#highway find
cowboylikejesper · 1 month
just thinking about wylan saying “i don’t deserve you” in response to jesper telling him he loves him
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supersapphical · 2 years
perhaps my most esoteric but very, very passionate spn take is that i truly believe if you haven't watched season 1 supernatural with the original music cues, you have not seen season 1 supernatural.
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etapereine · 1 month
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i watch cycling for the transportation infrastructure
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bonebabbles · 20 days
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Check the shipwreck of the boat you sailed in on, lmao. The one that sunk just after you got onto the dock. There's a furnace there you can salvage.
And don't worry I find several people actually get stuck on this one, they give you a hint but some people don't catch it. Once you have this furnace, any other furnaces you find won't matter as much until Early Access since they're not used in a ton of recipes.
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merge-conflict · 9 months
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Goro cupped her cheek, thumb running over the edge of her tight smile before it faded. “In that alley…I thought if you asked me, then I would help. But, you did not ask.” His tone was light, almost wistful. “You smiled and then–“ He released her, gestured gently. “–turned away.” “I didn’t smile.” “You did.” His expression was soft, bittersweet. “It is a not a sight I will soon forget.” In truth the memory was hazy, volatile. There was the moment when she had first seen him, and it had been a little shock, something sharp and inarticulate. Maybe he was right.
the damn things overlap, 7 - some things you do for money
Commission by the incredibly skilled @nananarc
Also as an added bonus the original scene from Valentine's pov:
He fell back, head striking the pavement with a thump. She watched him, chest heaving, one hand on the knife still buried in her shoulder. Blood was roaring through her ears, but everything else was quiet. Cautiously, she crouched down next to his body, transfixed by the sight of him. The ripper had lost consciousness almost immediately, but this one had known what was going to happen.  <C’mon V, gotta keep moving.>   There was a wary note in Johnny’s voice. She resented his presence, but she despised his condescension more. The facile comments, the smug self-righteous air, as though he were a paragon of virtue merely for having promised her something he could not give. It was not enough that he was eating her alive, but he had to exert his control now, dig in his spurs over and over until she did what he wanted. But she did not want what he wanted. <He’s dead.> Exasperation, now. There were two parts of her working along in uneasy tandem, one which regarded him with a cold professional contempt, and the other which wished they could rip him apart into silence The remaining part of her wanted to sit there a while longer, to spite him, but the adrenaline was starting to wear off. She staggered to her feet, leaning heavily on her good leg, and then froze, catching movement at the far end of the alley. <Persistent guard dog, isn’t he?> Even in an untailored button down and cheap slacks Goro cut an imposing figure. It was something in the way he moved that made the animal part of her wary. Recognition of another predator. She felt herself relax as he approached, eyes drawn briefly to the corpse at her feet before his attention returned to her. He was dangerous but he was not her enemy. “V,” he greeted her, evenly. “I wished to talk, but I see that you are busy.” If he was still angry with her she could not find it in his face. He was calm, inscrutable. Possibly he thought she had gone insane. She found she did not want to talk.
the damn things overlap, 3 - washed in the blood
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stardustinthesky · 5 months
so apparently the whole universe speaks english in sg1 without any explanation whatsoever really a testament to good writing /s
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Acceleracers Rant - Nolo Edition!
Okay- I’ve been thinking about Nolo A LOT lately. Especially since, according to the Acceleracers Wiki, Nolo and Tone were orphaned at a young age. This means that Tone has been taking care of Nolo since they were both pretty young- and if we’re going to continue to assume the Wiki is right, there was also a time when they were straight up just on the streets.
This honestly makes me think that after their parents passed, Tone was terrified that the Foster system would separate them, so he just did what he could to keep them together, even if that meant sleeping in his car for a few weeks before he could win enough street races to be able to afford steady housing for them. Nolo was probably still pretty young at the time too so I’m sure Tone was working hard to make sure that Nolo didn’t fully understand how bad their situation was.
Like, when Tone raced he was probably thinking “Damn, if I don’t win this, we might not eat tonight,” but to Nolo he was probably just like “Watch me smoke this guy, little bro!”
This makes Tone’s death hit 1000 times harder for me. Like this eighteen-year-old kid just watched his brother die in a firey explosion which I'm sure not only traumatized him but also left him without family. Sure, he has the Teku, but Nolo IDOLIZED his brother to the point where the thought of Tone messing up and crashing was unfathomable so he literally made up a nerative where Tork maliciously murdered his brother in cold blood.
ALSO if you think THATS sad- I just realized that the car that Tone is racing when he crashes in the flashbacks is SYNKRO!!! or at least it looks exactly like it. So that means Nolo took the wreckage from his brother’s fatal crash and spent countless hours rebuilding it from the ground up!! It EXPLODED and he rebuilt it!!! AHHHHH!!!
——— Thanks For Reading ———
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hey guys did u know that um. deer
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just a heads up
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fisheito · 2 months
@milkeumilkeou replied to your post “i feel like the gay child of an extremely...”:
This isn't exactly macro/micro but I always think about Yakumo having a little Eiden plushie and always having the strong urge to shove it into his mouth and one day he actually does it only to spit it out, horrified at himself and apologizes to the little Eiden plush while he washes his snaliva off of it
come to think of it, if eiden gave lil eiden plushies to each of his yokai buddies ... would ANY of those plushes stay dry?
in eiden's lil sanctuary with a fox, snake, wolf all the lil eidens are in various states of wet/torn/chewed eiden's daily tasks involve locating the plushies (and any dismembered parts of them) . wherever they may be. and mending/replacing them. every time he picks out a sopping muddy lil eito out of a pile of his used underwear he just wonders "why are you all like this"
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marklikely · 5 months
guess whooooo spun out and went off the road and got stuck in a ditch and has to wait 45 more minutes for a tow truck 👍
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Yeah, well Malcolm Young has been dead since 2017, so who's boring now, motherfucker?
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bauresurrected · 2 months
work is stressful so you know what that means! (mentally and physically transforms into Emil.y to ignore my problems)
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carcarrot · 2 months
ok letterboxd update: ive logged everything ive watched since the start of september 2023 however:
im missing januarys movies (will update)
most of the gaps in movie diary months are when ive watched a tv episode (mostly columbo, occasionally mst3k or rare days when ive just watched what was on tv)
i havent counted movies ive watched while commuting/at work yet
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galaxywarp · 6 months
Not like a personal dig but like from a safety standpoint the fact that people get angry at people for not going over the speed limit is. Concerning. Those limits are set for a reason and getting people screaming or riding your ass for being safe is really bizzare. Like we live in moose country and going even ten over the limit can be the difference between your front end getting fucked up and an accident being fatal, esp on the highway
I get what you’re saying and I definitely would never consider getting actual road rage and tailgating as an appropriate response to someone driving too slow — the moment you’re riding someone’s ass out of frustration you’re in the wrong. Both morally and legally if god forbid you rear end someone
For me, my irritation comes from the left lane of the highway pretty specifically. Because even if it’s not the Law (which I hesitate to say anyway because I don’t think laws and cops are ever cool even and especially for traffic enforcement), it’s just…..unnecessary and rude to choose to be in a lane that you KNOW people will be using to go faster??
In fact I would argue that insisting on refusing to get over to an appropriate lane causes more of a safety risk. Making other drivers brake and adjust lanes around you when you could easily just, merge right, seems to be creating more opportunities for danger
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danothan · 4 months
if all driving was just driving on the highway, then i would be a driver. but alas. there are intersections to be dealt with.
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