#hilly holbrook
brycedhowards · 4 months
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bdh filmography → hilly holbrook | the help "Have you lost your mind?"
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
La saison de la sorcière
A force d'aller courir tous les soirs et de m'agiter dans tous les sens pour oublier qui-tu-savez, j'ai tellement fondu que je suis obligée de faire des nœuds à mes culottes pour pas qu'elles me glissent sur les hanches quand je marche.
Ce douloureux hiver commence à refluer et c'est pas trop tôt.
Mais ce n'est pas juste un changement de saison affective, une planète qui cesse de transiter ou moi qui rentre en mode "abeille affairée".
Hier soir, à la seconde précise où je me suis engagée sur la rampe d'insertion du Périph, j'ai eu un flash de moi au même endroit, il y a un an, quand j'exultais du bonheur de conduire parce que j'étais heureuse dans ma vie à l'UVSQ, et confiante en mon avenir (mon bébé impatiente d'avaler du kilomètre, et moi donc).
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J'ai mesuré d'un coup le fossé entre les deux états d'esprit, celui de 2022 et celui de 2023 - car en cet instant, ils étaient littéralement superposés en moi, comme si j'avais eu, d'un coup, la faculté de me trouver dans deux espace-temps différents, à la même seconde.
Aujourd'hui, mes sentiments douloureux pour Sexy, cet amour non payé de retour, m'apparaissent aussi, simultanément, comme une possession humiliante, insupportable. Une servitude qui me fait bouillir de colère.
=> Où notre héroïne n'a pas DU TOUT apprécié qu'on lui préfère les deux filles les plus antipathiques de sa classe. Avoir pour rivale une intellectuelle de mon âge, belle, brillante, avec des vertus à l'avenant - là, d'accord : voilà une compétitrice à ma hauteur. Mais çà ?! Une fausse anorexique/vraie paresseuse + une simili-Hilly Holbrook, collet monté et ras les pâquerettes ?
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Sérieusement ?
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twafordizzy · 1 year
Lezen tegen schaamte
Kathryn Stockett; bron beeld: cbsnews.com Schaamte is een heftige, primitieve emotie – een van de vroegste die in een zorgeloos en onschuldig hart tot uitbarsting komt. Mensen die zich schamen voelen van nature een instinctieve aandrang om weg te rennen en zich te verstoppen – onder in de wasmand, of in een ander land – op een plek waar niemand hen kan vinden. Neem onze remedie mee de wasmand in…
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lydiascheidler · 6 months
The Help (2011): A Unique Look into History
The Help (2011) is a film based on the book by the same name, written by Kathryn Stockett. This movie offers a unique perspective into the early 1960s South of the United States. The Help follows Skeeter, a young writer, as she attempts to write a book about the maids' experiences. We see this world through the eyes of maids such as Minny Jackson and Aibileen Clark, as well as the White women they work for, such as Hilly Holbrook and Elizabeth Leefolt. Hilly is very racist and refuses to use bathrooms that Black people have used, and ends up firing Minny after she uses her restroom. Elizabeth spends no time with her daughter, as Aibileen raises her.
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The Help (2011) Original Movie Poster https://www.pastposters.com/details.php?prodId=12407
We learn that a big reason for Skeeter's feelings towards the maids stem from being practically raised by her family's maid, Constantine. She states that children are raised by these women, and they grow up loving each other. She says that this showed her a different view of the maids and caused her to not agree with the way they are treated. Skeeter brings up the "Mammy" stereotype when talking about this. We still see this stereotype in media today. Skeeter describes "Mammy" as a Black women who gives up everything to look after a White family. For example, in the 2019 horror film Ma follows a group of White friends who become friends with an older Black woman named Sue Anne. Sue Anne lets the kids party in her basement and joins them quite often, often leaving her disabled daughter alone upstairs. Sue Anne also makes the kids call her "Ma", which is almost short for "Mammy". This recent piece of media perpetuates this harmful stereotype. Funnily enough, this film stars Octavia Spencer, who also stars in The Help as Minny Jackson.
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Octavia Spencer in Ma (2019) (left) and in The Help (2011) (right) https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0818055/
Below is a clip of the movie in which the Mississippi segregation laws are read:
"Skeeter Reads Segregation Laws" Uploaded by Icyee 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEzjAh6pM78
I thought that this clip was very powerful. It shows just how deep the segregation in the South went. It bore resemblance to a speech we read in ART 150.
"That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?" (Sojourner Truth, 1851)
This speech was given 100 years before the events of the movie, showing how long these issues persisted. Throughout the movie, we see the maids be denied many things, such as using the same toilet as the family they work for. I thought this was similar to this speech as these women are no different from the women they work for, yet are denied basic needs.
It truly baffles me that this movie is set in the 1960s. The things I heard the White people say in this movie were outrageous and I cannot believe that this was the norm just 60 years ago. When I was first learning about the Civil Rights Movement, it seemed like ages ago to my younger self. However, my grandfather marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and my father was born in 1969. This all puts into perspective just how recent this all was.
Looking at Skeeter in the film, I see both the good and the bad. For one, Skeeter can be seen as the savior of the maids. This is problematic as it suggests that these women could not help themselves, and needed a White savior. This is a common issue in media representation. However, because the oppressed rarely have options to change their circumstance, they do often need someone of higher status to help them escape oppression. Skeeter can be used as inspiration to people who want to help others who are less fortunate than them.
Overall, I think that this was a great movie that offers a unique look back in time. I think that it brought a lot of important issues to light and addressed them how they deserved to be addressed. I think that movies like this are very important as they keep these historic issues relevant and get people talking about how inequality persists today.
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Taylor, T. (2011). The Help. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
Sojourner Truth (1797-1883): "Ain't I A Woman?" Delivered 1851 Women's Rights Convention, Old Stone Church (since demolished), Akron, Ohio
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ti-oliveira · 2 years
8 personagens que fazem com que desejemos que a expressão "Fogo nos racistas" realmente acontecesse 🔥
🔹️ Hilly Holbrook - Histórias Cruzadas
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🔹️ Calvin Candie - Django Livre
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🔹️ Epps - 12 Anos de Escravidão
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🔹️ Mary Epps - 12 Anos de Escravidão
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🔹️ Betty Wendell - Them
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🔹️ Rose Armitage - Corra!
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🔹️ Dean Armitage - Corra!
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🔹️ Missy Armitage - Corra!
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#film #serie #leonardodicaprio #michaelfassbender #sarahpaulson
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triz-costa · 4 years
I may have trouble rememberin' my own name, or what country I live in. But there's two things I can't seem to forget. That my own daughter threw me into a nursin' home and that she ate Minny's shit. Good night
Missus Walters
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myopic-chihuahua · 3 years
Hilly Holbrook would absolutely have voted for Trump. 
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
The Help: Hilly Holbrook [ESFJ]
The Help: Hilly Holbrook [ESFJ]
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Functional Order: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti Judging Functional Axis:
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) / Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Hilly is preoccupied with shaping the world around her, into a more segregated society, based upon her warped views of what is “socially appropriate.” She tries to make her racism seem less racist, by coaching it in softer language – isn’t it nice if the help has their very own…
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the help makes me sob uncontrollably every single time i watch it lmao also just side note Celia Foote is perfect and an angel and has never done anything wrong and she has my whole heart
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Will any scene in any movie ever top the scene in “The Help” when Minny litcherally watches Hilly eat her shit?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
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travelerontheedge17 · 6 years
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“I see the world, just not as you see it.”
Tribute to some of my favourite characters portrayed by Bryce Dallas Howard because I was blown away by her versatility and range. Her performances are unmatched, she really can do anything! (x)
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 6 years
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ops-quotei · 6 years
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Histórias Cruzadas — 2011
┊+Citações de Filmes no Tumblr ops-quotei, na Tag: #quotei Filme.
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hareepotter · 7 years
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badass book ladies | insp. >> the help by kathryn stockett      kindness don’t have no boundaries.  
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hiddle-tiddle-trash · 7 years
The Help will literally be one of my favorite books for eternity
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siberiaofnonsense · 7 years
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