dreamyycarnival · 2 months
hhmmm, thinkin about making a sideblog for my figure collection. i've been super into collecting nendoroids lately
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omgkawaiipinkhime · 5 months
My dentist canceled on me without telling me first 😩😩😩😩😩
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thestarseersystem · 11 months
Since current system topics seem to be about littles, this is a good time as any to show you a little who was at the discovery of our system! our beloved, Hime!
Hime (means princess, a beloved petname that makes her really happy) She's around 5-6 in trauma time, but may be a part of me as an ageslider. Not much is known about her actual age aside from those things. She is a representation of my age regressed and childhood self. Despite all this, she is not a trauma holder, and her memories are similar to my own. She, like most littles, is rather sensitive and would appreciate it if people would be kind. Her appearance is light brown hair and with often pink eyes.
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She split maybe when we were 4 or 5? She also does have word and voice quirks, her voice is significantly higher and cuter than our normal speaking tone, and she is very sensitive about it, like other alters. She was noticed most when we found out about our system because of her high voice and the way that she would act and interact with the outside world. I would feel ashamed and hide the way I'd act, because we repressed our childhood self (Hime) at a very young age.
In line with how our littles should be treated, we will tell you adamantly if something is wrong and switch into front if there is an issue. And since our horrific trauma with being controlled from a young age, treat Hime like a human as you would anyone else. We are the most protective of our littles, as these our childhood selves who live as themselves to this day. It is triggering to talk about alters like Hime, but this is about healing, and Hime wants to heal too. (And for all of us to heal too).
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safikkuma · 1 year
why do the porn bots have poptropica names now
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xxxpresso · 4 years
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There is a really good Goro Akechi fanfic on ao3 called Merigolds and I wanted to do something inspired by it. Its made me cry so many time with the social links the author wrote for Goro i love it !!
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pinkydistortion · 5 years
Cringe cluture is dead i will reblog fanart of minecraft youtubers ITS MY TUMBLR AND I MAKE THE RULES 
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himechit · 6 years
i really am drawing sangminh as gigantic otn aren’t i. kms
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dreamyycarnival · 4 months
starting to get annoyed whenever my friends reblog something
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omgkawaiipinkhime · 2 years
I’m still thinking about the abortion ban thing here and I need to ramble about it somewhere and my mom doesn’t want to hear it anymore so:
I can’t carry a pregnancy to term, or at least not a healthy one. If I were to get pregnant, I would need to abort it for my health (which I realize no one cares about) and the fetus’s health (which prolifers supposedly care about). I have a lot of health problems, I’m on a lot of medications that all cause birth defects and increase the possibility of miscarriage. No one knows what will happen if you are on all these medications at the same time while pregnant, only separately and that’s already bad enough. I can’t go off of them if I want to maintain my health and not die. I don’t know if I’d be forced to go off them or if I’d be punished for taking my medications as directed by my doctors if I were to miscarry. These medications are also all passed into breast milk so I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed because my milk would be toxic. There’s a fucking formula shortage. If I were to give birth, the newborn would go through withdrawals from the medications I’m on. Those are torture for me, a grown woman, if I just miss one dose of any of my medications. I can’t imagine what kind of torture it would be to a newborn to suddenly go cold turkey on all of the medications I’m on.
Going off the medications would be just as bad. It would also increase the risk of miscarriage (stress can cause miscarriage) and increase my risk of postpartum psychosis. Not to mention it could fucking kill me. Even ignoring the medication side effects, I have multiple health problems I can pass on to any offspring I have and I am not willing to knowingly inflict the torture I have endured on another human being. Especially since I do not ever want to be pregnant in the first place!!!
I’m doing literally everything in my power to avoid pregnancy, abortion would be my absolute last resort. I don’t even have any contact with men. I don’t date, I’m not looking to date, I don’t even have male friends. I’m on birth control. And still, all that doesn’t reduce my chance of pregnancy to zero because I can still be assaulted and my birth control can still fail. Even getting my tubes tied won’t completely reduce my chance to zero. There is absolutely nothing I can do to get rid of the vulnerabilities my body has simply because I was born into this body. Sure, I could get my ovaries and/or uterus removed, but that’s a really extreme procedure that has several severe health consequences. Not to mention that I shouldn’t have to practically gut myself just to maintain my bodily autonomy!!!! I shouldn’t even have to consider getting my tubes tied. It should be as simple as “just close your legs” but what dumbfucks don’t understand is that it’s not that simple in a world where men use their bodies like weapons!! Also that phrase is vulgar and disgusting regardless!!!
I wouldn’t even be able to access abortion with all my health problems because it wouldn’t be considered good enough. If lawmakers don’t even think ectopic pregnancies are a good enough reason to abort then my “little” problems won’t be good enough either. My life doesn’t legally matter because of a hypothetical fetus. I have less worth than a corpse. I am less human than a fetus that doesn’t even currently exist.
The fact that pro-forced birthers can’t understand that they are in the wrong is vile. These politicians shouldn’t have power, this shouldn’t be a debate. Abortion is a human right, end of discussion. These laws will kill people. They will kill women and girls. And the “prolifers” will not give a shit because the stuff they are advocating for has never been about “life”. It’s about control.
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himechit-old · 7 years
hey does anyone know how much info amazon wishlists give out? bc i have people telling me that it doesnt show the address you’re sending it to but when i googled it some sources said you can find out their address in your order log?? can someone confirm this for me thanx
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safikkuma · 1 year
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ayaka wip!!
still so messy ;w; will update later
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xxxpresso · 5 years
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Commission Information !!! 
DM me for more details 
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pinkydistortion · 5 years
looking for jobs gives me a panic attack but being stuck in the same horrible job also fucks me over so ??? what do i do 
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yuunaruukami · 6 years
I am birthed today 
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dreamyycarnival · 9 months
may i also say that, please don't interact with me if you support @/hey-adora.
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omgkawaiipinkhime · 2 years
Spring break is over and now I have SO MANY EMAILS
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