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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Bernard Hinault
Frenchman Bernard Hinault from L'Equipe strains for the finish line at the last stage - Fontenay-sous-Bois to Paris (Champs-Élysées) - to win the Tour de France in 1982. Hinault, who had won the Tour in 1978, 1979 and 1981, and left the 1980 Tour in leading position, was the clear favourite for victory in 1982 Tour de France. In those other years, Hinault had won several races before the Tour, but in 1982 he had only won one major race, the 1982 Giro d'Italia. Hinault became the fourth cyclist, after Fausto Coppi, Jacques Anquetil and Eddy Merckx, to win the Giro-Tour double. In sum, Hinault claimed 28 stages wins from 1978-1986.
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assowebtv · 1 year
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velovelo · 8 months
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Greg LeMond & Bernard Hinault lancés à pleine vitesse dans la descente du col de la Croix de Fer (Tour 1986)
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inrng · 4 months
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1337wtfomgbbq · 10 months
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Bernard Hinault after a crash on stage 14 of the 1985 Tour de France. During this crash Hinault's broke his nose, with congestion leading to bronchitis which severely hampered his performance.
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mmepastel · 6 months
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Très très beau roman de Caroline Hinault, Traverser les forêts.
La photo ci-dessus est prise dans la forêt primaire, la seule d’Europe, en Pologne, par Andrea Olga Mantovani, pour le livre écrit avec Baptiste Morizet, S’enforester ; forêt précise qui est le personnage principal du roman de Caroline Hinault.
Forêt effrayante, sublime, refuge, prison ou tombeau…
A travers les trois femmes qui l’occupent en même temps, pour des raisons très différentes, l’autrice explore une tranche d’humanité très actuelle, entre la migrante syrienne qui cherche à quitter la Biélorussie, pour survivre, condamnée à errer au péril de sa vie parmi les ronces et les bisons, n’ayant que ses pieds et ses mains pour possession, et Véra, journaliste biélorusse qui cherche refuge dans le silence et la contemplation, pour contrer la violence du monde.
Les destins se frôlent, s’entrecroisent… se renvoient des solitudes, des interrogations.
Ce qui m’a frappée, c’est le style. Dès le départ, c’est saisissant, c’est intense, à la fois brut et recherché. Tranchant. Le dénuement d’Alma, sa peur, petit chaperon à la doudoune rouge, qui paraît si immense et qui se heurte, qui se frotte à l’immensité de la forêt, à l’intensité de ses odeurs et de ses bruits, son indifférence végétale, son indépendance vitale. C’est terrible et beau. Il y a une vraie poésie mise au service du récit, et de ces moments suspendus, colorés de peur ou d’espoirs. Lire ce livre est comme une expérience de l’altérité, face à un lieu sauvage, face à des idéologies contraires, qui ne convergent que vers ce désir primaire, violent et vibrant, de rester en vie, malgré le cauchemar si palpable, alimenté par des citations de Dante, issues de L’Enfer. Une actualisation percutante de ces différents périls infernaux.
Un rappel salutaire qui remue.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Rose Griffons Headcanons
Giving some love and recognition for my country representatives !
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-They get along very well with the other European teams, especially with England’s Knights of Queen.
-Despite losing a lot in the FFI, their goalkeeper Roger Pialat is considered one of the best goalkeepers in Europe. (He even managed to create a stronger version of Galatyn).
-Despite being the captain, Pierre Godin doesn’t wear his captain’s armband very often. He said that he doesn’t really like it, to which his teammates don’t really understand.
-Pierre also considers Edgar as his soulbrother, since they both have similar personalities. The main difference is that Pierre is not an attacker at all (He did go on the attack sometimes, but only if he sees an opening in the rival’s team by his defender position).
-Pierre is always stylish and gracious no matter what. He also secretly like teasing Julien.
-Michaël Aron is the cook of the team.
-Francis Poujol wants to be an architect when he grow up.
-Kévin Pinot adores history, more specifically the Napoleonic period.
-Roland Pérec lives in Paris and just loves the atmosphere. He also loves seeing people being amazed by the city’s monuments while sipping some coffee.
-They all are mastering something already, and a lot of people from other teams are jealous of them, mostly non European teams, since the other European teams are happy for their early success (some others even have some success already too !) : Romuald Huysmans already gains well in his life by being of the most famous models worldwide. On the other hand, Stéphane Hinault is also one of the top hit singers. It’s really something to go this far already for such young people. 
-Julien Rosseau, being as pretentious as he is, believes he is the best representative of his team. On top of that, he matches with the team’s name as he always carry a rose between his teeth. The main reason of him believing that is because a lot of their supporters are saying he is the best player, and that he should be the captain, although Pierre is a great captain too (It’s probably the reason why Pierre tease him, as he is the captain). Roland even thinks it’s a bit infuriating for Julien to see Pierre without his captain’s band.
-Jérôme Hervaud has an enhanced sense of smell, giving him a special talent of creating and spotting great parfumes.
-Alain is the son of a bicycle repairman, but he hates working on them. He actually loves riding a bike and wants to participate in the Tour de France one day. His teammates are fully supportive of his dream, and they even say that football will help since he will grow stronger. They help him getting up whereas his strict father tries to bring him down.
-Alain was born in Martinique. His family decided to move out to France when he was fairly young.
-Émile goes to cinema to watch every new movies that comes out. He has a huge collection of DVD’s to a point where almost all his dining room is filled with them.
-André Pinson has been a huge fan of philosophy ever since he discovers it thanks to his dad. He wants to be a philosophy teacher when he’s older. For that, he is “training” with his teammates, but they don’t understand a lot about philosophy.
-Jean Gutain believed he was the best fashion creator, until Knights of Queen’s member Mickey Richards defeated him. So he needs to prove his talent again.
-Claude is already a great baker, he wants to expand his business worldwide when he gets older.
-Michel is great at gardening, he even cherishes roses to give some new fresh ones to Julien.
-Full names :
Roger Ladji Pialat
Pierre Godin (no other name(s))
Michaël Aron (no other name(s))
Francis Carlos Grégory Poujol
Kévin Pinot (no other name(s))
Roland Léo Pérec
Romuald Ronnie Ross Huysmans
Stéphane Hinault (no other name(s))
Julien Rosseau (no other name(s))
Jérôme Éloi Hervaud
Alain Favreau (no other name(s))
Émile Lazare (no other name(s))
André Pinson (no other name(s))
Jean John Gutain
Claude Moreau (no other name(s))
Michel Morland (no other name(s))
-The members that are still representing France when they’re adults are : Roger Pialat, Pierre Godin, Roland Pérec, Romuald Huysmans, Stéphane Hinault, Julien Rosseau, Alain Favreau, Émile Lazare, Jean Gutain and Michel Morland. Though it is rumored that Pierre might not be the captain anymore but rather the substitute captain.
-Members from youngest to oldest :
Claude Moreau (11) - Roland Pérec (12) - Romuald Huysmans (13) - Stéphane Hinault (14) - Michel Morland (14) - Jean Gutain (14) - Alain Favreau (15) - Julien Rosseau (15) - Émile Lazare (15) - Pierre Godin (15) - Roger Pialat (15) - Jérôme Hervaud (15) - Kevin Pinot (15) - Francis Poujol (15) - André Pinson (15) - Michaël Aron (15)
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albumdellefigurine · 1 year
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divulgatoriseriali · 1 month
Tour de france: la nascita di un mito
Il Tour de France, meglio definito anche come “Grande Boucle“: la più grande manifestazione sportiva del panorama ciclistico internazionale, si svolge ogni anno lungo le strade di Francia. Nasce nel 1903 da un’idea di Henri Desgrange, nel corso degli anni è diventato l’evento di spicco del calendario professionistico UCI Word Tour. Continue reading Tour de france: la nascita di un mito
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abrukstuff · 2 months
Espreitando... Sur les Traces de Marie Curie
Sur les Traces de Marie Curie é um dos jogos mais aguardado da editora Sorry we are French, depois do sucesso do primeiro título desta gama – Sur les Traces de Darwin. Mas então como é este Sur les Traces de Marie Curie ? No jogo, irás jogar na pele de cientistas que trabalham ao lado de Marie Curie para a ajudar na sua investigação. ➡️Mecânica do jogo:Os jogadores revezam-se na execução de…
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these past 4 tours and the next few will go down in history. seriously. discussions of legendary cycling rivalries in the next decades will talk about coppi-bartali anquetil-poulidor hinault-lemond vingegaard-pogačar in the same breath
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stephanedugast · 3 months
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📌[FEUILLETON] Suivez moi tout cet été sur les réseaux sociaux 🌻 avec la série « La Pédale Joyeuse ». Je vais en effet vous raconter autrement le vélo🚲 . RDV ici tous les jours à 15 heures.
ÉTAPE 1 💛 Le Tour de France 🇫🇷 À tout seigneur, tout honneur avec Bernard Hinault qui a signé la préface de mon ouvrage paru aux Éditions Glénat Livres. 👉 https://urlr.me/c5VZY
🔎 UN ENTRETIEN Foi de Blaireau - Légende du cyclisme français avec plus de 200 victoires à son actif, dont cinq Tours de France pendant sa carrière qui s’est étirée de 1975 à 1986, Bernard Hinault continue de pédaler pour garder la forme mais surtout pour éprouver du plaisir. Parlez-lui vélo et le « Blaireau » (comme on le surnomme toujours) ne gardera pas longtemps sa langue dans sa poche.
- Tour de France ou Giro ? Pour un Français, la Tour, c’est le plus grand événement qu’il puisse y avoir, et c’est un bonheur d’y participer.
- Maillot de champion du Monde ou de champion de France ? Les deux ! C’est le titre d’une année, et on est super content de l’avoir sur le dos.
- Maillot à pois ou maillot jaune ? (Rires) À choisir, j’aime mieux le jaune forcément ! Le jaune, c’est l’histoire du Tour. La couleur des pages du journal organisateur. Il fallait distinguer celui qui avait le meilleur temps dans le Tour de France, et on a choisi cette couleur, point !
- Lemond ou Fignon ? Je n’ai eu de problème ni avec l’un, ni avec l’autre. J’ai apprécié ces deux coureurs cyclistes.
- La personne avec qui vous détestez rouler ? Personne !
- Votre meilleur souvenir à vélo ? Il n’y en a pas, ou plutôt il y en a trop ! Celui qui a gagné une seule course, c’est forcément son meilleur souvenir. Moi j’en ai gagné plus de 200. Et ça a été 200 fois du bonheur !
- Votre pire souvenir ? C’est lorsque l’on doit abandonner. Peut-être le Tour de France 1980, ou quand j’ai dû abandonner à Pau. J’avais la condition pour gagner le Tour mais avec ma blessure au niveau du genou, tout s’est arrêté…
- Maillot Mondrian La Vie Claire ou maillot jaune et noir Renault-Gitane ? Ce sont deux époques différentes avec des maillots qui ont marqué ! Le design, les couleurs et leur beauté les rendaient visibles sur le bord de la route. Ces maillots ont marqué !
- Vélo cadre acier, alu ou carbone ? Il n’y a pas débat : vélo carbone ! Vous savez, j’ai commencé à courir avec des cadres en carbone dès la saison 1985-86.
- Pédales automatiques ou cale-pieds à courroie ? Pédales automatiques, tout simplement parce que j’ai rencontré un personnage qui s’appelle Bernard Tapie. Il m’a dit : « je te signe le contrat pour toi et toute ton équipe si tu me conçois une pédale automatique ». J’ai dit : « Ok ! On va le faire ». Et on l’a fait ! La pédale automatique a offert performance et sécurité. C’est ce qui se fait de mieux.
- Votre col mythique ? Il n’y en a pas. Tous les cols sont beaux ! Quand vous êtes en forme, vous dominez les autres, et tout vous parait (...)
Propos recueilli par Stéphane Dugast.
💬 Extrait du livre « VÉLO ! sport, ville, nature, culture & aventure » paru aux Éditions Glénat Livres.
🛒 À COMMANDER ⬇️ https://urlr.me/dqmFc
Top Vélo I Cycle I Vera Cycling I ravito I La Bicicleta Ravito I Culture Bicyclette I Fédération Française de Cyclisme (FFC) I FFVélo I Radio Cyclo I Le Tour de France I Bike Café France I Vélo Francette i Vélo Magazine
📸 Dutch National Archive
Top Vélo I Vera Cycling I ravito I La Bicicleta Ravito I Culture Bicyclette I Fédération Française de Cyclisme (FFC) I FFVélo I Radio Cyclo I Le Tour de France I BERNARD HINAULT ET LE CYCLISME I CYCLISME-FRANCAIS I
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velovelo · 22 days
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BernardHinault LaurentFignon CyrilleGuimard LaVuelta83
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secondskin007 · 4 months
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"Sebastien Hinault / Geoffrey Soupe / Vicent Reynes / Yaroslav Popovych y Paul Martens - Alberto Brevers" by ciclismovavel is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
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dietraumerei · 1 year
Weekly(ish) Writing and Reading Update
hiiiiiii! Sorry, I live! I am just having a very PNW summer which means I’m either doing All of the Things or at home recovering from same. (I slept in today and went grocery shopping and sincerely felt like I’d been hit by a truck, rest days are just rough I guess.) I have a lil staycation this week so don’t know what day it is which is wonderful beyond words.
Also the Tour de France is lowkey eating my life, because it is maybe the best one in years! We all said that last year, but here we are again! Pogaçar and Vingegaard are maybe the best rivalry of my lifetime. (I am technically old enough to have seen LeMond and Hinault*, but have no real memory of them, other than LeMond being a kind of minor god of my childhood -- and let’s be honest, adult -- home.) I have dreams about pro cyclists and parcours and mountains. I love it so much. I am unspeakably grateful today was a rest day, which makes me totally exactly the same as Wout van Aert.
*I got into cycling properly during the Schleck and Contador years, but contend that didn’t last long enough to make an impact, other than my deep and enduring love for Andy Schleck. We’re gonna be arguing Pogi v Vingo** until 20-fricking-30.
**I had originally thought Vingegaard would win GC with Pogi becoming stronger in the third week; now I think they are perfectly equally matched but Vingegaard will still win. I don’t see more than a second or two moving between them, even back in the Alps. I have absolutely nothing to back this up other than vibes.
Anyway. You can imagine how much else I’m getting done. Writing sorry to this man
I finished, appropriately enough, Ned Boulting’s 1923 which is a beautiful book about the Tour de France and the nearly-forgotten Theo Beeckmann, and about the covid pandemic and history and tracking people and places down through time. I am an enormous fan of Ned (and David and Pete for any other Never Strays Far fans), and although this book very rarely pushes just a touch into bathos, it is mostly beautiful and wonderful and I’m glad he wrote it and I’m glad I read it.
(I finished it on June 30th, which is rather an important day in the book so I’m proud of my timing too.)
I also read A Half-Built Garden which I have a lot of very complex emotions about. I don’t know if I liked it, but I like how it made me react and think and feel and get grumpy. I’m not even sure it’s all that great, but it sure did make me think.
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