#himalaya smedry
threemoonwatchers · 1 year
Nah you don’t understand my need for a fic in which someone is bullying Himalaya for still being a librarian and not believing she’s actually a good librarian the way she “says she is” and then getting beat up by an army of Smedrys and small free kingdomer children who adore her because idk I think she’s good with kids sue me
I might die of fluff just thinking about it
@obsessed-with-words-on-a-page come squeal over the fluff with me
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im-a-ramblr · 4 years
Day Ten, “Once upon a time”
Himalaya Smedry sat at her desk as she mended a book. Alcatraz sat on the floor, wrapped in a blanket, back against the desk. It had been a year since the Worldspire incident, and Leavenworth had sent his grandson to her and her husband to keep him from the reporter who had started to hound them again.
The door swung open and Folsom stepped in. He held two plastic plates in his hands and smiled at her. His gaze dipped to his cousin and his smile faded a little. He shook it off though and set his burdens on his desk, and she noticed that one of the plates was actually two stacked on top of each other. Folsom squatted next to the teen. “Hey, Al.”
Alcatraz nodded at him. “Hey, Folsom.” His voice was quiet as usual. When they’d spoken to Grandpa Smedry about Alcatraz visit he’d warned that if pushed Alcatraz would lash out in anger, but it hadn’t happened yet.
“I made pancakes. I’d rank them a solid 8 out of 10 if you want to try them. Not the best in the world but good.”
Himalaya smiled at the pair of them as they stood. Alcatraz took a single pancake and pulled the empty plate from underneath the loaded one and set his food on it. He also grabbed a small bundle of grapes.
Himalaya let out a near-silent breath. Alcatraz had moved past refusing to each fairly quickly, but he didn’t often actively seek food out. She glanced down at her book as the boys glanced at her.
“Is everything alright?” Alcatraz asked.
Himalaya nodded, not looking up. “This story starts because of pancakes, and I thought it was interesting that that’s what we’re having.”
That caused both boys to perk up. “Really? What’s it about? Beside pancakes.” Her husband asked.
“I could read it to you if you want. It’s a short story.”
“I’d like that if it’s okay with you?” He asked the youngest.
Alcatraz nodded, settling back down. Folsom joined him and Himalaya moved her chair, so it was closer to them.
“Once upon a time,” she started, “There was a man with three sons, the youngest of whom was called the Simpleton….”
When the older two brothers were injured, Alcatraz stood and Himalaya worried that the brief violence had been two much, but he reached to get another pancake and a piece of bacon. “This is clearly a fairy tale.” He muttered around a bite as he sat. “It probably ends very happily.” He made a face. He as looked down to rip off another piece of pancake they married couple shared a look. “Uhh, I didn’t mean to make you stop,” Alcatraz added, blushing.
Folsom opened his mouth put Himalaya started to read before he could say anything, shaking her head. They could talk about it later.
Folsom snorted when they reached the part about the girls being obliged to hold on to the golden goose after trying to take its feathers, while Alcatraz merely tilted his head in thought.
“By and by they came to a town where a king reigned, who had an only daughter who was so serious that no one could make her laugh; therefore the king had given out that whoever should make her laugh should have her in marriage.” Himalaya read a bit later.
“Well, that’s not too bad.” Alcatraz mused, “Usually in this kind of story the king as a stupid request. At least this one actually has to do with her.”
“Huh. I was thinking it was kind of silly. What are the requests usually?” Folsom asked.
Himalaya replied by reading the next bit, where the king demanded that his soon to be son in law bring him a man who could drink a whole cellar of wine.
“Wow. That is dumb. What’s it got to do with the girl?” Folsom admitted. The two hushlanders shrugged.  
They continued until the end of the story where Himalaya stood and got her own plate of food and joined the boys one the ground. She leaned into her husband’s side and listen to the pair of them debate the story.
Alcatraz had let his blanket fall away and he sat straighter than he had in his whole visit. His eyes, while not as bright as they had been when they had first met in Nalhalla, had lightened. He wasn’t completely better; that would take a long time, but for the first time in a year, Himamlay thought that Alcatraz might be able to come back from his father’s death.
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Today’s OCD Character of the Day is: Himalaya Smedry from Alcatraz and the Evil Librarians
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(Bastille is mad at Alcatraz)
Alcatraz: What should I do?
Himalaya: Just tell her the three words every woman wants to hear: "I was wrong."
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libralita · 7 years
“‘Folsom stays suspiciously close to her,’ I said. ‘He rarely lets her out of his sight—I think he’s worried that she’s really a Librarian spy.’”—Page 183
Ah, Brandon…for all your trope subverting, you still manage to succumb one the worst of them all. The idiot teenage boy who doesn’t know a thing about romance.
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And onto Alcatraz vs the Knights of Crystallia.
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A beautiful summary of the first two books
It's nice to know Physics is Librarian invented bullshit. I dropped that class
Breaking gravity sounds pretty cool
Yay more Smedrys. Wonder what their weird ass Talents are
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Yeah that seems weird enough to be a Talent
C'mon Alcatraz a Truthfinder's Lens sounds super cool
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I mean I would totally take advantage of making Oculators look ridiculous. It's not like they can't wear the lenses.
Defecting Librarians? This got interesting.
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I mean ... that's not inaccurate
So Folsom and Himalaya are a thing right?
Idk maybe he's a good man. But I'm currently not a huge fan of Attica
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See the problem with these books is I can't tell how serious vs exaggerated this summary actually is
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Please tell me that actually happens in Book 5, and it's not another lie
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😂 I love these books
Ugh I hate beetles
Gotta love the Royal-Archives-Not-a-Library
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See lines like these worry me for the future
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I'll be honest the fact Smedrys can marry people was more useful than I initially thought
How deeply are glass and Oculators and Smedry Talents connected?
I'll take a wild guess and say there's a traitor in Nalhalla
Kick his ass Bastille
Giving everyone Talents seems like it could go horribly wrong
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Yeah everything will definitely go wrong if Attica succeeds
Lots of loose ends and unanswered questions. Why do I get the feeling everything's going to go to shit in the next book? Also wtf is up with the glass? How much glass could a Smedry power if they wanted to? And why is Alcatraz calling himself a murderer?
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doe-in-headlights · 7 years
Concilliabule for whatever strikes your fancy. (I'm thinking either for your good good boi Dipper or for Magica Madoka. Or for the Alcatraz and the Librarians series. God I hope I spelled that second one right.)
You spelled it right! The Alcatraz suggestion gave me an idea (and I’ll take any excuse to write about them honestly) so I think I’m gonna go with that!
Concilliabule - “A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot.”
“Are you sure he really asked her out?”
Kaz nodded. “Would I ever lie to you?”
“How did she respond?” Australia chimed in as she leaned in to listen.
Kaz paused to think. “She didn’t really seem to know what a movie is.”
“But did she say yes or no?”
“Really?” Australia’s eyes widened. “Not even a hint?”
“Not even a hint.” Kaz sighed as he leaned back in his seat. “Honestly, those two are going to be married and living together before they realize they like each other.”
“These things take time, you know,” added another Smedry. “You can’t force it.”
“Come on, Himalaya! It’s one thing to leave things alone, but those two really have something going there!”
Murmurs of agreement came from the various Smedrys came from all corners of the room. While the scene was a typical Smedry family meeting, the topic of choice was causing quite a bit of frustration. 
(It should be noted that one key Smedry had not been notified of the meeting: one Alcatraz Smedry. It should also be noted that Bastille Dartmoor, knight of Alcatraz Smedry, was not present in any form either.)
“Let’s think about this; are we sure they have something going there?” Folsom asked. “What’s he like when she’s around?”
“They bicker somewhat,” Sing added. “But I haven’t been around them for too long since the Downtown Library invasion.”
“My boy, it’s clear he cares about her!” Leavenworth added. “You can see it in his eyes. There’s definitely something there.”
“And he gets all red-faced when she gets close to him!” Australia laughed.
“He does? When did you see that?”
“In the Library of Alexandria. He gets this dazed look on his face; it’s like he forgot how to think!”
“Well, how does she act around him?”
“I really don’t know how to read her,” Kaz sighed. “Pops?”
Leavenworth paused to think. “She’s definitely different. You can tell when she cares about something, really cares, and she cares more about him than she’d like to admit.”
“Then why does she insult him all the time?” Folsom asked.
Kaz shrugged. “Denial, maybe. Himalaya?”
“Could mean anything. Maybe it’s her way of trying to tell him she likes him?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Sing said.
Leavenworth sighed with false exhaustion. “What are we going to do about these two?”
Folsom nodded. “I’d give their chemistry a four-and-a-half out of five; it’d be perfect if it had a payoff.”
A long pause settled the room into silence; then a wry smile settled across Kaz’s face as he spoke up again. “What if we gave them a payoff?”
Leavenworth raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, let’s give them….y’know, a little nudge.”
“Are you sure that’ll work?” Himalaya asked. “Like I said, forcing things isn’t a good call.”
“He asked her own on his own, and she would have responded if she knew what he was asking. I’d say they just need an icebreaker.”
“Alright, alright,” Himalaya smiled. “I’m on board.”
“Me too!” Australia chirped.
Folsom leaned forward in interest. “A solid idea, Kaz. What do you have in mind?”
“What kind of training did you say this was again?” Alcatraz asked as Grandpa Smedry led him through the halls of Keep Smedry. “I already had additional weapons training yesterday.”
“Not weapons training, lad!” Grandpa Smedry didn’t slow down, even as he turned corner after seemingly random corner. “Formal events training!”
“Formal what?”
“Ah, here we are.” Grandpa Smedry came to a stop in front of a massive door. “Althought we gave up the title, we Smedrys are still considered a royal family, remember? You’ll be getting invited to a lot of formal events, especially as you get older, and you need to know what to do should anything arise!”
Alcatraz raised an eyebrow. “This seems awfully short-notice. And weirdly specific. Besides, didn’t I do fine at the party on the day I arrived?”
“Ah, but that party didn’t have any formal dancing!”
“Formal dancing?” Alcatraz could barely open his mouth for another question when Grandpa Smedry pushed him through the massive doors.
“Enjoy yourself, lad!”
Alcatraz stumbled forward, and found himself in a stunning ballroom. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, glass glittering in all colors of the rainbow. The floor sparkled with other, more opaque pieces of glass, set in a mosaic design. Himalaya and Folsom stood at the center of the room, with Kazan leaning against the far wall.
“What’s this about?” Alcatraz quirked an eyebrow.
“Exactly what he told you,” Kazan smiled coyly. “Himalaya and Folsom are going to teach you how to waltz.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’m chaperoning.”
Alcatraz paused. “Like a school dance?”
He shook his head. “Fine, fine. What exactly do I have to do?”
Half an hour later, Alcatraz felt like he had some grip on waltzing. He copied Folsom’s movements as he and Himalaya spun circles around the room, with Alcatraz following behind by himself. There was no music (couldn’t risk setting off either of their Talents); instead, Himalaya kept time by counting out loud. It seemed rather pointless; but then again, didn’t a lot of this training feel pointless?
In fact, Alcatraz was rather proud of himself for being able to pick up any of the steps at all. Grace was not your strong suit when you naturally broke things at every turn, so any success was an achievement to him. When they finished with a final turn and bow, he felt he had done quite well for the day.
“Alright, now that you understand all the steps, we’ll have you do it with music,” Himalaya said as she and Folsom began to leave the room. “We won’t be here to help, but you understand.”
Alcatraz nodded, then turned to find the starting spot in the room.
“Oh! And you’ll have a partner,” Folsom added, just before they disappeared out of sight.
 “I-What?” Alcatraz turned around to see Bastille entering the ballroom.
“Don’t be rude, Smedry. I can dance just fine.”
“But….um….” Alcatraz tried not to admit to himself that he really would like to dance with Bastille. “Don’t you need the training too?”
“I already know how to waltz.”
Bastille raised an eyebrow. “I’m a princess, remember?”
“Oh, right!” Alcatraz quickly tried to look somewhat nice, running a hand through his hair and dusting off his jacket. “Well then, um….” He shakily extended a hand to Bastille.
She took his hand, her arms falling almost automatically into the proper positions, and looked at him skeptically. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Nervous? I’m not nervous!” Alcatraz tried and failed to distract himself from the fact that she had a hand on his shoulder, and that his hand had now moved to rest against her back. He smiled sheepishly. “What makes you think I’m nervous?”
“Well, you’re shaking slightly, and you’re sweating quite a lot.”
The boy tried to come up with a response, but paused as he heard voices from just outside the room. “Australia! The lights!”
“Did you hea-” Before he could finish, the lights had suddenly dimmed. The chandelier now seemed to shimmer, letting off small flecks of pink and gold.
“Alcatraz, are you alright?” There was a genuine note of concern in Bastille’s voice.
“Me?” Alcatraz focused back in Bastille. Sands, she was close, and she seemed to carry all the grace and poise that he was lacking. She smelled like soap-she always did, so why did it still make him feel so dizzy?-and in the low light her silver hair seemed to shine like silk. He wasn’t sure if his legs would be able to carry him enough to dance. “I mean, uh, I’m fine!” Hopefully she couldn’t tell that the sound of his heartbeat was pounding in his ears.
The slow music began to quietly ring throughout the room (if his heartbeat hadn’t been so loud, Alcatraz might have heard someone cue Sing to start the music), and the two began to drift around the room together. As they danced, Alcatraz found himself transfixed by Bastille’s eyes; he had never truly noticed it before, but they were a pale blue, like crystals reflecting the sky. The gold flecks of the chandelier shifted in and out of her gaze. They were, in a word….
“Gak!” Alcatraz squeaked slightly as he realized that he had finished his train of thought out loud. “I mean, uh….” Brain-clouding radiation strikes again!
“Did you call me beautiful?”
“Well, I….”
Bastille glared at him, and Alcatraz scrambled to recover. “I, uh, I was looking at, um….” He managed to choke it out. “Your eyes.”
She paused. “My eyes?”
“Yeah, um….”
“That’s….” She paused, seemingly surprised. “That’s really sweet, Smedry.”
He blushed, glancing down. Had he really just told her that? “Thanks.”
As Alcatraz raised his head to refocus on the dance, he briefly paused; a crack of light was entering the ballroom, caused by Kazan opening the door. It was clear he was on his way out. “Kaz?”
Kaz only turned back, paused, then winked at Alcatraz before leaving. Alcatraz sighed.
“What is it?” Bastille tried to look behind herself while still dancing.
“Uh, nothing!” Alcatraz turned his attention back to her as the realization dawned on him: they were alone.
There was a long, silent pause as he tried to work out what he wanted to say. When he finally spoke up, his voice seemed weaker than it ever had before. “Bastille, what I was trying to say before in Mokia….”
“When I said we should catch a movie, I, uh…..I meant that, um…..I mean…..” Bastille only stared back at him. 
“Ilikeyoualot.” The words came out in a jumble, and Alcatraz winced, bracing for impact. 
“I know.”
He looked up at her. “You do?”
“I like you a lot too.”
“You do?”
She smiled. “You idiot.”
Alcatraz slowly carried out the final steps of the dance in shocked silence. She likes me? She likes me a lot? She really really likes me?
As the final chords played, she smiled as he stared blankly at her. “If that’s what catching a movie means, then I’d love to.” Instead of bowing to each other, when the dance ended, she stepped closer to him, laughing at his expression. “You nerd,” she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
With that, she walked out through the giant doors. When they shut behind her, Alcatraz’s legs officially stopped being able to support him.
“What did she say? I couldn’t hear her!”
“Who cares?” Kaz grinned. “We have a genuine confession!”
“I guess Alcatraz has a date, then.” Himalaya laughed. “I didn’t think that would actually work.”
“I knew they could do it!” Australia cheered.
“Yes, I’d give that a 10 out of 10 in terms of romance,” Folsom added.
Laughing, Leavenworth enveloped the other Smedrys in a massive hug. “Kazan, go get my grandson up off the floor! He has a very important date to prepare for!”
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cxnfractus · 7 years
Sorry these took a bit!!! But......here are some Alcatraz and Bastille proposal/wedding headcanons!!!
(Tagging @companionwolf, @spacescullly, and @tamaraniac since you guys were interested ^^)
-Alcatraz is the one who proposed; they had talked about getting married before but at some point it just hit him, and he knew he wanted to propose to her -However, Alcatraz did not have an idea of how to propose at all -He bought a ring and ended up carrying it everywhere because he wasn’t sure when a good opportunity was going to come up -Finally one day they were together talking on the balcony of one of the castles, and it was all very pretty, and Alcatraz suddenly realized that it was time -He started making this long, emotional speech about how much he loved her; it was very honest and vulnerable and his voice kept cracking -“Smedry, are you proposing to me?” “....Yes, I am.”       -Alcatraz was worried she asked because he was doing a bad job, but Bastille was really genuinely happy -Afterwards he told her about how he had been trying to propose but couldn’t find the right time -”How long had you been carrying this around?” “3 months.” Bastille laughs. “You idiot, I love you.”
-Kazan is the best man -Alcatraz’s groomsmen are pretty much the family members he knows -Angola is the maid of honor (technically matron of honor since she’s married) -Himalaya is one of Bastille’s bridesmaids but she also kinda becomes Angola’s second-in-command -Basically the two of them are an unstoppable organizing force and they make sure the wedding is incredibly well planned -Aydee is the flower girl -Alcatraz has a tuxedo specially tailored for him; it’s made out of different fabric and is fitted differently so that it doesn’t feel like a typical tuxedo (since the feeling of wearing a tuxedo brings up memories of the Highbrary) -He also has an emerald green tie -Angola does Bastille’s hair so that it’s half up, half down; the part that’s up is braided -I have two different ideas of what Bastille wears and I can’t decide which one I like better so have them both:       -Bastille isn’t keen on dress shopping but she ends up finding a dress that   she really likes; it’s not poofy or restricting and she feels really comfortable in it (and it secretly has pockets); when she walks down the aisle everyone is silent with absolute awe because it’s so perfectly her       -Everyone turns around to see Bastille enter and she’s wearing a tailored white suit. She looks so happy and it looks absolutely killer and it’s perfect in every way and just.....Bastille!!!! In a white suit!!!! -ALCATRAZ 100% CRIES WHEN HE SEES BASTILLE WALKING DOWN THE AISLE -They wrote their own vows and now everyone else is crying too -Since Bastille is a knight, at the end of the ceremony the other knights make an archway out of their Crystin blades for them to exit through (it’s traditional) -For some of the wedding pictures they go to Crystallia, it’s around the time the sun is setting so there’s beautiful light and colors being reflected through the glass and it’s absolutely stunning -They take some serious pictures and a lot of silly pictures -There’s one picture of Bastille lifting Alcatraz with ease -There’s also definitely one like this with Bastille in the middle and all the Smedrys popping out around her -In a similar vein, there’s also one of Alcatraz and the other Smedrys like this, and also one like this -Part of the reception involves a ceremony that’s traditional at Smedry weddings where the non-Smedry spouse uses their spouse’s talent for the first time; they bring out a little vase and Bastille puts her hand on it and it shatters and everybody cheers -One of the entrees served for dinner at the reception is mac and cheese; granted, it’s fancy mac and cheese with a five cheese blend and breadcrumbs and all that but.....it’s still mac and cheese and it was Alcatraz’s choice -Part of Kaz’s best man speech involves telling everybody the story of how Alcatraz accidentally asked Bastille on their first date, which Kaz was there to witness -Both Alcatraz and Bastille agreed that they should definitely cut the wedding cake with a sword, but Bastille said they shouldn’t use her Crystin blade because it would be considered disrespectful, so they bought a sword specifically for cutting the cake, and there’s a picture of Alcatraz lifting it like Brandon Sanderson himself -Bastille has the realization during the reception that she can’t call Alcatraz “Smedry” anymore because she is now, in fact, also a Smedry, a realization which causes her to completely freeze for a solid minute -There’s a lot of silly dancing and laughing and smiling and it’s a fun time had by everyone -After the wedding they look back on the photos, and their favorite one is a candid one; Bastille is laughing and Alcatraz is looking at her like she’s the most beautiful thing in the world and you can tell that they’re so in love -They’re so in love and so happy and it’s so beautiful
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vendimeyers · 6 years
Himalaya Smedry deserves more appreciation. She is honestly such an angel and I love her.
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gideonthefirst · 9 years
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threemoonwatchers · 2 years
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Literally picked THE WORST people for the job.
I’m calling it now he’s gonna end up with a broken nose, bloody lip, and a dent in his skull.
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threemoonwatchers · 1 year
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Smedry gang and their knights!!! :D
(Featuring a few headcanons)
In order: Alcatraz, Bastille, Australia, Shasta, Aydee, Kaz, Grandpa Smedry, Draulin, Himalaya, and Sing!
(I also have Attica but only ten pics are allowed so I guess either tough luck or I make Folsom, Quentin, and maybe Angola, Brig, and Rikers to go with him)
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threemoonwatchers · 1 year
Almost added vanilla extract Ngl
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im-a-ramblr · 5 years
Dialogue prompt 1 “It’s really not that complicated.” for Alcatraz v The Evil Librarians pls?
At first, I wanted to have Al trying to do something, and his family telling him it was complicated, but I figured that happens a ton in the book, so I took a different approach to it. There’s a teeny, tiny, itty bitty spoiler for The Dark Talent, but not really. Also sorry it’s shortish.
Here you go!
“It’s really not that complicated.” Alcatraz sighted as he moved to pick up the bike Bastille has sent halfway into the street. “You just have to keep your balance.”
“I have great balance” the knight snapped. “it’s your vile Librarian transportation that’s the problem.” She spun on her heel and stalked towards the house they were hiding in. 
Himalaya, who had been reading a book on the front porch, made her way over to the Oculator with a little smile. “No luck?” 
“None” Alcatraz groaned as he pushed the bike up the driveway. “I know she can do it. She just doesn’t want to, and I just don’t understand why she’s so against it.” He leaned the bike against the house. “It’s not complicated, right?”
Himalaya shrugged, “No, but it might not be her thing. And that’s okay. if worst comes to worst we can get her an electric scooter for the mission.”
Alcatraz started at her, “Why don’t I get one?” 
“Because you can ride a bike, without it breaking. Come on it’s almost time for dinner.” the dark-skinned woman left the boy, who was glaring at his shadow.
“I want an electric scooter,” he told it, arms crossed. 
The shadow shrugged, small cracks appearing in the concrete at the movement
“Fine, but no more creepy jump-scares in the mirror in the middle of the night anymore.” He marched into the house, with the distinct feeling that his talent was laughing at him.
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Alcatraz: Folsom and Himalaya? I don't see it.
Alcatraz: Oh, Sands, now I see it.
Alctraz: Bastille, I can't stop seeing it.
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im-a-ramblr · 4 years
Day 26, On the road
Alcatraz carefully leaned his head against the car window. It didn’t break, which was good. It would suck to get stuck out here because he’d broken the car. He gazed out at the endless fields. There were mountains in the distance, they at the moment they were merely vague outlines and darker sections of the horizon. He sighed, and Sing glanced at him in the rearview mirror. “Alcatraz? Is everything alright?”
“I’m fine Sing. Just not use to long road trips is all.” The Burnett gave a small smile, and his cousin nodded.
“It is most fascinating, isn’t it? Such an impractical tradition, but still so popular. Why is that?”
“Probably because it lends a lot of time to spending time with people?” Alcatraz shrugged. He wasn't particularly in the mood to admit he hardly gone on any road trip growing up and explaining why. He was grateful for his talent, it had saved him many times, but it had still had negative effects on his life. Sing hummed and turned back to the front.
Tugging on his seat belt the young Oculator dragged his finger over the material trying to see if he could feel the glass in it. The whole car had some in it. From what Alcatraz had gathered from listening to his grandpa explain it seemed Himalaya’s group of good librarians had recruited a group of former Scrivener's Bones who had wanted to try making a car that could survive in the free lands. They had done so by using a mixture of Builders Glass, Defenders’ Glass, Enforcers Glass, and Expanders glass and crafting it in the shape of car parts. The whole outside had been painted a bright red to cover the fact that it was clear.
He’d been invited along for a test drive; and though no one had said it he knew he was the final test. Grandpa huffed from the middle seat. They were at a red light, and the oldest Smedry was getting tired of always being stuck at them. It made Alcatraz smile a little. “Worried about being late?” he asked, voice sweet as honey.
His grandfather turned around in his seat and flicked his thigh, though he grinned at him. “Cheeky.” Their driver, one of the car builders whose name was Logan, looked like he wanted to say something; but continued to speak with Sing about Hushland culture. “How are you holding up back there?” Grandpa Smedry asked. “All alone in the back. You come up here with me, or I could join you if you want?”
“If you do, please don’t do it while the car is moving,” Logan said, eyeing the mustached man’s back.
Grandpa Smedry smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, making Alcatraz laugh. “I’m good Grandpa. And you? How are you dealing with this Hushlandian trip?”
“Bored.” Was the immediate if softy said answer. “But Sing is enjoying it so much.”
Alcatraz nodded, biting his lip. “Uh, we could try to play a game.” He regretted the words as soon as they were out.
“Oh! What kind of game?”
“Well,” Alcatraz racked his brain. He had heard of some; he knows he had. The kids at school would always play them. “Um, let me think a minute. Uh, there is 20 Questions, where someone thinks of something and the other person can ask 20 questions to figure out what it is. Would You Rather is where you makeup two options and then pick between them. I played Fortunately/Unfortunately and as long as I got the unfortunate side I usually won.” He rubbed the seatbelt again. “I don’t know too many. Logan, do you know any more car games?”
“A few, but the ones you named are pretty good. Let’s do one of those.”
“I’d like to start with 20 Questions.” Grandpa grinned, facing forward as the car began to move. “Alcatraz you start. Think of something!”
Alcatraz blinked and felt something in his chest warm. The kid in him, the one that he tried so hard to lock away, was banging on its cage. This is what we always wanted, he cried, a family to do this with! You have to make it good! A  family, that was something everyone in the car knew about. That could work. “Okay, I’m ready.” He settled back, a small smile on his face. “Fire away.”
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