#hino criticism
harlquinzels · 4 months
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-Returning here... Who decided on that? -Oh, that's right... I have a letter from Mom.
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Previous Eiji Purpleganda: Link, Link (flashing light tw),
Previous Essek Purpleganda: Link
Bonus: A call for alliance between Kamen Rider OOO fans and JJBA Part Two fans
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“Tbh, thanks to a "certain site", I never understood the massive popularity and love for 90’s Rei/Sailor Mars. Not only she was a complete bully to Usagi/Serena up to StarS, but she was a complete bitch in her entire arc with Mamoru/Darien and always blamed others for everything, even when it was HER fault. I understand that Usagi wasn't the most mature or understanding growing up, and I know not everything has to be all sunshine and rainbows all the time in a team, but Rei just straight up always disrespected her FUTURE QUEEN, even when she had reasons for crying or being sad sometimes (especially with the whole Demande thing in the 90′s anime. Heck, Sailor Moon has even bung people (even HER) back to life countless of times!
People can say what they want about Manga/Crystal's Sailor Mars and about her not having a personality (which I do agree to a certain degree), but she BARELY was an ass to Usagi or just in general. Sure, she did had her nice moments throughout the series, but at her best, she was ok, but at her worst, she was THE ABSOULATE WORST. I personally was always an Ami/Sailor Mercury fan, but Sailor Mars is extremely overrated in my opinion.”
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alevolpe · 7 days
How do the girls deal differently with anger? If it's too much, I'm mostly interested in reading your thoughts on Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako.
Your insights are *chef kiss*.
I REALLY love this question! Srry it’s taken me so long to answer.
First of all I’ll say for all of them, it depends! Is it something out of their control? Cause if not, mf REI HINO does not stay mad about it, Her ass is sprinting to kick the problem’s ass in milliseconds, right along with Mako! But for simplicity sake, I’ll say the reason the girls are angry is something out of their control and they can only sit there and find way to deal with their emotions.. ok. GO!
Ami. Ami stresses, Ami stresses way more than people think she does. I genuinely see Ami being an extremely stressed person, to the point where I can easily see her being the one with the shortest life span. Stress is scientifically proven to have adverse effects on your health.
How does Ami deal with anger? In most situations I think she suffers in silence. She doesn’t ponder too much, she just tries to keep on going like nothing happened, cause the second she starts taking a moment to think about herself openly is the moment she catches herself “being selfish”. People around her don’t need to see this.
Ami is meant to be that one pleasant person you come across. The one to be always kind to you, no matter the day. A silent yet strong and resilient symbol of strength and comfort.
This is obv a very unhealthy mindset, which I can see Ami getting better at as she get older, but not all the way.
She HATES crying, she always has. The lowest moments in her life is where she just couldn’t cope with all her emotions and just broke down and cried, so she associates crying with “This moment is REALLY THAT BAD”, it’s almost a coping mechanism where she sees herself brimming with copious amounts of anger and emotion, yet she’s not crying, so it’s fine, it’ll be ok. The moments where she cried never ended up ok and still resonate with her.
I think Ami also finds small, yet meaningful ways to destress while coping with anger. Reading is a simple one, I think laying on the floor and taking a moment to decompress helps her too, perhaps while cupping her ears and just depriving herself of as many outside factors as possible. Listening to specific genres of music, going through her father’s sketches, and even sharing an intimate physical moment with a loved one. With Ami for me is a wild pendulum between “I need to feel as much as possible RIGHT NOW!” To “I don’t want to feel anything right now”.
Rei. Oh, boi.. Rei, when has Rei ever been angry? LOL Rei is pretty much always angry.. angry at what? EVERYTHING! Angry at the chickens for spreading the feed to the porch, angry at Yuichiro for using the wrong china for tea, angry at the man down the street, angry at the spicy noodles for NOT BEING ON SALE ANYMORE, angry at the nearest pole for standing in REI HINO’s way! EVERYTHING! But she’s right, why? Cause she’s Rei Hino!
On a deeper level, Rei’s anger is mostly directed at herself, it’s like a 70-30 split of Rei holding herself and the world and people around her to such high standards, it eats her alive. She is her biggest critic and that’s honestly why I see her having such a significant ego.. she kind of earns it. She’s so extremely diligent, yet when she messes up or the people around her do, it kills her cause she knows she should do better, she NEEDS to do better and the others need to do better too. Tho their names aren’t Rei Hino, so she can’t expect them to be perfect all the time. Rei Hino though, she’s fucking perfect, so she better not make ANY mistakes and shit, Rei never makes mistakes!
Also Rei lacks the most basic functions of self reflection.. or reflection in general, as well as self-awareness. She doesn’t have high standards on herself to please anyone but herself, so her emotions are more often heightened by the fact that they are not really based on “normal human decency/shame/standards”, but rather based from her own ‘flawless’ logic and standards. So, something so extremely insignificant can be the irrational thing to tip her over the edge to a breakdown.
Her biggest outside source of consistent pumping uncontrollable anger is her father. I really see them as two peas from the same pod, they are both arrogant, head asses who can’t get over themselves to meet the other person half-way. (even tho Rei is way more justified! Cause fuck him fr)
With all that rambling said, how does Rei deal with anger? If Rei is in a situation where she can’t genuinely go and solve the problem herself, I think she meditates. She spends sometimes up to double digits of hours just meditating. In a way the least Rei-like thing to do, but there’s just something so extremely comforting to Rei about it. She can finally detach all of her worries, her judgments and just exist, peacefully.
Mako. Poor baby.. she has dealt with anger issues since such a young age and her coping mechanisms aren’t great. In the best of times they result in: smashing someone’s face open, but if the problem can’t be solved that way… it gets way more complicated. Mako is a very reactive person: you hurt me, I hurt you. That’s her logic, but in a world so complicated how does such a simple creature manage.. poorly I tell you.
Mako does not like being angry, It’s almost shameful for her, especially around her loved ones. She doesn’t understand why she’s so frequently angry and it eats at her, to the point where she’s literally yelling at herself “why can’t you just be happy?!”. Concepts like trauma and mental illness are so unknown to her.. smart people stuff she’ll call it. get this girl a therapist RN!
How does Mako deal with anger? There are many moments where I see Mako being unable to control her anger. Taking it out on objects around her is out the question! She simply cannot afford it, if Mako grips that phone too hard is goodbye to having a phone period… so I see Mako reactively reaching for a cigarette instead. She’s not proud of it, but what can she do? She can get out and go for a run til her muscles ache, but that would expose her to so many outside factors that could risk heightening her anger. A cigarette always helps.. maybe 2 sometimes.
If her anger is not to that destructive level quite yet, she may reach for her mother’s cookbook and set her mind to a nice relaxing baking session or she can reach to that unfinished crocheted scarf and work on it a lil more, perhaps clean the whole living room instead! All activities that bring her comfort, but which are also ways to deal with her anger that would not put her into further trouble.
With her very unstable financial situation I actually don’t see her working out almost at all. She frequents the school’s sport clubs, but outside of that, she can’t just go throw weights around any time she wants. She has school, sailor business, work.. she has no time. Though this is something I see her start doing as she gets older and possible gets engaged into a better financial situation. Outside of physically fighting someone, I don’t see her wanting to let her anger manifest into physical actions (later she’ll learn that’s actually rlly healthy along with speaking about it, but this Mako has never heard of therapy of self-help.. she can barely afford a doctor, let alone a therapist that can tell her how to deal with pain).
Mina! Man.. Mina’s kinda tough. She’s really hard to read and is excellent at masking her emotions. Doesn’t matter how angry she is, if she doesn’t want you to realize she’s angry, you have a very very very low chance of figuring that out and even a lower chance of getting any readable confirmation of your theory.
Much like Rei, Mina is also very self-critical, but not to Rei’s unreasonable extents. Mina is, because she needs to, she’s the leader, the level headed one, controlling her emotions is not a choice, it’s a necessity. Along with that I see her being way angrier at the world around her than any other of the inners, but she’s not hypocritical about it.. she realizes she’s part of the problem. People are so fucking selfish, it’s disgusting, and yet.. she knows she’s not so different.
So how does Mina deal with anger? Ironically enough, I see Mina being the one throwing weights around. Mina LOVES working out, physical activity is her n1 stress reliever. She’s not very picky either, she most often makes do with anything she has at hand, including environments and all types of different circumstances to adapt to the most reasonable and appropriate workout at the time.
Other than that, I can easily see her openly venting to those around her. If it’s something she doesn’t care about you knowing she’s angry about, then you’ll def hear about it, willing or not! That’s the more “friend” part of Mina coming out, and less of her disciplined persona as “the leader”. Different circumstances lead to different ways of coping. There’s a lot that Mina needs to filter between “we’re friends” and “I’m your leader”, and that complex inter-dynamic of her character is one of my favorite aspects of her.
And speaking of public coping method for anger management.. Mina’s kind of a dick too, depending on the day, she’ll go openly be an ass to someone on the street to destress, or encourage Rei in similar behavior. Entertainment is a kind of minor, yet significant way Mina uses to keep her emotions at bay, a form of temporary distraction, and hey.. Mina is pretty shameless after all. She doesn’t care. Also I can see other types of ‘activities’ that are def a personal fav method of coping for Mina as well *ahem*.
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feh-alt-battle · 2 months
Request Poll - Chrom
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Ebila, PenekoR, Ebila, Ebila, Yamada Kotaro, Hino Shinnosuke, Yamada Kotaro, Koazaki Yusuke, Fujisaka Kimihiko
Notes: As a transmasc myself I am enjoying how people are saying the Fate-Defying Duo and Vessels of Fate alts are the same Chrom and Robin but just years apart from one another
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shinsengumi-archives · 6 months
I’m back (after writing a 55 pg fic so far). I’m trying to wrap my head around Soji’s timeline and pouring over the timeline you have posted.
In September 1867 Soji becomes seriously ill - does he stay with the Shinsengumi still during that time I’m guessing?
January 1868 - I assume he went to Osaka for the battle of Toba-Fushimi but he doesn’t take part in it? He stays behind with Kondo who was shot in the shoulder?
February 4 - they sail to Edo, and I assume Soji is with them? And this is his first time on a ship?
Feb? ?? - Okita’s sister Mitsu and Okita Rintaro left (which I’m guessing they were in contact and it’s unknown how they parted)
February 28ish - This is when Soji goes to Matsumoto Ryojin’s clinic and is staying at Matsumoto’s house at Imado shrine.
March 24 - so a month later the Shinsengumi goes to Kofu Castle and stays in Hino which is still in Edo where I’m guessing Soji gets bad/feverish and can’t travel so this is actually where they officially leave him at Uekiya Heigoro’s house? In the “site of Okita Souji’s death” post you say it was the end of February when he moved there (which would be a month prior to this when he was going to Matsumoto’s clinic - so I just want to clarify that it was around the end of March that Okita moved to Heigoro’s house.
Sometime in March (before the 28th) - the Shinsengumi visits Soji and he smiles and doesn’t let them know how sick he is so they won’t worry.
March 28-April 25 - the shinsengumi are pretty much all around Edo until Kondo is beheaded in May and Hijikata gets injured at the Battle of Utsunomiya Castle - Where does Hijikata go?
July 19 - *sobs* we lose him. So he’s at the house alone and suffering from end of March to July? 4 months. And in those four months, he did visit Kondo’s wife Tsune and daughter Tama at Joganji Temple in Nakano (when was this?).
Let me know if I missed anything we know about Soji here as well!
Thank you so much and super grateful. I want to learn as much as I can and flesh out the timeline a bit so I can fully understand what he experienced and how he lived up until the end.
Hi @sayitcanonlybeme, sorry for the extremely late reply. I've gone back to grad school and have been busy with classes/projects for the past few months, so I haven't been able to be active on Tumblr until the holidays.
The timeline was posted a long time ago when I first started learning about the Shinsengumi, so there are inaccuracies, especially mixups between Lunar calendar and Western calendar dates.
Here are the events with details and corrections:
September 1867 Soji becomes seriously ill
It's not clear exactly when he became ill, but according to Japanese Wiki Corpus:
according to Kanefumi NISHIMURA's "Mibu Roshi Shimatsuki", he [Okita Souji] was seriously ill around September when the quarters were moved to Fudodo Village; and in a letter to Kondo dated October 13, Kojima wrote that he was worried about Okita's worsening condition. Given the above, when Okita's health condition worsened so critical that he could not bear fighting was from autumn to winter in 1867. It is also thought that his intense exercise might have been an added burden on his lungs and aggravated his illness.
I'm not sure whether the dates are Lunar or Western calendar, but September is October on the Western calendar. Here's a useful calendar converter.
January 1868 - I assume he went to Osaka for the battle of Toba-Fushimi
He was first staying at Kondo Isami’s mistress’s house in Rokujo, Kyoto, not far from Fushimi (according to this article and this article). Abe Juro arrived there on the morning of December 18 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: January 12, 1868), hoping to assassinate Okita. He later mentioned in the "Shidankai Sokkiroku" (史談會速記錄), "However there was no one there but one woman, who after interrogation admitted that there was an Okita Souji the other night who at 10PM returned to Fushimi. It was really regrettable."
December 18 was also the day Kondo got shot in the right shoulder on his way from Nijo Castle (more info).
They were both sent to Osaka Castle to receive medical care, so neither of them participated in the fighting that started on January 3 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: January 27).
February 4 - they sail to Edo
According to this article, Kondo, Hijikata, and Okita boarded the Shogunate's ship Fujisanmaru on January 10 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: February 3).
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(image sources: [1] [2])
Nagakura boarded the Jundomaru which left a day earlier. Out of the 150 Shinsengumi members, 116 remained. They went back to Edo on those two ships along with the rest of the Shogunate army.
The Fujisanmaru arrived at Shinagawa, Edo on January 15. Kondo and Okita went to a medical clinic in Kanda Izumibashi (神田和泉橋) to receive treatment from Matsumoto Ryojun. The rest of the Shinsengumi stayed at a garrison in Kajibashi Gate (鍛冶橋門).
This is likely Okita's first time traveling on a ship since the Shinsengumi originally arrived in Kyoto on foot and there are no other records of Okita making long journeys.
Feb? ?? - Okita’s sister Mitsu and Okita Rintaro left
Okita Mitsu and Rintaro evacuated along with the Shinchogumi's sponsor, the Lord of the Shonai domain Sakai Tadazumi, to the Shonai domain in northern Japan (source).
Since Souji wasn't fit for travel, he was left behind in Edo. According to the Okita Family Records, they left him on February 26 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: March 19, 1868). However, according to this article, Mitsu and Rintaro left in March (lunar calendar), so I'm not sure which date is more accurate.
According to the Shinsengumi's financial records, Okita withdrew money to pay a carpenter on February 26 (lunar) to repair Uekiya's house in Sendagaya where he spent his final days, so he had either just moved in or was about to move there when Mitsu left.
February 28ish - This is when Soji goes to Matsumoto Ryojin’s clinic
I think February 28ish (lunar) is when he left Matsumoto Ryojun's clinic.
According to this article:
In January of Keio 4, Matsumoto Ryojun was summoned by a certain Hiraoka, a young official of the shogunate, and receive news that "The wounded from the Battle of Toba-Fushimi were returning to Edo, and that they should be given temporary hospitalization at the residences of the lords". As if following in the footsteps of the Shogunate's army, news spread that Satsuma-Choshu army had moved eastward and was coming to Edo. Most of the wounded had already been cured, and more than 30 patients were treated at Imado. He built his own dormitory in a corner of the grounds of the shrine in Imado, where he lived, and built a hospital building in Shofukuji Temple, which was used as a field hospital, and moved his own patients there as well. The Shinsengumi, defeated in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi in Keio 4, returned to Edo aboard the Fujisanmaru and were transported from the Kamaya (釜屋, an inn/teahouse) in Shinagawa to a medical clinic in Okachimachi, Kanda Izumibashi, and then to a field hospital in Shofukuji, where Kondo Isami and Okita Souji were treated by Matsumoto Ryojun, but this is only speculation.
So it's not clear when they went to each location, but from that article, it sounds like Okita went to Matsumoto's clinic at Imado Shrine shortly after arriving in Edo.
March 24 - so a month later the Shinsengumi goes to Kofu Castle and stays in Hino
They went to Kofu on March 24 (Western calendar, Lunar calendar: March 1), so it makes sense that after Okita got too sick in Hino, he was left behind and eventually sent to Uekiya's house in Sendagaya.
He was probably either about to move in or already living in Uekiya's house before he left towards Kofu, since he took out money for renovations on February 26 (lunar).
Sometime in March (before the 28th) - the Shinsengumi visits Soji
Since Nagakura assumed Okita died at Imado in his diary, most Shinsengumi members probably didn't know that he was staying at Uekiya's house starting from March. They were probably trying to keep his location secret to keep him safe.
Since Kondo was captured soon after the Battle of Koshu-Katsunuma, it's unlikely that he ever visited Okita again.
Hijikata did go back to Edo for a short time after that battle, so it's possible that he could have visited Okita, but he was busy pleading Kondo's case and preparing for battle.
It's also possible that a few other trusted Shinsengumi members knew Okita's whereabouts and visited him. Since they didn't want to tell Okita about Kondo's death, it could mean that Okita was still in touch with some Shinsengumi members.
March 28-April 25 - the shinsengumi are pretty much all around Edo until Kondo is beheaded in May and Hijikata gets injured at the Battle of Utsunomiya Castle
At the Battle of Utsunomiya, Hijikata was shot in his right foot on April 23, so he was carried from the battlefield on Shimada Kai's back.
On April 29, Hijikata arrived near Aizu-Wakamatsu and stayed at Shimizuya Inn, which had hot springs, to recover from his wound.
He learned about Kondo's death while he was there and built a tombstone for him at the nearby Tenneiji temple.
On July 1, he left to visit his men.
A month later, he went back to the battlefield to fight the Battle of Aizu.
July 19 - *sobs* we lose him. So he’s at the house alone and suffering from end of March to July? 4 months. And in those four months, he did visit Kondo’s wife Tsune and daughter Tama at Joganji Temple in Nakano
He died on July 19 (Western calendar). He might have been lonely without his loved ones, but I don't think he was alone since Uekiya’s rice cooker was taking care of him and he probably saw other doctors after Matsumoto left.
He visited Kondo’s wife and daughter at Joganji Temple, but I don't think there would be any records where we could find the date since he was in hiding and trying to keep his movements secret.
According to the quote from this article from "Shinsengumi Imon" (新選組遺聞) by Shimozawa Kan:
Isami's family, his wife Tsune and his mother-in-law Keiko (瓊子), moved out of their house in Ushigome shortly after Isami left for Koshu and moved to the outskirts of Edo. They rented room at a temple called Joganji in Nomurahongo.
In the Shinsengumi's financial records, there's a withdrawal on February 28 (lunar) for the house in Ushigome where Kondo’s wife and child lived, which might be related to the move.
So Okita probably visited them in Joganji some time between March and July.
This article (from the "Joganji Records" (成願寺誌)) describes what his final days were like:
Edo was already crawling with government troops with Imperial Brocades, but Uekiya, where Souji was staying, was a safe haven in Ikejiribashi, a very lonely place at the time, where the sound of watermills over the river echoed and there was hardly anyone to be seen at night. Although safe, it must have been too lonely for the young Souji. Sometimes he would go by palanquin to Joganji temple, about a ri away [a 1 hour walk]. He would stay there for days and days. He had an incurable disease, and he probably knew better than anyone else that his death was approaching. Unable to endure the loneliness and desolation, he would come to the temple and soak in the warmth of the unchanging affection of the mother and child, and how comforted he was by that.
Let me know if there's anything I didn't cover or if you have any more questions.
I would really like to read the fic you wrote, if you don't mind sharing it - nvm, found it :)
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MINCRAFT DIARIES: Dante & Laurance Zvhal!
ACE ATTORNEY: Maya Fey & Miles Edgeworth!
YU-GI-OH!: Fallen of Albaz & Bakura Ryou!
KAMEN RIDER: Tsukasa Kadoya,* Ukiyo Ace,* & Eiji Hino!
QSMP: q!Charlie Slimecicle & Juana Flippa!
THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES: Jonathan Sims & Micheal Shelley!
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S: Crying Child & Micheal Afton!
CRITICAL ROLE: Zerxus Ilerez & Vax’ildan Vessar!
MARVEL COMICS: Marc Spector//Moon Knight & Loki Laufeyson!
LIFE SMP SERIES: c!Jimmy Solidarity & c!PearlescentMoon!
STAR WARS: Anakin Skywalker & Obi-wan Kenobi!
THE UNTAMED//MO DAO ZU SHI: Wen Qing & Wen Ning!
DREAM SMP: c!TommyInnit & c!Tubbo!
LIFESTEAL SMP [S4]: c!PrinceZam & c!Vitalasy!
GENERATION: LOSS: gl!Niki Nihachu & gl!Ranboo!
PERCY JACKSON: Jason Grace & Nico di Angelo!
HOMESTUCK: Davesprite & Vriska Serket!
RWBY: Penny Polendina & Pyrrha Nikos!
Congratulations to all the winners! See all of the polls themselves in #most tragic preliminaries
*As for the apparent tie we’ve had with Kamen Rider, tomorrow (I am in PST) will begin a 24-hour elimination poll between Tsukasa Kadoya and Ukiyo Ace. Winner takes all!
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The Amazing Digital Marching Band: Ragatha Concepts
Hi! Mod Hino again, and today I will be sharing some more concept sketches! This time, I was coming up with ideas for Marching Band! Ragatha Again these are all β designs for now, I’m still in the works of experimenting, but if there’s something you really like feel free to let me know! I’ll keep your suggestions in mind :)
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Ragatha within this AU plays the flute! Unlike the canon Digital Circus lore, Ragatha is actually the newest addition to the band, entering the world a couple of months before Pomni. She also deals with anxiety during rehearsals, as she always wants to perform at her best and make her section proud of her. If she doesn’t, she’ll feel like she let the whole band down. Praise is the best way to fuel her, criticism is the best way to stall her. Ragatha knows and talks with Pomni the most within this AU. The two get along well and easily confide within each other the anxieties they face during rehearsals. Ragatha also helps Pomni open up and talk to the other members within the marching band. With Jax, Ragatha is the complete opposite. She despises how egotistical and ignorant the brass can be sometimes, especially Jax. He knows that Ragatha’s biggest weakness is criticism, so whenever she makes a mistake, Jax is sure to point it out loud and proud. He’s also constantly blasting his trumpet around the woodwinds, and has definitely snuck up on Ragatha before and blared a high C in her ears. Ragatha actually has been the closest with Gangle out of the cast, as the two share many classes together and enjoy creating makeup looks for their shows. Ragatha admires Gangle’s worth ethic and focus when it comes to learning the Color Guard’s duties, and loves when Gangle forgets about the world and is able to express herself through dance and performance. The two also are seen sharing gossip and giggling, as your typical girly band members would do. Much like Pomni, Ragatha doesn’t know Zooble or Kinger too well, but she admires Zooble for the same reasons she admires Gangle: work ethic and focus. She finds it amazing how easily Zooble catches on to new battery changes and diddles, and wishes she had the same skills but with her flute. As for Kinger, Ragatha is always there to console the poor guy whenever he gets overwhelmed, and also gives really helpful advice to him about playing his instrument. Kinger is always grateful for her and knows that he can always come to Ragatha with any questions he may have.
Ragatha, like all of the other members of the Amazing Digital Marching Band, are open for asks! Feel free to ask questions that you may have to the people in the group, and they will answer you when they get the time in between rehearsals! Please read the ask box guides in the pinned post before sending an ask, thank you!
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"Fear and the World and People and Me: What was the Phenomenon of 'Evangelion'?" Text & Translation of CB 1997 Essay by Junichi Tomonari
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My first entry into the Comic Box End of Eva Translation Project!
The Comic Box Magazine opens with an introductory essay by Junichi Tomonari, a japanese literary critic and novelist who specialized in horror works (and is big into scuba diving and lives in Bali these days, apparently). His work focuses on bringing an outsider, sociological lens to Eva as a work of media and cultural phenomenon. I will list a few of my ‘interesting takeaways’ from the essay first for those who just want a glimpse, then I will post a link to the full translation on my blog
Tomonari’s interview is a time capsule of the 90’s zeitgeist of treating anime as sociological diagnostic for the times. He, hilariously, repeatedly, states how much he hates Shinji, and yet ‘sees in Shinji the youth of Japan’, a youth passive & hopeless, unable to act for themselves and withdrawing from society. This passivity is seen as dangerous, particularly in men, “...they will not be able to avoid looking at themselves objectively in relation to others. When this happens, they suddenly display a violent temperament.” He is not alone in thinking this - the 1989 “Otaku Killer” Tsutomu Miyazaki, the rise of the hikikomori as a sociological phenomenon, and other stories launched an entire wave of writings concerning the fate & struggles of Japan’s youth in the 90’s, often with the anime subculture as a focal point.
Tomonari sees himself as having moved past anime, loathing Shinji for his weakness, and judgemental of an audience obsessed with Eva. “If I were a junior or senior high school student and there was such a jerk in my class, I would definitely torment him to death.” But he grows to appreciate Shinji - and Eva - as a way to see the struggles of a new generation in a more empathic light than the contemproary wave of hand-wringing normally permits (and of course, the sentiments he expresses are likely literary exagerations to communicate his ideas). This interview adds to the stack of evidence we have of Evangelion being a focal point for this sort of discourse, expanding the parameters of the “otaku as sociological phenomenon” discussion for the wider public.
Something I do find quite revealing is how much Tomonari in 1997 is repeating what western anime fans would themselves embrace in the 2000’s - Shinji as pathetic, as someone who should “grow up and be a real man”. Its a pretty alien perspective today! Hating a protagonist for being anxious and having struggles, that is half of all protagonists, who doesn’t have those traits? The machismo of the male media culture of the 2000’s is pretty dead and buried, or at least morphed, protagonists with anxiety and trauma are relatable and revered. In our modern era we perhaps forget how new it is for traits like these to be so standard, for characters to be so ‘relatable’ in this way. This interview really sells you on how controversial a character Shinji-as-protagonist was in 1995 (and in Japan), something that is much harder to glimpse now.
Other interesting notes:
At one point during the discussion of modern youth’s latent violence, Tomonari comments “Across the world, there are probably very few cases of children committing such murders [and yet we see them in Japan]. Perhaps this will become a unique phenomenon in Japan”. Alas for all of us, this prediction did not age well.
He compares Evangelion to horror manga author Hideshi Hino’s “splatter horror” works and stylistic designs, which is right on the money as his manga “Dokumushi Kozou/Bug Boy” is actually cited in the production documents for Evangelion, such as this End of Evangelion storyboard:
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He does take time to eviscerate Shinji for being a self-insert surrounded by beautiful women who all dote on him in one way or another and it is extremely funny, that trait is both one of Eva’s best parts and also totally true.
The interview is quite long, a bit too much for tumblr but has a lot of interesting facts - I have put my translation & even the OCR'd Japanese text up for anyone to read here on my blog, which I really do need to do a better job of cross-posting things. Hopefully it is of interest to some, and I aspire to continue translating the documents as much as I am able.
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Friendship Showdown: Preliminary Round #1
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Fjord Stone and Beau Lionett (Critical Role): no propaganda submitted
Hina Azumi and Eiji Hino (Kamen Rider OOO): The whole show is about holding hands and they do hold hands! But it's so not a thing because Eiji is over here with a gay bastard bird that is 800 years old and possessing Hina's brother. She has faith in him and he will keep his promises to her no matter what.
Tennis Ball and Golf Ball (Battle for Dream Island): TB and GB have literally been besties since the start of the show. They’ve always been there for each other.
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literallyzooble · 7 months
About Me???
Pinned Post? In MY Blog? It’s more likely than you think!
-Name: Call me Hinotori! Or Hino, or Phoenix, or Rainbow…whatever name you know me by!
-Pronouns: Singular They/Xe/🌈 Pronouns
-Aspiring Independent Mangaka And Animator! <3
-My Kinlist! (In No Specific Order):
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And Check Out My Wix Website For All Of My Labels!
Current Largest Special Interests:
The Amazing Digital Circus
All Forms Of The Arts, Both Visual And Performing
My Own Universes/Original Characters
Marching Bands/Drumcorps
(Bold=REALLY REALLY Fixated)
Other Miscellaneous Special Interests (Fluctuate In Fixation Intensity):
Minecraft: Story Mode
NEXO Knights
僕のヒーローアカデミア/My Hero Academia
宝石の国/Land Of The Lustrous
Object Shows/BFB/II/ONE/Animatic Battle
Chimera Heart
-You are Racist, Sexist, Homo/Transphobic, Ableist, or Excluding Of Any Group In General.
-If your blog is mainly political content. I fucking hate politics.
-If your blog is related to the show “Unikitty!” in any way. Yes, this blog used to be for the fandom, but now it is a HUGE trigger for me.
-You are just here to critique what I make/reblog/post about. I have RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria), and your words may do more harm than good for me. These are MY projects, so please let ME develop them the way I want to. I mostly create things just for the fun of it, not to be “good” or “popular”, so criticism really stalls my happiness.
-If you have anything against intersectionality. As someone who is Asian, Queer, Trans, Intersex, Neurodivergent and Disabled, intersectionality and having intersecting identities mean a lot to me and what I do.
If you are on my DNI list, please do not take that personally! This list is mostly for my mental health, as mine is very fragile and hasn’t been the best as of lately. I want this blog to be a safe space for me to express myself and share my work without worrying about being triggered every day. If you qualify to not interact with me, and choose not to, I want to say that I really appreciate it. It will help me stop getting hung up on being triggered, and start trying to actively help my mental state :)
Hey! Just Try To Be Nice To Me, Alright? I’m Going Through A Rough Time And Just Came Back On Here To Get Some Serotonin From Digital Circus Fanart. I Am Mentally Disabled With Fluctuating Support Needs, So Please Don’t Take It Personally If I Shut Down On You. Hopefully You Enjoy What I Make Though! Thank You For Checking My Blog Out <3
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Round Two Polls
NOTE: Every poll is a completely randomized matchup.
Purble (Flight Rising) vs Preminger (Barbie Princess & The Pauper)
Vaati (Legend of Zelda) vs Skywarp (Transformers)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs Erin Ruunaser (Aurora)
Shaun Gilmore (Critical Role) vs Skeletor (He-Man)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) vs Chowder
Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone) vs Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem)
Me (Baba Is You) vs Tallest Purple (Invader ZiM)
Eduardo (Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends) vs Professor Plum (Clue)
Gerard (Monster Prom) vs Nelson (LEGO Ninjago)
Taako (Adventure Zone) vs Mayoi Ayase (Ensemble Stars!!)
Wally (Kikoriki) vs Shockwave (Transformers)
Hino Eiji/PuToTyra (Kamen Rider OOO) vs Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
Dionysus (Hades) vs Blinky (The Hatchetfield Universe)
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Henchman (Cuphead)
Garry (Ib) vs Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float)
Gengar (Pokemon) vs The Purple People Eater
Prowler (Into The Spider-Verse) vs King Amethar Rocks (Dimension 20’s A Crown of Candy)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) vs Asgore (Undertale)
Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening) vs Austin (Backyardigans)
Marx (Kirby) vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Lucifer/Hanzo Urushihara (Devil Is A Part Timer) vs Stacy/Stacaesar (Zenkaiger)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Night Vale) vs Cyclonus (Transformers)
Aaravos (Dragon Prince) vs James (Pokemon)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) vs Spyro
Mike Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Pocketcat (Fear & Hunger)
The Wizard (Stardew Valley) vs Purple (Animation vs Minecraft)
Chu Chu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Waluigi (Mario)
Skull (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Enderman (Minecraft) vs Frank "Doc" DuFresne (Red VS Blue)
Ravio (Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) vs Sonic (One Punch Man)
Prince vs Star Platinum (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Shinsou Hitoshi (My Hero Academia) vs Therion (Octopath Traveler)
Akira Otoishi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Kanata (Go Princess Precure)
Barney The Dinosaur (Barney And Friends) vs Prince Humperdinck (Princess Bride)
Adonis Otogari (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Parado (Kamen Rider EX-AID)
Espio the Chameleon (Sonic The Hedgehog) vs Nidoking (Pokemon)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Prince Humphrey (Harpy Gee)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai) vs Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
Ai / Dark Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains) vs Soundwave (Transformers)
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) vs Galvatron / Megatron (Transformers)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You) vs Essek Thelyss (Critical Role)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) vs Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
MewTwo (Pokemon) vs Stan LaVey (Monster Prom)
High Geologist Shaggy (Tumblr) vs Chase (Kamen Rider Drive)
Purple Link / Vio (Legend of Zelda: Four Swords) vs Rick Shades (Epithet Erased)
Tinky Winky (Teletubbies) vs Purpled (DreamSMP)
Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Narancia Ghirga (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role) vs Count von Count (Sesame Street)
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millieueu · 7 months
🌟 millieueu’s intro! 🌟
(Summer Vacation From School Until September!)
Haven’t introduced myself sooo here we go!
Hi!! My name’s millieueu (pronounced as “mill-lulu”). I prefer if you just called me “Millie” instead. I’m a 14 year old introvert who suffers with low-self esteem and is an artist who’s trying to improve! <3
I’m female (pronouns : she/her). My birthday is September 12th. I have a non-identical twin sister!
In this blog, you’ll just occasionally see me reblog Danny Phantom and MLAATR stuff :p
I might even post my art here whenever I can! (Art tag : #millieueu )
I do both traditional AND digital art. My favorite kind of art is lineless art. I mainly draw fanart of cartoons I like!
Cartoons & Anime
Family & Friends
Movies/TV Shows/Books
Danny Phantom <3
Tumblr, Youtube & Instagram
Pepperoni Pizza, Twisters from TGI Fridays
Anti Gacha
The Gacha Community (neutral)
Silly drama
My sisters fighting over dumb things
Nickelodeon (They have good cartoons but they suck ass)
Cringe culture
Just so you know that I’m only active on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays due to school (unless if it’s a special day).
I tend to get in a really bad mood and act aggressive when someone tries to start an argument with me, so be cautious and try to treat me decently
I have low-self esteem. I care a little too much abt what other people think of me. Please remember to be nice when giving criticism.
I don’t mind adults interacting with me as long as they don’t say anything inappropriate to me or act weird around me
I block NSFW accounts
Please do not ask to vent on my page. I only allow close friends to do that. I’m not the problem solver for everything
Do not bring up the topic of “blackwashing”, I have no say in it
If you have a suggestion or tips for my drawings to be improved, please feel free to send me a DM.
Basic DNI Criteria (Why do I need to list them anyways? It’s common sense to know who SHOULD and SHOULDN’T interact with me)
Interested in politics
NSFW accounts
Pompous Pep (DannyxVlad) and BillDip (BillxDipper) shippers
Seiusa (SeiyaxUsagi) shippers and Usagi x Demande shippers
Anti Gachas
Z10n1$t$ (I’m pro-palestine, which means I’m in full support of Palestine and I’m against the genocide that has happened to them. If you are a z10n1$t trying to start drama and spread lies here, please get the fuck off my blog or I will block you).
People who support cringe culture
People who know me irl (These people are exceptions though)
People who are part of the floptropica/floptok community (I’m sorry but their jokes make me uncomfortable. They aren’t funny at all neither are they are quirky for doing it. It’s very repetitive. Their “history” is made up nonsense too. If you’re part of that community please stay away from me or I will block you immediately)
DaBoyzz (They are just as bad as the floptropicans)
ClareLaBelleRose (Had an argument with her on my old account (Melonz 🍉), accused Naoko Takeuchi of being a “pedophile”. Falsely assumed that the Sailor Senshis are “white” *they are ASIAN*. Falsely accused Sailor Moon of racism *Toei Animation should be blamed for that, not the entire franchise*. Immature)
Fandoms! :D
Danny Phantom
MLAATR (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Sailor Moon
Invader Zim
Supa Strikas
Kim Possible
ROTTMNT (Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Comfort Characters <3
Danny Fenton/Phantom
Jazz Fenton
Valerie Gray
Sam Manson (Guilty pleasure)
Sheldon Oswald Lee (Guilty pleasure)
Rei Hino
Ami Mizuno
Usagi Tsukino
Chibiusa Tsukino
Anne Boonchuy
Examples of my art! :D
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Fun Facts (Some of them aren’t that “fun” though :/)
I used to be a TodoDeku shipper 💀
I used to love Bakugou Katsuki, not anymore though.
I was a huge fan of DOAWK and used to simp for Rodrick XD
Drawing Danny Fenton is my coping mechanism <3
Strawberries are my favorite fruits
Fictional Crushes :
Rodrick Heffley (I was so down bad for his emo ass, I no longer have a crush on him though).
Katsuki Bakugou (Also another one of my old crushes. I hate him now >:( )
Danny Phantom (My current crush XD)
Social Status :
Green = Active
Orange = Semi-active
Red = Inactive
Tumblr (You’re literally on here rn, XD)
TikTok (Permanently inactive due to my stress of being a multifandom).
(This can change sometimes!!)
For more info, please consider checking out my carrd
Feel free to ask to be moots/friends! ^^
That’s all, thank you for visiting my profile! :3
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vk-crzy · 1 year
maybe a dumb question but do you still like vampire knight memories? all i see is hate for it but i genuinely don't think it's that bad
Hi Anon,
So, I'm in the same boat as you and I do actually like the series lol.
I don't necessarily love it in the same way that I loved the original, but I can definitely appreciate what Hino's doing and I do genuinely like the 'quiet atmosphere' that she's created. There are lot of little moments that just feel very sweet and emotional, and it's a completely different vibe to the angst of the original series for sure, but I think it's good in its own way.
And this isn't a criticism of others, but I feel like a lot of the hate that VKM gets is the result of people having certain expectations that just weren't ever going to happen. Z*kis wanted a romance all about their ship, but Hino would never 'disrespect' Kaname by doing that. 'Kaname-first' fans want him to recover his memories immediately, but that would end the series and we'd have nothing left to cover. Certain expectations just aren't feasible and if you keep waiting for those things to happen, you're gonna miss the good things that are actually happening.
20+ chapters about Ai may not be for everyone, but as someone who loves Ai and who has put their Yume hopes on hold for now, I can at least appreciate the story of their daughter and enjoy her growth and journey.
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pudgy-planets · 27 days
Minako and Rei have not met with their parents in over 15 years.
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Rei’s father, Hino Takashi still works as a politician in Japan. He still sends gifts yearly to Rei, though she trashes or burns them to ashes every time they come in the mail.
He couldn’t even be bothered to show up to her grandfather’s funeral… someone who was more of a father to her than anyone else in the world.
None of her children have met him either and judging off her reactions whenever she does talk about him, it’s immediate by her expressions he’s not the best of people. And Rei is being completely honest with her description of him every time.
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Minako’s mother and father haven’t changed much in the last decade and a half. In fact, since Rei and Minako got married the day they graduated high school and she moved her stuff out, she hasn’t talked to them nor attempted to contact them.
Her face is all over Japan, all over the world in fact. As the country’s most popular plus-sized model and spokeswoman, not finding her face on magazines and various other products would be virtually impossible. Even the clothing she wears in shoots is readily available in designer clothing shops.
Minako… despises them both. Not nearly as much as Aphrodite of course, but enough that once she was able to stand on her two feet and no longer had to rely upon them once she became emancipated, she never communicated. Not by text, not by letter, not even a phone call. If they have, she hasn’t answered. Furthermore even in interviews, she spares as little detail as possible as that would be giving them attention they don’t deserve.
Her mother was a hellish, micromanaging housewife with a list of chores and menial tasks for her to do at the ready. While Minako loved her hobbies such as Volleyball and Video Games, her mother gradually turned them into exhausting work. Constantly hanging over her head that "If she didn’t study and work hard now, she’d end up in a dead-end salary job like her father."
Even when traveling to London for a few years on an exchange program for high school, her mother still controlled virtually every aspect of her life during that time. Minako didn’t get to relax. She didn’t get to form many friendships outside of Artemis, the ones she did manage to create inevitably crumbled through conflict of interests.
Minako’s mother often ridiculed her appearance and punished her for seemingly innocuous things. She studied and practiced, she worked hard and yet when the results didn’t match up to her mother’s expectations? She simply criticized her further which over the years which almost damaged Minako’s self-esteem and self-image irreparably.
Her father… is a kind man. He worked hard to provide for the family and he put his best foot forward in everything, despite not being the smartest tool in the drawer. The problem lies in his passivity. He was absent and when he wasn’t, he usually played devil’s advocate to her mother’s ruthless treatment.
When Minako’s mom forced decisions upon her, he never comforted or tried to express his own opinion. When she punished Minako harshly for poor performance or being "lazy", he didn’t comment nor tried to defend Mina. When Minako’s mom smacked or slapped her for talking back, he idly averted his eyes or pretended to be preoccupied with something else like they weren’t sitting front of him.
Her disdain for her father doesn’t stem from verbal or physical mistreatment, because it’s exactly the problem. He didn’t defend her. Every time, he took his wife’s side. Whether because it was easier or he refused to go against his wife, the pain of her own father being complicit/a bystander to her mother’s tyranny was…. Painful. Like Grandpa Hino before his passing, Artemis was the major fatherly figure in Minako’s life and still is to this day.
The Venusian doesn’t know if her parents harbor regrets or melancholy, and frankly she doesn’t care. They did not lay the foundations for the stones that would eventually become the pillars and castles of her success. She did.
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feh-alt-battle · 3 months
Request Poll - Takumi
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Hino Shinnosuke, hou, Tobi, Hino Shinnosuke, Tobi, Niji Hayashi
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