daimyosprincess · 6 months
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Dropping this Friday, March 29 🥰
—PAIRING: Boba Fett x F!Reader
—SUMMARY: When you’re a little nervous about your first time, Boba helps you get in the right headspace.
—RATING: Explicit, 18+ only — MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
AO3 — Masterlist — Taglist
taglist 💖
@agirlnamejacq @burningfieldof-clover @marierg @dukeoftheblackstar @imarvelatthestars @saradika @baufraus @historianwithaheart @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @sgt-morgan @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420 @writingwintermoon @funnyducky666 @acatalystrising @erinthevampire @xxladysquishyxx @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @kimiheartblade @shinyshayminflower @wings-and-beskar @thirsty-boba-fett-posts @wolffegirlsunite @echocola @100lxtters @bobaprint @cw80831
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Historianwithaheart is now fabuloussisterofsin
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max--phillips · 2 years
Also I love you meant it byyyyyeeeee
Hell yeah !!!! I always have donut content tbh
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Ily too!!!!!!!!
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krazyyy · 5 years
Hey don’t stop doing what makes you happy. I know it doesn’t mean much but I run the arthurmorganstolemyheart blog. I still get lots of folks and I’m always reblogging your work and so are my followers. As long as it makes you happy do it, but don’t limit yourself do other things too! You can do both!
Hey I love your blog by the way, you are right tho and thank you for reblogging my work, you have no idea how much it means to me
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obeydontstray · 3 years
okay but...when im not retweeting anti-Trump shit...I'm pretty funny on twitter (at least I think so)
(since the link didn't post, I'm ObeyDontStray on Twitter too!)
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fiction-boys-rule · 3 years
A Piece of You, Always
Pairing: Eliot/Reader (Wife) + Newborn Daughter
Warnings: mentions of violence
Word Count: 3,454
Summary: Eliot and his wife welcome a new baby girl, but the journey leading up to the intimate moment wasn't exactly easy.
I loved writing this because I can totally envision Eliot as being a Girl Dad. This was a request from the lovely @historianwithaheart. I sincerely apologize for taking so long to post this. I really hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for the request.
@historianwithaheart: I can’t find any rules so I hope this isn’t against the rules. Can I get an Eliot x female reader of Eliot and his wife and their newborn baby girl?
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Eliot knew he was gone for the moment he laid eyes on his daughter. Completely and utterly gone for. He had never thought that he could love somebody else as much as his wife, possibly even more. It was an unfamiliar feeling for him, such a surge of overwhelming and immense love for this tiny human being. The closest feeling he had ever thought he had experienced was his protectiveness over his fellow team members. And even then, that was stretching it a little bit.
Eliot doesn’t know what he has done right in his life to bring him to this moment. When all of those feelings had overtaken him, he knew that all of the sacrifice and work for taking advantage of his unique position and abilities to help people had been worth it. If he had to live all of it over again to be able to experience this moment one more time, he would do it in a heartbeat.
So much had led up to this moment, both in his overall life and in this singular day. Now he understood why so many relationships were tested upon the day of the arrival of a child. He feels as though he has sprinted a marathon, one filled with emotional and mental turmoil rather than physical feats.
24 hours earlier…
“Damn it, Hardison!”
The words tumbled from Eliot’s mouth, filled with an equal tone of frustration and incredulity. Hardison had assured them weeks before that his advanced creation, tailored specifically for this job would work magnificently. Eliot is surprised he had been so confident and trustworthy regarding Hardison’s assurances. He was more often than not wary when it came to Hardison and trust. He almost felt betrayed at the moment. If the risk of getting caught and ruining the job wouldn’t have been his biggest preoccupation at the moment.
His feet carry him in a hurry down the long hallway, his nerves feeling uneasily on fire. He had let himself get too comfortable, too confident. Since when was he so careless on a job? He had ignored his training and instead had let this morning get to him.
He had called you earlier that morning, it being close to midnight for you with the time zone difference. So far into the pregnancy, you didn’t sleep much anymore. You begrudgingly had notified him of the doctor’s suggestions at your last appointment. The baby was showing signs of wanting to come early. Too early. Now, a serious health risk for you and the baby were highly possible. All of this, and Eliot was still halfway around the world from you. Just his luck. His nerves had gotten to him.
You had encouraged him to take the job, despite being a hefty seven months into your pregnancy. You respected and acknowledged how important and grounding the jobs were for him, and you felt too out of place to ask him to stop. You had started showing signs of your pregnancy well into your second trimester, making Eliot and you unaware of this huge development. The team had already taken the job and had spent weeks debriefing and carefully planning this take down. It was a bigger job, one that needed weeks of stakeouts and diligent planning and calculating. It was an all hands on deck job, and Eliot was needed as well. It took much debating on your end to convince him to not abandon it. But it didn’t mean that he was fully on board with it. He would always do his best to please you, except this time he was seriously doubting his decision. Regret was constantly in the back of his mind lately, and it was not a welcome feeling.
“Turn left at the next door. Sophie will try to rendezvous and get you on the way out. Start changing.” Nate orders steadily into the comms.
“Hardison, I’m going to hit you so hard when I see you-”
“Oh yeah? Then who’s going to fix the mess you’ve made?” Hardison snaps.
Eliot blubbers mutely like a baby as he enters the small storage room.
“The mess I’ve made? Your stupid little machine didn’t work!” Eliot hisses.
His hands are flurried as he whips clothes out of his bag, clothes rippling over his body.
“My ‘machine’ is just fine! You probably just forgot what button to press.” Hardison says, indignant.
“My fists have got your name on them, man. They’re just aching to hit your stupid face.”
“Sophie, position?” Nate interjects.
“Almost there. Got caught up with a very sad case of a man. Eliot, are you ready?”
“Get me the hell out of here.”
He whips his hair back, hands combing through his hair hastily. The door opens, and Eliot’s guardian angel appears.
She smiles knowingly at him, stepping back and starting to walk away from him. He shakes his head, following closely. He only feels as though he can breathe until they reach the van, and it sways as they make their exit. Nate looks at them with a look of relief, while Parker smirks over at Eliot.
Hardison groans, “Every single time-”
“Shut up.” Sophie and Eliot say in unison, making Hardison frown but otherwise obey.
They reach their headquarters, exiting the van and entering the building. They all start talking at once except for Eliot, who chooses to grab a beer from the fridge and sit ungracefully on the couch. The cushions welcome him comfortably, making his body slump in repose. He tunes out their jumbled conversations, his mind wandering to you at home, pregnant and alone. You had reassured him that he was doing the rightful thing in this situation, but the moral path that he’s taking is still hard for him to embrace as the ‘right’ thing. It seems more like his easiest option rather than the rightful one.
“Hello! Are you just going to sit there? I know it’s not my fault this all got crazy!” Hardison protests.
Eliot snaps out of his thoughts to see a frustrated Hardison standing over him, the rest of the team behind him.
“What’s the story, Eliot? We need to improvise, and quickly. Can’t let this waste our work.” Nate questions.
“What?” Eliot asks in confusion.
“The ‘machine’! What button did you press?” Hardison snaps.
“Come on, man! The one you told me to!”
Eliot is so annoyed he feels himself getting hot. Lecturing from his team is the last thing he wants to endure at the moment.
“Listen, I know you’re no nerd, but can you use that brain of yours for once instead of those muscles and be specific?”
Just as Eliot is about to spout a rebuttal, his phone rings. He stutters madly until he sees that it’s you calling him. His heart skips a beat in secret joy but his stomach drops in sudden anxiety.
“Something’s wrong.” he mumbles, starting to step away for privacy.
“Yeah, something is wrong! Your head!” Hardison yells.
Sophie grabs Hardison's arm and whispers something quietly to him. Eliot feels as though his feet can’t carry him away fast enough. His mind is suddenly racing and he wills his heartbeat to slow to prepare for the worst possible news. His fingers shake slightly as they hold up the phone to his ear.
“Sweetheart, hey.” he manages to say, though he wants to say so many other things.
A flurry of desperate questions spring to the tip of his tongue: How’s the baby? Are you okay? Why are you so stubborn with me not staying? Do you hate me for not staying? Do you miss me as much as I miss you? Do you think I’m going to be a better dad than my dad?
“Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting you in the middle of - well, doing hitter things.”
He can’t believe the amount of selflessness you have. How the hell can so much understanding and patience be contained within one sole person? And how did he get so lucky in finding you and you actually wanting him? Wanting a family with him?
Your voice only does so much in calming his nerves. He needs your presence, and he needs it soon. You've become a much bigger part of him than he wants to admit.
“No, you’re not. Job actually…are you okay?”
He reasons that if he reveals the truth, you’ll divert the topic and won’t be fully honest with him.
“Well, um…how much longer do you think you're on the job?”
“Why, what’s wrong?”
His heartbeat starts racing again.
“I really didn’t want this to happen, and I know you didn’t either. But no matter what happens, it’ll be okay. I just need you to stay calm.”
“Y/N, come on now.”
“The baby’s coming.”
Your words come out in a disbelieving and breathy tone. He figures you must have been holding back your unease and fear because a shaky sigh comes out from you in relief afterwards. While his mind is processing your words and trying to piece together a coherent and remotely calm sounding response, he hears small sounds of discomfort that you now allow yourself to reveal to him.
“I know, I know. I tried, trust me I did. But your daughter had other plans. She’s as stubborn as you. I’m trying to hold off as much as I can but I don’t know-”
You are cut off by a strong contraction and Eliot feels a piercing stab in his chest as he hears the sounds of your repressed pain.
“I’m not dilating yet, the contractions aren’t regular. I’m still at home. But in a few hours, I’m going to have to go to the hospital.”
His next words come out in an angry tone, and he hopes that you can sense the desperation and fear under them. He knows that he should get better at his anger and tones since he's going to be a father soon. He files the thought in the back of his mind for later contemplation.
“You shouldn’t have let me leave, I need to be there for you. I’m getting on the next flight back. The team can finish this up here. I’m not missing my daughter’s birth. I can’t let anything happen to you and I’m not there to-”
“No. Listen to me. Listen to me good, Eliot Spencer. If I wouldn’t have thought that I could handle this and you could do what you’re meant to do, I wouldn’t have married you or gone through with this pregnancy. You are such a great husband, such a good member of the team, and you’re going to be an awesome dad. I love you so much, Spencer. I know you’re going to love this baby to bits. So please, get this job done. Help people like you were meant to, and come back when you’ve done that. We’ll be waiting for you, nothing will change that.”
Eliot feels tears spring to his eyes and his vision becomes temporarily cloudy. Usually, he was the talker who would make you blush or show strong emotion with his words. However, the intensity and love of your words makes him overwhelmed with sentimentality. You’ve never questioned him, or his worthiness of having you as a partner. You have always gifted him such invaluable moments, and now you are giving him the most precious one of all: a daughter. Your labored breaths bring him back to awareness, and he clears his throat, looking around the hallway, pleased when he sees no one has caught him in this moment between the two of you. Although you are separated by oceans, he feels as though the phone line is nonexistent and you’re right there in front of him in the flesh and blood.
“Okay, alright. But you promise me that you get to a hospital soon and let them help you. Don’t…don’t wait on having the baby just for me. I’d rather you two be okay than indulging me.”
“I promise you. You won’t miss it. Now go be a Hitter. Please. Because your baby is punching her way out of my cervix soon. Consider this the most important test of your skills that you’ll ever encounter in your whole life. Even if you come back all sweaty and black and blue, I’m sure that you’ll still look better than me.”
You laugh shortly before moaning out in pain again.
“With you as my #1 fan, I can beat anybody darling. But I guess I’m going to have two fans soon.”
“Yes, baby. Hopefully. The two biggest fans in the world. I can’t wait to see you.”
“You’re going to be the best prize I get from this. I can’t wait to see our baby.”
“You won’t see her if you keep on the line. Go beat up some bad guys already.” you joke.
His whole body suddenly feels a jolt of energy, and his feet start to carry him step by step down the hallway. His fear and insecurity slowly quell, though they remain at the back of his mind. He feels a bit of good bantering ability sprout up again, and he rolls his eyes.
“You know that’s not all I do.” he mumbles, tone feigning offense.
He can already imagine in his head your little smirk and the teasing look in your eyes filled with nothing but admiration and respect for him.
You giggle, and he can’t stand the uncertainty that will overtake him from your absence after he hangs up.
“I love you, Spencer. I always will. Be safe.”
“I love you. I’m coming home soon. I promise.”
With that, he forces himself to hang up, fearing that a single more second on the line with you will leave him unable and unwilling to be left without the comfort of your voice. He enters the room as the team is arguing again. He walks over with a newfound purpose and a surge of determination.
“Hey!” he yells out, his voice cutting through the rest.
They all turn to him and he says, “Baby's throwing punches. She's coming real soon. How’s this guy going down?”
To say that the team had gotten lucky was an understatement. Eliot knew that their improvised plan had less than a 1 percent chance of working. He still can’t believe that they truly pulled it off, but he doesn’t let himself think too much about that, instead taking it in stride and making the best of the circumstances. He turns back to look at the rest of the team as they stand with him on the runway of the airport. After having taken down their mark that same night, Sophie had managed to pull a few favors from her international friends that had granted him a private jet two hours after the con that would be taking him directly back home to you. He had phoned you right after the con was over, his whole being yearning for the sound of your voice and for you to reassure him that you were okay and that his luck wasn’t running out. It honestly all felt like a dream to him, and he hoped that he would never wake up. You were indeed, okay. But he would be cutting it short. You had started dilating, and the medical team predicted that you would give birth in a few hours. His heart felt as though it was beating out of his chest, not even the con had made him this highly strung.
“Don’t forget to bring her around! It’s best to learn young.” Parker says, smiling wildly.
Hardison elbows her, and they start bickering. Nate walks forward and lays a hand on his shoulder.
“That kid’s going to be the best thing to happen to you. Cherish it.”
Eliot could see and feel the intensity of Nate’s words, as they come from his own experience as a father.
“You can come back, but don’t forget about who we do it for. Well, kids and the satisfaction of taking down bad guys, and whatnot. Maybe for some of you, money. What I’m trying to say is-”
“You’re going to be a spectacular father.” Sophie interjects.
She pats Nate on the shoulder and engulfs Eliot into a strong hug. It gives him enough comfort that he doesn’t mind when pain shoots up through his side from his injuries.
“Now go be with your family. We’ll be right here when you’re ready. Now go. Can’t start on the unfortunate event of you not being there when your daughter gets here. Go on.” Sophie whispers into his ear.
She pulls back and smiles softly at him.
“Go see your baby, man! Just don’t forget to let us meet her. That baby needs to get educated! I’m talking all the things. She is going a true geek, I’m telling you-”
Sophie grabs Hardison and starts to lead him away while waving at Eliot.
“Get out of here. We’ll figure out the uh, specifics of the joint custody later.” Nate smiles.
Eliot nods, and he almost lets tears fall as he walks away. The team will always be his family, and it’s in moments like these that he truly appreciates it.
Present Time
Eliot had arrived at the hospital one hour before his daughter had been born. He had run like a mad man down the halls until he had reached the room, reciting the room number in his head over and over again, hoping that he wasn’t too late. The sight that met his eyes made him immediately tear up with joy and relief. He walks slowly to the bed and the nurses part a way for him to pass. He can only imagine their thoughts as they look at him, semi bloody and badly bruised. His ribs protest in pain as he leans down to gaze at you, but he’s in such a trance that he ignores it.
Tears are rolling down your face, and you look as though you’ve been through as much of a physical battle as he has. But he doesn’t dare compare his struggle to yours. The knowledge that you have put up this much of a fight in delivering his child makes his heart burst with admiration for you. He vows to himself that he will never stop telling his daughter of his mother’s strength and persistence.
Your eyes finally open and you sob in consolation at the sight of him.
“Hey, sweetheart. Told you I’d come.”
“You didn’t have to promise me that. I would have believed in you either way. I know you, Spencer. You’re as stubborn, if not more stubborn, than this baby.”
He chuckles lightly, his fingers moving to gingerly caress your forehead. You sigh heavily and look up at him with a tired smile. He kisses you softly, and you swear that you can taste his cherish and devotion in that moment. He pulls back and leans his forehead on you, grabbing your hand and running his fingertips over your knuckles.
“Time for you to deliver this baby, momma.”
���Yeah, huh?”
He smiles and kisses you again. He is ready to embark with you on this new journey of parenthood. Hell, he is ready to embark on anything with you. His second chance always felt like the team. Helping people felt like the saving that he needed after the path that he had taken in his earlier life. But after meeting you, after giving him this priceless blessing, he truly believes that you are the life altering course to the positive change that he had been searching for all of his life. After he had arrived, the labor had gone more smoothly. If Eliot was more keen on believing in the unknown, he could have sworn that his daughter had waited for him. After you had pushed for the final time, and he heard his daughter cry out for the first time, he truly felt like a changed man.
He couldn’t hold back the tears this time when he had laid eyes on the breathtaking sight of you holding his daughter and crying as well. He would always appreciate your ability to bring out this raw and vulnerable side of him. It showed him that he wasn’t heartless, it made him feel more deserving of things like this.
You are sleeping now, your face peaceful and undisturbed. Eliot is sitting by the bed, holding his daughter in his arms, softly whispering her name and getting used to knowing that this tiny human being is such a big piece of him now. Being a Good Guy, being a husband, being a father, always scared him. The responsibility would always leave him in a closed off state, unwilling to embrace change and risk the chance of losing people he could grow close to. It was the team first, who had showed him what it meant to embrace the idea of a family and working towards a good cause. Then it was you, who had shown him that he was worthy of it, that he could choose both lives and find a balance within them, not having to lose or sacrifice either. Now it is his daughter who is showing him that his past mistakes matter no more, for he is determined to continue on this path, carrying a piece of her wherever he goes.
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absurdthirst · 3 years
Hey, I got the covid vaccine yesterday (yay!) but it's left me feeling pretty poorly and pretty pathetic today (lmao). I know it's a classic that's been done a million times, but how do you think Mando would cope looking after someone who wasn't feeling well? Especially someone that isn't very good at being looked after? I need some softness to heal my soul! Thank you (ily!)💕💞💝💘💖💓💓💞💖💕
Mando Taking Care of You:
He’s not the greatest caretaker, I mean, look at him leaving the baby in the ship. While the entire empire is after him. 
Plus he’s not one to coddle himself so he doesn’t want to overcrowd you. 
But this man cares. So very much. 
It’s funny that you don’t like being taken care of either. You two are more alike than you both want to admit and you make a lousy patient. 
He is making you soup and practically shoving it in your hand. Wanting you to have something warm and light on your stomach. 
You refuse to go lay down but he can tell you feel like shit. You sit in the co-pilot’s seat and just stare out of the transparasteel. 
When he notices that you are shivering slightly, he’s sighing, taking off his cape and tucking it around you. 
When you finally fall asleep, he will gently cart you down into the cargo hold and put you in his cot. Stripping off his gloves for a moment so he can check your temperature and just stroke your brow for a moment. 
Only to repeat the process when you wake up in a few hours. Maker, you are stubborn. It’s one of the things he loves about you, even when he’s up against it. 
Permanent Tag List:
@synystersilenceinblacknwhite @thewaythisis @thisis-theway @hanelijoy @readsalot73 @ah-callie @cable-kenobi @roxypeanut @arrowswithwifi @badassbaker @javierpenaspinkshirt @wickedfrsgrl @lilangeldevil006 @fioccodineveautunnale @jade10077 @getinthepoolkeanu @kirstiehenderson29 @fleurdemiel145 @random066 @pascalisthepunkest @whataenginerd @tangledlove27 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @gamingaquarius @jaime1110 @yamaktaria @perksofbeingivyy @earl-01 @gooddaykate @emesispo @deathlife97 @martellthemandalor @a-ghost-in-the-tardis @veil-of-time @dornish-queen @theocatkov @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @sheerfreesia007 @apples-of-february @talesfromtheguild @visintaes @whiskeyxinxaxteacup @immortalstarme @promiscuoussatan @takemepedropascal @katheriner1999 @nerdypinupcrystal @artemiseamoon @paintballkid711 @sirianisrock @engineeredfiction @frietiemeloen @mstgsmy @lilkermit14 @mrschiltoncat @thatgirlselectryc @lark-cale @hayley-the-comet @phoenixhalliwell @pedroepascal @501theory @max--phillips @thegreenkid @chicken-nugget-puta @corrupt-fvcker @im-just-here-for-cake @buckysbackpack @ohpedromypedro @moonlightburned @h-hxgirl @flightlessangelwings @f0rever15elf @kenedyybrooklin @mrsparknuts @lonelystarship @meabravo @ilikechocolatemilkh @babybelou @melon-eyes @aeryntheofficial @the-wishmonger @onabouteverything @goblinqueen95 @awhiskeywithawinchester @thirstworldproblemss @66wookies @xxidontwikeitxx @jedi-mando @castiel-barnes @20skai @rach7 @wanderlustmags @barnes-dameron @neontonberry @artsymaddie @wigwitch @filthybookworm @honeymandos @edencherries @popped-weasels @sesamepancakes @darthadeline @silverfish-kingdom @april-14-blog @josepedropascal @mrsbarnes-rogers @heyitmelexie @allthingsnarcos @bookshelvesandteacups @sweetsunflowerkisses @stardust-galaxies @mando-amando @blondekel77 @houseofthirst @oneweirdfangirl @clydesducktape @justanotherblonde23 @rosiefridayrogersunday @asgardianvamp21 @just-a-scavenger99 @lv7867 @ihavemyownissuess @thewayofthemandalorian @mimimi-stuff @linkpk88 @adamdrivercouldchokeme @betterwiththewhip @jitterbugs927 @pascalsky @pedro-pascal-love @saltybreaddream @lovelyasfcuk @dinfarrik @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @leaiorganas @over300books @wonderlandgabby @itstheanxietyforme @lucrezia-thoughts @sarahjkl82-blog @pascals-cat @9zoria9 @cyaredindjarin @morrison-mercury @theorganasolo @historianwithaheart @deathwatchnightowl @tonysdayoff @chibi-yuki @anewrule @sleep-tight1 @starrdvstkenobi @chattychell @ew-erin @pipsqueakkitten @purplepascal042 @cannedsoupsucks @oceanablue @stayherefor-evermore @iamburdened @antisocialshipper @bison-writes @tripleissue @captainjaspenor @doin-stuff @voteforpedropascal @kat-r-in @charmedthoughts @trippedmetaldetector @300mirrors @that-one-creepy-hoe @cyar-i-ka @poison-ivy-girl90 @iwasbusybeingdead @dragons-of-the-usa @two-unbeatable-beaters @carbonated-beverage @166869 @maythxthirstbxwithyou @filmmando @lunaserenade @star-wars-hell @obiwanwhore @thisshipwillsail316 @barnes-and-bitch @supernaturalcat7 @selenium-drive @wardenparker @dragcn-queen @notabotiswear @computeringturtle @the-ginger-hedge-witch @northernpunk  @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind @sarhabee @littlebopper96 @princessxkenobi @planetariumx @xuum-xuum @sleep-tight1 @mcueveryday @greeneyedblondie44 @nyasiaaaaa @missstef23n @your-friction-smory
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shinnakafan384 · 3 years
After taking over a kingdom, King Nakamura is looking for a loyal subject and finds one. He then puts her to the ultimate test.
Hope you guys enjoy this one, it's pretty spicy.
Tags: @marabellechilds0805 @stubzs87 @pikapuff316 @umbrellatori13 @shinsukenaka80 @historianwithaheart @ittybittywriter13 @samisamlollipop
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daimyosprincess · 8 months
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pretends like I haven't been gone for 1000 years
And I hope you're ready for 9k words of smut about the old man once again 🤭
taglist 💖
@agirlnamejacq @burningfieldof-clover @marierg @dukeoftheblackstar @imarvelatthestars @saradika @baufraus @historianwithaheart @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @sgt-morgan @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420 @writingwintermoon @pheo-nixpas-calian @acatalystrising @erinthevampire @xxladysquishyxx @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @kimiheartblade @shinyshayminflower @wings-and-beskar @thirsty-boba-fett-posts @wolffegirlsunite @echocola @100lxtters
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mileycyprus-hill · 4 years
Music Shuffle Challenge
I love this! I was tagged by @lucidescuella and @vanderlindeee
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
I chose my Workout playlist, so please don't judge my taste 😅
Dragula - Rob Zombie
Fuck the Pain Away - Peaches
Gonna Fly Now - Rocky Orchestra
Run the World (Girls) - Beyoncé
This is America - Childish Gambino
Legend Has It - Run the Jewels
Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Brass Monkey - Beastie Boys
Rock Show - Peaches
Willy Wonka - Macklemore
Just tagging randomly so don't feel obligated! @historianwithaheart @mrsescuella @sad-sweet-cowboah @linneaus @gentle-outlaw @littlestarofthewest @scarfacemarston @verai-marcel and anyone else, consider yourself tagged!
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therapyswords · 5 years
21 Questions, very few foward tags
Salvete omnes.
@spacehydras tagged me to share my personal information on the internet, so here goes.
Nickname(s): Coda, Angel of Death
Zodiac: the meanest cancer you’ve ever met.
Height: 5“6
Hogwarts house: I’ve pegged myself as a Ravenclaw. Often told I’m a Slytherin.
Last thing I googled: “Handmaid’s Tale Ignores Race?”
Favorite musicans: fuck you: Clara Schumann, anything jazz, baroque bops, etc.
Song stuck in head: Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Maj Mov. 2: Andante
Following/followers: no clue. Never check.
Do I Get Asks: rarely.
Amount of Sleep I Get: 0 hrs per night.
Lucky Number: 7 or one, but only in German
What I’m Currently Wearing: no socks, no shoes. Navy slacks and a black and white striped button down. Floral bra, because contrary to popular belief, I’m a fun person.
Dream Job: Sommelier. Just kidding. Gin sommelier.
Dream Trip: Infinite imprisonment in The Hermitage Bookshop in Denver, CO.
Instruments I play: *Adam Neely voice* BASS.
Languages: as mentioned in my bio, English and ein bisschen auf Deutsh. Ich höre mich an wie ein zehn Jahre alt auf Deutsch an.
Favourite songs:
Green Eyes- Erykah Badu
Any Chopin prelude, especially those in Emin or Cmin
Smack a Bitch- Rico Nasty
Haitian Fight Song- Mingus
Random fact about me: my closest friends have always been far older than me.
Aesthetic: Ovid’s final poem. I am a sexual savant in exile on a beautiful island.
Tags: @deanfertita , @lupinedominus , @kyvss , @historianwithaheart
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obeydontstray · 2 years
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@braywashed tagged me to post my nine fave movies and whew! It was a struggle! Here's my list though, in random order. All movies that shaped me.l to be their person I am today. Especially the Fifth Element, Pee Wee, and NBC which I have watched more than any other movies in my life!
Tagging @historianwithaheart @starmaammke @godadorgohome and whomever else would like to pay!
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marabellechilds0805 · 6 years
Was tagged by @shinnakafan384 to put my music library on shuffle and post my results
1 King - Years and Years
2 Glassy Sky - Amanda Lee
3 Tainted Love - Soft Cell
4 Young Blood - 5 Seconds to Summer
5 No Tears Left To Cry- Arina Grande
6 Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen
7 X. U- Seraph the of End (1st opening)
8 Shadows of the Setting Sun - Shinsuke nakamura 2nd theme (wwe)
9 Can't Deny My Love - Brandon Flowers
10 I Want to Break Free-Queen
@obeydontstray @historianwithaheart @wrestlethedevil @loveshinsukenakamura
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absurdthirst · 4 years
Okay, uhm, I guess a hc (for whichever character you’re comfortable with) when they find you crying and feeling hopeless over your acne? Thank you so much! 💗
When Marcus Pike Finds You Crying Over Your Acne:
He hates seeing you cry.
Literally it is probably on of the worst things of his day when you are upset. He loves when you are happy, content and secure in the fact that you are beautiful. 
So to find you crying and listening to you sob and sound so hopeless about your acne breaks his heart. 
He knows how much you struggle with it. The bathroom is filled with different creams or washes or ointments to try to combat it. 
Marcus decides that you need to go see a dermatologist. Have a professional appraise your acne and set up a treatment plan. 
While you wait for that appointment, Marcus books you another one. This is one that he’s nervous about because you could possibly take it the wrong way. 
He’s made an appointment for you to learn how to do your makeup professionally and use all the tricks and tips they have to cover the acne. 
Not that he thinks you need it, but he wants your confidence to grow. If you feel half as beautiful as he thinks you are, you will be holding your head up high. 
So if having you learn how to cover up your skin helps you, he’s willing to go with you and see what this is all about. That contouring stuff looks complicated, but he’s going to pay attention. 
But you just need to remember that he loves you, exactly as you are. 
Permanent Tag List:
@synystersilenceinblacknwhite @thewaythisis @thisis-theway @hanelijoy @readsalot73 @ah-callie @cable-kenobi @roxypeanut @arrowswithwifi @badassbaker @javierpenaspinkshirt @wickedfrsgrl @lilangeldevil006 @fioccodineveautunnale @jade10077 @getinthepoolkeanu @kirstiehenderson29 @fleurdemiel145 @random066 @pascalisthepunkest @whataenginerd @tangledlove27​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @gamingaquarius @jaime1110 @yamaktaria @perksofbeingivyy @earl-01 @gooddaykate @emesispo @deathlife97 @martellthemandalor @a-ghost-in-the-tardis @veil-of-time @dornish-queen @theocatkov @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @sheerfreesia007 @apples-of-february @talesfromtheguild @visintaes @mandolover86 @whiskeyxinxaxteacup @immortalstarme @promiscuoussatan @takemepedropascal @katheriner1999 @nerdypinupcrystal @artemiseamoon @paintballkid711 @sirianisrock @engineeredfiction @frietiemeloen @mstgsmy @lilkermit14 @mrschiltoncat @dearspacepirates @thatgirlselectryc @lark-cale @hayley-the-comet @phoenixhalliwell @pedroepascal @501theory @max--phillips @thegreenkid @chicken-nugget-puta @corrupt-fvcker @im-just-here-for-cake @dindjarinscape @ohpedromypedro @moonlightburned @flightlessangelwings @f0rever15elf @kenedyybrooklin @mrsparknuts @lonelystarship @meabravo @chibi-liz05 @ilikechocolatemilkh @babybelou @melon-eyes @aeryntheofficial @the-wishmonger @onabouteverything @goblinqueen95 @awhiskeywithawinchester @thirstworldproblemss @66wookies @xxidontwikeitxx @jedi-mando @castiel-barnes @20skai @rach7 @wanderlustmags @barnes-dameron @neontonberry @artsymaddie  @wigwitch @filthybookworm @honeymandos @edencherries @popped-weasels @sesamepancakes @darthadeline @silverfish-kingdom @april-14-blog @unc0mmon-name​  @josepedropascal @mrsbarnes-rogers @heyitmelexie @allthingsnarcos @bookshelvesandteacups @sweetsunflowerkisses @stardust-galaxies @mando-amando​ @blondekel77 @houseofthirst @oneweirdfangirl @clydesducktape @justanotherblonde23 @rosiefridayrogersunday @asgardianvamp21 @just-a-scavenger99 @lv7867 @ihavemyownissuess @thewayofthemandalorian @mimimi-stuff @linkpk88 @adamdrivercouldchokeme @betterwiththewhip @jitterbugs927 @pascalsky @pedro-pascal-love @saltybreaddream @lovelyasfcuk @dinfarrik @viktorialukowski @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @leaiorganas @over300books @wonderlandgabby @itstheanxietyforme @lucrezia-thoughts @sarahjkl82-blog @pascals-cat @9zoria9 @cyaredindjarin @morrison-mercury @theorganasolo @historianwithaheart @deathwatchnightowl @tonysdayoff @chibi-yuki @anewrule @viktorialukowski @stardust-fray @chattychell​ @ew-erin @pipsqueakkitten​ @purplepascal042​ @cannedsoupsucks​ @grandegoddess​ @stayherefor-evermore @iamburdened @antisocialshipper @bison-writes @tripleissue @captainjaspenor @doin-stuff @voteforpedropascal @kat-r-in @charmedthoughts @trippedmetaldetector​ @300mirrors​ @that-one-creepy-hoe​ @cyar-i-ka​ @poison-ivy-girl90​ @iwasbusybeingdead @dragons-of-the-usa @two-unbeatable-beaters @carbonated-beverage @166869​ @maythxthirstbxwithyou​ @filmmando​ @lunaserenade​ @star-wars-hell​ @obiwanwhore @thisshipwillsail316 @barnes-and-bitch​ @supernaturalcat7 @selenium-drive @wardenparker @dragcn-queen​ @notabotiswear​
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shinnakafan384 · 3 years
Rating: Explicit
The reader falls in love with Shinsuke's demon paint and later that night they find out that it's more than just paint and gets more than they bargained for.
Tags: @marabellechilds0805 @stubzs87 @pikapuff316 @historianwithaheart @shinsukenaka80
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
EVERYTHING AND MORE info & snippet
CROSS MY HEART info & snippet
Taglist 💖
@agirlnamejacq @burningfieldof-clover @marierg @dukeoftheblackstar @imarvelatthestars @saradika @baufraus @historianwithaheart @andrakass2 @samspenandsword @liadamerondjarin @sleepingsun501 @sgt-morgan @rescuethewretched @rexxdjarin @ladytano420 @writingwintermoon @pheo-nixpas-calian @acatalystrising @erinthevampire @xxladysquishyxx @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @kimiheartblade @shinyshayminflower @wings-and-beskar @thirsty-boba-fett-posts @wolffegirlsunite @echocola
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