#hindustani gifs
ohmybollywood · 8 months
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Karishma Kapoor in Raja Hindustani (1996)
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smudgedhenna · 1 year
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pixlerelish · 4 months
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Just let him eat the damn ice cream.
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desicinema · 2 years
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PHIR BHI DIL HAI HINDUSTANI (2000), dir. Aziz Mirza
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mdsrk · 2 years
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kendalls-roy · 2 years
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Raja Hindustani (1996)
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 8 months
Raga Jogeshwari | Ravi Shankar And Alla Rakha | Full Album | 1985 | Rema...
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Raga Jogeshwari | Ravi Shankar And Alla Rakha | Full Album | 1985 | 
https://youtu.be/5gEbPufhIr4?si=l91cfrgV-quCZPtO via @YouTube 
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culturedarm · 1 year
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Jaffar Hussain Randhawa unfurls raags on a foggy winter afternoon from the rooftop of his house in Shahdara, Fatima Al Qadiri pairs up with her fellow Kuwaiti vocalist Gumar for an homage to lamentation singing as restive airs ruminate around the theme of unrequited love, and Kalia Vandever finds a sonorous bridge between cosmic jazz in the devotional vein of Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane and ‘The Anchor Song’ by Björk, shafts of light stretching homeward to dispel the tenebrous gloom. Plus Jane Ira Bloom, Mark Helias, and Bobby Previte, Julian Lage, and Seljuk Rustum.
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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Spiritual jazz (or astral jazz)[1] is a sub-genre of jazz that originated in the United States during the 1960s. The genre is hard to characterize musically but draws from free, avant-garde and modal jazz and thematically focuses on transcendence and spirituality. John Coltrane's 1965 album A Love Supreme is considered landmark in the genre.
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Pharoah Sanders in 1981.
Critics usually associate spiritual jazz with the 1960s but the beginnings of the genre can be traced to the 1940s and 1950s in works such as Black, Brown and Beige by Duke Ellington, Zodiac Suite by Mary Lou Williams, and Jazz at the Vespers by George Lewis.
During the 1960s in the United States, the civil rights movement was occurring, causing societal change and political movements. As a result, African-American people gained more freedom to celebrate their culture and to express themselves religiously. This led to a desire to push the conventions of jazz, with some artists choosing to search for transcendence and spirituality in their music.
John Coltrane's 1965 album A Love Supreme is generally considered the genesis of spiritual jazz though Coltrane can be heard developing the sound on the song "Spiritual" recorded four years earlier. Treblezine wrote "Spiritual jazz begins, essentially, with John Coltrane," while Pitchfork wrote "This musical exploration [of spirituality] was epitomized by tenor saxophonist John Coltrane". A Love Supreme and other works by John Coltrane inspired other jazz musicians to create music searching for transcendence. For example, Pharoah Sanders and Don Cherry were considered to have taken inspiration from Coltrane's spiritual works.
After John Coltrane's death in 1967, his wife Alice Coltrane and Sanders—both who had previously played with Coltrane—were some of the first to continue the sound of the genre. Coltrane's 1971 album Journey in Satchidananda combined spiritual jazz with influences from Hindustani classical music, after her journey into spirituality with help from Swami Satchidananda. Journey in Satchidananda used ragas, harps, sitars, and ouds to achieve its sound. Pharoah Sanders took inspiration from Arabic, Indian, and Afro-Cuban music to create early spiritual jazz albums, including Tauhid (1967) and Karma
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
so i've seen a few of your posts around, and it's clear that you're white supremacist scum, which isn't surprising seeing as you're a fucking slav and i've never met a slav who isn't a literal nazi. still, it's so amusing to see you call black people "dirty" and rail against our presence "poisoning" your media when your own people aren't well-known for being particularly spectacularly civilized. in fact, slavs hated by almost every other european, but whatever, that's beside the point.
listen: there aren't even any black people in your country, but you're obsessed with constantly attacking us for "invading" your dumbass fantasy stories. why? why can't you just be fucking normal and accept that people can look various ways that aren't aryan lmao. newsflash, moron: fantasy worlds aren't real, but even in the real ancient and early medieval world that inspires much of the fantasy genre there wasn't yet this obsession you freaks have with skin color. the people in fantasy worlds can look however you want, without any connection to real-world politics. you and your followers are pathetic. just thought you should know <3
Well hello, hateful chauvinist, who doesn't use anon button! What a surprise! Care to add the topic of those particular posts that made you so upset?
which isn't surprising seeing as you're a fucking slav and i've never met a slav who isn't a literal nazi
I just adore uneducated swines calling us "Nazis". Honey, we were literally the inferior group, supposed to be moved to Siberia for some forced labour. So yeah, calling us Nazis is incredibly correct, wokeflake!
it's so amusing to see you call black people "dirty"
Provide direct quote, please.
rail against our presence "poisoning" your media
Believe it or not, "diversity" is the exact opposite of making everything fit the same mould. When you take a piece of media and make it fit US-POV, you're likely to piss off people, who were happy to see some representation of theirs for a change.
when your own people aren't well-known for being particularly spectacularly civilized. in fact, slavs hated by almost every other european, but whatever, that's beside the point.
Did you just call us primitives, rightfully looked down on by the rest of the continent? May I ask where are you from? What's your education about our history?
listen: there aren't even any black people in your country
Not quite. We live in 21st century and Czechoslovakia had some economical ties to African countries, so we got some gentic exchange as a treat, which makes probably dozens of descendants around Prague mostly and separate individuals, who stumbled on us gods-know-how. But you should know that since you're an expert on us, shouldn't you?!
I guess colonial history is something to boast about now, isn't it? And we're the bad ones for not enslaving other nations and importing their people to bully them for decades...
but you're obsessed with constantly attacking us for "invading" your dumbass fantasy stories. why? why can't you just be fucking normal and accept that people can look various ways that aren't aryan lmao. newsflash, moron: fantasy worlds aren't real
To paraphrase Tolkien:
I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by "people can look various ways that aren't aryan". I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects, but there might be some Gypsy blood in our veins if that's what you need to know.
I'm against US-Americanisation of our stories. Taking a story with colouful characters and making them look the same is bad, but the opposite is politically correct, since that's what paper "diversity" looks like.
What we love about our stories is we can see ourselves there. Us, our world, our culture, our land... pretty, ugly, but all ours. Reflection of what we look like, not just caricatures of poor cleaning ladies, whores and mafia members with shitty pseudo-Russian accent.
I'd expect you to know something about the value of self-recognition in fiction.
but even in the real ancient and early medieval world that inspires much of the fantasy genre there wasn't yet this obsession you freaks have with skin color. the people in fantasy worlds can look however you want, without any connection to real-world politics.
There's a brand new fantasy world build from a zilch, and there's heavy inspiration by real history and culture. I don't know what's your idea of middle-ages, but people in backwards rural areas didn't move much. Population was pretty homogenous here. You could find merchants and scientists from distant areas in well-developed cities, but the best we can do anywhere else is different hair-colour and even that could be a reason for suspicion. Mousy brown is the safest around here. Darker the complexion, more likely to be identified as čert.
If you insist on adding visibly different groups- skin colour (since you need to add it), culture, clothes, religion-, it's likely they'll live in separated districts or areas. See: Jewish quarters in history.
you and your followers are pathetic. just thought you should know <3
I'll pass your love to my followers, I'm sure they'll be happy to recieve it.
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bongboyblog · 2 years
Bengali word of the day: আলিঙ্গন(āliṅgon)
English: hug, embrace
Etymology: From Sanskrit आलिङ्गन (āliṅgana); synchronically analysable as आ- (ā-) +‎ लिंगन (liṅgan).
Compare with Gujarati આલિંગન (āliṅgan), Marathi आलिंगन (āliṅgan), Kannada ಆಲಿಂಗನ (āliṅgana), Telugu ఆలింగనము (āliṅganamu), Malayalam ആലിംഗനം (āliṅganaṃ), Maithili आलिङ्गन (āliṅgan) / 𑒂𑒪𑒱𑒓𑓂𑒑𑒢 (āliṅgana), Hindustani آلِنگَن‎/ आलिंगन (āliṅgan), Assamese আলিঙ্গন (aliṅgon), Sinhalese ආලිංගනය (āliṁganaya).
Phrases/Sentences: তোমাকে আলিঙ্গন করতে আমার ভালো লাগে।
tomāke āliṅgon korte āmār bhālō lāge.
Translated: I love to hug you.
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chumb0 · 9 months
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Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani (2000)
dir. Aziz Mirza
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salena-11 · 10 months
Hello Everyone, Music Is Beautiful It Relaxes Me Whenever I Do Something. Whenever Im Tired Or Bored I Listen to Music I Sing And Dance! Its My Comfort Thing To Do.
What Is Music?
Music is generally defined as the art of arranging sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, or otherwise expressive content. Definitions of music vary depending on culture, though it is an aspect of all human societies and a cultural universal. While scholars agree that music is defined by a few specific elements, there is no consensus on their precise definitions. The creation of music is commonly divided into musical composition, musical improvisation, and musical performance, though the topic itself extends into academic disciplines, criticism, philosophy, psychology, and therapeutic contexts. Music may be performed or improvised using a vast range of instruments, including the human voice.
In some musical contexts, a performance or composition may be to some extent improvised. For instance, in Hindustani classical music, the performer plays spontaneously while following a partially defined structure and using characteristic motifs. In modal jazz, the performers may take turns leading and responding while sharing a changing set of notes. In a free jazz context, there may be no structure whatsoever, with each performer acting at their discretion. Music may be deliberately composed to be unperformable or agglomerated electronically from many performances. Music is played in public and private areas, highlighted at events such as festivals, rock concerts, and orchestra performances, and heard incidentally as part of a score or soundtrack to a film, TV show, opera, or video game. Musical playback is the primary function of an MP3 player or CD player and a universal feature of radios and smartphones.
Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.” -Victor Hugo
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I <3 Music !!!
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This Is All For My Blog Bye!!!
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Bansuri Teacher in Delhi Contact Number
History of Bansuri in India:
The bansuri, a bamboo flute, has a deep-rooted history in Indian classical music. Some key points in its history include:
Ancient Roots: The bansuri has ancient origins, with references to bamboo flutes in Hindu mythology and ancient scriptures.
Classical Tradition: It has been an integral part of the Indian classical music tradition, especially in Hindustani classical music. The flute is associated with Lord Krishna, who is often depicted playing the bansuri.
Contributions of Pannalal Ghosh: Pannalal Ghosh, a renowned flutist, revolutionized bansuri playing in the 20th century by introducing the use of the seven-hole flute and incorporating it into classical music.
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Types of Bansuri:
Traditional Bansuri:
Made from bamboo, these flutes have six or seven finger holes.
Available in various keys, each producing a distinct tone.
Bamboo Bansuri with Brass Fittings:
Some bansuris have brass joints for added durability and improved tuning.
Professional Bansuri:
Crafted by skilled artisans, professional bansuris are finely tuned and designed for advanced players.
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Basic Bansuri Lessons for Students in Delhi:
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Bansuri
Overview of the instrument, its parts, and how to hold it.
Understanding the basic notes and scales.
Lesson 2: Embouchure and Blowing Techniques
Techniques for producing clear tones.
Understanding breath control and airflow.
Lesson 3: Basic Scales and Alankars
Learning simple scales and melodic patterns.
Introduction to alankars (decorative musical phrases).
Lesson 4: Simple Compositions
Playing basic compositions and folk tunes.
Understanding rhythm and timing.
Lesson 5: Introduction to Ragas
Basic introduction to Indian classical music ragas.
Playing simple compositions in specific ragas.
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Cities of Delhi:
Delhi is a union territory and the capital of India. The major districts and areas within Delhi include:
Old Delhi (Shahjahanabad)
New Delhi
North Delhi
South Delhi
East Delhi
West Delhi
Central Delhi
For students seeking bansuri lessons in Delhi, exploring music schools, academies, or contacting local music teachers and institutions in these areas can be a good starting point. Online platforms may also connect students with bansuri teachers who offer lessons in Delhi.
**About Pratanu Banerjee - Pratanu Banerjee is a teacher of keyboard, harmonica, flute, Spanish guitar, music therapy, reiki, money reiki, angel reiki, kundalini reiki, angel reiki, reiki grandmaster, holy fire reiki, unicorn reiki, emotional empowerment technique, self hypnosis, french, English, anthropology, hospital administration etc. These are certificate courses by Pratanu Banerjee at Institute of performing art and mind power development affiliated under world art organization. Cal 91–8017517171 **
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I posted 688 times in 2022
That's 222 more posts than 2021!
298 posts created (43%)
390 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 625 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#youtube - 259 posts
#hindustani shastriy sangit - 253 posts
#desi - 252 posts
#mard maratha - 251 posts
#teen teen har har mahadev!!!!! - 249 posts
#tolkien - 99 posts
#tolkien fanart - 52 posts
#why do i feel like reading thranduil fanfiction while listening to this song - 47 posts
#lotr - 46 posts
#lord of the rings - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 111 characters
#i have never seen a fandom collectively hate on a tv show loke this before and i am enjoying every minute of it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sundarlekhan day 1 - favorite god 
Fic title - oh my dear Ganesha
it is on ao3 as well
@allegoriesinmediasres thanks for making this event
This is a small snippet from my childhood when I was sad I had no siblings so my aunt had spun an elaborate story saying that lord Ganesha was my brother and I believed it ( come on guys I was four when this happened.) Sorry for the shitty writing
“ atthai why do I have no brothers ?” Asked a little girl to her aunt
“ kanna, you do have a brother .” Answered the girls aunt
“ atthai do I really have a brother or are you bluffing ?” Replied the four year old child inquisitively as she had no siblings.
“ of course you do have an Anna” she said pointing to a small statue of Ganesha “ he is your Anna and he will always protect you .”
“ really atthai , then all this time I was being sad of having no siblings without knowing I already had one.” Said the little girl referring to the little ganesha sculpture in the pooja room
“ yes kanna .” Said her aunt with a smile as she saw the girl picking up the little marble figure of Ganesha and talking to him .
“ a few days later the little girl had made a modak by herself for Ganesh Chaturthi and a cake made from play dough which had letters made of clay spelling “ happy birthday Anna , from your favorite little sister .”
7 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Sundarlekhan- day - 3 - other favorite character
The greatest of all of the warriors in the epic told by Vyaasa
a snippet of my childhood featuring karna
This took place when I was five or six
Plus the pant and shirt combo that I wore in this Drabble was inspired by pankaj dheer’s karna in B.R chopra’s Mahabharata
Sorry for the shitty writing
Notes: @allegoriesinmediasres, @sundaralekhan thanks for making this event
the little girl had worn a pair of pink pants and the yellow top of her silk pavadai and stood before the mirror . Her mother entered the room and saw the girl standing proudly in the bedroom ,
“ amma look , I am karna .” Said the little girl to her mother with a smile that rivaled the brightness of the sun
Her mother now called her to come to the hall to eat lunch .
The girl ran to the hall pretending to shoot arrows from her imaginary bow which was one of her hands in shikara hasta and the other in katakamukha . And once she reached the hall , she turned the tv on and inserted the CD for the Tamil movie karnan
That day since the girl had no school , she stayed at home watching the movie karnan and to her mother’s surprise the girl had mugged up all of karna’s dialogues said by Shivaji ganeshan within a few weeks of watching it over and over and over again
. “ thalladha vayadhu,paavam.padhattam indri, irukkaiyil amarndhu udal addukkam kuraithu elli vandhadhu yedhu endru sollungal.” Said the girl , her eyes firmly planted on the tv screen gazing at the character of karna .
For which her mother laughed and said “ sari sari , naan vandhadu unnai saapida azhaikkiradhukku. Vaarum manna.”
The little girl now got up to run to get her plate which was filled with steaming hot sambar rice and vendakka curry . She took the plate and sat on the chair watching the movie as she ate
For days , she had pestered her mother to tell the story of karna . Every day after school , she had turned on the tv after writing her homework to watch either the movie karnan or the sitcom mahabharath by br chopra.
Little did her mother know that the son of Kunti had a really special place in her hear , becoming her inspiration , comfort character and her favorite person from Veda vyasa’s mahabharatha
But what the king of anga did not know that many years after his death , a young girl holds him in high regard , considering him to be a great warrior and person despite being a sootaputra which he was not .
See the full post
8 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Thandav for @jukti-torko-golpo and @ramayantika
Guys see this
11 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Pranavalaya for @ramayantika and @arachneofthoughts
Pranavalaya is a piece of art in the silver screen , it is in the movie shyam singha roy
I have not seen the movie yet but I have heard the songs
13 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Today is my birthday and I have been thinking about how wonderful it was during my previous year in tumblr
I remember the day I first Joined and made my first post , got my first like , follower and Reblog. and it has been a great time since I joined this place where everyone was so nice and supportive
@paneerlajwanti , @vinnai-thandi-varuvaya , @catz4ever , @jukti-torko-golpo , @red-riding , @grunid , @chaanv , @gossip-girl-of-middle-earth , @chivaraku-migiledi , @allegoriesinmediasres , @bellevox , @ramayantika , @jeyaam , @karissasaurus-rex
And all of my followers and fellow bloggers
Thank you for all of the happiness and support
17 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kendalls-roy · 2 years
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Raja Hindustani (1996)
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