#his lack of ability to let Dunya go
possessedbydevils · 6 months
Hot take Svidrigailov is the best and most entertaining character to read
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freedom-fighter · 2 years
day 36 - 16th dec 2022
I am so Happy, so Grateful and so in Love with:
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins and my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of 36th days with Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself.
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. 
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go
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syifaasma · 8 years
Task 4# January : Make a text with waves, nauseous, and silence
Im scared
Im scared of not being accepted, and then being commented
Because i think in many events, i didnt realize that i made a mistake
I just didn’t sensitive enough
And i need people that show me mistakes in that soft-accepted-ways
Im scared of my lack ability of many things
Im scared of being left aside, being rejected
Im sick of it, pretty nauseous and then nearly vomitus
Feeling really need dymenhydrinate to avoid this motion sickness.
Im scared of people surrounding me explain to any one that im someone
with that much positive things
but actually im not
Im scared of too much hope in me
I want it all to be fair
In equilibrium state and dont have any migraine, or cluster one,
Then didn’t stimulate any vertigo or tension headache.
Oh i need oxygen. Or any ergotamine.
Im scared of seen beautiful but actually i have so much wound in me
Burden, guilty, shyness
Not comfortable
Feeling of always be in boundary. Im not free. Im in prison.
And feeling of not enough to comfort anyone
What do i have?
How can i face the waves?
And how if it a tidal wave?
Or tsunami?
I prefer remain in silent
In my silence cocktail-party-deafness
But i think God (nearly) gives you to me right know
Beyond all my worries
I know inevitably, God will come defending His slave
And He had His way
And you maybe one of His way
Help me defence my self
Because i felt like i trully need it in about a year a go. Then i surrender.
And God give me at the right time when i say
“I just want to be His Slave”
For me Allah is enough.
and this is happily-comfortably-simply make me strong enough
of not being scared of dunya anymore i guess.
In The Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Lets begin this day, walk with smile :)
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muslimmommyusa-blog · 8 years
Spotlight: Acepreneur Founder Ali Ash Talks About How He Got His Start and Advice On Content Creation
"Obsessing with what others are doing or how successful they are is something which emotionally demeans your own worth in your own eyes, mentally demoralizes you and intellectually stifles you."  -- Ali Ash | Acepreneur
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu everyone.
We're back again after our three weeks hiatus doing research, finding notable professionals and entrepreneurs to dish about their insights and experiences to help us better grow our families and ventures, in sha Allah.
First on our line up, is an interview with an affluent writer and entrepreneur, Ali Ash, A.K.A "Acepreneur".
In this Q&A segment, he tells us about his profession, inspirations, actionable advice, and more.
Read on, and let us know if you've got tips to add, or if you know a Muslim Entrepreneur who you think we should do a Q&A with.
1. Please tell us about yourself, your background, profession, what you have achieved, etc.
I'm an established author, a professional writer, a specialist copywriter, and a growing entrepreneur. I'm the
Founder and CEO of 'Acepreneur' - a revolutionary and cutting-edge communications startup; providing coaching, mentoring, training, content writing, copywriting and publishing solutions for small businesses, upcoming entrepreneurs and established online companies.
I am also the Founder and CEO of yoloFEED.com; a new-age viral content website that provides rich content and media on health, wellness, food & nutrition, lifestyle and current events.
As a Syndicated Columnist and Market Expert Writer at Business.com, I passionately write in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, technology and social media trends.
I also write as a Syndicated Columnist at The Huffington Post in areas of business, technology, entrepreneurship, social change and self-motivation.
I am a Syndicated Columnist and Feature Writer at The Muslim Vibe, where I write on Islam and Muslims, Islamophobia and other Geopolitical and Sociocultural matters that affect our Ummah on a global scale today.
Over the past 13 years, my writings have encompassed everything from business and entrepreneurship to commentary and analysis on social and consumer trends. My pieces are anecdotal in nature; something the reader can take away from, thus enriching the reader's thought process with an alternate view to things. A view that is both refreshing and inspirational. I believe that: “Words have a special place in this world. They have tremendous power to implement change; change within ourselves and to the mosaic of life that we see around us”
When my pen is not consuming empty pages, I can be found at the squash court in the middle of an intense provincial-league match, taking long quiet walks with my wife to contemplate the mysteries of the universe or looking up new ways to achieve entrepreneurial goals.
2. Why & How did you get into the type of work/business you are currently doing?
I have a Bachelors in Business and a Masters in Supply Chain Mangement with a minor in International Trade. I have a professional career in Logistics Management for a major international freight forwarding firm that ships product for Coca Cola, Pepsi, Johnson and Johnson and other major global companies. I have been working in my position for over 10 years now and enjoy every bit of it. I consider myself a 'transitioning entrepreneur' currently, and got into entrepreneurship about two years ago after watching a talk by Tony Robbins. He talked about how life is short and if you don't utilize your natural talents, life will pass you by until you're in the grave. I realized I am a natural writer and have always loved it. So I decided to form Acepreneur. And the rest is history. I've been lucky to have had enjoyed phenomenal success in such rapid time, Alhamdulillah and my goal is to grow Acepreneur and all my ventures into a self-regulating, multi-functional entity with offices around the world. Seeing how things are at the moment, I foresee quitting my office job finally after 10 years, sometime this year Insha'Allah!
3. What do you do to prepare yourself for any task/s, project or article you are undertaking? Also, do you follow a process we can apply ourselves?
Believe it or not, I still do things the old-fashioned way. I have a beaten up, shabby black diary that I physically keep in my pocket. I call it "The Get Work Done Diary". Somehow I find that planning out work, tasks, projects and to-do items "physically" via a pen on a piece of paper, as opposed to notepad apps on a mobile phone, is so much more conducive and fulfilling. In the age of social media, the phone desensitizes us to a point where we often overlook pending things / notes / items on our to-do lists saved on the phone. A physical diary, on the other hand, looms overyour head and keeps reminding you merely by its presence in your pocket that there is stuff to be finished! Also, I divide my entire day into 6 parts starting from Fajar until 12 midnight. Segmenting my day into parts helps in planning, executing, maintaining and amending as I go about my business through the day. I also approach tasks by priority; the hardest tasks first and the easiest later.
4. What are your top 3 tips to keep yourself organised?
My Black Diary ( Time Management), Goal Setting ( Planning ) and Self-Motivation ( Helps eliminate Procrastination and open up more free time )
5. Is there someone notable in your life who inspires you, and why?
My foremost inspiration is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for his relentless sense of duty, determination and ability to persevere against all odds, despite the trials and tribulations he faced. We can adopt the same gems in our personal and entrepreneurial lives as doing so itself is a profound Sunnah unto its own. Second, my inspiration is my beautiful wife. She is the most patient, sacrificing and inspiring person I know. Her support, love and constant belief in me keeps me thriving and moving forward no matter how hard things have gotten. I tell her that when I make my first million dollars, I'm sending her to a 6-month shopping spree anywhere in the world she likes.
6. What should we look forward to within the next year in the content creation world? Are there any trends that you have noticed that we should look forward to?
Content Creation has become a recurring 'asset' to content marketers, writers, bloggers, and creative specialists alike, in the past 2-3 years in my view. By a recurring asset, I mean it generates everything from leads, social media following and sales, to cementing a company/individual's authority, value proposition and viability as an industry player in the eyes of content consumers. Good content is never outdated content. There are articles and journalistic pieces, copywritten work and advertising marvels online that still capture people's attention, even though they were created years ago. The trends might fluctuate off and on - as is the case with any commodity, resource or dynamic within a niche or industry, but as long as content lovers and creators alike support unique, value-oriented and viable content, there will always be demand for more.
7. Do you have any advice that you would like to share?
The biggest advice I can give is: do not compare yourself with other successful people, fellow entrepreneurs, colleagues, friends, family etc either in your personal lives or business lives. Competition is good yes ( and it is something entirely different than 'comparing), but evaluating your self-worth by comparing your ability, substance and chances with others is infact 'devaluating' yourself. This is a common tendency most people suffer from, especially in our Ummah. This is because it is based on low self-esteem, lack of confidence, some envy, egoism and so forth. Obsessing with what others are doing or how successful they are is something which emotionally demeans your own worth in your own eyes, mentally demoralizes you and intellectually stifles you. Your focus becomes 'immediate results' ( impractical) rather than 'achieving results through planning and hard work' ( practical), which ends up setting you up for disappointment and heart-break when the former does not work out. So focus on yourself, your abilities, your aspirations, what needs to be done and where you are headed. Allah swt has a different evolutionary path for us all in this dunya, be that path in terms of family, health, marriage or even business/rizq. Knowing this and giving your best along the way - is key!
We couldn't agree more!
What tips can you share to help those of us who struggle with creating content? And have you notice any trends lately?
Do you know a rising or experienced entrepreneur who we should do a Q&A with, who can help other Muslim Entrepreneurs? If so, send their email to: [email protected] now!
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