rabbitenn · 5 months
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Beneath the melody of glimmering snowflakes, you sway in his arms.
ft. Yaotome Gaku, Kujo Tenn, Tsunashi Ryunosuke, Nanase Riku, Osaka Sogo, Izumi Mitsuki x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, romance. Use of ‘princess’ in Tenn’s.
A small (and a little late) Christmas present for @yumemirumikazuki (Tenn’s and Riku’s part) @gakutsumudailys (Gaku’s part) @ @houjichaya (Ryu’s), @yaminohimeyume (Tenn’s and Mitsuki’s) and @highcollargirl (Sogo’s). I’m not sure if you all celebrate, but this is my gift to you, I hope you have a lovely winter or holiday <3 I actually wanted to post this yesterday, but couldn’t make it in time, I still hope you enjoy !
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The bustling of packed streets dies down as you approach your apartment complex.
Intense lighting is replaced by the soft warmth of candle-lit windows, joyous voices overheard in the outline of the people habitating the decorated houses.
In the snow-coated streets, you walk, arms wrapped around a soft teddy bear that your boyfriend just got for you.
You hug it close, arms tightening around the plushie’s red coat adorned with a bow. A smile makes it to your face as you steal a glance in your lover’s direction. It was so cute, you think, how he looks intimidating and yet, he’s the sweetest with you.
The moonlight above, light years away, seems to agree with your statement, as its aura illuminates the idol’s profile; an otherworldly god, bound by fate to you.
“Gaku?” You call him, gaze lost in his handsome features.
Steely eyes focus on you, brows slightly raised in silent question.
You stop walking, coming to stand before him, one of your hands lacing with his.
“Thank you.” You giggle, hugging your new plushie a little tighter.
A soft chuckle leaves Gaku’s lips, his hand squeezing yours tenderly.
“Anything for you, my dear.” He tells you, with a fleeting kiss to your lips.
Then, he brushes a delicate kiss over the back of your hand.
“Can I have this dance with you?” Is his question, as puffs of hot breath are held in your throat.
You nod, as your lover sways you beneath the Christmas lights and the smiling moon.
You rest your cheek against the soft fabric of his long black coat, cheeks heating up at the proximity.
The moon reflects on the snow at your feet, its glow imprinting the shadows of two entangled souls over the pearlescent canvas.
The warmth of the fireplace casts your living room in rosy light.
You didn’t use it normally, but today is a special day, after all.
Sure, it’s the holidays, but to you, the fact that your angelic boyfriend is spending it with you is what matters.
You didn’t expect him to ring your doorbell this evening, disguised in his cap and glasses, with a bag packed full of cookies and Christmas treats.
A smile tugs at your lips as you prepare the table with the multiple snacks your boyfriend’s brought, the cinnamon-like scent of the sweets luring you to them.
A chuckle interrupts your thoughts.
“At least let me help you arrange them.” Tenn points out, removing his blue hat.
Your eyes focus on him. And while he always looks stunning, there is something so adorable about him in casual clothes and with a sincere smile on his perfect face.
“It’s alright, Tenn.” You smile, walking towards him.
A sigh escapes your boyfriend, as he slightly shakes his head, as if to say ‘you’re too kind.’
One of his hands reaches up to take off his glasses, but you stop him.
“Leave them on.” You tell him, taking his hand. “You look cute.”
The hues of a winter sky at dusk bloom rosy on his cheeks at your compliment, as you tug him close to you.
“And… let’s dance?” You suggest, your pleading stare drawing Tenn into you more and more.
“That would be my pleasure, princess.” Your angel whispers, leaning in.
His lips touch your temple, and, in the warmth of your small apartment, you move in tune.
No luxurious ballroom could ever beat the intimacy of your shared kisses as you sway before the crackling fireplace.
Powdered sugar coats your lips as laughter fills the air.
Your apron is all stained, remnants of icing staining the sleeves of your sweater, but you don’t care.
What could ever taint this moment? Not when your boyfriend’s strong arms wrap around you and twirl you around the kitchen, one of his group’s songs playing in the background.
Amber eyes crinkle up in warm crescents, your unadulterated smile, the most precious gift he could ever ask for.
You were radiant like this, no creases on your forehead, only the curve of your smile enticing him; akin to the tantalizing sparkle of champagne, he can never get enough of you.
The song comes to an end, and your labored breathing fills the air.
“Another, please! I want to dance more with you, Ryu!” You ask, eyes shiny, cheeks hot, despite the sake remaining untouched just yet.
Ryunosuke lets out a hearty laugh, gaze softening even more, if that was possible, at your enthusiastic request.
“Alright, alright.” He smiles.
You let out a happy squeal, standing on your tiptoes to place an innocent kiss on his lips.
When the new song starts to play and you pull away, however, your partner chases after you, capturing your lips in his once more.
Afternoon sunlight streams in through translucent silky curtains, wrapping your locked lips in vibrant shades of honey and gold.
Your lover tastes glazed sugar on you, the added sweetness and the addiction of you deepening the kiss, divine intoxicating nectar
The music goes on.
Your kiss doesn’t end.
Flakes of falling snow land on Riku’s nose as he follows you through the park.
Despite the white layer covering every surface, a blue expanse hangs overhead, the halo of the sun high in the sky; an angel guardian warming up the idol’s back.
There is a sort of freedom, of newfound joy in this outing today.
Whiteness surrounds your lover, and yet, he is happy it is not that of hospital beds, but of just fallen snow instead.
He smiles.
Memories of him and his twin flash before his eyes. He is glad there is no longer a window glass separating him from this winter wonderland.
And of course, he is even more grateful nothing can keep him apart from the one he loves, either.
“Rikkun!” You call him, running back towards him. “What are you smiling about, huh?” You question, a mischievous smirk curling your lips. “Are you feeling okay? Are you wearing warm enough clothes?” You worry, adjusting his scarf snuggly.
He gives you one of his cute smiles.
“I’m alright, [Y/n]. I’m happy…” He trails off, those sunset eyes of his, big and bright, lingering memories present in the undertones of early dusk.
You brush scarlet locks away from his forehead, your slightly chapped lips placing a kiss to his brow.
“I’m glad, Riku. You deserve it. So much, my love.” You assure him, as your arms wrap around his form, your face resting in the crook of his neck.
He hugs you close, his body beginning to sway the both of you around, vermillion eyes fluttering closed.
You can feel his heartbeat, in sync with yours, as you two dance amidst a gentle rain of snowy glitter.
To feel you so close… Even if he ends up having a cough attack later, this is more than worth it.
You watch intently as your boyfriend’s fingers strum the guitar’s cords.
There is something definitely hypnotizing to him, you think.
Lavender moondust falls over his amethyst eyes as he intently focuses on his instrument, sweet notes and daring rifts mingling together in a melody that has you on the edge of your seat.
Sogo’s music transports you to a whole other universe, where no worries exist, just the two of you, in an idyll made by yourselves.
His fingers stop momentarily, gaze of hyacinths at sunrise focused on you, an indication for you to say something.
“Amazing…” You utter, entranced by him and the notes still vibrating on the chords of his guitar. “I want to dance to this song with you.” You blurt out, eyes never once leaving his.
Your boyfriend smiles, a light chuckle filling the air of his comforting room.
“I guess that could be arranged.” He tells you, standing up, offering a hand to you.
You take it, wondering what he has planned.
And the moment you find yourself wrapped in his soft embrace, Sogo’s voice entones the lyrics to what he was playing earlier.
They are sweet, gentle, like demure lavender fields coloring a cloudy day; passionate, the blaze he so usually hides, but that shines bright beneath his composed façade.
The melody he sings, the one you’re dancing to right now… It is him, all his true emotions and his love for you on display, with no picture perfect image to hide the rawest parts of him.
You love him, always.
But like this, you get to see every little part that constitutes his heart.
As you sway with him, you think true love had never been so clear.
Dawn has barely touched the concrete when you take a seat at the dorm’s backyard.
You knew he’d be here.
The fabric of his orange hoodie catches your eye from a distance, your lover’s vibrant hair outlined against the first daylight. Perhaps there was no sun in this winter morning just yet, but to you, he was brighter than any blue sky.
He hasn’t noticed your presence yet, his earphones keeping him immersed in practise, arms outstretched towards the heights of a sky you’re sure he will reach.
You lean your chin in one hand, smiling to yourself.
Mitsuki always worked so hard… And the truth is, his dancing has improved a lot.
You wish you could join him.
What’s stopping you? The first rays of sun seem to ask, when they graze your face with its gilded warmth.
So you stand up, making your way towards where clear sunbeams seem to move in tandem with your lover.
Coppery hued irises catch sight of you, their corners tilting up when you reflect in his stare.
And for all the way with words Mitsuki always has, none are exchanged this time, for there is no need.
Everything you might have wanted to express is made obvious in the sync of your movements with his.
Even as the morning gets more clear with the rising sun, you don’t really notice.
Why would you? When you can’t look away from the one who lights up your every day?
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sakkiichi · 8 months
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✧ @rintosei
✧ @snobwaffles
✧ @diorlumx (@sxaras)
✧ @starchivves
✧ @reilly34
✧ @houjichaya
✧ @yumemirumikazuki
✧ @moral-laws
✧ @astrinityy
✧ @shinarinchii
✧ @ruanais
✧ @gakutsumudailys
✧ @highcollargirl
✧ @kurapikapii
✧ @kunikzushisv
✧ @koumeowkami
✧ @sakimika
✧ @stygianoir
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gnzloveyou · 4 years
💿 sakura - CAPSULE 🇯🇵 2001. . . . . . . . . . . . . .l THIS WAS THE FIRST SINGLE OF CAPSULE WAS OUT IN ,MARCH ,28 ,2001. with this single was the debut of @oookoshiooo & @yasutaka_nakata 19 years since the debut came out Happy 19 anniversary debut #capsule #CAPSULE #capsulesakura #highcollargirl #こしじまとしこ #中田ヤスタカ #shibuyakei #japan #japanesemusic #retromusic #retrovideo #retromemory #toshikokoshijima #yasutakanakata #music #haikaragirl #jpop #japanese #asia #渋谷系 (en Kanazawa, Ishikawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Y9wrQJSWP/?igshid=oe0ak5uq551p
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c-kyunjpg · 11 years
got tagged by untaolerable
Rules: Rule 1: Always post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post. Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. Which came first, the chicken or the egg. Explain.
The egg. The chicken had to come out from somewhere, and maybe millions of years it was some sort of rapture or fish who knows, they also lay eggs like the crocodile or the snake. Maybe one day there was something else that hatched out that day.
2. What personal habit do you dislike the most?
...idk i just...i really don sorry
3. If your bias were to get married (but sadly not to you heh) which idol would you like to see him with? 
my Bias? which one? Sehun,Chanyeol, Tao or Xiumin? idk i just can't at the moment???!?! sry
4. What makes you proud as a kpop fangirl?
Idk? maybe knowing that there are other shipper or...no stop i don't know how to answer that question.
5. Favorite non-kpop artist? 
Hmm does that include J-pop too? If not then Perfume,Weather Girls, AKB48 and UVERworld(j-rock)
6. First kpop song, first fandom,your first exposure to kpop.
First Song : I think it was either FIRE or I Don't Care by 2NE1
First Fandom : Blackjack, still in it because queens
First Exposure : September 2011
7. Who do you think has the best body out of all the male k-idols?
Lee Joon, Park Chanyeol (I like lean guys more), Huang Zitao and Zhang Yixing (oops they are chinese hohOHO)
8. Are you a closet kpop fan or do people in real life know you are and how do they react to it? 
People in real life know that I'm a hardcore EXO fan and also got some into exo, I also have a friend that likes exact the same groups like i do
9. Ever had a dream with a k-idol in it? Mind to share?
Not gonna tell u that u lil shit, it's 18+ o k.
10. Are you getting bored answering my questions? 
No, just annoyed kind of.
11. What’s your favorite dessert?
1. Which came first, the chicken or the egg. Explain.  2. What personal habit do you dislike the most?  3. Who's your Bias in your favorite group and why? 4. Favorite group, Favorite shop and Favorite song? 5. Favorite non-kpop artist?  6. First kpop song, first fandom,your first exposure to kpop. 7. Who do you think has the best body out of all the male k-idols?  8. Are you a closet kpop fan or do people in real life know you are and how do they react to it?  9. Ever had a dream with a k-idol in it? Mind to share? 10. Are you getting bored answering my questions?  11. What's your favorite food?
I'm not tagging eleven u lil nig, only five.
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is there any chance you can start a list of fansites that do allow edits?
We can attempt. A lot of fansites don't allow all their pics to be edited, only a few. But I can ask around and see if we can do something. 
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kuroi-pearl · 11 years
highcollargirl replied to your post: highcollargirl replied to your post: ...
meh :c some people just dont like hearing anything bad about themselves i guess.. i hope youll be ok though!! i went through a phase like that too where my dad tracked even my IM and my email it was horrible =.=
im okay with my father and all bec u know he's my dad! but with him... he's my step dad! we may be living under his roof for 2 years but were not close in any bit! but gahd he doesnt have the right to go snooping around like this! internet maybe be public or not! but that aint giving u the right to break my privacy! you do your own thing i do mine! i aint going around dishing dirt about you so dont do that to me!
funny thing is he's not even coming to me to talk it out! i;ve been calling him down to talk with me so that we can settle our differences but he keeps saying there is nothing to talk about! goes to show what a coward u are
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rabbitenn · 6 months
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@highcollargirl requested: can you write sogo x fem reader where mc falls ill and sogo takes care of her and they kiss at the end.
ft. Osaka Sogo x fem! reader.
cw/genre: comfort/fluff.
Thank you for requesting, this is a very soft and sweet idea ! I hope it’s to your liking <3 I’m deeply sorry it took me so long to post it…
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Everything seems blurry.
With weakening steps, you try to make it to the kitchen, perhaps you’re just dehydrated.
But no, this is wrong.
Why is it so hot? And what’s this coat of cold sweat drenching your clothes?
Just a little more…
Leaning against the wall, you finally make it to the kitchen, parched lips finally tasting the insipid sweetness of cool water.
And yet, the awful sensation doesn’t dissipate.
Your breathing grows heavier, it might be best to go back to bed.
Was the room always spinning, though?
This is bad, your legs can’t hold you anymore.
The last thing you remember before blackness engulfs you is the hard wooden floor hitting your knees and a subtle lavender fragrance, wrapping itself around you in balmy waves of softness.
You come to in a warm lit room.
Your room.
You remember exiting it this morning, but the way back to it… it’s all blurry.
Perhaps you dreamt it in your feverish state; however, you think you remember someone holding your body, a steady heartbeat lulling you into the peaceful sleep you hadn’t known for days.
Your lashes flutter open, the purple skies outside sending in dusk light into the space.
“You are finally awake, dear.” A soothing voice greets you.
Then, you register the pleasing sensation of someone caressing your hair, their movements soothing the heat and sweat.
And when you turn towards the voice you always loved to hear sing, your gaze meets one that matches the violet clouds of the crepuscular skies.
“So…” You call him, voice still hoarse from sleep and fever.
He brushes a few unruly strands away from your eyes, his touch so delicate; a barely there brush of butterfly wings against your flushed skin.
“How are you feeling?” Your lover asks, already knowing the answer can’t really be all that good, just by seeing your lidded eyes.
You stretch a little, sitting up in bed.
“Not great, honestly.” You mumble, bringing a hand to your forehead. Your thoughts are still fuzzy, a sharp pain piercing through them in chaotic disarray.
“I expected that much.” Sogo says, a concerned smile reaching his lips.
And it must be your jumbled mind, but you think a kiss from him would make all your pain disappear.
Before you can tell your boyfriend that, though, he adds:
“You should probably lie down for now, dearest. I’ll bring you some snacks, okay?”
Truth is, the prospect of eating your favorite treats sounds very tempting right now, but you don’t want Sogo to leave.
And you are aware you’re probably being childish and whiny, but you don’t care about that right now.
Before he can get up from the bed, the idol feels a slight tug on his sweater’s sleeve.
“Stay here…” You ask, as you look up at him.
And something in the way you ask, something about your tired tone, and your eyes that you’re struggling to keep focused, tugs at your partner’s heartstrings.
He could never say no to you, after all, could he?
Lashes of moonlit hyacinth brush against his cheekbones as he graces you with one of his tender expressions.
Under warm ironed covers, he joins you, the softness of his embrace a thousand times more comforting than any blanket. To be with him is to stand beneath demure lilac skies, a spring breeze gently touching every blossom, their fragrance wafting around and towards aster hued clouds.
You nuzzle against Sogo’s chest, as his lips tenderly place a kiss to your temples.
From between fluffy blankets, you look up at him.
His lips are too tempting for your dry lips.
You need him.
But at the same time, you don’t want him getting sick too… He has important work, both for IDOLiSH7 and MEZZO.
If he couldn’t perform because of you…
Your line of thought shatters at the call of your name, his voice barely above a whisper.
So’s face is millimeters away from yours, warm breaths mingling together.
And against yours, and his, better judgment, you both lean in.
Starlight and an horizon lined in shades of amethyst collide when his lips touch yours, a starry nebula, opening the gateway into a shared parenthesis in time, dyed in morning glories.
The next time you open your eyes, you are in a dim lit room.
You know this room.
Its walls have witnessed the affection shared between you and the man holding you close to his chest right now, after all.
“Good morning, So.” You whisper, planting a delicate kiss to his jawline. “I love you.” Are your words, before you cuddle against him, for a few more minutes of sweet dreamy indulgence.
Your boyfriend’s kisses were certainly the best medicine.
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taenys · 11 years
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highcollargirl replied to your post: kris today oh god. how is he real??? i just-...
he looked a m a z i n g aosmdafk ; __;
"amazing" is an understatement tbh asdlkjflajkweroiwefr;
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kuroi-pearl · 11 years
highcollargirl replied to your post: sehunniesmilk replied to your post: HI GUYS! ...
eewww that sucks;;; are you not allowed to like kpop orrrr
no he went to my personal blog not this one, and i dont like him snooping around in this one too! well he is okay with kpop but yeah i made a big rant about him on my person blog... hes getting mad bec of that like the post wasn't even that bad and it was clearly a fact! bec he said it straight from his mouth!
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b-kashiyuka · 11 years
highcollargirl reblogged your post: highcollargirl reblogged your post: a softcore...
omfg what if they talk to me on anon and i dont frikin know it i yea i guess
i take what i can get tbh
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fyeahluhan, theexostyle, exo-c-trans, fyeahkimjongdae, predebut-exo, fy-exo, dailyexo, fybaekhyun, phoenixart, exostrology for exo white list :)
grovels at your feet and kisses them god bless you 
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kaiyalan · 11 years
aawww your voice is cuteee
thank you? ;_;
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kaebeak · 11 years
it's this marshmallow thing covered in coloured sugar and it's deliciously horrible
the peep thing? ahhh ok but way is it shaped like poop omg 
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kuroi-pearl · 11 years
sehunniesmilk replied to your post: HI GUYS!
im gonna call u bunbun from now on because its so cute cant deny it bunbuns :3
hahahah! homg ur so adorable chen!
  highcollargirl replied to your post: HI GUYS!
whhyyy i like kuroi-pearl :x
sigh i liked kuroi-pearl too! i was forced to change this because 
my fuacken step dad spied on me.... invasion of privacy and some shizz is going down right now bec he's being an immature price over some rant i posted in my personal blog! im warry he might have seen this kpop blog of mine so i dont wanna take my chances!
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b-kashiyuka · 11 years
highcollargirl reblogged your post: a softcore gay porn blog follows this blog
i think 4 porn blogs follow me im scared kinda i was like uh are you lost or
i think of porn blogs that follow me as the highest form of appreciation and a really huge compliment
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