cosplaytutorial · 5 years
Hi! I'm putting together Julian from the arcan's masquerade outfit and I'm stumped on how to do the feathers for the lower portion of his coat.
Hello there!
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There’s a few ways I can think of to go about this.
First, take a look at a search of the tutorials on our site for “feather,” since there are some good feather tutorials there.
There seem to be two major options here – one is to use real feathers, and one is to make faux feathers. I would personally go with a hybrid, but the decision is up to you.
If you go with real feathers, you will need to combine multiple feathers in order to get the length that you need. I would recommend taking turkey quill/wing feathers and, making sure you are matching up right to right and left to left, trim off the bottom portions of feathers and glue them to the tops of another feather until you have the elongated shape you desire. Many feathered wing tutorials use this method for large and unusually-shaped feathers. These newly-created long feathers can then be attached to the sides of the coat.
There are several methods for creating fake feathers. I have seen them cut from everything from foam (thin EVA foam/craft foam, packing foam, etc.) to fabric. I would personally go with a synthetic fabric that you melt the edges of to seal it (if you have hot cutting tools, even better) that has a stiffer material, such as foam or plastic, glued or sewn down the middle to give it the effect of a center shaft. If you go with fabric, the feathers will be lighter in weight, probably cheaper, and have more flow to them than real feathers, though they will take a bit more work to create.
Personally, I would do both. I would create faux feathers for the longest and largest of the feathers and then mix in some real feathers to create a more feathery effect and to vary the textures.
I would also recommend that no matter which method you use, you should attach the (faux) feathers to a separate piece of fabric that attaches to the coat with snaps, hooks, or magnets. This way, you can remove the delicate parts you don’t want to wash when it comes time to do laundry.
I hope that helps! Good luck :]
—Fabrickind / Q&A Staff / Twitter
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stephicness · 7 years
Cor, ravus, nyx and luna's reactions to their s / o squinting at a like a sign or book then casually being like "I should probably wear my glasses but that's so much work"
Ooooh~ A different setof character from the usual boys! C: I like it! (And Lunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!)Let’s see here…
I’ve Got You In MySights! – FFXV Characters x S/O and The Silly Case of the Glasses
Cor Leonis –
Cor’s usually aman with a plan, with a set idea on where he wants to take you out, a schedulehe’d like to keep, and a knack for trying to be the best damn romantic he canbe. Mostly to compensate for the fact that he always looks so grumpy. But hey!You weren’t complaining most of the time. If anything, the resting bitch-faceis cute on him.
So he ends uptaking your to a restaurant to celebrate Cor’s return from a long mission outin Duscae, fancier than your usual meet-up spot at the Crow’s Nest, but notanything to where you’d both be breaking your bank on Hunter’s pay. He’s adamantabout what he wants, considering the man never really changes his diet unlesshe has to (or something looks REALLY good), so he’s pretty okay with justordering a steak and some wine with you.
But Cor couldn’thelp but notice over the top of his menu just how befuddled you looked. Sure,it was a new restaurant that you two went to, but he’d figured that it wouldn’tbe that hard to pick something. Yet there you were, eyes narrowed with a lookthat could be interpreted as ‘What the fuck is this?’ or ‘I’m goingto murder everyone.’ Cor always did find it cute whenever you got thoseexpressions on your face. Angry cutie.
“The TrevallyTartare had me making that same look too.”
The joke wouldhave been surprising to hear if you weren’t so focused on the menu. Cor’seyebrow rose as you brought the menu closer to your face, practicallysuffocating yourself within the laminated pages.
“…Hun, canyou even read that?”
You looked upat him with an expression and a head shake that said, ‘Hell no.’ You hadleft your glasses at home because you wanted to look sexy for a romantic dinnerout. And those glasses you had didn’t match your outfit. He shook his head, buta soft smile crossed over his face as he adjusted his seat and sat closer toyou, guiding you through the menu and giving what he thought you would like toeat on it.
“What’s thisone though?” You pointed at something on the menu. “It looks like it says‘Penis Ass Steak.’”
Cor had to try hard not to laugh and cause even more of a sceneas him moving around, though it did little to change. You always were able toprovoke a chuckle of amusement from him – a feat only a rare few could do. “No,that’s the Phoenix Bass Steak.”
“If anything, this menu’s a pain in my bass.”
The two of youbegan to laugh together before you leaned over on Cor’s shoulder and he wrappedhis arm around your waist. Nothing to see there. Just two people laughing aboutfish puns and Penis Ass Steaks. The waiter seemed to be concerned to hear theruckus you made when you and Cor continued to look through the menu, finallydeciding to approach you two and ask if there was anything he could do to makeit better for you two.
Cor simplystared at the waiter with a deadpan expression. “My date wants the Penis AssSteak, please.”
You ended uplosing your composure, laughing so hard to where the offender waiter consultedthe manager about the behavior of you two. A silly moment, but Cor was alrightwhen the manager had asked you two to leave. Instead, he simply escorted youout, hand in hand, before he looks down at you and raised an eyebrow.
“Want to getsome Flesh Toes and Coffee from the Crow’s Nest instead?”
You nodded asyou leaned against him, sides hurting from all of the laughter the two of youhad done. “Only if there’s extra seared-rope with it~”
Ravus Nox Fleuret –
You’d think fora man with no-chill and one who is married to his work wouldn’t have time todo, well, pretty much anything except for working or not chilling. But no, hestill manages to have those days off. Surprising to you, but you gladly took upany time that you could with the high commander before he had to go about hisbusy routines once again. He was glad to spend time with you as well, so it allplayed out well.
Especially onthe lazy afternoon where the two of you merely resided on the in the studytogether, a book in your hands, Ravus’s journal out on his desk for him towrite in, and the softest bit of music playing in the background to lull thesilence between the two of you as you went about your introverted hobbies. Aroutine habit of the two of you, but you never really needed much from Ravus toknow that he really loves you and enjoys his time with you.
He likes toleave you be as well, knowing how engrossed you usually are in your book, buthe’ll sometimes look up to see your expression as you start delving into thedramatic parts of your book (or fanfiction, because he knows what that is nowafter he had used your tablet to search something and found some heated smut onit). To him, your expression whenever you’re so enticed with something is oneof the reasons why he fell in love with you.
But this timearound, he noticed that out of the three-hundred pages you were into on yourbook, you hadn’t turned a page this time around since you came back around toreading it. Did something happen that left you stunned by what you just read?Poor thing. It must have been another tragic character death.
He looked at you over the top of his reading glasses (becauseyes, he uses them himself), and the expression itself read it all. Eyessquinted, lips scrunched, nose wrinkled in thought with a tight grip on thebook as if it were going to fly out of your hands. He recognized this look verywell because he took makes the same one – the same expression when hecan’t read a damn thing without his glasses.
He tried to besubtle about your lack of glasses, making a small remark as he rested his chinon his knuckles to watch you. “I take it something important occurred inyour book?”
You were quietas you looked away, grumbling to yourself a ‘No’ before playing itoff. “Yeah. Uh… The main character just confessed his love to the wrongperson! I don’t like this ship at all!”
“Really now?You last told me you were on page 354, correct?” You gave a small nod, notliking where he was going. “Last I recalled, you are around the part whereCain had just killed the demon Abaddon. A confession would not be appropriateat that part, now would it?”
He noticed youtense, having been foiled in your charade so easily. But a small sigh came fromthe commander before he closed his book and got up to walk to the couch withyou. He pulled the reading glasses from his face before he carefully restedthem on the bridge of your nose. You stared up at him, blinking as your visionbecame a lot more clear with the details up-close to you. Wasn’t he writing inhis journal though? He always needed his reading glasses whenever he wasworking on those kinds of things!
Instead, Ravusgestured for you to scoot over, so he can lay out and guide you into his lapwith his prosthetic hanging off the edge of the couch and his other hand gentlyresting around your waist. “Now you may read what becomes of our hero, solong as you read it aloud to me as well.”
You couldn’thelp but smile and give a small nod as you got comfortable against Ravus andbegan to read the book together.
Nyx Ulric –
Leave it to the hero to always save the day. Ever since you andNyx started dating, it always felt like he was there to bail you out of theworst situations. You usually hated it whenever he had to, consideringthat Nyx was a workaholic as it was. If he wasn’t with you, he was busy doingstuff for the Kingsglaive. If he wasn’t with the Kingsglaive, he was runningsecurity duty or checking on the royal family, and just an overwhelming numberof things that made you wonder just how he managed to find time to himself andto you.
So the day arrived when you decided that you would just meet Nyxover at the captain’s place for the Glaives’ annual Christmas party, since Nyxhad to spend the day running security in the palace as the King held a formalluncheon for the prince and his entourage. It wouldn’t be that bad of a walkanyways. Just go down to the subway station, take a train to Park Center andthen head to the eastside of Insomnia. It was a fancy-ass building that youcouldn’t miss.
So Nyx eagerly waited for you outside of Captain Drautos’sapartment, having expected you to arrive by now. Huh… Weird. He was usually theone running late to things. He thought that maybe you were just spending extratime to look nice for the party since it was the first of the Glaives’ eventsthat you really got to go to. So he waited. And waited. And fifteen minutespassed as he waited outside in the cold with a concerned frown on his face.
His hand was reaching into his pocket for his phone to call youbefore it began to vibrate and ring. Almost instantly, he snapped the phoneopen and pressed it to his ear. “Hey, babe. Where are you?”
“Uh… Almostthere. I think.”
You thought you had gotten onto the right terminal in thesubway. But the headphones in your ears kept you from hearing that it was Clark Central that you had gotten onto.Not Park Center. And it wasn’t until you got off, stared at the sign for a goodlong moment, and walked out of the subway tunnels to notice that you were inthe shadier part of town that things got weird. You at least knew you were nearwhere Libertus lived, but you couldn’t tell or read what street you were on.That, and you were too scared to ask the group of thug-like men nearby. Youdidn’t want to admit it to Nyx that you were on the opposite end of town, butyou didn’t want him to worry either.
You hesitated before you rubbed the back of your head, squintingat the subway sign. “I, uh… I’ll get there soon. I promise. Just go into theparty without me for now!”
He didn’t really take your hesitation that well, but he trustedyou enough to know that you’d be safe. He let out a sigh and nodded, even if hedidn’t want to agree. “Fine… Be safe, babe, okay?”
You were required to focus now as you navigated the trains onceagain, asking so many people for directions to get to Drautos’s place andhaving to double-track yourself to get there. You were already bad withdirections as it was, so this was a living nightmare before you finally cameupon the apartment where the party was. A sigh of relief came from you as younoticed Nyx standing outside, and you rushed over to him.
“Hey! Sorry about that! Ready to go into the party?”
“Uh… The party ended, like, half an hour ago.”
You looked up at him, eyes widened as he shrugged and gave you asmall nod. You groaned and ran your hand through your hair as you leaned yourhead back. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry…! I got lost, and I-“
“You left your glasses at home, didn’t you?”
“That obvious…?”
“Not really since you always keep saying how you hate carryingthem. This is just like when Crowe invited us to get food before. Or when wewere going to go to Lib’s place. Or when Tredd thought he could get you over tohis place alone. Or when-“
“Okay, I get it. I lose my glasses a lot…” You hung your headand frowned. “Nyx, I’m sorry… I know how much you wanted me to meet your boss,and I just… Gods. I ruined it.”
The Glaive chuckled a bit as he wrapped his arms around yourwaist, holding you close as he placed a small kiss on your forehead. “Nah… Thenight’s still young. I can find a way to save it. Maybe save it with some wineand a game from the Red XIII Box?” He grinned down at you.
You slowly found yourself smiling before you kissed Nyx’s cheek.“Yeah. That sounds like a good plan to save the day, hero.”
Lunafreya NoxFleuret –
It was kind of a surprise to you when you first met yourgirlfriend, Lunafreya, that she was in such another world compared to you. Youcame from a regular old suburban lifestyle, but she came from a freaking palace.Manor as they called it, mostly to be modest, but it still did little to coverthe fact that it really was in a league of its own. You felt out of place thereon the first date the two of you had, sneakers on, hoodie on, and a cardboardbox in your arms as you followed through to the palace to see Lunafreya for thefirst time.
And to think that all you really did during your first date wasshow her some of the things that you liked. One of those said things: comicbooks. She seemed so astonished at the way the story was being told through theactions of the artwork, how each character could be vividly seen instead ofjust imagined. It was a whole new fantasy world to explore, and she was morethan eager to learn how to read these comic books with you.
She even stumbled upon your yaoi manga that you had forgotten totake out of your box before you showed up. She really liked the art, but had tocover her blushing face when it got steamy. Oops. She demanded more afterwards,because it left off at a cliffhanger.
And so, on your first date, the two of you curled up in bedtogether with your stack of comics and manga and just read together, Lunafreyahovering over your shoulder and reading aloud with you as the two of youattempted to fulfill the voices of each character (with the weirdest possibleaccents, just to make it more entertaining).
The fun first date eventually became more apart of how you twowould spend time together, both cuddled together around the manor (since Ravushardly let Lunafreya leave unless she had to), and both reading an array of yaoimanga comics together. But one day, you had quite a rough morning. Yourolled out of bed, broke your glasses by crushing them with the weight of yourmight (which was actually your foot, but you didn’t want to admit it aloud),and you were running late to see Luna again after your dog ran off with thebroken remains of your glasses frame.
You sat there when you arrived in a daze, more rather trying toplay it off that you didn’t need your glasses as Lunafreya sat in your lap withthe book open and eager to begin reading. She had to know if the ‘green jumpsuit man’  was okayafter his fight with ‘depressed ninja child!’ So you read for your handful of characters and sheread for her own. But as you were reading, your eyes had to squint hard as youleaned further over her shoulder to see the blurry mess of Anime Ace font and sketchyimages within the manga.
“And now, it is time for my secret technique! Prepare yourself!”
You awkwardly paused as Lunafreya glanced up at you, a smallsmile on her face and blue eyes looking eager. Dammit. You didn’t want todisappoint her… So you just… Well, sort of improvised as you kept the samevoice of the character you were supposed to be reading. “Yes…! Unleash to meyour power! For-“ You trailed off with a long ‘uuuh’ as you thought. “I wantyou to use your secret technique on me and… My body…?” You hung your head against her shoulder and blushed.
Lunafreya began to stifle her laughter as she covered her smilebeing her fingers. Too much yaoi manga, you thought. Considering the last bookLunafreya had wanted to read was a really cheesy one. But still, Lunafreyaplayed along with it, using her own character voice as well to add more to thescenario. “This technique will be too strong for you! But if I must, I shallunleash it for you, senpai!”
You couldn’t help but laugh with the princess as you pulled hercloser to you and nuzzled your face into her neck. Too cute…! “You sound socute when you say ‘senpai.’”
She smiled in return – patient as always – and kissed your cheek. “And you are alwaysprecious to me, ‘senpai.’”
“Oh no, don’t call me that. You’ll give me ideas.” Though it didhave a nice ring to it, you had to admit…
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potato-frenzy · 5 years
21 Questions
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Nickname: Anna, Potato and any variation thereupon, Mom
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Boar
Height: 5'1"
Hogwarts: the perfect cross section of Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw.
Last Thing Googled: local bus schedules
Favorite Musicians: Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert, Caleb Hyles, Jonathan Young, Peter Hollens, Hugh Jackman
Song Stuck In Head: Burn With You by Lea Michelle
Following: 363
Followers: 98
Do i Get Asks?: On my Rp blog, sure. Here, no.
Amount of 😴: Between three and six hours
Lucky Numbers: 5 and 12
Wearing: Golden Chick uniform shirt, visor, black pants, and cracked to hell work shoes. (On shift shhhhh it's fine)
Dream Job: Librarian
Instruments: my voice, that's it.
Languages: English
Favorite Songs: Literally the entire soundtrack from Greatest Showman, Cats, Joseph: King of Dreams, and Prince of Egypt
Random Fact: I lived in Okinawa for about four years when i was a kid (Air Force brat)and may or may not have been stalked by a kitsune
Aesthetic: huge blanket nests in front of a fireplace, warm drinks on crisp autumn days, a library of books stacked into the corners of a rainy bay window, piles of yarn and shiny crochet hooks, sleepy brown eyes smiling in the sun
Tagging: @regalia-lupine @grimlins-chaos @skry-cat @galaxcy78 @hikaryishtar @silvarbelle @studiomugen @fischotterkunst @spicybeastmode
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gato-the-galra-blog · 6 years
Photograph - officialmarmie
((It’s been a WHILE. But I wanted to fill the prompt. And I decided not to restrain myself.)) @officialmarmie / @hikaryishtar
“Marmora? Kolivan asked me to give you this, I think it’s the latest- Is… that Kolivan on the picture…?”
The fabled leader of the Blades glanced back over his shoulder with a small smile. “Your observation skills never fail to astonish me, Gato.”
“Oh, come on…!” Gato stepped closer and stared at the holographic display in awe. “He’s smiling! Kolivan knows how to smile? How did you do that? I must know!”
Marmora chuckled. “It’s an old picture. I believe we scored quite a victory when I snapped this, he had the reason to be happy. I wish he’d smile more.” He traced the display with a fingertip. “I used to take pictures of everyone. Ours had always been a harsh life with unexpected turns.”
Gato slid his hand over Marmie’s shoulders. “And… sometimes you go through the old photos and recite the names, don’t you.”
Marmora nodded. “To keep them alive. And sometimes, to delight myself with their smiles.”
Gato nodded. “Now that I think about it though… I’ve never noticed you taking a picture of me?”
“That’s because I like to do it when the subject is at their best, so to speak,” Marmora explained innocently. “Kolivan smiling, Antok displaying his remarkable strength, Regris looking smug while everyone around him is roaring with laughter at his joke…”
“I get it, I get it,” Gato grinned. “Well, you have permission to spy on me whenever you think I’m presenting the perfect opportunity for your camera.”
“Well, in case you have some free time right now…” Marmora gestured toward the bed elegantly, “I think we can get around that.”
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lostwithspace · 4 years
"I think i just ripped my pants." -kaz (pick a blog any blog
Kusa groaned internally when the message popped up on his screen. He was seated at his work station, which had an open side door into the next station which Kaz had been assigned. He quickly shot a worried glance at Kaz’s area, before looking out to the major hallway that ran along all their work stations. He didn’t see any of the other technicians around thankfully. With the coast clear, Kusa waved to Kaz to just wait where he was and quickly scooted over to the other engineer’s spot. 
“Are you ok?”
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stephicness · 7 years
cor's reaction to hid s/o calling them in the middle of the night because they "heard a scary noise"
Here you go again, friend! :D Have a dabble/headcanon BECAUSE THIS IS SUPER CUTE AND I REALLY LIKE THIS IDEA, AAAAAAAAAAAH!
Things That Go Bump In The Night – Cor Leonis x S/O VS The Scary Noise
He really didn’t like that after how long you two had spent together, you two still hadn’t moved in with each other. Sure, you didn’t live too far from his tiny place nearby the Palace Plaza with only about a thirty minute walk to your place, but still. It was too far in Cor’s opinion, having to let you be home alone every night after your dates and outings because you two weren’t quite ready for anything extremely intimate yet. You two never really wanted to push it onto the other, so he had to take joy in what he had.
So he would usually try to get himself to sleep after a pleasant evening with you, making one final phone call with you, so you can talk to him and keep him company as he walked back home, and then soon find himself in bed and ready for work with the Crownsguard the next day. The usual routine that he values every night after your dates.
The first few hours were fine, but then at about 3 AM, the sound of vibrating by his bedside alert the marshal, causing him to snatch his phone and immediately answer it without a second thought. If something happened to the king while he slept, then he would never forgive himself. “Leonis.”
{Cor…? Sorry to bother you so late.}
The marshal grunted as he sat upright, eyebrows furrowing with concern as he looked up at the clock. He usually expected it to be Clarus calling him, but instead, it was you. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
He noticed the hesitation in your voice as you spoke. {I, um… Couldn’t sleep.}
“There’s more to it than just that you couldn’t sleep…” He didn’t seem to waste another second as he swung his legs over the side of his bed and began to fumble around for a pair of pants with his phone lodged between his shoulder and ear. “What’s on your mind?”
{It’s just… I keep hearing a loud commotion outside of my apartment, and I want to go check. But it was pretty scary, and-} The marshal paused when he heard a loud slam through the phone, eyes widening as he looked down at his phone in disbelief before he put it back to his ear. {S-Sorry… I-I’m hoping it stops, but I’m just sort of hiding in bed and-}
“I’ll be over in a second. Stay on the phone with me, alright?” Within the next second, with shoes not even properly laced up and clothing still wrinkled, he dashed out the door to make his way to your apartment. He didn’t have a key to your place, but he knew that if he was gentle about knocking, he could get you to maybe come to the door. But he continued to speak with you until he got outside of your apartment, pushing through the windy night until he was able to knock on your door with a gentle gesture as he spoke quietly into the phone. “I’m outside.”
A few moments of silence came afterwards before the phone disconnected and the sound of the door’s deadbolts were being undone. The moment you had opened the door, the marshal pushed it further aside to step towards you with arms embracing you tight. Thank god you were okay… He didn’t say it aloud, but you knew just how worried he was from how he sounded over the phone before. Your expression softened before you wrapped your arms around him in return.
“Sorry for worrying you… I think it was just my neighbors fighting again, but-”
“Don’t apologize to me. I’m always just a phone call away, okay?”
You nodded in response, your body relaxing as you leaned against his chest. “Yeah, I know. Thank you, Cor…”
He refused to leave your side until he knew everything was settled down. He went over to talk to your neighbors about the noise, threatening to arrest them for disturbing the peace if they didn’t calm themselves down and figure out their disputes one way or another. He made you tea to calm you down and help get you relaxed for bed as well. It was almost six in the morning when it all happened, and Cor had to get ready for work once again. Not without carrying your exhausted self to bed and tucking you in, of course. You had a rough night, after all.
So with a light and sincere kiss, he pushed your hair aside and began to leave, only for you to latch onto his hand and look up at him through the mess of blankets he bundled you in. “Can you stay today, maybe…? You look tired too, and… I don’t know…” You tried to hide your yawning, but it was a failed effort as you only dozed off even more.
Cor’s gaze relaxed as he looked at you and then the clock. He did only have thirty minutes to go back, shower, and head to work… He gave a small sigh and a smile as he dialed a text to Clarus and began to kick off his shoes and take off his coat before climbing into bed with you. Arms resided themselves around your waist as he grumbled a kiss onto your forehead. “I guess I can stay and protect you.”
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potato-frenzy · 5 years
“Post your top ten movies you can watch over again without getting bored in gifs.” tagged by @grimlins-chaos
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No particular order and it's just off the top of my head.
Tagging: @generalpitchiner @redgalrapaladin @cairis-in-the-field @ask-dex @lieutenant-thace @galaxcy78 @flargablarga @hikaryishtar @spicybeastmode
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