newlifeprojects · 1 year
hogy az isten levette rola a kezet
merthogy egy bo evtizede ugy gondolta, hogy nem hagyhatja, hogy ez a csaj itt kinlodjon celtalanul a semmiben, es ugy intezte, hogy radobja egy utra, ami vegre iranyt ad neki. ez volt z. igenam, de rajott, hogy valami nem oke, nem teheti ezt a csajjal, mert nem lesz jo vege, latta mar akkor, es megprobalta eszervekkel leteriteni a csajt. ez nem sikerult, mert a csaj ugy gondolta, ez az akadaly nem azt jelenti, hogy no-no, hanem kihivas, amit neki meg kell ugrania. isten aztan latta, hogy igy ez nem fog menni, ugyhogy fizikailag is kozbelepett egy vidam szilveszteri buliban, aminek egy kovetkezmenyes komplikalt baleset lett a befejezese. gondolhatnank, hogy egy ilyen dolog visszaveti a csajt, es majd az ido, ami kozben eltelik, kikoptatja belole a tevutat, de nem igy lett, ugyhogy isten sohajtva kiserte a csajt el ismet, gondoskodva arrol, hogy abszolut az egvilagon semmi ne legyen jo es ne jojjon ossze. biztosra ment, egy kozeli csaladtag halalaval garantalta, hogy a csaj ismet visszaterjen a kiindulopontra. intezett neki munkat (!!), szallast (!!!), es hogy karpotolja, mert latta, hogy a csaj szomoru, az utjaba rakta - szo szerint - b-t. b-t, aki olyan ritka madar volt , hogy azt gondolhattak, ilyen veletlenek nincsenek. b csak egyvalamiben hasonlitott z-re, minden masban viszont illett a csajhoz. (amit a csaj meg onmaganak is tagadott, hiszen ki o, hogy megerdemelne ezt?!) na de a csajt nem olyan fabol faragtak, hogy ezt egy egyszeru, isten altal elrendelt, happyenddel vegzodo dolognak tartsa. o ugy gondolta, hogy ez is egy donteshelyzet, ahol neki bizony meg kell felelnie. eddigre sajnos z (meg az, hogy zsenialis manipulator volt) eppen annyira gyengitette meg a lanyt, hogy az vegul a b-vel toltott ido minden harmoniaja es szabadsaga es magatol ertetodosege ellenere otthagyta b-t, es beadta a derekat harmadik nekifutasra z-nek. a csaj meg akkor is ugy gondolta, hogy ezzel a dontessel veglegesen kijelolte az iranyt, nincs visszaut, egnek a hidak, de nem igy tortent. mert b megvarta es azt mondta, hogy ennek ellenere ugy gondolja, hogy igenis jo helyen vannak egyutt, mert valamiert talalkoztak, es beszeltek, es egyutt toltottek az idejuket es akarjak is. (igen, o ertette az uzenetet.) isten itt mar fogta a fejet, de a csajnak keptelen volt hatekony segitseget nyujtani, aki ekkor mar elvesztette az iranyt, az erejet, es onmagat is. isten szerintem sirt is egyparszor, de nem tudott kozbeavatkozni. a csaj raeszmelt, hogy b-t jobban szereti annal, hogy kitegye ennek az egesznek, es elegendo onertekeles hijan, es rengeteg buntudattal a lelkeben, elengedte b-t. legalabbis azt hitte. a kaput az tette be, hogy a csaj ismet elindult, bar most egyedul, de mire visszaert, b mar nem volt sehol. igaz, hogy z meg csak a problemakat halmozta, de o legalabb latszolag kitartott. ha akkor tudta volna a csaj, hogy ennek semmi koze a kitartashoz... na azota isten ra sem tud nezni a csajra. ot is siratja, es magat is szegyelli. de a matrixban megis ott maradt ez a glitch, es idorol-idore osszefutnak az egymastol tavolodo teridosikok, b felbukkan, aztan eltunik, a csaj pedig biztos benne, hogy kisiklott az a szerelveny, mert mintha nem azt az eletet elne, amit kellene. hogy akarasbol nem sikerul, erzesbol meg nem megy.
mert hiaba tudja mar regen a csaj, de nem csak terek vannak, hanem idok is. es mar nem erdemes varnia.
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The Death of Diplomacy
You could have broken the tension like a rod of glass.  The room was trapped in a bubble of complete silence unbroken by any living thing as all those that did live held their breaths in anticipation. On the void side faces were lit in shock and concern, and on the Maker side bodies were tense with anticipation poised and leaning forward. In a way Adam felt he was an intruder on a moment that should have been intensely private, but the outcome would mean everything.
Lanus was their last card to play,and if this didn’t work, he didn’t know what would.
Looking at Lanus in the near silence, tall, strong, and regal, Adam was struck by a sudden and overwhelming sense of guilt.  He had only ever heard stories of Lanus from Sunny. From what she described he had been everything you hope to have in a father, kind, patient, loyal and protective. He had done his best to protect Sunny in a world where she was not welcome.
And his death had been catastrophic.
A death that Adam had facilitated.
Lanus had died during the last push of the Steel Eye operation, and it was Adam himself that had struck the death blow, and it was his death that had caused Kazna’s original spiral into revenge, something that once seemed small, but had primed her to become what she was.
Now, the universe was on the brink of ending, and Adam couldn’t shake the guilt that secretly bubbled in the pit of his stomach.
The universe was ending and it was his fault.
Despite everything that had happened between him and Sunny, despite their slow movement through mistrust, to forgiveness, to friends and then to love, he had still never been able to forgive himself for what he had done to her father, for taking away one of the only people in her life that had ever protected her. Thinking about into made him sick, and looking at Lanus, fighting quietly to rectify his mistake was almost too much.
The meeting hadn’t lasted more than a moment, but still waiting for Kazna’s response took what seemed to be a lifetime. It wasn’t until she reached up her hand, pressing the flat of lanus’s palm to her cheek that Adam felt a spark of hope arrive in his chest. “Hijan Cheel.” She said murmuring the words softly into the palm of his hand, “You have returned to me.”
Everett and Noctus shifted nervously glancing back and forth between each other unsure what to do.
Renegade lurked at the back of the group arms crossed over her chest.
The expression on her face was difficult to read but somehow  seemed to hold undertones of confusion.
“I have.” Lanus said, he reached up his other hand, cupping her face in both of his palms, “I am only sorry I could not have come to you sooner.”
It seemed things were going well.
Maybe the could end all of this here, maybe they could turn Kazna to their side, of course the Makers would want her to spend a couple of years in their little hell pit, but after a few thousand years Adam might not care so much considering that was plenty of time to raise his children and die peacefully.
He did his best to stifle the hope that was rising in his chest, but to do so wasn’t entirely possible.
Reaching out with her lower set of arms, kazna took lanus’s hands in hers. For once her expression held no hint of malice, or mockery. Disbelief slowly beginning to melt into excitement, “My love you are here…. “ Her voice trailed off for a moment, jaw working to find words before squeezing his hands tightly in hers, “Come, come with me, come and be at my side Lanus.”
Adam’s heart sunk right down into his boots.
“I am so very close to the greatest achievement of my life. Winning the greatest war.” She pulled him closer looking hard into his eyes, “Once you join me, everything shall be as it should be. With you at my side there is no power that can stand in our way.” She reached up with her hands, gently caressing his face as if attempting to memorize its form simply by touch, but stopped as a dark expression passed over Lanus.
This was not good, and for a horrible moment Adam wondered if he had made a horrible miscalculation. Would lanus change sides instead of Kazna. Did he just hand over a valuable asset, the one final playing card without knowing what he was doing.
He glanced at Sunny, watching her face.
He could sense the tension in the lines of her body, and the set of her jaw. She knew her father better than anyone. 
“What is it?” Kazna asked
lanus took one of her hands in his but stepped back for a moment taking her hand in his, “My dear one…. I was hoping that you would join me…. The Maker world is a beautiful one. There are many battles to fight, many things to do, and I have found my place in the ranks of a glorious army of light.”
Kazna frowned, “Within the ranks…. Lanus please you are not a simple soldier, you are a general, a leader of Drev. you are wasted as a simple soldier.”
Lanus shook his head slowly, speaking slowly as he tried to chose his words with the utmost care, “Kazna, there are many who have come before us, saints and glorious heroes of the past who can teach us much. I am but a student, eager to learn what they provide. One day I will find my way to the top of their ranks, but I am willing to wait as I learn.’
Kazna shook her head, “But I offer you a chance to take it all now, to join me.”
“Kazna…. The path of instant gratification is not the way. Your war will be the end to us. There will be no more battles, there will be no more conquest, there will be nothing left, and I…. I do not wish to lose you to non-existence.”
Watching Lanus try and talk Kazna down was like watching a man try to defuse a nuclear bomb with ten seconds left on the clock. Adam’s stomach was a pit of nerves and nausea to the point he simply wished to walk out of the room and wait until it was over.
There was a pause in the room, almost imperceptible.
And it wasn’t good.
Kazna took a small step back frowning, “Lanus, I am asking you to join me as my battle partner, to fulfill the oaths that you gave to me in the circle.”
“Oaths I am willing to fill. I only ask that you give me eternity, not days Kazna.”
“Your understanding of what I do is flawed, Lanus. The Makers have warped your mind!” Kazna’s agitation was growing, like a slowly building eruption. Lanus was doing his best to diffuse the situation, to talk her down like a hostage negotiator. Not that Adam was an expert on hostage negotiation, but Lanus seemed to be doing a better job than anyone else might have circumstances permitting.
He pulled her back, closer to him, and when he spoke his voice left out all the accusation that another man might have leveled at her, “Than explain to me Kazna, what am I missing? I wish to have you forever, but this war of your can only end in our ceasing to exist.”
Kazna shook her head, “We become part of something greater Lanus.”
“I am….. Fuzzy on how you become part of something that does not exist, my love.”
Kazna huffed in frustration, “You need to look beyond what is simple to understand, Lanus. Give up those things which you know and join me in the unknown, in a greater future beyond this world.”
Lanus paused and shook his head slowly, “I am afraid i do not understand.”
It was likely at that moment things began to devolve. It was no fault f Lanus, h had done his best in trying to quench the absolute insanity that was his wife, but a man can only do so much.
At that point, kazna was too far gone.
She pulled back from Lanus withdrawing her hand from him, and all at once her eyes hardened, “The Makers have ruined your vision Lanus, made you complicit.” He reached out for her, but she took a step back, “I asked you to join me, and as my battle partner, there should have been no question, but even now you resist me. You have been corrupted. You are not the Lanus that I knew!”
Things had gone very suddenly sideways, and now they were riding into hell on a speeding bullet train headed right for “oh shit” valley, and the bridge crossing was broken.
Lanuswas a good actor, had been willing to sacrifice his own sanity for an eternity with kazna, but even a patient man has his limits, “Kazna.” His voice was firm, scolding like a father to his child, “Than maybe you never knew me at all.”
The words were sharp, cutting.
The first words he had spoken in anger and they sunk right down to the bone”
Kazna’s face twisted.
Lanus’s posture shifted ever so subtly, “You have broken your oaths Kazna. WHen we entered the circle we promised always to protect each other, to protect our family.” he shook his head in frustration now beginning to boil over, “You murdered my children, crippled others and drove more to the near edge of insanity. You have broken the sacred customs of our people by seeking personal revenge, and worse, you have attempted to murder children, my grandson you have tried to kill.”
At the mention of his grandson, kazna flared with a sudden spark of rage that had her shadows coursing back to her feet, “Grandson! How could you Lanus, how could you accept that THING.” Her mouth worked hard stammering with rage before she could find the words, “That hybrid FREAK is no blood of mine.”
This was the first time Adam had seen Lanus truly angry. Up to this point he had been understanding, relaxed, and reasonable, but in that moment he switched to hot overwhelming rage, that filled the room and caused members of both delegations to step back in alarm. Kazna’s anger was nothing.
Adam expected the Drev to begin screaming, but instead his voice dropped to a near whisper, “Speak of him like that again kazna, and i will strike you down where you stand.”
Adam and Adham exchanged looks.
This was not going according to plan.
Things had derailed and had done so in a spectacular fashion.
Bu of course it was Kazna who finally sent the train careening off the tracks, deploying an underhanded move that would never have been accepted in a Drev dueling ring. She attacked in the middle of a peace talk, and she did it suddenly,underhandedly against all code of drev combat.
In an instant her massive black trident sprung into her hand and thrust forward at Lanuz’s chest.
Sunny shouted and held out a hand in shock, but Lanus was just as fast. Reaching up, he dodged to the side, trident passing through the space he had most recently occupied, then with one hand he snatched the shaft of the trident and yanked hard pulling Kazna off balance and straight into the path of his waiting palm.
The move was distinctly un drev in nature, certainly more human, but the slap itself was powerful enough to knock Kazna to the floor.
And it was about that time that all semblance of diplomacy evaporated into chaos 
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vyn-the-idiot · 2 years
egyszer nem tudok toled normalisan elkoszonni es kis hijan sirogorcsbe torok ki, miert vagyok ilyen?
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jegvetikkex · 3 months
eljon az este, megprobalom felkesziteni arra magam, hogy lassan aludni kene
01:30kor erre ra is veszem magam, lehunyom a szemem es probalkozom
04:00 van 7 perc hijan. megint.
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444names · 2 years
german and swedish names + proto-germanic dictionary
Abhanananan Abhōn Ablaγan Adephop Aftjan Agabhaz Agistarich Ahaitz Aideep Aijananō Aiγrathe Ajind Akicord Akōjaz Albhjōn Aleary Aleuhtiz Aliquistaz Alling Around Askink Atelher Aubhan Auhtician Axenγabow Banan Barhjōn Barran Bastō Batent Batrithelaz Baugh Benwall Besels Bhilk Bikjant Binnananan Bleithairaz Blīsad Boira Bolde Bottlan Braiγan Bratan Brauxom Brest Brestrey Breγnás Bridnestīn Bridwó Brine Bronanan Bræðís Brūnanan Brūnōn Buidirkan Burðís Butarvanan Buttlimb Buxomcaryl Bōkjō Bōsan Calwar Carnan Caterow Caterðaz Cathaltaz Chanibha Chewarō Claulce Cleddoe Clifsab Commarf Compōn Crijann Custe Cutnitīfaz Daukīnanan Delge Dijaz Dikōn Dockend Donsga Draihsallōn Draugell Drichiz Driefolanan Droldavom Duesija Duhtilbhing Durht Dursōthman Durthadd Dusigh Dæðan Dūbhim Eliegarwar Erbhjand Esemmy Esigg Eslīkaum Failinh Falke Farvinōn Fascoasmed Feecrose Felvideutn Finan Finsil Fisevenj Flekiz Fleγal Folajan Fraγale Friskupjan Fulaz Furse Furγa Fōðaz Gabhananan Gebhazjaz Givinjana Grakjō Grauttán Groademm Günthru Haithri Halby Halwan Hanan Hanarō Harhaz Haukiltan Hauth Heinthrebbi Heljanan Helvald Herank Hijan Hijōn Hlinildarow Hnisfirk Honly Horra Hrīkana Hrōfairick Hrūhsōmaró Hunγás Hupad Hurðús Hurγjōn Hwain Hwaithy Hwōjan Hūmay Hūstiz Hūðjō Inraz Ipehtaz Irkazás Isfiz Isharjan Istōnan Isweγ Joharrog Joselan Jostan Julke Julán Juwjanan Jæmer Jörgan Jürgetlix Kaftja Kilthan Knanaz Knima Knuzjaz Kraughtia Krūhsklut Krūwalie Kularge Kundiegfra Kurstaz Kwaitz Kōjan Lanan Lapar Laŋaz Laγán Leata Lestraγrás Liananann Lidess Lield Lillak Liskarrōn Lislip Lithreγjás Loarge Loomass Loone Loong Lubhō Lutters Læpana Līsan Līðana Līγás Majine Malip Mallaz Marroolte Marve Maðánth Meindroold Milijan Minjan Mitarab Mohaz Mokeubhjaz Momaz Mongueld Mucumaz Mureus Murγaz Mushigh Muthsaker Mædwilykk Nanana Nannyz Naubhanan Niskuz Noattsa Nothing Nottlan Olotten Othrudjand Ounther Ovalt Paccurt Paiskad Paraz Parear Pitenth Pluce Pluchoofied Poome Præwyz Queaple Rabhō Rahjanan Realma Reðjás Riaswearry Rijær Rionoelce Roldewarkjō Rudjan Ruisfin Runthanan Rūmarkaz Rūsjananang Rūtichor Sabhan Sadown Sainewjōn Saleinai Sambary Sanaz Sandleibhaz Sanguid Sanγanán Saðan Scastan Schaulás Scrid Sebhath Sebken Secher Seenhuzán Setell Sewandō Sewjanan Seŋaz Shannan Sharolpan Sheltjankaz Shijananan Shilán Shork Sight Sijanan Sinhsōn Siwaðuz Skallananan Skarle Skarong Skars Sking Skjanath Skjaz Skulindaγ Skuniz Skupieve Skæpaz Skærananan Skīka Skīnanak Skōjana Skūdien Slaus Slubhaupaz Smeidenan Smenγú Smūγan Snananγa Sneacen Soaspe Soateer Sonaihwl Spanan Spananðjaz Sparethīn Sparlisja Sparran Speack Speedmu Speel Spidere Spinrink Spong Sprearola Spunicall Spænut Spænōn Spīnt Stanne Stantlaund Stappard Stara Starm Staγōjan Stedmutan Stermass Stersō Sticonana Stifer Stiot Stram Straz Strestalka Striass Struwurn Strás Sturō Sulaz Suγōjananan Swalγ Swarlock Swealōn Swemm Swerstōn Swerðaz Swæpan Swīrolf Swītan Sámanannana Sæjan Sæniŋaz Sūpananany Sūrōn Tabhtaz Tailōhanks Tallaz Talmaz Thaiðaz Thanand Tharmaz Thermunnyz Thild Threγ Thrin Thris Thurn Tilliedal Tiste Tomakōn Tonan Tottleo Trenanan Trike Truγmanahat Twigh Twirjananan Twiðōjan Tīγán Ubhal Unkiz Urðís Valvele Viamp Voilistuma Wager Wakiz Wallyess Walph Walwalvill Wazás Welinaz Wellexanan Welmainan Wemalaz Werbhúnt Werikkjō Weutard Wheep Wherthin Whornan Whris Whrudving Winanananan Withwīpalby Woottás Wreadjan Wunthaz Wæbham Wīkarhtan Wīpilow Wītalke Wītscralow Youell Yough Áhwahst Īwahlōn Γawelle Γestall Γiukōn Γlīkalk Γlīkan Γrækjaz Γunðús Γōwippō Γōwiz
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wisdomrays · 3 years
Prophet Muhammad in the Bible
Almost all previous Prophets predicted Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. Despite the distortions suffered by the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels, we find indications of his coming.
For example, the Torah promises the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings:
The Lord said to me [Moses]: "What they say is good. I will raise up for them a Prophet like you among their brothers; I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to My words that the Prophet speaks in My Name, I will Myself call him to account." (Deuteronomy 18:17–19)
The phrase: a Prophet like you among their brothers clearly refers to a Prophet from the line of Ishmael, the brother of Isaac, who is the forefather of Moses' people (the Children of Israel). The only Prophet who came from this line after Moses and resembled him in many ways (e.g., bringing a new law and waging war on his enemies), is Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. Also, Deuteronomy 34:10 clearly states that no Prophet like Moses ever appeared among the Israelites: "[With respect to his virtues and awesome deeds,] a Prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knows face to face, no longer appeared among Israel."[1] The Qur'an points to the same fact: We have sent to you a Messenger as a witness over you, even as We sent to Pharaoh a Messenger (73:15).
The sentence: I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him, in the above Biblical verse, means that the promised Prophet will be unlettered and speak whatever is revealed to him. God states this in the Qur'an: He does not speak out of [his own] desire. It is but a Revelation revealed (53:3–4).
The following verse, The Lord came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran (Deuteronomy, 33:2), refers to the Prophethood of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, respectively, upon them be peace. Prophet Moses spoke to God and received the Torah at Sinai; Prophet Jesus received Divine Revelation at Seir, a place in Palestine; and God manifested Himself to humanity for the last time through His Revelation to Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, at Paran, a mountain range near Makka. The Torah mentions (Genesis 21:21) Paran as the desert area where Prophet Abraham, upon him be peace, left Hagar and their son Ishmael. The Zamzam well also is located there. As stated explicitly in the Qur'an (14:35–37), Abraham left them in the valley of Makka, at that time an uninhabited place within Paran's mountain ranges.
The verse in Deuteronomy, according to the Arabic version published in London (1944) and the Ottoman Turkish version (Istanbul: 1885), continues: He came with myriads of holy ones; in his right hand appeared to them the fire of the Shari'a. This verse refers to the promised Prophet, Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, who would have numerous Companions of the highest degree of sainthood. The fire of the Shari'a alludes to the fact that he would be allowed, even ordered, to fight his enemies.
In the Gospel of Matthew, we come across an interesting verse in which Jesus said:
Have you never read in the Scriptures: "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed." (Matthew 21:42–44)
This capstone cannot be Prophet Jesus, for the verses refer to crushing victories won by the "capstone's" followers. No people were ever crushed because they resisted Christianity. Christianity spread in the Roman Empire only after it underwent some changes and was reconciled with Roman religion(s). Western dominion of the world came via scientific thought's triumph over the Medieval Church, and took the form of ruthless colonialism.
Islam, on the other hand, ruled almost half of the Old World for centuries. Its original purity was never diluted, its enemies were defeated many times, and it successfully defended itself against Christianity. Currently, Islam is once again rising as a pure, authentic religion, way of life, and hope for human salvation. Moreover, Prophet Jesus himself alludes to this by stating that the kingdom of God will be taken away from his followers and given to a people who will produce its fruit, as seen above.
Moreover, in a telling detail recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim, Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, describes himself as the "capstone," thereby completing the building of Prophethood.
Another reference to the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, is found in the Gospel of John: Who is "the Paraklit, the Spirit of Truth," referred to by Jesus in the following verse:
But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Paraklit will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. (John 16:7-8)
In these verses, Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, is referred to as Paraklit, a Greek word meaning "the Distinguisher between Truth and Falsehood." Christian interpreters have given this word different meanings, such as "Counselor" (Gideon's International), "Helper" (American Bible Society), or "Comforter" (The Company of the Holy Bible), and claimed that it refers to the Holy Spirit. But they have never been able to establish whether the Holy Spirit came and did what Jesus foretold it would do.
If, according to Christians, the Holy Spirit is Archangel Gabriel, he came many times to Prophet Muhammad to bring Divine Revelation. Further, Jesus mentioned and predicted the Paraklit with various names, but always with the same function, as seen in the following verses:
When the Paraklit comes—the Spirit of Truth—who comes from the Father, he will testify about me. (John 15:26)
I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking what is mine and making it known to you (John 16:12–14)
These are only a few of the Bible's allusions to Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. The late Hussayn Jisri found 114 such allusions and quoted them in his Risala al-Hamidiya.
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asma-al-husna · 4 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Baseer— The All-Seeing, The All-Perceiving, The All-Comprehending — on 42 occasions in the Quran. He is the One whose perfect sight encompasses the whole creation. Al-Baseer has insight into all things and Who perceives every detail, every state of existence, and every circumstance!
The All-and-Ever-Seeing, The Comprehending

Baseer comes from the root baa-saad-raa, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to see or notice, and the second to understand. The third main meaning is to have insight or to perceive, and the fourth is to be precisely aware.
This root appears 148 times in the Quran in 10 derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-absaaru (the eyes), al-basaru (the vision), mubsiratan (visible) and absara (sees).
Linguistically, baseer is on the structure of intensification. Al-Baseer refers to the perfection and the totality of Allah’s seeing, which cannot be compared with the seeing of any other created being.
Al-Baseer Himself says: Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [Quran, 17:1] . . . There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing [Quran, 42:11] . . . And Allah judges with truth, while those they invoke besides Him judge not with anything. Indeed, Allah— He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [Quran, 40:20]
Supervision in worship and worldly affairs
An employee will most likely work harder when his manager is watching him; how much stronger is the effect when we know we are being watched by our creator? When we engage in our worldly affairs, like our job or our interactions with others, we should be aware that there is much more at stake than just the supervision of our boss or even our parents. Al-Baseer loves for the believer to do the best in every work we do, and He will recompense us in the Hereafter far beyond whatever worldly profit we might earn.
This is why the Prophet told us about the formula to live by: Allah loves that when you engage in some work, you do so with proficiency. [al-Bayhaqee] This inspires us to engage in our work with honesty and integrity and this is the best quality assurance for everything a believer does in this world.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Watch your deeds!
How many times have you watched your deeds when certain people were around? As a Muslim one of your tasks is to mind the acts of your limbs and your heart anytime, anywhere, and in any company. A practical tip is to imagine yourself being watched by a camera which follows you 24/7, whether you are with people or all alone. The sight of Al-Baseer cannot be topped by a hundred million cameras.
2. Trust in Al-Baseer at all times.
He sees every obstacle and sorrow you face and everything others do to you, He is the Only One Who only gives you what is good for you at all times. Therefore submit and put all your trust in Him only. Al-Baseer says: And put your trust in the Mighty, the Merciful, who sees you when you stand up (to pray) and your bowing in prostration with those who bow down. [Quran 26: 217-219]
3. Strive for quality.
Knowing that Allah sees everything you do encourages you to be more devoted in your worship, more righteous in your deeds, and kinder to others. This is why Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Excellence in faith is to worship your Lord as if you see Him, and though You do not see Him, know that He sees you. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Strive for ehsaan (excellence) in every act you do.
4. Persevere.
Al-Baseer reassured the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and says: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Isn’t it the most comfortable and reassuring feeling for your heart knowing as a believer Your Lord is so close to you and sees and hears everything you go through? When others do injustice to you and no one seems to notice, take strength from the fact that Al-Baseer is seeing them and will recompense them.
5. Believe in the decree of Al-Baseer.
Whenever Allah creates something, grants something, gives life, causes death, guides someone, or allows someone to stray, it is in accordance with His wisdom, His perfect knowledge, and His complete vision that nothing can escape.
Jihaad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know. [Quran, 2:216] Al-Baseer observes how you respond to His ayaat. Believe that everything Al-Baseer does is a complete tailor-made test for you and only for your own good, even though you might not like it.
6. Seek refuge in Al-Baseer.
Knowing that Allah is the All-Seeing protects the believer from committing sins. Since Allah ‘azza wa jall is taking account of everything we do, there is no escape from Him except to seek refuge with Him. Use the isti’aadhah (saying: a’oodhu billaahi minash-shaytaanir rajeem) a lot in your daily life, in times of anger, fear, and despair.
7. Ask Al-Baseer to bless your sight.
Allah Al-Baseer loves those who use the abilities He gave them for His sake. Did Allah give you eyes to look at forbidden things or to work in unpermitted business? Did He give you the blessing of understanding and having insight, like when you study, for you to be lazy and not care? Ask Him to help you to use your sight and insight only for things pleasing to Him.
8. Make dua to Al-Baseer abundantly.
Al-Baseer sees every hardship you face, so invoke Him and supplicate to Him. Remember at all times; the fact that you are able to make sujood and even say Yaa Allah is a blessing that surpasses all others.
O Allah, Al-Baseer, we know You see every move we make. Aid us to watch our deeds and use our sight and insight for Your sake only, and make us grateful for the blessings of our senses. Protect us from bad deeds, and support us in doing everything we do, in worship and worldly affairs, with excellence, ameen!
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hijabihanaofficial · 3 years
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jahguideme · 4 years
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nvidyayuniarti · 7 years
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There is someone saying falling in love is like giving someone a loaded gun pointed at your heart and trusting them not to pull the trigger. And, since trusting someone is always hard for me, I'll better let that chair empty till...better don't ask... ° ° ° #smile #happy #happiness #girl #hijan #bnw #blackandwhite #quote #lifequotes
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Rule Number 1
Adam had an army.
He also had a baby Celzex in his pocket, but that was beside the point, and secondary only to the army. Had Sunny rolled her eyes at him? Yes, yes she had saying, “Don’t you have enough children already.” To which he had pointed out that Celzex were significantly lower maintenance than all of his previous children.. If he could have adopted an armful of the little fluffballs he would have, but, while he was relatively sure he could get one past his wife, he wasn’t entirely sure he could get an armful.
So today, armed with a rifle, a handgun, two collapsible spears, three knives, and both of his fists, he stood at the head of his army. The Bob shown down from above, ha, he loved saying that, lighting the arcadian morning with cutting rays of blinding, white light. Before him, his waiting army stood on the green, rows and rows of men and women, many of which he recognized.
This was it.
This is where it all began.
He straightened himself, and flexed his shoulders, listening as the SE armor whirred lazily to life.
On the right, the spartans: With their own SE division standing proudly at the front, towering men and women in towering exosuits and bulky armor topped by corinthian style helmets. King James and his Queen Xanthia stood at the forefront. To their left the arcadian army, technically that phrase was sort of a misnomer as almost everyone on arcadia was combat capable.
It would be a safer bet to say that in front of him stood, a fraction of the Arcadian standing army, specifically those who made it their full time job to protect their little planet. The Arcadian SE division also stood out front, though there was a conspicuous hole gaping open in the front ranks, still yet to be filled, despite a few new additions to the fold: previous SE Soldiers Kier Lindsay and Jane, his old MTI Kimball, and the senator’s son Pier. A few other faces had since added themselves to the cause, including old friends from the Bramble and Hathor colony, joining not because they were particularly fond of war, but because they were tired of living in fear of the void.
To the left of them stood the Drev, battalions upon battalions of waiting soldiers eager and raring for battle including every member of the Nakt clan, and quite a few members of Sunny’s home clan growing up. Dzara led a sizable contingent of her own soldiers, and Even kanan had taken up his spear again. Unfortunately, and to Adam’s great dismay Hijan had also taken up her spear. Adam had argued with her for a long time about how she was simply too old to be risking her life, but that argument just proved her point.
She was too old, and if she was going to die, she wanted to do it with a spear in her hand.
It wasn’t a request he could deny the old Drev, who had become like a third grandmother to him, and a surrogate mother to Sunny.
Beyond them stood the odds and ends, their borrowed Celex battalion, who were the least intimidating and probably most dangerous soldiers on the field. Standing close to them was Etium heading a squad of soldiers that included everyone that wasn’t either human or Drev, simply for organizations sake, this including mostly tesraki, but also had the odd rundi or burg to name a few.
They had some Mikes and Lumin around here somewhere, but the were not' part of the combat portion of things.
This was it, the moment they would finally fill the Empyrean to her full capacity.
Members of the old guard stood with him. Nairobi, Admiral Simon, Glados, Conn, Krill, Riss, Dr. Adric, Katie, Celex, and Ramirez, who stood stoic and silent at the back of the group belying his usually expected cheerful demeanor distantly eyeing that hole in the SE line. 
And then, of course, there was Sunny at his side where he always hoped she would be, where she would belong until the day he died.
Their previous mission to find and root out the void had been a bust, but this time, they knew where they were going and what they were doing.
They knew where to look.
Adam turned his head subtly to look at Sunny, resplendent in her shimmering pearlescent armor. Catching his eye, she nodded once, and he needed no other prompting as he stepped forward and held up a hand.
The field around them quieted.
What would he say?
He wasn’t entirely sure.
They waited in silence for a moment, but he didn’t panic. He let the silence draw out as he lowered his head to contemplate his words. What sort of thing did you say to people who might be offering up their lives to death?
Thank you?
That seemed rather route.
Good luck?
That seemed kind of stupid too, the words too week to really grasp the words he felt needed to be said.
In the end he didn’t settle on the words that would adequately express his feelings, but he did come across the right words.
“Are you ready!”
The Spartans chanted, The Drev roared, and the soldiers threw up a shout. All other aliens sort of just looked around in confusion, except of course, for Etium who lost his damn mind.
Their voices died down.
Adam clasped his hands behind his back, feeling as his spine straightened and his chin lifted. A breeze cut pst them tugging playfully at his hair. He set his jaw firmly, “This is it.” His voice carried surprisingly well over the crowd, “No more guessing, no more games, no more sitting back on our collective asses while the void plots against our family, homes and children.”
More chanting rose up.
“Kazna has repeatedly taken the fight to our front doorstep. She has murdered in our capitals, she has come into our homes, but all that ends today.”
Drev spears thundered against the ground.
“Today, we take the fight to her doorstep,”
“We bring chaos to their safehouses.”
Boots thundered against the ground.
“And we take back this universe for our children, and our children's children, and whoever the hell comes after that.”
More shouting.
But he was almost definitely sure they would have cheered him on no matter what he decided to yell about, good speech or no.
“Today we take the Empyrean to victory, or nothing!”
The cheering rose, raised into the sky. Spears clattered against shields as he stood staring down at his waiting army.
He allowed them to cheer for a few moments allowing a small smile to creep up and onto his face.
“There is one thing I need to go over first.”
The roaring of the crowd died away somewhat into confusion.
He paced forward, hands resting gently behind his back as he walked up and down before the waiting soldiers.
In his mind’s eye, he could see everything that came before, couldn’t help but think about all of the things that had to happen to lead him to this moment. How a boy, from mid Mericanda can go from alien obsessed loser to having his own army. In a little over a decade of life, Adam had experienced the first interstellar mission, the first meeting with aliens, a several wars on several alien planets, the rise and fall of diplomatic relations. He had gained grudging respect for and then fallen in love with an enemy. He had befriended a powerful maniacal alien despot. He had learned about the origins of life, stolen god’s spaceship, and involved himself in a cosmic war with his mother in law, all while getting married and having kids.
He was pretty sure it was impossible to have all of that in one life.
Sunny was pretty close.
Krill was close too.
And he was almost positive that there were several things in that list that he had accidentally left out.
It almost made him laugh.
The crowd was still waiting for him, their eyes fixed upon him as he paced back and forth at their front. Never had he thought he would be comfortable in front of a crowd this large, yet, here he was.
He held up a hand, “Listen up, and listen carefully because i will not be repeating myself when we get this started.”  his lazy smile continued filling him with an ever increasing amount of amusement.
“The first rule of the Empyrean crew….”
For the first time in what might have been weeks, Adam heard the low bark of Ramirez’s laugh echoing up from behind him. The marine knew exactly what was coming next.
Adam could sense Krill’s Anima rolling its eyes  against both the laws of physics and anatomy.
Katie, still a bit somber from events proceeding in the last few weeks, had to cover her mouth with her hand.
Dr.. Adric snorted a sudden huff of air, like an amused bull.
Adam smiled, Life hadn’t beaten the joy out of this man
At least not yet.
He lifted his chin and raised his voice to echo out across the field, “First rule of the Empyrean….” He let the statement hang on the air for a long moment before raising his hands, filling the air with a chorus led by his own voice
“Don’t Chuck marshmallows at neutron stars!” 
Adam grinned, “Damn straight.”
And then Adam turned, stiff and straight as he took a step, and wheeled away. 
Heelys , just like riding a bike 
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heelmysoles · 7 years
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Are we here for the @jimmychoo x @off____white collab collection? #HiJane 😍 cc: @stylist______ 💕
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yoga-monster · 7 years
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Beach chillin' 🌊 #longisland #thetajiboy #fourthofjulyweekend #longweekend #newyork 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 #hijan
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raweceek18 · 2 years
"He just made a mistake"
The first time he used ableist slurs in 2017 he probably made a mistake. I can understand how commonly used language can be inoffensive in a certain culture and can be totally offensive in another, so I can believe that in 2017 Max was probably ignorant to what his words meant to fluently English speaking people. But he was called out on it and so when he used ableist language again in 2020, I don't believe that was a mistake. He knew exactly what he was saying, after all, he had been called put on it back in 2017.
"More importantly, he apologised, so the matter should be allowed to lie"
He didn't actually apologise though. In 2017, he said that he 'didn't mean to hurt anyone", that isn't an apology. That's a "I'm sorry YOU felt like that". And in 2020 he said that it was "not my [his] problem". Does that sound like an apology? Also I don't believe an apology is the most important thing. I believe what's more important is learning from your mistakes and providing assurances of change. He didn't apologise, nor did he learn from his mistake as demonstrated by his repeat offense.
When you say something like that for the first time, it's probably ignorance. When you say it again, that's the type of person you always were.
Also talking about racism. Max follows a Dutch politician called Geert Wilders. I believe that when you follow a politician, you are usually in agreement with their policies and ideas. Wilders has been called the "Dutch Donald Trump" and he has called to make the "Netherlands great again", wants to ban the quran, tax hijans and "stop Islam. Also believes Moroccan immigrants are "scum". Do I think Max is racist for following a politician with racist ideas. I don't know. Do I think it's concerning that Max follows a racist politician with radical ideas against Islam through his own free will? Yes.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR : Part 191
Yonder Mystery of Bones and Reproduction
For many years, scientists thought that women were born with a limited number of oocytes (eggs) in the ovary, estimating around three thousands oocytes. This number declines by time until the age of fifty to a point of exhaustion, resulting in menopause. It is known that female flies, birds, and fish can generate new oocytes during their adult life, which has been thought to not happen in mammals like mice. Studies by Jonathan L. Tilly and colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School brought evidence that new oocytes could also form during the life of an adult mouse.
The findings in mice imply that humans might also possess similar characteristics. This increases the possibility and brings hopes of having a baby even at older ages along with treatments in the future, just like in the miraculous story of Prophet Abraham and Sarah as narrated both in the Qur'an (ad-Dhariyat 51:24-30) and the Bible (Genesis 21:7), showing us one aspect of the possibility and ultimate limits of knowledge and technology that humans can attain one day so that these miracles can become true, though to some extent, with the advancement of medicine.
Bone borne eggs
An interesting study showed an unexpected source of oocytes in the bone. Study by Tilly's group at the Harvard Medical School in 2004 showed that cells in the bone marrow of mice could be a source of oocytes that are developing in the ovaries. Their first observation was the expression of genes related to egg cells in the bone marrow samples of mice. To test the possibility of bone marrow cells as a source of new oocytes, they chemically generated infertile mice. Treating mice with two chemotherapy drugs called cyclophosphamide and busulfan causes infertility. Once they treated the mice with these drugs, the mice had extensive damage in their ovaries along with an end in new oocyte production in their follicles. Ovarian follicles are spherical aggregations in the ovaries which periodically produce oocytes. Remarkably, when they transplanted bone marrow from female donors, they found a number of oocyte containing follicles (about several hundred). Interestingly, the appearance of those oocytes were rapid and thought to be due to circulating oocytes originating from the bone marrow and developing as they travel through the blood stream. Although they don't have the evidence that those cells could be fertilized, findings could lead to fundamental changes in the current understanding of the female reproductive system.
Tilly and colleagues also report that bone marrow and blood transplants could also induce the development of oocytes in a genetically infertile mice model (which has a mutation in ATM gene). This mutant mice lack follicles and developing oocytes and are unable to produce mature germ cells (egg producing cells). Their study shows that bone marrow or blood transplant from healthy donors induces production of oocytes in this mice model. They conclude from those studies that bone marrow could be a source of germ cells to the ovaries throughout adult life. Their findings are somewhat supported by the clinical studies on cancer patients who were expected to be infertile but they could have babies after bone marrow transplant.
Another study on the circulating cells for female fertility used parabiotic (the union of two mice through an exchange of blood) mice model. This study by Eggan and colleagues tested the capacity of circulating bone marrow cells to generate ovulated oocytes and could not show any contribution of bone marrow cells to ovulated oocytes. Blood or bone borne oocytes are highly debatable but bone marrow cells, at least, might have a role in enhancing women's fertility. This might lead to the treatment of infertility. In addition, it might bring new opportunities for those dreaming of having a baby even at a late stage, but requires much additional research to be realized.
Lab & bone borne sperms
Sperm formation is known to continue throughout adulthood. It involves various steps of cellular differentiations. Maturation of sperms in the body takes more than a month in most mammals. Trials to mimic this complex process in petri dishes failed to demonstrate the production of normal, fertile sperms.
Scientists had dreamed of growing sperms in petri dishes for years. Recently, researchers in Japan developed a technique that allowed production of fertile mammalian sperms in a petri dish. Attempts to make such mature sperms usually failed due to meiosis, a specific type of cell division that halves the number of chromosomes. Meiosis is very essential step for sperm cells to get ready to fuse with an egg. Ogawa and colleagues demonstrated that meiosis of sperm cells lay in a simple change to standard petri conditions. They tried various petri conditions but they ended up with a special serum free medium that is commonly used for growth of embryonic stem cells. Several weeks later, they observed formation of mature sperm cells and even half of them had flagella, a tail-like structure that sperm cells use to swim. Injection of those sperms into egg was also able to produce offspring. In addition, when they used frozen testis tissues of newborn mice, they could grow sperms as well. This discovery in reproductive biology is likely to be beneficial not only for people having infertility problems associated with sperm maturation but also children that undergo cancer therapy which destroys fertility. It is known that chemotherapy impairs fertility. Adults could freeze their sperm before such treatment, but young boys can't. This new discovery offers such patients hope. In addition, this finding opens new avenues for protection of endangered animals that might die before reaching sexual maturity. It is a matter of time for the same technique to be applied to humans and other species.
There are also reports suggesting the generation of male germ stem cells (sperm producing cells) from bone marrow. Mesenchymal stem cells, which are derived from the bone marrow, have shown to differentiate into male germ cells. Studies testing the effect of retinoic acid and testicular extracts showed to induce human bone marrow stem cells to differentiate into male germ cells as shown by male germ-cell specific marker expressions. Another approach tested the possibility that bone marrow-derived stem cells would differentiate into germ cells when transplanted into the mouse testis. Using GFP positive bone marrow cells transplantations, it has been demonstrated that bone marrow-derived stem cells can also be induced to differentiate into germ cells. Interestingly, there seems to be a connection between bones and fertility.
Bones and fertility
The Qur'an tells the story of Prophet Zachariah, peace be upon him, when he secretly prayed to God to ask for a successor. He said "My Lord! My bones have grown feeble and my head glistens with gray hair from old age..." (Maryam 19:4). His prayer was accepted and the angels came with the glad tidings of his son, John. He was surprised as to how he could have a son while his wife was barren and that he had already reached infirmity in old age. It has been said by scholars that weakness of bones here refers to weakness in engaging in sex due to old age and gray hairs as a sign of infertility. It is also worthy to mention another verse where the creation of human is described as happening from a lowly fluid that gushes forth the vertebra and rib bones: Let human, then, consider from what he has been created. He has been created from some of a lowly fluid gushing forth. It proceeds (as a result of incitement) between the (lumbar zone in the) vertebra and the ribs (At-Tariq 86:5−7). As commentator Ali Unal explains, these verses refer to both the mechanism of the ejection of the seminal fluid and where it is emitted, which is a relatively recent discovery in biology. Remarkably, the Qur'an mentions two major bones where this fluid is emerging. Our current knowledge in medicine do not say anything about the role of ribs in reproduction or fertility but both the Islamic and Judeo-Christian traditions mention the creation of Eve from Adam's ribs, peace be upon him. Could this refer to the relation between bones and fertility? God knows best. Lastly, it is of importance to note that one of the symptoms of menopause is the loss of bone mass. Isn't it amazing how mysterious events regarding bones and fertility are taking place beyond our control and knowledge?
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dwter · 2 years
WILBUR !!!!!!!!!!! HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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