#hirano and kagiura shitpost
icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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illmamnim · 28 days
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I had to make that comparison.
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darrenpeace · 2 years
My friends said that I behave like one manga character
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This one
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totallyexhausted · 2 years
Hirano/ Kagiura Headcannons:
Basically a shitpost list that won’t leave me... If anyone takes these, please tag me so I can read :) Some are long descriptions, some are short- it be like that. Also, I know some of these are already fics- I just like more :) Sorry it’s hella long... a lot of them are for Kagiura idk why probably because he’s the fucking sun…
- Hirano’s on a day trip or school trip and starts panicking when Kagiura (sick or hurt) stops texting him mid-day. He leaves class early or the discipline committee meeting early because he’s concerned. 
- Hanzawa (fucking love this guy- slightly worried he’s going to off himself though) walks into the meeting one day and asks Hirano if Kagiura was okay because he saw him get hurt while practicing or he didn’t look well earlier. 
- Sasaki getting Ill in the middle of the night and his sister looks after him because his parents don’t really seem that attentive. Might dabble on this… Sasaki being frigid towards her at first as he is in the manga but eventually he accepts the comfort, his sister (forgot her name) just wanting what’s best for her little brother his feelings be damned, remembering how he used to cling to her skirt when he was little but now that he’s a 6ft walking tower of angst, its rare to be able to care for him in such a childish manner… even rarer when he accepts.
- Hirano feeling like shit but helping Kagiura study anyway. Kagi looks up after finishing a problem to find Hirano nodding off, his head leaning against his hand, pencil still trapped between his fingers. The younger is quiet for a while and eventually Hirano rests his head either on his arm on the desk or Kagi’s shoulder. Later when Kagi tried to rouse him, he realizes Hirano has a fever which, after waking, the older brushes off and they go to bed. Kagi wakes up several hours later to Hirano crying out his name, his fever spiking, the older reaching for him for comfort. Basically Hirano gets sicker in the night and Kagi kicks himself because he should have been more forceful with the older boy like Hirano was with him; he should have forced him to take meds or check his temperature or sat with him for a bit to make sure he was actually okay- he should have done what Hirano would have- but anyway, Kagi takes care of Hirano throughout the night (this is his chance to show the older boy the love he receives, his chance to repay him) and Hirano kind of clings to him with a fevered delirium; vomiting, high fever, Hirano being clingy for once not that Kagi minds despite how freaked out he is…
- Hirano, possibly reflecting while caring for Kagi (in my mind Kagi pukes on him and Hirano is instantly caring mode instead of mad because he knows what it’s like to feel so horrible that there isn’t any warning before puking…), that he got really sick last year (16) while visiting his parents over break. He doesn’t remember much but he remembers eating dinner, or at least trying too; trying to convince his mom who asked if he felt well, that he was okay. He end up nodding off, his head leaning against his hand, chopsticks still tucked between fingers; he remembers his dad saying something before pressing his hand against his forehead, a soft curse following. He’s pulled up slightly but he remembers puking everywhere, the table, the floor, himself, and feeling so horrible and weak that he can barely comprehend his surroundings. He remembers his parent stripping him, his mother bathing him, his head leaning against his fathers shoulder, a cold rag on his forehead and the back of his neck… he remembers his mothers soft fingers running through his hair, washing away sweat and vomit, he remembers puking in the bath water and his father holding him up, telling him it’s okay son, just get it up. It’s okay…. Basically I have this new headcannon of Hirano getting really sick while visiting his parents while on break, him not wanting to worry them because they spend so little time together, and Hirano being a complete wreck but his parents are so gentle and kind (like he is with Kagi) and they take care of him…
- Hirano’s carrying a box to the council meeting (maybe with Miyano/ Sasaki) and notices Kagiura sitting on the ground outside, leaning against a bench, his head in his hands. He falters and turns to (M/S) to say he’ll be right back and goes over to see if Kagi is okay... basically Kagi was a dumbass and practiced in the heat and ended up with heat exhaustion. (I’m currently writing this): Small snippet/ ideas below: Hirano set his alarm for one hour. He had one hour to try and cool the younger boy off, for him to start sweating more, to regain the fluids he’d just puked up outside in the bushes- otherwise, the 17-year-old was calling for an ambulance.... Hirano hadn’t grown up in a big family like Kagiura… but he and his family were close. Nothing was ever embarrassing between them, even his parent’s public displays of affection never bothered him much as a child… Touching, hugging, comforting someone was always like a second nature to him. His parents had never chastised him, or embarrassed him, or left his side when he was hurt or sick or had nightmares; and they were always open with him, made sure they talked about and took into account his feelings, even from an early age… He was fond of him, that much was true… but he was also fond of his father, or his grandmother, or his friends. So the fondness he felt didn’t mean much; didn’t help deciphering the feelings the younger shared for him… didn’t make his situation any less confusing...
- Kagiura wakes up with a high fever; Hirano misses school to take care of him. Basically, Kagi gets worse throughout the day- Hirano keeps Hanzawa posted because the other boy keeps checking to see if the nurse is available but she isn’t.... “Hi-ra?” The cry startled Hirano as he glanced up from his book, biting his bottom lip. He scooted towards the edge of the bed, placing his book on the nightstand, glancing towards his alarm clock. Hanzawa should be texting him soon to let him know if the nurse was still out.... otherwise, him and Hanzawa would need to take Kagi to A&E. His fever hadn’t spiked but now he was having trouble keeping things down beginning with the several spoonfuls of rice porridge Hirano had fed him earlier so he could give the younger boy more meds... “Hi...ra...” The whimper reached the 17-year-old’s ears, and he shot up, rushing towards Kagiura’s bed, dropping to his knees with a loud smack. He swallowed quickly, his fingers brushing the younger’s hair away from his face, his fingers connecting with the alarming heat present against dry flesh.... The younger boy reached a hand out blindly, and Hirano caught it, intertwining his fingers in the younger’s, his other hand carding through his sweaty hair.... idk y’all... Hirano lets Kagiura cling against him in hopes the younger boy would feel a little better--- maybe a bath? Idk man idk 
- Kagiura gets hurt during practice or a game and tries to play it off. Hirano tries to help put he doesn’t want to be pushy... basically Kagi either accepts the help or, trying to establish himself from Hirano, still tries to convey he’s fine until he isn’t. 
- Kagiura gets a concussion during practice or a game. 
- Kagiura or Hirano or Sasaki feeling faint (for whatever reason, maybe fighting an illness or headache or medical thing or whatever), and their nose starts bleeding, and they quickly tell whoever they’re around to “...go get Hirano/ Kagiura/ Miyano (their significant other)” before passing out. 
- Kagiura stress eats (book) so like if he get stressed and ends up nauseous and with a stomachache.
- Kagiura gets into a fight during a game (the opposing player started it)... or he gets into a fight during school which Hirano breaks up. Bonus points if Hirano freaks (like Kagi is seriously hurt or out) and Sasaki has to pull Hirano off the “bully.”
- Kagiura goes down during a game- dealer’s choice; Hirano freaks. Or Kagi vomits during a game. 
- Kagiura gets sick in the middle of the night. Hirano wakes up to the unpleasant sounds of retching... 
- Miyano or Sasaki crashing/ interrupting a council meeting because something’s wrong with Kagi (either Miyano stayed with the younger boy because he’s more gentle than Sasaki or Sasaki stayed because if Kagiura needed to go somewhere or if he stood up and then dropped, Sasaki would be the only one able to hold up the 6′2″ teenager). Kagiura’s sick but he tried so damn hard to hide it because it’s not Hirano’s job to care for him, and it just makes his rejection harder, and... 
- Sasaki dragging a drunk Hirano back to the dorms one night (keep in mind, Hirano can supposedly hold his alcohol so like did he drink a fucking bar?). Hirano’s not great with processing his feelings, or Kagi’s feelings... or whatever. Kagiura is amused but takes care of him because he’s never seen his roommate be an idiot before. 
- Sasaki getting drunk one night and acting like an idiot with Ogasawara and Hirano. Bonus points if Miyano shows up randomly, like he ran into Hirano and Sasaki trying to find their way back home or something- Ogasawara’s GF picked him up (I’m tiny writing this- its a flashback in my other fic) :) 
- Hirano comes back to the dorms one night, bloodied and bruised... he got into a fight (dealer’s choice). 
- Kagiura knew something was wrong when Hirano didn’t wake him up... Hirano sick. 
- Hirano waking up one morning to wake up Kagi to find the teenager’s bed empty, the bathroom light on (pretty sure they share a floor bathroom like in university but for the sake of the fic, they have their own); he waits a few minutes before knocking... he waits a little longer after hearing no answer to see if it was okay to come in... basically, Kagi’s sick. 
- Kagiura’s muscles hurt after a strenuous practice or game; he’s having a hard time doing simple tasks and it’s stupid and frustrating and he doesn’t want to tell Hirano but he really wants to shower because he smells like sweat but he can’t get his stupid shirt over his head. Bonus points if he has several bruises or swollen muscles in his wrist or something from the rigorous physical activity. Kagi’s a dedicated player who can work through pain. 
- Kagiura gets a really bad migraine one evening after practice, and he really wants Hirano to leave him be or to shut the light off or stop tapping his pencil because the sound is going to kill him. His nose starts bleeding because that’s a thing that sometimes just happens.... 
- Hirano gets headache from staring at his phone all day (Sasaki says it was bound to happen). He stops texting Kagiura halfway through the day because he can’t take it and all he wants to do is get through the remaining classes (he doesn’t make it- probably heads to the nurse or just heads back to the dorms), and Kagiura shows up (either to his class, the nurse or the dorms) to check on him. 
- Hirano doesn’t go to one of Kagiura’s games despite going to pretty much everyone, and Kagiura thinks about it the whole time... possibly getting hurt because he’s distracted. He goes back to the dorms (Hirano is either exhausted, hurt or sick). 
- Kagiura pushing through a practice or game before coming back to the dorms and getting sick. Hirano scolds him for being stupid; but Kagiura didn’t want to let his teammates down.
- Sasaki getting motion sickness on the train one morning (perhaps they are going to a BL thing) with Miyano, and Miyano caring. Sasaki knows its lame and gross and he’s sorry because this is stupid... but sometimes the meds don’t work, and why is the convention/ thing so far away? 
- Miyano eating something super sweet either because Sasaki made it or it was a special event (Sasaki’s sister’s wedding, graduation, etc) and it makes him sick; he can’t tolerate sweet stuff well... 
- Hirano getting sick one day and pushing through it. Kagi pulls him aside while practicing to “interrogate” him; Hirano ends up passing out or worse and Kagi walks or carries him to the nurse. 
- When Miyano asked Hirano if he had a good weekend, he wasn’t expecting this response: “Yeah, I guess. My roommate got sick Friday after practice so I basically spent all of Saturday taking care of him...” Miyano’s BL fantasies go wild and Sasaki asks if Kagiura was okay. Hirano looks up from his phone, pausing, “Yeah, he’s better now. I told him I’d kick his ass if i saw him or heard he was at school today... scared the shit out of me though. Especially when me and Hanzawa had to take him to A&E Saturday night because the damn kid couldn’t keep anything down and his fever spiked...” 
- Sasaki eating something spicy or drink a hot beverage (not wanting to be rude, maybe a meet the parent’s type of situation which would be embarrassing, or he just doesn’t want to offend someone like Miyano or something) and it doesn’t not abode well for him because his stomach hurts... maybe Miyano knows something’s wrong but doesn’t think too much of it until he sees Sasaki home... 
- Sasaki and Miyano know each other well enough to know when something’s wrong. 
- Hirano and Kagiura know each other well enough to know when something's wrong. 
- Sasaki has a nightmare and his sister comforts him for once. 
- Hirano trades food with Kagiura like he does most nights because the younger doesn’t like what he got (don’t know if anyone noticed in vol. 1 of HtK, Hirano orders something he knew Kagiura liked just for this reason), and either he or Kagi end up with food poisoning which makes the other feel bad because of the trade... 
- Hirano has a panic attack or anxiety attack from being stressed about grades and next year, etc. Kagiura helps. 
- Kagiura has an anxiety or panic attack about the upcoming game because he’s exhausted and overworked but this is the last game of the season and if he can’t do well, like he feels about the previous game, he’s worried about his future on the team. Hirano helps and reminds him that he’s a great player despite not feeling like it... 
- Kagiura, Hirano, Miyano, or Sasaki during a depressive episode. 
- Kagiura, Hirano, Miyano, or Sasaki running themselves into the ground from exhaustion and stress from exams. 
- Sasaki has allergies and they really fucking suck. 
- Hirano being overworked and stressed and freaking out over something so small. Or fighting a migraine because he needs to study (despite having really good grades)... Kagiura puts him to bed. 
Okay, don’t come at me because of this because this is normally not something I think about but for some reason... 
- Sasaki having something where his muscles clench up (like a seizure; hospital not usually required) for several minutes (it takes a while for his body to regain control over his muscles again, starting with his fingers twitching or his legs spazzing or something, and he’s exhausted/ dehydrated after because it’s like working out non-stop before collapsing- his body uses a huge source of energy to fight against him), and he can’t move and it’s painful and like it’s rare, but it happens when he’s really exhausted or stressed... it only happened twice in high school (in front of other people besides his family), (stems from childhood like an actual medical condition), once in class (he fell from his seat) which freaked everyone out; another time with Miyano/ Hirano (who by now knew what to do)... and now... It started with his hands... His head resting against Miyano’s thigh, his eyelids growing heavy as the BL anime in front of him slowly begins to drift away, Miyano’s fingers carding through his hair slowly. God, he was so fucking tired. Between exams and helping his family in the bakery more, it was nice to have quiet moments like this with his boyfriend. He was almost asleep when he felt it; the sharp pain flicked against his fingers, and he made a small noise as Miyano’s fingers paused momentarily. But the pain was gone as soon as it started... his mind drifting again, the hushed voices of the television fading. His leg tensed, pain eating up his calf, and he whimpered, clenching his eyes tightly as the muscles in his arms tightened. Miyano’s fingers moved to his arm, trying to rub away the inevitable as his soft voice reached Sasaki’s ears. The older yelped again as his body curled in on himself, the muscles in his back, arms and legs ridging, clenching tightly... 
- Or Kagiura has the same thing as described above; Hirano’s been through this before with him, so he doesn’t panic much when the younger whimpers in his sleep, pulling the older from his studies. Hirano glances up, an eyebrow raised as Kagiura yelps again, and the older cusses as he throws his textbook aside... 
- Or Kagiura has one of these during a game or practice and someone runs to get Hirano, either because Kagi told them to right before he went down (you can feel it coming or he gets a nosebleed or something) or because they figured his roommate would know what was happening or what to do.
Like I said, usually not my forte so idk what my mind is currently tapped on... but don’t come after me... 
Idk, I’ll add more if I think of more but feel free to add more or take, just tag because I love reading :) 
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dumbauwriter · 2 years
my name is raymond! you may also call me jack if you’d like.
i’ll mostly shitpost, talk about my headcanons, ships and maybe write some drabbles here!
the stuff i’m most interested in at the moment is: mob psycho 100, danganronpa, idv, prosekai, hikaru ga shinda natsu, detective conan (expect a lot of heiji simping), hirano to kagiura, servamp, bsd, genshin and some others;
i’m also currently watching blue lock and chainsaw man, so i’ll probably talk about them too!
i’m still unsure of how to use this site, so i apologize in advance if i tag stuff wrong/use the platform wrong!
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year
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