akardlanya · 5 years
@hisabjuration continued from x
Of course he wasn’t going to just let her be casual about it, let the whole thing slide as casually as she would have hoped. Then again, maybe that’s why she was here. “Well I never said that was the only reason, did I?” She shot back, raising a brow at him before dismounting her horse who had decided to start nibbling at the grass by Muriel’s feet, ignoring their conversation entirely. 
Thanks for nothing, Evike, you could at least help my cause.
Kyran dusted off her breeches and looked back up at the man before her, unable to really to stave off the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. Did he maybe want her to miss him? “I brought some mead from the inn if you’re thirsty.”
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fadedintheflames · 6 years
A Little Cuckoo
@hisabjuration from here
Lyntel smiles, a basket full of easy lunch items for the duo swinging behind their back. The day they had planned wasn’t exactly one that fully excited them, but to please their friend, they would still have fun. Bird watching wasn’t really their thing. But it was something Muriel had expressed interest in, and anything to help him spread out a little more was something Lyntel was more than willing to do. 
A soft rap on the old, wooden door, a notification that they were there. The chickens had already clucked their arrival, but it was still a pleasantry. 
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marigoldeneyes · 6 years
@hisabjuration || continued from here.
“Can we?”
Sudden joy. The out of breath kind that felt like little sparks bubbling under her skin. The girl turned to him supporting the weight of her body on one folded arm and gave back a look dripping with childlike fascination. No words are spoken from her side in a couple of seconds and she only smiles once more before letting herself fall on her back again, golden orbs fixed in the immensity of the dark mantle that lies over them, replete of diamonds that shine peacefully. Calmly. As if they were as well entertained with the sight of the two bodies that are hiding in the tall grass, waiting to see how humans do this unique sort of magic that is to relate with each other.
How many stories must they have witnessed already? How many are yet to be seen?
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“I like how they are always there.” The confession leaves her mouth after a moment. She talks to him, of course, yet her eyes never leave the sky, drawn to it as if by a magnetic force that she embraces. “The stars, I mean. Night after night, always in the same position. It’s… rather comforting, isn’t it? I read once in one of Asra’s books that they had been like this for many centuries ago. That people that are no longer here saw the exact same things we are seeing, and- long after we are gone other people we’ll see it too. Makes you feel like nothing can be that chaotic if some part of the world will always remain still for when the storm passes, right?”
And things like that gave her hope when hope was hard to come by.
“What do you think a star would look like from up close?” A chatty one that girl was. “Would they be really, really big? Like- palace.big? Or just like a house?” She bit her lip with excitement and turned to him for just a second. “I’d like to say that they might be even more beautiful than what they look like now but it’s hard to think such a thing can be even possible.”
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demonteas · 5 years
“i brought you a blanket.” [ hisabjuration ]
traumatic // asra ! // @hisabjuration
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Asra doesn't remember how he got there, really; didn't remember his original destination. He remembered that everything suddenly felt like it was imploding on him, he remembered walking through the heavy rain outside. Even remembered to knock on the hut's door. Though he couldn't remember why he chose to bother Muriel this late, didn't remember his feet carrying him that way. There wasn't a memory for him of Muriel looking confused or what was said as Asra was let in to sit by the fire and dry off.
Even now that he was dry, he still shook, still wrapped his arms tightly around himself to try to warm up. Was he cold? Was he scared? At this point he just felt a little numb. A little spaced out, a little out of touch for a second. The grumbled words of a blanket made him blink a few times as it took a second to register, but once it had he carefully reached out to take the warm fabric. He wrapped himself up tightly, eyes glued to the fire in front of him as the shaking turned into random shudders.
"Th-thanks... I'm sorry to b-bother you so late," Asra spoke quietly around his chattering teeth, finding himself unable to look Muriel in the face.
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maidshe-blog · 6 years
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            “Across    the    land    all    of    their    ASHES    scatter.”            The    Lazaret,    for    the    longest    time,    was    a     place    of    regret.    Burning    corpses,    a    composite     crematorium    for    all    those    lost     by    the     plague.    A    sneer,    bitter    at    its    heart,    she    mumbles:          “WHO’S     the     monster    now?”
                ASHES.         @hisabjuration​
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illuseyes-blog · 6 years
💤 [ hisabjuration ]
*   send 💤 for my muse to fall asleep on yours .
the trek was strenuous and long for someone like amara . there was a great deal of things she had to keep in mind when venturing through the dark forest , especially now of all times , lucio possibly lingering in the forest … ready to attack like he did with muriel . the last thing she needed was to have another run in with such a specter , given her very obvious handicap and while her faith in adali was immeasurable . it was out of sheer worry that kept her familiar close to her side , who knew what could happen ?
she had spoken softly when she plucked and uprooted herbs and roots alike , gently nestling them into the basket hanging from the cradle of her arm . if there was one way amara could be useful , it was with her magic . and with her magic , she required ingredients … and someone to catch her should she overexert herself . the illusionist always failed to scale just how much her vitality could handle the extent of this spell . but who knows … maybe she’ll get something out of this endeavor , after all . amara never knew when to quit , if muriel warned her of this before she set out and she still insisted . then her stubbornness ran deep .
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          ‘   i will be fine , muriel . i promise . i have nothing to worry about while you’re here , don’t i ?  ’
she gives a smile for comfort in his direction and there’s silence from him , and even lighten the mood even a bit . amara speaks once more .
          ‘   it’s not like this will cost me my life , i only do this when it is … absolutely necessary . you worry too much for another for someone who prefers being alone .   ’
it was mutual …. to say the least . the want for solitude . she thinks this to herself , but if she was going to achieve that . she’s going to have to play her part and play it well , and if this helped get her even a step closer to the cause of these occurrences … then it’d be worth it , no ? 
now that everything she required was set up , she allowed her digits to linger and trace a simple sigil upon the top of his table . her fingers left subtle shimmers that sparkled ever so gently , emptying her mind as she focused of clarity above all this . why was lucio attempting to return ? why was he back … for what purpose ? and what truly had a hand in this ? it was all she was asking herself in this moment , all she could ask herself in this moment . the connection with just how deep her magic could run was again , forever a mystery , but a simple spell like this . to foresee a path one could take when clouded with doubt and worry , it was easy to perform . 
but they always had their dangers , what they could possibly see can lead to many dangerous outcomes and could possibly harm the mind of those who attempt it . amara knew this well , perhaps curiosity did kill the cat , hm ?
                there were flashes of red , and the sensation of heat licked at her skin with an intensity that urged her to pull away . but she continued anyway , cries , the crackling of fires surging to life , what was this spell attempting to show her … ? what was it trying t–
a flinch and she’s thrown back to reality with a jolt , it felt like she had been hit with a force she couldn’t describe in full . but the heel of her palm is immediately pressed to her forehead as pale eyes stare aimlessly , and from the heat that licked at her very being , washed away immediately as if she was doused in water . and just like that , the sense of fatigue and the lightheadedness that always followed after was seeping in as she shook her head for a moment . 
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another head shake and a wave , gesturing she’s fine as she rises out of her seat . already clearing everything from the table , pushing thick and heavy locks of deep green hair over her shoulder as amara continued to clean up . she speaks , although she took her time with her words . 
          ‘   fire … flashes of red … and — i heard crying . i don’t know what it could possibly tell me , my magic has always been vague for me . i grew up trying to decipher the whispers i’d hear from my cards … they always came to me in cryptic phrases …   ’
gently does she push her basket out of the way and she sits back down next to muriel and faces him slightly . before she could even say much , her eyes wander away and her hand reaches out to touch his forearm as if searching to where she could rest against . without further notice , she lowers her head upon his arm and her eyes close . muttering a slight apology as she did so , and before anything else could be noted . amara finds herself quickly drifting to sleep against the gentle giant .
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I Will Get To Replies/Answering Asks Soon
Mun: I’ve been dealing with a lot of Real Life stuff I didn’t see coming so I am going to put stuff on the back burner for a few days.
@tranquilarya @hydrangeadreamer @thedoctorhanged @sunrisenfool @hisabjuration and the others I owe, I promise I’ll get to them soon!
If I missed you please like this post and I will get back to you ASAP.
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asrage · 5 years
✲゚ 〢 *    ✕      (   CHARACTER  STUDY  /  𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐂𝐇   )
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   ᵛᵒᶜᵃᵇᵘˡᵃʳʸ : ◼◼◼◼◼
   ᵉᵐᵒᵗᶦᵒⁿ : ◼◼◼◻◻
   ˢᵉⁿᵗᵉⁿᶜᵉ ˢᵗʳᵘᶜᵗᵘʳᵉ : ◼◼◻◻◻
   ᶠʳᵉᵠᵘᵉⁿᶜʸ : ◼◼◻◻◻  
   ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᶦᵛᶦᵗʸ : ◼◻◻◻◻  
   ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᶠᵘˡⁿᵉˢˢ : ◼◼◼◼◼
( bold all that apply ) :  arse.   ass.   asshole.   bastard.   bitch.   bloody.   bugger.   bollocks.   chicken shit.   crap.   cunt.   dick.   frick.   fuck.   horsehit.   motherfucker.   piss.   prick.   screw.   shit.   shitass.   son of a bitch.   son of a motherless goat.   son of a whore.   twat.   wanker.
( given proper religious context ) :  christ on a bike.   christ on a cracker.   damn.  goddamn.   godsdamn.   hell.   holy shit.   jesus.   jesus christ.  jesus h. christ.   jesus, mary and joseph.   sweet jesus.
contractions or enunciation ?   straightforward or cryptic ?   jargon or toned ?  complexity or simplicity ?  finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind ?   masculinity, neutrality, or femininity ?   formalities or abrasiveness ?   insult or injury ?  praise or equivocation ?   frankness or lies ?   excessive or minimal hand gestures ?    namecalling or magnanimity ?  friendly or blunt nicknames ?
do people have a hard time understanding or hearing your character ?  almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
does your character’s point come across easily when they speak ?  almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character initiate conversations ?  almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character be the one to end conversations ?   almost always  /  frequently  /  sometimes  /  rarely  /  never
would your character use ‘whom’ in a sentence ?   yes  /  no  /  only ironically
your character wants to make a counterpoint. what word do they use ?   but  /  though  /  although  /  however  /  perhaps  /  mayhaps
how would your character pick up the phone ?   hello   /  hey  /  hi  /  yellow  /  yo  /  yeah  /  [name].  /  what’s up  / who is this  / what do you want  /  can i help you?
how does your character end conversations ?   walk away  /  ask if that’s everything   / say that that’s everything  /  give a proper goodbye  /   tell their company they’re done here  /  remain quiet  /  they don’t
how does your character address others ?   titles   /  first names  /  surnames  /  full names  /  nicknames
what social class would others assume your character belongs to, hearing them speak ?  upper  /  middle  /  lower
in what ways does the way your character speak stand out to others ?   accent   / vocabulary  /  tone  /  level  /  politeness  /  brusqueness  /  it doesn’t
tagged by :    @blutkrone​ tagged me in my own meme have u ever met anyone so Valid tagging :     ok i’ll actually tag people this time i’m @hercourtesy / @hisabjuration / @hismagick,  @maidshe / @usemagick / etc. i lost track jdfjh,  @provocatieure / @infradecay / @desperatous idk how much shit i've tagged u in at this point but :knife:,  @cendreux / @sqze im begging u,  @magicfordummies,  actually just  EVERY SINGLE OC I FOLLOW,  @nevivorona / wherever you’re at rn dsfvdf,  @landstrue,  @meinliied and yeah ok this is a Mess just steal it.
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magicthwink · 5 years
RULES: bold in what you prefer and tag ten people! ✩◝(◍⌣̎◍)◜✩
tagged by: @hisabjuration
Coffee or Tea Early bird or Night owl Chocolate or Vanilla Spring or Fall Silver or Gold Pop or Alternative Freckles or Dimples Snakes or Sharks Mountains or Fields Thunderstorms or Lightning Egyptian or Greek mythology Ivory or Scarlet Flute or Lyre Opal or Diamond Butterflies or Honeybees Macarons or Eclairs Typewritten or Handwritten Secret garden or Secret library Rooftop or Balcony Spicy or Mild Opera or Ballet London or Paris Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet Denim or Leather Potions or Spells Ocean or Desert Mermaids or Sirens Masquerade ball or Cocktail party Roses or Daisies
Tagging: @bitters-enthusiast @fadedintheflames @sunflowercecil @embersrevived @purest-dove
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akardlanya · 5 years
Muse Interview Meme
tagged by @tranquilarya
1. What is your name?
“Kyran, daughter of Elke.”
2. Do you know why you’re named that?
“A blonde child and a dark child. Guess which one am I?”
3. Are you single or taken?
“Single, but I’m happy to change that if you’re offering.”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“l’m a great warrior, strong and unyielding, and I know my way around most weapons, though I have a preference for the axe and the whip. I have trained horses all my life, and I can ride, fight, and do anything else you can think of from horseback.”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“I don’t know who Mary is.”
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
8. Have any family members?
“I did, once. They’re now riding with our ancestors. ”
9. Oh! How about pets?
“Well I wouldn’t call her a pet, but I do have Evike, my horse.”
10. That’s cool, I guess, now tell me something you don’t like.
“Being treated as anything but an equal.”
11. Do you have any hobbies/activities that you like to do?
“I like to ride, I enjoy taking care of my weapons, polishing and sharpening them... and I enjoy swimming.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“What a silly question. I told you I am a warrior.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“I’ve lost count.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“I suppose if I were anything other than human, I would hope to also be a horse.”
15. Name your worst habits?
“Probably picking fights... and my friends say drinking, but I would say they just need a drink in their hand to change their minds.”
16. Do you look up to anyone?
“I look up to my mother, my sister... and a doctor I once met.”
17. Are you gay, straight, or bisexual?
“I suppose pansexual is the best term.”
18. Do you go to school?
“Never have been. We didn’t have such institutions in my tribe.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I’d love to... if I ever find the person for it.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“…I suppose all great warriors would end up with one or two. Perhaps one day I shall have one.” 
21. What are you most afraid of?
22. What do you usually wear?
“My clothes, of course. I suppose you’ll want a description? I wear a short tunic, leather breeches, leather armor, leather spaulder, a leather belt, soft leather boots, well worn by now, some leg straps for my knives and personal items, and the bracelets I was given by the children of the gems.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Beigli. I can never refuse it.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“I”m always fond of conversation, you’d be too if you traveled for days on end with no one to talk to but a horse.”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“Go ahead.”
26. What class are you? (low/middle/high)
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“A handful... though they seem to become less and less every time I look.”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Pie is great.”
29. Favorite drink?
“A strong palinka!”
30. What’s your favorite place?
“The fields.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“I’m interested in many people.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Then think before you speak.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“A lake. The ocean is.... too vast, and unknown to me.”
34. What’s your type?
“I don’t know that I have one.”
35. Any fetishes?
“… More than you’d think. I’m quite fond of domination, temperature play, impact play, bondage... and I like blood.”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Outdoors for sure.”
Tagging: @hisabjuration @hismagick @magicianapprenticelyra @hangcdraven
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fadedintheflames · 6 years
❛❛ I know what’s like being alone too, I know how it feels. ❜❜ [ hisabjuration ]
Lyntel wipes at their eyes, giving a soft sniff. “Thank you, Muriel.... It’s just- I’m always surrounded by people, but it sometimes feels like I’m alone. I don’t know how to deal with it anymore. I want to feel better, but I just- I don’t know how.” 
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marigoldeneyes · 6 years
@hisabjuration || continued from here.
“You looked like you lacked one of those right there, wasn’t going to be the one letting that go unnoticed.”
Bitten lips were followed by a clear chuckle and the visible sight of wonder in her eyes. Was he… truly mad at her? Was he nervous? What kind of thoughts crossed his mind and how could she have access to the multiple answers that she craved? The act had been born from an impulse, she couldn’t lie about it. But such movement had been forging from longer than her actual visit to his home. Longer than days, even longer than weeks. Yet, there had been things stopping her. Instinctive in their nature, but very much present until the soothing sight of him simply being himself had led her to the act of placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, and very much thinking on doing it again if it could be possible.
But wait, Nish.
Wait. See, confirm.
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“Should I… come up with a better argument? I can think of one if you want. Or... you could tell me if it wasn’t of your liking, maybe.”
Just the slightest touch of blush traveled her cheeks in the silence that followed. Mad or not the expression in his face was adorable, and she procured to keep that image in her mind for as long as she could.
Hopefully even longer than that.
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thedoctorhanged · 6 years
Threads I’m keeping.
@hercourtesy​: Julian + Nadia get rowdy  @hisabjuration​: The Tower realm @tranquilarya​: Modern AU, Plagued Doctor AU  , The masquerade thread @ace-apprentice​: After Bath OR Potions and Charms please choose one  @magicianyuli​ : Yuli is sick @marigoldeneyes​: A song of Ice and Fire AU, Late night reading @hydrangeadreamer: The apprentice is dead. @magicianapprenticelyra : the librarian and the doctor 
threads bolded have been replied to or are in queue.
Everything else will be dropped! If you want to start new things, feel free to IM me to talk about it. 
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cardsread · 6 years
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You're drowning. A sea of emotions, responsibilities, people, things, everything.   You just can't handle it all, you need to escape, but you can't.   Even talking to someone and being told it's okay, compliments, nice things people say, it all adds up to drown you further. Guilt, for feeling this way   when everyone's being nice and you're not enough. 
tagged  by :  @hisabjuration , @shethieved
tagging : everyone ! @driptgold , @brightlikewukong haven ’ t  done  it  yet ,  i  think ?
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embersrevived · 6 years
What Shape Does Your Pain Take? 
Nadir’s Result: Sea
You just can't handle it all, you need to escape, but you can't. Even talking to someone and being told it's okay, compliments, nice things people say, it all adds up to drown you further. Guilt, for feeling this way when everyone's being nice and you're not enough. Will you sink or swim? 
“Well, I suppose I can’t say that I’ve always been without a little bit of salt, after all.” 
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Tagged by: @hisabjuration
Tagging: @thedoctorhanged, @mnemosys, @plague-doctor-jules, @bedstvviye, @bitters-enthusiast, @hangeddoctor, @hercourtesy, @plaguemasksandpirateships, @ anyone else who wants to do this 
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nevivorona · 6 years
“ in case any of you needed a reminder this place is a twisting nightmare ” [ hisabjuration ]
.。*゚†.*————  meme / accepting!
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          ❝ ———— you, erm. yes, of course. my memory is not bad enough that i don’t  recall...  ❞  idling in the dungeon. a moment of quiet, though the hairs on the back of his neck stood high in alert. it was  IMPOSSIBLE  to be comfortable in a place like this, where the smoky memories of death and rot preyed on his mind, and someplace dark in his mind was screaming for answers. 
          ❝ i still don’t understand how you know these things. who are you ? ❞
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