#hino answers
bloodraven55 · 6 months
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don’t ask me what my fav usagi ship is bc it depends entirely on which sailor moon continuity we’re talking about
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Shishigumi and the first snow of the year?
My first winter-themed ask! Admittedly, we don't get snow where I live, so hopefully you like what I made!
I decided to put this into the "suburban au"; just so these headcanons didn't wind up being too similar to each other. Enjoy!
This has been sitting half-finished since Nov 2nd, 2021 ... I am so sorry for the delay ;w;
— Psychic
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General Headcanons
I feel like living in the Black Market requires that you live in the moment — there's very little time to just sit and enjoy the snow (or any other weather, for that matter).
At the same time, the Black Market’s residents feel an odd sense of camarderie with the first snowfall.
There is something about seeing something so beautiful in the most desolate of places that brings out the philosopher in people.
It's not uncommon at all to spy neighbours gathered on the front steps of their flats, drinking cheap beer and swapping stories of first snowfalls past.
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It’s tempting for him to view the first snow of the year as some sort of symbolic occurrence — with the white snow covering up even the most despicable of places — but he averts that expectation by treating the first snow of the year as just that.
Growing up in the Black Market meant that certain frivolities have missed him: a fascination and reverence for the first snowfall of winter included.
If he starts applying any real significance to the first snowfall, it’ll be due to someone else’s influence.
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It's just another day to him.
Same with Ibuki, he doesn't hold the first snowfall as any special event.
Unlike Ibuki, though, Doloh’s opinion is unlikely to change.
This being said, Dolph knows that Agata looks forward to it, and subtly encourages Agata to go out and enjoy himself.
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He hates the snow.
Snow means that it gets colder, and the first snowfall is a terrible reminder that winter will be arriving soon.
Expect a very annoyed Free stalking about your place, shooting glares out the window.
In his defense, most felines dislike the cold — he's only following his instincts.
(You will need to fight him for the warm blankets.)
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When he was younger, he used to look forward to the first snowfall because it signalled the start of the Rexmas season.
Agata still looks forward to the first snow ... albeit for different reasons, now that he's an adult.
He really, really loves the Rexmas displays they have in the City Centre.
Trust that he’ll be gathering inspiration for his own Rexmas display.
He drags Dolph and Miguel along with him.
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Hino takes out all of his vacation days so he can have enough time home to cover the Rexmas season.
Once he does, he basically goes into hibernation — you’re probably not seeing him until New Year’s.
Let him sleep; he’s tired, and he's earned it.
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Jinma + Dope
Because I think it's funny, these two would be an unstoppable Rexmas shopping team.
They’ve been prepping for this shopping trip for months; analysing the best routes to take to avoid heavy foot traffic, finding where the best deals are, etc.!
The first snowfall is a pleasant distraction, but these two are more worried about whether they're getting a good value for their money.
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I imagine that he feels no particular way towards the first snowfall, although he takes great pleasure in hurling snowballs at the other lions (Agata because he's the youngest, and Free because Miguel knows he hates being cold + it's funny).
Absolutely loathes the non-stop Rexmas ads and music that play constantly.
Spends most of the winter trying to keep in shape.
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Of all the lions, he would be the most relaxed about it all.
He's too old for all that running around. Sometimes you just want to sit back, relax and take comfort in the fact that your house keeps out the cold.
Maybe Sabu would use the winter as an excuse to either pick up a new hobby, or refine an old one.
Either way, come springtime, Sabu will have something new to show for his efforts.
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spaciebabie · 2 years
To make a OC not just guysTM, make them react extremely to the smallest things and bite out peoples jugular's.
oh this is just citrine
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askthedespairkids · 9 months
Nishizawa and Hino, would you be a good couple?
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Don't be so-
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HUH?!! AS IF!!! I would NEVER stoop so low as to date a low-life, privileged, ill-tempered asshole like HIM!!! Don't evene SUGGEST I would let my standards sink as low as Asukasei Hino!!!
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Wh...how is this the thing that finally makes you snap like that...?
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I love unhinged sibling dynamics between characters but more than that, I love unhinged sibling dynamics between characters that aren’t actually siblings but rather met each other and instead of being normal friends immediately formed a wavelength of “oh yes, this is sibling. Annoy them for no reason”
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
For your Chosens ask; gimme a chosen that gets their powers and is immediately like "THIS IS AWESOME!!!" And then immediately fucks smthing up lmao
The first person that comes to mind is Elliot lmao. Punk rock girl + fire powers is a deadly mix and Elliot is living for it. I think she tried to cook with her powers once and almost burned the kitchen down. It doesn't help that Elliot ( or Alexis) can cook so they really dodged a bullet there.
Kenji and Aiko fit this category too! Though since Kenji's fire doesn't exactly burn unless he makes it, he was less destructive. Aiko on the other hand may or may not have blown a hole through the ruff when testing her powers in her room hgvhvgvgvcg.
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townofcadence · 3 months
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?
Botanical Headcanons
Elias, Eevie, and Prince don't remember forgetting anything that really mattered to them! So if they did, whatever it was must not have been all that important, right? Or at least one of them would've kept it in mind. There's always the anxiety of forgetting something, of course, but they're sure they'll help keep each other on top of things, and eventually anything that slipped their mind will come back to them, if it's important enough!
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astrxthesiai · 5 months
"Hey Rei-chan! I ate a whole cake! ^0^" ( from Usagi to Rei lol )
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  The dark-haired priestess could not help but let her brow twitch in frustration.  She had invited Usagi over to read manga, but instead, Usagi must have eaten the cake she meant to bring over as a gift.  Rei clapped her hands over her cheeks in an effort not to strangle her best friend.
It would be very hard to do.  She was looking forward to the cake.  She heard a bunch of accolades from Ikuko Tsukino, Usagi’s mother.  A bakery near the Tsukino household had just opened, and there was a huge sale.
Despite the growing signs of a threat to the Sailor Senshi, Rei wanted to try one of their seasonal flavors.  It just so happened Usagi brought one over.
“U…sa….gi!!!!!!!!” she balled a fist as she shook it.  “That was the cake you brought over!  And did not save a piece…”
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elegyofthemoon · 10 months
Ough idk if they only hype me up so much because of the mp100 context, but Mob Choir's three openings are really energized! 99.9 is my favorite, 1 is a close second, and 99 is also really good!
1 actually sounds like "Undercover" it was really funny listening to it RIGHT after I was listening to a drum cover of Undercover (recommend 8bitdrummer for that his covers for Undercover, Backdraft, and Salamander are SOOO fun but i also just love drum covers so aslkdfjah). I think it kinda reminds me a bit too of a song from Future Diary ?? It's between "Song of a Certain Truth" which is Akise Aru's theme and then "Never End" which is Hinata Hino's theme
99.9 IS SO GOOD THOUGH!! these ones are definitely good hype songs thank you :3
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godgrownstar · 1 year
chronic, stress & mind for miwa, chaos, rey, meyrin (you don't have to do all if you don't want to!!)
I did them all.
chronic: does my muse have any chronic health conditions / illnesses? how do these affect them from day-to-day? 
Miwa is fortunate enough to not have any lasting consequences from Ashoka accelerating her growth. Due to her connection with various Mir, she's at least in part protected from the Assimilation phenomenon as well.
Chaos is very similar, having only escaped the complications of a puppet controlled by a Mir due to Malespero's fondness for him.
Rey, on the other hand is not so fortunate. Being a clone, he suffers from near-constant and severe pain. While the medicine given to him by the Chairman does help prevent it, if he forgets, or should he experience extreme stress....
Because of this, he needs to keep his medicine on hand whenever possible, being a soldier and a mobile suit pilot makes this difficult, though, and he is sometimes caught in situations where he does now have access to it.
Because Rey's condition is caused by him being a clone, something which is considered taboo in the Earth Sphere, unless the Chairman (or somebody else who knows about his condition) is able to find some sort of "cure," he will likely die young.
Meyrin does not have any specific health conditions, but her physical health is often affected by her mental health, leading her to occasionally neglect her health at best, or cause herself direct harm at worse.
stress: does my muse handle stress well? what is a surefire sign for others to tell that they’ve become stressed? how does stress affect them mentally / physically? 
Miwa handles extreme stress about how you would expect somebody like her to. She ignores it until it becomes unbearable, and then she hides in her room or cries until she feels like she can go back to playing the hero.
If Miwa is curled up in her room with her stuffed bear - something only her family has seen - then she's reached the point where she's no longer able to be strong for everyone else.
Because Miwa is much younger than she actually looks and acts - a result of Ashoka's interference - she seems to 'regress' to her actual age when in these situations.
Chaos doesn't often show stress if he even experiences it. It's likely that Malespero's influence suppresses those feelings.
While in battle, any stress felt usually takes the form of a powerful anger... or more accurately, only fuels the already existing anger there.
Rey can usually handle stress well, but depending on the trigger for it...
While normally he hides his feelings better than most others, when truly overwhelmed it can trigger a complete breakdown on both the mental and physical level.
At best, this can render him unconscious for a few hours, at worst, it could eventually lead him to an early grave.
Meyrin is good at putting up a strong front, however she's fairly easily overwhelmed. When she finally stops trying to act like she's okay, then things have gotten to be too much even for her.
Normally, though, you can usually gauge her stress level from how much she looks around (as if watching out for someone or something) and how restless she seems.
Because Meyrin's mental health is fairly unstable, large amounts of stress can trigger serious episodes.
mind: does my muse have any mental conditions that affect their lives? what are they? how do they handle them? what coping methods do they use most? 
Miwa suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, after the events of Exodus, like most other Fafner pilots. Though she's good at hiding this, and it mainly manifests in an almost suicidal level of self sacrifice. Because she does not see the latter as a problem, she doesn't try to "cope" with it, instead smiling and acting like it was normal.
Chaos most notably lacks a proper sense of self, at the moment. Though he suffers from post traumatic stress disorder carried over from his previous "self" and the actions taken before he was fully under Malespero's control.
Like Mitsuhiro before him, he also has borderline personality disorder, however this seems to have been "suppressed" along with his previous personality. For the most part.
Rey suffers from a combination of post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, and severe distrust of and suspicion of others, especially his peers.
While his PTSD is usually managed by suppressing his feelings, his unhealthy attachment to the Chairman, feelings of inadequacy, and distrust of others, are at least in part encouraged in order to further the Destiny Plan. Due to this, he doesn't necessarily view them as something to be handled or resolved.
Meyrin also, like the other three suffers from PTSD, though mostly unrelated to her activities in the war. She also is deeply paranoid and struggles with trusting her government, and the technology she works with.
While she can usually calm down from an episode related to her childhood trauma with a shower, or some time to ground herself (after years of coping, and support), the latter is... more tricky than that.
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dcrkfcngs · 1 year
@chmerical said ; ❛  i'm not good with this whole stupid feelings thing.  ❜ - envy adams @ hinoe !
♱ 𓂃 🧷 ⋆ ゚
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her brows furrowed as she put her book down, smiling slightly as she gave them her full attention. ❝ okay maybe take you’re time and what you want to say will just flow out. ❞ hinoe looked into their eyes as she straightened out her skirt. ❝ im sure whoever you’re crushing on will return your feelings, you’re a catch. i mean look at you. ❞ those words were spoken honestly as offered a reassurance.
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Hino Rei/Sailor Mars Tags
Hino Rei/Sailor Mars Tag
【🔥♂senshi of passion sailor mars】
RP Threads
【🔥♂trials by fire】
【🔥♂discussion with the senshi】
【🔥♂flickering embers】
【🔥♂about the guardian of passion】
【🔥♂elegant fire priestess】
【🔥♂meatball head shenanigans】
【🔥♂answers from scrying】
【🔥♂hino rei ost】
Hino Rei Sailor Moon Tag
【🔥♂mars eternal power make up】
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braveryhearted · 2 years
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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( accepting )
@ofwitchery said: 👀 “Was there ever a vision that scared you, Hino-san?”
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"They're all scary. That's the point of visions. If you are looking for something that isn't terrifying and a warning to your overall luck and health, I suggest using my grandfather's cheap way of entertaining guests by offering fortune cookies".
Of course there was some that were nothing out of the ordinary but mostly her gift in seeing the future come to pass felt like curse sometimes. And they were accurate to the point that some part of her wishes they weren't as spot on as they were. For everyone's sake.
Of course Rei sounded rude when explaining her thought process but this was the fifth time someone asked her this and her patience was running a bit thin. Her grandfather was more of a shrine show-person than she was by a mile.
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askthedespairkids · 9 months
Hino, you seem to be a pretty tough person. Are you like this with everyone or are you more gentle with timid people (like Mikan)?
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I'm harsh on people that need somebody to tell it to them straight. No point in worrying about how well they'll take it. People need to hear it, no matter who they are.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
I'm gonna punch Sterling in the nose and maim him
Appropriate reaction to him. He is...... obsessive, to say the least. It's fortunate that he hasn't yet met Aiko, Silver and Beryl, but oh boy when he does-
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
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Welcome Back
A/n: Releasing another one shot about him because this scenario had been living in my head for a long time. I know that one is kinda long but it was one of the scenarios I most enjoyed writing fr❤️
Tw: Nsfw content
There was no better combination than a calm night accompanied by the sound of crickets and water running down the stone steps of the small river in the garden next to your bedroom. You were sitting on the chair in front of the bed while thinking about several things at the same time, your eyes wandered to the crack in the sliding door that led to the garden to see the moon shining in the sky.
The nights in Hino were always the same but now they remained colder since the man you loved had to leave one day and was now captain of a squadron of magic knights.
You sighed heavily remembering the last conversation you two had, which wasn't the most pleasant. You had so many things to remember about each other, so many. You've never been able to look at anyone else since then, no one could make that flame grow again, just him.
Now the question is: How long would you keep staying there, thinking about the way he looked at you and touched you, instead of moving on with your life like he did?
You had no answer and every time you thought about moving on, he came back to your mind again and you went back because once again, there was no one left but him.
You took the glass next to the chair and filled it with drink and drank it, feeling the liquid burn your lips and throat. You closed your eyes, after putting the bottle down and took a long sigh as you remembered all those scenes again.
You wanted to hate him, you wanted to punch him for leaving you behind. Why had he slipped through your fingers like that?
You should hate him instead of crying and wondering why he left for the kingdom of Clover, which was far away. You really wanted to hate him, but how? How would you hate the only person you truly loved in your life? The only person you opened up to and felt comfortable with?
So many nights coming home after getting drunk, and that's when things started. The hands snaking over both of the bodies, the hot lips, the wet kisses and so many other things...
The way you would hugged him on the living room couch or in bed, his hand stroking your hair as you two talked until fell asleep.
"No, you can't keep thinking about him. Forget that idiot..." You muttered with a long sigh, even though you knew you were lying to yourself with every word
The thoughts were scattered in seconds when a knock on the front door sounded and you jumped a little, startled.
You closed the door that led to the garden and straightened the ribbon that held your robe together before leaving the room and going to see who it was.
You placed your hand on the door handle, intrigued by the fact that someone had come to visit you at that time. As soon as you opened the door, you could have sworn you were hallucinating, or at least, you'd rather be. That idiot you were trying to forget, had appeared but this time in person and right in front of you. You definitely weren't expecting that man to ever think about showing up after all this time.
Now you were undecided between closing the door in his face or let him in but when you looked into his eyes for a while, calmly analyzing them, you knew he wasn't coming to make things worse.
He wanted something he thought he lost years ago.
"Hi..." Your voice was low and shaky as you lowered your eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in? I didn't come to cause trouble, I promise."He spoke in a deep, calm voice, putting out his cigarette
Yes, he hadn't forgotten anything like you thought. He was aware that the last conversation was hard for both of you and he also knew that going there might not be the best choice but he had to try.
You looked down and motioned for him to come in, without saying anything.
He went to the living room and sat on the couch, you entered the room shortly after, standing in a corner, arms crossed and looking at some random corner. When he felt your presence, he looked back but you remained there motionless.
"Come closer, I won't bite you."He called you, pointing to the armchair next to you to sit."Let's talk."
"I don't think we should do that, it went wrong last time." You remembered, now looking at him
"We were young…"
"No, it wasn't just that. You had a goal and I had a place I didn't want to give up."
"I, however, gave up Hino when I was a brat because of family problems. You knew that and yet, I came back here, years later, as a magic knight. I remember you welcoming me that day with a big smile and we ended up drunk after a night of drinking. It could have always been like this, but life was not a bed of roses..."Yami said, looking at the ceiling and sighing
"Yes, and it wasn't. It really wasn't..." You said, approaching him and sitting in the armchair. "and now you come back as a captain, hoping that I would welcome you with a smile again. The thing is, that it didn't happen and you'll be leaving soon for the kingdom, carrying out your duties and I'll stay here alone and... waiting for you."You whispered the last words, knowing you had already said something you shouldn't
Yami looked at you for a moment, seeing melancholy in your eyes. He always seemed oblivious to other people's feelings but he wasn't a total idiot like many thought. He just felt more than he said. He knew you still liked him, maybe there was still hope. The captain hadn't forgotten about you either since he left that day. He remembered every night and every day with you. Every single one of them.
"Do you want something to drink?"You asked, trying to change the subject after seeing the tension that had arisen in the room between the two of you
"Yeah, something really strong, please."He waved and you got up and went to get something very strong as he had asked
His eyes following you to the kitchen, not failing to notice how nervous you looked.
You returned with his drink and he thanked you before drinking it, placing the glass on the coffee table.
"Do you still have that at home?" He asked, referring to the drink you offered him
"Yes, it used to be your favorite... our favorite, in fact." You looked at him and he smiled
"Yes, I know. Don't you drink too?"He took another sip and handed the glass to you
"No, I'm fine."
"You need it, it would cheer you up a little."He insisted
"No, seriously, I'm fine." You assured
Yami put the glass aside and leaned back but his eyes focused on nothing else but you, looking you up and down as if they were trying to talk to you.
You didn't know why he was there, or rather, why you were sitting with him, as if everything seemed fine and, on top of that, he was drinking your favorite drink. The one you two used to share the bottle with each other.
Could it be that you were doing that because you still loved him and because you didn't want to lose that bond again?
You didn't admit it but maybe that was it, but there was an internal struggle within you between the pride and the love you still felt and that was making you very frustrated.
"Hey?! Are you there?" He snapped his fingers close to your face and you 'woke up'
"Yes, I am and I would be better if you weren't here." You said, giving in to pride and using coldness, even though you knew you would regret it bitterly later
"Don't say that, you're ruining my sensitive heart here." He placed a hand on his chest to emphasize the scene
"Fuck that heart of yours, you didn't care about mine when you went to Clover."You got up and went to your bedroom, unable to stay in the same space as him
"Y/n, come back here, I'm not finished yet. Hey! Are you listening to me?" He shouted from the room but you ignored him. "That idiot is a tough nut to crack..." Yami grunted, getting up and went up to your room
That night would be long...
You were walking in a circles, completely out of your mind when the door opened and you immediately turned to face him.
"Yami, get out now!" You ordered as soon as you saw him
"I just came here to see you but not like this." Yami said, approaching you."Come on, calm down."
"Yami, seriously, GET OUT!" You weren't holding back anymore and your voice started to become tearful, something you wanted to avoid
"You don't want to do this, I know..."His words only intensified the moisture in your eyes until you felt tears falling
You were mad, you were tired but at the same time you felt light for letting out what was inside you all those years, even if it was in front of him. All those tears were suppressed for months and you always told yourself that you wouldn't cry for him but now you had reached the limit with that situation.
And tired of all those emotions, you confessed.
"I missed you..." You shouted, between tears and sniffles. "That feeling never went away because you were the only person I had... When you left after our last conversation, I just wanted to disappear. I didn't know when you would come back, or if you would actually come back." You looked at him and he was looking at you, while you vented. He had a heavy heart after seeing what a mistake it was to leave you alone. "I was alone all these years, there was no one else after you, just you."Your eyes met his, full of tears and he felt bad, seeing you like that. He blamed himself even if neither of you were to blame for what happened. It was just a mismatch of life.
“Things could have been different between us. It was my fault that you were like this and now I don't think there is anything I can really do to make things right..." He said, looking down
"No, no, it wasn't your fault for following your life goals," You said, wiping your tears and moving your hair away from your face, sighing."But, there's something I need to know."
"What?"Yami asked and you looked at him for a short moment
"Have you been thinking about me, all this time? Did you manage to look at anyone else, after me?" You asked, taking slow steps towards him and looking him in the eyes. Yami was a little taken aback by the question but answered.
"I did, I thought about you a lot of times, even though I know I should move on."Yami sighed and you looked away."Regarding the second question, I can also say that there was no one else. Even if there was one or the other, that tried..."He chuckled and you looked at him sideways
"Of course they tried, who wouldn't try anything with a man like that?" You thought
"Yami?"You looked at the man in front of you, from top to bottom
"I still miss you," You lookes into his eyes, telling the true about what you were feeling."Your touch still remains in me, your lips, your eyes, your voice, your arms, everything about you is still marked on me." You curved your lips in a smile
"Y/n..."He felt a little lost for words seeing how your eyes had changed expression
Your name left his lips in a soft, low tone but you stopped any other words from coming out of his mouth as you kissed him intensely, taking him by surprise. He didn't think you would kiss him like that after all that, he even thought you would kill him right there.
Your hands held the back of his head firmly while his went to your waist, you could taste the taste of the drink on his tongue in that rough kiss. You broke the kiss to catch your breath, looking into his eyes, there was desire but something even deeper.
"You...What happened to you?" He asked, unable to help but smile
"Just shut up." You ordered before kissing him again
His hands undid the knot of your robe and removed the fabric from your body, exposing your naked body, your hands hurriedly ran over him, removing his shirt. You needed him more now than at any other time, you gave in to the deepest thoughts, the strongest desire, which you fought for years but now you had lost.
He grabbed the back of your thighs and took you to the bed, laying on top of you. He kissed your neck, marking all the skin as your fingers ran through his disheveled black hair. Maybe you missed it more than you thought.
He left the curve of your neck and brought his lips to your breasts, his mouth was voracious around them, his hands felt the flesh and his tongue swirled around your nipples, making you let out low moans.
He was more intense and his touch was more voracious and rougher than the other times. He was no longer the magic knight you had dated, he was the captain and an indomitable man now.
He knelt on the mattress and grabbed your legs, spreading them and reveling in the sight of the wet sheen, running down your folds that only made him want to bury himself deep inside you.
"You're too wet for a person you don't want to see in front of you," Yami said, running two fingers through the slit and you arched up. "Did you miss that too?"
"Yes, fuck yes." You said, breathlessly
He distributed kisses all over your thighs, leaving red marks all over, until he reached the middle of your legs and devoring your clit, making loud moans come out of your lips. Your body was taken by surprise by that man's roughness.
Many years might have passed but he was still the best at what he did down there. Yami ran his hands from your thighs and brought them to your waist, keeping your body firm against his face as he ate you out. Your hands pulled his hair, whimpers left your lips feeling the humidity increase.
You wanted that so much, you wanted his hands running through you, digging his fingers deep into your skin and leaving marks that you would appreciate in the morning.
His lips sucked your sensitive spot, the tip of his tongue swirling around it and driving you crazy, your head fell to the side with your eyes rolling back.
Yami looked up to find your face reveling in pleasure, that sight only turned him on even more and he could already feel his member aching against the fabric of his pants.
"Yami, I ahhh...so close. "You said between moans and with heavy breathing
He was completely oblivious to your words, wanting to take more from you, to taste how delicious you were.
"Come to me, let me taste you," He whispered, in a husky voice against your pussy. "You still have the best taste"
You could swear it was his voice that made you come at that moment, everything about that man was hot. He brought one hand to your folds, caressing them before inserting a finger into you, you closed your legs around his head and he used his other arm to hold one of them.
He added the second and your loud moans afterwards were music to his ears. He really thought about you calling for him, with that voice so full of desire, in his room.
His fingers moved in and out of you quickly as the tip of his tongue continued to taste your overstimulated clit. You closed your eyes, unable to take all that any longer, drops of sweat slid down your skin and your body trembled with goosebumps.
It didn't take long for you to come and wet the captain's fingers, who removed them from you and took them to his mouth to taste you again, wiping the corners of his mouth afterwards.
You opened your eyes seeing him looking at you, you could guess by the look and that mischievous smile that he was still starting.
"What's wrong, princess? Are you going to faint from exhaustion? You've weakened." He chuckled and you couldn't help but smile with him too, even though the urge to punch him was still there
"I didn't weaken, I'm just waiting for you to decide."You said, placing your hands on the mattress and sitting up to see his face up close
"Decide what?" He frowned
"If you're going to fuck me or if you're going to go back to the clover kingdom and leave me here to finish the rest," You said, taking one of your hands to caress the bulge in his pants. "Come on, captain. You know you want this too." You whispered next to his lips
He had to admit that when you called him captain, it caused something in him and he would want to hear that come from your lips again.
He grabbed your chin with one hand and pulled you forward to kiss you, you knelt in front of him with your legs still heavy, without moving away from his lips for even a moment. You took your hands to his pants and started untying the belt on his pants, he lifted his hips so you could lower him along with his underwear. He helped you to take the rest and threw them aside before kissing you again, his tongue carrying your own taste in it.
You took your hand to his cock, stroking it from bottom to top, feeling the first drops run down your hand and the length. He moaned against your lips when you sped up the movements with your hand, one of his hands grabbing the back of your neck and the other on your waist. You left his lips, licking yours, swollen and wet, while looking into his eyes that begged for you.
"I want you inside me," You asked and he sighed heavily. "Do what you want with me."
Yami didn't hesitate and turned you onto your back, placing you face down on the mattress and positioning himself behind you. You lifted your hips up towards him as your hands grabbed the sheets, you looked over your shoulder, enough to see his hands spreading your legs and grabbing your hips. Yami already missed that sight.
"I want to see if that voice still sounds as loud as it did back then." He said as he ran his hands over your skin and you giggled, looking back
"Why? My dear captain missed my voice too? How sweet!" You said and he slapped on of your cheeks and you moaned
"Don't talk too much. You'll end up hurting yourself." He leaned over to whisper in your ear and you chukled
He pulled away and held his cock, keeping the other hand on your hip, entering you slowly and making you whimper when you finally felt him inside, making your walls widen and your legs tremble. You dreamed about feeling that sensation again and now you couldn't be more pleased to be able to to feel him filling you, making you squirm beneath him.
He barely waited for you to adapt to him and he started thrusting into you from behind and you gripped the sheets tighter. The captain really didn't expect something like this to happen again but there he was and since you had done it like this, he would give it his all. He thrusted you strongly as he remembered the memories you two before, in Hino. He wanted to fuck you the day you two argued, he wanted to shut your mouth with his and try to resolve things but you needed space and when you pushed him away and ran away from him, he realized he couldn't do it nothing, but now, now he could.
His hands grabbed your flesh, marking it well so that he could see his hands there later and be able to say that he had done it to you because you were still his. His hips slammed against yours hard and fast, your legs could barely handle that intensity. Yami was a very strong man and had no problems using that strength to his advantage.
One of his hands went to your clit and rubbed it in quick, circular movements, eliciting countless moans from you. He looked at the reflection in the mirror next to him and that scene made him even harder and made him go deeper.
You were also able to see him through the reflection, his body coming and going against yours, your insides tightened around him just seeing that image. Tears of pleasure were overflowing your eyes and your mouth kept whimpering and saying his name.
You no longer remembered anything that had happened before, just how good he was making you feel.
"That's it...Just like that...So good" You moaned breathlessly and he smiled
He pulled you against his chest with one arm around you, his hand running down the valley of your breasts and the other caressing you down there while you held onto his forearms.
"Do you like this, huh? Couldn't you get over the idea that you were made for me all this time?" He said, thrusting you even deeper and you arched your back, tilting your head back
Your mind was blank and you didn't speak up but he was right, you couldn't and there you were.
"I'm coming...Yami ohh, I'm coming..." You said with a loud moan
You laid your head on the mattress as your cum squirted over his length, still penetrating strongly and erratically inside you. He bent down to suck the skin of your neck, he placed both hands on your hips, giving you one last strong thrust as he came inside you, filling your insides as he enjoyed the way your wet, warm insides tightened him inside you.
You lost track of what time it was, if it was still night or if he was still there.
Little by little, you were coming down from the enormous peak of pleasure he had given you and that was when you realized that it was still night and that it was late and that yes, he was still there.
Yami withdrew from you and you let your exhausted and sweaty body fall onto the mattress, you couldn't feel your legs and your breathing was very unregulated. With a lot of effort, you managed to turn around to face him, equally panting.
The captain took the cigarette out of the pocket of his pants, lying on the floor, and lit it, blowing the smoke as he sat on the mattress, looking at you at the mess he had done with you.
"You look like you won't be able to walk straight for the rest of the week." He said taking a drag and you smiled
"Guess who's to blame?"
"You're the one who started teasing me."
"Me? You're the idiot here, you're the one who did these things to me."
"But you like it when I do that, don't you? Because I don't ear you complain about it" He said, releasing the smoke between his lips and looking you in the eyes
You could see something else in his eyes besides the previous desire, it was as if he wanted to be there, close to you. You didn't want to talk about feelings now but you couldn't help it, you had to bet.
"Yami?" You called in a low voice and after managing to catch your breath
"You still love me?"You asked, after a moment of hesitation
The captain took one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and pulled your body onto his lap, you put your arms around his neck, looking into the eyes of the man you would do anything for.
He placed a kiss on the crook of your neck and then looked at your face again before kissing you gently. He wasn't a man of beautiful words like in usual romances but his actions made your heart burn with love. However, he clarified it in words just for you.
"Yes, I still love you, idiot." He whispered next to your lips and you smiled, feeling a tear fall
You hugged him, wrapping his body in a hug of longing and the need to have him with you. You could stay in his arms forever, it would always be your favorite place, your place of comfort. You couldn't contain the tears and small sobs against the crook of his neck.
"Why are you crying? I said I loved you and you react like this? I don't understand..." He frowned as he ran a hand through your hair
"It's just happy to know, that's all. Tears are not always about sadness."You said, moving away from the crook of his neck
"Oh, I thought you were sad because I liked you. My heart couldn't take it..." He chuckled as he wiped your tears with his thumbs
"You and your stupid little heart again." You rolled your eyes, smiling
"Seriously, he's very fragile and--"Yami countered but you silenced him with a kiss
His hands caressed your back as he tasted the lips he loved so much. It was something slow, unhurried and intimate, something you loved living.
"Yami..." You whispered his name, pulling away from the kiss for a moment. "I think..."
"Say it." He encouraged, seeing you confused
"Would you accept me in your squad?"
Yami never expected to hear those words coming from someone who clung to that place so tightly but he would never reject you.
"Are you sure? You're not going to cry because you miss home?" He teased you
"Your presence is my home and if we still love each other why should I live far away from you?"
"Yeah, you're right. Well, I can take you with me but be prepared because those people there are fucking crazy."
"Your magic knights?"
"Yes, those brats." Yami laid you down on the mattress and lay down by your side, pulling you close to him
"I'm sure they love you."
"They do."He sighed
"Would they love me too?" You pondered
"I think so but if not, nothing like a good kick in their asses to make them change their mind about you." Yami said in a threatening tone and your eyes widened
"You're always the same brute idiot as always." You snuggled into his chest and he chuckled
"Don't you like this brute here?"
"You didn't hear me complain, did you?"
"Then, shut up and let me sleep."You slapped his chest
"This woman is still a danger..."He muttered, before falling asleep shortly after
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