bigfatbreak · 11 months
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doodle warmup of @zoe-oneesama's marigold and chaton hitchhikin a ride off her
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askthesawyers · 16 days
"eh? Steal?"
*I don't think before I speak at times. I quickly cover my mouth as I glance away. It was always so embarrassing to do that*
"oh yeah....I mean....wooo.... stealing..."
*i already start to feel guilty for even having the thought. I was a goody two shoes who never went to any party during college.*
"I guess it'll be easy to steal....I don't know how to steal a bag of fertilizer though. You guys don't have a compost going already do you?"
*I compose myself before I look to ChopTop*
"how do ya think we even bring food back?? i have my ways.." *A truck finally pulled up- he hopped inside, dragging you along with em- the truck was rusty.. reeked of dead animal carcasses and had tied up bones dangling in the back and few in the front. Choptop recognized the stench.. and looked in the front* "CUZ!!" "oH? oh heeeyy!! what ya doin' up this early Bobby? :D didn't expect ya to be around hitchhikin' at this time!" "oohh yea know.. needed somethin' fun to do!" *The two conversed with each other- and the male driving the truck was supposedly distant family- and he didn't seem to notice you just yet..*
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ask-the-badman · 28 days
My breath hitches in my throat when his hand suddenly shoots out from under his pillow and grabs my wrist tightly. The force alone making me hiss through my teeth till he finally released me from his grasp. “Ah- M’sorry to wake you, I know it’s late..” I trailed off. Watching him slowly pull himself up to a sitting position. My other hand rubs at my wrist and my eyes glue to him unintentionally, catching myself staring just a little too long at his bare chest and arms. The dim lighting doing nothing to hide my wandering gaze, I quickly avert my eyes to the floor. Sitting down in front of the couch.
“Well I- I was woken up to Sissy and Nancy arguin’ back and forth down the hall. I tried not to listen, honest but my name was mentioned.” My throat goes dry with embarrassment and I swallow harshly. “..Nancy doesn’t like that I’m here much, thinks I’m trouble. But Sissy started talkin’ about how it’d be 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 easy for someone like me to draw people in, that the attention alone would bring ‘em in like bees to honey.”
My voice trembles with uncertainty and I look up at him through heavy lashes, struggling to keep up with the thoughts rolling through my mind. “Johnny, I don’t know the first thing about killin.’ I’ve seen it done, I’m no stranger to death. But I know that’s part of the reason my Daddy brought me here, to learn y’all’s ways. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon. I- I know it’s late and I didn’t want to bother you with this, but I didn’t know who else to come too.”
Johnny sat with both elbows on his pillow covered thighs, hunched over and with hands laced together in front of the lower half of his face enough to cover his mouth. Just his eyes and nose the only part of his face showing with brows knit to convey he was more than just listening to the greenhorn's concerns. He closed his eyes after they were finished, thinking on it before heaving out a deep sigh. Knowing just how stressful all this could be.
His first time wasn't a picnic either...
"Ain' no easy way ta say it but yer first kill will change ya, even if it's jus' handed ta ya like mine was. All tied up an' helpless... Either ya get used ta it or you kin choose ta do somethin' else, not all'a us need ta kill, but it does help." He murmured quietly, solemnly, "Drayton says he don' like killin', a damned lie, but he's more fer the cookin' aspect of it all. Ya don' have ta be like Nubbins or Sissy, goin' off down a long highway hitchhikin' fer a kill if ya don' want. Hell, if Sissy thinks you kin lure them in then all it'll take is one'a us ta take care'a them. An' if ya don' like that either, jus' be like Big Boy an' help with preppin' the meat. If ya don' want ta actively be out there like that then ya don' have ta be."
He sat up then, leaning back to rest fully against the back of his couch as he idly scratched at one of his sideburns, "Honestly up ta you on what ya wanna do, or how ya wanna do it. But don' pay no mind ta Nancy, she's nothin' but a miserable old bitch hog who hates everyone. Best jus' ignore her an' lissen ta Sissy anyways, she's got a better sense of things. Even if she's a lil... wild."
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aeoki · 30 days
Number Eight - Tripping: Chapter 3
Characters: Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku & Niki Location: Inside Truck Container
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Midnight. Inside the truck container. >
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Niki: *Yawns…* ♪
Mmm~ I can’t tell what’s going on since there’s no light in here…
Kohaku: You seem pretty sleepy, Niki-han. You should take a nap.
Your intestines don’t absorb nutrients that well, so you’ll just hurt your body if you don’t rest, you know?
Niki: Oh, I’m okay. I’ll feel bad if I’m the only one sleeping.
Still, we’ve been in a bus, a helicopter, a plane, a car and now a truck~ I wonder how far we’ve come.
Rinne: …………
HiMERU: Is Amagi… asleep?
Niki: Yeah. It’s dark so I can’t really see, but he’s oddly quiet.
Are you awake, Rinne-kun~?
Rinne: Yeah. Just saving some energy. I bet there’ll be a long road ahead of us.
There’s definitely nothing worth filming in this darkness, anyway~
HiMERU: Amagi is right. The cameras won’t be effective in this situation, so it’s the perfect time to rest.
I’ve heard from the driver that there’s still around three hours left on the road. That’s ample time for resting.
Kohaku: We were saved by hitchhikin’.
We might not be able to find our car, but maybe we can reach our goal by hoppin’ from car to car.
HiMERU: Indeed. I don’t know what conditions we must fulfil to complete the “???” mission.
But even the producers wouldn’t find it interesting if it’s too unreasonable of a mission. I think the mission will be completed once we reach the next town.
Niki: Trying to figure out what the mission’s actually telling us to do, huh. You’re good at that sorta stuff, aren’t you, HiMERU-kun~?
HiMERU: Well, usually, Amagi would take the initiative and think about these things first, though.
Amagi is resting and preparing for what’s to come. It’s not something I’d go as far as saying that’s what I predict he’ll do. It’s more like something that’s “typical” of him.
Rinne: Don’t start being nice in the oddest of times. It actually feels pretty creepy.
…Oh. Looks like the truck’s stopped.
Maybe it’s ‘cause there aren’t that many cars on the road at night, but we got here pretty quickly. Looks like the driver’s opening the door, so let’s get out.
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Niki: Wow…!
It’s the beach! Guys, we’re at the beach! Look!
The beach looks really gentle when it’s lit up by the moonlight. I don’t think I’ll be scared of the night if it looks like this~♪
Rinne: It’s nothin’ to make a fuss about. Didn’t you learn at school not to make so much noise at night?
Niki: Hey, that’s discrimination, Rinne-kun. You know I didn’t go to high school!
Kohaku: I didn’t, either. Could you refrain from such thoughtless remarks~?
Niki: You better write an apology letter, you hear!
HiMERU: Please, enough arguing, everyone. Being an idol is one of the few jobs where your academic background has little to no importance.
In any case, we haven’t reached the next town, so why have we been let off here?
Is the driver taking a break? Well, the driver let us off and has returned to the driver’s seat, so something isn’t right.
Kohaku: Hmm. How odd. Why were we dropped off at such a strange place…?
Don’t tell me they didn’t want to take us all the way to the next town?
No, if that’s true, then…
No! The truck left!
HiMERU: Ugh. Is this also something that was set up by the show?
They shook us off the moment we had a peace of mind… To think we fell for the same trick twice – it’s not very smart.
Niki: Hey, you two~ Don’t be so grumpy.
Kohaku: You say that but it doesn’t change the fact that we’re sufferin’ from one thing after the other.
Niki: No, that’s not what I mean… Come on, look over there!
Rinne: That’s… the ES company car we used before, right?
It’s weird that we were dropped off here of all places, but… was that truck driver also part of the show?
Niki: Yeah. There’s no way the driver would just dump us out here for no reason!
They did their job and brought us to our car!
HiMERU: They definitely dropped us off at a place where we could see the car and then promptly left.
They must have been someone that was involved with the show.
Rinne: Someone involved, huh? If that’s true, then I wish they were nicer to us~
HiMERU: I think they were plenty nice. After all, they helped us find our car.
Kohaku: And it looks like we’ve completed the “???” mission. We also get to see the conditions for the missions now.
HiMERU: I see. The mission just now was “Hitchhike your way to reclaim your stolen car”...
In other words, our situation fulfils the conditions for completion.
And our reward is “petrol”... It seems the ES company car has been filled.
Niki: Does that mean the ones who stole the car also filled it up?
Either way, it’s exactly as you guessed, HiMERU-kun. We can finally start driving on our own again!
We’ll leave the driving to you, Rinne-kun!
Rinne: Yup, just leave it to me… is what I’d love to say, but…
Niki: ?
Rinne: We’ve been holed up in a cramped and dark container for the past couple of hours. It might not be a bad idea to feel the night breeze and to breathe in some clean air for a bit, right?
Look, we can see the sea from the West Coast. It feels kinda weird when you realise our hometown is way beyond that, right?
Niki: What? You told me not to make a fuss and yet, here you are, enjoying this overseas trip to the fullest.
Well, it’s fine. It feels like we could finally catch a break.
We’ll rest for a bit, pick ourselves up and then roll the dice again.
Rinne: Yup. It’s definitely gonna get cold real quick, so we’ll head back into the car when it does.
Until then, let’s gaze out at the sea and rest for a while.
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vintagepresley · 4 months
*he shakes his head* I remember fightin' in a war. I also remember runnin' away in the night with my brothers. I just kept walkin' and hitchhikin' from vehicle to vehicle.
I see… Well, the nurses are going to get you hooked up to an IV. You are clearly severely dehydrated and then I’m going to order a MRI so see if you’ve got a head injury. Just want to be sure we don’t miss anything.
(Idk what im talking about lmfaoo)
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splinter-sister · 2 years
All it took was one wrong turn and the bullheadedness about turning back that added up to one Prickly Pear being Blair Witch levels of lost out in the woods. It was supposed to be an easy point A to B walk that turned into walking into Narnia. She made a cut through the woods from the original paved road she was walking on the side of, to end up on this unpaved, more back woods looking road. After walking some distance she had realized she messed up big time, but couldn’t find where she originally cut through. Being rather embarrassed with herself and not wanting to risk losing the only path she had now, she’s been trekking on this dirt road through these tree filled mountains for hours. The sun is going down as well. She’s been talking to and berating herself for the past half hour as a way to have some kind of company while moving on. 
“This is how people end up goin’ missing. I didn’t need a compass, I said. Hitchhikin’ will work, I said. Jus’ take a shortcut, I said!” She spins on her heel to turn backwards, looking from where she came from and put her arms out beside her to beckon in a reply.
“Why th’ hell ain’t there any cars on this damn road!” Her shouted question echoes in the area with no answer given back. The scattered pebbles and gravel on the road crunch under her boots, being the only accompanying sound to her complaining. She noticed it a while ago, but the silence here is uncanny. There’s no birds or other sounds around her. It’s just her footsteps and own voice. She doesn’t remember when the songs of nature stopped, only when she started to feel uneasy while walking. 
Letting her hand fall back to her sides, she turns back around to keep walking. There’s got to be some kind of town or civilization around here somewhere. It’s just a matter of time till she gets there. At least she packed a backpack. 
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freezeher-moved · 1 year
@cheernerds liked !
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❛ um , i'm actually not from around here . i guess you could say i've been hitchhikin' . ❜ ethel pushes a polite , friendly smile onto her lips , tries to ignore the weight of the pistol in her pocket . this town is small --- yet somehow bigger than shady grove --- but small enough to be out of reach of the law . a good place to lay low for awhile . ❛ my name's ethel . ❜
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rich4u · 2 years
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matteohudson · 5 years
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Now Listening: Bruce Springsteen - Western Stars. #brucespringsteen #brucespringsteenwesternstars #hitchhikin #thewayfarer #tucsontrain #westernstars #sleepyjoescafe #drivefastthestuntman #chasinwildhorses #sundown #somewherenorthofnashville #stones #theregoesmymiracle #hellosunshine #moonlightmotel #2019 #2019album #rock #heartlandrock #folkrock #rocknroll #nowlistening #nowplaying https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLPfAkCQiB/?igshid=1dg4excjvxqqb
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aceyanaheim · 3 years
wtf wtf i was looking at jobs on campus and it went from 10 to 3 in one refresh
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soupbabe · 3 years
I've never seen somebody who writes for Nubbins Sawyer before! So I was wondering if I could get a Nubbins Sawyer x GN! Reader where Reader just likes to hold him? ^-^
Nubbins Sawyer w/ a Reader That Likes to Hold Him!
I love Nubbins so much, tbh I'm surprised not a lot of people write for him 😅😅
- his love language is physical touch!! He'd love the attention so much
- Though he'd insist that you be in his lap instead, he won't be complaining when you pull him onto yours!
- The family doesn't seem to care all too much, though Drayton will yell at y'all to "get a room" because Nubbins can get handsy quickly
- When you have Nubbins in your arms?? Immediately his body deflates and gets giggly
- Will use this closeness to his advantage and pepper your face in kisses
- omg please don't get me started on cuddling
- Summer nights can get cold, having you to hold him makes him sleep like a baby
- He gets extra clingy in the morning too
- "Nubs, let me go..I need to take a piss." "D- don't care! We're stayin' like this.."
- Add in a couple of prolonged kisses along your face and neck and there you'll have a standard morning with Nubbins
- You are the best way he relaxes after a hard day of hitchhikin <333
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everplaythisgame · 3 years
maybe close your eyes and the boat will show up soon
Cerebelle closes her eyes.
The next thing she knows, up pulls the boat, now in clear view able to be inspected more closesly. It's in the shape of a dragon, or ..seahorse? Seahorse dragon? And sat in the front seat is a tall insectoid man with long flowing hair. He stashes his guitar into a compartment of the boat, casting a large anchor-like object down.
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???: Rad.
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???: Right-o, with that ship sunk and settled, how groovy are ya, grubs?
???: What is groovy indeed! And speakin' words of which.
MANDY BILL: Name's Mandy. Mandy Bill.
IRIS: Wait, YOU'RE Mandy Bill?! THE Mandy Bill?! The king of ska?
MANDY BILL: Maybe I was before, but that time's long since put to rest. Ska's dead in the water for me today. The people want what the people want, and you can only sing so many showtunes about smilin' fellows before your time in the spotlight fades away, man...now all the beats are energy and hubbub. I can appreciate it, but it's just not for me.
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MANDY BILL: Now I'm livin' the radical life, yeah. Goin' shore to shore, ferryin' away, and singin' my soulful tunes. If I'd brought a trumpet, my hitchhikin' stowaways might throw me off, heh. Switched out my brass for some strings. Flows more.
MANDY BILL: It's hard to make a livin', but they don't say it's a bug eat bug world for nothin'.
MANDY BILL: Apologies for the slowness, by the tide. Not many hip cats loiter 'round this port.
MANDY BILL: So anydays.
MANDY BILL: Wanna hitch a ride? It's only 5 dough.
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just-a-writing-fan · 4 years
Holding Out For A Hero
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Another request for the signal boost sleepover, also for Shannon, @theliterarymess for Arvin or Peter. Song fic, Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler. Now, tbh, I was not sure what to do or where to go with this but when I decided on Arvin and saw that gif I got a idea and decided not to think too hard and go with it. This may also be short, apologies, really short and it is purely dialogue between some random guys and Arvin; it's more of a imagine than a blurb or a fic
Summary: Arvin left everything behind back in Virginia, even things he didn't know about and now he's got hours to get back home
Arvin Russell x Reader
"So, where you headin'?" "Knockemstiff, West Virginia....."
"Long way from Cinncinati and you seem to be in a hurry boy, what's the rush?"
"I'm gonna be a daddy.....my girls in labor...," He explains and accepts the smoke being passed around.
"so you're hitchhikin' a ride with a bunch of fellas you don't know in the back of a truck, going down a middle of nowhere strip of highway that goes for miles at night?"
"yeah, I reckon, pretty much. Y'all pulled over and I needed a ride. Like ya said, I'm in a hurry," he shrugs and passes the cigarette to the man questioning him.
The man shakes his head, "off to a good start as a daddy I reckon, these here is my three boys, got eight grands and that's my dumb fuck of a nephew up there driving"
Arvin simply nods, "nice meetin' y'all, thanks for the lift"
"no problem.....boy or girl?"
"don't know....."
"what you mean you don't know?"
"I didn't know I was gonna be a daddy till a few hours ago"
"You mean you don't know your little lady was knocked up?"
Arvin shakes his head, "nope, sir"
"well ya seem to care a heap of a lot, how come?"
"I had to leave real sudden, had to light a fire under my ass...."
"must've been pretty dang big fire to make ya up and leave a girl like that, hella a match," he and his sons laugh.
"You ain't kidding," Arvin chuckles, sometimes talking to strangers is easier than talking to people you know. "My sister got knocked up by a twisted preacher and I found her when she hung herself, then I killed him, then I killed somebody else and then a cop, but both of them tried to kill me first......"
"so...how'd ya know you were gonna be a Pa?"
"I was seeing this girl, Y/N, I wrote her a letter and she and I have been writin' for months but I got a phonecall a few hours ago.....I wanna be a superhero, like in my comics, for my kid......I ain't gonna be like my daddy"
"yer' off to a good start....how long 'go was it?"
Arvin checks his watch, "bout 4 hours?"
"well push it hard'as we can and getcha there. Hey, tell your cousin to haul buggy," he tells his son closer to the window
"so you read comics?"
"yeah, my Mama used to buy 'em for me...."
"what if you have a girl?" His son asks Arvin.
"what if I have a girl?" Arvin tilts his head
"girls ain't 'posed like that stuff," they laugh
"my Mama did, if she wants to like that stuff she can, I ain't gon' stop her. Ain't hurtin' nobody, is she?"
"reckon you right, but what if it's a boy?"
"then I'll teach 'em to cook"
"boys ain't 'posed to cook, girls is"
"ladies are the best cooks, but, the ladies need a break once in a while"
"I reckon....well, watcha namin' 'em?"
Arvin shrugs, "depends, I gotta talk to Y/N too........I'm hopin' she'll let me name our daughter Lenora"
".......who's that?"
"yeah, who's Lenora?"
"that your sister?"
Arvin just nods, "and if ya have a son?"
"She can name him...."
"Ain't you ever had a superhero before?"
"Myself. I ain't namin' no kid after me....."
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newtypezaku · 3 years
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Long time ago, me and my brother Kyle here... we was hitchhikin’ down a long and lonesome road
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razorsadness · 3 years
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All That Comin’ Back to America // Jessie Lynn McMains, from Sad and Beautiful World #14 (May 2009)
All that hitchhikin’
All that railroadin’
All that comin’ back
to America
—Jack Kerouac, from “Lonesome Traveler”
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