#hilde's masterlist
assortedseaglass · 7 months
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+ 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 + 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒃𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒍𝒍 + 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕 + 𝑵𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 +
𝑪𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒔
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𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔
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The Seamstress & The Sailor
Tom Bennett and Bess Vaughn by @cyeco13
Tom Bennett and Bess Vaughn by @slytherincursebreaker
Borne & Bound
Aemond Targaryen and Geowyth Beridan by @cyeco13
Hilde's Birthday Love In
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 8 months
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The Golden Ratio - Masterlist
Pairing: Michael Gavey (Saltburn) x f!reader Warnings: Derogatory language, angst, eventual smut (applicable warnings will be added to both parts) Word count: ~10k
Summary: It's Fresher's Week at Oxford University. Professor Byrne has set the Mathematics students an ice breaker activity; research and present back to the class your own example of the Fibonacci Sequence. The only catch is that they have to do so in pairs, and the arrogant, self-proclaimed genius she picks as her partner seems less than enthused to work with her...
Author's note: A birthday gift for @assortedseaglass - happiest of birthdays to you, lovely Hilde! I don't have a tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
Part one
Part two
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Note: I didn't plan this, but it is awfully fitting how my last fic of the year is the closing chapter to the first fic I ever wrote. Thank you for your patience, I hope it was worth the insanely long wait (sorry!), and a big thank you to everyone who reads my silly little stories. It truly means more than you can imagine!
Warnings: mention of violence, blood and slavery.
pairing: Sihtric x Princess!reader (f)
summary: everyone faced the consequences of Sihtric's previous actions.
wordcount: 3,4k
Part I: The Dane.
Part II: The Truth.
Part III: The Lust.
Part IV: The Pain.
Part V: The Fight.
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part VI: The Battle.
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You slowly regained consciousness while you were being brought to the chambers of Lord Wiltshear, your bare feet dragging over the cold and wet stone floor as the guards held you up with ease. You had lost your shoes somewhere on the town's square, not too long ago, when you were abruptly captured and taken away before Sihtric, your Dane husband, could reach you through the crowd.
Your head was spinning and a headache taunted you as you vaguely remembered that your husband had won the fight of which you were the prize. You had given up everything to marry Sihtric, whom you had fallen in love with, and it had also been a way to escape a horribly dull life by being married to Lord Wiltshear, who was at least twice your age. 
You quickly recalled how the Lord had tricked you all by not fighting a fair fight, and having someone fight for him when Sihtric had called to make the square. That someone who was now dead, his body still bleeding out at the centre of the town after Sihtric had hacked his axe into the poor man's skull. You remembered how the Lord then demanded you to be his slave, instead of his wife, and how he had ordered his guards to seize you and imprison you, while Uhtred and his men didn't stand a chance to save you.
You then remembered the last thing you heard before you were knocked out was Sihtric's voice. His gut wrenching hoarse voice, the sound of it still echoed in your head.
'My love!' Sihtric had shouted, 'meet me in Valhalla!'
You swallowed hard at the memory, and you felt defeated as much as you were confused. You were taken from Sihtric. You were taken away from your lover, your husband, your Dane. And as you were taken, the last thing he had shouted at you was something about Valhalla, which he knew you didn't really believe in.
'Meet me in Valhalla.'
His words sounded in your head over and over again as you felt your eyes tear up. How could he have been to stupid, so careless. How could he have suggested you as the prize for their stupid fight after he had provoked the Lord. 
'Meet me in Valhalla.'
You heard his voice clear as day and you shook your head, angry and saddened at everything that had occurred. Not just today, but ever since you first saw Sihtric. You were sad at how you had finally married the man of your dreams, the man of which your father, Alfred, claimed to have had a prophetic nightmare of, and now you were torn apart… again. As if neither of you hadn't suffered enough. And you remembered how you had heard Sihtric's words before, those exact same words before he had shouted them at you from across the town.
'If I die,' Sihtric had said as he had given you his dagger, 'then meet me in Valhalla.'
'Valhalla,' you whispered as your eyes shot wide open while the guards dragged you towards a large, iron door.
You remembered the dagger and how it was tucked underneath the skirt of your dress, strapped to your thigh. You remembered the secret fight training you had received from Hild, a nun at the monastery you had escaped from with Beocca, as she knew you would always be a target because you were a princess. And with that knowledge, you pretended to be unconscious again while the guards unlocked the door to your prison.
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Outside of the castle you had been dragged into, a shield wall had been formed after Uhtred's voice had ordered the position over the roaring crowd. The town's people were bewildered at the formation, while the guards of Wiltunscir were scattered amongst the peasants and unable to form a decent defence against the wrath of your husband and the warband that had secretly travelled not far behind with you. When Uhtred had fetched Beocca to arrange the marriage between you and Sihtric, he had also immediately called for men to join him, as he figured things could turn grim, and they had. 
'Forward!' Uhtred shouted, and the wall moved one step closer towards the enemy, 'forward!' he ordered again, and they slowly closed in on the guards and warriors of Wiltunscir.
While Uhtred ordered his shield wall to move forward, several guards of the town had moved up into the castle towers on the Lord's commenad, armed with bows and arrows. And it didn't take long before they fired their arrows in a desperate attempt to save their Lord and his legacy.
'Shields up!' Uhtred shouted as soon as an arrow shot right overhead, missing him by a hair.
The first line of men knelt down, the second line of men threw their shields over the men below in front of them, and the third line of men held up their shields above the men who shielded those before them, and so on. It rained arrows and rocks were being thrown too, but Uhtred's men were prepared and had brought their own archers, who fired back with flaming arrows. Several guards up in the towers had caught on fire and fell down to their deaths after they had leaped off the castle in blind panic.
'My wife!' Sihtric shouted when he felt as if they weren't making progress fast enough, 'I have to get to my wife!'
'We know!' Finan huffed under his shield as an arrow hit and poked through, right before his eyes, 'mother of Christ!' he breathed after the close call, 'you can't get to your wife right now!'
'I can make a run for it,' Sihtric yelled, without truly thinking.
'You can't run until all the archers are down, Sihtric!'
'I can,' Sihtric hissed as he tried to count the remaining archers on the walls.
'No!' Finan grunted, 'even if you'd made it, you have no idea how many guards are with her!'
'I can take them-'
'Don't be so bloody stupid!'
'She's my wife, Finan!' Sihtric yelled, desperately.
'Exactly! She's your wife! Whose life you put in danger by making her a prize!' the Irish man snarled, 'you've done enough rash things already today. Just wait!'
'No,' Sihtric huffed and peeked from underneath his shield, once again counting the archers that were still standing in the towers.
'Don't do it!' Finan gave the Dane a slight shove back, 'it's too much of a risk!'
'My wife!' Sihtric gasped, and he pushed himself out of the shield wall.
'Sihtric! Stay in line!' Uhtred shouted.
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With trembling hands, covered in blood, you slowly stepped through the dark and cold passage you had been dragged through. Your dress was drenched with blood and your face was covered with splatters of the same red. You had managed to take the guards by surprise and wildly stabbed into them, ensuring their deaths while being covered in their blood. The smell and its taste made you gag, and you desperately tried to steady your shaking body as you slowly made your way back into the daylight. Your head was still spinning while the sound of swords clashing against shields and men shouting their last battle cries came closer. You held Sihtric's dagger in one hand as you stepped closer to the top of the stairs, overlooking the town's square, overwhelmed by the violence that had occured while you had been dragged away, and was still ongoing.
You saw countless dead bodies all over town. People with arrows in their chest and some with their heads hacked off. Arrows flew through the air in all directions, men were fighting with weapons and bare hands while women fled with their children. And it was all witnessed by Lord Wiltshear, who watched from a distance while he was guarded by several men. Your eyes scanned the lifeless bodies with terror, in fear of finding your husband amongst them. And just as you began to cry, you suddenly heard the familiar voice of Uhtred belt out your husband's name.
'Sihtric! Stay in line!'
Your head snapped up into the direction you had heard Uhtred's voice coming from, and there you saw him, Sihtric, your husband, running across the battlefield as if his life depended on it. And it did, his life truly depended on how fast his legs could bring him to you, while he held his shield up above his head to protect himself from the arrows that were now aimed at him, as Lord Wiltshear's eye had caught your husband running towards you and shouted an order to take down the Dane. Sihtric locked eyes with you as he ran and jumped over the fresh corpses that were in his way, and he didn't take his eyes off you until he finally ran up the stairs of the castle and reached you. And when he reached you he wrapped his arm around you as you grabbed onto his armour, and he kept his shield up to cover you both while he held you tightly pressed against his chest. Then, he slightly leaned back to take in your appearance and a panic came down over him.
'T-the blood-'
'Later,' you cut your husband off, 'we have to hide. Now!' 
You took his hand and pulled him with you, to seek cover inside the halls of the castle you just escaped out of, but before you reached the doors you felt Sihtric's hand slip out of yours. You looked back over your shoulder to see your husband standing still with his hands up, while two of Lord Wiltshear's guards held him at swordpoint. They forced him to drop his shield and they took his axe and sword, all while Sihtric kept his jaw clenched and his eyes on you. You watched how the guards disarmed your husband, and every time you wanted to interfere, Sihtric gave you a quick stern glare with his eyes which told you to not make a move.
Then, you heard Lord Wiltshear order his men to stop fighting, and Uhtred followed his lead. Everyone lowered their weapons slowly and turned to face the old Lord who shuffled his way up the stairs to you and Sihtric, while several guards kept you separated.
'She belongs to me,' the Lord said to your husband, out of breath after climbing the stairs.
'Never,' Sihtric hissed, and the sword that was pressed against his skin drew blood at his slight movement, 'she's my wife!'
'She was promised to me, the beautiful princess,' the Lord sighed, 'but since you have fouled her, she will be nothing but a slave,' he looked you up and down as he stepped closer, 'hm, a pleasure slave, perhaps,' he grinned, and you almost gagged at the sight of his dirty, yellow stained teeth.
'You will be dead before your filthy fingers can touch her,' Sihtric spat, then hissed in pain as the blade marked his throat once again.
The Lord muttered something under his breath, after which his guards then kicked Sihtric down to his knees. You gasped and attempted to run to him, but you were harshly restrained by another guard. The Lord laughed as he took in Sihtric's furious glare at the guard who held you captive.
'No, I shall not make her a pleasure slave,' the Lord then said, 'she shall be just a slave. I will try to remember to give her food and water every now and then,' he smiled at Sihtric and waved at the guard to take you to the chambers, again.
'No! Take me,' Sihtric shouted desperately as he tried to escape the guards, but he got shoved back to his knees.
'Take you?' the old man furrowed his brow.
'Take my life instead of hers. Let her live freely and make me your slave.'
'Sihtric, no!' you cried as you fought the guard off, 'you can't-'
'I am much stronger than her,' Sihtric continued, and the Lord signalled the guard who had grabbed you again to a halt.
'Interesting,' the Lord mumbled as he studied Sihtric, who was covered in cuts and bruises after the recent battle, and tears had welled up in his mismatched eyes.
He feigned his bravery, you knew it, you could tear he was terrified but he would not allow himself to break in front of the Lord.
'I- I can fight,' Sihtric went on, 'I can do heavy work. Make me your slave, Lord, and let the princess go.'
You bit your tongue as you stared at your husband, while Lord Wiltshear was seriously considering the offer as he knew he was right. He knew that Sihtric would make for a good slave. But the last thing you wanted was Sihtric to become the one thing he had escaped by leaving Dunholm when he was young; a miserable life of slavery.
Across the square Uhtred and Finan watched the bargain with shock. They both knew they could not stop the negotiation and that the outcome would be grim, regardless of the choice Lord Wiltshear would make. A deafening silence lingered while the Lord went over his options, until he clasped his hands together and smiled.
'Very well,' he said, 'the heathen will be my slave and the princess will be escorted back to Wessex. Where I'm sure a punishment will be waiting.'
'No!' you screamed as the guards picked Sihtric up from the dirty ground and shoved him towards the passage that you had escaped from earlier, while Uhtred and Finan yelled something inaudible in protest.
Sihtric fought his tears and clenched his jaw as he was shoved past you, and you could only stare into his eyes with your own teared up pair while you felt yourself become dizzy. Everything seemed to spin around you while your heartbeat sounded in your ears, and it felt as if the ground beneath your feet was crumbling away.
'You,' the Lord said to Uhtred, 'will leave at once, take the princess and deliver a message to the King for me. Tell him that I still want my promised wife, but that it will not be this one,' he stuck up his nose to you, 'tell him that I will be waiting-'
Suddenly the Lord stopped speaking and everyone gasped when they saw the arrow sticking out of his chest, which had punctured his heart in the middle of his preaching. The Lord looked down at the arrow as blood began to slowly pour down and stain his brown robes, and he looked up at the towers where his archers had been. Everyone followed his gaze, in shock, only to all be absolutely baffled that there was no archer to be seen. There was not a trace of whoever had fired an arrow at the Lord, and everyone turned their gaze back to the old man, who then stumbled backwards and fell as he took his last breath. Everyone stared at his body, which was still twitching, and you slowly looked up at Uhtred, who looked as bewildered as everyone else. But his bewilderment soon made place for the opportunity he saw, and he quickly spoke up as he stepped onto the stairs that led to the entrance of the castle and to you.
'Your… your Lord has just died,' Uhtred said, still trying to grasp the situation like everyone else, 'I know there is no heir, which means you are now without a ruler,' he said sternly as he spoke to the townspeople, 'you have no reason to fight anymore, you have no one to give you orders. So I suggest you drop your weapons and surrender, and we will leave here in peace. We do not wish to bring harm upon anyone. I will take back everyone I came with here, and we shall leave you in peace.'
And as Uhtred spoke, the folk slowly began to drop their weapons and surrendered, knowing this was the safest outcome for everyone. And like everyone there, the townsfolk also did not wish to fight, they only fought because they were ordered to by their Lord. But their Lord was now dead, and once that started to soak in, a soft murmuring amongst the people began.
'Lord Uhtred,' one man said, 'we cannot be left without a ruler.'
The crowd started to nod and agree with the nameless man, and more and more people began to ask what would happen next and who would be their new ruler.
Uhtred looked at you with questioning eyes. You knew exactly what he meant to ask you, and you nodded in agreement. You slowly walked to the stairs, your blood soaked skirt clutched in your trembling hands as you carefully stepped down until you were halfway. You cleared your throat and gazed around the town and its folk, who all stared at you with a newfound hope in their eyes.
'I,' you said, and were immediately interrupted when someone shouted at you to speak up. 
With flushed cheeks you cleared your throat again and held your chin up high, you were a princess after all.
'If you, the people of Wiltunscir, would accept me as your ruling Lady,' you said with confidence, 'then I promise to not let you down. I promise to protect this town and its people, I promise to bring wealth and safety. I promise peace.'
The crowd listened to you in silence. Some looked at you with doubt and some looked at you in awe. And when your words began to sink in, you noticed a shift, and people began to clap. First slow and rather quietly, but then more firm, and more people joined in and some even began to cheer and whistle, until eventually the entire crowd had joined.
Uhtred walked up the stairs and he took your hands, 'Are you sure you want this?'
'Yes,' you sniffled with a smile, 'I cannot return to my father. The Lord was right about that, there will be a punishment, one I do not wish to endure. I wish to stay here, with my husband.'
Uhtred gave you a firm nod and turned to the crowd, he unsheathed Serpent-Breath and held it up high.
'Kneel before the Lady of Wiltunscir,' he ordered with a firm but respectful tone.
You chuckled lightly and felt rather embarrassed when the crowd did as they were told, and then you began to realise you were now, all of the sudden, the Lady of Wiltunscir. You gasped and quickly turned around, looking at the guard who had held you captive only moments ago.
'Guard,' you said, 'release my husband at once!'
'My Lady,' the guard said and bowed his head, then ran through the doors that led to the prison chambers.
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'You think I'm stupid?' Sihtric scoffed at the guard who held the iron prison door open for him.
'Your release was ordered.'
Sihtric furrowed his brow and scratched his head, then cleared his throat.
'Yeah, I'm not falling for that,' he said.
The guard dropped his weapons and stood back, his hands held behind his back.
'The Lady requested your release, Lord,' the guard said.
'Lord?' Sihtric chuckled, 'wait… Lady?'
Sihtric opened his mouth to speak again, but then closed it when it suddenly dawned on him.
'By the Gods,' he mumbled, and then carefully left his prison.
He slowly passed the guard and kept an eye on him, but when the guard didn't move, Sihtric began to run. He ran through the hallway he had been forced through, past the two guards you had killed, and he only stopped when he almost reached the doors, seeing his axe and sword on a wooden table, and he quickly grabbed them. He hesitantly stepped closer to the doors and finally through them, only to see you waiting outside, halfway down the stairs, with Uhtred next to you and the people of Wiltunscir knelt down before you. 
You looked back over your shoulder and smiled when you locked eyes with your husband, then hiked up your skirt and ran up the stairs as you began to cry tears of joy and relief.
'My love,' you breathed as you fell in his arms.
Sihtric held you tightly wrapped in his arms, and only pulled back to take your face in his hands and give you a kiss like never before. And when you smiled at him, Sihtric shook his head in confusion.
'I- I'm not sure I understand what is going on,' Sihtric said as he held you close and looked at the kneeling crowd, and then at Uhtred, who grinned at Sihtric's confused face.
'You're a Lord now, my love,' you smiled.
'What?' Sihtric chuckled.
'I present to you,' Uhtred then shouted to your people, 'the Lord and Lady of Wiltunscir!'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav @diiickbrainn @sihtricsafin @lexwolfhale @dixie-elocin
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alexagirlie · 2 months
Monstreous May Part 1 - The Vampire
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A/N: I love vampire boys! This series takes place adjacent to my Vampire Fic The Latest Plague, some parts take place before, some during and some after. Divider by cafekitsune
Pairing: Sihtric/Uhtred with a side of Finan
Rating: M
Words: 976
TWs: brief mention of slavery. vampires. voyeurism(ish), praise kink. oral sex.
Summary: Finan and Uhtred have been rescued from their time in slavery. Finan gets to know Sihtric, the vampire who calls Uhtred Lord in the sweetest voice as he goes to his knees for him.
Taglist: @gemini-mama @foxyanon @legitalicat
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Finan had never met a vampire before he found himself on the shores of a land not his own. The church did not like them, believed them to be soulless servants of the devil, damned to hell and his father ran his household to the letter of what the faith dictated so Finan had never even seen one until that day on the beach. 
When the fighting was over and Finan had finally gotten the revenge he had been dreaming of for three years he came face to face with his first member of the undead. Uhtred had told him stories of his brother but seeing the man in the flesh was still a surprise, a shock compared to what he had always been told vampires were like. 
Ragnar was every inch a warrior, tall and broad, a true Dane. But he was also quick to laughter, loud and boisterous and it was clear how loyal he was to Uhtred, how much he loved his brother whom Finan had chosen to bind himself too. 
After the big, blond, vikingr vampire Finan got to meet many many more vampires as he travelled with Uhtred and his companions. First amongst Ragnar men whom they collected on the way to Eoforwic. Nearly the entire Danish party were vampires, with only a few humans amongst the mix. Then once they had made it to Eoforwic, Finan met one of the intriguing vampires, a young Dane named Sihtric in Uhtred's service.
Uhtred had told Finan about the bastard son of his mortal enemy as they had rode towards Eoforwic. Who had sworn himself to Uhtred just days before the Lord had been sold to Sverri. The Abbess Hild had told them that the Dane had stayed behind in Eoforwic to be their eyes and ears within King Guthred’s court. To spy and report back anything of importance as her and Ragnar had searched for Uhtred. 
Uhtred first introduced Finan the Sihtric the night they arrived in Eoforwic, after the Lord had confronted the King who had betrayed him and given him the severed hand of Sigefrid Thurgilson. Uhtred left the young Dane with Finan with instructions for Sihtric to take care of Finan’s needs. To make sure his new second had a warm meal and a place to sleep and that his horse was stabled and fed, before coming to find the Lord. 
Finan wasn't able to read much off the vampire that first night. He was quiet, soft spoken, but incredibly respectful. He was the near opposite of Ragnar and his warriors and yet still so different to what Finan had been raised to expect from a vampire. 
Nearly a week passed and Finan spent most of his time in Sihtric's company. Days spent helping Uhtred strategize and training the gathered warriors for the battle to come. Evenings spent talking and drinking and building the comradery necessary for a successful army. 
During that time Finan was able to catch glimpses of the true depth of Sihtric character. His compassion and regard towards others, especially animals and the children, whom the young warrior always had the time to speak with when they approached him, eagerly and without fear whenever the Dane was walking the street. 
His completed and utter devotion to Uhtred. 
Two weeks after their arrival in Eoforwic Finan stumbled across Uhtred and Sihtric in a private moment. His entrance into the Lords room had not been quiet, he had knocked loudly and been bid to enter so Finan knew that both Uhtred and Sihtric were aware he was there but clearly they didn’t care. 
Sihtric was on his knees, looking up at Uhtred with such devotion shining in his mismatched eyes. Finan could see a dusting of pink across Sihtric's cheeks, evidence the vampire had fed at some point that day.
Uhtred cupped the side of Sihtric's face, touch tender as his thumb brushed across Sihtric's bottom lip. Finan's cock filled as his blood rushed south fast enough to leave him light headed. 
Uhtred asked his oath again. “You swear your sword is mine?”
Sihtric answered without hesitation, one clasped around the hammer pendant around his neck. “Yes, Lord. Until death and beyond, I am yours.”
Finan swallowed down a groan as Sihtric opened his mouth without hesitation as Uhtred unlaced his trouser and fed his cock between those soft lips, not an ounce of shame at their audience.
Finan knew he should leave but he was entranced by the sight of his Lord feeding Sihtric his cock, each roll of his hips slow and smooth. Uhtred's blue eyes were intense as they met Finan's and he watched as the black of Uhtred's pupils expanded until only the thinnest of colour remained.
Uhtred turned his gaze back down to the young warrior at his feet and cupped the back of Sihtric's head, fingers sinking into the loose braid and scratching at his scalp. 
“That's perfect Sihtric… show us what a good boy you are…” the moan Sihtric let out at those words were muffled by the cock in his throat but Finan could hear it clearly from where he was still frozen inside the door to Uhtred’s room. His cock throbbed from its confines within his trousers and he palmed himself over the fabric to relieve some of the ache. 
Finan wanted to know what the Danes' sinful mouth felt like upon his own skin, how hot it would be sinking down around his cock. To feel the sharp edge of the fangs he had seen the vampire flash at his opponents in the training yard as he danced circles around them. Axe in hand and muscles filled with barely contained bloodlust. He wanted to know if the young man fucked with the same enthusiasm and prowess as he showed while fighting. He hoped he would find out soon.
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4seasonsofart · 9 months
❀ Masterlist ❀
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-> Here you will find the oddities and ends of which my mind has come up with~
♡ Updated On: November 14th, 2023
♡ Current Hyperfixation: Vinland Saga
♡ Daily posts are little bits that I post. Most are comedic and most have some headcanons in them.
♡ ✔️ - Mean the poll is completed
♡ No nsfw content
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Vinland Saga
Hunter or the Hunted? (Hybrid AU)
-> Hybrid Askeladd Profile
-> Hybrid Thorfinn Profile
-> Vinland Saga Hybrid AU [#1]
-> Vinland Saga Hybrid AU [#2]
-> Hybrid Thorfinn (Part 1) Season 1: 6 year old Thorfinn meeting you.
-> Hybrid Thorfinn (Part 2) Season 1: Thorfinn sees you after eleven years.
-> Hybrid Thorfinn (Part 3) Season 1: November 2023
To Know A Man
Lokis mischief has ended up with Thorfinn's fate being manipulated and him falling incredibly ill; Arnheid Village is on the edge of destruction. Einar is sent on a mission by the Norns to keep Thorfinn's fate in check. Will he be able to save his best friend, or will he fall prey to Thorfinn's nightmarish past? Inspired by: @wutheringmights
Part I: Old Friends, New Enemies
-> Chapter I: What has been, is, and will come.
-> Chapter II: Unknown 2023 Date
Daily Posts
-> (Thorfinn) Vinland Saga Self-Aware AU [#1]
-> (Canute) Vinland Saga Self-Aware AU [#2]
-> (Thorkell) Vinland Saga Self-Aware AU [#3]
-> (Askeladd) Vinland Saga Self-Aware AU [#4]
-> (Snake) Vinland Saga Self-Aware AU [#5]
-> Why people hate VS Season 2: A Theory
-> Our little princess (Feminine Canute)
-> Thorfinn doesn't know how to flirt
-> Thorfinn doesn't understand pregnancy
-> Thorfinn doesn't understand periods
-> If Garm was in S1 of Vinland Saga [#1]
-> If Garm was in S1 of Vinland Saga [#2]
-> Vinland Saga Characters when reader texts them "I want a baby."
-> Vinland Saga Characters "murderer, insane, or baby...?"
-> Askeladd introducing his family (Modern AU)
-> Canute and cat noises
-> Thorfinn x Canute (Drabble)
-> Sin For Me (Thorfinn x Canute One-shot)
-> Pride Before The Fall (Thorfinn x Canute One-shot)
-> Fuck The Angsty Teenage Lifestyle (Thorfinn x Canute One-shot)
-> t4t Thorfinn and Canute
-> Thorfinn and Canute Ship Dynamics
-> Thorfinn/English Royal Reader/Canute
-> Poly Yandere Thorfinn/Reader/Canute
-> A True Warrior (Thors x Reader | Part 1)
-> Vinland Saga Match-up Event
-> Vinland Saga Match-up #1
Vinland Saga Breaking News (Newspaper)
-> Local Men Adopt Three Children - Prince of Denmark secretly a princess? - Thorkell is how big!? [#1]
Vinland Saga Hunger Games (AU)
-> Vinland Saga Hunger Games (Round 1 Results + Life Update)
-> Vinland Saga Hunger Game Matchups (Round 1) ✔️
-> Arnheid -vs- Fox (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Asgeir -vs- Thorfinn (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Bug-Eyes -vs- Willibald (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Canute -vs- Olmar (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Einar -vs- Sigurd (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Garm -vs- Gardar (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Hild -vs- Ketil (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Thorgil -vs- Wulf (Round 1 | Poll) ✔️
-> Vinland Saga Hunger Games AU [#1]
-> Vinland Saga Hunger Games AU [#2]
Vinland Saga Percy Jackson AU
-> Vinland Saga Percy Jackson AU Gods/Cabins
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-> Queer Alice In Wonderland
-> Queer Alice In Wonderland Headcanons
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one-boring-person · 7 months
Warnings: gore, graphic violence towards a child (I'm sorry), blood, injury, whipping
Context: I wrote this ages ago and now it's finally an appropriate time to upload it 😅 it's not fanfiction but it's my own work based on my favourite creature from German folklore (well, one of them at least). Fair warning, it's a bit messed up😬 the image of Krampus that I have in my mind comes from the masks I used to see as a kid so ye👍 enjoy!
Make a request (for fanfic)
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The screams wake me. Desperate and blood-curdling, they tear through the empty halls of the house, sharp as razors in my ears. 
Beside me, my wife gasps herself awake, body quivering, eyes circular. Instinctively her hand comes to grasp at my knee as she sits upright, fingers clutching at my leg with adrenaline-fueled fervour. Her voice is frail as she speaks my own fears aloud.
"Is that Hilde?" 
Inexplicably, I’m frozen in place, a heartbeat surely too fast to be my own roaring in my ears, terror blazing to life inside me as the realisation dawns on me. The screams are all I can hear for a moment, my mind paralysed at the sheer horror cementing itself into my bones, each cry cutting right into me. Pleas work themselves into the chilling sounds as they reach a cacophony, deafening and distinctly pained now.
My wife’s voice snaps me from my stupor, my body now working of its own accord. Spurred to life, I throw myself from the bed, uncaring of the icy air biting at my naked body, hurling myself towards the door. Thankfully, it’s open (did we leave it like that?) and leaves my frenzied sprint from the room unhindered. 
The four metres down the hall stretch before me, the far door on the left where my daughter is supposed to be sleeping apparently miles away now. The screams rise to a chilling crescendo now as I rush to get to the small bedroom, panic clawing bitterly at the back of my throat. My feet thud against the wooden floorboards, swiftly finding the tacky rug we've placed over them, only to catch the edge. Pitching forwards, I careen into the wall at the end of the hall, my face slamming harshly into it. Tears spring to my eyes, pain momentarily swamping the adrenaline as a line of blood dripped from my smarting nose, collecting on my dropped lower lip. 
My heart stops in my chest, pain forgotten again as I turn to the ajar door beside me.
I realise it isn’t quite silent. Soft, wet sounds emanate from the room, a distinct dripping keeping time in the background. Ice floods my veins, the metronome pounding in my head as everything slows, two other noises creeping into my ears. The first is odd -  a low, animalistic grunting, guttural and inhuman, as if some great beast is sitting right behind the door. It sends a bolt of fear straight to my heart, though the hammer that really drives it home is the second sound: agonised whimpering. My daughter's agonised whimpering.
In a daze, I watch my hand find the doorknob. Sluggishly, I push against it, the door swinging into the dimly lit room, revealing the blinking Christmas lights and paper angels by the far window, the only decorations my daughter would allow us to put up. Even then, they’re pushed to one part of the space, where they’re inoffensive to her disdain of the holiday itself. Now, however, they’ve adopted a more grizzly addition to their supposed cheer.
Strung up with Christmas lights by her wrists and white as a ghost in the pale moonlight streaming past her from the window, is my daughter.
Her eyes stare fearfully at me, her round cheeks wet with tears and some other, thicker substance, her mousy-brown hair sticking to the combined fluids, giving her a bedraggled appearance. Violent tremors wrack her frail body, her small hands clenching in their festive constraints, grasping at anything that might free her from her gruesome entrapment. As I stare, I know her actions to be futile, the blood streaming from her torso and thighs clearly proving the damage to be done, no matter what she tries to do now. I can’t keep my eyes on her for long, my heart aching as my stomach turns, shame rising alongside my horror as I avert my gaze to the figure beside her.
My stomach drops as I instantly recognise the beastly face from the hideous masks propped up all around town, the very myth my daughter and wife have always laughed at standing before me now, its eyes glowing fiercely in the dark. In the flickering lights, I can just about make out the bared fangs framing the lolling, inhuman tongue, and its gnarled face, the heavy brow twisted into a leer I’ll never get out of my head. Great, curving horns sweep back out of its face, sitting comfortably above pointed ears that emerge from the thick coat of shaggy fur that covers its uncomfortably tall and mostly humanoid body. In one clawed hand, it holds a whip of sorts made up of many prongs, each dripping with blood now as it swings the weapon at its side, somehow in time with the tufted tail hanging behind it. 
A muffled cry pulls my gaze away from the creature for a split second, my widened eyes fixing briefly on a stained wicker basket by its side, the walls of which ripple every now and then, as if something is trying desperately to escape. Putting two and two together, I realise that that is indeed what the child inside is trying to do. 
Sickened, I turn back to the monster, only now realising that my wife has joined me. A scream chokes in the back of her throat, her distress as palpable as mine. I don’t spare her a glance as a coarse, gravelly voice suddenly resonates around the room, falling from the horrific jaws of the creature before us.
“She must learn her lesson.” Krampus growls, pulling the basket towards him and opening the lid, a cruel sneer contorting his lips, “All children must.”
He turns to me.
“You were aware this would happen.” 
I look away. He is right.
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Fandom List: The Last Kingdom
Please remember to send your requests in with the full name of the character or it won’t be accepted.
Names with a cross through mean I’m not writing for them at the moment but I may write for them again soon.
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The Last Kingdom Masterlist
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🆕 Uhtred
🆕 Aethelflaed
🆕 Aethelred
🆕 Aethelwold
🆕 Brida
🆕 Erik
🆕 Finan
🆕 Gisela
🆕 Hild
🆕 Mildrith
🆕 Osferth
🆕 Queen Iseult
🆕 Sihtric
🆕 Thyra
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madame-fear · 2 months
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⌕ masterlists | requesting rules | about me | freq. tags.
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ㅤㅤ 𐙚 𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐀. german girl half-argentine. 18. med + genetics student. fran romero, lucerys velaryon, and timothy turner love bot. side account @amira-romero.
Minors can interact with my content, as long as they don’t interact with my +18 / NSFW content. Otherwise, I will have to block.
My interest may vary, I study several things. I’m currently studying Genetics, neurodegenerative diseases, Reproductive Medicine, and Forensic Medicine. I also like interpreting + translation. Writing, listening to music, daydreaming and translating are my hobbies.
Infatuated with the La Sociedad de la Nieve cast— 24/7 in love with Fran Romero & Esteban Kukuriczka. Also in love with Lucerys Velaryon from House of the Dragon. Referred to as ‘Mrs Romero’ and ‘Barbie Romero’ by my beautiful moots. 💕
If you’d like to talk to me, please feel free to do so by sending me a message through ask box, or DMs! I love meeting new people & interacting— don’t be shy. ♡
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𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐀’𝐒 𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐒. (wifey) ash ⊹ (wifey) lu ⊹ (wifey) ana ⊹ (wifey) belle ⊹ (wifey) bella ⊹ (wifey) vinca ⊹ sofía ⊹ lucy ⊹ lucía ⊹ (wifey) lucera ⊹ cyliarys-starlight ⊹ mel (melisusthewee) ⊹ mel (fadingsnow) ⊹ nana ⊹ violetrainbow412 ⊹ carlo ⊹ julia ⊹ vi ⊹ lu (maidragoste) ⊹ jess ⊹ rachel ⊹ uzi ⊹ kalki ⊹ florence ⊹ myrella ⊹ veena ⊹ aefillor ⊹ arcie ⊹ auntie phasma ⊹ bluey ⊹ liv ⊹ sili ⊹ yummmy-mimiii ⊹ fae ⊹ cal ⊹ lele ⊹ ari ⊹ megan ⊹ emma ⊹ isabelle ⊹ miranda ⊹ lxdyred ⊹ lena ⊹ marina ⊹ hilde ⊹ yzzart ⊹ noelle ⊹ jen ⊹ shay ⊹ lana ⊹ lyn ⊹ nikola ⊹ serxinns ⊹ valentine ⊹ zara ⊹ anastacia ⊹ lea ⊹ mera ⊹ ruth ⊹ morgan ⊹ tsu ⊹ sage ⊹ eve ⊹ ezran ⊹ miriam ⊹ thea ⊹ phantasyy ⊹ olivia ⊹ mylilgothcurl ⊹ mary. ♡
𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐀’𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋. wattpad. instagram. side blog. fic self-reblog acc.
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒. // house of the dragon ⊹ la sociedad de la nieve cast.
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seafriendsandmore · 9 months
Safeplace Faction Masterlist + Info
Safeplace Faction (temp name until I think of something cool yaya)
Info - Members - Locations
“Everyone needs a place to rest sometimes.”
The Safeplace Faction governs over an area called “The Safe Zone.” In this area, no “violence” is allowed within reason (basically no violence with the intent to seriously harm or kill someone - scuffles are fine).
The members consist of a large variety of people but is relatively small in numbers due to the nature of the program. Too many people means too many uncontrollable variables. Every member and visitor is loyal to the Masters; if found otherwise, they are promptly stripped of their status and banished.
Not a strict system all considered. Just don’t break the key rule of trying to kill someone and you’ll be fine.
Visitors are only allowed to stay a week at a time. It is fine for visitors to visit every day but there are only so many rooms and so many supplies so staying is limited.
Visits are monitored through IDs distributed by the main building. You cannot enter the area without one. Counterfeits are nearly impossible to make due to the magic engravings individual to each one.
Once a month has passed, an individual can stay for another full week.
Big on no ask policies - basically don’t ask why someone is seeking refuge here, everyone has their tough times. However if they want to talk then by all means try lending them an ear.
Frowned upon to ask.
The territory is entirely neutral - any “political” campaigns will be promptly shut down.
Somewhat of a prejudice against the military but never really said aloud. (Many visitors come from military related trauma)
* By a character’s name means they are a side/low significance character but they are still open for questions!
Masters - Safekeepers - Shadow Members - Distributors - Servicers - Visitors
Masters - Highest ranking (includes the Faction Leader
Griselde M. Leuchtfeuer
Faction Leader
Old woman (can and will beat your ass though)
“Your ass will get the job done whether you think you have it in you or not” energy towards the members
Crazy old aunt type beat /affectionate
Has been through some hella shit, she knows the world is a tough place sometimes but also wants people to realize there are people out there who genuinely want to help
Avid swearer, swears profusely in German but really in any other language too
Pansexual (Lesbian leaning) - Poly
Hilde Odre
Leader of the Safekeepers
Trans buff woman!!! /slayyyy
Faction Leader’s right hand
Deals with most of the heavylifting (literal and metaphorical)
Puppy energy around Faction Leader - still pretty friendly to other people but there’s an obvious wall
Laughs a lot, drinks a lot
Lotta scars
Lesbian - mono
Cosime Aziendale
Tired old man energy (they/them) actually very young - just stuck with so much work that they’re constantly dying
Perfectionist, detail-oriented corporate slave (bro did this to themself) ((def has some OCD (organizational type)))
Deals with the menial bulk paperwork and manages the accounting for the area
Basically Griselde’s mom/schedule maker
Mega insomniac, keeps waking themself up when they randomly remember something they need to change on a document
Safekeepers - Simply put, the guards of the faction. Uphold the peace and police the area.
Sigurd L. K. Virki
Safekeepers Captain
Woman !!! Real and true
Strong sense of Justice
Kinda crass and naive at times but knows the ins and outs of fights and how to help others out
Always has a weird obsession with strong people
Honestly a great leader even if she’s childish sometimes - illy and erious ?!!
“I have little time to chat. Please only come to me if there is an issue.”
Aloof and stoic, not lenient
Dedicated to following orders and keeping peace in the faction
Pretty strong but not super
“I saw you with Mx. Nuit this morning… Did they mention anything about me…?”
Monitors the main lobby and front desk of the Safestay Inn
Head over heels for Nuit but doesn’t know how to express her love (Gives the player many quests regarding interacting with Nuit)
Very strong but does not resort to lethal violence if possible - only as a last resort
Doesn’t say much but has a lot to say
Shadow Members - Not registered on Record (secret members - sometimes entirely or just false identities). Usually houses the strongest/most efficient members.
pretty infamous peacekeeper
no one knows what their face looks like, only recognizable by the mask - not even other members know what their face looks like
typically serious while on duty - gets easily annoyed with how many people want to stir up useless conflict
Errr debating sexuality tbh - Demisexual fs - aromantic leaning - poly also
Bu Yu-jin (부유진) -> Family + Story Masterlist
Pretty boy (non-binary) - 5’9
Second eldest child and first in line to succession of the Bu Household
Hella rich - has a terrible reputation (it’s all rumors, he’s never done anything bad but people like to gossip)
Unnaturally good eye for people, can tell someone’s nature by instinct and is almost always right
Ends up fending for other people without realizing what he’s doing - people love him and he doesn’t understand why lmao
One of the biggest backers/providers for the faction - contract with Griselde
Self sacrificial while still thinking what he’s doing isn’t enough (it is more than enough and it stresses those that care about him out a lot)
Well known by the higher up members and some of the other members
Has the status of a Master but since he goes under an alias and isn’t technically a member on paper but a contractor, he’s considered a Shadow Member
Seems aloof and thinks he’s taking advantage of those by his side but the reality is is that he’s saved a lot of them from miserable lives and they care a lot about him.
Pansexual - Poly
“Dal” (달)
Handsome, toned but muscular
Bro is totally in love with Yu-jin (doesn’t understand these feelings - has never really been emotionally close to anyone before)
Kinda assassin type beat - one of the strongest safekeepers (top 2 at least)
Super loyal to Yu-jin and almost never away from him unless on his orders
Owes his life to Yu-jin (Yu-jin thinks anyone would have done the same)
Distributors - Gather, trade, provide and distribute supplies for the area.
“Ah… this is for the E.T. District… mm? Am I forgetting something?”
An airheaded delivery puppy
Seems to be distracted 99% of the time
“Your delivery is here.”
A serious and aloof wolf
Only talks as much as necessary
Interested in Chalk and is very soft around them
Facial expression barely ever changes
*Hazel (Is also a Servicer)
“According to the catalog this item is out of stock… but would you be interested in this instead?”
Chalk’s cousin
Easily frustrated but rarely gets actually angry
Very efficiency based, dislikes falling behind schedule
Actually cares for all the members quite a lot, just doesn’t usually express it
Servicers - Run the facilities in the area and fill misc jobs (includes medical care).
flirty guy yk how it is…
works at the pubs but also helps around wherever jobs need to be filled when he can
“Hiya! Welcome to the Grocer! Need anything? I can help you find it!”
An optimistic gardener
Always carrying around a 4 leaf clover
Safestay Inn Frontdesk
“Welcome to the Safestay Inn! Check in with me if you need anything here.”
A well-mannered greeter, arranges rooms for guests and gets people checked in and out
Despite their demure seeming nature, they are very strict with the rules and will have them followed.
Visitors - Those passing by or staying for a little while. There are no such things as permanent visitors (residents). You are either a member or a visitor.
Lives close to the area, convenient to visit
Saved once by Sylynor here
Main Building - The Hub, think of it as an HQ/Town Hall of sorts. Located just outside of the areas walls and must be passed through in order to get in.
Visitor IDs are distributed/checked here.
Heavily guarded
Magic scanner (fantasy metal detector but better basically)
Medical Center - A small hospital with very limited capacity.
Minor branches of pharmacies.
The main building is where the more serious problems are taken care of (surgeries, extreme sickness)
Staff have the right to reject anyone they say to (it is never prejudiced, it is done if they deem supplies unable to support the individual, reach maximum capacity, or know there is nothing they can do)
Marketplace - A bustling center lined with countless shops of distributor run businesses.
Any visitor merchants/tradespeople are supervised by a designated distributor.
Just about anything can be found here but the supply is limited. Each person is only allowed to buy so much of each product per visit.
E.T. District - The Entertainment District full of pubs, performances, and other places to take the mind off things.
Amphitheater is often lent out to performing visitors.
Pubs are open 24/7.
Music is always being performed on the street corners.
Very lively atmosphere
Safestay Inn - Where visitors, if lucky enough to grab a spot, are allowed to stay upwards of a week at cheap rates.
Labor is allowed as a form of payment.
Decent food is offered for guests for all meals (recommended to go out and check out the E.T. District or Marketplace for better stuff though).
Great Hall - Where gatherings are held to give out announcements or just hold large celebrations.
Hidden Basement houses the living quarters for the higher up members including the Masters.
Huge hall, extremely spacious
Connected to the Safekeepers HQ (kinda like a police station - no prisoners though, people are either exiled or killed)
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imvriix · 2 years
" you are a true warrior "
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𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑎 - 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 [ 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧/ 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 ]
— perfectly healthy ;; he has no time for illness and only wants to train, though it makes him even worse. [headcannons + scenario]
— attention ;; obliviously sweet! reader, he doubts your kindness but once that doubt has worn off, he takes as much as he can. [headcannons + scenario]
— patience ;; you want to heal his emotional wounds, but first, you must be patient and wait for his rage to die down.
— flirtatious ;; flirty! reader, he isnt exactly used to people claiming they love him with no hesitation. [headcannons]
— war dancer ;; he always saw you on the field of battle, yet no one else could. as he saw you more and more, his want to speak to you increased.
— untouchable ;; love triangle [canutexreaderxthorfinn], you were untouchable, many of them even wondered if you were human. perhaps you thrived off of the art of war, but even if you weren't someone of this world, you made them feel like people outside of battle instead.
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄 [ 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧/ 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 ]
— untouchable ;; love triangle [canutexreaderxthorfinn], you were untouchable, many of them even wondered if you were human. perhaps you thrived off of the art of war, but even if you weren't someone of this world, you made them feel like people outside of battle instead.
— heart of a warrior ;; ex- warrior! reader. once you decided hild deserved to hear the truth about your past as a warrior, she didnt know what to feel. though she soon realised you were far different than the average, common man on the battlefield. [headcannons]
— cupids bow ;; falling in love was something she never imagined she would experience, but you proved her wrong. [headcannons]
— strength ;; flokis daughter! reader, the strength you show whilst protecting your nephew surprises him.
𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐃 [ 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧/ 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 ]
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assortedseaglass · 1 year
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Welcome to Assorted Seaglass! For my masterlist and request rules, follow the links below. Love, Hilde x
📖 Masterlist
✍ Request Rules
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
This is a really sweet idea. I'm going to put my list below a cut, because it will be long.
@em-writes-stuff-sometimes - honestly, Em's fan fiction is better than actual published books I've read. You should be doing this professionally, bub, not publishing it for free for us morons on Tumblr. I'm forever amazed that someone with your brain wants to pal around with an idiot like me.
@valeskafics - your tenacity and the sheer volume with which you are able to write will never cease to amaze me. You're a powerhouse, Babybel. You don't have a masterlist, you have a fucking library, it's incredible.
@barbiedragon - your modern Daemon has me in a chokehold. You're also one of the few writers flying the flag for Vizzy 3 and I gobble up everything you write for him like I'm a shark and you've put chum in the water. Can't wait for Kinktober to see what you create!
The rest of this list is just ordered by date of when I followed the person, and expresses no particular favourtism:
@flowerpotmage - not quite so active in fandom anymore, but they're one of the few writers giving gender neutral readers some much needed representation, and their Aemond and Daemon fics are amazing.
@paintb0x - an amazing artist - some of the best I have seen for Ewan and his characters.
@sapphire-writes - I love Jo's modern AUs and her ability to put my heart through the wringer!
@timetravelingpenguin1066 - Eli is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. An incredible gif maker and a great fic writer.
@aemondx - Sili's gifs are wonderful and the kindness she dedicates to this fandom by making icons and headers for people is admirable.
@alicentive - Killy's gifs are insane and I love that she writes for the characters that don't get as much attention from fandom.
@marthawrites - Midnight Passages, you will always be famous.
@exitpursuedbyavulcan - Studious, my beloved. UPDATE WHEN? (sorry)
@targaryenrealnessdarling - I would die for Liz. She's not just an insanely talented writer, but an all round amazing person too, she makes this fandom a much nicer place to be.
@st-eve-barnes - Eve is out here giving the Aegon girlies the content they desperately need. I love her Aemond fics too!
@bottlesandbarricades - one of the funniest fuckers I've ever had the pleasure of speaking too. Only has one fic, but it's a banger, and her edits are unmatched. I will never get over space buns Aemond.
@toms-cherry-trees - more content for Peaky Blinders than HotD, but the Aemond fic is gold.
@just-some-random-blogger - a Daemon girlie, we love to see it! If entertaining reblogs were an Olympic sport then Hani is taking home the gold. Her fics are bonkers, and I love them.
@humanpurposes - Gee's writing is top notch, some of the best Aemond fics I've ever read.
@assortedseaglass - Hilde is one of my favourite writers. Ever. She could write instructions on how to put together IKEA furniture and I'd eat it up, she's that good.
@oneeyedvisenya - another of my favourite Aemond writers. Education is one of my top five fics of all time. So well written.
@lya-dustin - the speed with which Juli produces chapters is mindblowing. All Is Bliss is a great series.
I can only tag 20 accounts at a time, so I shall continue this in a reblog. I wasn't lying in previous ask, when I said my appreciation post would be phonebook sized.
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Note: I have no idea what happened here... (proof readed, but am still exhausted from last weekend, so excuse any errors left)
Warnings: fluff/angst/smut 18+!!! Dom/sub vibes.
pairing: modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You met a bunch of cops during your first day at your new job.
wordcount: 3,7k
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'You're closing alone tonight, aren't you?'
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'Go on then, they don't bite,' Hild laughed and cocked her head towards the table of impressive looking men you had been staring at for minutes already.
Right now, everything was new to you. The line of work you were in and the way Hild, your boss, treated you with respect and kindness; this was your first day at work in the pub downtown, and you had been nervous already but it got worse when you realised the good looking group of guys were regular customers, and they were policemen, as they were all dressed in their dark uniforms. Hild nudged your shoulder in an attempt to make you go over to the cops who had ordered their drinks only moments ago at the bar. The loud laughter from the table made you smile, as the men seemed to enjoy themselves, and what's a better view than a bunch of handsome, muscular guys smiling and bickering amongst each other? But it also made you nervous, because you wanted to make a good impression. You took a deep breath and walked over to their table, and the men became quiet when they noticed you.
'Your drinks,' you said shyly as you placed the serving tray on the table.
'Aye,' the Irish man smiled, 'three ales and one glass of coco for the baby cop,' he grinned and pointed at the blond haired guy who sat across from him.
The Irish man had dark, short hair and a good beard, and the blond guy was looking much younger than the rest of the men and looked shy.
'Finan's just messing with you,' another man said when he saw your slight panic. He had long hair, half tied up in a bun and the sides were shaved. He spoke with an accent you couldn't quite place, and he smiled, 'We all ordered ale, lady.'
'Oh,' you chuckled, relieved, and handed Finan his ale.
'And Uhtred likes to ruin jokes,' Finan sneered at the man with the unrecognisable accent, who took his glass out of your hands when you reached out.
You tried to hide your smile as you handed the young, shy cop his drink, whose cheeks had reddened by now.
'Osferth here is still a virgin,' Finan grinned as Osferth took his ale from you, and he slapped the boy on his shoulder.
'I'm not,' the blond cop rolled his eyes and looked down at the table.
You chuckled and handed the last glass to the quiet man beside you, who was already looking up at you with a sweet, sly smile when you looked at him. He was handsome and had a few scars on his face. His eyes were two different colours, one light and one dark, and his head was completely shaved at one side whereas on the other side he had dark curls. His eyes and haircut resembled the two vibes he gave off as you looked at him; sweet and devilish.
'Sihtric, stop staring,' Uhtred remarked, and he grinned at the stunning man you still locked eyes with.
'Your Sihtric,' you said, and immediately froze, 'Uh, I- I mean, y- your drink, S-Sihtric,' you stammered as you handed the man his drink and you turned on your heels immediately.
Sihtric smiled at your flustered behaviour as he licked his lips. And he couldn't help but turn and check you out when you walked away as fast as you could. You almost tripped as you made haste back to the bar, where you hid behind Hild and turned your back towards the men who were already joking around again. Except for Sihtric, who still had his eyes on you.
'What happened?' Hild asked when she saw your flustered face, and she looked at the men.
'Nothing,' you mumbled, 'just made a fool out of myself and I'm sure they think I'm an idiot.'
'Are you sure about that?' Hild furrowed her brow and looked back at you with a smile, 'because the Dane can't stop looking at you,' she said and walked away.
'The Dane?' you frowned and glanced over your shoulder, only to find Sihtric looking back at you over his shoulder. He flashed you a half smile, raised his glass slightly before he took a sip, and then he winked.
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You tried your best to continue your new job, but you constantly felt Sihtric's eyes on you, and you also couldn't keep your eyes off him, no matter how hard you tried. Every few minutes your eyes wandered back to the handsome Dane, and you looked away as fast as you could whenever you met his eyes. And just when you felt a little less flustered again as you were cleaning up at the bar with your back turned to the room, you were startled when you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
'Miss?' a warm, low voice sounded.
You turned around and stared right into Sihtric's mismatched eyes.
'You forgot this,' Sihtric held up the serving tray you had left on their table almost an hour ago, and he put it on the bar, shoving it towards you.
'Oh, thank you,' you felt your cheeks heat up and quickly grabbed the tray.
'You're welcome, lady,' Sihtric smiled and sat down on the barstool in front of him, and he leaned in on the bar towards you, 'you're new here,' he remarked.
'I am.'
'Mhm,' he hummed and stroked his goatee, 'where are you from?'
'I've lived in this town my entire life,' you shrugged.
'Really?' Sihtric smiled playfully as he mindlessly toyed with a few rings he wore around his tattooed fingers, 'how come I've never seen you before?'
'I don't know,' you chuckled, 'guess I just never had to call the cops.'
Sihtric laughed softly and wetted his lips while he looked at you.
'Hm. So you've been a good girl,' he said, his smooth voice and choice of words made your heart skip a beat.
'I- I guess so,' you blushed and awkwardly tried to find a spot to put the serving tray at, as you still held it in your hands.
Sihtric watched you fumble around and it clearly amused him, being very well aware he made you feel flustered and nervous.
'So… what's a good and pretty girl like you doing in a pub like this then?' 
'Career switch,' you said and leaned on the bar, trying your hardest to look confident, 'I got tired of working in an office all day, and Hild is a family friend, so I landed this job easy.'
'Fair enough,' Sihtric said. He leaned in towards you, and looked you up and down quickly before he gave you another cheeky smile, 'so, will you be a good girl for me and pour me another drink then?'
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The policemen came in for a drink every day, and the tension between you and Sihtric was always electrifying. No one mentioned it, but everyone was aware of it. His eyes always lingered on you, and you leaned in just that little closer to him when you brought the guys their drinks. The guys always drank a glass of ale, and then switched to fizzy drinks and some snacks to enjoy as they chatted, but they never became drunk as they knew all too well to not drink and drive. And every evening when Sihtric came up to you on his own to order another drink, he leaned on the bar and said the same words with the same sly smile;
'How's my good girl doing tonight?'
And every night it made you giggle softly and blush without fail. You had been serving them for several days in a row when Hild told you that you had to close off the pub on your own tonight. She had an urgent matter to take care of and trusted you to run the place while she was out. You knew you could do it, and it was a rather quiet evening as it was a thursday, but were nervous regardless. And things got worse when the piece of shit of an ex boyfriend suddenly showed up at the pub, a few hours before closing.
You tried to talk him into just leaving quietly, but he wasn't having any of it and started to cuss you out as he leaned in over the bar. The table of cops noticed the slight commotion when you walked up to him to shove him out the door, and they saw how your ex grabbed your wrist forcefully. The men all jumped up, and Uhtred grabbed the guy's shoulder and squeezed it harshly, upon which you could free yourself from your ex's grip. Finan and Osferth stood back as they watched Uhtred towering over your ex, while Sihtric was fast to get in between you two. Your ex quickly became aggressive as Uhtred told him to leave, and he started to curse at you again as well as trying to swing a fist at you, but Sihtric shielded you by shoving you behind his back and he gave your ex a harsh shove.
'I'm giving you a choice right now,' Sihtric said firmly as the deranged guy stumbled backwards, 'you either walk out on your own right now, or I'll make sure you won't ever be able to walk on your own again.'
You heard Uhtred and your ex argue vaguely as you tried to process everything, and you tried to peek out from behind Sihtric, but he turned towards you before you could move. He circled his arm around your waist while he towered over you, and your ex was shoved out by the three remaining cops while you stared up into the Dane's eyes.
'Are you okay?' Sihtric asked, his face was so close you smelled the ale on his lips.
'Yeah,' you lied and feigned a smile.
Sihtric watched you carefully for a moment and then pulled you closer.
'No, you're not,' he said softly, 'you're trembling, sweetheart. Come here,' he wrapped both his strong arms around you, and you buried your face in his chest as he held you close for a short while.
'Did you know him?' he eventually asked.
'Yeah,' you swallowed hard, 'he's my… my ex.'
Sihtric leaned back slightly and took your arm, gently tracing his warm fingers over your skin where your ex had grabbed you moments before.
'Did he hurt you?'
'It's fine,' you pulled your arm back and looked down at your feet.
'Is it?' Sihtric lifted your chin with his fingers, 'is it really fine?'
You shrugged lightly and couldn't help resting your hands upon the cop's broad chest as he leaned in again.
'You're closing alone tonight, aren't you?' he asked, having noticed Hild left hours ago already.
You nodded and Sihtric sighed, then raked his fingers through his hair. He looked over his shoulder, seeing his colleagues walk back in and signalling that your ex had been taken care of, and they went back to their table to finish their drinks.
'Do you want us to stay until closing?' Sihtric asked you.
'Oh, n-no,' you said, 'please, it's… it's fine. Thank you,' you smiled weakly and tried to step away, but Sihtric trailed his fingers down your arm and gently took your hand. 
'Sweetheart,' he said, and you stopped breathing when you stared up at him, and his eyes trailed down to your lips before he looked back into your eyes again, 'do you want me to stay?'
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About half an hour before closing time, Uhtred, Finan and Osferth got up to leave. They wished you a good night in passing while Sihtric stayed behind at the table. You greeted the men and changed the open sign to closed while a handful of other regulars finished their drinks quickly. They all paid and told you they'd see you tomorrow, to which you chuckled. You closed the door behind the last man who left and you locked it. 
Sihtric eyed you up and he finished his drink while you started to quickly clean the tables. You carried the empty glasses and plates over to the bar, and Sihtric followed you with his eyes before he got up to bring you his empty glass.
'Is this seat taken?' he smiled and pointed at the empty barstool right in front of you.
'I'm not sure,' you chuckled, 'it's rather busy here right now…'
'I see,' Sihtric played along and sat down, 'guess I'll have to try my luck then.'
You smiled, took his empty glass and placed it in the dishwasher with the other dirty dishes.
'All jokes aside, sweetheart,' Sihtric then said, 'can I help you with anything here, darling?'
You looked at him and smiled shyly, 'Well,' you snorted, 'actually…'
'Spill it, sweetheart,' Sihtric rolled his eyes and smiled as you hesitated.
'So, these empty crates need to be brought to the basement,' you explained, 'but it's kinda… creepy down there.'
'Creepy?' Sihtric frowned, 'how?'
'Yeah, you know, it's all old and dark and the lights don't work well. No one likes to go there.'
Sihtric looked at you and then chuckled as he got up.
'Fine, show me the way and I'll take care of it.'
You handed Sihtric a few empty crates and walked him to the door that led to the basement. You opened the door and Sihtric stared down at a dimly lit staircase, then he grinned and looked at you for a second.
'Very creepy,' he taunted.
'Be careful,' you said as he walked down into the basement, and Sihtric chuckled in reply.
You waited at the top of the stairs, and when Sihtric didn't reappear as fast as you wanted, you leaned in slightly to listen for any sounds, but it was quiet.
'Sihtric?' you called down the basement.
Nothing. You took a step down and listened again.
'Sihtric?' you said a little louder and felt spooked when there was no reply, just the flickering of the dim light.
Then suddenly you heard Sihtric let out a yelp and you heard the empty crates being dropped on the floor.
'Sihtric!' you yelled, panicked, and almost ran down the stairs, but then he appeared again with a grin on his face.
'God!' you huffed, relieved and slightly mad, while Sihtric laughed as he climbed up the stairs and followed you closely back to the bar.
'Aw,' he chuckled in your ear as he snuck up behind you, 'you were worried about me.'
'I was not,' you turned to him.
'Yes, you were,' Sihtric smiled and circled his arm around your waist.
'No, I wasn't. You're stupid,' you chuckled and stared up into his eyes as he pulled your body against his.
'Am I?' he said softly.
'You are,' you nodded while Sihtric leaned in.
'Yeah? Hm,' he hummed as he smiled, and brushed his lips lightly against yours.
'Yeah,' you whispered, and your breath hitched in your throat when Sihtric slowly flicked his tongue against your lower lip.
He chuckled lightly, and then captured you in a soft, firm kiss. He kept his arm around you, his hand resting on the small of your back while his other hand settled on your neck, keeping you close.
'Yeah,' Sihtric whispered in between kisses, 'come on,' he sighed and kissed you again.
He slowly pushed you back behind the bar, where he trapped you between the old, wooden cabinets and his muscular body.
'Give me a little more, darling,' Sihtric whispered against your lips and smiled.
You moved your hands up to his neck, and slowly unbuttoned his black uniform as you kissed him, and you sucked his lower lip gently as you pulled away.
'Yeah, that's it, sweetheart,' Sihtric husked, and he grabbed your waist firmly while one hand moved up into your hair, and he parted your lips along with his as he kissed you passionately.
You continued to unbutton his black shirt while your tongues were deep into each other's mouth. Sharp gasps and soft moans filled the empty pub, and you both felt the sexual tension thicken quickly until it was unbearable, but was disturbed when your phone buzzed several times. You broke the kiss to read the texts you received, and you chuckled.
Hild: hey
Hild: I'm not spying on you
Hild: but I took a quick look at the camera because I know you're closing alone
Hild: and then I saw you're not alone
Hild: just don't have sex in the pub, please…
Sihtric laughed softly when you showed him the texts, and he looked up into the camera that was right above you. He smiled directly in the lens before he switched it off, and brought his eyes back on you again. You pulled his lips back to yours, and he took your phone out of your hand as you kissed him with a new kind of hunger. You finally ripped open his police blouse and stared at his muscular torso with heavy lidded, lustful eyes.
'Your boss said to not fuck here,' Sihtric chuckled and grazed your ear with his teeth while you ran your hands over his warm chest.
'Or what?' you asked innocently.
'I thought you were a good girl,' he murmured against your lips as he unbuttoned your jeans.
'Maybe you thought wrong,' you breathed and unclasped his black, leather belt.
'Oh, yeah?' Sihtric rasped and pulled your jeans down, 'or did you maybe lie to me about being a good girl?'
'What if I did?' you asked, and cupped his arousal through his uniform jeans.
'Well,' he hummed and groaned softly, 'lying to a police officer is considered a crime.'
'Then maybe you should arrest me,' you batted your eyelashes, 'officer.'
'Yeah, you'd like that won't you?' Sihtric said as he pushed you up on one of the cabinets behind the bar, and he spread your legs with his knee, 'you want me to handcuff you, hm?' he chuckled and reached for the metal cuffs attached to his belt.
You giggled in reply, and before you could even blink, Sihtric had your wrist cuffed and he gave you a cocky smile.
'Are you a good girl?' he whispered and slid his hand down your panties.
'No comment,' you said as you tensed up slightly.
'No comment?' Sihtric chuckled and slowly teased your wet folds while he cuffed your hand to a metal bar above you, 'I'll ask you again,' he said, and pushed two fingers inside you, 'are you a good girl?'
'Fuck,' you moaned at the feeling of his warm fingers inside you, and you tried to grab onto his open shirt with your free hand, but Sihtric stopped you and pinned your arm behind your back.
'Don't make me ask again, sweetheart,' he licked his lips slowly as he fucked you faster with his fingers.
'I… I- ah, god,' you moaned and threw your head back upon the feeling.
'So you're not a good girl?' Sihtric said and clenched his jaw, 'do you have any idea what I do to bad girls?'
You smiled with half open eyes and shook your head, biting down another moan.
'No?' Sihtric teased, and added another digit inside you, 'well, at least you're taking it like a good girl,' he chuckled, 'but I'll have to fuck you into a good girl again. You know how that works?'
You could barely speak, or even think as the cop smiled at you with his devilish smile while he thrusted his fingers in and out of you.
'I'll tell you how it works,' he said and brought his lips to your ear, and whispered, 'I won't stop until you cum on my fingers first,' he paused as you let out a heavy moan, 'and when you finally do, which,' he chuckled, 'won't take long, because I know you were already so… fucking…. wet for me as soon as you saw me walk in here tonight. Ain't that right, sweetheart?'
'Y-yes,' you moaned, and squirmed in his grip.
'Yes, officer,' Sihtric ordered.
'Yes, o-officer,' you squealed.
'That's it, good girl,' Sihtric smacked his lips and smiled, 'and after you cum, I'll taste you on my fingers, and you'll watch as I do so,' he said, 'and then you'll open that pretty mouth of yours, like a good girl, so I can spit in your mouth. And you will swallow it, why?'
'Because… I… I,' you breathed, 'I'm a g-good girl, officer.'
'Exactly,' he said, 'and after that I'll take that cuff off that metal bar,' he looked up above you, then back into your eyes as he continued to finger you, 'and I'll handcuff both your hands behind your back, and you will get down on your knees for me and let me fuck your pretty face until I cum on your tongue. Why?'
'F-fuck,' you moaned, 'please, I'm-'
'No,' Sihtric said sternly, and tightened his grip on your arm behind your back, 'you won't finish until I say so. Answer my question, darling. Why?'
'Because I'm a good girl, officer,' you cried out with ragged breaths.
'Exactly,' he chuckled, 'and you will take it like a good girl. And after I fucked that pretty face of yours, I'll sit you up on a table, your hands still cuffed behind your back, and I will eat your pussy until you scream out my name. And I will make you cum over and over again, just with my lips and tongue, sweetheart, until you beg for my cock. And then I will bend you over and fuck you so hard, so deep and so… fucking… good,' he breathed, 'that you'll still feel me inside you by this time tomorrow. And you'll be sore, probably,' he shrugged, 'but I know you'll be squeezing your thighs together all day tomorrow when you think of me, and you'll probably even consider to sneak off during your shift to get off on your own, knowing I'm just sitting right over there at my usual table, with a hard, leaking cock,' he chuckled as you began to mumble and beg, 'and you will ask me to to stay until closing time. And then I'll take you home with me, where I will fuck you so good again and again and again, until you confess you're in love with me. Why?'
'B-because… I'm… a… g-good girl, officer,' you murmured.
'That's right,' Sihtric smiled and pecked your lips, 'because you're such a good girl. My good girl,' he whispered, 'now cum for me, sweetheart.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav @diiickbrainn
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alexagirlie · 5 months
January Omegaverse Challenge 2024
Day 16: Lost (Masterlist) Fandom: The Last Kingdom Pairing: Sihtric/Uhtred Rating: M Summary: Sihtric experiences his first heat since Uhtred was sold into slavery. Tags: angst. hurt no comfort.
It had been six months since Uhtred had been stolen and sold into slavery by King Guthred and just over four months since Hild had returned from Wessex, Uhtred's brother Ragnar Jarl in tow. Sihtric had begged for them to take him with them, eager to do something to find the Alpha even if it was just taking care of the horses or scouting.
He pulled his weight and had proven himself capable during their search for Uhtred but Sihtric just felt so lost with him gone. He felt so alone, that night more than usual. 
It was time for his first heat since Uhtred had been sold, his first heat since the one he had shared with his Lord, a mere week before he had been sold. He hadn't wanted to say anything, had tried to just push through but he had started to sweat heavily under his armour despite the cool spring breeze and his scent was thick in the air, smoked honey, sweet and alluring.
Hild had been the first to notice and had informed Ragnar who had called a halt to the search so Sihtric could hole himself up for the two days needed until his heat had passed. The Alpha had inquired quietly if Sihtric needed them to find him a heat partner but the Omega had declined, flushed red with embarrassment. While Uhtred had not bitten a claim into Sihtric's neck the Omega felt claimed all the same and would never disgrace Uhtred by sharing his heat with anyone else.
Sihtric's heart ached for his Alpha, ached for Uhtred's touch as his mind went hazy with want and desire. As his thighs became dripping wet with his slick and his cock hardened and wept. 
Tears rolled down his face as he made himself come, over and over again, uncontrollable as his heat rolled through him hard. He stuffed his hole full of his fingers and it still wasn't enough to replace the feeling of Uhtred's cock, of Uhtred's knot inside of him and he hurt.
taglist: @gemini-mama
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4seasonsofart · 8 months
Vinland Saga Hunger Games (Round One Results)
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🎊 Congradulations to Arnheid, Thorfinn, Bug-Eyes, Canute, Einar, Garm, Hild, and Wulf for surviving the first round. 🎊
✨️ Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful support! A large thank you to everyone who voted and gave support to these posts. The second round will come out sometime in November, as I will be releasing more bits and drabbles of what happened in the first round of the Vinland Saga Hunger Games. :] ✨️
⚡️In the next few weeks, I will be focusing on my other Vinland Saga AU's. (I haven't forgotten about Thorfinn and the hybrid AU, I promise.) So please be patient with me, as I have a very busy schedule, and writing/creating all of these posts for you all takes a long time. ⚡️
-> If you have just miraculously found this post or are a new follower of my blog, I would suggest checking out my masterlist.
I have posted only Vinland Saga content so far, but I may eventually branch out into other fandoms (perhaps some of my art?). Have a wonderful morning, noon, or night, and know that you are loved and important to so many. ❤️
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
Open Heart as Netflix Original Series - Episode Guide
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Season 1
Episode 1: The Doctor Is In + Episode 2: Code Blue
Episode 3: Hanging in the Balance + Episode 4: Dolores
Episode 5: Relief + Episode 6: Housewarming
Episode 7: Patient X + Episode 8: Make-Believe
Episode 9: The PITA + Episode 10: Risk & Reward
Episode 11: Whatever It Takes   + Episode 12: Panacea 
Episode 13: Admission + Episode 14: Triage
Episode 15: Hearing Impaired + Episode 16: The Curious Case of Dr. Banerji 
Episode 17: The Oath + Special Episode: S1 After Hours
All templates by: @ seungnm
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