#hiii this is me <3 starting anew
lighthouseas · 9 months
hey guys! i guess you could call this a rebranding of my old blog. i had a sideblog that i used, which will stay up, but i thought it would be easier to move stuff over here and start anew. feel free to unfollow if you were only looking for st content, no hard feelings :)
some cool stuff abt me:
》 my name is bee or whatever ungodly nicknames you people can come up with, my pronouns are she/they and i sure do exist
》 i am obsessed w/ gothic sea aesthetics and sirens and mermaids and all of that fun stuff. PLEASE interact if you also enjoy these things + if you recognize my pfp hehe
》 expect a RANGE of things on here. i write original stories and i might pick up fanfiction again sometime soon, we will see. apart from that, i also like bridgerton, dead boy detectives, 911, tawog, cartoon saloon, stranger things, etc etc.
》 i love cats pls send cat pics in my inbox. or just come in my inbox to say hi
》 also if i forget to reply to stuff whether it be asks dms mentions etc etc it is never anything personal ever. i promise i just probably didn't have the energy to reply and then forgot <333
byf: i have anxiety and possible ocd. guilt trippy posts and death threats (even if not directed at me) can really, really, REALLY set me off. if you reblog or post things that are guilt tripping or sending death threats to people, there is a high chance that i will just unfollow you. i don't want any of that in my space.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Sick stubborn anon from yesterday. Hoping I can call myself 🍓anon.
Imagine stubborn s/o adopting the slimes or other dangerous creatures?dont ask how they befriend it, they did and now it follows them around
Hiii, nonnie! Welcome back and I'm sorry I'm only now getting to your ask, I was super busy and couldn't sit down to write at all. I love this idea though, it's super adorable! I went and noted down some HCs for the men I could imagine best in this scenario. Also ofc you can call yourself 🍓anon!! I'm happy to welcome you :3
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"That Day I Befriended A Slime" ft. Xiao, Zhongli, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Childe, Diluc x Reader [Fluff, Crack]
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→ Xiao immediately pulls you away from the little anemo slime that trails behind you as you walk along the path of your shared home. He immediately pulls out his polearm and points it toward the little slime. It closes its eyes in panic and starts to cry and shake, flapping its little wings in terror.
"Xiao! What by the Seven are you doing?", you pout. You throw yourself between him and the slime with furrowed eyebrows, before you push the tip of his polearm away and pick the slime up to cradle it in your arms protectively. "Do you know what this is? It's dangerous!", he remarks with a sharp tone. "Dangerous?! Where? Look at it! You even made it cry..."
Needless to say, you hold a slime as a pet ever since. Although he keeps a close eye on it. Can't be too trusting.
→ Zhongli left you alone for a mere three hours and he comes back to see you kneeling in your garden and feeding bread to a geo slime. It wasn't often the ex-archon has gone into high-alert mode since he retired, but this sure is one of those situations.
"Love, get away from this thing and come back inside!", he says with evident panic in his voice as he hurries your way. He moves his arms in a swift motion making a jade shield appear around you. The geo-energy shockwave it creates sends the little slime flying backwards into the flowerbed. "Arthur no!", you yell as you hurry after the slime to pick it up again and brush the dirt off of the slime with your bare hands. "He is friendly, don't hurt him, darling! Look! He reminds me of you.", you explain with a fond smile as you hold the slime out in his direction.
Living with you surely never became boring. To Zhongli, you are a marvel he finds himself lost in every day anew. And he loved you oh so dearly.
→ Tighnari finds you tending to several plants as he arrives in Pardis Dhyai. You smile and wave in his direction excitedly as you spot him, which he mirrors. That was until he saw a pair of very familiar-looking leaves move behind you in the grass. All his hair begins to stand on end as he rushes over to you to knock you out of the way and making you clumsily fall on top of him to soften the fall.
"What's has gotten into you, T?!", you fumed as you get back up again, pat some dirt off your clothes and stare at Tighnari in disbelief. "This slime was about to attack you!", he says as he grabs his bow and begins to scan the environment. "Where did it go?" "Probably into hiding, you scared the poor thing." "Poor... thing?", he questioned in confusion. "Well yes, I've been looking after it. It's very cuddly. Look there it is." Completely baffled he watches as you hurry over the little dendro slime that was peeking up from the flowerbed.
He quietly watches in disbelief as you talk to the slime as it nuzzles into your trousers. You were truly full of surprises.
→ Alhaitham is just reading a book as you walk through the door with a big flower pot. A few leaves are sticking out at the top of it. You put the pot down on the dinner table before going into the kitchen. At first, he didn't pay it too much mind; that was until the leaves in the port started rustling and a dendro slime suddenly jumped out of it.
"What you brought home is not a plant!", Alhaitham sighed. "I know.", you simply shrugged as you came back from the kitchen with a tray of vegetables. "You know? What do you mean you know?!" "I found the little guy in the wild, he was wounded by a Rishboland Tiger just outside the city gates. I nurtured it back to health and then he started trusting me. Now I picked him up.", you explain rationally. You begin smiling excitedly as you feed some carrots to the happily gurgling slime.
He knows there was nothing that would deter you from keeping the slime, so he just quietly accepts that he now has yet another roommate. At least this one was able to be quiet, unlike a certain architect.
→ Childe sees you kneeling next to a little hydro slime as he is out on patrol. He draws his bow and gets ready to shoot and arrow at the slime that is currently nibbling on your finger.
"Step aside, love!", he demands sharply. You look over to where you find him standing, drawing an arrow with his bow with furrowed eyebrows. Before he is able to land the shot, you throw yourself over the slime, causing him to have to shoot the arrow into the air instead. You could hear a gurgly whine as the slime attempts to flee in panic. "Ajax! Stop! You're scaring it!"
He stands there dumbfounded as he watches you chase after the crying hydro slime, trying to console it. You really were one of a kind and Childe found himself falling in love with you even more again. You always managed to see the good in everything surrounding you and he admires you for it.
→ Diluc comes home late as he spots you sleeping on the sofa. There was a faint warm glow coming out of your direction and he wonders what it has to mean. As he gets closer he spots a pyro slime sleeping on top of your chest. You are clinging your arms around it in your sleep.
All alarms inside of his head went off at the same time as he quickly grabbed the flower vase on the table and started pouring the water over the slime.
"Luc, what in Celestia!", you scream as you jump up from the sofa, now soaking wet. The slime let out a gurgly whine as it crawls under the blanket, scaredly peeking up at Diluc from under it. "There was a slime lying on top of you!", he says, panic still evident in his voice. "Yeah, I know!! I met it today and it jumped into my lap cuddling with me. So I took it home!"
He stood there completely flabbergasted. How did you even manage to befriend a slime? He has never heard such a thing was possible. But yet again, you were special in any meaning of the word. He knew as much by now. So he shouldn't even be surprised.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated!
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fernclans · 1 year
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A time to start anew.
(tw for blood, violence, and implied death)
“Cliffpaw, grab the kits and run--!”
A small red tom woke with a start, fear and adrenaline filling his veins as the thick stench of blood filled his senses. The lone apprentice of ▇▇Clan doesn’t even take the time to stand properly, bolting immediately from his nest and sending its contents scattered behind him. He barely has a moment to parse the camp in front of him before whirling on his paws and angling left to the nursery; he couldn’t count how many cats had already fallen, but against such a massive enemy the tom knew instinctively they stood no chance either way.
Misfortune had followed a patrol home; a patrol of young wolves out for a hunt. The packs northward had been growing larger over the past seasons-- more pups meant more prey which needed to be killed. Though predators themselves, Cliffpaw knew it was foolish to believe cats weren’t also prey in their own right.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! Let’s get going!” a kit nearly his own size shoved his way past ▇▇▇▇, a smaller she-kit following behind with what could only be a moon-old kit in her jaws.
“Head to the tunnels!” ▇▇▇▇ shouted over their shoulder, just barely audible against the snarling and barking of wolves.
Giving himself a firm nod, Cliffpaw overtakes the eldest kit and begins to pick up the pace. “Follow me-- I can lead us somewhere no wolf can find.” He hoped. He’d only been there once, two moons prior the beginning of his apprenticeship with Magpiestar; The Moonlit Caverns. A place where those blessed with the ability to do so commune with their ancestors, sacred and protected.
A small dip beneath a stone obscured by plants Cliffpaw never learned the name of marking an emergency tunnel into the system below -- it was narrow, and not well-maintained but it would have to do. A shriek sounds from behind him, shrill with terror. “AMBERKIT!” Cliffpaw hears the tomkit shout as his eyes meet the dark stare of a wolf whose jaws clamped around the tail of the white and grey tabby she-kit.
“Take the little one and through that hole and RUN-” Cliffpaw orders, hoping his few moons of training would be enough to save Amberkit and get out of there before the wolf could get a worse hold. Without hesitation, he lunges forward and latches to the large hounds face, teeth fighting for a grip against its massive forehead. 
He looks down at the wolf, eyes black and hollow, and then further down at Amberkit, tiny and helpless within its jaws. His paw begins to slip when an idea strikes him. Leaning into the weight, Cliffpaw scores his left-front paw down the wolf’s left eye and landing with a thud when it pulls itself back, a high-pitched whimper leaving its muzzle, releasing its hold on Amberkit’s tail.
His mind fights to take the moment to look across the camp while the wolf was still dazed -- were ▇▇▇▇ and ▇▇▇▇ still alive? Did they somehow escape as well? Precious seconds are wasted while Cliffpaw fights against himself, muscles tensing in indecision. A growl, deep and low is quick to make the decision for him. The red tabby surges forward, grabbing Amberkit by her scruff and forcing himself through the tunnels.
Whatever happened above, they would have to get through this together.
hiii welcome to my latest little clangen venture :3 this save, i selected a single apprentice and all the kits i could and decided to let it up to fate if they can rebuild from such a tragedy post style will probably change moon to moon while i figure out what kind of flow i like, but i hope you enjoy!
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chryseis-lxve · 25 days
After I followed this acc, I was wondering what is it for. Like dump acc or sort? Or like you're going to write again? That was at first, yes so I didn't want to bother and waited what you're going to do with it lmao. BUT HIII!! Been a while! How are you these days and today? Love the designs of your acc. :000
hi rhea! how are you lovely? to be honest i haven't been able to convince myself on sticking to onw thing either, but i just felt like making another account just in case i feel like creating again, lol
in short; i'm just lurking for now, an the old blog kept reminding me of the stuff i had just let go off without thinking so i want to start anew! thanks a lot for asking this kind question, i really appreciate it <3 i've been fine, and prospering! a few eye openers in the recent for me too, i'm kind of in a hermit mode to achieve my goals!
thanks a lot for staying by my side <3
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perifrog77 · 1 year
Hello hai hiii
Hello! I'm Perifrog, a digital artist and pixel artist. I started out by making sprite and now I draw! I've been drawing for 3 years now I am starting (or restarting, somewhat) my tumblr, because I wanted to post my stuff online again. Thing is, Twitter (or X) is becoming a bit weird right now, so i'd rather start anew here. Besides, Tumblr seems better for posting art i think lol
I'm mainly into the Undertale / Deltarune community, but I'm also really into Splatoon right now I'll mainly be posting about:
- Old/Scrapped Ut/dr AUs - My take on the Deltarune Chapter 3 - Altered Definitive, an AU made by me and Unshulf -Glaciem Victa, a Deltaswap AU - My Splatoon stuff i ngeneral, aswell as some possible Splatoon Projects - My Original Projects -And other stuff, too And thats it, I think! I'm looking forward to sharing my work online, I'll start by sharing some old works I did trough the year, as I never really made those public. Hopefully some people will be intrested in seeing those stuff Well, byye (Also Tumblr is hard to use i struggled to even write this post lol)
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nininearie · 2 years
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hiii !! :] im nearie, n this is my agere blog ! i’ve had this acc for a while but i had my real name on here, so i deleted all the posts containing it and decided to start anew !
with the same username (nininearie) you can find me on tiktok,, i make stimboards ! i take all diff types of requests,, so pls don’t feel shy :3
i lav making new friends,, so if u wna b friends just follow me or msg me on tiktok or here ! i don’t feel comfortable giving out other socials until we get to know each other better ^_^
you can find out more about me and my accs on my carrd !
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hwajin · 11 months
Hiii. It's straykidshoe!
I geuss that..I'm back? IDK, but I did want to come to you specifically and explain myself- you don't have to reply or anything.
I really did value whatever small convo's that we had (if you can remember XD) and I did de-activate my previous account (that was named the same thing-) because life was just getting too much and I felt like it was the best thing for me to do at the time.
Now that everything is stabilising again, I feel ready to restart. Maybe it was a bad decision to juts WIPE everything, but I think it's a good,clean state.
(Also I think I followed you using my new account for F1? that's me- Hi <3)
Anyway- just wanted to say something..
omg hi!!! i'm sorry i got to this late but of course i remember you!!!! it's nice you decided to come on here again hehe 🫶 i bet it feels good to start anew with a completely blank blog, i'll have to see if i know which f1 blog you mean tho 😭 welcome back <3333
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solstheimtxt · 1 year
3, 5 & 7 for vince my beloved 🤍 might come back later w/ more questions heheheheh
Hiii!!! 👋🥰 tysm for the questions!!! And thank u for your patience while i write these out nyehehe (answers under the cut)
Ask me questions about my oc? :D
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>Vince is by and large, mostly a person who goes along with what his family believes (even in other versions of him, fo4/me included). When he arrives in Halcyon he's disgusted at working and living conditions for the people but primarily assumes Edgewater is simply a run down town, and until he gets to Groundbreaker & Monarch does it truly set in exactly what's wrong with Halcyon. He believes the power should be with the people-everyone should have access to food and lodgings, no exceptions. He also understands that people can be lead into false hope and ruin by leaders like Graham. Thusly post-game he keeps the image of the Board alive even though the folks who run the Board are no longer in power. He's not above lying to keep the peace, even if it's not morally correct! (This is especially prevalent when he uses rockwell as a figurehead and kills him when he becomes useless 🥰)
3. What do they believe in?
Tl;dr: Board bad, free halcyon good, halcyon run by idealists not ideal
>I actually haven't written much! Vincent and his husband married at 18, both of their families are alive and close. They enlisted as Marines for free college, left and continued with their lives. Vincent was working as a medic (think like an EMT/Paramedic kinda thing). However, due to living in Los Angeles, and the rising cost of living, their family decided to start anew in a new world, where they could potentially have a safe home that they could work for. (I imagine LA would be even more insanely expensve than it is now, and EMT/medics are typically low income in the LA metro area, ergo Vince & Lance are lower/middle class).
5. What was their life like before being iced?
7. What's their fighting style? Who do they bring along?
>Vince is the same in every game in that he utilizes a sniper rifle (Deadeye Assault rifle), melee weapon (Tossball stick), and either a rifle or pistol. (Think Deliverer in fo4).
(Also toby 🤝 vince snipers 4 life)
I also think having a squad of 2 is dumb! In Mass effect, it makes sense, but in tow it doesnt make sense in universe, a big squad might give away stealth but they have guns so uhhh, anyways. In game, I always used Felix & Max, but typically he would bring the whole squad. On Monarch, he does split the team up, Felix and Max go to Fallbrook and Amber Heights, and the rest of the team do the Devils Peak, and Cascadia quest. (As per my fic nyehehehehehe >:3c)
Usually Felix, Nyoka and Sam made up the front line, with the big guns, Ellie, Max and Parvati kept the enemies from flanking them, and Vince stays back and provides support via sniping, if that makes sense. (But also SAM carries their gear so vince doesnt usually like SAM fighting!)
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