#him and roy mustang...my two fire faves !!
anjitrait · 6 years
i want to do that cartoon character tag solely because i want everyone to know how much i stan avatar the last airbender....i might do it later this week sidjkfgnmh
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
20 first lines
thank u for the tag @klainelynch​ <3
rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories. see if there are any patterns. choose your favourite opening line. then tag 10 authors!
i’ll start from most recently updated then work backwards. i’ll also miss out oneshot collections of fics
1. The Way It Was (royai au)
Roy twitched as he heard the door opening behind him.
2. where’s the medic? (parental!riza)
He shouldn’t have even been there.
3. i will come for you (royai au)
4. with you, i’m home (royai)
Sleep had claimed Roy for a quick nap that evening after returning home from work.
5. trying something new (with disastrous results) (royai crackfic)
“I don’t think he can do it,” Havoc mused.
6. gotta get down on friday (royai memefic)
“Are you free on Friday night, Lieutenant?”
7. are you flirting with me, colonel? (royai)
The atmosphere in the room was electric as Roy made his way through it.
8. Lazy Mornings (royai)
“When do you plan on arriving at work?”
9. never meant to change the fire in your eyes (royai)
“Lieutenant?” His call holds as much authority as he can muster.
10. A Conspiracy Theory (royai au)
The cafe had grown to be familiar to him.
11. stay (jeanroy)
“Havoc? Shit!”
12. pining (jeanroy)
Roy jumped in fright as a loud snore filled the space next to him.
13. teasing (jeanroy)
“Did you just –?” Jean’s lips pursed as he tried to hold in his laughter.
14. indirect (jeanroy)
“Care for some company?”
15. Hold My Hand (royai au)
There was an incessant banging on his apartment door.
16. are you asleep? (royai crackfic)
"Lieutenant –"
"Shut up," Hawkeye barked before he could even finish saying the word.
17. My Inferno (royai au)
The bar was busy tonight – a regular occurrence but still a constant worry in Roy Mustang’s mind.
18. A Fistful of Paintballs (royai au)
Mustang vaulted over a crate and didn’t break a step as his feet connected with the ground again.
19. i can hear the echoes of the past (hyuroi illustrated fic)
“Yo, Roy!”
20. watching the sunset (royai)
idk if there’s much of a pattern, just a mix of dialogue and introducing the pov or setting
i think my fave line (altho technically its two) is number 9 (“Lieutenant?” His call holds as much authority as he can muster.) bc i honestly really enjoyed working on that fic and i think,, it’s one of my faves all together
going to tag anyone who feels like doing this! it was really fun to look back on them all :’)
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 23 “Shoto Todoroki: Origin”
This episode is not ok.
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First. Frame. I am not ready.
We open up proper with Deku and Shoto sizing each other up in the ring. Shoto opens, same as always, with ice. Deku counters, same as always, with fingersnap. Not the Roy Mustang kind. Visually, I’ve noticed that aside from the blasts, this episode is made up almost entirely of uncomfortable close-ups.
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“He’s prepared to counter me, even if it means destroying himself.” YES. (oh god the horror has only just begun)
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Deku just keeps going...and going...
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This part is so suspenseful. At any moment, for Deku, it’ll all be over. We’ve locked in a clear limit for how the fight can play out (and then we just throw that limit in the trash, because this is BNHA where rules are stupid).
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Shoto in this scene is not looking at Midoriya. He’s thinking about his father. He thanks Midoriya for dragging things out to piss off Endeavor. He sounds condescending here - like he didn’t expect Deku to last even this long. This is a very badly influenced Shoto, one ‘drowning in resentment’, as he puts it later on.
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This bit signals a sea change in the fight. Deku is aware that he’s outmatched, but then he notices Todoroki shaking. This isn’t just an opening to him, either, a chance to beat Todoroki. It’s a sign that he has, in fact, forced Shoto to start exhausting himself, but Shoto is stubbornly refusing to go all out still. And this means, to Deku, that Shoto doesn’t think he’s worth it. And that pisses him off.
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This decision from Deku drops the jaw the first time around. He just...breaks his hand. He breaks it a second time. (and that’s just the beginning)
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Deku is furious that Todoroki is disrespecting the efforts of all his friends and rivals (who we see in a montage). He is being disrespected himself too. Todoroki is holding back and Deku won’t let it happen. He won’t let Todoroki win without giving it his all. Only if Todoroki is willing to go as far as everyone else. 
Shoto assuming Deku was bribed by Endeavor to get him to use his fire side is...really sad.
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For the record: I like Justin Briner just fine. He’s good. But...Daiki Yamashita is the superior Deku. I have different picks for faves in sub v Dub here, but between these two it’s no contest for me. Yamashita’s acting, especially in this ep, haunts me. This scene stands out a lot. Sinai...sinai...sinai...sinai...It’s like a madness mantra. Because Deku is crazy. Beyond crazy.
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Aizawa does a small meta on Midoriya here, reasoning that he’s ‘just doing the best he can with what he has’. I’d say that’s part of it, but as we’ve already seen, there’s more going on here. Pride. Friendship. Absolute Insanity. Just to name a few.
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“What’s driving him”? So so much. An internal drive to prove he can be useful for something. A desire to be just like all Might. Some pride and a need to win. A desire to help someone in pain no matter what. And a dash of madness.
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“I want to be a smiling, cool hero”. This is, in so many reasons, why I think Midoriya is such a great character. What makes a great character, to me, is Motivation. 3 pieces of motive: What they want, why they want it, and how far they’ll go to get it. Want: To be the World’s Greatest Hero. Why: To save people and prove he’s worth something. How far: ALL THE WAY.
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“If you become number one without using your full power, then I don’t think you’re serious about denying him everything.” OMG
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no this fucking flashback “He’s only 5  years old” out of my way “ka-san?” those words have dug their way into my subconscious. the horror. shoto being denied the chance to be around his siblings. Shoto not getting a life. Endeavor’s abuse. Rei’s breaking voice. I can’t. I can’t I can’t
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oh no oh no oh no
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oh god this scene the music i can’t i can’t i can’t
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I hate that I agree with Endeavor’s decision to put Rei in an institution. I hate seeing bb Shoto cry. the music. this scene its too good. the feelings are...every time...I just...
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Daiki you need an acting oscar you nailed this. 
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I’m shaking. Do you hear that music amping up in the background? That slowly building crescendo...it sounds familiar...
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All Might you beautiful bastard you’ve done so much good Deku what have you done i’m smiling and what’s that sound? That beautiful song that goes with everything?
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Endeavor: Anime’s most evil Soccer Mom.
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“Why are you smiling?” Because he’s crazy, Shoto. You haven’t noticed this? “You must be crazy.” OK, he has noticed.
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You’re a little unsettled yourself, I see. (I am convinced that all three of them have some kind of mental disorder. Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki. They’re all crazy. In 3 very different ways.)
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The Absolute Madman vs the BiFire-IceMan. this image haunts me. 
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This episode’s animation is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in anime. Or animation, for that matter. There’s something about the way BNHA is animated, the designs, the sakuga, that is...I don’t know how to describe it. “Midoriya, eregato.” You said it, Shoto.
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Midoriya is knocked out of the tournament in the quarter-finals. This, my friends, is how you subvert expectations in a satisfying manner. Jaws have hit the floor.
So there are, essentially, 3 episodes in BNHA that I consider not just the best episodes of this series, but to be episodes that kind of transcend. Episodes that are so good, so powerful, so mind-blowing to behold for the first time, that everything else feels a little bit less by comparison. This is the first of those three. Episode 23. It’s one of the best episodes of the show. I’m tempted to call it the best. It’s so hard to watch. And so worth it to see. If you watch BNHA for no other purpose, at least try and get to this one.
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(top half is Baku)
Baku: “Quirks are physical abilities. You can’t just fire off as many shots as you want.” Izuku: “It’s easy to forget that quirks are physical abilities.” 
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Izuku: “Where are you looking?” Baku, 2 eps from now: “Where are you looking, half and half bastard?” 
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Izuku:  His movements are...Baku: Slower. It’s called Finishing Each Other’s Sentences.
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Midoriya is not only channelling Bakugou here in his desire to win against an opponent going all out, but also thinking of people like Kacchan, who go all out against opponents no matter who they are (re: Uraraka). And Deku has come to respect this. That, in part, motivates him here.
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5. The Camino Ward story
4. Midoriya’s self-muliation and quirkless past
3. That Last Effing Arc of the Manga. The MLA Arc. 
2. Todoroki’s Backstory
1. Chisaki’s Torture of Eri and the Internship Arc
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ionica01 · 7 years
Maud girl, I love you, but you'll hate me for this ramble😅 A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. Well, I'll go with all of them. For OTP, my biggest are EdWin and Royai (from FMA), Karmanami from Assassination Classroom and NaLu from FT. Friendships... I love GrayLu platonically and RoyxMaes is the best brotp😍 and of course I freaking loooove all friendships from Haikyuu and Akatsuki no Yona... And I love Zen and Mitsuhide's relationship in Akagami no shirayuki-hime and Al and Ed are best bros and the freaking platinocial relationship between Handa and Naru gets me everytime and I should probably gp to the next ask before I ramble more than necessary. B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. Asano x Nakamura... I never even imagined them as a couple... Until I read a perfect fanfiction... And now I ship⛵️⛵️ C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. I'll be hated.... But EdxRoy (just no, okay?! Mustang's like a dad to Ed!!) and Shirayuki x Obi because Zen😍😍 (I love their friendship tho) D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. Yamaguchi x Yachi because I wnat Yams to be happy... But HinaYachi is love, HinaYachi is life!! E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? Not yet, but I joined FMABigBang so I'll add Ed being an overprotective drama queen (or rather, king) dad, so stay tuned! F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? Hmm... Almost a year in the FT fanfom!!! Happy birthday, I guess? G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? I live for my OTPs! (Which just proved why I'm still single... I have my whole life aheeeaaaad~~) I think one of my first conscious OTPs (in that I knew what that was) was Harry x Hermione and it was shattered to pieces... Damn you, JK Rowling! (I still love you). H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? Hmm... Anime. Because it's lively and you can actually picture the characters miving when reading a fanfic! I agree with manga too... And sometimes books. Movies feel just too real to be placed in cartoons, though. I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? No, but the haters were closed to it. Tho I did stop liking the small Usagi Drop fandom because of the manga spoilers that ruined my experience... To those who want to watch it, take my friendly advice, PLEASE don't read the manga. The anime is the fluffiest thing, so please just watch that. J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.) Bnha, which is why I started reading it. And Voltron.... I'll watch that soon, too. K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Uhm... Well that's a hard one. I absolutely love the subtle and endearing development in Oreki (hyouka) and Haruhi in Ouran, but my favourite has to go to Tsukki for how well-built it was!! Furudate-sensei, I bow im front of you. Also, honrable mention to Karma in Assassination Clasroom. L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.) I don't especially love oikawa. I admire him a tone, and I have a lot of his quotes forever saved in my phone, and I think he's the best setter of them all (I'm sorry, he has more experience and tehnique than Kags or Asaaahi, tho I agree that they'll become better than him in one year's time). So there: I aknowledge his amazingness altough he isn't my fave. M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Edward. I want to spend a full day with him and learn how alchemy works (and we'd complain together about how short we are). Also, Haruhi: I feel like she'd give the best advice when I'd need it. N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice). My faveourite fandom is FMA: everyone gets love and attention, and there's little to no hate. What I'd like for it is to make it alive again! I mean, there are events and the such, but the manga finished almost 10 years ago, guys! I hope the new live action will bring us back alive. O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Hmm... Well On my Own by Ashes Remain was the first one that popped into my head and it kind of reminds me pf Natsu. He's that character that would always smile, but he's always surpressing his feeling ('I've been stuck in a cage with my doubt/I tried forever getting out on my own') P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). Random AU...? Honestly, I'm not the biggest AU fan, but if I had to, I'd choose 'we've been stuck in a traffic jam for two hours and we're bored, let's play cards; hey wait Gray, you're cheeting; no way I'm not!; mira, doing cutesy things won't help you win... Laxus don't give in!!; if Laxus is allied with Mira so is the thunder legion! Then I'm starting one on my own! Erza, I'll join... Great, now we have Wendy on Erza's side... All dragon slayers together! And exceeds! Wait lucy, starting a female club isn't gonna help ya! ...guys? That's not how you play pocker!' AU. Okay, I may like this one in particular. Maybe I'll write it:) Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why. I've abandoned the HP fandom. I still like the books, but I kinda grew out of it...? (And into anime😇) R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? Uhm... In which one? If I'm going with FT, my favourite friendship is GrayLu. In FMA, it's a tie... I love Roy/Hughes brotp and Al/Ed brotp. In Haikyuu... Damn they're too many to choose! But I'd say the Karasuno third years: they have such a tight-knit bond!! And in AssClass it would be Karma/Okuda (it's canon in my mind but friendship in the manga). I just love how easygoing they are. Also, I love Karma/Nagisa in the second half. S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged) Hmm... There are many. My fetish is seeing people sleep: I think you can tell alot about their inner selfes from the position they use when sleeping and from their habits, because they can't control or put up a façade when it comes to that. So my headcanon is that despite being loud and obnoxious, Natsu actually occupies less space than Lucy when sleeping: he takes a baby-posture, while she lashes all over the bed, sometimes punching him im sleep unintentionately. Natsu learnt to deal with it: he actually likes holding Lucy close to make sure she's safe while sleeping. She doesn't mind, especially not during winter. Oh and they also cuddle with a cup of hot coffee in their hands during the morning. Just an after-thought~~ T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? I do! I don't care if you agree or not, but Karma can be sweet, okay? Like he can actually be a good boyfriend (tho maybe a bit possessive). He's the best at telling what's on Okuda's mind and he always buys her toffee when she's feeling down. Oh and also, Riza is a very good mother, always putting her family first. Just letting you know. U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites. Yes!! 1)Karma-assassination classroom. He's that one character that believes he's the best, only to get proven that he can be wrong. What's evenbegter is how he has room to develop and grow to be a better person... Plus, it seems I have a thing for evil goofballs. 2)This is a hard one, but Ed/Roy-Fullmetal Alchemist. I abso-freaking-lutely love all the characters in FMA, but these two attracted my attention. Ed because of how he thinks, how he wants to do good deeds in spite of his thorny exterior and how he miserably fails. I love the way he admits his failures and the way he deals with them can be childish (he's 14, for God's sake!) but he learns from them. Also, Roy because even though he went through Ishval, he still dreams of making the world a better place. I can respect a man who doesn't step over the ethics just to achieve that dream and who always bends and avoides hurting others, while never giving up. Maybe it's a dream, but I very much resonate with it. 3) Lucy from FT. She's the one character in Fairy Tail that has enough of a backstory and is weak enough to evolve. Moreover, she's not your typical girl: yes, she cares about how she looks, because she IS an woman, but she also cares about what's on the inside. She cares about her friends more than anything and even without being the strongest mage, still puts herself in danger for them. I love her resolve and her cute side, too. V - Which character do you relate to most? Hmm... Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran Highschool Host Club. Haruhi is the type to do things on her own and she repells the help of others to do her thing, which I also tend to do. Also, she shoulders a lot of her worries by herself. Plus, she never judges people on appearance and doesn't care about her own (being a girl, that's rare and helps me relate all the more). I just love her😍 (and sometimes am compared to her by my friends). W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. Whiny female protagonist. I'm not a feminist or anything, but I've had enough of that! Yes, we all want a prince charming, but we can carry ourselves, thank you very much. X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. Someone pursuing their dreams. Also, I love genre deconstructions (browny points if it's comedic). Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)? Voltron and Yuri on Ice (I feel like I've watched this shows even though I haven't). Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.) Don't tempt me, I will! ( I kinda have this whole post tho) Okay so I'll rant about FMA because I feel it doesn't get all he love it deserves!!! (And because I refrained from fangirling on it up to now) And since we're talking FMA, let's talk Roy Mustang (you knew this would come). Roy is just one of those very strong people that are actually just goofballs on the interior and need love. Seriously, let's take a look at what this guy went through, ok? He's an orphan, but he never complains and learnt to love his cousins (sisters) and aunt (mom). He was taught by a pretty crazy (very talented, but Hawkeye did have a screw loose for inscripting a tatoo on Riza's back and you can't convince me otherwise) alchemist, and yet he managed to become the next flame alchemy. Despite being told not to, he joined the military with a childish dream and even after learning of the harsh reality in the Ishval war, he still went on believing that he can make the country a better place. Yet he's not perfect: he can lose his temper when it comes to those he loves (Mustang being killed) and he doesn't want any more people to die. He cheerisbes his team and wants to keep them all safe. He can be a cheapskate and also a bit of an annoying guy with Ed, and he can be obnoxious, yet funny as hell (tiny miniskirts!!!) Above all, Mustang feels HUMAN! Yes, he puts up a great act, but it's an *act*. He has a more sensitive side and you better not mess with it, or he'll burn you to ashes. This concludes the short version of my Roy Mustang appeciation post. Also, I have some headcanons about him being best dad (and his child being a daddy's girl/boy because of it) and of being a pretty intimidating Führer. This concludes my post. @bookstvseriesandanimes and @paperrabbit13 know what I'm talking about😅 And I tag @bookstvseriesandanimes @paperrabbit13 @shoujoinsights @candyforever123 @funnyshoujomoments and whoever else feels up to it:)
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
On your new prompt list.... PLEASE DO #3! I snorted my evening tea when I read it!
this is geniunely one of my fave rvb quotes so applying to royai was hella fun (also say hello to more paintball au 👀)
could you put thatin a memo and entitle it SHIT I ALREADY KNOW
“Remember the firstone?” Havoc whispered conspiratorially to his teammate beside him, whoproceeded to snort at Mustang’s expense.
“How could I forget?”Hawkeye asked.
“Remember me!” Havocmocked. “As I was!”
“If we survive this,”Mustang uttered through clenched teeth. “I’m gonna kill both you. Slowly.”
Havoc cackled inresponse while Hawkeye laughed quietly, picking off another soldier who thoughtthey’d be sneaky and try flank them from behind. Neon green paint splattered onhis chest and Hawkeye watched as his shoulders slumped and the man grumbledbehind his helmet, leaving the room in defeat.
“You wanted thisassignment,” Hawkeye reminded him, eyes scanning the towers of tyres in frontof them in case anyone would try and jump out and surprise them. To try and mixthings up, Grumman’s annual paintball game had been tweaked this year. Each largerteam was broken into two and would face off against the others, both trying toearn points for the large team’s overall tally.
This time, Mustang’steam had to guard the prize, and the team consisted of him, Hawkeye, and Havoc.Breda, Falman, and Fuery were facing off against the other half of Hughes’team.
So, they were stuckin this cramped square marked out on the floor with tape, guarding the “prize” –a burlap sack with nothing in it. The military would splash out for a fullpaintball course for team building, but the glamourous “prize” was a ratty,threadbare, sack. Apparently, they were only partly willing. Nothing but thebest for Amestrian soldiers.
In his boredom,Havoc had decided to begin tormenting their poor commanding officer. It was anexercise in seeing just how far he could push his CO and after the fiasco ofthe first year’s match – Mustang running off on his own to play the hero –Havoc was more than ready to get him back. Hawkeye, saw the benefits of some friendlypayback, and couldn’t help but laugh at Havoc’s jokes.
It was safe to say –at about thirty minutes in – their teasing was grating on Mustang’s nerves.
“If you did kill us,”Havoc proposed his thought. “Who would do your paperwork for you? We all knowHawkeye saves your ass on that almost every day. If she’s dead, who’s gonna doit? Because I sure as shit am not going to. Not only that, but who wouldbe your wingman? You would never get a girl without your best wingman Jean byyour side.”
This time bothMustang and Hawkeye snorted. Havoc frowned.
“He’s right though,sir. Just how would you cope if I wasn’t there, I wonder?” she grinned.
“I’d be just fine,thank you very much,” he muttered sullenly. Mustang lifted his paintball gunand fired quickly, disabling another soldier. By his count, there were only twoleft in the game. Two more chances they could sneak up on them and get theprize.
“Hm,” Havoc considered,cocking his head. “I don’t think so. I think you’d fall apart.”
“Shut it, Havoc,” hebit out.
“No seriously, I genuinelydo. What do you think, Hawkeye?”
She shrugged. “I don’tthink he’d last a day.” She fired, taking out another. One left.
“Oh, a day isgenerous. Try and hour.”
“Havoc,” Mustangbarked, interrupting them. “Watch that corner and let me know if anyone comes aroundit –”
Just as he finishedhis sentence, a man spun around the wall of tyres and fired, narrowly missingMustang’s head. The retaliation put the faceless soldier out the game as Mustang’sneon yellow paint splattered across the vest on his chest.
The courtyard wassilent as the soldier walked away, defeated.
“Hey, Mustang?”Havoc asked and hid his grin when he noticed the vein popping out of his foreheadin anger.
“What, Havoc?” he askedthrough grit teeth.
“There was a guy comingaround those tyres.”
“Great. Great! That’sgreat Havoc, thanks for letting me know!” he raged as Havoc cackled at how muchhe’d wound the great Colonel Mustang up. He was oddly proud that he wasirritating enough to get his commanding officer to snap. “Could you put that ina memo and entitle it SHIT I ALREADY KNOW.”
“Will do, boss. Doyou want that right now? Or do you want it tomorrow morning?”
“Gah!” Mustang stoodand stormed off as Hawkeye chuckled behind him.
“Seriously, do youwant it now? I can just ask Grumman to give me a pass and I can go and get it –”
Mustang spun inplace, seething, but Havoc just grinned, aggravating him further.
“Shut up,” Mustangspat, pointing a finger at his Second Lieutenant.
“Can do, boss,” hequipped, giving him a mock salute.
Their CO stompedaway. The game was won but he was irritated to the max. He needed a break fromtheir stupid teasing.
Of course, Hawkeyefollowed him with a satisfied smirk on her face.
“What do you want?”he asked sullenly. He plonked himself down on a bench, crossing his arm overhis chest petulantly.
“You know we bothsay it with love,” she smiled, taking a seat next to him.
He muttered somethingunder breath and Hawkeye chuckled in response.
“I would say justicehas been served,” she told him softly, placing a hand on his knee and giving ita squeeze. “That’s what you get for the first year,” she added, eyes sparklingin amusement. Despite how irritating she’d been, Roy couldn’t help hisexpression softening when he saw just how beautiful she looked when she smiledlike that.
“I suppose I deservedit.”
“Suppose?” Rizaechoed, the amusement still lighting up her face.
“Yeah, yeah,” hegrumbled. Riza placed a kiss against his cheek before rising.
“Come on, grumpypants. Let’s go see how the rest got on.” She extended her hand to him. Mustangtook it eagerly, not letting go once he was standing. Grasping the gun, he’ddiscarded at the side of the bench, he lifted their joined hands to his lips,kissing the back of her hand.
“I suppose I canalways count on you to hold me accountable for my actions then?”
“Always, sir.”
“Good. I made a goodchoice then, entrusting my life to you.”
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