oni-official · 9 months
fuck you spooks go kidnap a kid and blow up a planet of civillians
Now how did you get access to the minutes of the Admiralty meeting?
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phonkiethezombie · 3 months
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Phonkie de zombie 2022.
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Fault Tolerance
Roland POV of the end of Spartan Ops and the beginning of Halo: Escalation. Also posted on ao3
2558 had a rough start, Halsey escaping, Requiem dragged into a sun, said sun exploding. Hopefully the Infinity and her crew would have it easy for the rest of the year. Nothing bad would happen, right?
Not home to him, but safe, or it was supposed to be.
Australia was directly below his orbit, half obscured by clouds. Swirls of white with deep blues uncovered by invisible winds. The landmass half covered in the sprawling grays of progress and parking lots. A maze of office buildings hid the object of his worries. It wasn't enough to block his scanners, but he'd be told to sit tight and wait.
He hated waiting. He hated the powerlessness of not knowing. His kind were supposed to know, supposed to problem solve, supposed to save the day with a wink and a smile. Back to Earth and everything seemed different now. Everything was different now. Last time he was here, Roland was brand new, eager to get started and ready to jump headfirst into a mission with his new assignment. His new home, the UNSC Infinity, was now his cage floating above Sydney, HIGHCOM Bravo-6, where his captain and commander were being debriefed after the debacle that was the Requiem campaign. 
Sit and wait, oh how it ate at him, especially when recently all he had been doing was running for their lives. Faster and faster, more and more, pouring on the engines and calculations to pull them from the fire. Spreading himself so thin to keep them alive for what was supposedly a reconnoiter mission. Less than a month ago they had arrived at the Forerunner shield world, and then it seemed like everything had gone wrong.
It was only March. Less than 72 hours ago, he and his entire crew were almost pulled into a dying star. He wasn't even 4 full months into service yet! What was going to happen? Was he going to lose his home? Lose his captain? Were they going to take the Infinity away from him or him from her? It was hard not to worry, especially since it was HIGHCOM and especially since the override code had unraveled him at a critical point of the campaign. Halsey had gotten her hooks into him, and now she was gone and he was a potential liability.  
The last time he was this worried was the trial. Iona. Her fate. The precedence she set forth, and his role as her advocate at the end of her life and the beginning of his. Black Box had tried to assuage his fears, and looking back, had been surprisingly hopeful for the future, but their roles as tools was still very much the status quo. Broken or faulty tools went into a box, or worse.
January felt like a lifetime ago, but it had stuck with him. Hard not to, what with having perfect recall and nigh infinite memory and all. What if they audited him? Black Box would be kind, maybe, if he was given the mercy of a peer review. Brand new AI, Forerunner engines grafted on to a human ship, destroyed Forerunner planet, missing evil scientist; he didn't have a lot going in his favor other than he was ready to be pulled off the shelf at the right time and that replacing him would be very, very expensive.
4 weeks ago he'd been excited to let loose and show what he could do, 6 weeks ago, with Iona's trial, he'd been worried but hopeful, 13 weeks ago he'd been ecstatic, new to this world and all of its intricacies and wonder. So much information, so much to do and see! Now with 351 potential weeks remaining, several parts of him worry at the paths that will be taken from him. There's only so much time. A week is an eon and a blink of an eye to his kind.
Fifth generation Volitional AIs were supposed to be top of the line, but what would happen because of this newly revealed weakness? Halsey had tricks that left them vulnerable during the attack. He'd lost crew and been helpless against the tempest of Forerunner influence and the debilitating override.
And now the two most important members of his Command were at the mercy of a board of Admirals baying for blood and a scapegoat.
Roland might wish he was as hopeful as Captain Lasky, but Palmer's pragmatic nature was more akin to his own logic trees. Not doubting, but realistic. You had to be when the numbers came naturally into your thoughts - especially when a thread of himself unhelpfully pulled up the track record of those who pissed off Osman. Not even Hood could protect them forever.
How had it all gone so wrong so fast?
Roland’s left with nothing to do but pace and triple-check…everything. Life support, engines, shielding, electrical, communication, and health systems, all came back green. Operating nominally, just as they were when he checked 10 nanoseconds ago. He circles the systems like a cat unhappy with how the furniture has been moved an inch to the left. He yowls at techs, at Spartans, at crew, for attention and updates. On their health and comfort as well as if they heard anything. He’s tolerated and comforted and swatted away. Roland skulks around Cmdr. Bradley and peeks at his datapad – nothing. He spies on chatty pilots who know the comings and goings. He startles neurotic mission handlers who know less than him. He listens in on conversations in the mess halls, the hangars, the science labs, the engine room, the crew quarters. The palpable relief should be contagious, but he still worries.
His crew reconnects with their loved ones via Waypoint in real time – no delay from lightyears of distance. Their joy is his, but like theirs it is also a fleeting thing. There is always another deployment on the horizon, and on the flagship, that could be tomorrow.
Hours pass.
The hive of activity winds down but never remains dormant for long. One shift ends and another begins; the constant cycle unbroken under his watch. Pelicans and Broadswords and frigates circle like remoras around a shark. They hover around the Infinity's hull and then land or depart. Roland watches them, watches their flight paths and signals strengthen and weaken as they flit around the massive ship. Her titanium hull casts a long shadow until her orbit over Australia crosses the terminator and then night comes. The ships continue on their own schedule - blips of light in the dark as they are not beholden to Earth and her gravity. They operate on military time and there is always work to be done.
Roland shifts his focus away, leaving a few winking eyes to watch the display. None of them have the signals he’s waiting for.
Hours pass.
It’s afternoon shiptime when a signal crosses his consciousness and Roland’s focus drops from unimportant matters to watch one lonely little pelican come home to him. He nearly smothers the dumb AI announcing SIGNAL DETECTED in his rush to check on the pelican’s crew. Pelican radios weren’t that different from Mjolnir when you push yourself.
He does not exaggerate his relief nor does he make any jokes; not with the mood coming off of his captain and commander. Their biosigns are a mess even as their masks are firmly in place. The bickering doesn’t start until they’re out of the hangar and making plans to talk somewhere with fewer eyes and ears. Roland would almost feel offended if he wasn’t oh so aware of the spooks onboard, and he knew there were most likely more ONI operatives that even he wasn’t aware of.
It does frustrate him that they go to the one place on the ship that he has the fewest cameras and holotanks. The atrium is an excellent place for humans to unwind, connect with dirt and plants and other stuff that calms their ape brains, and keep an eye on any unwanted parties approaching their debrief about whatever the hell happened at HIGHCOM.
Commander Palmer was upset but doing her best not to show it. Roland could tell by the clenched jaw and flared nostrils she was trying, but she was frustrated enough that it took her a second to slow her gait so Captain Lasky could catch up. The fact they changed into PT gear to keep up the charade was almost comical, if Roland hadn’t been stressing the entire time they were gone.
“You didn’t need to stretch the facts back there.” The captain says, partially out of breath and nearly too quiet for his mics to pick up. He can lipread with the best of them, but it’s still a challenge. Too many uncertainties. Though he did have plenty of practice staring at Lasky’s face.
“Uh, yes. I did.” The commander retorts. She furrows her brow and turns to make eye contact as they pretend to jog. 
Oh, she is not happy. The brief pause she gives him is punctuated with a look that lets Roland know she’s about to lay into the captain. And in his core, Roland believes that he probably needs it. After watching them work together this long, he’s been able to see how they balance each other out. His opinion might carry some weight, But the commander knew when not to pull her punches. Lasky’s bleeding heart would get him benched - or worse - without Palmer there to knock some sense into him. Didn’t mean that their arguments weren’t messy. Unstoppable force and immovable object, Roland thinks. 
“I don’t know if you noticed, but Osman was painting a target on you they could have seen from the Outer Colonies.” The commander continues.
“Sarah–” He has no chance yet the captain tries and interjects. 
“They pulled Del Rio out of the chair, Tom. And he had 20 years’ experience on you.” She continues on. Palmer is struggling to keep a slow pace, but Lasky is keeping up. “You can’t boy scout your way around those people.” 
Lasky’s frown thins into a pale line at that. Palmer slows her run as they near the end of the path and are closer to potential eavesdroppers– and Roland. 
Palmer isn’t finished either. Whatever happened down there wasn’t pretty and Palmer stretching the truth - lying - on Lasky’s behalf to a panel of Admirals was no small thing. She’s trying to drill her point into the captain’s head as if he’s a too-green IV. “Maybe when you were an XO but not anymore.”
The commander is upset; not mad, but fearful. Sarah Palmer doesn’t like to mince words and she doesn’t care for people lording their intelligence over her, but she's not stupid. She’s loyal to their captain and trying to keep him out of the crosshairs.
It’s just that Captain Lasky follows his gut more than the rules and ends up in them despite her best efforts.
They jog in silence for ten excruciating seconds, finally getting closer to a holotank where Roland doesn’t have to strain to hear or be heard. Now or never, since he’s got an Admiral asking for docking clearance.��
“Captain Lasky?”
“What is it, Roland?” Lasky asks. His voice is flat– tired, not annoyed at the intrusion – or at least not as annoyed as Roland thought he’d be. Maybe because he was using his avatar and grimacing politely when they approached.
Still, Roland’s job is not just delivering information or opening doors, he does try to take care of his captain. Soften the blow of bad news, when he could. He aims for humor despite the fact that Lord Admiral Hood is here, now, instead of back in Sydney. Something that couldn’t have been an email, Roland guesses.
“Hey, Cap. Orbital Command just alerted us to a shuttle inbound. Diplomatic transponder. Don’t suppose you’re expecting anyone for dinner?”
It doesn’t soften the news.
Twenty minutes later, Captain Lasky is meeting Lord Admiral Hood in hangar 11 and Commander Palmer is back in her armor with a snarl on her face. 
She still minds her “pleases” and “thank yous” with Roland while demanding updates every other minute.
“It’s Admiral Hood, Commander. Shouldn’t we be happy?”
“The Brass never make house visits for good reasons, Roland.” She sighs “Hood’s just as bad as Tom.”
Roland doesn’t think he should respond to that so he stays quiet, but keeps his avatar deployed in her office while he checks in with the other parts of himself.
In the hangar, he’s front and center for Captain Lasky’s talk with Hood.
“Admiral Hood. Twice in one day. I’m either very lucky or very unlucky.” Lasky smiles, but it’s a weak thing that doesn’t reach his eyes. It’s somehow sadder than his usual mopey expression when things go wrong.
“A little of both. I’ll fill you in on the way, but you should call upstairs and have your folks start spinning up for departure.” Hood returns with a tight smile of his own and then launches into the details of the plan.
Well…that might not be all bad. Not getting to deal with Halsey and ‘Mdama would be a sore spot for everyone, but at least they’re not grounded. Nothing’s going to happen to him either! No word on Roland’s performance. He feels guilty for his relief when the captain and commander went through an unofficial but really pretty official inquiry. 
But this would go well and they could prove themselves! 2558 was still young! It was only March so plenty of time left for the year to improve.
Peace talks – babysitting emissaries who hated each other's guts and wanted to put a superheated plasma sword through the other’s skull. How hard could it be? He just had to sit and wait in orbit. Roland couldn’t shake the bad feeling buzzing through him. “Jiralhanae” and “Diplomacy” weren’t words usually used in the same sentence. A UNSC Admiral, Captain, the Arbiter, and two Fireteams go down to a planet sounds like a beginning to a bad joke to him.
He was overthinking again. No one knew the location and they had a full contingent of Spartans and a fleet on standby. 
This would be a cakewalk compared to Requiem.
Author's note: It was not a cakewalk
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"Why did you order your Spartans to jump from the Pelican?" the interviewer demanded once again.
Her face was shrouded in darkness. A lamp was pointed directly in his eyes. Fred smirked. Did they really think that conventional interrogation tactics from centuries-old cop procedurals were going to make a Spartan sweat?
"It was the best tactical option." He shook his head once. "No. It was the only tactical option."
The interviewer scoffed loudly and crossed her arms over her chest. She kept doing that. As though she had any idea what it was like to be in the field. Maybe she did. But she didn't know what it was to be a Spartan.
"Don't you feel responsibility for what happened to your team?" she asked harshly.
Externally, Fred remained emotionless. Passive. He was the very picture of the robot super-soldier that the UNSC rank-and-file believed the Spartans to be. Internally, he recoiled.
Did he feel responsible?
He felt nothing else. He saw each of their faces - every Spartan that had died under his command. Malcolm. Joshua. Grace. Anton. Vinh. Isaac. The list went on. It filed through his mind on an endless loop, whenever he had a spare moment to think.
Then there were the others. Gray Team... wherever they were. Omega Team, too. Randall, who'd been lost years ago. Cal, Arthur, Solomon, and Daisy along with him. Kelly.
He wished she were here. She would've been able to put his head back on straight.
Of course, with his track record lately, he could very well have lost her on the Unyielding Hierophant. Maybe it was better that Halsey had absconded with her. He could at least believe that she was still out there. Force himself to believe it. He wouldn't make it much further if he didn't.
"I asked you a question, Spartan One Zero Four." The interviewer's voice was full of venom. She practically spit the words. She was trying to intimidate him.
That must have been a joke.
Fred rose from his seat. Even out of his armor, he towered over everyone in the sealed interrogation room. He reached out with one hand and very deliberately turned the lamp out of his eyes - a challenge to the interviewer. Go ahead and make me sit back down, he thought.
"I made the best decision. Unlike many in this facility, I care deeply about the soldiers under my command and I refused to waste their lives." He didn't say the words so much as growl them. His right hand clenched into a fist so tight that his knuckles turned paper-white.
The interviewer stared up at him. She was trying to put on a tough face, to keep control of the situation. To her credit, she was doing a good job. She almost managed to hide the vein pulsing in her forehead. The ever-so-slight widening of her eyes. The almost imperceptible tremor in her voice when she barked, "Are you implying that HIGHCOM wasted Spartan lives?"
The Spartan managed to choke down the biting laughter that threatened to escape him. Thirty Spartans combined for RED FLAG. For a suicide mission. But here they were, trying to pass the buck for their deaths onto him.
Fred smirked again. "No, Ma'am," he answered, forcing himself to slacken his fist. He looked her dead in the eye. She had blue eyes. Almost as light in color as Kelly's. "To imply would leave some ambiguity. What I am doing is inferring."
The woman's face coiled in disgust. But it was only skin-deep. She didn't have the clearance to know what he was talking about... she was just here to be ONI's voice. To provide them with plausible deniability for the public eye.
She opened her mouth to answer. Then the door burst open to reveal Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood himself. The Admiral's face was red. He was shouting. The interviewer was escorted out by MPs. Fred watched it all from the sidelines.
Kelly would have found the whole situation hilarious.
Then Hood turned to him. "Suit up, Senior Chief. We're sending Blue downstairs - you ready to get back to work?"
Fred nodded, standing at stiff attention. Then he smiled. "Eager, sir."
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halobirthdays · 9 months
Happy birthday to Fleet Admiral Terrance Hood!
Today is his -497th birthday!
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Lord Hood holds the highest-ranking position within UNSC High Command and is the Chairperson of the UNSC Security Council, making him the head of the UNSC.
Hood served as Executive Officer on the UNSC Spirit of Fire, under the command of Captain James Cutter. The two developed a friendship, with Hood advancing quickly due to Cutter's recommendation. When Sprit went missing, Hood supported Cutter's wife, daughter, and even illegitimate son.
By the end of the Human-Covenant war, Hood held the title of Fleet Admiral, Chief of Naval Operations, and had a seat on the UNSC Security Council, giving him considerable authority over the UNSC. He coordinated the UNSC assault during the Prophet of Regret's attack on Earth. He then had to turn his attention to a Flood infestation that broke out in New Mombasa, organizing a joint effort between the UNSC and the Arbiter's newly-founded Covenant separatist forces.
After authorizing a small-scale glassing of the city for Flood containment, Hood, Commander Keyes, Master Chief, the Arbiter, and Shipmaster Rtas 'Vadum reconvened to decide what steps to take next. Hood wanted to remain on Earth for a last stand, but ultimately acquiesced to the others' choice to go through the portal in New Mombasa while he stayed behind.
After the war's end, Hood initiated the slow unwinding of emergency powers that the UNSC imposed on the colonies during the war. He also traveled to Sanghelios to enter a formal peace treaty between humans and Sangheili.
A short time later, Hood presided over a memorial for the lives lost during the the war, inviting the Arbiter and officially declaring peace with the Sangheili. Hood would continue to honor the peace treaty, sharing resources and intelligence with the Arbiter and denying attempts to threaten the agreement.
In the years following the war, Hood held significant diplomatic authority as the Chairperson of the UNSC Security Council, acting as a spokesperson for the UNSC during negotiations. Hood was present for an attack on peace talks spearheaded by Daniel Clayton--Cutter's son. Although Clayton was ultimately captured, Hood still holds significant guilt over Cutter's disappearance and Daniel's fate.
During the rise of the Created, Cortana destroyed Sydney, which was the seat of the UEG and the location of the UNSC HIGHCOM facility. Hood escaped alongside CINCONI Serin Osman, and they traveled to a secret planet called Rossbach's World, kept uncharted and uninhabited except for a cabin built to act as an emergency, long-term hiding location.
In canon (~2560), he is turning 70!
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recoiloperated · 1 year
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literally nothing you said has been true since... 2008ish?
first- no. it doesn't become worthless after one hit. we've been using tile array plates for over a decade. the current standard is a 30mm octogon, looks like this:
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as for hitting the edge of the tile? Nope. Still gonna stop it. The gap is tiny and the bullet, even if it hits *exactly* on the joint, will still be stopped. And each tile will stop a .30-06 AP round. Worst case you crack 2 and lose a total area of 1x2"
Silicon carbide, boron nitride, aluminum oxide, Ect. These are some of the hardest and most durable materials on earth. The NIJ test requires them to stop rounds after being dropped multiple times from 6+ feet (hold now) on a swing arm simulating you eating it in your plates at a sprint into cement. These aren't monolithic 2001 GWOT ICW alumina plates anymore. We're on 9th gen stand alone ceramics.
As for them not being lighter? Steel with a build up coat is 9.5lbs. A super duty level IV plate like the RMA 1155 are 8.3lbs for the same cut as the steel. That's a full pound and change. And The 1155 will stop literal all man portable threats. It will survivably stop a .338 Lapua.
A standard level IV plates like a highcom 4S16 is 6.5lbs. that's more than 3lbs lighter than my steels. And that's for identical coverage. 10x12. A light weight ceramic plate can get down to 4.8lbs.
Now got the final claim- rounds that will defeat steel will also defeat ceramics.
If they're both the same level, duh. Level III is level III. But I'm not using the same level plates. I'm comparing level III plates to level IV ceramics.
Steel doesn't even have price on its side because RMA 1155MC plates are NIJ certified level IV plates for $180 each, Hoplite has a bundle of 2 plates that are very similar for a similar price per plate ($375 total) and AR500 armor charges $180 for their build up level III armor.
RMA 1155's are the same price, almost a pound and a half lighter, come in multicurve, and stop much MUCH higher threats.
If you're fine with international components/Chinese plates, battle steel plates are 5.5lbs and $140
TLDR- your information is 15 years out of date. Stop being cringe and look at modern armor not the 20 year old dog water plates.
I'll leave you with this:
Multiple rifle hits against your body armor is God's way of telling you to make better life choices.
Buy ceramic plates and stop boomer posting about your chest mounted frag generators.
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appo-arsin · 8 months
Rate My Drip
I've already almost completely changed all my stuff since yesterday lol
HIGHCOM Security, Infected EOD, Yoroi Imperial Court Honor Guard, Eagle Drop Strike Trooper (EDST), Headhunter, Skinned Hunter-Killer, ODST Medic, Pyro Genesis Hazmatgelion
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gameknigh · 1 year
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Finally got the HIGHCOM SENTINEL shoulder armor I requisitioned nearly four months ago
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hurgablurg · 1 year
ya’ll remember that Halo ‘Outpost Discovery” promotional thing? it sounds like it was pretty cool, but I read up on it on the halopedia and like,
there were two walk-around characters, Hazel-A302 and Owen-B096, the brown and blue spartans who interacted with kids and posed for photos and stuff, basically mascots for the installation?
according to the Reach-era costume armour and the lore, apparently they were legitimate Spartan-IIIs. You know, the war-orphan child soldiers who were rapidly trained and sent out on what were basically suicide missions to act as an emergency buffer against larger Covenant invasions?
I’m amazed at that detail because
the UNSC canonically had traumatized veterans interact with families in a pseudo-theme park setting before returning them to active duty at the start of the Created Conflict
Owen actively fought alongside a literal child-soldier militia on Meridian which probably made interacting with non-combatant children weird
Hazel was a Headhunter, one of those high-stakes psychopaths who infiltrate alien bases with no electronics, shields, or support, and is now doing photo ops with people on vacation in like, LA.
If they were Spartan-IVs it wouldn’t be so weird, because that’s just like, the super-boot boy usmc showing up at a job fair today, but these characters were active-duty black-ops super-soldiers, their very existence a guarded secret, status mythical, at the tip of the spear against an existential threat.
Oh and also the AI tour guide at the outpost, Gabriela, was a military-grade Smart AI - brain-copied from a corpse - and was assigned to cataloguing the entirety of recorded human history in the event that the Covenant won the war and humanity was rendered extinct. ONI itself decided that her time would be better spent afterwards giving tours and promoting megabloks; before being isolated and exfiltrated at the Subjugation of Earth along with other HIGHCOM AI and both Admirals Serin-019 Osman and Lord Terrence Hood to keep all present from being compromised by Cortana, with her fate currently up in the air on whether she was allowed by Osman to join Cortana, stayed with the UNSC, or was destroyed.
That’s some heavy in-lore importance given to characters for what’s basically an arcade with some exhibits and walking tours. I kinda love it!
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artifoxtrot · 2 years
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Redeeming Infiltration • SFM Ft/ @shifter_a251 @h_ghost_b204 __________________ Fireteam Atlas | A temporary spec ops assigned by Highcoms to annihilate covenant raiding parties in the systems as relief efforts for the holding inner colonies bordering the siege. Their ship took heavy casualties causing a mass evacuation and a boarding opportunity For Aureus-A071. Shifter-A251. Ghost-B204 to ram the frigate into the Covenant flagship the Loyal Reverence. 𝙾𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎: destroy it. ___________________ 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖: @halo 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕠𝕣: @artifoxtrot 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤: @ace_s128 • @virtual.fox_ • @skyrim_se_caps • @nemesis_sol _______________ 𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕤: #haloart#haloreach#halo1#halo2#halo3#halofanartwallpaper#halodownfall #halophotography#haloedit #halospotlight#halosfm #halocustom#haloedits #haloscreenshots#haloartcommunity#haloartwork#haloblender#haloinfinite#halomemes#halo5#halojunkie#halogameplay#halocosplay#halowars2#haloedition#halo https://www.instagram.com/p/CfpP6Z_L4mC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tilesotocumo · 2 years
Telefunken cn 750 bedienungsanleitung siemens
           Telefunken CN750 Highcom Vintage Rauschunterdrücker Studiotechnik, DEFEKT, für Bastler, Revox B 260-E High End FM Tuner mit Bedienungsanleitung Universum Receiver VT 2356 Bedienungsanleitung und Schaltplan Telefunken TC750 Serviceanleitung Siemens Siemens RC666 Bedienungsanleitung Deutsch TELEFUNKEN CN 750 High Com Rauschunterdrückungssystem - EUR 130,00. ZU VERKAUFEN! E ine Fernbedienung oder s onstiges Zubehör ist nicht enthalten ! in Les meilleures offres pour Bedienungsanleitung-Operating Instructions pour Telefunken Cn 750 High Com sont sur eBay ✓ Comparez les prix et les spécificités 9 dB bei Dolby B). Das System wurde von Telefunken auch als externe Lösung angeboten, schaltbar zwischen Kassettendeck und Verstärker. FuG7b, AnschluBteil 3 und 4 (Telefunken) if^ST. Handapparat. SP601. _ zum Funkgerat. Lautsprecher. /.Ohm 1,5W. Die Spannungsversorgung des SP 601 wird ausThe High Com (also as HIGH COM, both written with a thin space) noise reduction system was developed by Telefunken, Germany, "Telefunken CN 750 High Com" (in German).
https://xiqemetafaka.tumblr.com/post/693778844437692416/u-he-diva-manual, https://tilesotocumo.tumblr.com/post/693777969533091840/audioline-bigtel-480-combo-bedienungsanleitung, https://tudokatol.tumblr.com/post/693777758826954752/mars-ergometer-emm-6800-bedienungsanleitung, https://tudokatol.tumblr.com/post/693778363712765952/olympus-tg-tracker-bedienungsanleitung, https://xiqemetafaka.tumblr.com/post/693777882790658048/winni-mat-vgx-14-bedienungsanleitung-huawei.
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oni-official · 1 year
Think the Director needs to swap to decaff or tea if their willing to court marshal over a coffee machine. Besides, can't be against regs to have a small one in their office, can it?
Don't get me wrong, he's a brilliant leader and a friend to nearly everyone under his command but... he can be really quite mean when he doesn't get his coffee. Couple that with the fact that he's one of the most powerful individuals in the UNSC / ONI... yeah, we try to get him his coffee.
He kept a coffee machine in his office for a while but then had it removed when he had to explain to HIGHCOM why the R&D budget was being outstripped by spending on beans.
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phonkiethezombie · 3 months
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Comicstrip in the Highlife, 2023.
Highcomics, Phonkie de zombie.
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Snippet to a bigger thing I'm still working out. More character study post second Requiem campaign
Not home to him, but safe, or it was supposed to be.
Australia was directly below his orbit, half obscured by clouds. Swirls of white with deep blues uncovered by invisible winds. The land mass half covered in the sprawling grays of progress and parking lots. It wasn't enough to block his scanners, but he'd be told to sit tight and wait.
He hated waiting. Everything seemed different now. Last time he was here, Roland was brand new, eager to get started and ready to jump headfirst into a mission with his new assignment. His new home. The UNSC Infinity, was now his cage floating above Sydney, HIGHCOM Bravo-6, where his captain and commander were being debriefed after the debacle that was the Requiem campaign. Sit and wait, oh how it ate at him when recently all he had been doing was running for their lives. Faster and faster, more and more, pouring on the engines and calculations to pull them from the fire. Less than a month ago they had arrived at the Forerunner shield world, and then it seemed like everything had gone wrong.
It was only March. Less than 72 hours ago, he and his entire crew were almost pulled into a dying star. He wasn't even 4 full months into service yet! What was going to happen? Was he going to lose his home? Lose his captain? Were they going to take the Infinity away from him or him from her? It was hard not to worry, especially since it was HIGHCOM and especially since the override code had unraveled him at a critical point of the campaign. Halsey had gotten her hooks into him, and now she was gone and he was a potential liability.
The last time he was this worried was the trial. Iona. Her fate. The precedence she set forth, and his role as her advocate at the end of her life and the beginning of his.
That felt a lifetime ago, but it had stuck with him. Hard not to, what with having perfect recall and nigh infinite memory and all. What if they audited him? Black Box would be kind, maybe, if he was given the mercy of a peer review. Brand new AI, Forerunner engines, destroyed Forerunner planet, missing evil scientist; he didn't have a lot going in his favor other than he was ready to be pulled off the shelf at the right time and that replacing him would be very, very expensive.
4 weeks ago he'd been excited to let loose and show what he could do, 6 weeks ago, with Iona's trial, he'd been worried but hopeful, 13 weeks ago he'd been ecstatic, new to this world and all of its intricacies and wonder. So much information, so much to do and see! Now with 351 potential weeks remaining, several parts of him worry at the paths that will be taken from him. There's only so much time. A week is an eon and a blink of an eye to his kind.
Fifth generation Volitional AIs were supposed to be top of the line, but what would happen because of this newly revealed weakness? Halsey had tricks that left them vulnerable during the attack. He'd lost crew and been helpless against the tempest of Forerunner influence and the debilitating override.
Now a full fic titled "Fault Tolerance"
You can find it here on tumblr as well as ao3.
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qonoganaxiwo · 2 years
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Lost Codex: LXVI
Execute DECISION POINT: >Cancel counterforce objectives. >Cancel population protection objectives. >Format tactical morality to MIDNIGHT. >Engage military protocol format TARIS EXIGENCY.
If SUNBLADE ICON is IN RANGE: >Activate ALDERAAN SUNRISE >>Perform targeted munitions release >>Ensure SUNBLADE termination by any means necessary.
Stand by for DECISION POINT:
If TACTICAL STATE is VOSS >Reformat mission priorities >Format tactical morality to LEHON >Redesignate HIGHCOM/IMPERATOR as VITIATE ECHO >Ensure SUNBLADE survival
If TACTICAL STATE is CORELLIA >Defer tactical reformulation >Redesignate HIGHCOM/IMPERATOR as VITIATE ECHO >Prioritize mission objectives
If TACTICAL STATE is OSSUS >Format tactical morality to LEHON >Redesignate HIGHCOM/IMPERATOR as VITIATE ECHO >Ensure SUNBLADE survival
If TACTICAL STATE is BALMORRA >Format tactical morality to LEHON >Redesignate HIGHCOM/IMPERATOR as VITIATE ECHO >Reformat mission priorities to ensure SUNBLADE survival
If TACTICAL STATE is MANAAN >Reformat mission priorities >Format tactical morality to MALACHOR >Redesignate HIGHCOM/IMPERATOR as VITIATE ECHO >Effect QEL-DROMA NEXUS >>Terminate VITIATE ECHO >>Ensure SUNBLADE survival
Stand by for effect assessment criteria: >Preserve SUNBLADE MONASTERY. >Defer civilization kill.
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