane.
You sat in silence for a minute, turning your attention back to Five. He had the same pained expression, you grabbed his hand squeezing it. He turned to you, offering you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Diego and Klaus started clapping, “Bravo! Bravo dad!” Klaus said.
“I didn’t think the old man had it in him.” Five whispered to you.
“Guess some old dogs can change.” You offered wrapping your hand around his bicep, pulling yourself closer to him.
“My wife, always the optimist.” He smirked, taking another sip of champagne.
“You love it.” You said resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“That I do.”
You watched as Lila, Diego and Klaus all made their way to the dance floor, Luther and Sloane joining them.
“Come on mister,” you said, pulling yourself to your feet. He rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance before taking your hand as you pulled him onto the dance floor. 
Slowly you all made your way out to the courtyard. Five draped his suit jacket over your shoulders as you led him to two chairs. He had definitely met his goal for the night. He was fucked up beyond all recognition. You sat next to him, pulling him back into your chest. His cheeks were rosy, a side effect of all the alcohol. His warm hand rested on your thigh, absentmindedly rubbing circles into your skin. While the bottle he had been nursing was clutched tightly against his chest. He rested his head on your shoulder as you looked up at your impending doom. Was it wrong to say it was beautiful? The swirling reds that danced in the dark sky. The orange string lights casted a glow on all of you, illuminating the otherwise dark courtyard. You pulled the bottle away from Five's lips, taking a drink for yourself. He let out a whine as you pulled it towards your lips.
“Hey guys.” Luther said as Sloane and him sat down. You waved to them as Luther leaned over to say something to Viktor. He put a hand on his back before Diego piped up.
“Oh no, no, no, no!” He said as Ben and Klaus walked over to where you were all seated. 
“Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here!” Five said with a slight crack in his voice gesturing at Ben.
“Hear me out!” Klaus said as a very drunk Ben leaned on him adding a little word here and there.
“The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone. And not- I don’t mean our Ben the nice Ben.” He clarified, “I mean this Ben.” He said pointing back to Ben as he put a bottle to his lips. “The asshole he’s gone now.” 
“Klaus what are you talking about?” Luther asked, looking around at all of you.
“And the man that stands in front of you is new, new Ben.” You watched as Klaus shook Ben, Five winced slightly looking at his two brothers. “And he’s one of us, and he’s a member of the team.” Klaus started chuckling, “and he’s part of the family!”
“Part of the family!” Ben yelled in unison
“And as a welcome gift I suggest we throw him off the roof.” Five smirked before you hit his chest. “What was that for?” He asked, dazed looking up at you.
“Five.” You deadpanned 
“Yeah I’ll help.” Diego said, looking at you two.
“Come on!” Klaus said both of them were hanging off each other.
“You know what, you know what.” Luther said pointing at the two men, “He can stay. He can stay.”
“Why?” Diego asked looking up at Luther
“Cause it’s my wedding day, man. Come on, he can stay.” You giggled as Ben and Klaus stumbled over to you all.
“How many times can he pull the ‘It’s my wedding card’” Five asked, rolling his eyes. 
“As many times as he wants babe” You said kissing his head.
“Barf,” Lilia said looking over at you two, “not you love, just the general idea of anyone finding that little turd attractive.” She said pointing at Five.
You shook your head trying to hide your smile. Five recoiled before looking back at you.
“Stop smiling!” He groaned, his brows furrowed, he looked like an angry toddler. At that you could help laughing, you held his face in your hands.
“Oh baby, don't be upset.” You kissed him before kissing all over his face, his cheeks, his forehead, his nose.
“Ooh woah, holy smokes.” Klaus said, looking up at your impending doom. Five reached for the bottle taking another swig.
“Hey you know something?” Luther said, breaking the silence, “tonight is all I ever really wanted.” A smile spread across your face as you looked at your brother in law.
“To get hitched?” Diego asked 
“Just… everybody coming together when it really matters.” He said, you grabbed Five's hand lightly squeezing it, “one big real family.” He kissed your hair, you all knew that Luther was the only one out of the siblings to have the guts to say what he felt. Suddenly Five moved off of you trying to get to his feet, clutching his stomach. He dry heaved as he almost fell onto his face, barely catching himself.
“Whoa! Whoa!” Everyone yelled leaning away from your stumbling husband.
“Oh I think I’m gonna hurl,” he muttered to himself. 
“Go get your man Y/n.” Diego said as you walked over to Five rubbing his back.
“Actually uh,” Five said, breaking away from your grasp, “I think I’m hungry, see ya guys I’m gonna hit the buffet.” He said stretching out his arms before gesturing inside. You sighed as he stumbled toward the building.
“Is he gonna be ok?” Viktor asked, pointing toward Five with his bottle.
You turned back to find all your siblings chuckling softly.
“I better go after him.” You said pointing behind you, “good night guys.” You waved before following Five inside.
“Night y/n.” Diego said, waving at you.
“We know who isn’t getting screwed tonight!” Klaus said loudly, you only flipped him off before heading inside. After your lovely drunk husband. You wouldn’t trade your family for the world.
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taurusdesign · 1 year
Johanna Nursery (Available for Everyone!)
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Hi guys!
I thought I wouldn't make it, but even on the last day, I made the set.  It made me so excited when I was doing this set. Because I don't know anything about babysitting, and the style of the set is in a style that I'm not used to. Of course, there was more I wanted to add, but time is very cruel. As I shared in the WIP, I found the Foundry set belonging to Westwood Baby very suitable for this theme. I liked it and I thought the simmers would like it too. (I hope so!) I also designed the items that were on my mind and not on the actual set by myself. There are a total of 30 items in the set, which is aimed at babies and toddlers. I was going to make a bassinet for the newborns, but I heard it was a little difficult. They're already so boring. Now I make them infants directly. Let's see what we have without too much ado.
Cribs - (2 styles, 30 swatches)
Bookcase - (2 styles, 30 swatches)
Diaper Change Table - (I'm sorry that I did this in 3 parts... And Growing Together required)
Dresser - (30 swatches)
Chifforobe - (2 versions, 30 swatches)
Nightstand - (30 swatches)
Chest - (30 swatches)
High Chair - (2 parts, 30 swatches)
Potty Chair - (20 swatches)
Mattress for Infants - (20 swatches)
Mattress for Toddlers - (20 swatches)
Toddler Bed - (2 styles, 30 swatches)
Blanket for Crib - (20 swatches)
Pillows for Crib - (20 swatches)
Teddy Bear - (20 swatches)
Wall Decos - Sun, Moon and Clouds - (20 swatches)
Mirror - (30 swatches)
Books for Bookcase - (Maxis Conversation)
Deco Baby Monitor - (24 swatches)
You can find everything included in the set by typing "Johanna" in the search section.
I hope you'll like it! Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️
Public Release: April 21st, 2023
DOWNLOAD (CurseForge)
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sovietpostcards · 1 year
Russian State Library
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The biggest library in Russia and one of the biggest in the world. It was designed in late 1920s, soon after the birth of the new Soviet state, and fully finished in the 1950s. In includes 4 buildings and one 19-floor book repository. There are several reading halls, a cafe, and a whole bunch of book-filled nooks and crannies.
I'm writing this post sitting in the library's biggest reading hall - Reading Hall No. 3. It was opened in 1957 and still retains most of the original furniture and design (only there are now individual power sockets in every desk). Most of the tables are occupied by people with books and laptops. It's very quiet.
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The book depository is a huge building that rises high above everything else in this historical area. It had 10 floors originally, each 5m high, but later it was divided into 19 smaller floors. We visited one of the floors. I was impressed to see that the windows are made out of Falconnier glass blocks (made specially for the library in Gus Khrustalny).
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There are two automated delivery systems in the library: one delivers readers' orders into the depository (pneumatic tubes) and the other delivers books back to the reader (monorail). We had a chance to see both of them in action, very impressive! They also kept a bit of the old book delivery system that worked from 1953 until 2015. I saw it on pictures before, and it was great to see the granny in real life. :) There are a lot of "grannies" in the library, from the green lamps to rotary phones to wall clocks. The pneumatic tube system has been in place since 1975. People whose job is to preserve books are very likely to preserve everything else.
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I loved this anecdote. In one of the reading halls, there's a big painting of Lenin (pictured below). Apparently it was put in place in mid-1950s to cover the bas-relief that was there originally. On the bas-relief there are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. After Stalin's death in 1953 and debunking the cult of personality, images of him were quickly removed from everywhere. The library, being true preservers of history, kept theirs but covered it up. It just shows what kind of people librarians are. :)
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Although the library is working on running a full digital catalogue of all their 48 million items, if you want access to older editions you'll probably need to use the old paper card catalogue. The room gave me major nostalgy - I remember using this kind of catalogue in my local library when I was a kid. The sound of pulling out a narrow box, then the little built-in table, going through the cards one by one, writing down what you need on library cards. It was a whole process! Of course, the local library's catalogue was WAY smaller.
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A few more shots of interiors. Although the building itself was designed in 1920s (during the era of avantgarde and art deco), the interiors were mostly done in 1950s when the main design style was neo classicism.
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I enjoyed this tour immensely, so much so that I had to go back and get a library card so I can see more of it, sit in every reading hall and drink a cup of tea in the marble hall cafeteria. Also, the idea of 48 million books at the tip of my fingers makes me giddy. Thank you to my followers for the monetary support and making this real for me: K. T., H. W., T. B., m., @depetium, @transarkadydzyubin, S. R.
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dozydawn · 1 month
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“Exceptional and rare French art deco boots of fine gold kid leather with high multi strapped instep closed with Tiffany style art glass iridescent shoe buttons. Sole stamped ‘Franks’, which was a fine importer in the period.”
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imaginative-joy · 3 months
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“In the south rim, there’s a planet way down on the river…”
Jedi Tiana lives in the High Republic era, mainly because I realized that the High Republic aesthetic is inspired by art deco, which was popular in the 1920s. Besides, Tiana is a classy gal, and I felt like the elegant style of the High Republic suited her well. With her irrepressible spirit and ambition, I could easily see her being a Master, or least… she’s almost there…
Meanwhile, Naveen is a little gorg, an amphibious critter native to Tatooine. There have been a lot of depictions of gorgs across Star Wars media, and not everyone can agree on what they look like! So I wound up picking out design elements I thought would work well for Naveen. I liked the tail and spots that are typically seen in the games and movies (Jabba eats a couple of these guys, so I imagine they’re the Star Wars equivalent of frog legs? Which implies that the frog hunters of the movie could be gorg hunters in this version of the story!). Terryl Whitlatch’s design for them features a wide face and tapered webbed feet, which translate well into Naveen’s character design. Also, instead of a ukulele, Naveen is playing a hallikset, like the one Cal plays in Jedi: Fallen Order! Also, I would not be at all surprised if there was some in-universe bedtime story called “The Princess and the Gorg.”
Tiana’s Jedi story isn’t as fleshed out in my mind as some of the other princesses I’ve drawn, but I imagine her being an incredibly hard-working Jedi, always going above and beyond in her assignments (she’s usually assigned to escort and protect Senator LaBouff and his daughter). But, much like Anakin years later, she’s denied the rank of Master. But when a gorg cursed by the dark Force user Facilier promises he can help her become a Master in exchange for a little smooch, Tiana is ready to throw caution to the wind… until she, too, gets transformed into a gorg!
Merida/Prints Mulan/Prints Belle/Prints Moana/Prints Raya/Prints
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trb752 · 1 year
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Science High School
40 Rector Street Newark, New Jersey, USA
Formerly Ballantine Brewery's Malt House built in 1860 and Designed by architect Charles H. Nicoll as the Malt
House Number 3
Given an Art Deco facade in the 1930s.
Photos courtesy of Michael Padwee
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taintandviolent · 4 months
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Thrill of the Rush ; James March x reader
summary: Reader is a murderer, coquettish and demure in nature. She brings a man to the Hotel Cortez, and it ends how it always ends for them. The only difference, is that James March is watching her and is enamoured.
word count & w a r n i n g s: 2.6k! | serial killer!reader, graphic descriptions of murder, violence, blood and gore, descriptions of smut, cunnilingus, arousal, kissing/making out.
a/n: requested by anonymous and inspired by Lana Del Rey's Serial Killer song! hopefully this isn't too clunky, or boring in anyway! proofread very briefly, if you see any mistakes, no you didn't.
full fic under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / I don't have a taglist, but please turn on post notifications if you'd like to be notified of future fics!
Elvis’s voice drifted from your speaker. The hotel room was cool, a stark contrast to the hot LA summer outside. The room itself was outdated in decor and architecture, something that you found charming – you’d chosen it specifically for its gorgeous, untouched art deco style. Stephen protested, saying it was rundown and dingy. You shushed him with a single manicured finger and led him inside, heading straight for the hotel desk. 
He was a man. A stupid, hungry man who could only think with one head at a time. So, it didn’t take much for you to get up to the hotel room, and onto the bed. You’d let the strap of your dress fall off your creamy soft shoulder, coaxing him closer to you.
He nuzzled his lips into your breast, tugging softly at the skin. He muttered something into your skin, something grotesque, and you didn’t hear him. You were too busy listening to the thud of your own heartbeat – your own excited little heartbeat. You reached into your purse, which had been laying next to you, to retrieve the knife. It was a beautiful thing; pink pearlescent inlay on the handle, and a long, shimmery silver blade. 
Raising it high above his head, your elegant fingers gripped the rosy hilt of your knife, and using all your strength, stabbed it into the side of the man's neck. The blade sliced through his skin like butter, giving no resistance. There was nothing like the sensation of killing – it never failed in making your eyes glisten, a cruel fire burning bright within them. Your chest fluttered with excited little breaths, rushing out over your pouting, pink lips in tiny gusts. The thrill, the rush, it was unlike anything you’d ever experienced – even sex. No man had ever made you feel the way killing him did. You twisted the knife slightly. 
In response, he gurgled; a delightful sound that had you giggling. You had angled the knife just right, plunging it deep before yanking it out quickly. The blood spurted out in a warm geyser over your hand, trailing down your wrist in crimson ribbons. His hand flew to his neck, pitifully trying to stop the flowing river. You slapped his hand away softly. 
"Pl-please..." He murmured, as his body started to droop away from yours. 
You bent over, kissing the man on the forehead. As darling as you had been before, maybe even more so then. “Oh, baby…” you whispered, cloyingly sweet and soft like a summer day. He knew that he was going to die, and the begging was futile. Still, he persisted, wet and coughing between each plea. 
You pushed him off of your breast, and more blood squirted out, the arteries pumping it out with each beat of his heart. James' dark pupils widened, watching as you worked. He hadn’t made himself known yet, and wouldn’t until you were finished. Nothing should interrupt this delicious display of cruelty. 
“Tell me you love me,” you whispered. “Tell me I’m the sweetest girl you’ve ever seen.” He didn’t. He didn’t say anything else… and he never would again. 
“Hmph.” Frustrated, you got off the bed, and smoothed your hands over your hips; the satin of your slip dress was warm and soft and provided no friction. 
"Seems you've got yourself between a rock and hard place, my dear." 
You spun around. In front of you stood a dashing man, dressed to the nines and resting some of his weight on a cane. He was handsome, but possessed a coldness that drew you in. He wasn't like the others.
"How did you get in here?!" 
"The door was..." He turned to look at it, casually. "Open." 
"No..." You shook your head, soft curls bouncing. Your tone was coy, knowing. "No, it wasn't." 
"Ah," he said, tightening his lips into a sly smile. Had his heart been beating, it would’ve quickened at your darling little response. You were quick; a trait that he enjoyed and very rarely saw.
"He deserved it, you know." You looked at the man on the bed with a disproving sourness in your gaze. His body had slumped over the side of the mattress, blood streamed from the gash in his neck to his hairline, staining it red. 
"I don't doubt that." He inhaled, stepping further into your room. "However... The problem remains of what to do with him. I presume you’ve yet to figure that out." His voice had your knees weak, turning the tendons to jell-o every time he spoke. It was so deep and croony, like molasses if it had a voice. 
"No," you trilled. "No, but you seem like you do." 
"I do," he started. There you went with your quick-witted confidence again. "You see, I have built this hotel to satisfy... my every need and whim, whatever they may be. I have a way to dispose of him for you." 
Your hand lifted to your shoulder, your finger winding a lock of hair around it. You pursed your lips, as though you were considering his offer. The truth was, you’d already made up your mind. He was dangerous, unafraid, but interested in you. A refreshing change from the rest of the men that you courted and ultimately killed. Besides, he was right. You had a corpse in the room and were unsure what to do with it, besides leaving it and requesting another room, claiming something trivial like the hot water not working. 
"Why are you doing this?" You ask, running your tongue along the bottom of your teeth, before coming to rest in the corner of your mouth. "You don't even know me." 
"I don't, my little buttercup, this is fact, but what I do know of you, I crave." 
Your knees wobbled. Somehow, he’d captivated you. You were never taken by men; they were useless, dumb playthings that you disposed of as soon as you got bored with them. You were never the one that was wrapped around a finger, it was always the other way around. But something… something about this man and the sick, nasty glimmer in his pitch-black eyes had you shivering.
“James March,” he declared proudly, before offering his hand. You placed your own atop his palm, and he leaned down, pressing his lips softly against your knuckles. Your lips tensed, withholding a whimper. 
All at once, he closed in the distance between the two of you. Exactly what you wanted him to do, and without asking. You gasped, looking up into his soulless gaze. “Hold me,” you whispered. “Please.” 
With a single nod, he enclosed you in a frighteningly firm grasp. You weren’t going anywhere – not that you wanted to. 
“I don’t know what you do… or what you’ve done…” you whispered, feeling light in his arms. He held you like old movie stars held their beloved; arms wrapped passionately around the waist, holding you tight at the hip. James waited, on bated breath, for you to finish your sentence. Instead, you stood on your tiptoes, and pressed your soft lips against his. They were cool, and immediately surrendered to yours, parting to exhale into your mouth. As his breath filled your lungs, you succumbed to every feeling he was pulling from you; your legs quivered and pressed together tightly. Your core tightened, and your cunt clenched with arousal. Slick leaked into the silk of your underwear, staining the fabric with your submissiveness.
His head tilted, allowing him to go deeper inside your mouth. His tongue slipped along yours, twirling and exploring the soft, slippery flesh of your mouth. Without breaking the kiss, James walked you backwards, guiding you towards the bed. His shin knocked into the corpse’s head, which lolled lifelessly.
You were at his mercy, and gasping for air, broke the kiss to look down at your feet. Stephen’s eyes were glazed over now, void of life. He had paled, the crimson stark against his bloodless skin. A puddle had settled beneath his head, seeping into the carpet. You broke away from James and bent down, shoving all your weight down on Stephen's shoulders. Rigor mortis hadn’t set in, so he rolled over easily, towards the edge of the bed, which freed up most of the bed for whatever came next. 
You immediately snuggled yourself back into James’ arms, nestling against his chest. “There… all better.” 
He hmm’ed at the crown of your head, holding you tight. His hips ground against yours, a stiffness pressing into your hip bone. A reminder – he was a man. But not akin to the other men… he was different. You looked up, gazing into his eyes. 
James guided you backwards onto the bed, your ass hitting the mattress with a squeak of protest from the old springs. Placing one hand on either side of your hips, he kissed you again, urging you back further yet. He was intoxicating. Everything he did had you quivering like a lamb in the jaws of a wolf – and you wanted more of it. More of everything. You wanted him. 
“I love you just a little too much,” you cooed, brushing your lips over his neck. The satin of his ascot brushed against your chin and you longed to feel it tied around your wrists. Your hand brushed along his bulge, feeling the taut fabric that covered it. As the feelings bubbled up inside of you, effervescent like champagne, you couldn’t stand it. No man should ever make you feel the way he did and with a small gasp of air, you reached for your knife again. James caught you fast, holding your wrist in an iron grip. 
“I’m afraid not, my dear. You won’t get that pleasure with me.” 
“Pleasure?” You asked, doe-eyed, feigning innocence yet again. 
“Perhaps another pleasure,” he cooed against your lips, his moustache tickling the flesh under your nose. You were divine… a shining beacon of temptation amongst a sea of poor fools. It had been decades since a woman captivated him the way you did. 
James sank to his knees, slowly, as you watched, holding your breath. His hands gathered your satin slip over your knees, and pushed it over your hips, exposing your silken underwear. The wet spot had grown considerably, and James pressed his lips against the damp fabric. The sensation was electric, sending chills up your spine in a wave of unadulterated pleasure. He kissed her again, pressing harder. He could almost taste her through the silk. You whimpered, and let your head drop between your shoulders. He brushed his lips across your mound again, and you got even wetter. For a brief moment, he disappeared and the reaction was painfully visceral.
“Don’t…. Don’t stop…” you said to the ceiling, out of breath and trembling. You could hardly get yourself upright to look at him. 
“I’ve no intention of doing so, my dear. None whatsoever.” Carefully, as though unwrapping a delicate gift, James pulled your underwear from your hips, tugging them delicately down your thighs. Murder always got him worked up, but this was an entirely different arousal.
“Let me see her…” he said, low His hands were on your thighs, resting carefully atop of them. 
Using your manicured fingers, you reached forward to spread your cunt to him, eagerly, obediently. She glistened in the low-lighting of the room and you heard him inhale. He leaned closer to her and began kitten-licking between your folds, sending a shockwave through your core. She clenched uncontrollably, tightening. James paused to observe, pleased with the reaction. He’d done so little, and you were already a mess. Placing his hands behind your knees, he scooted you further towards him.
Your cunt ached with everything he did; from the gentle touches to the way that his moustache tickled the soft skin of your inner thigh. You weren’t used to your heart beating this quickly outside of killing someone. He was making you feel things you’d long since forgotten. 
To say that you never experienced sexual pleasure would be a lie; you did. Usually, covered in blood and panting, after a kill, your body and senses would be so wound up that you’d finger yourself, use a vibrator, something to get yourself off. But this orgasm, you knew, would be different. And much quicker. 
With a breath, he flattened his tongue against your cunt, lapping at it hungrily. Your muscles all trembled, the first hint of an orgasm clawing at your insides. And just before you did, he pulled away. Cruelly. Mercilessly. As though he knew that he had you under his spell…. Oh, you’d kill him if he’d only let you. 
James slipped two fingers inside your waiting, wet cunt. You let out a desperate yelp, rocking your hips back and forth to meet his fingers. Electricity coursed through your core, your body quivering again. His fingers drilled into you, curling upwards with each thrust, hitting your sensitive spot. The pressure increased, the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter around itself. You were close. 
“Speak to me,” he ordered. “Use your voice.” 
You swallowed, wetting your throat. It was frightfully hard to form words, your mind was too clouded with arousal and ecstasy. “C-can’t…. Feels…. So good….” 
James leaned forward again, the tip of his tongue drilling into your sensitive clit, twirling at it. After a moment, he encircled your clit with his lips, sucking softly. You were sweet, wet and singing for him. James hummed into your pussy, satisfied. With his fingers still thrusting inside you, the overstimulation was too much. Your coil snapped, and your hands flew to his hair, making tight fists in the greased locks. 
As you orgasmed, you called his name, chanting it over and over again like a prayer. He was there, between your legs, tugging you over the edge with whispered praises against your throbbing cunt. An attentive lover, James didn’t stop fucking you – or licking at you – until the final pulse subsided. 
“Now that I’ve made you mine,” he said, straightening up. “Let’s deal with your little hobby, my dear.” 
Made you his? You thought, chewing on the corner of your lip, as your eyes bored into his. How dare he – made you his. Despite feeling like you’d been bamboozled, you knew it was true. He’d made you his, and barred you from loving any other man again.
A knock at the door. You looked down at Stephen – you’d almost forgotten he was there. James got to his feet as the door opened, and you noticed that his cock had tented in his trousers, pulling against the fabric, begging for release. You gasped, looking at the woman as she entered. She was pushing a silver room service cart, though it was empty. 
“Fret not my dear, it’s nothing she hasn’t seen before.” 
You furrowed your brows; his erection or a corpse in a hotel room? You weren’t sure which. Effortlessly, James hoisted Stephen’s expired body up onto the cart, waving his hand dismissively towards the woman, who hmm’d curtly, and made her way back towards the door. 
“Follow me,” he said, jovially as he headed towards the open door. He began whistling a tune, as though wheeling a body out into the hallway was the most normal, routine thing he’d done all day. Perhaps it was. You heaved a breath, and got up off the bed, pulling your underwear back up. 
“James, James, wait!” 
He paused. 
“Aren’t you going to… well…” 
His eyes followed yours to his groin, which was still stiff. You sucked on your bottom lip, looking up at him with come-hither eyes. Curiosity had gotten the best of you. Despite having just come, you wanted more, and you desperately wanted to know what the weight of his cock felt like in your hands.  
“Oh.” He smiled, pleased. With a slow nod, he reached forward to cup your chin with his large hands. “I’ll get mine.” 
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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Chrysler Building. Gazing from Afar
Photographic Icon: The Chrysler Building has become an iconic subject for photographers, its gleaming facade and Art Deco details offering endless creative inspiration.
Artistic Muse: Artists and creatives worldwide continue to draw from the Chrysler Building's unique blend of elegance and innovation, making it a timeless muse in the worlds of art and design.
Architectural Symbolism: The spire of the Chrysler Building reaches high into the sky, symbolizing not just the ambition of the building's creators but also the aspirations of an entire era.
Elevated Gargoyles: The eagle gargoyles that adorn the 61st floor of the Chrysler Building's crown are among the highest architectural elements in New York City, adding to their mystique and symbolism.
Structural Drama: The Chrysler Building's design is a dramatic departure from traditional skyscraper aesthetics, with its setbacks and ornamentation creating a dynamic visual narrative.
Chrysler Building. Cultural Legacy
Literary Inspiration: The Chrysler Building has featured prominently in literature, serving as a backdrop for various novels and stories that capture the essence of New York City.
Film Icon: Its distinctive appearance has made the Chrysler Building a sought-after location for film and television productions, adding to its cultural prominence.
Design Evolution: The influence of the Chrysler Building's Art Deco style is visible in the design of numerous buildings, both in the United States and around the world.
Fashion Forward: Art Deco, epitomized by the Chrysler Building, has left an indelible mark on fashion, with its geometric patterns and sleek lines finding their way onto clothing and accessories.
Cultural Significance: Beyond its architectural marvel, the Chrysler Building is a symbol of the enduring spirit of innovation, aspiration, and creativity that defines New York City.
Chrysler Building. Preservation and Restoration
Ongoing Preservation: Dedicated efforts by preservationists ensure that the Chrysler Building's exquisite details and structural integrity continue to shine, safeguarding its heritage.
Art Deco Revival: The resurgence of interest in Art Deco design has brought renewed attention to the Chrysler Building's architectural significance.
Sustainability Initiatives: Modernization efforts have also extended to sustainability, with upgrades to the building's energy efficiency and environmental impact.
Visitor Experience: While the Chrysler Building is primarily a commercial office building, its lobby remains accessible to the public, allowing visitors to appreciate its Art Deco grandeur.
A Living Legacy: The Chrysler Building's legacy is not frozen in time but continues to evolve, adapting to the needs of a changing world while preserving the timeless essence of its design.
Chrysler Building. A Beacon of Hope
Iconic Beacon: The Chrysler Building's illuminated crown serves as a symbol of hope and unity, often illuminated in special colors to commemorate important events or causes.
Cultural Connection: Its presence in the New York City skyline is a source of cultural connection, a shared symbol that binds residents and visitors alike.
Historical Resilience: The Chrysler Building has withstood the test of time, remaining steadfast through historical events and shifts in cultural preferences.
Artistic Representation: Countless artists have depicted the Chrysler Building in their works, capturing its beauty and significance in various mediums.
A Promise of Tomorrow: As the sun sets behind the Chrysler Building, its illuminated crown stands as a beacon, reminding us that even in challenging times, there is always a brighter future on the horizon.
The Chrysler Building, with its timeless elegance and architectural innovation, continues to inspire and captivate. Its enduring legacy reminds us of the power of human creativity, determination, and the enduring spirit of New York City. In its gleaming spire and Art Deco splendor, we find not just a building, but a symbol of aspiration and a testament to the heights that can be achieved through bold vision and unwavering dedication.
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