#hitto kakucho angst
mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
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Mikey's girl
Warning : minors DNI, 16+. Suggestive, heavy/strong language, blood, injury, Bonten being gossips but nothing more, kinda comical and funny !
Pairing : Bonten! Mikey x Female! Reader
Summary : what about meeting the Bonten ?
Since the day he met you, Mikey tried his best to keep you away from his gang life. Until that night...
Note : This is a short one shot, no one requested this, it's just a small thing I've been imagining before going to bed lol right after writing this I'll be back to your requests guys !
WORD COUNT : Around 6000
Running out of time.
Running out of thoughts.
Pedal to the floor, Sanzu pressed it until the dash indicated a number way out of speed limits.
A road, a race.
Not against a car, against time.
Against death.
And he didn't even knew where to go, which turn to take next, all he knew was that, damn, Ran is a motherfucker and Rindou an asshole, but Mikey would kill him if the elder died on his backseat.
-" Fuck, Mikey, we can't go to the hospital. "
That one, sitting right on the passenger seat had his fist against his mouth, biting hard on his fingers. Before he could even look at Sanzu or answer, Rindou's voice cut off from behind.
-" I don't fucking care about prison, you go to that shitty hospital. "
Dark irises peered through the car's central mirror, at Rindou's shape sitting on the backseat.His brother had his head his lap and his feet on Kakucho's.
The youngest Haitani sustained his boss' look, though trembling from inside, he kept a stoic face stained with his brother's blood, hands pressing Ran's thigh to slow down the bleeding.
If the road wasn't blurry from the speed Sanzu was hitting, if Ran Haitani was not bleeding to death on the backseat of his car, Mikey would have slashed Rindou's throat open for that order. Yet, Rindou was stained with his elder brother's blood, on the verge of losing him.
How couldn't he understand ? Especially him, who's brother have been stolen from him, who couldn't even get a look at his face one last time ? Through his hollow chest, there was still something beating, beating for him to do the right thing.
The right thing, the right one, the idea clicked in his head.
-" Take the right turn to Ebisu. Tsubaki's district. "
Bonten's second nodded, took the right turn just in time to head for Ebisu and was almost startled by Rindou's voice shouting from behind.
-" Mikey you fucking serious ? You... You know what ? Drop us. "
-" Rin' " Kakucho tried only to be cut off again by that one.
-" Just drop us at the hospital and you can go back to the headquarters. "
Pleading eye glance was dressed by an angry stare in Rindou's eyes, one that has been promptly ignored by Mikey who just started guiding Sanzu through the dimly lit streets.
Scoffing loudly, the Haitani brought his eyes to his brother's head on his lap, droopy eyes,shallow breathing, and a burning fever.
What the fuck is going on ? He wanted to scream.
-" I... I don't get it, you removed the bullet from his leg, why ain't he getting better ?"
Kakucho, receiving his question sighed loudly trying to calm his frantic heartbeats. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, along with the worry for his friend, he shrugged.
-" I don't know, maybe an artery has been touched ?"
-" And what the hell do we do-"
They were almost propelled forward by the power at which Sanzu had parked, immediately noticing that they were now in a residential area.
-" Wh-"
-" Stay here. I'll be back in a minute. "
Mikey left no room for argument, quickly getting out of the car and making his way to one of the houses, knocking at the door.
Be here, he prayed inside. Be here...
Multiple questions and death glares from Rindou toward the house after, the lights inside the house turned on.
2.am in the morning they knock at your door, every woman should have been afraid to even get up from bed.
But how to even be scared ?
There, all your dreams taking the shape of a man sharing your bed since weeks and weeks, standing in your front porch light.
The magnet to your smile, Sano Manjiro, he was a regular of your front door, the gift of the late night for you. So much, you hadn't even changed from your Pajama shorts and strapped top, nothing he hadn't seen anyway.
Only for a minute, the universe pretended it loved him. For a split second, there was just... Manjiro, and you. Because his heart had beaten like when he was a kid, a happy kid, seeing the smile you offered him with sleepy eyes.
What a shame if his old friends knew, after years of trying, the thing lifting him from the floor to be a weak small woman...
But your smile dropped as soon, remarking that he wasn't coming inside like he used to do, taking the hand you offered that it took him some time to get used to, but eventually started leaning in your touch.
-" A bitch, really ?" Rindou scoffed from the car, far from your eyes and ears. Indignation filled his blood but he was soon shushed by Sanzu and a frowning Kakucho.
-" She's not one of our girls" Sanzu explained, confused. " I don't know this place. "
They three watched their boss interacting with the young woman from afar, and stiffened when both of them started walking toward the car before Mikey opened the rear door from Rindou's side.
-" Here he is. " He showed you a rather tall man, head and feet resting on two frowning men legs. The street as well as the inside of the car were dimly lit, you could not see much more than blood flowing from the middle of his thigh, where his pants have been ripped. Mikey opened the door a little bit more when you crouched down next to the car, startled by the hand of the man gripping yours even before you could touch the injured man's face.
Guilt was a foreign principle for Rindou yet he could have sworn that was exactly what he had felt the minute the girl's doe eyes peered at him, maybe far, far from that sad reality where he was holding his brother's bleeding body, he would've took a minute to admire how beautiful she was...
Sensing his reluctance toward you, you pulled your hand away from him and peered at Mikey, standing next to you. You might have missed the dark glare he sent toward Rindou...
-" You told me he has fever, right ?"
He nodded, turning back to you. Frowning, you looked at the three men inside the car who already were eyeing you curiously.
-" Do you still have the bullet ?"
-" Are you fucking kidding me ?" The one with the purple mullet answered you, you pulled your head back surprised by the hostility in his tone. " Why in hell would we k-"
-" It's here " the one with the scarred face cut him off with a hurry, leaning toward the car's floor to reach for the bullet he threw there previously. He hadn't missed the step Mikey had took toward the car after hearing Rindou's answer, it was nor the time neither the place for fighting.
Taking the bullet from him, at first nothing seemed special about it. Yet you had your idea about the fever, and went to smell that one. Other than the smell of smoke and blood, and there was an after smell to it. One you used to smell at the hospital shifts...
The ball has been damaged, either from the impact or when removed from his body, but what had caught your attention was the dark, heavy paste adorning the crooked bullet, your head fell slightly backward in a curse.
-" Fuck... "
All of them frowned, but Mikey did because you rarely cursed, Rindou was faster to ask about what the fuck you mean. His words.
-" The bullets have been laced by curare. A deadly poison. "
His heart missed several beats, eyes going naturally back to his brother who already had passed out, his throat felt tight, and he couldn't even focus on your words when you stood up and mumbled to Mikey to get him inside your house.
Turning the living room lights on, Mikey moved your table out of the way while Rindou and Kakucho lifted Ran's body until your couch.
- " I'll be back in a minute" you whispered to Mikey before heading toward the bathroom, working at a hospital, your first aid kit was more like a whole surgery equipment.
All of their eyes watched you as you came back to the living room, hands full of medical equipment you put on the table before crouching down next to Ran who was lying on your couch, and there under the light they could finally take a better look at you.
And they were stunned...
Mainly because well, you looked like nothing of the usual girls they had at their clubs. Your face was empty of all make-up, your hair was loose falling around your face, but how attractive was that raw, natural sight...
Kakucho leaning with his elbows on the back of the couch, Rindou standing right next to him and Sanzu standing next to the armchair Mikey sat on, all of them eyes were on you.
And to say questions were eating their brain alive wouldn't be out of place. It was obvious with every rapid flutter of your lashes hitting those cheekbones, from your wide-eyed gaze, too pretty, too young, too pure for this, them, and him.
But you hands didn't shook, you didn't hesitated a second before wrapping the sterilized tourniquet around his leg, and to say the strength you put in that one woke Ran up screaming from pain... Well, you might be perfect for Mikey, they thought.
-" The hell-" Ran arched his back and breathed heavily, hand reaching his thigh to remove the pressure, as Rindou's hand pushed him flat on the couch, a soft one stopped him, he landed his eyes on you and-
It might have been the poison, the pain, but no one ever looked at him so... Truly.
-" I know it hurts, but you've been poisoned. I don't want the curare to reach your heart".
And just like that, a man surrendered. It all took a pretty shiny eye color, smooth hair surrounding feminine features, and a tiny voice coming from enticing lips to wreck his guards and make him drop his hand, make him take the pain.
Okay, you thought to yourself. This is do or die, the shallow breathing he had could be either because of the pain, or because the curare reached his lungs...
Was it too late or not, you were gonna give him the antidote.
-" Why'd you made this ?" The one with the mullet gestured toward the tourniquet, you went to answer but he cut you off again. " You better not make him lose a leg or whatever shit you've done it for, if he lost it-"
-" If he lost it what ?" Your voice rose up, dropping the syringe you previously had in hand to put both of your palms flat on the couch.
-" This, i'm only tryna repair your mistake. " You glared at him under everyone's surprised expressions. " Who do you think you are, removing the bullet as if you were doctor House ? That's the result of your recklessness, the poison spread faster and I'm trying here to limit it so you better shut up and not shout at me under my own roof".
Stunned, once again, no one found the words actually. It was obvious Rindou was upset, from how tight he was clenching his fists, however you managed to convince him to let you do your job.
As for Mikey, he simply could not take his eyes off of you.
You, his moonlight secret, the tide of his feelings, ones he thought he would never experience again. It all started with a smile, and before he could understand anything, a night a week, two nights a week, to an additional tooth brush in your bathroom, left t-shirts, and this house became a home.
Sure he knew you deserved way better, yet once you let the devil in your front porch come inside, again, and again, it felt right. He held you tight, and that was all that you seemed to need, his bruising hold, his cold hands and rough touches.
Took and kept him in your hands in order not to break him as if he was a promise, let the devil inside and kissed all of his demons.
You were all softness and delicacy, that was mainly why he has been surprised by the daggers your eyes threw at Rindou, and damn his heart missed some beats when you got all of his men tail between their legs with just a higher voice. That is when pride bloomed in his chest, seeing you head high in order not to drop the crown, his crown.
His queen.
It did not stopped him from glaring at Rindou however, while you were busy administering the treatment to his brother. Needless to say has it been another random girl of their clubs, he would not even care.
But you, the missing heart beat, the late night rendezvous, the tatoo-lingering kiss, he felt personally offended.
Thanks God, after minutes of giving him the treatment, the so-called Ran seemed more connected to reality. The tourniquet must have been done right before the poison could reach any higher parts and it was only his luck. And thank God, curare's antidote was a simple myasthenia's treatment, one you could easily have home, otherwise the ending would have been different.
They all watched you as you stitched him and him wincing from time to time, then the man with a scar along his face helped you throwing all the dirt.
Strange was it how you didn't even felt threatened. An angel standing in silk pajama lingerie, surrounded by demons who could not keep their eyes off of your bare legs under your camisole shorts, off of your breasts perking up under the silk strapped top.
Why would you be afraid ? Satan himself glared at his demons and soon their four pairs of eyes found the floor very much more interesting than his angel.
-" How ya feeling ?" Rindou asked his brother once you left to " make some coffee".
-" I'm good, thanks to her. You should... You kinda fucked up tho " he answered while eyeing his boss from the corner of his eye. Rindou who was leaning against the couch sighed, he knew he kind of loses it everytime Ran would be in the middle of it, and he regretted it now, really.
-" Yeah, your girl saved the day Mikey".
That was Sanzu trying to get crumbs of the truth and Kakucho elbowing him discreetly. Truth be said, he has been smelling the smoke and now he caught the fire. Usually he would be driving his boss home after missions, the late months were the exception since he preferred using his own bike, one that he didn't touched since years actually.
His usual spot at the VIP floor of the club where he would be silently mourning has been empty, and oh that was definitely not a white hair of his on his black turtleneck.
Mikey knew perfectly what Sanzu was doing and therefore just ignored his statement, would it confirm his thought ? That you were his girl? Let that sink in.
-" Here !" Your soft voice almost sang, bringing a busy tray with several coffee cups. You put that one on the table and quickly made your way back to the kitchen, fighting the smile on your face once Mikey's eyes got stuck on the plate of his favorite pastries you brought and put on the table. Needless to say he was the first one to reach them, your cooking never failed to impress him.
-" Thank you, for this and... " The man with a scar and heterochromatic eyes started, before Rindou grabbed a bowl of coffee and locked eyes with you.
-" And sorry for... You know. He's my brother and... "
-" I get it " you flashed a smile that had his heart sinking in his chest, impression or not the room warmed like water with it.
-" We own you one " That was Ran, lazily smiling with droopy eyes from the couch. He more than everyone in there was shamelessly eyeing you from head to toe, the fever he had experienced previously waking up his lower belly now that he could take a better look at you.
Their boss knew, and they all knew the unspoken forbidden words choking everyone of them at that moment ; what in the heaven, hell or earth had put such a blessing in Manjiro Sano's blood stained hands ?
-" And those ones are Mikey's favorites by the way " he precised toward the pastries.
You chuckled, and everyone, even the most heartless of them all felt it, the light seeping through all of their darkness.
-" I know, I always have some for him. "
Always, there was it, the fire Sanzu had spotted from miles. Rindou's weary expression turned into a whole surprised face, because damn, you were it. Perfect, either was it your face, your features, or just how every curve of you was a kiss for the eyes.
It was your beauty for Ran, the blooming young one, the forbidden thing for dirty men like them.
It was your devotion and honey-dripping self for Kakucho, how is it that their boss haven't drained you of all colors ?
It was your fierce for Sanzu, how you put Rindou back in his place just as if you were raised by Mikey himself.
And your wit for Rindou, useful hands, smartness, knew from A to Z how to deal with a poisoned bullet.
And they could go on for the night, why this house shouldn't be soiled by him, nor by them actually. The fact was, his hand reached for your waist and pulled you into his lap, and the smile you gave him could light up the whole town.
And there she was, his solace in the grip of his hands. He knew what they all thought and he thought it too.
Too good, too pretty, too much for him. One day, you would figure it out and leave him but, his heart beats were a countdown until you would realize it.
And you'd blew him away. He'd be blue.
Until then, he would take them soul crashing glances and enchanted kisses, see would the darkness swallow the light ? Or would the latter shine through?
-" Well... Think it's time for us to go " Kakucho cleared his throat and threw warning glances at his three co-workers. They were staring.
-" Oh, just leave him on the couch. It's better not to shake his leg for now " you warned Rindou who was about to help Ran to get up, the elder brother gulped down at the enticing thought of staying and they all looked at Mikey.
-" I'm gonna take a shower."
That was it, his answer. He would be staying, for sure he would never leave you alone with Ran. Well, he would have been staying anyway...
Sanzu's eyes widened slightly as he peered at his co-workers, Rindou had actually the same reaction, until Kakucho implicitly pushed all of them outside, waving good-bye at all of you and telling Ran to have some rest.
Back to the car, and Kakucho counted.
One, two, three...
-" The actual fuck ?"
The whole neighborhood must have been woken up by Sanzu's loudness at this rate, he turned to look at Rindou sitting on the passenger seat and Kakucho on the back.
-" The actual fuck is Mikey getting his kicks with the glamour-puss when we thought he was depressed as hell " Rindou replied, pulling his hair back still incredulous of what he just witnessed.
-" Could you drive us all home already ? " Kakucho rolled his eyes, earning curious glances from his friends.
-" Really? That's all you got to say ?"
-" Well..." He sighed and rubbed his eyelids. "She is obviously... something else, I'm happy for him though, man has been through hell. "
-" Something else ? " Rindou mimicked. " She's a damn dreamboat. "
-" And she's a nurse, maybe even a doctor. Like, she has degrees hanging on her wall-"
-" Fresh clean pussy " The youngest Haitani chuckled soon followed by Sanzu.
-" Think Mikey fucks her as hard as he kicks ?"
-" Let's watch how she walks tomorrow and we'll know ".
-" You two are the reason why we can't have a Bible " Kakucho winced in a disgusted face, soon enough they started the car and he knew he would not stop hearing about it...
Washing the thoughts under the water, the devil would have traded his hell, to let the water purify his sins. Once in a lifetime, Satan had wished to repent, all to be worthy of that damn forbidden fruit. Once in a lifetime his chest wasn't empty, it was filled with concrete-like worries, not good enough, not good at all.
As always, too swallowed in his own darkness, Mikey didn't heard the bathroom's door opening nor the clothes hitting the floor, and almost got startled by the warm hands wrapping around him.
When you are young you know nothing, they say. But you knew. He was walking some of his darkest alleys again, so hard to follow him through.
But it was alright, you just held him and if you two stumbled in the dark, then you'd fall together.
No words were needed, you turned him around and all the unspoken were in your eyes. Fever dream kisses, light touches on his cheeks, whispered sweet nothings built a wall between him and his demons.
Your hands pushed harder on his shoulders, frowning he looked at you and you whispered a " Trust me". He trusted no one.
He dropped on his knees for you.
You smiled at him and your fingertips started massaging his scalp, washing his hair for him. Mikey hummed in silence, and slowly, like a sleepy child his head fell between your breasts.
Even your heart beats hummed a sweet melody for him, steady and slow, like whispering no rush, I'm not going anywhere.
-" You're so pretty... " You whispered, and smiled when he just growled.
As if you don't like it, you thought and rolled your eyes. And he did like it indeed, but he would never admit, burying his head deeper against you.
How could, whatever God after years of cursed fate, gift him such a blessing ? His arms tightened around you in another bruising hold, but you didn't said anything. You just took all of him, and he wondered was there a part of him you didn't took ? Did you even left anything for him, once you'd be gone ?
-" You gotta close your eyes " you whispered grabbing the shampoo bottle, Mikey looked up toward you.
No, they would come back.
And you were there, raw for him, nothing in between your two naked bodies except the water washing the sins away. The only sight that would ever give him goosebumps, you just had to be there, and he was not empty anymore.
-" I... don't like darkness."
And you were the light. Why would he close his eyes ?
On his knees in front of you the king admitted defeat, undressing his fears, and you swore to be there whenever his crown would be too heavy to carry.
The love caressed his cheek softly, no need to run, in your arms his darkness was tamed.
You drew stars around his scars, and like a blood stain marked him forever. Holy was the vision of the devil getting his wings washed, did it really matter if the angel would be stained ?
This was Manjiro Sano trying. He would change the ending, Peter would not lose Wendy, the bridges would not burn down, and the sun would rise on a whole new day after the dark night.
'cause after the poison, the blood, there were only two bodies loving each other in the middle of the night. One single heart beat, one skin, where you ended ? Where he began ? Holding yourselves so tightly it was just too hard to tell.
And in the end of the day, it was all that mattered.
-" Dude, I'm telling ya. She's his girlfriend, not a bitch " Rindou explained to Kokonoi, Takeomi and Mochi. The first sitting behind his desk, he was working until late night when they all came in talking non sense about their boss having an affair, Takeomi was about to leave as well as Mochi.
-" we're talking about Mikey... Like, Mikey, like... White hair, dark impulse, Dorayaki ?" Kokonoi inquired with a confused face, only for both Rindou and Sanzu to nod their heads.
-" I don't believe you. "
-" No one fucking talked to you " Haruchiyo snapped toward his brother who just ignored him.
-" Either you do or not, he's home with her now, and Ran is there too. " Rindou pointed only to be stopped by Mochi.
-" What the fuck is Ran doing ther- you know what ? I don't want to know these kind of details."
-" He's been injured, and she is a nurse-"
-" A doctor, I'm telling you " Sanzu popped a pill from his bottle with a suggestive look.
-" And she's fucking hot, like... Lava hot. "
-" Like « I'm on the cover of playboy magazine » Hot " Haruchiyo added, Kokonoi rolled his eyes again.
-" I honestly don't trust your taste in women."
-" Kakucho ?" Rindou asked for the latter's say in the matter. That one who just sat on the couch sighed, crossing his legs and looked at Kokonoi dead in the eyes.
-" She's fucking gorgeous. "
-" Aha !" That was Sanzu, obviously, who was told he was too loud from his brother and who answered him with a middle finger.
It was usually this way,Bonten, all blood and guns from the outside, gossip girls behind closed doors.
Takeomi was about to add that he trusted Kakucho's taste more than the two others when the sound of Rindou's phone echoed through the room.
-" It's a Video call from Ran " he frowned, some of them gathered around him as soon as he answered it, seeing his brother's face on the screen.
-" Yo ! Aren't ya supposed to be sleeping?"
But no sign if tiredness was perceived in his face, he strangely was more... Interested.
-" What the actual glamour-puss fuck ?" He asked, getting his face even closer from the screen earning a chuckle from Mochi and Sanzu.
-" That's exactly what I said !" His brother pointed with wide eyes, but Ran was not done yet...
-" Wait bro, that's... "
He stood silent for a minute, dropping the phone on the couch which made his brother and co-workers frown.
-" Hey, you there ?" Silence... " Ran ?!"
Suddenly, the screen showed his wide eyes and a smug grin again.
-" Damn you'll never believe me, but I'm hearing moans, fucking moans !" He whispered-yelled the last part, the reactions were either a scoff or wide eyes.
-" quit shitting and go to sleep alr-"
-" I swear to fucking God, Rin' you know my face when I'm lying. They're in the bathroom, and there's fucking moans !"
They watched the younger brother's eyes widening, yes he knew his face when he was lying, and it was not that one.
-" Oh fuck-"
-" How's it ?" Kokonoi inquired curiously, like all of them trying to hear anything.
-" Quite sexy actually, softest moans I've ever heard I think... "
-" Can you record ?" Sanzu asked before getting an incredulous look from Kakucho.
-" Ran go to fucking sleep-" that one was cut off by Rindou.
-" No, can you get up ? "
-" Steal panties !"
" Mikey's gonna bury you alive " Mochi warned him, the confusion previously in the room replaced by an incredible unusual light atmosphere. They were simply acting as children and they knew it, but it was all so new coming from their boss, the usual iceberg that no one could even help it.
Even Kakucho, the one calling them out for their behaviours found the thought of your moans... Interesting.
-" I'm not stealing the panties. " Ran rolled his eyes, and in front of his friend's silence, he added. " but I'm recording. "
-" You all are so twist-"
It hit, it sounded, and weighted like a ton falling on their shoulders. Upstairs, where both of you were minding your own business, a particular thrust from Mikey sent you to overdrive, had your eyes rolling in the back of your head and legs trembling, crying his name so loud they heard you from the other side of the line.
All were kind of stunned, the voice moaning being cotton-candy soft, well now it had nothing holy...
-" Damn..." Ran's eyes drifted toward th ceiling, gulping down.
-" Keep.your.both.hands.on.the.phone. !"
Honestly, I don't know if I cringed so hard or if I laughed writing this, I'll just let you decide which one to pick but I couldn't just not write it, it has been haunting my brain for a whole night lol.
Network : @tokyo-ballroom @downtown-roponggi
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buccini555 · 5 months
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬
♰ Headcanons of how they would take care of their girlfriend/boyfriend who is sick
♰ H e a d c a n o n s!
♰ 𝑭𝒕.South Terano, Hanma Shuji, Ran Haitani and Kakucho Hitto
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𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐨
South is extremely concerned about the health of the person he loves, so much so that he wouldn't mind at all dedicating himself completely to taking care of them, on the one hand, he would do it out of love, and on the other, out of fear of losing the person that it was not a serious illness.
Despite having a more reserved personality, South would become even more attentive and loving, being extremely careful and responsible.
He would be strict with medications and their schedules, healthy eating and if possible some exercise, South would respect all medical measures and also the person's limits.
South wouldn't mind putting his delinquent life aside for a moment to take care of the person until they get better.
The tallest would spend much of their time completely available for any of the person's needs, always being kind and trying to be as dedicated as possible.
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢
Hanma honestly wouldn't know how to deal with a situation if it were serious, something common already becomes worrying for him when it comes to someone he loves even if he doesn't show much affection.
At first, it is undeniable that Hanma would be somewhat negligent, despite this fact, when he realized that he was being less than the person he was dating deserved, he would regret his behavior.
After starting to put aside his life as a delinquent to take care of the person, he would be by their side fully.
Hanma would try not to get lost in medication schedules, he would actually end up becoming more responsible than he once was.
He would become more loving, demonstrating how much he loves the person in the way he cared for them while they were sick.
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𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Ran would be afraid of being responsible for caring for someone who was sick, as he would believe he didn't know how to deal with situations like that very well because a simple flu would knock him out.
Even if he was a bit worried, he would not stop taking care of the person, doing his best to ensure comfort and a peaceful environment for them to rest.
He would avoid getting into trouble by staying as long as he could paying attention to the person, despite seeming a bit distant and thoughtful at times, he really wouldn't allow someone he loves to feel alone at a delicate moment.
The taller one would become more affectionate, being kind and gentle all the time, this was not the time for rudeness and Ran knew that well.
He would pay attention to medications and their appropriate schedules, in addition, Ran would ensure that the person ate correctly.
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𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
He always dedicates himself to the people he loves, so he would go to great lengths to take care of the person he dates.
Kakucho would feel sad to see someone he loves going through a difficult time and would prefer it to be with him.
Kakucho wouldn't mind spending sleepless nights, he would be alert at all times if there was a need for him to be there.
He would be careful with medications, scheduling appointments and being punctual.
Even though he doesn't like the hospital atmosphere at all, if the person got sick enough to be admitted to hospital or something like that, he would visit them every day possible.
Kakucho is always affectionate, however, he would become even more affectionate to make the person feel safe and loved even if they are sick.
The boy would also make sure the person was eating right, he cooks really well so he would make some healthy meals.
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sanb3rry · 5 months
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is it love if every waking hour it’s you who’s always on his mind? your smile, the way your eyes light up when he enters the room, how you’ve forgiven him for all the sins he’s committed just because you love him.
he’d never be able to have a normal life with you, one in which you two could sit on the porch of your first house in the morning peacefully as he admires the way you drink your coffee. he can’t be the one who you wake up to every morning, he can’t be the one who gets to cook dinner with you every night as you sway along with the music.
in spite of all that, you choose to stay and love him, for that he’ll love you always and forever.
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suguru geto, eren yeager, reiner braun, bonten!sanzu haruchiyo, bonten!ran haitani, bonten!rindou haitani, bonten!kakucho hitto, bonten!kokonoi hajime, tenjiku!izana kurokawa
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paroslineage · 25 days
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TW : Gore, Description of Torture, Killing, and Reader death, female reader, Mafia themes, gun violence, shooting, blood.
All boys are aged up don't come at me.
All characters except reader belong to Ken Wakui i do not own them.
Don't steal my idea or I'll hunt you down :D.
Y/N L/N the wife of the most dangerous Mafioso in the of Tokyo having an undettering face of cold ruthlessness and having a uninterested facade is only sweet for his lovely darling YOU.
What happens if the mafia organizations having grudge on your husband go after the unsuspecting sweet little bunny of the dangerous mob boss.
"My sweet darling! I'm home and I brought your favorite choco chip pastry from the bakery!"
"Why is it dark honey?" He chuckles
He turns on the light and what he sees makes his blood run horribly cold.
The entire mansion was ransacked.
The table broken, cabinets upturned and His darling's favourite flower vase shattered.
He drops the box and runs frantically up the stairs pulling out his gun for the the holster to the both of your shared grand bedroom.
He breaks down the door and what he sees makes him turn unhinged.
His darling... Laying on the center of the bed fully bled out.
Five holes on the chest, three in the temple and four in the stomach and two in your abdomen.
But your eyes were stuck open, the life in them drained a long time ago.
He walks over to you, eerily silent kneels on the bed his eyes trembling and hands fiercely cradling you to his chest and he buried your cold little face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm so sorry for being late my dove, forgive this asshole."
"I'll take revenge for you my dove just you see."
"I'll murder those son of bitches and feed their bones to the wolves I swear on your life darling."
He kisses your forehead looking into the empty void of your eyes and closes them by his hand his tears running down his anguished face.
His eyes frantically and disturbingly wide not even once blinking looking into your dead ones...
As he caressed your hair on tenderly kissing you on the forehead right where the bullet mark was present...
God did his heart hurt.
His lips trembled as he spoke but not the words..
They were spoken loudly and fully finalized...
♡ Would be the one to hunt down your murderer
And brutally and ferally slaughter that bastard
That includes.
Gouging their eyeballs, Their brains from their noses, waterboarding them till their last seconds of consciousness, Skinning them alive, flaying them, dipping them in acid.
And lastly shooting them exactly the number of times and the precise location that monster shot you.
Which totals to 14 times.
And then fed them to the wolves of and burning the bones.
"Revenge taken my little dove... Just as I promised."
He whispered quietly to no one as he smoked a cigarette and looked up at the night sky full of stars shining brightly than usual.
With tears dripping endlessly down his emotionless visage.
"I see you looking after and smiling at me darling keep doing that."
He exhaled his smoke through his nose smiling painfully.
"Because soon I'll be joining you up there my love..."
Characters : HANMA , KISAKI , Izana, Kakucho, Ran, KAZUTORA, Rindou, Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, SANZU SANZU SANZU.
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znitsamluv · 2 years
𝕴𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘
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Bonten kids having 'Imaginary friends' . Pt.1
[ Mikey - Sanzu - Kakucho]
Warning: I don't consider this scary but idk maybe someone will find them scary so be aware if you are easily scared .
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• Mikey
° Mikey came back home from a long business trip with bonten and he expected to be met with his son jumping in his arms giving him a hug but he was met with silence when he got home .
° You greeted him and gave him a warm hug and then he asked about your son and you said he was playing with his 'friend' in his room while giggling.
° Mikey didn't know why you were giggling but he brushed it off .
° " You know how I hate when s/n brings his friends over they always make a mess " Mikey took off his Jacket and went to his son's room to greet him and his friend but once he opened the door he only saw s/n .
° " DAD YOU ARE BACK ! " Mikey was confused but still greeted your happy son back and gave him a kiss on the cheek .
° " where is your friend ? mommy told me you had a friend over "
" He is here ! " S/n pointed at the bed and Mikey chuckled
° "beds can't be frie-"
" dad .... He is on the bed " Mikey stood frozen in his place with his son in his arms and slowly started backing away from the room and running to where you were sitting.
° " This place is haunted we are moving pack your bags "
" No Mikey it is just his imaginary friend"
° after a lot of convincing Mikey gave and stayed in the house but he didn't sleep he just stayed awake until he went to work the next morning and fell asleep in his office.
• Sanzu
° you left Sanzu with your daughter while you went to work , you gave instructions of what he is supposed to do and Sanzu told you not to worry .
° you kissed them goodbye and left and once the garage door opened and you came out and drove away your daughter excitingly took Sanzu's hand and dragged him with her to the basement.
° your daughter was giggling and Sanzu just stood confused in the middle of the basement where it was dark and it was filled with old stuff that hasn't been touched since you moved here .
° "What's funny ?"
" my friend wanted to meet you! "
" who-"
" she is behind you" like in horror movies Sanzu slowly turned his head around to look behind him and was met by a dark corner .
° " nah ah not today I am too high for this shit " he took your daughter in his arms and and sprint upstairs and locked the door .
° your daughter kept crying telling him he is mean and rude for treating her friend like that .
° After a few hours you were back, you couldn't find your daughter or husband so you got worried until you heard your husband yelling " IF YOU ARE MY WIFE COME TO THE KITCHEN IF YOU ARE NOT THEN BE WARE I HAVE A GUN ".
° you ran to the kitchen and saw your daughter sleeping on the floor with a blanket on top of her and your husband with a jar full with pickle juice.
° " WHAT IS HAPPENING?! And why are you holding a jar filled with pickle juice?!!!!"
° " YOUR DAUGHTER CAN SEE GHOSTSSS ....... Does that mean she is possessed...... AHHHHHH " Sanzu started spraying pickle juice at your daughter who woke up confused .
° Turns out Sanzu couldn't find any holy water and the closest thing that can sting on the skin is pickle juice 💀💀.
° Sanzu got scolded so bad that he sulked and stayed in the kitchen all night with his pickle juice saying "don't come to me crying when a ghost eats your legs" .
• Kakucho
° kakucho doesn't believe in ghosts and always laughs when his daughter mention her imaginary friends but today was different.
° you were out getting groceries while kakucho stayed Home with your daughter, she sat in front of him on the floor playing with her dolls while he read some important papers on the couch .
° From time to time he would look at her and she would be already looking at him .... well not exactly at him but behind him and this time she didn't blink for a long time .
° " is there's something wrong honey ? "
" Behind you " Kakucho immediately knew it was one of his daughter's imaginary friends and chuckled .
° " Tell them I said Hi "
" He Said he miss you"
" What- "
" His name is Izana "
° Kakucho felt his heart drop because he never mentioned izana in front of you before not even once so how did you know him ?
° " How does he look like "
" Lilac eyes and white hair with Earrings dangling from both of his Ears "
° Kakucho turned around so fast that he almost got a whiplash and there was nothing behind him he looked at D/n and then back behind him before slowly getting up .
° " You are just tired honey let me put in bed "
Kakucho carried her and tucked her in bed before going back to the living room and looked around before sighing.
° " I think I am losing my mind " Before kakucho can take his papers and go somewhere else the room light flickered .
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tetsutits · 1 year
𝐃𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐒 — kakucho x fem!reader.
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# kantou manji kaku, three deities aftermath, established relationship, relationship angst, hurt/comfort, suggestive (making out), injury/blood. (wc. ~2k) barely edited im sorry :(
In the quiet streets of late-night Kanto, Japan, where the bars are closing down, and the harsh winds speak hushed whispers into cold skin, you sit on a worn out couch in a worn out building with a first-aid kit in your lap.
Even with the box being as little as a jewelry one, it almost feels like a bag of bricks with how your worry adds to the weight.
“kaku’...” you whisper, scared to break the little bubble of tension in the room, a little furrow in your brow, “I’m worried about you.”
his eyes flicker between the wooden floors and his hands in his lap, pinned in hyperfocus as he worries his lower lip between his teeth.
“you don’t need to,” he says, voice low, “I don't want you to carry any extra weight… especially if it's me.”
as soon as the words leave his mouth, your eyes can’t help but well up in tears, threatening to fall and wet your cheeks.
you suck in a harsh breath, as if it would do anything to calm the surge of emotions in your heart, “h-how can I not?”
kakucho furrows his brows, squeezing and unsqueezing his fist, watching the blood on his knuckles ooze out from the deep cuts. It doesn’t hurt him anymore, he thinks nothing could at this point. If you break a finger, you can heal it, if you break a leg, you can heal that too, if you get shot, chances are you will survive.
he throws his entire body in fights with no regard to his physical health — he knows the consequences wouldn’t hurt him much anyway.
but you?
It hurts you to see him like this. It hurts you more than it hurts him. the type of hurt that can’t just heal overnight. the type of hurt that will bleed over and over no matter how many times it's healed and scarred over. and he thinks he could never get over the look of pure agony in your eyes at first glance – which is why he sits here, in this dark room, with you by his side aiding his wounds and his eyes glued to the floor, trying to tell you that he’s not worth your tears or your worry.
he can’t meet your eyes.
he feels a warm palm against his cheek, a little wet from what he assumes are your tears.
“please, just look at me,” you voice breaks. at this point the lump in his throat feels like he’s swallowed an entire rock. he doesn’t dare say another word, but he complies, moving his head to the side to look at your achingly beautiful face.
his heart squeezes in his chest. it hurts him to see you like this — more than you’d ever know. he doesn’t know how to handle being genuinely cared for, being loved, but you? you’ve loved him like it was breathing. you’ve cared for him like it was second nature.
and he doesn’t know how to handle it, how could he? when he’s been raised with no parents, no siblings, no family and no friends and no one to look after him, even after izana died. If anything, the guilt he feels inside him could consume him. he doesn’t deserve you. and you shouldn’t be here, staying up late at night, just so you could patch him up.
It's always fight after fight, after fight.
and it’s all the same. and you’re always there. as stubborn as you are, nothing he says to you will get you to leave him. and he just can’t understand why you’re still here.
“i… don’t want you to cry.” he manages, “you don’t deserve this. you deserve so much better.”
—than what I'm giving, he wants to say. but the words never make it across to you.
you stroke his bruised cheek so softly, so calmly, he thinks he could stay here with you forever. just savoring the way your fingertips leak love into his damaged skin. and sometimes, he thinks it’s a problem. that you have too much love. so much that it overflows inside you and seeps from your soft fingers.
and he soaks it up as if he can never get enough of it — enough of you. there’s love in everything you do, and he finds himself being swept up with the way you leave your love everywhere you go. when you touch him, he can feel it deep within his soul. like the damage inside him can only be ever healed by you, like you’re the only remedy to the deep cuts he has inside him.
“I'm here because I love you.” you whisper. “there’s no ‘better’, kaku. there’s only you.”
you set the kit down on the coffee table, and make your way back to him, now holding his face in both your palms so you could look straight at him.
“I don't want anyone else, but you.”
he feels a thick thump in his throat, blocking and sealing it shut so that he doesn’t dare speak. no matter how much he swallows down the guilt and pain, it resurfaces ten times stronger. tilting his head, he leans into your touch and closes his eyes, savoring the way you hold him like delicate glass.
“i don’t understand why you’re doing this…” he says, voice sullen. “you keep hurting yourself by being here and…. i keep hurting you.”
the atmosphere surrounding you both is soft, melancholy; but you don’t comment about it. he feels you breathe in, sniffing back your tears and trying yourself to keep yourself together before your tears start to fall once more.
“well you’re not trying to hurt me, are you?”
he snaps his head up, furrowing his brows, “i, no, of course not, i would nev-“
“kakucho,” you say, wiping your eyes with a little smile on your lips, “i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again,”
he watches as you move while you speak, settling over his thighs and on his lap, the little skirt you wear rides up and he quickly pins his gaze back to you.
“i’m here because i want to be here.” you whisper, still cradling his face in your hands. “you don’t have to do this alone... let me carry your pain with you.”
he looks up at you like a lost puppy, and then hurriedly buries his face into your chest to hide the watering of his eyes. his heart burns in his chest, and he has no idea what to do with himself anymore. he thanks the gods above for the blessing that is you, for he doesn’t know what he’s ever done in his life to earn something as gentle and caring as you are.
“i don’ know what i did t’deserve you.” he speaks, but the words are muffled by your shirt. “a fuckin’ angel on earth, god.”
you giggle, sniffing away the last of your tears. you hold him like this, for who knows how long. just stroking the back of his head and letting him rest against your chest. you feel his strong arms wrap around you like a cage, like he wants to keep you safe from all the evil and harm in the world. he pins you to him and you let him, just sitting in silence and finding comfort in each others hold.
the two of you don’t speak for a while. just soaking in the warmth of each other, and you feel him tilt his head up so he can breathe deep into the crook of your neck, skimming his nose over the soft skin like a prized cat showering their owner in love.
“kaku,” you whisper, lifting his face with two fingers.
“yes, baby?” he hums, a deep sound resonating within, looking up at you with half lidded eyes. you lean closer to him, nudging the tip of his nose with yours and massaging the firm muscles of his shoulders.
you plant one, two, three soft kisses on his lips. another on the dark bruise forming over his cheekbone, one more on his eyebrow, and lastly one on his forehead like it would heal the open wound.
you giggle, “you look like you’re enjoying this too much.”
he smiles and his eyes fall shut, “‘cant get enough.”
“yeah?” you kiss him once more on the lips, this time deeper and with more passion, “good thing we have all night.”
he groans into your mouth, chasing your sweet lips every time you pull away. you loop your arms around his neck while he grips your behind to yank you even closer to him, letting his thighs spread apart further.
and he really means it when he says he can’t get enough, greedily sucking your lower lip and swiping his tongue over it. one hand comes up to hold you softly by the jaw, a small command, yet leaves you lightheaded at the fact that he always craves control with you.
moving his thumb to your chin, he lightly pulls down so your plush lips drop open, giving his tongue better access to tangle with yours. his other arm is rooted in place, wrapped around you so he could keep you near him at all times.
“fuck,” he groans, “you drive me insane.”
the ache in your core is undeniable, and you feel him just as needy as you are with the tent forming in his pants. it’s all too much — your whimpers are swallowed up by his mouth, all while his hips cant up into yours. if he pushes up just a little more, with a little more force, and grips you a tiny bit harder you think you’ll—
“god, get a fucking room.”
you pull away from him with a gasp, slapping a hand over your mouth.
“what the fuck are you —“
“you didn’t hear the door open, dumbass,” ran rolls his eyes, “too busy sucking face.”
kakucho lowers you down on the couch next to him and stands up, anger building behind his eyes. “who the fuck said you could come in?”
“i told you i was coming,”
“a-and you don’t knock?!” you pipe up, heat crawling up your face all the way to your ears.
ran pushes the door fully open and walks in like he owns the damn place. “sorry, sweetheart. didn’t know you were here,” he winks at you.
“yeah? well she is. you can leave now, by the way. don’t forget to close the door on your way out, too.”
you hide your embarrassed smile behind your hand, seeing that the older haitani scans your form up and down with a smirk on his face gets your boyfriend heated like nothing else. they always manage to get on his nerves, especially when it comes to you.
“alright, alright! i’m leaving, damn,” ran says as soon as kakucho starts to push him out of the room, “you treat your guests like shit, kakucho.”
“when they barge in like you.”
ran stops right at the door to peek his head in one last time, “you enjoy your night, darling.”
his words have you looking away in embarrassment, finding the double-meaning behind his words. you hide your face in your hands.
“we will. now get out.”
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rozcdust · 1 year
Bitten - Fighting dog aftermath
Pairing: Bonten x Reader, Pet shop trio x reader
Genre: Angst
Trigger warnings: Gore, death, description of rot, OOC, body horror, maggots, suicide, depression
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Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu held hope.
They truly did, after all, you said you’ll be coming back in a day, maybe two, tops, so when you didn’t come back home the first night, they didn’t worry too much.
You’ll come back home the day after that.
Kazutora cleaned your room, changing the sheets and wiping off any dust that may have lingered, taking great care to put the few belongings you’ve accumulated over the month back into their place.
Chifuyu took to cooking and baking, he knew how much you enjoyed the food he prepared every time, even if you were used to fancy restaurants and food prepared by a private chef, you always scarfed down whatever meal he prepared like a starved wolf, but all he could do is laugh when you sheepishly apologised for your lack of manners.
He tried to ignore your remark that your boss kept you on a strict and well monitored meal plan.
If he thought about it too much, he just might find the fucker himself and kill him with his bare hands.
And Baji took to decorating, he had a good eye and plenty of patience to busy himself with colleague paper and pretty ribbons, making a banner in your favourite colours, taking care that each letter was perfect, each line precise, each and every word carefully crafted, having checked the spelling with both Chifuyu and Kazutora twice.
‘Welcome home’
It’s been months, and your room is still as clean as ever, an extra plate on the table always set, the banner carefully stored in a pretty box in a cupboard for your arrival.
You never came back home.
But they held hope.
Until they no longer could.
Until it was the anniversary of Shinichiro’s death, and Kazutora went to pay his respects, even if he felt unworthy of doing so, his therapist encouraged it, as did Baji and Chifuyu, so he went, a pack of cigarettes and a beer in his hands as an offering.
He didn’t get very far.
The plot next to the Sano family grave has been empty ever since Kazutora can remember, a blank headstone standing tall and proud and empty.*
It holds a name now, the grave recently washed, fresh bluebells and orchid flowers neatly places in each of the vases to the side of the headstone.
In his absent minded curiosity, Kazutora glances over the name etched on the stone.
It feels like he’s been shot.
Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu hope no more.
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It took Mochi and Kakucho both holding Ran back to not kill Kokonoi on the spot.
“Ran, he didn’t kill her! Calm down, this won’t solve shit!” Kakucho tried to not sound as desperate as he felt, but as Ran tried his best to wrestle out of his grasp, he couldn’t help it.
“LIKE HELL HE DIDN’T KILL HER! IF HE WASN’T SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT, SHE WOULDN’T DO THIS! SHE’D NEVER DO THIS!” Ran’s voice was a crescendo, a mangled cacophony of rage and sobs as he tried to get Kakucho and Mochi to let him go, to release him so he could strangle Kokonoi with his bare fucking hands.
Kokonoi merely stood there, pressed to the wall, staring down at the floor, a blank look on his face.
Sanzu and Rindou were in much of the same state, processing, or at least trying to, not understanding a thing and yet seeing it all too well.
You’re dead.
You killed yourself, and now you’re gone forever, and they could have done nothing to stop it.
If Rindou could cry, he would.
But he can’t.
He doesn’t understand why- He saw you yesterday. He held you and your flesh was still warm and soft and you were smiling, admitting you missed him.
And Mikey?
Mikey sat in his office, stripping out of the filthy clothes, wiping off your blood off his face and hands, but the screaming was loud enough for him to hear every word perfectly.
His face was blank.
He told them you killed yourself.
Of course they wouldn’t believe just his word, well, the Haitanis wouldn’t, not without proof, but a security camera was conveniently set up on the roof.
No audio.
In just the perfect angle.
It clearly showed you screaming at Mikey, you screamed and you yelled and cried and then you hugged him goodbye killed yourself in his arms, who could ever blame him?
It was a suicide, plain and simple.
Ran and Rindou could never blame him, no one could, after all, he was the biggest victim of your little spectacle, he was the one the most harmed, he was the most hurt.
You set him up, you took out your heart, carefully prepared it for eating and forced him to take a bite.
Innocent, like graffitied eyes on a wall during a robbery gone wrong.
He was innocent, with your blood staining his face, and no will ever know.
He’s innocent, it was a blameless crime.
He’s innocent.
The water ran pink.
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Kokonoi sits on your shared bed, staring into space, eyes and face dry as a bone.
He sees shadows at the corner of his eyes, feels like his lungs are full of river water and moss and he feels as rotten as meat left outside during summer heat and maybe in some other life he was a fox mangled on the side of the road and you were a soft girl who picked him up and saved him.
Maybe in some other life, the two of you would be happy.
He doesn’t know what he is even, not without you by his side, after all, you were such an intertwined part of his life, you were there for such a long time and now you’re rotting like the fox, mangled on the side of the road.
Who were you?
What was he?
How did you come to love him? Why did you love him? Why did he love you? Why was he still breathing? Where did his heartbeat go-
He presses his fingers to his neck, searching for a pulse.
He’s dead as well.
Why did he have such an affinity for loving dead things?
The sheets smell like you, but he still sees your corpse in his mind’s eye, eyes glazed over and a small smile on your face covered in blood and grey matter.
Mikey sits nearby, swinging his legs on the rooftop and refuses to look at you.
Kokonoi can’t close his eyes because he knows he’ll see Ran and Rindou screaming, knocking Kakucho away from you, Rindou’s fists pounding on Kakucho as Ran sobs, clutching your body, begging you to forgive them, hours after you’ve gone cold and rigour mortis already set in.
He couldn’t even approach, he didn’t deserve to.
He turned on his heel and left while Mikey finally opened his damn mouth to tell Sanzu and Kakucho to get rid of you.
You made yourself soft for Koko, and now you’re dead, and you looked fine just the day before, not happy but forgiving, with such a soft smile on your face that he thought he might have died.
He doesn’t even have photos of you. Not even any videos to remember you by, he has nothing left of you at all.
You have left all of your belongings in this flat, and yet all he has left is grief.
He stands up from the bed, legs shaky, to let water run into the bathtub.
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Ran and Rindou don’t talk.
Ran spends the days in his bed, sheets filthy and smelling of sweat but he doesn’t have the energy to get up, doesn’t have the energy to move nor shower nor change his sheets.
He sleeps, your lighter clutched in his fist much like a child having a nightmare holds their plush toy and Ran refuses to wake up and he refuses to move.
He failed you.
He should have forced you to flee Tokyo, should have forced you to stay right in his arms where you were just a few days ago and never let you go to Kokonoi, to Mikey, never let you out of his sights again.
You were his precious little thing, his friend and the apple of his eye, a love he only held for Rindou and you, you meant something Ran couldn’t describe.
You are now nothing but a bloodless god in your tomb, and Ran’s love has run dry.
Rindou is God knows where.
Ran can only pray he’s not following your footsteps.
He wishes he had the energy to go and check, but he feels like a slab of meat on a butcher’s hook and he can’t move and does he still have a heartbeat and is he still breathing and he can’t breathe he can’t breathe does he still have a heartbeat is he still alive-
Ran grips your lighter until it’s etched into the skin of his palm.
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Rindou is kneeling before you, an offering of your favourite food and a cup of bubble tea standing in front of him.
He’s grieving, grieving and grieving constantly and he grieves what you could have been and what you was and-
He can almost hear the sound of funeral bells and there is a bird chirping and-
So many ands.
Rindou curls up next to your grave and wishes he could hold you like he once used to, when the two of you were on a mission and came back exhausted without the strength to drive or call a cab and just crashed on the couch inside Ran’s office, covered in grime and gore and the two of you curled up into each other like a pair of kittens.
He still has that photo somewhere.
He wishes humans weren’t so fragile and that you weren’t born into a slaughterhouse.
He glances at your tombstone and closes his eyes, wishing to remember your face and your scent and your laugh forever.
He hopes you’re happy as nature devours you, bringing you back to rot, back to dust.
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The steady trickle of alcohol down his throat is as familiar as the lines of his scars, darkness creeping into his room, ringing in his ears practically deafening and he can still hear his own damn thoughts so he opens another bottle and throws the cap of a pill bottle somewhere to the side and he drinks.
Sanzu hopes he’ll die tonight, and so he drinks and he bleeds and he prays to go back to that day in Kokonoi’s office.
How long ago was it? A month? Maybe two? It feels like years have passed.
He’s sure he has already died as a woman approached, standing just in front of him.
“I’m hallucinating, aren’t I?”
She smiles, shaking her head as her fingers softly rub the back of the body on the ground, passing through it, and Sanzu flinches.
It feels like knives and her fingers are cold and it’s as if she reached into his spine and is trying to rip it out.
His body.
“I think you overdosed.” She shrugged, as if it was the simplest explanation ever, pulling a stand of his hair out of the body’s face, “I’m not even really here, after all, I’m dead, Haruchiyo. Or maybe I am here, who could tell? It’s confusing.”
“I miss you.”
Her eyes flicker to his, an eyebrow raising in a familiar motion, her face sceptical.
It feels so familiar yet so foreign, as if her features are melting but coming back together when he blinks.
As if she is wrong.
He feels his brain sounding off alarms.
“Do you?”
He doesn’t even dare open his mouth.
“Come on, Haru, not time to cry yet. I only recently started rotting. I believe the maggots got to my eyes, but they’re not done quite yet.”
He flinches at the words, the tone, the melting smile on your face.
You look only a touch away.
He reaches for you, and his hands pass right through you.
He blinks.
You’re gone.
And you won’t come back this time
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@sugusshi @yukihime-mikeys-girl @cielastrae @missarabellla @justiceforvillains @wakasa-wifey @kikis-writing-service @r-xochitl @levistiddies @sup-zfam @toobsessedsstuff @screwlogic101 @netzukochannn @lagrimasdeglitter-blog @angsty-microwave @dilf-city @aces-high
a/n: surprise? idk broskis uni’s killing me 😭
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oddshroom · 2 years
Fσɾɠσƚƚҽɳ Mҽɱσɾιҽʂ | M. Sano
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Synopsis: It had be 12 years since the accident, 12 years since he left, and 12 years since you couldn’t remember who he was. 12 years when you found a job for being a receptionist at a company that hid what it truly was, that company being Bonten. The boss of that company looked really tired, with bags under his eyes and white hair. The boss being your ex-lover who remembers you, knowing you can’t remember him.
Warning(s): Slight angst, memory loss, mentions of past violence (towards reader), hospital, implied concussion (not really mentioned), slight fluff
Pairing: Manjiro Sano
Parts: The meeting (Pt. 2)
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It has been 12 years since you woke up in the hospital, all you remember being told was that there was a blonde boy who had left you to be treated a the hospital after being attacked severely. The doctors told you that you had a severe case of memory loss, and were unsure of whether or not those memories would return. You wish they would, liking to remember who the said boy was, and who he was to you.
After the diagnosis, they had sent you off to therapy to see if the trauma of your time with him could trigger any memory. It's been 12 years since then and 10 years since you left therapy seeing as it was getting you no where. All you remembered about your time with him was being happy, and that was all you needed.
Now here you are, staring out the window of the hotel room. 12 Years ago...
You remember the first day back from therapy, the first day after your release. Everything from before came rushing back, and for a moment you forgot who you were. All that mattered was remembering that blonde boy who had taken you to get medical attention. After everything you remember you felt relieved to know that he still cared enough to take care of you, that someone would always watch over you. He wasn't some stranger, but just some random stranger to you. Just an old friend. Someone you knew, and someone that made you smile everyday. A feeling of joy and love that filled you at times. But now you doesn't remember.
The those two years were difficult, with memories slowly coming back. You've come to terms with the fact that you will never remember who the boy is and the life you once lived. The only memories you managed to remember were blurred figures, you couldn't continue trying to get the past back, especially when all there was were figures with no face.
The figures weren't the real reason, it was the attack that had led you to this. When you remembered those moment it felt as if the pain had came back with it. All the feelings of helplessness returned and you couldn't help but cry. You didn't want anyone to see you cry but you couldn't stop, no matter how hard you tried. Crying was easy, but doing so again, made it painful to even breath.
It was a different type of painful, like you've suffered something terrible. Something more than just physical injury. That was something that haunted you every night, every day. Even when you closed your eyes you saw it, the faces staring back at you, taunting you.
However remembering that was 10 years ago, you moved on from what happened. You gave trying to figure out what happened afraid the nightmares would come rushing back which was the last thing you wanted on a day like this.
You finally found a well paying job as a receptionist at a company after the constant searching for one. The BT Company, short for Bonten. Today was your interview with the boss himself, you were lucky enough to make it to this point seeing how people that usually get interviewed don't make it pass the 7th person interviewing them.
You found it strange how the interviewing process had worked, especially since there were six people interviewing until you reached the final one, the boss who decides whether or not you have a job. Relentless you were confident that you'd get the job especially since you made it past the last person interviewing you.
'What was his name?...right Sanzu, Haruchiyo', you thought mindlessly while stepping into the elevator. He was a tough one at first, the interview felt more like an interrogation with him taking a picture of you and sending it to the boss. 'He was weird', you thought while pressing the button to the top floor.
The doors opened allowing you to step out.
Looking around you noticed that the floors were all calacatta marble, making you feel small standing beside it. 'Should I really be here? I am way out of there league, everything here is so expensive'. Walking to an office door you heard voices inside talking. Hesitating slightly you raised your fist to knock lightly against the doorframe. As soon as you did the voices stopped.
"The doors open, enter" You heard him call you in. Opening the door you entered to see a man with short white hair back. His face reminded you of someone you knew but you couldn't place who. You stood awkwardly in front of him waiting for him to say something. Eventually he spoke looking at you directly, taking in his features he had dark bags under his eyes and pale skin.
"I assume you're L/n Y/n? I've been expecting you." Your eyes widened as you took the seat across from his desk. Looking down you nodded as his voice continued, "I'm a bit surprised you made it this far without being chewed out". His voice was low, lacked any sort of tone.
You watched as he glanced towards the pink haired man signaling to escort everyone out the room. Soon enough those around you had taken there things and left, even those who had interviewed you days ago.
You cleared your throat nervously before responding "I-", stopping before thinking what to say, you cleared your throat. "I'm here for the job as a receptionist-.", "Why?", the male peered down at you with a dark gaze. "I don't quite understand what you mean by 'why', however all the others who interviewed me gave me a pass to be here, and besides I'm very good with paperwork". The white haired make turned his head looked away from you and towards a doorway. "Come with me" he stated gruffly before moving towards the door opening it to reveal a room filled with files and boxes.
Following behind him you saw a stack of paper in front of him as he flipped through papers. There was a small table next to him covered in papers and folders, and you could faintly hear him mumbling the words to whatever he was doing. Suddenly his back tensed, and he let out a heavy sigh. "Here" He said putting down the papers on the table and pointing to another chair that sat next to his own. With slow steps you walked across the carpeted floor to the chair before sitting down.
"Do you remember anything at all?" He asked quietly.
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Looking over your facial expression he sighed. "Forget it, don't call me Mr. Sano or boss". He said before walking away. "What do I call you?". "Just call me Mikey", he said. "Kakucho will show you what floor and office you'll work in, in the drawers are a list of numbers that you can use to call".
"I almost forgot to mention, since you're the closet receptionist to this floor you'll bring in my dorayaki and taiyaki". He said as you caught up behind him. 'This guy...'
'He's a total asshole', you thought deadpanning at his request.
"Kakucho will set you on some ground rules for how things work around here, make sure to write it down. You seem like the person to forget things". That was the last thing her said before closing the door.
When you got to your new desk you began to look through the information you already read from your resume. This office was a lot bigger than your apartment as a whole and more spacious too. Turning your head you could see a tall wall with a painting hanging on it. You got up and examined it closer before finding yourself mesmerized by its beauty. "A masterpiece..." you whispered softly to yourself. It wasn't just a portrait of a woman though, it also depicted a small child running down a hill and falling right into water below the painting.
Turning your head back to the desk you pulled out a pen and began working.
'Still the same as always', he thought while watching with tired eyes. 'The same you from twelve years ago, who would've thought I would see you again'. A low laugh left his mouth, however the tone of it was filled with just as much as grief and sadness from the twelve years.
Lifting his hand up he rubbed his chest where his heart should be. Closing his eyes he leaned forward onto his desk. "Y/n why must it be you? Why me?". "You didn't lie when you said you'd always follow me, even if you were to forget me".
A soft smile appeared on his lips hearing their voice. They were everything he wanted, everything that had been taken away in a matter of seconds, everything that came back.
"My lovely Y/n", he said while peering into the camera monitor as you worked.
Grabbing his cell phone he messaged all the people that had interviewed you.
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Mikey- ‘Keep them out of trouble and make sure they don’t find out’
Sanzu- ‘Yes boss’
Ran- ‘Isn’t it rare to see Mikey’s lap dog not be high’
Sanzu- ‘I’ll kill you’
Kakucho- Tonight’s meeting is at 11:30
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Letting out a set of sighs he was unsure of how he’d keep you from being uninvolved with Bonten.
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xxelfmamaxx · 2 years
Y/n:I'm a piece of trash, haha
Kakucho:As someone who cares deeply about the environment, I am obligated to pick you up.
Kakucho:Is 7:00 okay?
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chao-thicc-hcs · 1 year
Hi, how are you? I read your work, “It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone, and it’s all my fault”, and I would like to request a sequel? Could you please include sanzu, rindou, baji and mikey? It also doesn’t have to be those characters, you can choose whoever, but I’d love to see sanzu especially! Thank you for your hard work and if you take the time to consider this! Love your works and small note, for English not being your mother language, it seems near perfect!❤️❤️
Thank you so much for your kind words, anon! I hope my future works will bring the same amout of joy as now!
And sorry for the delay!
I won't include Mikey and Baji, I don't rlly have ideas for them
It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone, and it's all my fault. - the sequel [x reader]
ft. kakucho hitto, shinichiro sano, ran haitani, shion madarame + sanzu haruchiyo, rindou haitani
; when the turn tables. once, you were nothing to them, despite all of your efforts, now, fed up with all the pain they made you go through, they became nothing to you. ;
genre: heavy angst, no comfort at all (only fluff at rindou's ending)
tw!!: gn!reader, one-sided firendship/relationship, gun pointing, mentions of abuse, bullying, mentions of blood, abuse, cheating, reader snapping at the end, murder, mentions of suicide, alcohol problems, drug abusing, seizures, self-harm, necrophilia
kakucho (sequel).
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Never in his life people have been so important to him, so important that their words pierced like a pitchfork.
He knew he was a villain, he knew he hurt innocent people, and this has never bothered him until now. So, how could you, a mere citizen, make him feel sick to his guts, make him tear up, cry, and coop himself up in a tiny room filled to the brim with dirty laundry.
Something deep in him knew you were special, despite all of the years denying you and assuming you're vile. In the end his anger issues and trust issues won, but at what cost?
You were able to help him, eradicate his pain and suffering, color his life and bring some joy. However, he missed his chance and now he's left only with the shotgun and cigarettes in his hand.
shinichiro (sequel).
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He knew he hurt you and went over your limits, so it didn't shock him you were never willing to forgive him.
It was understandable, he left a deep wound that led to you losing your spark, miserable and insecure even until today and refusing to let others near you, embarassed to even show your face. He made you cry and isolate yourself as excruciating thoughts of ''never being good enough'' were flashing through your mind all these years.
He lost your trust for people that don't even reach up to him anymore, he doesn't even remember them himself.
Sano was smoking in front of your school, carefully watching how you were sitting under a tree, using your laptop and munching on your lunch. He was smiling at the sight of you tapping with your fingers on the device and taking your time to think of what to write down, even after the awkward encounter.
As he finished the cigarette, Shinichiro glanced once more at your figure, running towards the school entrance. He chuckled and turned around heading to his shop.
. . . .
Realizing his fate laying down on the floor as blood was pouring out of his head, the muffled police and ambulance sirens getting weaker as he starts losing his consciousness, Shinichiro was happy you were one of the last people he saw this day.
But you were not happy that your last goodbye with him was with his cold body in a coffin.
ran (sequel)
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To his surprise he got over it pretty quickly, cursing the day he cried in front of you, instead of just killing you and that twink of a guard. He claims that he's gotten over it all, but even after months this encounter is still causing him random anger outbursts, driving him to insanity and even a desire to kill his own brother just to alleviate his anger. Ran seemed way more erratic, unstable and quick to anger as days passed by. The man tried to ease this by sleeping with women, but lowered his guard and ended up used by every single one of them.
Now he knew what it was like, being used up and then thrown on the ground, laughed at and left overthinking everything from the past weeks with a bottle of liquor and puffy, sleepless expression.
He also lost custody of his child and the mother filed a restraining order against both of them after he hit her and his child.
Ran stalked you, waiting for the perfect day to get his revenge. However you're not stupid, you knew he would be a pain in the ass and hired a guard, who works for another, albeit small, powerful mafia.
He deleted all of his social media, stopped going that much outside and settled down to work from home, eradicated all evidence of his exsistence, just so you think he's dead or just dissappeared, lower your guard and blunt your intuition. He bought extentions, dyed his hair to match them, and dressed blandly. Eventually he was able to abduct you and lock you in his basement, turning you into his favourite toy.
Even after your heart stopped beating, he was still enjoying the feeling of you between his thighs.
Is this what insanity feels like?
shion. (sequel)
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His mind was still conscious while you were assaulting him, ruthlessly impaling him with the sharp item in your hand. He was able to process a glimpse of the things you were doing to him, a tiny teardrop going down his cheeks, as his eyes lost all color. He attempted to reach for your chin and feel you for the last time, but this is when you did the fatal blow that ended his life.
You opened your leather backpack and took out the food you bought before, casually sitting on his lifeless body, eating as the burger buns soaked the blood on your hands. ''It tastes better with a nice view.'' you mumbled.
Couple of years passed and you were sitting there, looking at your new lover, who happened to resemble Shion immaculately. The hair, the stern look, the physique. All the same. But at the same time radically different in spiritual terms. His demeanor meek and gentle. You felt the chills every time you looked in his eyes for longer than 2 seconds, reminiscing your past with the blonde.
It felt weird, anxiety creeping on your bones and nerves when he approaches you, still not over your abusive ex, the resemblance was uncanny. And the memories of you almost beheading him oftentimes flashed through your mind, what matters is that nobody will ever find out. You have your own tricks on how to get away with murder.
sanzu (+sequel)
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Your mind was going in all shades of the rainbow as Sanzu was screaming at you in gibberish, equally as high as you.
He managed to get you into taking drugs with him so it could be easier to mentally damage you and chain you to himself. He succeeded, you were addicted to him and his pills, waiting eagerly everyday for your dose of brief embarking in another universe. Your brain was fried and you were on the verge of blacking out, just like every night. You don't know why aren't you already used to it. His screeching pounding on the inside of your skull, your eyes bloodshot red from the lack of sleep and you not blinking at all, staring at one spot, shaking like a leaf.
- You're nothing without me! You're miserable, you are ready to follow like a dog, drenching yourself with a concoction of tears and blood for someone else's benefit, you're worthless and have absolutely no value!
Overdosing on those potent drugs tickled his anger issues and made him almost kill you every time he encountered you while in this state, you were about to go in your room when he threw a chair at you and it hit your ankle, causing you to fall down and shriek in pain. You were unable to move, you were already tired from crying and skipping meals, hugging yourself as cold sweat went down your body.
-L-leave me a-al- you couldn't even finish a sentence without stuttering and zoning out or forgetting how to pronounce words.
-Oh heck yeah I will leave you alone, I will leave you here crying and screeching while I go on with my life and fuck others relentlessly while you are only left with missing my touch and drugs, craving me like a piece of meat! The others will be screaming my name and ending drenched in my juices and you still won't even have the courage to leave me.
You've known him since childhood, you grew up together, played games, and crushed on each other. However due to your strict upbringing, both of you waited until you were old enough to handle a relationship, but everything got worse over the years, with Sanzu's overflowing worshipping of Mikey and his growing intimacy with pills, and your deteriorating relationship with your parents, mental state, failures and you losing yourself over someone who didn't even love you.
The cheating, the manipulation, the abuse, this wasn't the Sanzu you grew up and played hopscotch with, you didn't even know who he had become. You were desperate to make things work, and forced yourself to dodrugs with him, hoping he will at least love you more if you shared ''hobbies''. And there he was now, proving once again all your work was futile, using the most dastardly words known to human to degrade you and make you feel small in your own house. You knew you would still feel pain, but consented anyways, because deep down was a searing love for this man.
You still loved him, every time you were sober, you were there to help him with the headaches and stomachaches, patched up his wounds. Sanzu never talked to you when he was sober, though, he ignored you and only paid attention to you only if it was related to his gang or using you to his advantage.
He even reached so far to make you watch him have the most gut-wrenching intercourse with a random cheap lowlife he hooked up with, enjoying how you cry for him and whimper in hurt and betrayal.
Sanzu liked to see you beg for the smallest things. He just felt like nagging with you all the time, so he tried his best to find the smallest mistakes and nitpick on them, growing the stems of your insecurities.
There were days where he didn't even look at you, slept on the couch, made himself food, and just acted like you were an inanimate object. Walked past you and didn't bat an eye if he accidentaly bumped into you. Your sanity depended on his mood and behavior.
The silence between you was loud, too loud it made your head hurt and feel heavy. He would take all your money, because ''you didn't deserve them since you don't bring anything to the table'', took away everything he didn't like that you buy because ''it's too ugly in his opinion''.
He did try leaving you, but he wasn't able to manipulate other people into staying with him, nobody was able to stand his erratic behaviour when he was high. You were feeble-minded and he already managed to imprison you and make you his puppy, so why leave you and waste all his ''effort''?
The day you snapped is engraved between his brain folds, the way you looked, the tears, the blood from your body, the messy hair, the torn clothes, your words filled with poison and pain. And especially, your eyes filled with fury and contempt. It was the first time he felt hurt seeing what his tomfoolery led you to.
. . . . . .
You overdosed on pills, cut your hair, cried and inflicted harm on yourself. Sanzu was sober, to his surprise, but finally saw what it was like being high, you were just an alternative version of his intoxicated state. You've had enough of this torture of a relationship.
- Y/n...? Did you fucking inhale my damn pills? - Sanzu tried hiding the shaking of his voice, but didn't succeed.
- N-no, I-i just - something in you snapped all of a sudden and you impulsively took a sharp glass shard from the broken bottle of alcohol you drank alongside the pills. Glenfarclas 12 year old single malt scotch whisky, both of you's favourite alcohol, drinking a glass of it after a fight to soothe the bitterness between you. Something propelled you to scream like crazy and swing the piece trying to impale the person you once called your lover, who was evading all of it, but tripped and fell to his nates.
Sanzu tried to look stern, but he was panting like crazy and looking around in panic, trying to find a way to escape. But when he turned his head towards you, suddenly, your eyes had a different sparkle and emotion in them that made him relax. Even if you wanted him dead that moment, he still managed to hit your soft spot with just his presence. All of your memories together, good and bad, he is still Haruchiyo Akashi. You still held hope. Whilst reaching out to hug him, your hands drowning in blood, yearning to hug him and feel his hands wrap around you like a precious ornament, suddenly your eyes went upward, mind and vision blank. You started having a seizure, but he didn't want to call an ambulance, as they will inform the police and arrest him for drug possesion. Instinctively, he grabbed his bag and ran away, leaving you there.
You had a brain hemorrhage, the pills and alcohol shutted down everything in your system, causing you to flatline. He just left you there to decompose.
The neighbors found you when the stench of your rotting carcass was spreading around, weeks after the incident. You were cremated by your parents' wish, because you had no ''true'' family in the first place that would want to burden themselves to cover the expenses of the funeral, but they kept your ashes in a small urn in your old bedroom.
. . . .
Ten years, ten damned years and this was still making him go insane. After the accident with you his life went downhill. He couldn't focus on his work, increased his dose and failed to complete everything he was assigned. He pretended to not give a shit about you, not at all, or at least he tried, albeit failing.
He actually felt something.... could it be, despondency? From a person who he saw as nothing? He lost his precious toy, the only person who could handle him. Eventually he was kicked out from the gang, got submerged with bills and debt, and ended up homeless, with stubble on his face and alopecia because of the severe stress he was subjected to.
Every time he remembered you his stomach was tickling, he realized he had a close bond with you, he realized you could've actually help him and drag him out of the shithole and help him reach the catharsis of becoming a better self. Since early childhood you saved him from thousands of troubles he involved himself into, gave your sholder for him to cry on, allowed him to be vulnerable in your embrace and filled his body with a new, purer blood, and now you're gone, probably laughing at him from the outerworld. Sanzu was not able to afford drugs anymore, and his sobriety stabilized his senses, and he realized how special you were. The only beam of hope and warmth.
Thankfully the apartment you died in was never rented by anyone. Rumours swiftly spread after your death, people thought your ghost was roaming there and were too scared to even glance at the front door engulfed in spider webs. Sanzu often visited the place to sleep in and stared at the dry blood on the ground and walls, crying and cursing himself for leading you to this.
rindou (+sequel)
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The feeling of being overpowered by his brother and constantly living in his shadow plagued Rindou's mind. All the applause and credit for the hard work he was busting his ass for was aimed at his brother. Ran was the one who took the credit and profited more, leading him into becoming an insufferable stuck-up, who only got in his way, as Rindou was always saying.
His inferiority complex rooted from there his mental state and confidence went downhill, and he couldn't stand still nor remain calm without some form of reassurance, so he frequently organized pity parties and his co-workers had to bear with his whining. Unfortunately you were the victim of the self-conscious man, allowing yourself to fall into a trap of thorns and venomous snakes piercing your spiritual flesh. Rindou made sure to make you pity him, to make you feel the same way he does, just so he could ease his soul.
He loved you, he really did, so he wanted to share emotions with you, he wanted to teach you to be strong, so you don't get hurt just like him. From trying to stop you from doing what you love and saying how awful you are to even hiding all your stuff just so you don't experience the joy of succeeding in something, just because of his own bullshit.
You still wanted to work somewhere, you wanted your own money, because Rindou would never spoil you or give you anything money related, because he perceived them as the only reward he will ever recieve. He would even go far as to complete tasks assigned for you and gain all the credit.
- Baby, please, let me finish my work! - you pleaded as he was holding your laptop, deleting the files you spent days working on
You felt your blood boil, but the only thing you could do is watch him how he sat on the couch and continued writing, not even bothering to look at you or react to your cries.
- Make me food, please, I have a lot of work to do.
He deemed you weak if you cried, the only time he could try and apologize was when he had a hidden objective to fuck you. By his words, this was the only way to teach you how life actually works, so he didn't actually do any harm, at least that's what he preached. Rindou would seek empathy from you constantly, even after he mentally destroyed you just seconds ago.
Rindou took some rest from work. He loved spending time with you and analyzing every reaction you show as he was sitting on the couch with his hands intertwined infront of his mouth. The man slept almost all day with you, until sunset and still woke up before you. One blissful afternoon, right when the cocktail of sunset's colors were engulfing the sky, placing your head on his chest, you closed your eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
- Y/n, baby? - after what seemed for an hour he shook you awake from the nap you were taking on his chest, snuggled in a silk bedsheet as the sunset colors were touching the room
- Mhh, yes, honey? - you stood up and lazily rubbed your eyes, leaning in for a kiss
- I am worried. Now Ran will have even more time boasting about stuff he didn't do and will make me seem like a loser... and now I'm yet again useless, and he is currently probably living his best life, our co-workers praising him. - he said as a forced sigh came out of his mouth
The same questions, the same statement, for the 3rd time today. Your whole mood sunk to the ground and you tried to conceal your sigh of exasperation with a sweet smile on your face. He woke you up from your peaceful dream just to act like a brat.
- No, baby, you're better than him for the sole reason you do something productive, he's only there for decor, once people realize how useless he is you will gain your fame and he will be swiftly forgotten.
Rindou wrinkled his nose in disbelief, turning his head around and scoffed. This was one of his master tricks to receive a double shot of ego boost and new ideas to make you feel inferior to him. Even his own brother warned you about this behaviour, even encouraged you to run away as soon as you can, unfortunately you were taking a swim in pink clouds.
- Nah, you're still drowsy you can't even process information right now. I know you think of him all the time when I happen to fail, because you wished someone more competent was in your life.
- You know what? Yeah, you're actually a sore loser. - you blurted out with a raspy voice. Getting up from the bed, you went to the bathroom and took a fast shower. Grabbing the sexiest outfit you could find, fixing your hair, not even acknowledging Rindou's piercing glare. After half an hour you and aimed to the door, swinging your hips and leaving a trail of a heavy yet alluring perfume, the one you usually get more compliments for
- And where are you going? - Rindou asked as he was blocking your way to the entrance, towering over you, eyes filled with emptiness
- I am sick of being your punching bag, Rindou. Have you ever wondered why you're so miserable? Because you're weak, and if you go on with it, your brother will continue overshadowing you while you remain at the bottom. Grow a thicker skin and move on instead of asking for pity all the time. You're a child trapped in a grown man's body.
Before rushing out, you turned around and approached him. Towering over his laying figure, you began your taunting session.
- It's funny how you think that the only way to cope with the fact that you're insecure is by projecting your own issues onto others. Has Ran ever been laughed at and pitied? No. He's a real man who can handle his emotions and manage to do his own work without the help of his illiterate brother. Have you actually wondered why you're always the laughingstock? Tried to talk to your brother? You only sit and whine like a whore. All this time the ''work'' you've been doing for him was constantly the subject of a good laughter. You never acutally did your job correctly out of spite towards your own blood, but Ran had to correct you and then he enjoyed himself with a glass of whine, laughing at your kindergarten-level grammar mistakes with your co-workers while I'm sitting on his lap. His fame is deserved, and you will always remain in his shadow, alone and insecure, just how it should be.
You ran outside from the backdoor and head towards Ran's place, taking Rindou's car. You wanted to finally feel loved, and you remembered a conversation you had with Ran when your relationship with Rindou had just begun.
Your first conversation with the older Haitani was behind their bar, while you were waiting for Rindou to arrive. It took Ran embarrassingly long time until he broke the silence while
- My brother will damage you, angel. A pretty face like you doesn't deserve to be bothered with my brother's twisted fantasies of what a relationship is. I will make your life better.
You huffed in annoyance and crossed your arms, twitching an eyebrow and averting your gaze to somewhere else.
- Rindou always warned me about you, how you're always trying to steal everything from him, how you hate his guts and enjoy his suffering and blah blah. I know these old dusty tricks, I ain't getting fooled. You're always trying to overshadow him and steal his happiness away, and now even me, but I don't even like you. I know you're lying, you're a disgrace of a brother and never deserved your fame.
Looking back at this you realized how horribly wrong you were about your thoughtless trust in Rindou's words towards his brother. Fortunately Ran was not annoyed nor agitated, but still offered you help and shelter for when you realize that you were wrong about him. And there you were, kissing his lips and rubbing against him with unabashed passion and lust.
- I knew you will come to me, baby, I've waited so long for you. - he said as he moved his hips to match your rythm.
You spent the night with him, getting drunk and nasty. You unveiled a side of you that even you weren't aware you had, but it was an unbelievable night mixed with lecherous emotions. Ran was able to make you relax and be yourself without. You felt wanted, appreciated and all your craving needs were fulfilled this very night.
- No wonder you are the better brother. - you exclaimed in a slight laughter while hugging Ran's bare chest, sweaty from what was like your fourth session already
He smirked and turned to face you, embracing your figure under the moonlight creeping through the small gaps in his curtains. However, this sweety-lovely moment was swiftly ruined by Rindou kicking the door to Ran's bedroom, eyes filled with frenzied fury. Ran jolted and grabbed his gun that was on his nightstand, pointed it at his own brother and covered your figure with the blankets.
- What the fuck are you doing here, Rindou!
- Oh, no, dear brother, what are YOU doing with my lover! - Rindou screeched as he threw himsef on him.
Ran didn't want to harm him, but protecting you was his current priority, he managed to shoot Rindou in his shoulder and knock him down as he screamed in pain, holding his bleeding gash for dear life, his vision going blurry from all the anguish he was feeling. As much as he despised his brother's attitude and wanted him gone, Ran took him to the ER with you for his wound to be taken care of. The older lad tried to play it smooth but the anxiety could be spotted in his eyes and his hands were shaking.
You were sitting in front of the room Rindou was in, cold, still and stiff, looking at the ground and refusing to make eye contact with the older Haitani, who was sitting next to you, one arm massaging your nape.
After what seemed like an eternity, one of the surgeons left the room. Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho and Kokonoi were already there. The surgeon's merry expression eased the atmosphere and it felt like all the world's weight came off all of you's shoulders.
- The boy is in a decent condition and we removed the bullet successfully. However, we have a suspicion his glenohumeral joint and humerus are affected. We have to perform an x-ray and a neurovascular exam to see if any bones are broken. But keep in mind if something is affected, the rehabilitation process involves gradually increasing activities to restore muscle strength, joint motion and flexibility. Now he needs to rest and is currently sound asleep.
Everyone smiled and cheered that Rindou made it alive. For a moment Ran thought he had affected a vital organ, fortunately he didn't. You felt tears coming out of your tears, becoming a potion of emotions as Ran wrapped his hands around you. Both of you felt immense guilt forming inside, mixed with sadness and joy. You were blaming yourself for everything and couldn't think how you will ever muster the courage to ever speak to Rin again or even look him in the eyes.
- Do you want a ride home? I can see both of you are tired and need some rest. - Kakucho mumbled as he was spinning his car keys on his finger
- We wouldn't mind, I will come pick my car tomorrow, my hands are too shaky to handle the wheel. - Ran retorted and thanked his friend
The ride home was awkward. Ran's arm was caressing your exposed thigh as you were snuggled in his jacket, staring outside the window. Everything seemed fuzzier and faster than usual, probably because you were lost in thoughts about Rindou. Ran was staring lovingly at your features and brushed your hair with his fingers, which snapped you out from your contemplations.
- How are you feeling, sweetcheeks?
- Could've been better. I want to go home and just fall asleep.. - you retorted and snuggled in him, wrapping a hand around his waist
He kissed the top of your head and brushed your hair and massaged your scalp, which led you to fall asleep under his touch. Ran carried you bridal style to his bedroom and placed you to sleep. You woke up some time later with his broad figure laying next to you to change your clothes.
- I think we need to cease our relations for now. For Rindou. I don't want to do him even dirtier than I've already did. - you nodded and hummed in approval, then went back to sleep
. . . .
Rindou got discharged with a fracture in his humerus and a torn glenohumeral joint. He didn't seem to be upset nor was acting maliciously towards both of you. What was even weirder was the fact he is happier than his usual self, albeit after your betrayal. He was constantly under yours and Ran's surveillance.
Both of you were sitting at a bench, waiting for the older Haitani to come back with the drinks and food. You were playing with a street cat that approached you, and Rin was smiling at your interactions.
- Can you put it on my lap?
You obliged and placed the silver tabby on his lap, who seemed not to mind at all and made itself comfortable. A very obedient and cuddly creature that took a liking to the younger Haitani. The cat transformed itself into a loaf and sat there. You were smiling and petting the purring animal, just when Ran came back with the food.
- What a lovely creature, but be careful, it might have fleas. - he scoffed and sat down
- There isn't a bigger sucker than you, brother. - Rindou slyly added and made u giggle, to which Ran threw his drink in his face
All of you sat there, eating peacefully and discussing random matters, giving the tabby some food too, arguing about it's gender, what name to give it and where will it live. There was a moment of silence after before Rindou spoke up.
- I'm not mad. Contrary, I even have a proposal. - that part made you and Ran choke, staring at Rindou with both worry and anticipation - why don't we engage in polyamory?
That sentence perplexed you. Your face was beet red and you almost dropped your food. Your lost all color from your skin when you turned to Ran, who was smiling like a cocaine addict nodding in acceptance
- Ran?? Rindou?? You're okay with this? - you shouted and only got a laughter from the two of them in response
- I know I was a total asshole towards you. - Rin blurted out, the atmosphere turing gloomy- With my inferiority complex and self-hatred, the only thing I inflicted was pain on you, rather than stabilizing myself and our relationship. I deserved to get cheated on, you deserved solace and the love I never managed to give you. But I still have as equally deep feelings as when I first got to know you. And I never want to lose you or my brother. I don't want us acting like strangers and avoiding each other.
Rindou took your hands and squeezed them tight in anticipation and anxiety of you rejecting him and leaving with his brother. In fact, he doesn't want to lose you and watch you with his own blood, albeit telling you he doesn't feel bad. It's eating him up on the inside, it's draining all life from him. He can't sleep, nor eat properly without his guts twisting in regret from all the suffering and torment he put you through. And the way his brother did the exact opposite.
- I-if you don't really mind... - you scratched your nape and held each one of them's hand in approval - I aggree..
You blushed and barely had the courage to muster your response. You were going to be with the hottest men you've ever laid eyes upon. The thought of being between them every night, sharing everything with them, even your own self, was exciting and simultaneously terrifying. Tears started forming in your eyes and you couldn't hold yourself from sobbing.
- What's wrong, baby?? - Rindou softly asked and both Haitanis hugged you tightly
- I'm afraid I won't be good enough... And that you will probably leave me for someone else.. I will not be able to satisfy you, I'm just a mere person while both of you hold power in your hands - you sobbed and snuggled between their embrace
- We never will, we promise. - the older Haitani retorted and kissed your cheek - You're our one and only we want to spend our lives with..
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a/n: It took me way too long to be able to write again. I'm sorry for the long delay
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theghooligan · 1 year
the noises that escaped from my body when i saw izana were not human and i will not apologize for it.
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buccini555 · 6 months
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𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 - 𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝
≡ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚... After the party came to an end after finding out that your boyfriend was cheating on you with your best friend, you ended up spending the night in the care of your ex-boyfriend's best friend
⌕ I m a g i n e s !!
𖥻 𝐹𝑡. Kakucho Hitto and Izana Kurokawa
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tw! abusive relationship, mention of aggression/injury, a bit smut, virginity loss, unprotected sex, strong words, threats, insecurities about relationships, sensitive content in general, be careful
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"..." The silence of the gale blew throughout that beautiful garden, ending up being hidden by the remnants of loud music that could still be heard even from afar, Kakucho stood up and gently took your trembling and cold hand, the boy looked directly for you, not being able to help but notice your wound that was still exposed, without taking long, he took you out of that place, heading to the garage of the house and looking for the car in which they came to the same party ruined by Izana.
"I really need to get you home now, it's better that no one sees you in this state." He said calmly as he worriedly opened the car door and helped you get in, throughout the journey back to the house, you remained silent, remained lost in your deep thoughts and reflections, and so, it didn't take long to arrive at your house, when Kokonoi's car was parked in the garage, Kakucho kindly remained a true gentleman, again taking care in helping you out of the car and opening the door of his house so you could enter without making too much effort and ending up getting worse your injury in some way.
"You're adorable, Kakucho! Thank you so much for helping me, I-I'm still sorry for being so rude to you." Giving him a small smile, you invited him in, however, initially Kakucho seemed reluctant to actually approach you.
"...Are you sure you want me around? I don't mind leaving, just ask me." He questioned, looking away as he walked through the door.
You looked at him shyly, waiting for him to enter to lock the lock. "Again, if it's not too much to ask, please, I want you to stay."
"It's okay, since you want it that way, I feel better if I can keep taking care of you." Kakucho said right after, being careful, he took you to the sofa, making you sit down.
"Argh..." You sat up, taking your hands to your injured neck and making an expression of pain, after all, Izana didn't care about hurting you, at that moment, Kakucho immediately approached you, completely overcome with great concern. "That hurt... Damn, forgive me for leaving you alone with him, I wasn't even good enough to protect you."
"You warned me, you don't need to blame for a mistake that wasn't yours." You said, holding his face and stroking it, Kakucho looked at you again and you could see how much his eyes shone when he looked at you, at that same moment, that atmosphere returned between you who just looked at each other, you never you had seen Kakucho like that and at the same time that unknown feeling that arose left you completely confused, that same feeling warmed your heart like never before and that desire was definitely reciprocated.
"Okay, I'm going to get something to bandage this up before it ends up getting worse." When Kakucho realized how close you were, out of concern for his wound, he ended up breaking the "mood", walking away and going in search of some bandages.
He went to your bathroom and got some gauze and some painkillers, as soon as he returned to the room, he sat next to you in complete silence, just taking care of your injury, his hands were light despite being noticeably so strong, he seemed concentrated and distressed at the same time, as soon as he finished bandaging himself, Kakucho left all those first aid materials aside and surprised you with a hug.
"Now, I can hug you without being afraid of hurting you." Giving an awkward laugh, he whispered as he hugged you.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Kaku." In a few words, you thanked him by returning the hug.
"... I don't want to be just a bully, you understand that shit, don't you? This all happened really fast and I really don't want to end with this feeling I have for you." Decreasing the intensity but still remaining in the hug, Kakucho said in a tone of discouragement, he honestly didn't want you to just use him to forget Izana, even if it seemed wrong to him, Kakucho just wanted to feel truly loved by the person he loved so much. loved in secret to maintain their friendship.
You felt the discontent in the boy's words and it made your heart sink. "I would never use you, Kakucho, I just didn't know I could feel something for you, I'm sorry for having ended up with the wrong person, honestly, I couldn't imagine that the right person was so close..."
"I'm not the right person for you, nor Izana, I like you enough to think you deserve someone better than two delinquents." Pulling away again, he said seriously as he stared at her face. "Don't talk about yourself like that! I know you're not just any delinquent." Immediately, you responded without thinking much, however, keeping your words to him sincere as possible.
"...Actually, I think I'd better leave now, I'm sorry again for anything." Kakucho got up from where you were and shrugged, but you ended up getting up right away and holding him by the arm. "N-no need to leave..."
"And also, I believe it's best if we forget what happened between us." Kakucho spoke, you could hear in his tone how much he was fighting his own feelings.
"If you really love me, you won't leave me!" In an unexpected impulse, you can't just let him walk away without more, not even after finally managing to declare himself in the midst of an inappropriate situation.
"... I can't! Damn, I can't... I know it's repetitive, but, you really wouldn't understand." In a loud thought, he replied unwillingly.
"I want to try and if you walk out that door, you're the one who will be giving up how you feel about me." Again, silence took over the place, Kakucho turned to you and looked at you in silence.
"...If I betray Izana, I will be betraying my only true friendship." The taller one spoke almost in a whisper, not even being able to keep his eyes on you, he just fixed his eyes on a distant point. "And if I leave, I'll be burying the feelings I've been harboring for you since the first time I laid eyes on your face, even though it was wrong, I didn't mind kissing you at that damn moment." Looking back at you as if he was seeing beyond you, he said subtly while shaking his head in denial, Kakucho was putting pressure on himself to make a difficult choice and amidst so many wars in his mind, he felt like he was at peace. while still keeping you in front of his eyes.
As you listened carefully to each of those words, you understood how important Izana was to Kakucho, however, you did not remain unimportant, ending up being the owner of the most genuine feelings he could have, having no idea if that was true love or not, the doubt didn't make you feel less loved by Kakucho, despite feeling countless sensations, you remained silent, just looking at the taller one with your eyes that betrayed sea air.
"I don't want to give up on you, I can't give up on you..." Without hesitating to interrupt Kakucho, you approached again in an impulsive act of pure courage, he also didn't hesitate to get closer once again giving himself to a passionate kiss, this time, that same kiss went beyond all the ones you had already received, in turn, you ended up reciprocating that same feeling, giving yourself completely without caring about anything that had happened previously or anyone else, at that exact moment, the world around you seemed to have frozen for both of you, you held him by the back of the neck while he held you by the waist, making you lie down on the sofa in your living room, still being careful with your injuries, suddenly, all that intensity It turned into even more desire, making simple caresses send goosebumps all over her body and she didn't feel like putting an end to it all at any point.
"I-I don't want to cross the line with you." Breaking the kiss, Kakucho spoke while still keeping his hands on her body. "I also don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage of your weakness..."
"Go on, I'm asking for it, Kakucho... I-I know you like taking orders." You said as you pulled him close again, he ended up just giving in to your request and kissing you again. "I'll give you what you want." Kakucho slid his hands down your legs, supporting them on his body, for a moment, he couldn't help but shyly admire the beautiful neckline of your red dress.
"...Honestly? There is no compliment I can use to describe how perfect you are." Extending the insistent kisses on your neck and chest, he couldn't help but praise you, Kakucho was certainly being true to every word he said, giving himself to you body and soul while you helped him unbutton the buttons on the dress shirt he wore, as soon as he set it aside, you realized how strong he was when you laid eyes on those defined abs. "Are you sure you want me?" He questioned, running his hand over his own muscles while you just nodded in affirmation, distracted by such beauty.
"Do you mind that I've never done this before?" Still worried and a little shy, the taller one couldn't help but question.
"...We're going to do this for the first time together, if you don't mind..." You looked away again and remained silent as you unzipped your own dress, remaining in just your underwear in front of him.
"I have to confess that I'm happy to you trust me enough for this, princess..." Understanding your "message" he immediately fell silent as he surrendered himself to your lips again, after, kissing your neck, he ended up not hesitating to leave some marks on your breasts when he unbuttoned your bra, Kakucho started to take everything more seriously when he kept you completely naked just for him, you believed that he would be careful and it really wasn't any different, despite that, Kakucho didn't stop "going deeper" into you when he felt that you you were already used to it, when your legs were shaking and you couldn't stand it for another second, suddenly, your phone started ringing non-stop, interrupting the act.
Kakucho stopped what he was doing, already having in mind that the one who was persistently calling his phone was Izana. "Stay calm." He said holding her face when he saw her with a scared expression as you also knew who it was on that call.
"I-Izana, it's Izana, turn off that phone, please Kakucho." With a shaky voice, you responded apprehensively as Kakucho took your phone and turned it off, but that wouldn't stop Izana, you realized that when you heard a knock on your door.
"Holy shit, this guy never gets tired of being a bastard!" The taller one said as he helped you get dressed and got dressed right after. "You don't need to be afraid of him, I won't let him get close to you."
"Come on up, I'll sort it out with him." Kakucho sent you up the stairs, he wouldn't allow Izana to even see you after all that.
"Don't open the door! Kakucho, please don't open it, please!" Holding onto his arm, out of fear, you begged him not to open that door while the knocking became increasingly louder.
Izana's insistence intensified even more as you stared at each other, making you both even more apprehensive about Izana's presence shouting for you outside the house. "Open the fucking door, [Name]! Am I going to have to break into your damn house?"
"Trust me, go lock yourself in your room and I'll sort it out."
"What will he think about seeing you here at this time? Kakucho, if he does something to you I won't forgive myself!"
"You need to trust me! Please, I know the friend I have, go upstairs, please."
You just did as Kakucho told you, heading upstairs and hiding in your room, you couldn't hold back the tears as you tried to hear what was happening downstairs.
"What the fuck? Kakucho? What the fuck are you doing at my girlfriend's house?" Izana exclaimed as soon as Kakucho opened the door, he really didn't expect his best friend to be there.
"Ex-girlfriend, you mean ex-girlfriend, do you realize the shit you did? Damn, Izana!"
"Fuck you, man, where's my fucking girlfriend? And who do you think you are to give me any orders?" Izana responded with an air of superiority and trying to get through the door, but he didn't expect that Kakucho would have the courage to stop him.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you near her again after you hit her? And you? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"What the fuck kind of friend are you? Aren't you going to tell me you were fucking that stupid bitch?"
"If you call her a bitch again I'll show you what a fucking friend I am when I smash your face in."
"Oh yeah! So it's true? Do you want congratulations for taking her virginity before me? Or maybe you want a prize? Who would have thought that someone as pathetic as you would be able to fuck a girl."
"... You're fucking stupid, I don't know how I ever considered you my best friend, Izana, holy shit."
"Aren't you going to share it with me? I was the one who found it first, do you think you can come and steal what's mine?"
"... Get out now, it's better for both of us, you don't want me to take you out of here, do you?"
"You know what? At least I have her friend as comfort, stay there with my "Remains"." Izana shrugged and finally gave up on insisting on seeing you since he was drunk enough to forget you for that night.
Kakucho locked that damn door and assured him that he had really left, the boy couldn't hide how disappointed he was at having lost his childhood friend that night, despite that, he simply couldn't agree with those attitudes, at that moment, the only one The brunette's real concern was for you, as soon as he went up the stairs, he knocked on your bedroom door. "[Name]? Can you open the door for me, princess?" As soon as you heard him, he immediately went to unlock the door while bursting into tears.
"Please don't leave my side again, Kakucho." Hugging him, you said while resting your head on his chest.
"...I'll just get away from you when you want me to."
"Don't talk like that, I won't want you to leave my side."
"You know things that start very quickly end up ending very quickly."
"What do you mean? Kakucho?"
"Nothing... You better rest, it's almost dawn and you've already been through a lot."
"You don't have to hide things from me anymore, you know that."
"What happened between us, that's the problem, I mean... It's not a problem, but the way it happened, let's face it, it was shit, you were just betrayed and I'm afraid that you still don't trust me when I say that I'm not the kind of guy like Izana."
Not knowing what to say to that speech, you just remained silent while Kakucho seemed to think carefully before saying another word.
"The context in which I confessed my feelings, our approach, even our sex, I don't want it all to be in vain or something that lasted for just one night, it's you I want, I've always wanted." Almost like an outburst, he finally expressed himself.
"I also don't want this to be just a temporary thing, maybe, in fact, I'm sure we can make this work!" You responded in a calm tone despite feeling your heart beating faster.
"We're going to make this work." He responded right away with a smile that came naturally.
Returning the same smile, you hugged him even tighter. "Of course we will go..."
"Anyway, that's enough for today. You need rest to recover soon." After kissing you on the forehead, he took you to the bathroom and helped you take a shower, when he finished redoing your bandages and making sure you were calmer, Kakucho carried you on his lap to your bed and wrapped you in the covers.
"Rest, I'll be here when you wake up so you don't have to worry about anything." It was late, almost dawn, all those emotions left you exhausted, for that reason Kakucho kept you comfortable in his arms, stroking your hair subtly until you finally fell into a deep sleep, even though he was completely shaken and also tired. , he definitely didn't mind spending the rest of the night awake, watching you worriedly, if you felt bad at any point, he would definitely want to be there to keep you well, so Kakucho remained protecting you and ensuring that for a while moment, forget all that hell.
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
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Thin walls
Sanzu x reader
Summary: Kakucho needs a place to rest after his strenuous mission and Sanzu gracefully offer his spare room, but he didn't mention how thin the walls can be.
Warnings: Smut, Mature themes, inappropriate language
It was currently 1:00 am, Kakucho was finally ready to rest in the guest bed of the Haruchiyo household. Finally finding a position in the unused mattress that felt comfortable.
After an extremely tiring mission all he wanted to do was rest even if it was in the comfort of his least favorite coworkers home. When Sanzu had offered his guest room for Kakucho to reside in until his apartment was fixed from the last attack that occurred there, he was more than skeptical to accept the offer and he would of declined had it not been for the fact that the Haitani's were out of town on their own mission. Leaving him no choice but to accept.
Sanzu and Kakucho had a relationship similar to that of a ticking time bomb any moment it would explode and Kakucho would go attack Sanzu, but what prevented the two from being at each other's neck was Mikey who seemed to play the diffuser in this bomb scenario.
Kakucho now lied in bed patiently waiting for sleep to overcome him anymoment, and he was so close to dozing off until he heard a loud squeek.
'Of course' he thought.
The only reason Sanzu must of allowed him to sleep over was so that he could take the piss out of him and make noise the whole night so that Kakucho would fuck up his debriefing of his mission in the meeting later that same morning.
A petty attack but not below something Sanzu was capable of doing.
Kakucho rolled to his left side taking the pillow with him to cover his ears. Shutting his eyes and taking deep breathes he was forcing himself to get to that state of sleepiness again, and once again when he was on the verge of meeting slumber he heard another loud squeek from the room right next to his.
Kakucho was sitting up in the guest room bed ready to shout loudly to get Sanzu to stop whatever he was doing until he heard a familiar voice.
It was Haruchiyo (Y/N).
Sanzu's wife.
How could he have forgotten that Sanzu had gotten married, how could he have forgotten you.
Kakucho remembered receiving an invitation letter for Sanzu's wedding. He remembered feeling sorry for the poor girl who would be saddled with him and he remembers that he didn't want to go until Ran convinced him to come unless he felt like dealing with a scolding from Mikey for his lack of support for a fellow Bonten member.
When Kakucho saw you- the bride of Sanzu, you were the furtherst thing from what he imagined. Instead of a morbid sadden woman who dreaded her fate he was met with a soft featured smiling angel that looked at Sanzu with one of the most softest stares his ever witness. Kakucho was mesmerized by you and every opportunity that brought you to the Bonten quarters he was sure to approach you.
And now he had just heard you moan the name of the man he hated.
"You like that baby"
"Oh yes Sanzu, please just there" you begged him to keep his hips just as they were as he thrusted them to meet yours.
"Like it when I fuck you like this" Sanzu said placing a hard slap on the globe of your ass.
Sanzu began his thrusts up into your leaking arousal as you lay on top of him while he continued to drill you from below. You could feel the slap of his balls against your clit, slightly pulling at it making you moan in pure ecstacy.
Unbeknownst to you that Kakucho lie at the other side of the wall. Mesmerized by your moans of pleasure.
Kakucho couldn't believe the exchange that was happening in the other room, or at least he couldn't believe it would happen while he was here.
"It feels so good" you moaned out loudly.
From those words alone Kakucho could feel a strain in his sleep pants begin to form.
"Oh yes, fuck me please. I need it"
Kakuchou mind told him not to reach down and touch his member but the lust that clouded his mind began to overtake and he needed to relieve himself from your moans. Without even realizing his hands began to slip below his pants line gently palming his member as he let out quiet groans, hearing your moans.
"Ahh I can feel it in my tummy" you screamed out as the sounds of skin slapping reverberated against the room walls.
Kakucho began fisting at his member imagining that he was the cause for you to be moaning and screaming out for him, rather than the pink haired man.
"It's so big, you're gonna split me" you yelled feeling as Sanzu shoved his member to the entrance of your cervix nudging it over and over again.
Kakucho closed his eyes and pictured you on your hands and knees as he took you from behind. The feeling of you velvet walls wrapping around his hardened member as you sucked him in deeper. Feeling the pulsing of your heat wrapped around him as he ripped moans of pleasure that buzzed around his guest room.
The sound of your moans was all he could hear as he continued fisting at his member, grip now tighter as he imagined you squeezing down on him.
"Aah please more, more. I need it"
Kakucho imagined that he would bend his one leg up so that he could fuck you deeper and harder giving into your words as he continued pulling at his member feeling slight spurts of precum ooze down his fingers.
"I'm gonna ... I'm gonna"
Kakucho could tell from your hiccuped words that you were close, he squeezed his member as hard as he could imagining that when you were close you would tightend so hard around him leaving him in a place of painful pleasure.
Kakucho was going to cum he could feel the hot coil in him needing to snap.
"Ahhh I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!"
'Oh God please cum for me ' Kakucho thought as he was quickly pulled at his member.
"I'm gonna squirt. I'm gonna squirt"
Kakucho felt beads of sweat run down his face as he imagined fucking you now violently so that he could feel the gushing of liquid against his hardened cock. Face scrunched up with pure pleasure until....
He heard you give one massive scream an indication you had cum and a push for the coil in Kakucho to snap. He felt as hot spurts of white liquid shoot out, imagining that it was filling you to the brim. He imagined how you would squirm against him while he filled you up, and when he would be done he would watch it drip out of your puckered hole. Kakucho tried calming his breathing praying no one had heard his grunt as he fisted himself to your moans.
"So wet baby, I'll go get a cloth"
Kakucho heard someone say which snapped out of his post orgasm bliss, as he snapped out of his daze and remembered who was the one who actually fucked you none other than
Sanzu Haruchiyo
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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urfavslav · 10 months
dialogue is from the movie un homme qui dort, narrated in english by thee shelly duvall. I changed a few lines, bc they wouldn't fit him other wise. cw: if u squint you can see the dissociation mentions. character/kakucho centric piece
You stay in your room, not eating, not reading, hardly moving.
It's been eight days since the horrific battle between tenjiku and toman, kakucho hasn't moved since he got discharged from the hospital, currently lying on the floor watching the ceiling fan spin slowly with the breeze of his open window.
You watch the basin, the bookcase, your knees, your eyes in the cracked mirror. The cup. The light switch.
His eyes slowly drag around his small 'apartment' room until they catch on the small sink. The one that he would use after every major fight, cleaning his worse wounds and injuries.
They catch on the book case, filled with books he enjoyed and ones he traded with Izana, littered with little annotations and highlights. Scattered sheet music with small notes of wear and tear. Records and cd's he had collected over time.
His heterochromic eyes catch on his knees that wobble every so often, threatening to fall or slide down from their bent position as if he were doing sit-ups. The cracked mirror that sits above his sink, the one that you can barely call a sink, the mirror that has taken his rage and now seems to be staring back at him. One red eye and one ashen. Is he sure they belong to him?
The cup that was filled with tea, how old is it? Ran got him this for his birthday, he should probably drink that tea, lest it gets dusty or stale, alas it's already cold. right? The light switch he never uses; getting up at the crack of dawn to work out, spending most of the day with the gang, coming back when he's had his fill of sociability, ready to eat and lie down.
You listen to street sounds, to the dripping faucet on the landing, to the noises your neighbor makes, having a coughing fit, his kettle whistling.
The later in the day it gets he hears the noise increase in volume, cars trying to get home, kids getting off school, sirens, doors opening and closing, cats, life goes on. life goes on and all he can do is observe in his state.
You follow on the ceiling the winding line of a thin crack. A flies pointless wandering. The perhaps calculate progression of shadows.
Kakucho's drowsy lidded eyes follow the small crack on his wall, leading from the door frame to the ceiling, a mere 15 centimeters. His brain finding anything and everything else to focus on. The fly that wanders in, making a few circles in his room before buzzing away.
You are 14 years old. You have 32 teeth, 3 shirts and 8 socks. 77,000 yen a month to survive on. A few books you no longer read, a few records you no longer listen to. You don't want to remember anything else. You sit, and all you want is to wait. Just wait until there is nothing more to wait for.
He feels dissociated from himself, his beloved hobbies now seem distant and unattractive. Why does everything remind him of Izana? The music that sits, collecting dust on his shelf. The shirts they bought together, although a measly errand, he treasured moments like those.
You don't see your friends. You don't answer the door. You don't go down and get your mail. You don't return the books you borrowed from the library. You don't visit your parents.
He disregards the hundreds of missed calls from his friends. He ignores the knocks that come and slowly fade away when he fails to answer the door. He sees the envelopes that get stuck in the mail slot. He knows his books are overdue, the pile mocking him near the door. He misses visiting his parents. He misses living.
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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zein-satsuki · 2 years
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Shinichiro Sano x Top male reader
Contains smut and spoilers of the manga. Slight angst but happy ending.
Not my art
"Wha... No no no no no no... Nooooooo. Please, you promised you would stay by my side and grow old with me! No...please wake up...please...
Years ago...
M/N is just walking around the street when he saw a black haired boy getting beaten up by a bunch of uniformed gangsters while his friends are busy beating them down and protecting him. Out of curiosity, he started walking towards them to notice one of the guys flew towards him. Catching him, M/N place the poor guy down, he close in for a better look. They seemed to be ganged up by the other party.
He didn't really wanna dirty up his new attire but not just stand and watch by the sidelines too. So he sounded the alarm of his phone loud enough to scare them away. They got alerted and most ran away leaving their unconscious comrades on the ground. M/N switch off his phone the minute almost everyone's gone.
Not wanting to cause any trouble, he left midway when everything's a mess. Meanwhile, the first gen black dragon's member lost their supposedly saviour in the busy crowd. Shinichiro jumped up suddenly seeming to regret something.
Shinichiro: That's another member we could recruit!!!! Why didn't you guys remind me about it!
Takeomi: Oh shut up shin! Stop recruiting random people into our gang.
Keizo: Yeah, we just met him like seconds ago, you think someone would accept a stranger's invitation to a suspicious little group?
Shinichiro: Hey, black dragon is not suspicious! Black dragon is going to be the biggest biker gang in Tokyo, datte bayo.
Wakasa: Pfft, Shin maybe you should work on your courting skills first.
Shinichiro immediately got upset and went into his emo corner. He glares at the womaniser Wakasa mumbling curses at the guy. And that's the first time they met M/N. A sudden encounter in a fight between gangs.
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By the next time they meet each other, M/N was ganged up on by the former delinquent members that ran away. He was just taking a walk back home with his earphones on when a certain someone pulled his earphones out harshly almost hurting his ears. Holding onto his aching ears subconsciously, he stare up at the group with curiosity and annoyance to notice who they are immediately.
01: The fuck you helping those bags of shit for huh? Is it fun to help out random people now?
02: This is what you get for budging into other people's business.
The delinquent was just about to deliver a punch to M/N's face and M/N braced for the impact but nothing came instead hearing the delinquents annoyed grumbles and scattering footsteps.
???: That's right, scram you guys. Pick fights with guys your own size!
???: Oh shut up, you didn't even do anything idiot.
M/N focus his gaze towards way of the chatting, seemed like the bunch of guys he helped last time. Well, time to go then. Just as M/N was about to slip away, his escape route got blocked off by the giant named Keizo Arashi.
Keizo: Hey Shin, isn't this the guy you wanted to recruit few days ago?
Shinichiro: Oh my god, yes! Can't believe I meeting you here again. Real nice to see you!
Shinichiro then proceeded to shook the H/C haired guys hand overexcited by the coincidental reunion after so long. He really thought he didn't get to see M/N after missing the opportunity last time. Although confused by the overexcited male, M/N still let him hold his hand and smiled gently since this reminds him of his little energetic bro.
Takeomi: Let that poor guy go Shin. You're scaring him with your smile torning face.
Shinichiro: No I'm not! I was just trying to show him..
Then the duo went off to battle on the background. Sighing at the idiot duo, Wakasa walked up to M/N to introduce them and their intentions of pulling him into their gang.
Wakasa: Sorry about those idiots, we're the ones you helped in the alleyway few days ago. My name's Imaushi Wakasa, that hyperactive guy is Shinichiro Sano, the one playing with him is Takeomi Akaashi and the giant is Keizo Arashi.
M/N: My name's M/N L/N, M/N should be fine. Nice to meet you.
Seeing the two almost shaking hands, Shinichiro afraid of being stolen the spotlight break right in the middle of the two and shook M/N's hand instead making Wakasa roll his eyes.
Shinichiro: Real nice to meet you M/N. Care to join in our gang?
M/N: Hm? Why so sudden? I don't remember doing anything.
Shinichiro: Are you kidding? You totally helped our ass out that day and our gang totally need someone like you instead of these idiot.
Keizo: Shut your unnecessary bittering Shin.
Shinichiro: Anyways, I'm gonna build the largest gang in Tokyo, Black Dragon. Named by the absolutely amazing me. Hehehe... Ouch!!! What the hell was that for?
Keizo: Idiot, you named it black pink last time, the three of us had to beat it in you to change it to the proper name.
Shinichiro: Ha! I did not...
M/N: Pft...
The sudded laugh made them turn towards M/N to see him covering his mouth to be polite.
But that already go ignored by the black haired male as he was already jumping and cheering for the positive answer of the male. And they indeed had a great time together, building the gang and expanding one day after the other. Fighting other gangs and recruiting them making black dragon gradually get bigger and bigger might have tainted hearts with the great power now black dragons hold over Tokyo's small region but as Shinichiro being the leader this could never cross as a concern.
M/N: I'm sorry, about the answer... I think I'll go for a yes since you guys seemed really interesting, but don't let me down though.
M/N slowly growing feelings for the black haired male as he's energetic and always funky side brings him happiness without failing every time. He seemed to have the ability to read minds too, giving all of the gang members advices whenever they feel depressed and disappointed in themselves. Gang members treat him like their big bro and have all their faith in him. Even though he can't fight really well, he still suits as a leader with the occasional quotes he made, encouraging everyone to hold on unconsciously. And after M/N made it into the gang day after day, he started taking over all the work of protecting their weak leader ensuring no scratches were left on him in every single fight.
The gang members started naming him the black Knight since he protected their "king" so many times.
Keizo: Hey! Me, Takeomi and Wakasa protects Shin too! Why can't we get cool names like that?
M/N: But didn't you already have one? Soft giant.
Keizo: Stop calling me that or I'll strangle you, really!
M/N: Aw, is the softie being embarrassed, let me give you a big hug. There there~
Keizo: I'll kill you!
Then the both of them started chasing around again. Don't really know why M/N like teasing him so much, but seem to Shin his spotlight was stolen as he jumped to intervene yet only to almost get caught in the crossfire if it wasn't for M/N pulling him out of the way. Smiling at him warmly before showing Keizo a teasing smile making the latter agitated again as they sped off. The leader left alone to watch their leaving back view. He could only smile and leave it at that. Yes, he like M/N too, from the frequent comfort he gave him and the advice given to solve his problems. He always seemed like a big bro to Shin always caring out for him.
However, Shin doesn't want him to be just a bro, he want him to be his lover. Despite being rejected by so many girls, he's still determined about making this particular one an accomplished mission of his.
That's when the sudden bad news coming one after one totally break him apart. His beloved father had passed in a car crash and his mother is sick from a cancer. He held it all in didn't want to seem weak to anyone secretly getting depressed day by day. That was until the news about his mother's pass totally igniting his feelings. He couldn't carry it no more and just went missing on his family and go to a certain person's house.
So M/N happened to find himself waking in the middle of the night with the whimpering male on his door steps. He hugged the male immediately, wiping his tears off gently and bringing him into the warmth of the house. His parents and siblings were all asleep so he had the living room to himself by now.
Shinichiro: She died, M/N... I wanted to end her suffering but I don't want her to leave too...
M/N: Shhh, it's okay. She must've been really happy and proud of the three of you to finally let go.
Shinichiro: But I don't want her to leave, no. I want her to stay with us and finally be a full family again. I want... her to rub my hair again... telling me it's all okay... I want her to take... us all out for an... outing and do... whatever a mom's duty is. I don't want her to leave...
Hugging the fragile man, M/N wiped his tears away as gentle as possible then he cradled him while comforting him with gentle words and promises.
M/N: Do you know a rumour?
Shinuchiro: Hm?
M/N: About the ones that past away didn't leave their loved ones in the world all alone, they are just turned into a star to watch above all of us and to protect us from any harm. I believe your mother will be one of them.
Shinichiro: Hehe, you're sure?
M/N: Absolutely, if it'll make you feel better, I promise to never leave you alone and we'll grow old together to become old buddies doing tai chi in the park.
Shinichiro: Really?
M/N: Only if you want to.
Shinichiro felt on cloud nine with his sadness driven away by the sweetness of M/N and at this exact same moment he knew not to waste this exactly close opportunity of getting M/N to be his.
Shinichiro: Of course I want to!!!
He took the opportunity to kiss the cheek of M/N and flushed all over from the soft touch. M/N was in a trance until he realised the soft and plum surface that touched him seconds ago was his crush's lips. Feeling extremely surprised and happy, he kiss Shinichiro back to reply to his feelings too. And that's how the love flower bloom in that cold snowy night. Full of childish pecks on each other's cheek and feeling embarrassed since this is the first time they ever show this kind of affection towards each other.
The next day, Shinichiro introduce M/N to his close friends as boyfriend. The smug look on their faces showed finally making Shinichiro feel really embarrassed.
Shinichiro: Wait! Did all of you know about the crush I had on him?
Wakasa: It was freaking obvious of course. Don't ever underestimate a player's ability to see through these kind of things.
Takeomi: Even Keizo knew about it, it's just the two of you being oblivious dumbass. Was wondering when you two knuckleheads would get together. Didn't think the two of you could confess your love until 5 years later!
Keizo: Fuck you Takeomi, I'm not that dumb! You wanna go?
Then all break into the war between Keizo and Takeomi. The love between them grew stronger as the bond got stronger along with it. Shinichiro even trusted M/N enough to bring him to visit Izana. The meeting with another man made Izana a little bit unsure of what to do so he acted what he think was best, which is ignoring the man like previous attempt of foster parents. But eventually they got along after he learned that M/N was Shinichiro's lover. "Anyone that can bear with Shinichiro is a great person", he claimed himself before getting smacked in the head by Shinichiro.
Being the gentlest with kids in the black dragons' gang, he was really popular with the kids. He's always thrown the babysitting work of Mikey, Emma, Sanzu and Senju whenever their elders are busy. He never complained about it though. He even bought gifts for them separately to prevent fights. He especially set up a rule before taking care of them that is: they must be kind towards each other, any sort of negative energy shall not be accepted in this household.
The adoption procedures for Izana is pretty challenging with all the confirmatory tests and stuff. Especially required age, which M/N is aged enough to be responsible for the child. Shinichiro and Izana both got really excited for the great news and punched onto M/N making them three fall onto the bed with an "oof" from the H/C haired male. Of course Kakucho was not left alone in the orphanage. Due to the saying of the tsundere Izana of "taking his servant with him to protect him." which just made M/N chuckle and Shinichiro deadpanned at his brother's chuunibyou.
Sanzu loves M/N nii a lot, because of him, he always got to avoid the pressuring gaze of Takeomi and endless blaming. He loves his sister sure but getting blamed for being himself isn't quite a happy experience.
Any love would have diminished into hatred by then, but M/N prevented that from happening and pulled him out of the pressuring burden placed on him. He even helped in scolding his brother. After he beat Takeomi up for unconsciously mentally torturing his little brother, he piggyback Sanzu and zoom to different places while the other kids are just nagging for their turns of ride. Eventually Wakasa, Takeomi and Shinichiro joined in and they had another wonderful time. M/N nii san is definitely the best.
M/N introduced Mikey and Emma to Izana, but by the first glance the two boys are already fighting. Seemed like they are incompatible after all.
But they'll be tamed kitty whenever M/N passed by to have a look. Immediately starting to fight like natural enemies again after M/N had gone. M/N knew about their quarrels (Izana arguing about Kakucho is better and Mikey arguing about Baji is better) but as long as they don't get hurt, he'll leave them to it. Siblings' affection for one another is eventually built up with fights after all.
Shinichiro treasured every moment spent with M/N, not wanting any to go to waste, he retired from the black dragons that had took up most of their youth and pass it onto the young ages. The gang respected his decision as they brought chaos to Tokyo one last time before their leader leave the gang.
M/N: You sure you're leaving your blood and sweat behind?
Shinichiro: Yeah, I was thinking about passing it onto Izana and Mikey but they're still too ignorant for it.
M/N: Heh, fighting all the time behind our backs. Well let's see who'll win over then?
Shinichiro: You wanna bet?
M/N: Yup! I'm betting on Izana.
Shinichiro: Then I'll bet on Mikey. Any punishments losing the bet?
M/N: Hm... how about wearing a dress for the whole day?
Shinichiro: Deal! I'm winning this damn bet for sure, hah!
M/N: No cheating Shin! Oh, he's already gone sigh* such an idiot but so fucking adorable too.
Shinichiro opened up a bike shop called S•S Motors renting a shop and all. He even had a bedroom there in case they stayed there overnight. It was real hard at first with the lack of money and customers but eventually more and more came with the charisma of Shinichiro. M/N helped throughout most of it, emptying his wallet everytime the shop's in shortage. Encouraging Shinichiro every time when it's too hard to bear and making him laugh and chuckle with the ticklish kisses left over his body.
The two never made the actual move on the bed due to the lack of knowledge on that sort of stuff. The most intimate thing they could think of doing was rubbing each others shaft together, dry humping and six nine. But one night Shinichiro was taking extra long in the bath. M/N got worried and knock on the door a few times to see if he was alright only to startle Shinichiro making him slip as a concerning thump sounded. M/N immediately rushed in to find his lovely boyfriend naked in the bath with a bottle of suspicious liquid at the side of the bath. He helped his clumsy boyfriend up and questioned about his safety and everything.
M/N: Are you hurt anywhere, do you feel pain anywhere? I'm really sorry to startle you. It's just you've been in there longer than usual and...
Shinichiro: Relax M/N, it's nothing. I just wanted to try new things out. I'm not hurt anywhere and I'm absolutely fine. It's okay, calm down.
M/N: What are you even doing in there for so long, I miss you already. Let's get you cleaned up and cuddle for the night.
Shinichiro: No wait N/N! I just wanted to try out anal. I've been lubing myself up just now, I'm really sure I can take it, really.
M/N: But, won't it hurt you? I don't want to hurt you or anything.
Shinichiro: We never know unless we try, right?
M/N: ... I'll be gentle.
Shinichiro: I trust you will.
Groans of slight discomfort released from the black haired male as M/N push his shaft inside as gentle as possible. Even with the lube, Shinichiro is still a newbie and M/N is quite a big one too. Stopping every time with the pained expression of his lover, M/N leaned down to kiss his lover rubbing his shaft too to bring pleasure to Shin. Shin moaned immediately as his eyes went glossy and his antic breathing muffled from the kiss they're having. When M/N finally bottomed out, both of them let out relaxed sigh and M/N waited a little while before moving little by little to ensure the comfort of Shinichiro.
Shin: You ...agh...can move now...mmm...
M/N: Take your time Shin. I don't want to hurt you.
Shin: Shit...Fuck...please, I'm fine...just move already... you're hanging me here buddy...ah
With that, M/N finally thrusted in a slow pace hitting every single angle possible until he find a certain bump that made Shinichiro scream out loud.
Shinichiro: Ahhh... Do it again...please ah...ah...ah...yes...fuck....N/N...ah...kiss...kiss
M/N sped up his thrust aiming at the specific spot and upon seeing his amazing boyfriend out stretching his arms for him to cuddle him and kiss him absolutely melt his heart as he picked the male up changing their position to a deeper one but enabling them to hug and kiss each other.
Shinichiro came hard being thrusted so deep and hard at his sensitive spot, made the guy rolled his eyes behind as he was fucked out of his mind. They continued going for two rounds before stopping to finally go to sleep. Shinichiro and M/N were already drenched in sweat while Shin has his stomach covered in his own cum. M/N cleaned the male up as gentle as possible not wanting to wake the exhausted male up. He changed out the bedsheets and placed them in the tub to wash tomorrow as he lay down beside his handsome lover cuddling him and covering both of them in blankets, leaving a goodnight kiss on Shinichiro's forehead before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning waking up before Shinichiro to clean the mess they made and opening the shop for Shin since he probably didn't have the energy to wake up today.
Shin: Ugh... My back feels sore.
M/N: I'm sorry hubby. Here, eat up. I'll cuddle you all afternoon after work, promise.
Shin: Alright.
M/N: Thanks honey. Now, here's all the things you need. Rest more, you need it, baby. I'll go handle Mr. Smores now. I love you.
Shinichiro: I love you too!
Their life just went by as peaceful as that, everything Shinichiro had wished for. Finally in hands, now just left the wedding and the house of their own. They'll achieve it someday with the popularity of the shop right now, Shin always believed in it.
It was Mikey's upcoming birthday this Monday. Shinichiro is having a headache choosing a gift for his little brother until he stumbled upon a dream super sonic air plane Concorde. And that was Mikey's gift. He adores it so much, literally spent the entire day in his room building and not eating if it weren't for M/N dragging the whiny male out. M/N offered his help in the airplane too, which made the progress faster. Finishing the last piece, Manjiro got real excited and invited all his friends over including Izana to make him jealous only to see the car model in his hands too. Then they started a fight again on whose model's better.
M/N just pulling them both in a hug and reminding them the one rule he set up or else they'll never meet him again. Success in shutting them up but also bringing tears to their face as they thought M/N didn't want to hang out with them anymore making the others into sobbing mess too. M/N totally shocked by the sudden crying and immediately console all of them saying if they obeyed to the rules then nothing happens wiping their tears. He brought them all out for some snacks afterwards bring Shinichiro his favourite as well.
One day Kokonoi and Seishu appearing a day in their shop crying with despair and helplessness in their eyes. This freaked the hell out of Shin and M/N as they pull the duo down to a sofa and have them explain. M/N came up with a charity to help Inui Seishu's sister with the doctor fees and she came out safe for the operation on time. Now M/N just had to deal with the stubborn kids kneeling in front of him and begging to let him help with anything.
M/N: I told you it's nothing. You should thank the public for helping you, not me. I just helped you came up with the plan and you guys organised it yourself. You guys saved her, so nothing to thank me about. Now go before you guys wake Shin up or I'll be really angry with you guys.
Scaring them off (definitely not scared just don't wanna bother M/N), M/N sighed and went back to his lover. He layed down in bed again to drift off to sleep before hearing little scraping noises of the locked shop gate. Absolutely pissed with the lack of sleep and warmth of his lover by this late, he walked out to investigate. Thinking it's probably thieves, he took a bat with him just in case and trotted towards the sound. Seeing Baji here was definitely unexpected and on the bike Shin's about to gift Manjiro made him realise what the boy's doing.
Baji: M/N nii? This is your shop?
M/N: Of course it is, didn't you read the sign S•S motors?
Baji: No, wait. KAZUTORA DON'T!!!!
Kazutora: M...M/N?
The sudden impact to the head made the male fell unconscious to the ground with a thump.
The sudden realization just made Kazutora drop his weapon as Baji crawled over to M/N checking up on him shaking a lot from fear himself.
Shinichiro: Don't you guys have any decency being so fucking loud at ni...
Stopping at the scene in front of him, he freaked out and rush up to the unconscious male.
Shinichiro: "Wha... No no no no no no... Nooooooo. Please, you promised you would stay by my side and grow old with me! No...please wake up...please...
Shaking the unconscious body gently, Shin was already in tears thinking back to the death of his mother. Why, just why did it have to be him? No! No! No!
Izana: He's one of the fucking culprit of M/N's condition right now and you're really going to protect him from that!!!!
This seemed to waken the boys up from their trance as they phoned the ambulance immediately. M/N was rushed to the hospital while Shin hold onto his right hand tightly chanting "please be okay, I beg you please" over and over again. Kazutora being the one who landed the hit helped Keisuke out with the questioning of the police while the still shocked filled Baji kept mumble tell Mikey they are sorry and they just didn't know whilst crying his eyes out. Waking up from slumber got Mikey's mind in blur but when he finally caught on to what he meant.
His favourite brother figure, M/N nii, in the hospital because of this stupid reason, are you kidding? But unfortunately it was real, as Izana punched Baji into a bloody pulp just to get stopped by Mikey.
Mikey: They're just trying to give me a birthday surprise, but just chosed the wrong way.
Izana: This is the fuck why I hate you!
With that, the bleached haired male stomped out of the Sano household mounting his bike with Kakucho tagging along to keep him out of trouble. They race towards the hospital along with the ambulance honking away every car blocking the way. He's definitely not going to let his warmth leave him ever again, never! After that, Manjiro just left crying Baji on the floor as he rushed his grandpa and Emma to go to the hospital too to check out M/N. Waiting along side with sobbing Shinichiro outside the emergency room is definitely the most torturing time. Shinichiro buried on his grandpa's shoulder as his grandpa comfort him and telling him it'll be okay and have more trust in M/N.
Hours and hours had passed, Shinichiro's face growing even paler from the long wait. When he doctors finally came out, they immediately rushed to them.
Shinichiro: How is he? Is he okay?
Doctor: He's alright.
Shinichiro fell limp to the floor scaring Manjiro and Emma as they hurried to his side to help him up.
Shinichiro: Thank god. Thank you so much doctor, thank you.
Shinichiro: What do you mean?
Doctor: But he will be in concussion for the damage of his head.
Doctor: He's in coma.
This struck harder for Shinichiro as it was to everyone under M/N' s care before. Being the most mature, Grandpa Sano thanked the doctor for saving M/N and pull the kids to the room M/N was now living in.
Grandpa Sano: It's okay, be thankful that he's alive and well Shin. Now, Shin can stay, you kids have to go back home with me.
Manjiro: But grandpa...
Grandpa Sano: No buts, you too Izana, don't make me smack you guys come on.
The man dragged the Sano siblings and Kurokawa back to the Sano household as Shinichiro stayed to look after M/N. Months passed as M/N finally awaken to see the sleeping black haired male holding his hands tightly. Not wanting to wake the exhausted male seeing the dark circles below his eyes, he petted Shinichiro and studied the male's peaceful face.
Shin woke up to find the male he loved so much looking at him so lovingly, thinking it was a dream he reached his hand out to pinch himself only to get caught by the male's right hand and lead to cup M/N's cheek.
M/N: Is this real enough for you hubby?
Shinichiro just smiled tiredly and pinched on the said make's cheek.
M/N: Ow! ow! ow!
Shinichiro: You promised you won't leave me yet you almost fucking did! You know how worried we are, how fucking worried I am?
M/N could only take Shin into his embrace slightly patting his back to calm him down from his highly negative emotions. He cupped Shinichiro's face and look him straight in the eye.
M/N: Shin, I never break my promises. I survived didn't I. It takes a lot more than that to get me, hehehe. Don't worry, I'm not gonna break this promise any time soon.
Shinichiro: You made me feel pathetic that I can't protect you.
M/N: I was glad to be there. Because if it were you I would've let hell break lose upon those kids.
Shinichiro: Oh shut up you big dumb dumb.
M/N: Here, here. I'm healthy and alive right in front of your eyes. Now we just had to complete your dreams of getting married and having a house of our own. Growing old together and finally passing down your shop to Manjiro and Izana.
Shinichiro: Yeah, you better get well quick, or I'm gonna ditch you.
M/N: I wil I will~
The end~~~
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manjirot · 2 years
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“Maybe if I was born as a boy instead and mom was around then maybe, just maybe… I’d be forgiven…”
kakucho x fem!reader
bonten timeline, arrange marriage, soft sex, fingering, kidnapping, ran being a HUGE tease, implied child abuse, super daddy issues, unprotected sex, pregnancy, violence, murder, angst, pstd
chapter one
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“Woah, hold up! You’re saying Gure L/n of the biggest underground gang has a daughter?” Ran Haitani asked in shock.
“Uh huh,” Rin nodded. “I over heard boss and Sanzu talking about a big deal that’s about to go down that has something to do with Gure-sans daughter.”
“Hm interesting,” the older Haitani said, leaning back in his office chair. This deal was quite interesting to to him because of dealing with a woman and nonetheless the infamous Gure L/n.
Just then, Takeomi knocked on Ran’s office door. “Mikey wanna see us all in the meeting room,” he said with a cig hanging from his mouth.
The two brothers nod at the older man and got up to make their way to the meeting room where everyone was waiting. The room was silent until Mikey finally spoke, “I’m aware you all know Gure L/n is, right?”
Everyone nodded. “Well, last night we came to an agreement. He’s willing to give us territory if one of you marry his daughter.” Mikey explained.
The room went quiet again, more quiet than it was before. “Boss, are you sure this guy isn’t bullshittin’ you? How you know he’s just not using his daughter to get intel outta us?” Kokonoi asked.
“Gure-San been doing this since I was a baby.. and I been doing this long enough to know when someone is bullshittin’ me and if he was I would’ve killed him” Mikey replied. “He’s legit.”
“Now, which one of you is jumping the broom?” Mikey asked coldly. The men looked around at each other as if they were subconsciously saying I’m not doing shit, you do it.
These men are whores. They loved sex, women, temptation, money and drugs. Being tied down to one woman was a big no no.. I mean where’s the fun in that, right?
Ran looked around the room and saw Kakucho in a world of his own. Stoic as ever. Mans probably haven’t had any pussy in months or years so this is a perfect opportunity for him, Ran thought.
“I say Kaku-chan,” Ran said, “I say Kaku should marry her. Kakucho grumbled in response.
Mikey looked at Kakucho, “are you against it Kaku?”
“No. No I’m not.” Kakucho answered.
Mikey stood up, “then it’s settled.. Gure-San will bring her tomorrow and you’ll meet her then.” And he left out the meeting room.
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“Y/n! Come here,” Gure yelled from the living area, lighting up a cigar.
“Yes, gure-san,” you approached your father as he sat in his big chair facing away from you.
“You remember Mikey don’t you? Anyways I just got off the phone with him and he found your bride,” Gure said.
Oh right…
“Gure-San, about that… I wanna go to college and maybe think about marriage later, you know! Wait let me show you something!”
You ran back to your room and grabbed your sketch book and back to the living area, “see Gure-San! See all these drawings! I really enjoy drawing and I been going to this art class and my art teacher said if I just go to college I can real—”
Gure slapped you… “all I hear you talking about is college this, college that. I bend over backwards for you and this is the fucking thanks I get??” he screamed, veins visibly showing in neck and forehead. He grabbed your sketchbook from your hand and scanned through it and pulled out his lighter, “how bout I get rid of this shit?”
Your eyes widen, “NO PLEASE GURE-SAN!!” you begged, you got on your knees. “I- I’ll marry him, just please don’t burn it!”
Gure threw the book down, “you’re meeting him tomorrow…” he said before sitting back down in his chair, “and y/n, do something that’ll make me proud for once in your life.”
You got up and walked back to your room sobbing into your bed… you remember the first time you called your father “daddy” he looked at you with so much hatred and told you to refer to him as Gure-san. You’d get beaten if you’d slip up and call him daddy and you never understood why he held so much resentment towards you until you over heard him telling one of his subordinates how he felt about you.
“Y/n is the reason why the love of my life is dead.. she had to be born as a girl… that’s why I can’t never ever love her as my flesh and blood.”
Hearing that come from him shattered your heart. You never knew what a mother’s love felt like or a strong father’s love felt like either… you’ve always thought to yourself “maybe if I was born as a boy instead and mom was around then maybe, just maybe… I’d be forgiven…”
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It’s the next day and the men of Bonten are standing around waiting for you and your father arrival.
Ran teasingly wraps his arm around Kakucho neck, “aye, if she’s ugly you can always put a bag over her head!” Kakucho didn’t flinch a muscle as the other men giggled expected for Mikey to Ran’s joke.
A black suv with tinted windows pulls up slowly and comes to a complete stop. The driver gets out and opens the backseat doors where Gure gets out first to shake Mikey’s hands. “Where’s my daughters bride? Gure asked in a serious tone.
Kakucho walks up to Gure and bows, “Kakucho.. it’s a pleasure to meet you Gure-San.”
Gure chuckled, “I should be saying that to you, Kaku-Chan! Mikey told me all about you and I think you’re a bad ass motherfucker!!”
Rin bumps Ran with his elbow, “Kaku is totally getting embarrassed,” rin whispered.
The older Haitani chuckled, “I know.” This was a comic relief to ran because he lived off of making Kakucho feel uncomfortable.
Gure whistled, “man you’re huge too! Broad ass shoulders! Wait, how you get that cool ass scar?”
“Ahem…” mikey grumbled.
“Oh, ahem, meet my dau- I mean your wife.. Y/n L/n.” Gure said. You walked from behind Gure and approached Kakucho.
As soon as you stopped in front of Kakucho, Ran was hypnotize by your beauty. Your body was alluring. Your face was so pretty, the only you had on was lip gloss which made you even more attractive.
You bowed to the man in front of you, “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Kaku-san. I’ll do my best as your wife.” You lifted yourself back up and smiled at him and Ran almost had an heart attack because only an angel smile so sweetly like that.
He wanted you and he had to have you.
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