#is this a hot take? is it lukewarm? idc or know
possessedbydevils · 6 months
Hot take Svidrigailov is the best and most entertaining character to read
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brighttears · 1 year
There and Back
Joel Miller (not an x reader)
Summary: Memories of Sarah come back one miserable morning in Joel and Tess’s Botson QZ apartment.
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: drinking, mentions of pill abuse, basically depression and ptsd symptoms, grief and mourning, talk of (Sarah’s) death, brief and vague suggestion of suicidal thoughts, brief mention of Christian beliefs (hell), smoking (cigarettes), blood (very little), pure angst
A/n: anything about Sarah makes me tear up so easily god this was distressing to write idk why i feel like i needed to christ. also not a x reader fic idc this one was for me
He woke disoriented, small, aching, and thirsty. With wisps of her screams still in his ears, Joel had crawled from the bed, clumsily pushing the dresser away by backing himself into it, and fished around under the floorboards until his hand hit a thick glass bottle.
Today’s breakfast is smuggled whiskey. He doesn’t work until much later and Tess has the opposite schedule. So, Joel sits accompanied only by the peeling wallpaper, silent radio, and this bottle before him, full of orange, drowned prayers for some kind of relief. He dumps a pour into his short glass and sets the bottle back down on the table with a bang. Slumping in his chair, he takes a deep breath. He still has glimpses of self awareness, he sees himself here, drinking first thing in the morning, not really wanting to, but she’s still in his ear, those rapid, desperate breaths—his eyes squeeze shut and grabs the glass and throws it back. He dumps another shot, and then another. 
Joel calls himself a coward with every hot swallow. At this point, he probably drinks more whiskey than water, though it's often almost half water itself anyways. He drinks so that he’ll keep drinking when he’s drank enough to not give a shit about anything anymore and the waves that crash over him become lukewarm rather than scorching hot or cuttingly cold. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, if he sets it up just right, when the whiskey closes his eyes, just before he falls back into the nightmares, he remembers her and feels warm, and is dumb-drunk enough to maybe even be able to smile. 
Sarah comes up throughout the day every day, but the memories are of all the times he was a horrible father, all the times he failed her, and if something like her smile does come up, it brings along a heavy coat of sticky despair and heartache, like tar, he feels it drip hot over his skin. 
There’s a hole in him that won’t be filled, not with alcohol, pills, Tess, work, anything he tries, like he was shot through that night too, only he lived walked away from it. Joel does not have an answer to the question of if he wishes he’d died that night, too, not anymore at least. He just knows that he needs to stay alive for Tommy and for Tess. So, he downs his fourth shot while the sun’s still rising. 
In the driveway, Sarah cries softly, holding her shin to bend her leg and watch the blood just begin to bubble up from her scratched knee.
“It’s alright, babygirl, I’ll go get your Hello Kitty bandaids, alright?” He kneels in front of her, brows raised reassuringly but pained. Sarah nods softly, lip quivering, a teardrop forming on her chin, not taking her eyes off of her knee. Joel reaches his hand to her cheek, thumbing away a stream of tears. “I’ll be right back. Okay?” Looking up, she nods again.
Joel practically runs through the house, throwing himself into the bathroom and swinging the medicine cabinet open with unnecessary force, snatching up the bandaids and Neosporin. Her face when he comes back in through the garage door kills him. “Oh, babygirl, it’s alright. We’ll make it all better, see?” he says, kneeling back on the ground to address the shallow wound. 
As he spreads a dot of Neosporin over it, Sarah sniffles and wipes her forearm over her face. “It doesn’t even hurt, that’s not why I’m upset.” Her voice is wet from crying.
“Then what is it, baby?” he asks as he crosses two bandaids over her knee.
“It’s because I fell off the bike again. This is like the fifth time I’ve fallen off.”
“You’re frustrated, huh?” Joel looks at her, resting one knee on the ground and his arm over his other, crouched. 
“Yeah.” She breaks into tears again as she answers. 
“Oohh, baby, that’s alright,” he brushes his thumb over her cheek again, “it’s ok to be frustrated. But you know what?” Sarah looks up at him, eyes wet, brows furrowed, lip quivering, “You keep gettin’ up! That’s the important part, sweetheart. That’s how you learn new things. You just gotta keep tryin’. Keep gettin’ back up.” She nods and sniffles, then wipes her arm over her face again. “You wanna pick this back up tomorrow, we can go inside and I’ll get you a popsicle?”
Sarah stays sitting, blinking at the ground for a moment before she replies, “No. I wanna try again.”
“You sure?”
She meets his eyes with fierce determination and nods. He almost grins, adoring her perseverant nature. 
“Alright then.” Joel nods as she stands up, watching her chest rise and fall with deep, calming breaths. On his feet, he leans to put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eyes when he tells her, “You can do this. I know you can. Just takes practice.”
She nods definitively, then rights her bike again and climbs on, Joel behind her with his hands ghosting support as she puts her feet back on the pedals.
Joel only cries when Tess isn’t here and there’s already a baby crying or some screaming fight to drown it out. Sometimes it puts him to sleep—mourning is tiring; it twists him up and squeezes him out. He’s surprised he still has anything left to be squeezed out after all these years, but he just saw her, he just lost her all over again. It gets heavy in his chest, a rain cloud growing thicker, heavier, darker, and he’s no god, he can do nothing about a storm, even if it’s his. Does he have the grief, like he had Sarah, or does it have him, like she does?
Sometimes he cries so hard that he starts calling for his mother, or Tommy, or for Sarah herself, lost in desperation for something—an end to the pain, just a break from it, death, comfort, Sarah. He’ll start walking around the apartment, looking for something, he doesn't know what or if it even exists, he just doesn’t know what else to do. The grief is a little creature dancing around inside of his body holding a knife, and he’ll grab at his chest, wanting to rip himself open so that he can find it and kill it. Still, after all these years, it hasn’t left, and he can still shatter. He wails, rips his hair out, sets his gun down across the room and stares at it as he weeps. 
This is why he doesn’t die, because he knows grief and he loves Tommy.
Besides, he deserves this pain, doesn’t he? It was his fault. He failed her. If there's a hell, he knows that's where he’s going. Until then, purgatory. He’ll never see Sarah again.
He pours another glass of whiskey and immediately slams it. What else is there to do?
“You got everythin’ in there sweetheart?” Joel asks as Sarah slips her fat, new, purple backpack over her shoulder.
“Dad, if anything, I’m overprepared.”
“Well, I just wanna make sure you, y’know, have everythin' they want you t' have, I mean their little… packing lists weren’t all that clear,”
“I’ll be fine, dad,” she smiles over her shoulder with her eyebrows raised, and then starts for the front door, “come on, I’m gonna miss the bus and you’re gonna be late for work.”
“Shit.” he says under his breath, almost falling forward tugging his shoes on.
Tommy, smoking a cigarette leaned against the truck, flicks his butt and joins Sarah walking to the curb. “You excited for your first day?”
“I don’t know if I’d say that.”
“You nervous?” Joel asks, walking up with his hands on his hips.
“Shit, they should be nervous about you comin’ in there and blowin’ all their hat’s off with that big brain a yours.” Tommy says and Sarah laughs.
“Tommy, watch your mouth.” Joel grumbles, then turns to her, raising his eyebrows and pointing his finger at her, “Don’t repeat that.”
“Oh, she can handle it. Big girl now, middle school, movin’ up in the world.” He ruffles the top of her head and she ducks away, combing it back down, and then the big yellow school bus is rumbling up the street, rolling right up to them with a polyphonic squeak. 
Sarah stands on her toes to kiss her dad on the cheek, then her uncle, and walks backward towards the bus doors as they fold open, waving, “Bye dad! Bye Uncle Tommy! Have a good day at work!”
“Okay, bye sweetheart, I’ll be there at three, okay?”
“Okay dad!” she calls over her shoulder, hands on the straps of her backpack as she steps onto the bus’s stairs.
“Alright, I love you sweetheart. Have a good day.”
“Go kick some ass!” 
“Tommy, there are middle schoolers on that bus.” Joel scolds him quietly. 
“Love you too! I will! See you at three!” Sarah twists and waves one more time on the last step up, then disappears around the corner with a smile. 
“Phew…” Tommy sounds as they watch the doors fold back up and the bus spits and rumbles away, “middle school… they ain’t fuckin’ around when they say they grow up fast.”
“You got that right.” Joel sighs heavily, watching the bus turn the corner and slip from view.
“Alright, brother, come on, we’re already late.” Tommy slaps him on the shoulder and walks to the truck. Joel follows, getting in and pulling on his seatbelt in silence. “Hey,” Tommy says, catching his nervous demeanor, “she’ll be fine, Joel. Bet you’re more nervous than she is.”
“No, I know,” he answers, as he turns the keys, “I’m not worried, I know she’ll do great. She’s always been great at school.” He cranes his neck both ways as he pulls straight out and starts down the road, heading in the opposite direction of the bus, “I just… you’re right. They grow up so gotdamn fast. Feels like yesterday I was showin’ her bunny ears on her shoelaces before first grade. N’ soon enough she’ll be goin’ away to college—”
“Ah, come on, Joel. We got years with her before then. Don’t lose time now worryin’ about losin’ it later.” Tommy watches him.
Joel sighs. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“‘Course I am.” He smirks, lighting a cigarette. 
Joel rests his chin over his arm down on the table, examining the dehydrated-piss-colored alcohol left at the bottom of the thick glass he holds in his other hand stretched out in front of him. He sighs through his nose. His eyes hurt. If only the radio would turn on. Any fucking song, any fucking decade, just some sound to take him out of his forlorn and barren internal world, some kind of connection with someone somewhere. 
Joel tells himself that he never gets lonely, but it’s a fat lie, and he wants Tommy here right now so much it hurts. He misses Tess, but he doesn’t want her to see him like this, he’s too ashamed. Tommy has seen him like this. Tommy would help. Tommy would have his hand on his back and he wouldn’t have to say a word, just be here with him. He knew her. He’s the only person in the world that he shares memories of her with, he’s the only other person who knows what a horrible loss Sarah is to the world. 
Joel wants his brother. He drowns the rock in his throat with more harsh, shitty, liquid failure of a relief. 
If Tommy dies, if he’s already dead somewhere, Joel will be the very last carrier of her left. When he dies, she’ll be entirely forgotten, just some bones somewhere, maybe never even those to be seen again, never considered as a former person, a former light of someone’s life, a former bright future, best friend, life saver, a daughter someone was going to cheer for at graduation or walk down the aisle or pick up from asleep in the car and carry upstairs to tuck into bed. No one will know what her fucking smile could do to you or how her eyes are actually golden or that her favorite color is purple and she knows karate and loves pancakes and how spirited she is in her own quiet way, what a truly, purely good person she is, what a big heart she has, how much she is loved. No one will ever know that her name is Sarah and that she is the best thing that ever happened on this fucking planet and she died when she was twelve. 
Happiness is a casual presence in the house. It’s the air around Sarah, she fills every room with it just by walking through and passes it to Joel and Tommy like rescue breaths. She was born with love filling every empty space it could fit into within her body and with a creative brain to help her find every way she could to express it. 
At the table, it’s spilling out of her pen as she naturally flows out detailed, spiraling flowers in her notebook. She doodles life, blooming, birth. Tangled, thornless roses, beds of twirling colors over any blank space that happens to catch her attention. Her face is clearly focused in a way that makes her look very far away, deep in her mind. In one smooth, rushed motion, she switches out her pink pen for a blue one out of the case of new glittery pens that he’d just gotten for her.
He doesn’t want to interrupt but he can’t help himself. He values so much being able to continually get to know her as she grows up, always curious about what’s going on in her mind, and there’s always so much. Joel can barely keep up, but he loves to try. 
“Why blue instead a pink?” He asks, head tilted and a smile playing on his lips as he watches from across the table, leaning over the Sunday newspaper that he isn't actually reading.
“Hm?” She looks up and her light eyes glint in the sun coming in through the windows.
“Why’d you change from pink to blue? Just curious.”
Sarah shrugs. “Just cause, I guess. Did you know, though,” Joel grins, elation warming his chest, “colors have meanings, like in movies, different colors symbolize different things. So, pink is love and kindness, but like, playful, because red is also for love, but pink is more friendly. And, of course, it's associated with femininity. Blue,” she points the pen at him, “I thiiink,” she squints an eye at the ceiling, “is... freedom, calmness, trust, and loyalty.” She smiles at him like she always does when she gets to teach him something. It’s one of Joel’s favorite qualities about her—she’s smart, sharp as hell, and she loves to share it. 
“Hm. I didn’t know that.” He takes a sip of coffee from his thick brown mug.
Pleased, Sarah turns her attention back down, swirling and dotting blue flowers out from the pink ones. 
It’s so goddamn quiet today and time is moving so slow. There’s nowhere for him to go and Tess is his only friend. 
He's alone. It’s such an ugly thing. Loneliness is not empty but filled with itself. 
Joel shoves dirt into himself, ash, blood, spit, anything, trying to patch up that hole, trying to bring the world back into his hands, clawing at the water to cup in his hands, like he had it before. He had it, he had it, he had it. 
Nothing works. Of course it doesn’t; while he shoves it in he knows it and he knows why. There is only one thing that is compatible there in him and he knows what it is because he was there when it became a part of him and now it’s gone, dead, cold, still, dry bones. His daughter-shaped hole remains empty. 
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techmomma · 4 years
Steph’s Maraschino Swirl Cheesecake!
This is literally just a strawberry swirl cheesecake but maraschino cherry flavored, i.e., superior.
Ingredients for cheesecake:
1 cheesecake crust, can be home-made or store-bought, graham cracker, oreo, who cares
24 oz/680g cream cheese, full fat, let it be close to room temp if you remembered to leave it out, otherwise let it sit on the preheating oven HAXX
1 cup/226g sugar
3 eggs
1 tbsp/15ml lemon juice
1 tbsp/15ml vanilla extract
Ingredients for maraschino curd*:
*it’s black forest cake filling but strawberry curd and black forest cake filling are made almost exactly the same
one 10-14oz/300-400g jar maraschino cherries
2 tbsp/38g cornstarch
1/3 cup/65g sugar
1 tbsp/14g unsalted butter
Maraschino curd:
Find a tiny nonstick saucepan. Dump the cornstarch and sugar right in there. Give it a stir.
Drain the juice from the cherry jar directly into the saucepan. Stir.
I like to puree the cherries for a smooth curd before pouring them in, but if you like bites of cherry, just dump that on in.
Heat that until it just starts boiling. Like, whatever medium on your stovetop is, you wanna use that. You don’t want to burn it. Stir frequently.
Once it boils, it’ll start thickening up. It only has to boil for like a minute. BE VERY CAREFUL, IT’S A THICK SUGARY SAUCE THAT WILL BE BUBBLING AND VERY HOT.
Once it’s thickened, take it off the heat, drop the butter in, stir to melt it in. Once it’s melted, set this aside, stir occasionally as it cools so you don’t get jam while you make your cheesecake.
Mix the cream cheese and sugar until it’s creamed and pretty smooth. We have a nice mixer, so I can be lazy and let it mix in that.
Add eggs one at a time. idk, a minute between each yolk. or twenty seconds like me.
Add lemon and vanilla.
Once it’s all smooth, pour into the crust.
Making it look pretty:
Once the cheesecake filling is in the crust, and the maraschino curd stuff is like, lukewarm if not cool, take a spoon and drizzle it over the cheesecake. 
There will be a LOT of cherry curd leftover, just spatter the top. Keep the cherry curd for a layer on top at the end or like, eat it, idc. Tastes great with the leftover cheesecake filling in the mixer bowl.
Take the handle of a wooden spoon or knife or something sufficiently close and just make smooth swirls through the cheesecake. Make look purty. 
Bake for 35-40 minutes. If you jiggle the pan, the sides should be firm but the center should jiggle a little. Alternatively, give it a water bath if you know how.
Remove from the oven, let it cool on the stovetop for like a half-hour or hour, depending on if you get distracted doing something else.
If you decided to keep the cherry curd to make a cherry layer on top, here’s where you can add it. Just pour that shit on top.
Let sit in the fridge for at least four hours or whenever you remember after dinner that the cheesecake is in there.
Enjoy! Tastes great with whipped cream. And more maraschinos.
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p0rtiaspartner · 4 years
I have some lukewarm to hot takes for “no nuance November” and here they are:
(P.S you’re allowed to disagree, and I’d be happy to discuss these in the comments! Many of these have nuance I just wanted to join the trend)
- there is NOT enough variation in body types, every Li except for Portia has abs. They’re also tall?? I feel like a chubby Asra, skinny Julian and Lucio w a dad bod would’ve made sense? Or any variation of those-Idc. It just surpirses me that a game so proud of diversity has just one curvy (she’s hardly even fat? She’s average???) character.
- Portia feels a little like a stereotype?
- Nadia is an openly affectionate character in the beginning & throughout of her route. In other routes too... Y’all need to stop treating her as a cold, cruel and distant person
- I can’t imagine Lucio possibly smelling good. He wears too much cologne and uses overly scented soap. Your nose will bleed
- Julian breaking into ppl’s houses for romance is creepy??? And kinda manipulative???
- Asra has as many stuffed animals as he has pillows
- Remember when the devs said that Muriel only bathes when it rains? Im ignoring that and saying that he washes regularly (at least, for someone in the forest)
- Portia hides things in her bra
- why does no one discuss that Portia has probably killed someone??? She has a sword fight w a bunch of ppl and if I remember correctly she threw someone off of the ship???
-Nadia’s lavender shirt(?) w the green and gold corset looks so uncomfortable. It’s hot but her titties must be in so much painnnnn
- Chandra, Pepi and Innana need waaaaaay more screen time!!!
- it looks like they’re making Portia’s boobs bigger in every update??? I mean thank you v much but still
- The upright ending to Asra’s route was a bit of a let-down, I wanted to know more about his family, their life afterwards, etc.
- we don’t know much about the shop??? We have v few interactions w customers
I might elaborate on these in the future,,, who knows. These opinions aren’t concrete and I’m probably gonna change my mind at least 4 more times, I’d be happy to talk about any of these in the comments!
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comicteaparty · 6 years
February 21st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 21st, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Teasday by FeatheryJustice.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Teasday by FeatheryJustice~! (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/list?title_no=169870)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
I really like the most recent scene with Vander because I'm really looking forward to where it's going to lead to, it left me with a feeling of suspense
I also enjoyed the scene with Calen and Folen
My favourite scene is actually Anton and Spyder, especially trolling Spyder with salt instead of sugar. I do love drawing Calen and Folen :3
Also what tea is everyone drinking today?
Nothing right now- out and about but when I get back chai.
What kind of chai? Traditional or like the new form types?
Draco Plato
peppermint XD
Ohh classic. Plain peppermint or mixed with other stuff Draco?
Draco Plato
just plain, it's pretty watery too since it's the keurig one
Loose leaf (masala I think?) w/ sugar, vanilla, nutmeg and cream.(edited)
Ohh that sounds so good
And cinnamon.
my favorite scene is probably the one with calen and folen. i think they add a lot of dynamic to camellia since before she was just grumpy tea witch. now shes grumpy tea witch with a past. plus i really loved that appearance change because just so many questions. tea party host plot twist: i actually hate tea. long live the coffee witch.
There is a coffee witch
She's cool
which incidentally i did enjoy the dialogue about the coffee witch and the whole description of camellia's interaction with her. it made me laugh.
Beat me to it @RebelVampire.
I always look forward to the author note at the end - it makes me imagine what they are drinking in the story
Also sorry I revealed my tea in general already - but I might make some hojicha for the occasion
Draco Plato
haha I do really enjoy the author notes at the end too, I've learned so much about tea
Eeesh, will be going through a dead zone soon for a few mins, don't freak if I stop talking.
Here for the moment. Yeah, I liked the tea witch/coffee witch thing where they each made the offer and declined, I can totally relate to that. Coffee is just a no for me.
(I don't drink tea much either, but never coffee.)
im really hoping well meet the coffee witch and see the spark of rivalry to a degree. friendly rivalry, but rivalry none the less
another less scene but more moment i enjoyed was at the end of sweet tea where the spider is just using multiple arms to pour in more sugar than should ever be allowed in anything ever
Random surprise twist, Calen inherits the coffee witch title.
I also thought it was a nice touch in the night scene to have Camillia without her gloves. One wonders if she had a tea mishap in her past... or maybe she worked in fast food and gave it up.
There was more sugar than cup, I think. ^.^
Yeah they are really good friends, the coffee witch and Cam
I like the lullaby sung in Tea Cocktails. makes me think of how a lot of our childhood songs can get a little creepy
That song is plot important
We've also seen a fruit witch. Is there a veggie witch?
In like three seasons ahha
There is one!
Draco Plato
oh i was thinking it had plot relevance, the song
(I'm randomly reminded of a bake shop near me called "The Scone Witch".)
That is a good name lol
And yeah of course it has plot relevance, I mean I wouldn't invent a random song without meaning XD
I hope it's clear when I said I liked the author's notes that it doesn't get in front of the content for me! Although I do think it gives each page something extra
idk i could head canon camellia just invented it to troll ppl and creep them out
She would XD
Also I think I want to do a recap section for the longer ones so people can get read through it and get the tdlr
Like I should recap the herbal arc hha
She sings it to people who come in and ask for coffee.
Hellooooo~ Favorite Scene? Vander's hiring. Camelia went through so many applicants that it was silly, and then this guy can pick up the simplest lavender tea
Also, aaaaa, I still need to read from the herbal arc. I fell behind a while ago T_T;;;
I am still reading but I really liked the getting ready to go out/meeting Anton
i also liked how kind of shrug no big deal vander was about knowing the tea
I think Vander was expecting something more challenging, because he's got some sort of tea magic, but... Camelia has long dealt with normal people, who don't know it well
Yeah I would be a lot more... I think the word is chuffed? If I guessed a tea challenge
Actually there is a thing why she was so surprised actually
also urgh, is it Camellia or Camelia... I keep forgetting which words have two ls some nights
It was barely hinted at
QUESTION 2. As hinted by the name, one of the comic’s goals is to focus on all topics related to tea. What is one interesting fact that you learned about tea thanks to the comic? Of the episodes, which episode did you find to be the strongest in terms of how it delivered educational, tea related information? Alternatively, of the episodes, which one did you find most entertaining on how it tackled a certain topic of tea and tea brewing? What other tea brews or information are you hoping to see the comic tackle? Lastly, which of the brews presented so far is your favorite?
Well, as I recall it was diluted all to heck. Camillia was waiting for someone to say "it's water, not tea".
yeah id call that more than a hint XD
It was diluted
I really did like the intro to herbals, though Feather had told us a bit about it in IDC some time ago
also the process of tea flavoring is fascinating!
I'd never considered the difference between infusers and the little collander thing that sits on a teapot. Surface area and such.
Draco Plato
I'd never heard of a lot of the tea combinations before so it gave me a lot to try
And yeah it was more than a hint haha XD but people gloss over it a lot
Draco Plato
the banana tea particularly fascinated, and the chocolate tea
the fact that coconut tea is so oily wasn't... surprising
Draco Plato
yeah it was!
I'm shocked it goes with chocolate though
Lol XD
chocolate is a pain to clean up after in my mug XD
Yeah somrtimes you oh
You can put the chocolate tea in a tea bag and then into an infuser XR
...that would keep the oil from escaping wouldn't it
Oh yeah, banana tea, what was up with that. Did not anticipate.
i have learned all the tea facts. as someone who doesnt like tea and thus doesnt make it, my knowledge equates to basically 0 on anything involved with making tea. like didnt even know there were different ways to flavor things. so all in all the comic has been educational as a whole to me
I am glad I am teaching people!
wait, rebel, you don't like tea?! whaaaaaaaaat
Also man I had to research so much for the herbal flavouring thing
It's a "steep" learning curve.
the research really shows through though because i think in comparison to the other strips this one has been the most thorough
I love that pum
Also I was trying to do a different format as well that time CD
and no i dont like tea. but tbf to tea i dont like hot beverages in general. even coffee which i do like i take it iced.
Iced tea episode hahaha
Funny thing about tea for me. I don't like hot tea. I definitely don't like iced tea. I'll tend to drop an ice cube into tea shortly before drinking it (it melts, admittedly diluting) to split the difference.
yeah, I let my tea cool before drinking it in many cases -- but some just taste better hot
but compared to rebel, I live in the arctic I think
Lukewarm tea is okay
Exactly. Gotta go for lukewarm.
in terms of education, i also liked the alcohol tea drinking. cause it was educational and entertaining. cause idk what it was about the scene, but i got kind of a bar feeling. like camellia suddenly the bartender just serves alcohol tea
to rebel most ppl live in the arctic in comparison XD
That reminds me, when Camellia's with her family they call her Amellia. Is she undercover with her C?
I'd honestly never had tea with alcohol... that sounds... pretty good imo
i assumed it might have been a nickname cause it seems like most charas have their own nickname for her
but then again
she did change her appearance
Amelia is what they call her and Ilia is what Anton and Spyder call her
Oh, good point, the llia hadn't consciously registered.
She looks different to tend bar.
Yeah becuase she actually attempted to dress up XD
Also I need to bring back Galene sometime soon
she looked very pretty in those scenes too
i was hoping wed see galene again cause i really like galene's design
I had fun drawing her but I was also like "OH GOD WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF"
Galene is Calen's secret informant.
Fun fact, they don't know of each other's existences yet.
Galene and Calen never met in story
Same as how Vander never met Anton and Spyder yet, and Rhurbi only seen Spyder and Anton like once
Also the fun thing about alcohol with tea is that you can put it in hot tea and burn off the alcohol content. Or cook it
oh man i cant wait till vander meets spyder and anton then. partly cause i wonder who might teach who about tea.
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/herbal-part-3/viewer?title_no=169870&episode_no=24 Vander's real shady in this page ಠ_ಠ
Maybe Vander already knows Spyder by reputation. "Oh, you're the sugar daddy."
I'm back!
You almost made me choke on my tea there Math
vander knows cause hes seen how much sugar inventory they have to keep and its abnormally high
Fun fact, Vander HATES sweet things most of the time.
Don't get him a cute teddy bear for his birthday then.
i agree with kabo that vander was super suspicious in that one panel. but honestly vander seems suspicious in general cause he seems to know little about making tea at all but somehow was able to recognize a diluted mixture that nobody else could
maybe he's a tea-witch in training
Draco Plato
maybe it's just part of an ability his species has
He said he knew tea stuff though, didn't he?
Hyper taste?
yeah people say things
Draco Plato
i thought he said he was learning from Camellia
theory time
he's a business rival
Draco Plato
tries to remember why Vander was looking for a job
he just kind of wandered in, I thought
Kabocha: That seems plausible. Guess he's playing the long game rather than trying to buy her out.
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/herbal-part-4/viewer?title_no=169870&episode_no=25 oh look at that
support for my theory as I'm reading
Draco Plato
maybe he's related to one of the people calen killed
Pffft, Calen doesn't kill people, no she's an angel Coughlaugh
Draco Plato
O_O suuuuure
She outsources.
Folen does it for her
Draco Plato
Also I am laughing because I want to say things, but can not because well that's Spoilers~
QUESTION 3. Despite the tea focus, the comic does take some time to add in a few character mysteries. What do you think Camellia past is with Calen and Folen? Why is Camellia so ardent about not going back to work with Calen? Also, why do you think Camellia changed her appearance to pay a visit to the two? What do you make of the scars depicted on Camellia’s hands? Besides Camellia, there is also her new assistant Vander. Do you believe that Vander can be trusted, or do you believe Calen will find out something shady about him? How will his continued presence affect Camellia and/or himself?
I THINK FOLEN wanted to marry camellia(edited)
Leans back to watch fan theories steep
Kabocha went there
Kabo did.
I always go there.
I would show you a clip of the next episode talking about cups
Becuase literally it's all Folen and Camellia that episode hahah
Camellia turned Folen down, though, because... Well. She honestly doesn't want that romance stuff. Just give her the tea, dammit.
Folen, on the other hand, is interested in magic, and hey, tea magic is magic... yes right?
Draco Plato
that's pretty much what I had but I think overall the three of them are like family too
so there's probably a deeper connection there
As I recall, Calen said that Camellia and Folen used to date, or something. Maybe he runs a fast food place.
Maybe he likes flavored Coffee
Doesn't go well with tea.
LOL I wish there was a fast food witch somewhere XD
Wendy's, the good witch?
HAHAHA XD I'm laughing so hard
Obsessed with hair nets... I can picture it now...
"Do you want fries with that?"
They're magic!
Magic Fries for everyone
the veggie witch and fast food witch must be friends
to make all those french fries
Makes you crave more magic fast food
Real potato fries, so real they will teleport out of your stomach
Sweet potato fries are the veggie witch's favorite, I'm sure
put cinnamon on 'em
Draco Plato
Yum yum
Veggie witch was actually schdueled to come around earlier in devlopement but I wanted her to be more placed later in the story as like, weird wacky aunt who visits
She bringing a lot of onions with her
She would invite people over, but she's got a leek problem
Onion tea?
There is onion tea
wait theres onion tea
Onion and ginger might be good
It's made like a cold remedy
But I like Onion tea by itself
Draco Plato
It's full of tears
Layers of flavour
Is there tea made with bacon?
I think so
I seen that in like, a weird tea thing
They used like, bacon bits with black tea to get a smoky flavour
so anyway camellia's hands: scars from tea brewing or scars from something else? O_O
Also Lapsang Sochong (One of the teas from an episode, has a good smoky taste so you can add bacon to it and give it a try???)
And I can't confirm or deny why she has those scars, other than man it's hard to draw them all the time
I keep forgetting they exist XD
So It's a plot point
(Everything I do is a plot point, only when it isn't then it isn't for a plot point XD)
im personally leaning towards the latter. although i could see the former. like idk how someone becomes a witch in this world, but maybe camellia wasnt meant to be a tea witch. like she had to work super super super super duper hard to be a tea witch.
She burned her hands on tea didn't she
Draco Plato
The scars probably relate to a murder
maybe she was trying to work with Folen and it didn't work out
Also all witch related questions will be answered soon, after the wrap up of season 1
What are your views on infusing tea into other food?
rice, cakes,
i hope that if her scars relate to murder she didnt infuse the victim into tea or something. cause yes i went the dark route
Delicious, I have recipes with tea for DAYS!
Also there are
Many screams
Draco Plato
Don't give feather ideas XD
Pfft, it was already set in stone lol!
Draco Plato
Omg XD
So tea infusions in other things?
Flower witch too, maybe?
There is a flower witch
And also fun fact about the scars, Camellia actually has enough fingerless gloves to match her entire wardrobe, all in the basic colours XD
And my favourite thing to do right now is to try to use teas in savoury dishes
Recently made broiled chicken with a lemon chili pepper white tea, and that was so good
(Be right back, grabbing another cup of tea, getting some apple chamomile cinnamon roobios)
i hope we can meet the flower witch
although i wonder if witches have to be female
cause part of me wants it to be a guy who wears a flower crown
I wonder if I can say.
Well you will have it explained during the episode of the origins of how these particular witches came to be.
But I haven't designed the Flower Witch so I will keep that in mind.
QUESTION 4. The story has its fair share of shenanigans while having a lot of future potential. Insofar, which character do you enjoy seeing the most in the comic and why? Are there any potential future scenarios you’re hoping to see them in? Are there any other sort of witch types you’re hoping exist in the world that could play a role in the comic? What about creatures? In the long term, do you think Camellia will keep her current tea brewing style of life, or will something come along and change it in contrast to all the shenanigans? Finally, in general, what other scenarios do you see popping up for the story given any story fact?
i enjoy seeing vander cause he really is a suspicious mofo.
maybe vander is a world reknown thief
and he thinks camellia keeps her treasures in that backroom
and now he finds out nah she just has tea and more tea
so has to convenient go on vacation to never return
Reminds me of the Tuxedo Mask Meme
"My job here is done" "But you didn't do anything" Whoosh
I personally just can't wait to finish Season 1, and then get into the really good stuff in Season 2. I also can't wait to kinda fix my old art ahhahahha XD
But I wouldlike to introduce more of towns folk, becuase there is a good amount of diversiTEA in the town Camellia resides, which is far away from the big city of where Folen and Calen are
What will Camelia think when someone serves her Coffee Puerh
Also Vander being a Phantom Thief really makes me have ideas though haha
The same thing Camelia thinks when people give her Tawinese Coffee Milk Tea. "....Thanks but no." And Coffee tea is going to be an episode on it's own as well.
i hope thats the episode where we meet the coffee witch
You gonna call $CanadianTeaRetailer out lol
as they both stare in horror
Yes you are
I actually like the Coffee Puerh tbh! It's tasty. But I can see why Camellia might not. Is she not a fan of high caffeine, or does she prefer smaller doses at once
Yes, they look at that and is like "Are they shipping us?" "Probably?" "Weird."
Camellia can not drink coffee because she is allergic.
Like how the Coffee Witch is allergic to tea, but can at least have herbals XD
(Back from crib.) I suspect Vander is a spy from the warlocks. Only witches are female, the guys want in on the action.
I love diversiTEA.
vander can be both, be a spy and a phantom thief. cause who is going to expect the spy is actually a thief
or maybe vander is a secret evaluator
like an undercover food safety inspector
but for tea
hes juding camellia and her knowledge
Vander could also be a student in debt trying to get a part time job and is lucky Camellia doesn't look at resumes becuase he doesn't have any experience
idk vander seems like he dresses too nice to be a student in debt. O_O unless that is the actual answer in which case vander please, sell your clothes and downgrade
Oh god Vander is one of those guys who are like "I spend all my money to look good and now I am broke" XD
Also maybe Vander is a food inspector waiting for that one bug from the other episode to show up and he never does
Vander also at first wasn't going to be a character actually. It was only after I realized I needed an every day man type character for reasons to exposition at did I create him.
I'm glad people like him
one thing from the story im really curious about is the vampires apparently? since there was that one dude who showed up and needed tea cause someone named krys was grumpy. im really curious about all that stuff cause i wanna know who this krys person is
I do kinda wonder about Calen and her sword fighting in the house.
HAHAHAAAA I love Krys, they are great
You will see them later.
And Calen was killing things with a coat hanger actually
Just gotta listen for the Krys Anthem - Mum.
Very sturdy coat hanger
I guess if you don't have a coat, why not.
Oh yes, and the random sword
That was just from off the wall
Like you know when you have like swords on display
So, are we shipping Camellia and Rhurbi? Fruit and tea mix well, as we've been told. ^.^
Reminding me of Narbonic- kinda creeping me out... @FeatheryJustice
They've got that whole "I hate you when you don't call" vibe going too.
Ping was supposed to be at front?
Lol, Camellia isn't very good at remembering phones exist
And what is Narbonic?
camellia watched too much harry potter and only sends messages by owl
Also Draco also said they ship Cam and Rhubi
And yes, Camellia would do owl mail
Camellia travels by unconventional means too.
Old webcomic that finished, I'll find the link if you want?
Yup, by the friend express
Okay, Cam and Rhubi ftw. Vander will have to make due with Spyder.
Mad scientists.
This conversation is rather disjointed.(edited)
Yeah it is, alright, reeling it back in
I gotta get my ships in before time elapses.
So far, that's a popular ship
And I haven't seen that webcomic but I will check it out Cheshire
Or three conversations...
i will accept the vander and spyder ship
Well it will be fun when they meet
As far as the tea brewing life, I feel like she already had a change in her past. Maybe related to the injury. I don't see her deviating any more.
And no one mentions mysterious person on the other side of magical tea cup
Which, the logo?
I'll put the link on general.
Hm, not sure it consciously registered.
That was the dude by the seaside or whatever.
Don't worry
It's a really long sideplot
I can't wait to read more
But yeah it's a cup that you can share liquids with another person on the other side
Interesting how much got set up. Oh, that's clever.
Gotta make sure when you're rising it out that the person on the other end doesn't drink sudsy dishwater.
I tend to write in a way where I am like "Here is Plot point A, which goes into A-A, into A-B, into A-C" Meanwhile "Plot B-G is with plot point G-A"
Best with it!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to FeatheryJustice, as well, for making Teasday. If you liked the comic, make sure to support FeatheryJustice’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/list?title_no=169870
FeatheryJustice’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FeatheryJustice
FeatheryJustice’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/FeatheryFern
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