sansalayned · 7 years
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The list is long, and many are the legends, for there is scarce a noble house in all the Reach that does not boast of descent from one of Garth Greenhand's countless children. Even the heroes of other lands and kingdoms are sometimes numbered amongst the offspring of the Greenhand.
Garth Greenhand’s daughters (requested by @historicrealmeity)
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lady-arryn · 8 years
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“I am no fit man to be a King’s Hand.” “There is no man fitter.”
@historicrealmeity requested: asoiaf + favourite bropt
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eleanoroliphant · 8 years
historicrealmeity said: Mi fa paura quanto sono d'accordo con ogni singola parola. 
<3 davvero qualcuno lo celebra troppo ma troppi lo stroncano senza motivo. non bisogna compararlo a hbo, bisogna compararlo a, chessò, victoria. a cose della tv pubblica.
benjenranger said: wow, im certainly gonna watch it now! and what a surprise, i would never suspect that Italia dont base history education on renaissance :0 
it’s strange isn’t it? we’re growing up thinking that the past 200 years stem from a vacuum. we do study the renaissance but - at least i’m speaking from my own experience - not that much, not as much as we should. not in history anyway. and then educational television largely ignores it.
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poldarkmmmuses · 8 years
What do you make of the whole Hugh Armitage debacle?
Hi there... yeah. You know, I’m still emotionally exhausted from series 2 to go into too much detail about my thoughts around Hugh. I hate to do this, but I’m going to give you a link to a post where I broke down my feelings about the characters and their actions in the book Four Swans. Now, apparently, I wasn’t clear enough the first time for some folks to comprehend my disappointment in Demelza’s decision-making. But here’s the short version:
Hugh Armitage: Not an idiot. A sociopath. 
Demelza: MASSIVE disappointment she didn’t pay attention to what her instincts were telling her. An equal partner in the adulterous behavior she engaged in and should be held fully accountable for her decision making. Idiot. Human.
Ross: Why he didn’t take Hugh out to Hendrawna cliffs and toss him over is beyond me, because he saw what was happening and did nothing to stop it. Was it residual guilt over what had happened with Elizabeth? I’ve no effing idea. And why the hell didn’t he tell her about his conversation with Elizabeth in the graveyard? Oh. Right. Idiot. Human.
That said, we have a parallel to consider as well. I’ve always said one of the reasons why I dislike the character of Elizabeth so much is that she would actively pursue the husband of the woman who saved her family’s life at such a tremendous cost. We have the same situation here with Hugh: he’s willfully pursuing the affections of the wife of the man who saved HIS life. At least Elizabeth had the history of her first love for Ross as “justification” for her decision making. With Hugh? I consider him a predator. 
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wonderwcman · 8 years
aww thank you!! :)
send me emojis?
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@caffeinosis replied to your post “@caffeinosis replied to your post “@caffeinosis replied to your post...”
the tyrells seem to be wearing yellow now actually? or gold and teal  you know it'd be totally hilarious if cersei and marge showed up at a feast wearing the same color
oh nice!  they’re moving towards it that’s good.
and yes omg now i want to write that drabble
@historicrealmeity replied to your post “@caffeinosis replied to your post “@caffeinosis replied to your post...”
Let's not mention Sansa's dresses, I'm pretty sure she changed something like twice in the last two seasons
tru, but i feel like that has narrative sense to it?  she’s been moving around a lot, and before that she was a hostage.  
Heraldry? What's that? </D&D and/or Michelle Clapton>
sigh.  the thing about this show is i want to like the costumes a lot, because they are very detailed, but i just.....don’t.
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freeanonlove · 8 years
If you know thorvalkyrie, she absolutely needs more love.
Actually I don't, but it doesn't matter, I'll send love to everyone! ♥
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eleanoroliphant · 8 years
historicrealmeity said: Non ci posso credere che non abbiano fatto riconciliare Cosimo e Marco Bello
VERO?? scandaloso. povero marco.
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joannalannister · 8 years
Happy Easter! Sorry I totally forgot yesterday!
Happy late Easter to you too! ♥
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calledmarriage · 9 years
6, 14, 21, 22, 24 and 45
6. Your favourite aliensOod! I’d love to have one helping me at home just like Amy and Rory. Also… Time lords? Do they count?
14. Your favourite history episode Vincent and The Doctor! Ugh just gimme time travel and misunderstood artists in the same plot and I’ll be happy forever.
21. Russel T. Davies’ or Steven Moffat’s era That’s the question I try to avoid everyday of my life lol I don’t know, I love both, I have my problems with both, I have deep connection with both, so I don’t feel like choosing.
22. Scary episodes or other episodes I hate scary things… But I’ll make an exception and choose them because Doctor Who being scary is something I can take.
24. Dark or funny side of The DoctorBoth! 45. Were you more shocked by the reveal of River Song’s identity or The Face of Boe’s identity?Face of Boe! Here’s the funny story: before I knew who River was I saw this pic of Karen and Alex saying “like mother, like daughter” and I was like “WHAT DO YOU MEAN AMY IS RIVER’S DAUGHTER?????? WITH THE DOCTOR???? BUT SHE KISSED HER OWN FATHER!!!!!!!” so when I watched AGMGTW I wasn’t that shocked lol. It was a relief, but I wasn’t shocked.
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aarontvaeit · 9 years
Cinderella 2015
never seen it | need to see it | hate it | ugh | it was okay | LOVED IT | asdfghjkl
put a film in my ask!
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queenmercurys · 9 years
The Asoiaf characters/Disney heroins meme is gorgeous and absolute genius!
Awww, gosh, thank you! :D I have a bit of a hard time finding roles for some characters, but I like most of the pairs I chose! Again, thank you so much :)
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jstorfancam · 9 years
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the name of the doctor requested by historicrealmeity
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arianakristine · 9 years
Agent Carter 7 (plus have you watched Daredevil)?
And yes, totally watched Daredevil. 
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eleanoroliphant · 8 years
2-3-4 maggio! :)
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annamisdaily · 9 years
Well, that crucifix did bring them a lot of trouble. Maybe he's being more careful in putting it on display. Maybe he doesn't wear it anymore, but he still keeps it.
That is true, and I hope you’re right! Although he did wear it in the last scene with the King, and it was quite visable so obviously it was only Rochefort and Marguerite who knew it came from the Queen? And those who saw when she gave it to him of course. The King seems as oblivious about it as he is everything else lol
But it’s true, he should be more careful about it, and if he isn’t wearing it, I hope he still keeps it as it means a lot to him! I mean I remember a certain ‘Always’ scene... ;)
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